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03x20 - Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'

Posted: 02/04/22 12:13
by bunniefuu
Yeah, this is Roky. I checked all the connections.

I don't know why all the power's down out here.

I'm gonna have to come in and get some more equipment.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'll need several of those.

All right!


I don't wanna scare you, but... I think I'm madly in love with you.

I mean, you're all I think about. You're my whole world.

Harold, I like you a lot too, but this is our first date.

I mean, I think that we need more time to get to know one another.

What happened?

Oh, my God!

Harold! What are those things?

How the hell should I know?

Jack, what is that thing? How the hell should I know?

I had never thought much about it before.

I guess that's because I felt like such an alien myself,...

..that to be concerned with aliens from... other planets,...

..that just seemed so... redundant.

I'd never considered it much myself before I started this job.

Yes, now, if I understand it correctly,...

..your partner is the actual expert?

Yes, and I feel that I must apologise for his refusal to speak with you, Mr Chung.

I must admit, I probably wouldn't have myself if I wasn't such an admirer of your work.

The Lonely Buddha is one of my favourite novels.

And here I was thinking you were just some brainy beauty.

Now I find out that you also have... good taste.

Why did you write a book on alien abduction if you're not that interested in the subject?

Actually, it was my publisher's idea.

At first I was reluctant, until I realised that I had an opportunity here... create an entirely new literary genre: a nonfiction science fiction.

Now, see, that gimmick alone will guarantee its landing on the best-seller list.

In short, to answer your question... money.

Just as long as you're attempting to record the truth.

God, no! How can I possibly do that?

What do you mean? I spent three months in Klass County.

Everybody has a different version of what "truly" happened.

Truth is as subjective as reality.

That will help explain why, when people talk about their UFO experiences,...

..they always start off with "I know how crazy this is gonna sound, but..."

So, you're here to get my version of the truth?

Exactly. Now, when did you first find out about the case?

Well, not right away, of course. Um...

Not enough time had elapsed to consider it a missing persons case...

..before the girl was found the following morning.

She was suffering from what my partner calls "missing time She recalled nothing of the previous night, nor how she had arrived at her whereabouts.

Her body exhibited signs of physical abuse,...

..and all of her clothes were on inside out and backwards.

Hm. Have I had my share of mornings like that But these are the characteristics of someone who has, uh...

Do you prefer the term "abductee" or "experiencer"?

Actually, I prefer neither, but my partner uses "abductee".

My preference is for the other.

"I've just had a, uh... little alien experience"... opposed to "I've just been abducted!"

Regardless, the girl was considered neither at the time.

She appeared more to be the victim of date r*pe than anything else.

She was given a physical exam and her statement was taken.

Later that night, she received her "visitation

Oh, Chrissy, thank God you're all right. How dare you come here?

Chrissy, I did everything I could! Don't I know it, you bastard!

Chrissy, don't you remember? Who the hell's out there, damn it?!

Chrissy, I love you!

The girl's father informed the police, who apprehended the boy back at his home.

We... We were abducted by aliens.

You don't sound so sure of it.

It all seems so crazy. And I don't know why Chrissy doesn't remember it.

Are you willing to take a lie-detector test to prove you were abducted by aliens?

Yes, I am.

Well, too bad! Cos I don't need no lie detector to tell me...

..the only thing you were abducted by were your rampaging hormones, you punk!

But he did take a test, and passed it?

And he stuck to his stay, until we got there.

If she says I r*ped her, then I guess I r*ped her.

You don't sound so sure of that.

It all seems so crazy.

And I don't know why Chrissy remembers it that way.

Would you be willing to take a lie-detector test to prove that you r*ped her?

No. I'm not. Well, that's too bad.

The next r*pe you experience will probably be your own... in prison.

That should have ended our interrogation.

But Mulder brought the girl in for questioning.

Are you having trouble sleeping?

Are you experiencing muscle pains? Vision problems?

Nose bleeds? When you look at a particular object,... you receive the sudden flash that you're looking at something else - an alien's face?


My partner was convinced she had what he calls "Post-Abduction Syndrome".

You don't believe in that?

I think stress of any kind can cause all of those physical ailments.

In any case, Mulder convinced the girl and her parents to let her be hypnotised.

What is your opinion of hypnosis?

I know that it has its therapeutic value, but it has never been proven to enhance memory.

In fact, it actually worsens it,...

..since people in that state are prone to confabulation.

When I was doing research for my book The Caligarian Candidate...

One of the greatest thrillers ever written.

Thank you.

I was interested in how the CIA,...

..when conducting their MKULTRA mind-control experiments...

..back in the '50s,...

..had no idea how hypnosis worked.

Or what it was. No one still knows.

Still, as a storyteller,...

..I'm fascinated.

How a person's sense of consciousness can be so transformed... nothing more magical than listening to words.

Mere words.

Very relaxed.

As your body calmly drifts...

..deeper and deeper into a state of peaceful relaxation,... will respond only to the sound of my voice.

Chrissy? Can you recall where you are?

I'm in a room...

..on a spaceship,...

..surrounded by aliens.

What do the aliens look like?

They're small.

But their heads and their eyes are big. They're grey.

Are you alone? No. Harold’s on another table.

But... he seems really out of it.

Like he's not really there.

What are the aliens doing now?

They seem to be... arguing.

I can sort of hear them, but I can’t understand what they’re saying.

Except the leader. I can understand him.

When the leader speaks to you, does his mouth move?

No. But I hear him in my head.

What does he say?

That this is for the good of my planet, but...

But what?

I don't like what he's doing. It's like he's inside my mind, like... he's stealing my memories.

The description of the aliens, the physical exam,...

..a human being that appears switched off, it's characteristic of a typical abduction.

That's my problem with it, Mulder. It's all a little too typical.

Abduction lore has become so prevalent...

..that if you ask someone to imagine being abducted, they'd concoct that exact scenario.

Yeah, if it were only one person.

We have two individuals, each verifying the other's story.

Well, thanks a lot! You really bleeped up this case.

He didn't actually say "bleeped". He said... I'm familiar with, uh...

..Detective Manners's colourful phraseology.

Are you gonna hold the boy? You bet your blankety-blank bleep I am!

The victim seems to confirm his alibi. The hell she did!

Those kids' stories couldn't be more bleepin' different.


Chrissy? Chrissy?

What do you want with us?

What do you want with us?! How did the alien respond?

Well... all he did was...


What's happening? Don't worry. It'll be OK.

I'm here to protect you. I'll never let anything happen to you.

What was the other alien - the grey - what was it doing during all this?

He was just... talking.


No. In English. He just kept saying the same thing over and over again.

This is not happening. This is not happening.

This is not happening. This is...

Would you shut up already?!

This is not happening. This is not happening.

I don't know where I was taken, because the whole time I was like this... in pain.

Because the other alien was conducting torturous experiments on you?

No. No, it was like... You know when you're a kid...

..and you tore the legs off a bug for no reason?

I guess I was the bug.

Anyways, the next thing I remember, I was suddenly outside,... I was flying through the air.

Then what? Then I think I hit the ground.

When I came to, I ran to Chrissy's to make sure she was there, and that she was OK.

Harold. Did you and Chrissy engage in consensual sexual intercourse that night?

If her father finds out, I'm a dead man.

He said it happened before the abduction. And so what if they had sex?

So we know that it wasn't an alien that probed her.

You've got two kids having sex before they're mature enough to handle it.

So you think all this is just a case of sexual trauma?

It's a lot more plausible than an alien abduction.

Especially in light of their contradictory stories.

Hey! I just got a call from some crazy bleep-head...

..claiming he was an eyewitness to this abduction.

You feel like talking to this blank-hole?

I know how crazy all this sounds, but I don't care.

What I have to say has to be said.

Why did you wait till now to tell us this? Two kids' lives may be affected by it.

Well, it's bigger than a couple of kids.

It has to do with the entire planet, the universe, and who knows what-all?

Why don't you tell us what happened? This. It's all here.

After seeing what I saw that night, I rushed home and wrote it all down.

48 hours straight. I didn't wanna forget a single detail.

But I feel I should warn you. I don't wanna be overly dramatic,...

..but by looking at this you're putting your lives in danger.

Why is that? Last night the weirdest thing happened.

No other object has been misidentified as a flying saucer...

..more often then the planet Venus.


That... was when I realised something was weird.

At which point?

Normally, if two strangers drive into my garage, I tell 'em to get the hell out of it.

But this time I didn't! It was like I was in a trance or somethin'.

What did these men look like? Usually I'm good with faces.

But I just remember how they were dressed.

All in black?

How'd you know? Since the '50s,...

..people who've had close encounters have reported visitations from "Men in Black".

But, you know, myths about men in black garments...

..have been recorded throughout history, in many cultures.

The Celtic legends are filled with trickster men in black,...

..and how anyone who encounters them becomes enchanted.

I'm not sure that modern reconstruction of fairy tales...

..lends any more credence to Roky's testimony.

Even the former leader...

..of your United States of America, James Earl Carter Jr,...

..thought he saw a UFO once.

But it's been proven he only saw the planet Venus.

I'm a Republican. Venus was at its peak brilliance last night.

You probably thought you saw something up in the sky other than Venus,...

..but I assure you, it was Venus.

I know...

..what I saw.

Your scientists have yet to discover how neural networks create self-consciousness,...

..let alone how the human brain processes two-dimensional retinal images...

..into the three-dimensional phenomenon known as perception.

Yet you somehow brazenly declare:

"Seeing is believing"?

Mr Crikenson, your scientific illiteracy makes me shudder.

And I wouldn't flaunt your ignorance by telling anyone...

..that you saw anything last night other than the planet Venus.

Because if you do, you're a dead man.

You can't thr*aten me.

I just did.

This is what they wanted me not to show anyone.

Now, if you'll excuse me... I have to go pack.

If we need you, where can we find you? You won't find me.

"I sat in my stalled truck, frozen in terror,...

..watching, as this third alien att*cked the other two grey aliens."

"And then it happened. The thing that for ever changed my life."



Be thou not afraid.

No harm will come unto thee. What do you want with me?

Your efforts are needed for the survival of all earthlings.

Well, how can I do that? Come. I shall showeth...


"Before I knew it, I was aboard the hover vessel and was heading into inner space,...

..toward the earth's molten core, for that is the domain of the third alien,...

..whose name, he soon told me, was Lord Kinbote."

Roky showed signs of being what is known as a fantasy-prone personality.

Agent Scully, you are so kind-hearted.

He's a nut! I just read his manifesto. How did you get a copy?

One was sent to my publisher's. I don't know what was most disturbing - his description of the inner-core reincarnated souls' sex orgy,...

..or the fact that the whole thing is written in screenplay format.

It definitely was peculiar.

Surely your partner didn't believe any of it?

Mulder's had his share of peculiar notions.

He's not inclined to dismiss anything outright.

Mulder, you're nuts! I'm not saying he isn't delusional.

I'm suggesting that state was triggered by something he witnessed that night.

Part of his story verifies the boy's version.

The only account that doesn't add up is the girl's.

Who are you calling? I'm gonna have her re-hypnotised.

Re-hypnotised? What for?

To see if her account is what she really remembers.

You are feeling very sleepy.

Very relaxed.

As your body calmly drifts...

..deeper and deeper into a state of peaceful relaxation,... will respond only to the sound of my voice.

So, the girl was put under again to see if she could confirm the boy's story.

And, as I suspected she might under such conditions, she did.

The whole time it's beating me, I'm like this.

And then I'm... I'm flying through the air.

Now what's happening?

Some men are lifting me off the ground.

Men in air-force uniforms. Air force?

Where are you now, Chrissy?

I'm in a room, in an office.

I'm surrounded by men.

Some are in uniforms. Some are in suits.

The one closest to me looks like a doctor.

He's talking to me. What is he saying?

You're feeling very sleepy. Very relaxed.

I don't remember.

What are the other men doing? Arguing.

Ask her if the third alien had a Russian accent.

This is way beyond their capabilities. This is way beyond our capabilities.

Ask if she knows where the saucer went to.

How is she gonna know that? Have we located the others?

We're combing the area, but this weather makes it tough.

All right.

Rinse her out, and give her the usual abduction rigamarole.

What is the doctor doing now?

He's telling me this is for the good of my country.

I don't like what he's doing.

He's stealing my memories.

I think you and the hypnotherapist were leading her,...

..and that there was more confabulation in the second version.

I think you're wrong. But I think you're right about...

..this case not having anything to do with aliens.

claiming he found a real live dead alien body.

I know how crazy this is gonna sound, but...

..I wanna be abducted by aliens.

Why? Whatever for?

I hate this town. I hate... people.

I just wanna be taken away to some place where I...

..I don't have to worry about finding a job.

So you were out in the field that night? Looking for UFOs.

There'd been some recent sightings there, so I was hoping to stumble across one.


Now, I’ve read ever book ever written about UFOs and aliens,...

..not because I had to, but because I wanted to.

I should have known to just go get my video camera then,...

..instead of "notifying the proper authorities".

What was wrong with doing that?

The proper authorities showed up with a couple of Men in Black.

One of them was disguised as a woman, but wasn't pulling it off.

Like, her hair was red,...

..but it was a little too red, you know?

And the other one - the tall, lanky one - his face was so blank and expression/e33, he didn’t even seem human. l... I think he was a "mandroid".

The only time he reacted was when he saw the dead body.

Yeah, that's a bleepin' dead alien body if I ever bleepin' saw one.

Wrap it up.

You never saw this. This didn't happen. You tell anyone, you're a dead man.

He said I said what? He claimed you threatened him.

That's ridiculous! I'm... And besides, we allowed him to view the autopsy.


Hey! Hey! You can't suppress the truth!

The people have a right to know! Roswell. Roswell!


Does that camera work?

Is this actual footage of the alien autopsy,...

..or simply a well-made hoax?

So this is footage of the actual autopsy you performed?

It's so embarrassing.

Who is that mysterious man who seems to be overseeing the proceedings?

And what secret government agency does this autopsy doctor work for?

But, see, whoever got a hold of this footage edited it in such a way... to delete all the significant findings.

There appear to be two layers of epidermis.

There's a metal strip... that runs just under the top layer, down the...

It's a zipper.

You mean it... it's just a dead human being?


Well, then, who is this bleep?

I don't know, but I bet we can find his ID from the military database.

Have you seen our video cameraman? No, but I found our alien's ID.

You were right, Mulder. Air Force Major Robert Vallee.

That was fast.

Agent Mulder?

We were notified one of our officers was here under your custody?

Who notified you?

Major Vallee's AWOL, sir.

Our orders are to escort him back to the base.

The major is dead. His body is being detained for investigation.

Investigation into what, ma'am? Possible kidnapping.

May we at least view the body? I don't see why n...

No. But you can talk to the other AWOL pilot that was brought in with him.

Lieutenant Jack Sheaffer is in your custody?

That's right. Yeah, he's right down... here.

Oh. He was here just a few minutes ago.

I... I guess he's still AWOL.

You wanna take a look at Vallee?

Hm. Guess he's still AWOL.

So what else is new? I gotta find that video guy.

The wound is situated left...

Who is it?

Hey! You can't... What do you think you're doin'?

Hey, I...

You have no right to suppress this! Roswell! Roswell!

I was unconscious for... I don't know how long.

And the only reason I came to was...

Where's the tape? They took it!

Who?! The other Men in Black.

If I find out you lied to me, you're a dead man.

And then he left.

I never saw any of them again.

Aren't you nervous telling me all this, after receiving all those death threats?

I didn't spend years playing Dungeons and Dragons...

..and not learn a little something about courage.


After not recovering the tape, Mulder headed back to the motel.

That's when his account of things gets a little... odd.

Lieutenant Jack Sheaffer?

This is not happening! It's not happening!

This is not happening. It's not happening.

It's not happening.

The Germans projected the image of the Virgin Mary...

..over French trenches in World w*r I.

The enemy's always willing to fire upon an invading force,...

..but on a holy miracle?

Or on visitors from outer space?

Yeah. The enemy sees an American recon plane, they start sh**t'.

They see a flying saucer from another galaxy,...

..they hesitate.

You know what happens to most people after seeing a UFO?

They experience missing time.

Any number of soft-option kills'll do it.

Nerve gas, low-frequency infrasound beams.

Hell, with high-powered microwaves,...

..we can not only cut enemy communications,...

..we can cook internal organs.

But abductions?

Don't know as much about 'em.

I'm just the pilot.

You ever flown a flying saucer?

Afterwards, sex seems trite.

But what do you do with the abductees?

Take 'em back to the base. Let the doctors work on 'em.

Nothin' physical. They just mess with their minds.


At the base, I seen people go into an ordinary room with an ordinary bunch of doctors,...

..and come out absolutely positive they were probed by aliens.

If abductions are an intelligence operation, and UFOs are secret military airships...

..piloted by "aliens" such as yourself, then what were you abducted by?

Don't you get it?

I'm absolutely positive me, my copilot and those two kids were abducted.

But I can't be absolutely sure it happened. I can't be sure of anything any more.

What do you mean?

I'm not sure we're having this conversation.

I don't know if these mashed potatoes are really here.

I don't know if you even exist.

I can only assure you that I do.

Well... thanks, buddy.

Unfortunately, I can't give you the same assurance about me.

Well, looks like I'm a dead man.

It can't all be fake memory implantation.

What about that third alien? What was that thing?

Who? Lord Kinbote? Right, come on.

That is odd. Because almost every day I was there,...

..I ate lunch at that diner, and became dear friends with the cook.

He told me a story about the night you're talking about. A man came into his place.

Sat down. Ordered sweet-potato pie.

Identified himself as FBI Agent Mulder.

He then questioned my friend.

Have you ever seen a UFO in these parts?

He then ordered piece after piece, each time asking another question.

Have you ever experienced a period of missing time?

Have you ever had the suspicion that you've been abducted by aliens?

Have you ever found a metal implant in your body?

Have you checked everywhere?

He ate a whole pie in that fashion, then got up and left.

My friend never saw him again.

The cook didn’t mention Lieutenant Sheaffer, let alone any other air-force personnel.

You seem non-nonplussed by these contradictions.

Well, not after what happened when Mulder got back to the motel.


Where's Scully? Oh, she, uh... she went to get some ice.

Where is she?!

Scully, what's going on here?

They have something important to tell you.

Some alien encounters are hoaxes, created by your government to manipulate the public.

Some hoaxes are intentionally revealed to manipulate the truth seekers...

..who become discredited if they disclose the deliberately absurd deception.

Similar things are said about the Men in Black: they purposely behave strangely... that if anyone describes an encounter with them they sound like a lunatic.

I find no reason why anyone would think you crazy if you described this meeting of ours.

You're feeling very sleepy.

Very... relaxed.

Alex Trebek? The game-show host?

Mulder didn't say that it was Alex Trebek.

It was someone that looked incredibly like him.

Did he? I mean, you were there.

Well, not exactly. I don't have any recollection of this. l... was surprised to wake up the next morning to find Mulder asleep in my room.


But, Mulder, I don't even remember letting you in.

I told you, you didn't let me in. They were already here.


We'll be right there.

That was Detective Manners. He said they just found your bleepin' UFO.

Apparently, that was the cause of the UFO sightings three nights ago.

They refused our assistance because it's a top-secret experimental plane.

They don't want our assistance. They want witnesses to their alibi.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Hey! That was the guy that was...


I know it probably doesn't have the sense of closure that you want.

But it has more than some of our other cases.

Agent Mulder?


What can I do for you, Agent Mulder?

Don't write this book.

You'll do a disservice to a field of inquiry that struggles for respectability.

You're a gifted writer, but you couldn't describe those events realistically - they deal with alternative realities that we don't yet comprehend.

When presented in the wrong context,...

..the incidents and people involved in them can appear foolish,...

..if not downright psychotic.

Your publisher's is owned by Warden White Inc, a subsidiary of MacDougall-Kesler,...

..which makes me suspect an agenda on the part of the military-industrial-entertainment...

Agent Mulder, this book will be written.

But it can only benefit if you can explain something to me.

What's that?

What really happened to those kids on that night?

How the hell should I know?

Agent Mulder, I appreciate this little visit, but I have deadlines to face.

Evidence of extraterrestrial existence remains as elusive as ever.

But the skies will continue to be searched by the likes of Blaine Faulkner,...

..hoping to some day find not only proof of alien life...

..but also contentment on a new world.

Until then, he must be content with his new job.


Others search for answers from within.

Roky relocated to El Cajon, California, preaching to the lost and desperate.

And so, at each death, the soul descends further into the inner earth,...

..attaining ever greater levels of purification,...

..reaching enlightenment at the core.

Assuming, of course, that your soul is able to avoid the Lava Men.

Seeking the truth about aliens means a perfunctory nine-to-five job to some,...

..for although Agent Diana Lesky is noble of spirit and pure at heart,...

..she remains, nevertheless, a federal employee.

As for her partner, Reynard Muldrake, a ticking time b*mb of insanity,...

..his quest into the unknown has so warped his psyche,... shudders to think how he receives any pleasures from life.

Chrissy Giorgio now believes her alien visitation...

..was a message to improve the condition of her world,...

..and she has devoted herself to this goal wholeheartedly.

Oh, it's you. What do you want?

I just wanted to tell you... I still love you. Love. Is that all you men think about?

Then there are those who care not about extraterrestrials,...

..searching for meaning in other human beings.

Rare or lucky are those who find it.

For, although we may not be alone in the universe,... our own separate ways, on this planet...

..we are all... alone.

I made this!