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04x01 - Herrenvolk

Posted: 02/07/22 11:23
by bunniefuu
Ow! Dammit!

A bee just stung me.

Well, now...

..don't you all take the cake! Does your mom ever mix you up?

I've come to you at great risk. I mean you no harm.

He knows about your sister. How do I know you're for real?

I can explain everything.

First I want you to come somewhere with me.

I want you to come with me to see my mother.

Stay out of his way. He doesn't want to hurt you. You can't use your g*n!

Stop right there, sir!

Come on.


Scully, get the car!

This way.


This way.

Hey! Jeremiah!

Jeremiah, stop!

What are you doing? There'll be more right behind him.

You can't leave! They'll k*ll me!

I need your help!

My mother is dying!





Where are they going?

I don't know.

I need to know.

Please. I don't know.

They'll know where to find us. They'll be waiting for us.


Your government men will be at the hospital with your mother.

What can they do? They can't stop us without exposure, without consequence.

You have to understand something. I must perish.

The consequences to that end...

..are incalculable to the preservation of the larger plan.

The larger plan?

You mean colonization?

Hegemony, Mr Mulder. A new origin of species.

I don't understand. I can show you.

My mother is dying. I need to take you to see her right now.

And if they are waiting for us,...

..if they're willing to k*ll me and face the consequences,... stand before your ineffectual justice system, I will be dead.

I won't be able to save your mother.

The work will go on. The plan will continue to be ex*cuted.

Or you can stop it. How can I stop it?

No! There's no time. ..where you can see your sister.

He isn't coming. I told you.

Then where is he? I don't know.

Certainly he anticipated we'd be here waiting.

Unless we had a security leak.


I've come in receipt of some pictures... of your visit to Mrs Mulder's summerhouse.

Were you aware you were being photographed?

By whom?

I believe that can be determined by a simple planting of information... see where that information flows.

What information?

That Mrs Mulder's life is in danger.

That, left unprotected, she may come to an unnatural end.

Scully. Scully, it's me.

Where are you? Right where you left me.

I'm sitting here in my car.


Because you wouldn't answer your phone. I didn't know what to do.

Are you OK, Scully? Yes, I'm fine.

There'll be people looking for me. They'll think they can get to me through you.

Mulder... Just listen for a second.

I need you to do something for me. I stole a car from an airport in Alberta.

There'll be a record of me going through Customs. I need you to cover my tracks.

I also need you to know I'm OK.

I'm fine. OK?

Mulder, he's coming after you. Who?

The man you left for dead. He's alive.

That's it for the gas.

How much further from here? About 20 miles.

Maybe half that on foot over those hills.

Let's go.

Sir? Agent Scully.

I heard you were looking for me.

There's been concern about you and Agent Mulder.

We're fine, sir. We've been searching for this man, Jeremiah Smith.

Did you find him? No.

I received a memo from you that there's more confusion about this man.

Social Security Administration has five men with this name working in branch offices...

..with identical photo ID's.

We ran a check on these men. All five have not reported to work in three days.

Would you or Agent Mulder let me in on what your suspicions are?

I'm afraid we haven't exactly formulated any clear suspicions, sir.

Well, we have, Agent Scully. Sir?

We downloaded the hard-drive data...

..from each of the five missing men's workstations.

We found an enormous amount of files and data that cannot be identified,... not correspond with any kind of document collection...

..done as normal departmental business.

The data was all locked in password files.

How much of it is there? Enough to fill seven 1063 hard drives,...

..roughly a billion entries.

It appears to be some kind of personal record keeping or accounting.

Could it be some kind of cryptogram? If it is, I can't crack it.

I'd like to get a copy of a portion of this. I might be able to figure it out.

Seriously? Maybe. There's someone I want to run it by.

Agent Mulder? No.

I think, sir, this is more along my field of expertise.

What happened to this man?

I wouldn't touch the body, Mr Mulder.

There's a work order here.

It's for yesterday.

He's only been here a little more than 24 hours.

You know what k*lled him, don't you?

It's not much further.

You're looking at the future, Mr Mulder.

What is it? A flowering shrub.

But its specific epithet can't be found on any of your taxonomic charts.

Being grown for what? Pollen.

What is this?

What's going on here? What did I tell you?

That looks just like my sister.

But that's not possible. She's no older than the day she was taken.






Samantha, it's me.

It's me, Fox, your brother.

Do you remember me?

What's wrong with her? She has no language.

What do you mean? She's a drone, Mr Mulder. A worker.

What are you talking about?

There's more you should see so that you might understand.

How'd they get here?

They're stationed here. They're part of an agrarian workforce.

Who takes care of 'em? They take care of themselves.

Parenting is unnecessary, a needless division of energy.

They're clones. Serial ovotypes.

Have you seen enough? We can't stay around here much longer.

I'll go see if I can find some gas.

Open the door, Agent Scully.

How did you know I was here? I've been trying to reach Agent Mulder.

I watched you enter the building. Where is he?

I don't know.

I have information that would concern him greatly.

Concern him how? Concerning his mother.

Has something happened to her? No. No, not yet.

Is she in danger? I prefer to speak with Agent Mulder directly.

Let me just say she is unprotected.

From whom?

From whom?

If you want to involve yourself, you'd do well to give this information to your partner.

Not until you give me some information first.

These are data entries from Social Security records.

You're going in the wrong direction. All beginning with the letters S-E-P.

You know what these are. Confirm or deny.

Smallpox Eradication Program.


Don't unlock doors you're not prepared to go through.

What's that supposed to mean? Leave it alone.

Protect the mother.

What are you doing?

She's coming with us. You can't do this. She's not your sister.

Well, then who is she?

You have a chance here to understand something so much greater, to expose it.

Then explain it to me. Explain it to me now!

Bees. It's an apiary.

Are bees what k*lled that man we found? Yes.

Not a good idea to hide in there.

No. You have no immunity to them. But you do?

Somebody lead me. I can't see anything.

Is that the only way out?

We've walked into our own trap.

Come on!

Busy, Agent Pendrell? No, I was just...

Good. I think I've made some headway on this data.

Can you call up the files? Yeah. I've gotten nowhere.

SEP. Smallpox Eradication Program.

Smallpox? How'd you figure that?

I got lucky. But the key is in this first string of letters.

20 letter strings, 30 variations.

A 20-letter code to any scientist...

..means protein-amino acid sequence code, which is what this is.

Protein sequence code for what? Cowpox virus.

The virus used to inoculate humans against smallpox.

OK. Right. So these guys were keeping records of smallpox inoculations. Why?

I haven't worked that out yet.

But the big question is this second alphanumeric string: 15 digits.

Yeah. I checked. Each one is different. An infinite number of variations.

An inventory. Of what?

Of us.

With all due respect, Agent Scully, it looks like something from the Hubble Telescope.

Actually, it's an image created by what's called a confocal microscope.

You're looking at a 3-D picture of the location of a protein.

In this case, cowpox structural protein number six.

It's one of the inoculants used in the smallpox vaccine.

Where'd it come from? From me.

I had a biopsy taken from the smallpox vaccination scar on my upper arm.

Through immuno histochemical staining...

..and the addition of an antibody for the cowpox virus six,...

..I was able to get this picture of the location of a protein.

A single, nonrandom protein pattern.

I'm not a scientist, and I don't know that many...

What I'm saying is that I think this protein is a tag.

A genetic marker, applied to me when I was inoculated against smallpox as a child.

Why you?

Not just me. All of us.

Quite possibly anybody who's been inoculated over the past 50 years.

Agent Scully, this sounds like something we might have expected from Agent Mulder.

I had my doubts. And I'm still not certain.

But I performed the same procedure on Agent Pendrell.

The location of the protein from his biopsy should be identical to mine,...

..but it's slightly different. Which might correspond to the alphanumeric entries...

..collected by the men at the Social Security Administration.

So what you're saying is we're being catalogued, tagged and inventoried?

By who? I don't know.

It would have to be a government agency.

And to what purpose? I don't know that either.

I think the only man who might be able to give us that information is Jeremiah Smith.

Agent Scully, can I see you outside for a moment? Alone.

Do you realise what you're promoting?

You're rounding these people up to imply that there's...

I am a scientist, sir. What I'm promoting is reductive evidence.

It's the reason I was assigned to the X-Files, is it not?

To put Agent Mulder's work to the test of science?

Excuse me.


Where are you right now?

In Skinner's office. Where are you?

In Canada, but I'm catching a plane soon. Meet me on the other end.

Just tell me where.

At the hospital where my mother is. Mulder, I don't...

Her life depends on me and my party getting there.


Jeremiah Smith. And someone else.

I'm gonna need some protection.

Believe me, you'll have it. What do you mean?

There's a lot of people who wanna talk to Jeremiah Smith.

They'll get their chance.

We'll be there.

Please. You can't k*ll him. He can't die.

He must. That girl is my sister.

He shows you pieces, but tells you nothing of the whole. He's inconsequential,...

..a traitor to the project.

k*ll me. Let them go.

You'd trade your life for his? For my mother's.

Everything dies.

He's in touch with the perimeter.

I'm sorry, sir, for security reasons...

Five hours we're here swinging in the wind.

Something's wrong. Something happened.

You have no way to get hold of him?

This is beginning to seriously compromise our ability to treat patients.

Oh, my God! Mulder?

I can't. There's nothing...

Mulder, you're fr... No. You're freezing.

He's in shock. You're in shock, Mulder. What happened?

She'll never know.

She'll never know.

I could have saved her, Scully.

As long as she's lying here, you can't give up on her.

I don't care what the doctors say.

I had one chance... and I let it slip away.

You don't know that, Mulder. You can't blame yourself for what you could only hope.

He took me to a place with green fields...

..and I saw my sister.

She was just a little girl.

I've seen too many things not to believe.

I've seen things, too.

But there are answers to be found now.

We have hope that there's a place to start. That's what I believe.

You put such faith in your science, Scully, but...

..the things I've seen, science provides no place to start.

Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it.

And that's a place to start.

That's where the hope is.

I feel I came so close.

I feel it, too.

I know it.

How? I was warned.

By a man we both know.

Who I believe knows the truth.

Who can lead us to a place to start.

Mr Mulder?

My name is Marita Covarrubias. I'm assistant to the Special Representative.

Was he able to review the material I sent him?

Yes. And will he see me?

I'm afraid he's been called into something important.

Can I ask who sent you here, Mr Mulder? A friend.

I've been asking Special Representatives all month about the farmland in Canada.

I've been trying to get answers and all I've gotten are dead ends.

I can tell you that farm has been abandoned. The crops you described were left to die.

But they have been identified as ginseng.

No evidence of beehives or bee husbandry was found.

I know it's not the answer you wanted.

No. I, uh...

Can I ask why this is so important to you?

I've suffered... I've suffered some very personal losses recently and...

..I was... I was hoping...

..that, um...

Not everything dies, Mr Mulder.

I need to know the reasons why this should be.

So that the work may continue.

So that the project may proceed unabated by removing an unnecessary obstacle.

What obstacle? Agent Mulder, actually.

If his mother were to die, he would...

He what?

You see, the fiercest enemy is the man who has nothing left to lose.

And you know how important Agent Mulder is to the equation.

I made this!