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01x04 - Shadows at the Gates

Posted: 02/05/22 08:22
by bunniefuu
[Uriel] You've ruined
our banquet,

assaulted political allies,

and risked the security
of the realm.

Throw them in irons!

- You heard him. Come with me.
- [growling]

[Vex] Come.
We did nothing wrong.

Sovereign, it's been
a very long evening.

I will see that they are
properly punished.

[scoffs] See that you do.

Allura, something is
very wrong with Uriel.

He's under the Briarwoods'
influence, I can feel it.

That is a considerable

Do you have proof?

No. But I can get it.

I just need time
and access to...

Emon owes you a debt,

but that does not mean
you are above the law.

Though perhaps
Uriel is being too brash.

Until this is resolved,
you are hereby confined

to your keep under house arrest.

[overlapping chatter]

How can you arrest a house?

Okay. Thank you, Lady Allura.

I'll convene
a formal inquiry at once.

Your fate will be determined

once we hear the Briarwoods'
side of the story.

If they'll even speak
to us anymore.




Sylas, stop!

[horses neighing]

- [neighing]
- [snorting]


My book. They have my book!

[door opens]

A minor inconvenience, my love.

But that tome contains
details of our...

It will avail them of nothing.

Besides, we have the means
of retrieving it, don't we?

♪ ♪

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[Trinket growls, chuffs]


[Scanlan] Get your filthy hands
off my instrument!

The more you resist,
the longer this will take.

Come on, man.
It's not a w*apon!

I just want
to serenade the group!

Then you're doing us a favor.

Your belongings will be returned
if you are exonerated.

All points of egress to this
compound are being surveilled.

If you attempt to escape,
you will be ex*cuted.

Are you f*cking joking?

I do not joke.

I advise that you sit tight

and wait
for the sovereign's inquiry.

And what, we're just supposed
to sit here?

You have the run of your keep.

I'm sure you will find something
to entertain yourselves.

[doors squeak and slam shut]

[Grog grunts]

[grunting rhythmically]

Come on. [grunts] Yup.

[rhythmic grunting continues]

[magical chiming]

[Grog] Getting there.


- Feeling good.
- Grog!

- What?
- I know we have a lot to talk about,

but I'm not turning
into a vampire, am I?

- I withdraw the question.
- [Grog groans]

So what are we waiting for?

Let's f*ck up these guards
and bust out of here.

Oh? So you'd like
to be fugitives of the crown,

wanted in every corner
of Tal'Dorei?

If Uriel is under a charm,

maybe Pike has a spell
that can cure him.

[Grog grunts]

Um, Pike?

Where'd you go?


Oh, um, I-I don't know.

W-What she said.

Screw all that.

We should focus on this book.

I mean look at it:
dead bodies, wolves.

It's some kind
of f*cked-up evil diary.

Ooh, maybe it has evidence
that can clear our name.

[clears throat]
Oh, really?

You think you can
actually read this thing?

Well, yeah, I mean, I-I only
just started translating it.

And Delilah's handwriting is,
like, the worst but...

Uh-huh. So what does it say?

Oh. Uh, it says "Pyramid,"
"spirits of the dead,"

and right here in tiny letters
it says, "Uh, f*ck you, Vax."

Oh, lovely.
Care to translate this?

- [groaning]
- [groans] Oh. Oh, yeah? Oh. Oh, yeah?

- Yeah?
- Can you two stop?

I was using that.

We need to talk.
All of us.

[Grog mutters, grunts]

- Percival?
- Certainly.

What would you like
to discuss, Vex'ahlia?

For a start, what the hell
happened back there?

You never thought to mention
that the Briarwoods

- k*lled your family?
- [Grog] Oh!

- [loud thudding]
- [Grog] My bad.

I wasn't aware that you were
owed information about my past.

When your past comes to k*ll us,
I'd say we deserve a heads-up.

And how exactly was I to know

the Briarwoods
would be attending?

[Keyleth] I want to know
about the smoke!

Sorry. I... d-d... Loud. Sorry.

Smoke? My w*apon
burns black powder.

Perhaps that's what you saw.

What we saw was
you sh**ting an innocent kid.

No one in the employ
of the Briarwoods is innocent.

The boy knew nothing.

He was terrified!

Slightly more so
after you exploded his hand.

[Percy sighs]

Maybe I got carried away.

But you don't know
the Briarwoods.

What they did to my family.

Then why don't you tell us?


When they arrived in Whitestone,

the Briarwoods came as allies.

But they brought dark ambitions.

[children laughing]

And allowed no one
to stand in their way.

Not even children.

They slaughtered us
in cold blood...

[low growling]

- [thunderclap]
- ...seizing my ancestral home.

Even our tutor, the man

my parents entrusted
with our safekeeping

- betrayed us.
- [grunts]

After enduring weeks of t*rture,

my sister Cassandra and I tried
to escape together.

- [Cassandra whimpers]
- But...

The Briarwoods know
I'm alive now,

and they are not in the habit
of leaving loose ends.

[Vex] So what's your plan?


[low whinny]

[crow cawing]

[loud, rumbling thud]

I hope this is to your liking.

You take me
to the nicest places.

[chanting in foreign language]

Vassa Foth. Nel Kaza.

[chanting in foreign language]

Thrudah klessen foth.

Vassa kaldoa za-kana va.

Veekor-Brama Uth Sa-Ka!

The thing about
an old keep like this...

it's quite easy
to miss small details.

Could do
with some light, Pickle.

- [Pike groans]
- You okay, Pikey?

Yeah, I-I'm fine.

Keyleth, uh, can't you
give us a little sunlight?

Me? I-I don't know.
I've never tried.

I get... Oh, just...

Oh, come on.

Ugh. I can't do it.

Sorry, guys.

Forget it. We're here.

And so are we.

- Whoops.
- Oh, seriously.

Ah, f*ck a duck.

- [groans]
- [Jarett] Your group clearly

can't be trusted,
so we're separating you,

like children.

- [grunting]
- No.

- No, don't... [mutters]
- [Pike] Grog, it's fine.

- [guard sighs]
- [locks door]

Aw, you can't take the cutlery!
What if we get hungry?

- Eat a f*ckin' sandwich.
- [locks door]

Hey, I don't take orders
from you, assh*le.

Fine, I'll make a sandwich.

But not because
he told me to.

I shouldn't have
listened to Percy.

He's out of his mind.

Ah, he's certainly
complicated things.

There's a way to make
our situation simpler.

- You and I have escaped from worse.
- [Scanlan grunts]

Syngorn. Huh.

- Hmm.
- [Scanlan] Ah.

Guards might catch the group,
but not you and me.


We could.

Then why aren't we?

[Scanlan grunts]



- [rustling in brush]
- Huh.


[rustling in brush]

Is someone there?



Come on.

♪ ♪



Everlight. [gasps]

Are you there?


[loud breathing]

[loud footsteps approaching]

Ah, come on.


Oop. Sorry, Pikey. [laughs]

You always talk in your sleep?

Uh, I... I was meditating.

Trying to, anyway.

Mm. God, I wish
we had some grub.

Got to be something here.

[Grog grunts]

[mutters] No.


Ooh, what's this powder?

Herbs and spices?

- [gulping]
- The ashes of my ancestors.



Oh, hey, do you use this
to talk to your goddess?

- Hello? This thing on?
- [crying]

Am I talking in the wrong end?

[Pike grunts]



After that spell hit me, the...

the Everlight, I-it's like
she can't hear me anymore.


Well, I mean,
when people can't hear me,

I just shout louder.


you try that?

[crying] I don't know, Grog.

I don't know anymore.

Oh. Well,
do you think she's mad at you?

- [sniffling]
- I mean, maybe...

maybe you should just say sorry.

[snoring softly]



[laughs softly]


Hey. Did you see something?



Hmm? Hey.

W-What the...?


Captain Jarett!

So... [chuckles]

Just you and me in here.

Uriel was mad, huh?

We didn't ruin
his entire dinner. Just dessert.

Didn't know about your past.

But I guess none of us ever
share that kind of stuff, huh?

I may never see my family again.


Yeah. My Aramenté.

I don't get to go home
until I complete it

and prove myself worthy.

Which might not happen, so...

- I didn't know that.
- I'm just saying,

I know you think you're alone.

That we don't know
what you're going through.

But you don't have to be.

I appreciate that,
Keyleth, truly.

And for the record,
I think you're damn worthy.

- [laughs softly]
- But there's a world of difference

between your struggle and mine.

Whether you succeed or fail,

your family is still alive.

[guard] Captain,
something in the courtyard.

[Jarett] Outside, now.

Lieutenant, with me. Quickly.

Where have the guards gone?

Fan out.

- [low growl]
- [shushes]

Hey, what's the fuss, boy?
Nothing's out here.


[grunts, screaming]

[gasps] Damn.

That doesn't sound good.
We better warn the others.


It's locked.

I don't want
to wreck your shrine.

- Grog, do your Grog thing.
- You got it.

[Scanlan] Aww. Ugh.

Everybody up!

Creepy shit incoming.

- What's happening?
- Where have the guards gone?


What did you do?

D-Don't look at me.
All I did was make a hoagie.

Five of my men are dead.

If you didn't k*ll them,
who did?

[both gasp]

[whispering voices]


Chancing a guess it was them.


[gasps] Scanlan!

They want the book.

Keyleth, heads up!



- Damn it.
- I got him.

Fall back!


[coughing] Aw, that sucked.

[all panting]

We need a way to fight them.

No use in you being
unarmed anymore.

A trigger? Ew.

[Scanlan] I could really
use my lute about now.

I thought you said
it wasn't a w*apon.

Obvious lie.

Not that any of these
will do f*ck all.

[Keyleth gasping]




Why can't I hit you?


Hang on, buddy! [grunting]

You creepy f*ck!

Can't see shit.



Oh! The light!

Yeah, be a great time
to make some more.


I can't.


I said I can't!

Keyleth, it's time.

Prove yourself.

[shrieks echoing]




[yells, grunting]




Where did those
foul things come from?

We told you. The Briarwoods.

And they'll no doubt send more.
We can't stay.


Don't make us fight you, too.

You intend to stop those
that did this to my men?

You have my word.

Then go.

Give them hell.

And wish me luck trying
to explain all this.

[birds chirping]

[Vex] No goodbye?

I'm going to Whitestone.

And so are we.

If we beat Sylas,
his charm on Uriel will fade.

And we can clear our names.

Honestly, I wouldn't last a day
in prison with this face.

Look at me, I'm a snack.

We're all with you, but...

no more secrets, all right?


Thank you.

All of you.

- [low moaning]
- Trinket. Hi, buddy.

- [growls]
- Oh, I know, darling.

But you'll be safer here
at the keep.

We'll be back soon.

[scoffs] Told you guys
this book was a big deal,

not that anyone
ever listens to me.

Eh, what do you want now?

Careful where
you aim that thing.

Huh. See what I mean?

[whispers] A snack.

Very well. To Whitestone.

[Scanlan] We should probably
get some supplies, huh?

[Vax] I can make a run to Gilmore's.

- [Vex] Not without me to negotiate.
- [Pike] I'm not going.

- Wh... what do you mean?
- [gasping]

I can't hear the Everlight.

It's like you said, Grog.

I think I need
to tell her sorry.

Properly, at a temple.

Well, I'll come with you.

Like old times, just you and me.

I have to do this alone, buddy.

And they need you.

Oh, but...

what if I need you?

[cries softly]

You can always talk to me.

Even if I'm not around,
you'll feel me there with you.


You're their light now.

♪ ♪

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