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03x14 - Grotesque

Posted: 02/04/22 12:05
by bunniefuu
All right, everyone. We've run out of time.

That's all for tonight. If you haven't finished, you'll have more time next week.

Hey, man! Excuse me.

FBI! Stay where you are! Get the light on him!

John Mostow, we have a warrant for your arrest!

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning.

Do you understand each of these rights that I have explained to you?

Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent?

Argh! God! He bit me!

The son of a bitch bit me like a dog! Get him outta here!

Nemhauser, are you OK? Yeah, yeah.

Oh my God.

John Mostow. Unemployed house painter. Divorced. No children.

He came to the US from Uzbekistan during perestroika.

Failed to mention on his INS application that he spent his twenties in an insane asylum.

He was arrested last week for the murders of at least seven men.

You thought all they produced were great hockey players.

The crimes took place in a three-year period.

All the victims were male, aged 17 to 25.

Was there a signature or a defining MO?

According to the ME, there was no evidence of any sexual as*ault.

Death was caused by massive blood loss due to facial mutilation.

He also reported that the wound pattern on all the victims was identical. It's on page 3.

"Both eyes punctured. Signature gashes from the corners of the mouth to the ears."

The level of v*olence and overkill suggests the work of a very angry individual.

Or individuals. It you count the spirit Mostow says possessed him during the murders.

Possession is a common claim by criminals with dissociative disorders.

They distance themselves from their actions.

That was the operational opinion until last night...

..when a 19-year-old male was found dead six miles from here with identical facial wounds.

A copycat? According to Assistant Director Skinner,...

..the details of the mutilations were never released.

Only the crime team had that information. And Mostow's been in custody for five days.

Please! The light hurts my eyes!

Leave me alone.

You have a nice, soft bunk, sir. Why aren't you using it?

Because he's been working.

Haven't you, John?

What is it? What is this thing?

It k*lled those men. Does it have a name?

Does it have a name to go with that face?

All men know its name. What do you call it? Satan? The Devil?

Or maybe it's just the name of your accomplice.

I had no accomplice! You k*lled all those young men yourself?

It k*lled them! How many times do I have to tell you?

Its fingerprints weren't on the m*rder w*apon. Yours were.

It won't be tried for m*rder under the death penalty.

Which is why it laughs at tools like you.

And you.

Fools who would pretend evil can be brought to heel like a brindle bitch.

Or be held by your pathetic gulags.

While, with a snap of its finger,... makes men lick the greasy floor of hell... just to see its reflection.

Is that what it did last night, John?

Snapped its fingers and let another young man die?

It k*lled again? Yesterday?

It's found somebody. Somebody new. Just like it found me.

Agent Mulder? Can I see you two outside?

So what is it, Mulder? Little green men? Evil spirits? Hounds of hell?

Scully, this is Bill Patterson. He runs the Investigative Support Unit at Quantico.

Yes, I know. Behavioural science: you wrote the book. It's an honour, sir.

Is that what you think, too?

That the suspect is possessed by some dark spirit?

No, not at all, sir. Strange company you keep, then.

It always amazed me how you never fit your own profile.

No one would ever guess how really mean-spirited you are.

The arrest of John Mostow was the result of three years of hard work by my unit.

Three years.

You can imagine how upset we were by this latest m*rder,...

..and by the suspect floating this possession theory.

You think he's got an accomplice, then.

Even though your own profile of Mostow says he's working alone.

My profile led to his arrest.

No, he acted alone.

And that m*rder last night was done by a second k*ller, and he acted alone, too.

What about these drawings of Mostow's, these gargoyles?

Know why he draws those? Did you ask? I didn't get a chance to.

He says he draws them to keep this demon of his away.

That makes sense. Historically, gargoyles were used to ward off evil spirits.

Like on the eaves of Notre Dame. Mulder, I don't need a history lesson.

And I don't need anyone indulging this guy's story.

I was asked to look into this case.

If you've got a problem with that, take it up with AD Skinner.

So you're not gonna tell me when your love affair with Patterson ended?

Patterson never liked me.

Weren't you considered the fair-haired boy at the Bureau?

Not by Patterson. Why not?

I didn't wanna get my knees dirty.

Couldn't quite cast myself in the role of the dutiful student.

You mean you couldn't worship him. Something like that, yeah.

From what I hear, there were a lot of men who did.

A lot of men joined the FBI because they wanted to be him.

Yeah. Patterson had this saying about tracking a k*ller: if you wanted to know an artist, you had to look at his art.

What he meant was: if you wanted to catch a monster, you had to become one yourself.

In this case I'd say it served him pretty well.

This guy's definitely some kind of monster.

It's just a cat.

I thought it was one of these pictures coming to life.

Our guys must have locked it in here.

No. He's obviously got his own key to the place.

There's air coming through here.

There must be something on the other side of the wall.

It's a door.

Why don't you wait till we can get more light in here?

I've got some light.

See anything?

More gargoyles, Scully. Lots of 'em.

Sculpted in clay. Why would he keep 'em in a secret room?


Mulder, what is it?

What do you see?


Will you tell me what's going on in there?


We're monitoring him very closely, but I'm not encouraged by what I'm seeing.

He's lucky to be alive. Thank you, Doctor. Agent Scully.

We searched Mostow's studio. There are no more bodies.

How many were recovered? Five, all dismembered.

All young men whose faces were mutilated.

Just like the latest victim, so I hear. At least this one's still alive.

Same signature facial mutilation, right down to the choice of w*apon, by the look of it.

What does Patterson say? I haven't spoken with him yet.

But I bet he'll think it's someone working directly with Mostow.

I'd have to agree with that theory.

What's Agent Mulder think?

He thinks our finding Mostow's secret gallery won't do him any favours with Patterson.

Between us, I think Patterson secretly went to Skinner and requested Mulder on this case.

He requested him?

I've worked with Patterson for three years on this.

This just about k*lled him until we finally got a break and arrested Mostow.

But then this first copycat m*rder... it really threw him for a loss.

Mulder believes Patterson never thought too highly of him.

That's just Patterson. Late night, couple of beers in him,...

..he starts tellin' me Mulder stories, how he's some kind of crack genius.

Stitches. What happened? Mostow bit me during the arrest.

How's our victim?

Has he been able to ID his attacker? The doctors say it's too early to even try.

They're not even sure if he's gonna make it.

Where's Mulder?

Seeing what he can find out about those drawings of Mostow's.

What's he lookin' for?

The same thing you are, sir. A second k*ller.

I think you should take this conversation outside.

Stay with us.

The name is from the French, "Gargouille

..the name of a medieval dragon which prowled the River Seine,...

..whose horrible image became the symbol of the souls of the condemned turned to stone.

Or of the devils and demons of the underworld spared eternal damnation.

The embodiment of the lesser forces who inspired dread...

..and the threat of our own damnation.

Ushers into hell or into the realm of our own dark fears and imagination.

For over 1200 years the grotesque image has found its expression... stone, clay, wood, oil and charcoal.

Born again and again, as if resurrecting itself through tortured human expression,...

..almost as if it existed, haunting men inwardly... that it might haunt mankind for eternity.

As it must have haunted John Mostow.

But what impulses moved him to k*ll? Could this be the same dark force at work - its ultimate expression the destruction of the flesh, of the very hand that creates it?

Is this evil something born in each of us,...

..crouching in the shadow of ever human soul, waiting to emerge?

A monster that violates our bodies and twists our will to do its bidding?

Is this the monster called madness?

They're closin' up in a few minutes.

So, is this how you're lookin' for the second k*ller?

Tell me, Mulder. What do you really expect to find here?

I'm not sure yet.

But you must have some idea. Some theory.

I've got a few. I'm just tryin' to stitch 'em together.

With your face stuck in a book. You said it yourself, Bill: if you want to know the artist, look at the art.

I'm finally agreeing with you.

I know where you're going with this.

I've been there myself. You're wasting your time.

Then why was this man compelled to draw and sculpt the same face again and again?

Why is he still doing it now? Because he's insane.

This is nothing but the scrawling of a madman.

He said this wants to see its own reflection.

Mostow has said everything but what I need to hear: the name of his accomplice.

Unless he's telling the truth. About being possessed?

I am really disappointed in you.

I wouldn't want to disappoint you by not disappointing you.

After all this time I thought maybe you'd finally put your feet back on the ground.

Clearly I was mistaken.


Mulder, it's me.


You weren't at home, in your office...

I was scared, Mulder. I didn't know where you were.

I kept trying your cellphone but you didn't answer.

It was turned off.

You turned your phone off? Why do you even bother carrying it?

You're all set. See a doctor tomorrow, in case of infection.

Thanks. Sure.

Mulder, what were you doing in Mostow's studio?

I was working. At 3.30 in the morning?

I haven't seen or spoken to you in almost two days. You didn't return my calls.

This thing exists, Scully. It's real. "It"? What are you talking about?

Whatever keeps k*lling those young men. Mostow k*lled them.

And out of some sick alliance, someone is continuing where he left off.

Whatever att*cked me wasn't a person.

Well, did you actually see it?

Maybe you've just seen what you want to see.

What makes you think I would want to see that?!

I didn't imagine it, Scully.

Listen to yourself, Mulder. Listen to what you're saying. You're starting to sound like...

Look, when I couldn't reach you, I went to your apartment.

I saw your new wallpaper.

Don't you realise what is happening here? He is testing you.

He is the reason you were brought on this case in the first place.


He requested your involvement through Skinner's office. I checked.

Mulder, where are you going?

Of course. In private?

What's this about? Maybe you can tell me.

I'm curious about what you're doing concerning Agent Mulder.

I don't know what you're referring to. I think you do, sir.

You knew exactly how he would respond when you brought him on this case.

You did request him, didn't you?

If you're concerned about Agent Mulder's behaviour, you should take that up with him.

You know I already have. Then what do you expect me to do?

Just be honest with me about what you're trying to do.

Is this payback for what happened eight years ago, because Mulder quit the ISU?

My motivations aren't that petty. Then why?

I asked for Mulder because...

..I wanna close the book on this godforsaken case once and for all.

And you knew that he could help you solve it.

My advice to you, Scully...

Let Mulder do what he has to do.

Don't get in his way.

And don't try to hold him back.

Because you won't be able to.

Why didn't it k*ll me like it k*lled the others?

Why did it let me live?

Even if I could tell you why, you would not understand.

Help me to understand, John.

Please, go away. No.

You have to help me go deeper.

Help me get inside its head like it got inside yours so I can understand what it wants.

It wants what it wants. To k*ll men by carving up their faces?

You have felt its hunger.

Felt your bones rattled by its frozen breath.

So you know... nothing can be done.

Unless I find it.

Then what will you do?

Just tell me how to find it, John.

No. Just tell me how to find this thing.

You can't find it.

Only it can find you.

Maybe... already has.

First time up I struck out. All three pieces were clean.

But on my second try, I got lucky.

I dusted the blade with redwop.

I'm sorry? "Powder", spelt backwards.

It's what we call the fluorescent lycopodium.

Looks like a partial index. And, on the handle, almost a full thumb.

It's the placement of the prints that struck me.

Where someone would've gripped the knife.

Which is why I thought I had your guy.

Except I wasn't as lucky as I thought when I ran the prints against the NClC database.

Your message said you identified them. I did. He's one of our own people.

An FBI agent? Your partner.

These are Mulder's prints? Are you sure?

I double-checked. Why?

I assumed he must have been the one that recovered the knife at the crime scene.

Excuse me.

Use that table up front? It's OK. Just put it on the floor.

I need to get that.

Excuse me, Agent Scully? Assistant Director Skinner's asked to see you right away.

Come in.

You wanted to see me, sir? Yes. Sit down.

I heard they found you in Evidence.

Looking for the m*rder w*apon in this Mostow case?

Yes, sir.

Did you find it? No, sir.

Is it your opinion the missing evidence is the w*apon you found at the crime scene today?

I'm not absolutely certain.

But Agent Mulder's prints were found on it.

Yes, sir.

Have you seen Agent Mulder or spoken to him about this?

No, sir.

Do you have any insight into Agent Mulder's current disposition or mental state?

I know Agent Mulder is working very hard on this case at your request, sir.

Are you worried about him, Agent Scully?

No, sir.

Off the record.

So am I.


Yeah, this is Greg Nemhauser. Please call me right away at 555-0143.

I need to talk to you right away about a po...

Hello? Mulder?

Scully? Where are you?

In Mostow's studio.

Are you with Nemhauser? No. Should I be?

Well, that's who I was calling. He left this number on my answering machine.

Mulder? Yeah.

Do you know where he is?

I'm not sure.

Mulder, that knife that we recovered from the crime scene.

I think it's the one Mostow used.

What makes you say that?

Mostow's was stolen from Evidence.


I was hoping maybe you could tell me. Your prints were all over it.

Yeah, I examined Mostow's knife yesterday in the Evidence Room.

Why? Because I wanted to hold it.

I wanted to see what it felt like in my hand.

But why? Look, Scully, I didn't take it.

OK, Mulder. Listen to me carefully.

I want you to stay exactly where you are. I'm gonna be there in a few minutes...

..and we're gonna work this thing out together. OK?

Mulder? Yeah.

Mulder. What are you doin' here?

What are you doing here? It's Nemhauser.

But you already knew that, didn't you? What is this?

You k*lled him, Bill.

When he suspected it was you, you k*lled him.

Are you outta your mind? Not me.

Not now. Put that g*n down.

Not until you tell me what you're doing here.

What I'm doing here?!

Look at your hands.

Now ask yourself what you're doing here.

I'm not sure. You're here because John Mostow...

..stole three years of your life.

Every day and night for three years... lived and dreamed the horror show that was in his head, and I'm sorry,...

..imagining everything he imagined,...

..sinking deeper and deeper into the ugliness, just like you taught us to do.

But when you caught him, it didn't just go away, all that v*olence.

It stayed alive inside you, till it had to come out.

But you didn't wanna do what you were doing. You wanted to stop, but you couldn't.

Not by yourself. That's why you called on me, couldn't k*ll me when you had the chance.

Mulder! What the hell are you doing?! Scully, get that light off me!

First put the g*n down! You don't understand!

Why do you have a g*n on Agent Patterson?

It's him, Scully.


You OK, Mulder?

You should call an ambulance. His pulse is still strong.

This is Agent Mulder with the FBI. I have a man down with a g*nsh*t wound.

Oh, God!

Are you listening to me?

For God's sakes, isn't someone listening to me?!

I didn't do it! It wasn't me!

I didn't k*ll them!


We work in the dark.

We do what we can to battle the evil that would otherwise destroy us.

But if a man's character is his fate, this fight is not a choice but a calling.

Yet sometimes this burden causes us to falter,...

..breaching the fragile fortress of our mind,...

..allowing the monsters without to turn within.

And we are left alone, staring into the abyss,...

..into the laughing face of madness.

I made this!