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04x02 - Home

Posted: 02/07/22 11:23
by bunniefuu
All right, let's play some ball! Swing it in here.

Strike! In what league?

Quit complaining. We already had to move home plate cos you bitched about the mud.

Nice pitch.

Come on, let him hear some chin music.

Throw a fastball!


Nice hit. Go get it!

Hey, come on! It went on the Peacocks' property.

Here's another one!

Come on, let's play!

Come on, baby, bring it home to Momma. Come on, right here.

Come on, baby. Bring it home. Come on, right here.

That's it. Ease up. Come on.

Get to it.

Compression marks indicate the shovel blade to be approximately 6% inches.

The deeper indentation on the right side of the mark suggests a left-handed individual.

I've collected soil specimens,...

..and, although numerous shoe impressions remain from the game,...

..I think dental-stone casts will prove invaluable to the investigation.

And I've quit the FBI and become a spokesperson for the Ab Roller.

Smell that. It's perfume. Eau de ball.

God, this brings back a lot of memories of my sister.

All-day games out on the vineyard,...

..ride your bikes to the beach, eat bologna sandwiches...

Only place you had to be on time was dinner.

Never had to lock your doors. No modems, no faxes, no cellphones.

If you had to do without a cellphone, you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia.

You don't know me as well as you think. My work demands that I live in a big city,...

..but if I had to settle down, build a home, it'd be a place like this.

It'd be like living in Mayberry.

Agents Mulder and Scully?

Hi. I'm Sheriff Andy Taylor.

For real?

Can't thank you or the Bureau enough for comin' out. It's just me and my deputy and...

Hell, we never had anything of this nature.

Do you have any thoughts or suspects?

Population of Home is only a few hundred. Everybody knows everybody, pretty much.

Any local women who were pregnant and now suddenly aren't?

No. I just saw Mary Ellen and Nancy. They're both doin' fine.

Hey, Sheriff, who lives in that house there?

Did you question them?

Cos they've been watchin' us.

That farm belongs to the Peacock family.

Three boys now - well, men.

Guess you could call them human.

Their folks were in a bad car wreck. We suppose they died.

You suppose?

We tried to administer medical attention, but the boys hauled the bodies away,...

..took 'em home.

They haven't been seen in ten years, so... we suppose they died.

Have you questioned the men?

The Peacocks built that farm during the Civil w*r.

It still has no electricity, no running water, no heat.

They grow their own food.

They raise their own pigs. They breed their own cows.

Raise and breed their own stock, if you get my meaning.

It is, however, the closest residence to the crime scene.

Those boys are feeble, Agent Scully.

And sad. They wouldn't know what you were talking about.

They could have witnessed... Look, this town is my home.

I love it.

It's quiet. Peaceful.

I don't even wear a g*n.

I've seen and heard some of the sick and horrible things that go on outside my home.

At the same time, I knew we couldn't stay hidden for ever.

That one day the modern world would find us and my home town would change for ever.

And when I saw... it... in the ground,...

..I knew that day had come.

Now I wanna find whoever did this.

But, in doing so, I'd like it if the way things are around here didn't have to change.

I know this is iffy Bureau jurisdiction, but I didn't know where else to turn.

So I called the Bureau in Pittsburgh, and when I described the victim,...

..they said I should see you.

We should take a look at the victim, then.

We don't have a lab or a morgue.

I've got a room down here, might be a bit cleaner.

By the way, this is my deputy, Barney.

Fife? Paster!

I could use a bit more elbow room.

The thing is, see, folks have been dropping in to ask about the case,...

..and I wouldn't want anybody to pop in and see this.

You could just lock the door to the office. Folks know I never lock the door.

They'd start rumours.

Oh, my God.

Mulder, it looks as if this child...

..has been afflicted by every rare birth defect known to science.

I'll have to order DNA typing from the crime lab,...

..but there appears to be abnormalities associated with Neu-Laxova Syndrome,...

..MeckeI-Gruber Syndrome, exstrophy of the cloaca... I don't even know where to begin.

I guess we can rule out m*rder as the cause of death, huh?

I don't know about that.

There's evidence of occlusion due to dirt in the nose and mouth,...

..indicating the dirt has been inhaled.

There's something rotten in Mayberry.

Imagine all a woman's hopes and dreams for her child, and then nature turns so cruel.

What must a mother go through?

Apparently not much in this case, if she'd just throw it out with the trash.

I guess I was just projecting on myself.

Is there a history of genetic abnormalities in your family?


Just find a man with a spotless genetic make-up,...

..a high tolerance for being second-guessed, and start pumpin' out the little Uber-Scullys.

What about your family? Hm?

Aside from needing corrective lenses and being abducted by extraterrestrials...

..involved in a governmental conspiracy, the Mulder family passes genetic muster.

Scully, that child inside is a tragedy.

Some young parents, probably scared kids, disposed of an unwanted birth.

In a very certain sense, infanticide is involved, but this is not an FBI matter.

From what I know about genetic defects,...

..that child isn't the result of a single polygenic mating.

Let the local authorities investigate that.

Those defects are autosomal-dominant disorders.

And from the degree, I'd say mutations that go back many generations.

Scully, Sheriff Taylor implied that the boys in that family...

..were not the type that could easily get dates.

But he also implied that they practise inbreeding.

Now, we all have a natural instinct to propagate.

Do we?

There are theories which pose that our bodies...

..are simply vehicles for genes needing to replicate.

Yeah, but there's no sister, the mother's been dead for ten years...

But if the instinct and need is strong enough, they will answer it any way they can.

Now a woman gave birth to that child, Mulder, and, my guess is, against her will.

And kidnapping is a Bureau matter.


I never saw you as a mother before.

No, there's no probable cause.

They match.

This room alone should convict 'em. If we can find them.

They probably bolted when they saw us coming.

We'll alert Sheriff Taylor to get a warrant for the brothers' arrest, put out an APB.

And check any prior missing persons for a woman.

And check the vehicle identification number on that Cadillac.

If the mother's alive, they probably took her with them.

I've issued descriptions and warrants for George Raymond Peacock,...

..approximate age, 30,...

..Sherman Nathaniel Peacock, approximate age, 26,...

..and Edmund Creighton Peacock, 42.

What about missing persons reports? Deputy Paster's on it right now.

Do you recall recently any vehicles you found, thought to be abandoned,...

..but which might belong to kidnap victims?

We saw a white Cadillac in the Peacocks' front yard.

We get so many of those.

A car breaks down, they move on.

Well, we'll check on those in the morning.

You get some sleep, Sheriff.

You too, Miss Scully. Good night.

Whoa! Don't move, don't move.


You still planning on making a home here? Nah. Not if I can't get the Knicks game.

Just as long as a brutal infanticide doesn't weigh into your decision.

Good night, Mulder. Good night, Mom.

Mulder, this lock is broken.

You don't have to lock your doors around here.

Sometimes we walk Hand in hand by the sea And we breathe in the cool Salty air

Andy, what are you doing?

Taking one good last look around... before it all changes.

Oh, honey, come to bed, huh?

It will still be here in the morning.

Come on, honey.

You turn to me With a kiss in your eyes And my heart feels a thrill Beyond compare Then your lips cling to...

It's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful, my...

The eldest dominant male in the pack moves in to ensure that the prey has been k*lled.

Encircling the prey is a signal to the others it is safe to...

What a moment to share It's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful, my love Andy, what is it?

Hide, under the bed. I'm goin' for the g*n.

But they wouldn't have much meaning without you Some quiet evenings I sit by your side And we're lost in a world of our own You turn to me With a kiss in your eyes And my heart feels a thrill Beyond compare When your lips cling to mine It's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful, my love

I feel the glow Of your unspoken love I'm aware Of the treasure that I own And I say to myself It's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful, my love And I say to myself It's wonderful, wonderful

Big American car.

l, uh... I came over to give him these reports and, uh... and found them.

The, uh... the owner of the Cadillac was...

..was found and contacted in Baltimore.

She ran out of gas and just left the car on the 119.

Other, uh... possible missing persons are in the file.

And, uh... this came from Federal Crime Lab overnight.

Where are they? They're, uh... inside.

His chest is one big haematoma.

There's wood shavings embedded in what's left of the cranium.

They really went caveman on 'em.

Damn it. The lab screwed up the DNA test on the infant.

Multiple maldistribution, chromosomal breakage, maldivision of the centromere.

You suspected these abnormalities.

Yeah, but this shows far too many gene imbalances.

It would have to be a lab error.

This child's cells would've had to divide triple-fold in cell metaphase.


Hey, Scully, what if each of the Peacock brothers was the father of that child?

Mulder, only one sperm in thousands from a single individual...

..can penetrate an ovum membrane. Let alone from three separate males.

What if generations of autosomal breeding could produce such a mutation?

No. For that to be possible, there'd have to be a weakening of the ovum,...

..and that would be from a female member of the Peacock family. And there aren't any.

Well, in any case, they haven't ventured too far from home.

We should request backups from Pittsburgh and pick 'em up.

That would take a whole day. They may have a woman c*ptive up there...

..who may have sustained life-threatening injuries while giving birth.

Who knows what those men have done to her. We should go there now.

We're outnumbered. We could further endanger the victim.

I'll take you out there.

Then it's three against three. And this...

This should give us the advantage.

That was just a little bit too Chuck Bronson for me, Scully.

Hang on a second, Mulder. Why...

Why would they k*ll Sheriff Taylor? He didn't even question them about the buried child.

They probably heard about the warrants for their arrest.

But how would they know? He issued the warrants by phone.

Unless they heard us talking about it, how would they know?

We searched that house. They weren't home. Exactly. How could they know?

I'm hungry.

All right. I'm ready.

You look fine.

They'll be comin' now.

We knew this day was gonna happen.

That they'd try to change the way things are.

All we can do about changin' things... be ready for it.

Be ready for them.

Let 'em know this is our home...

..and this is the way it's gonna stay.

Yup, they're up there.

I'll take the front. Their attention'll be taken by the uniform. You can approach around back.

Are these vests absolutely necessary, Deputy?

I've seen 'em fire muskets before. l, for one, am not gettin' taken out by some antique.

This is Paster. I'm at the front of the house. We're getting into position.

I don't see anybody inside.

I'm going in.

Paster, no!

Paster's dead. The brothers moved in like a pack of animals.

The eldest will move in to ensure the prey is dead.

Encircling the prey is a signal to the others that it's safe to approach.

What we're witnessing is undiluted animal behaviour.

Mankind, absent in its own creation of civilization, technology and information,...

..regressed to an almost prehistoric state,...

..obeying only the often savage laws of nature.

We're invading the den, trying to take away their one chance at reproducing.

Which we're gonna do.

Even though we have the firearms, I imagine the place is rigged with traps.

Yeah, but we can try and divert them out of the house.

Scully, would you think less of me as a man if I told you I was kind of excited right now?

There some secret farmer trick to gettin' these things moving?



Yeah, that'll work I baby-sat my nephew this weekend. He watches Babe 15 times a day.

And people call me spooky.

Federal agents! Is anybody in here?

FBI! Is anybody in this house?

Is there anybody in here?

Oh, no.

No! Get out of here! Go away! It's all right, ma'am.

We're federal agents. We're here to help you. Get out! Go away!

Go away! Get away! Let's move the bed.

They've got her strapped to some kind of board or something.

Take it easy, ma'am. It's all right. It's all over.

We're from the FBI. We're here to help.

We're gonna make sure that you're safe. We're gonna make sure that you get home.

Mulder, she already is home.

It's Mrs Peacock. She's their mother.

Where are you going? The others may have heard the screams.

What about her?

She's not going anywhere.

We may not be able to remove her, Mulder.

She doesn't appear to be held against her will. I mean, I don't believe she is.

I'm sure she's an accessory.

We're only assuming. We can't prove anything.

The way I think it goes here is that Edmund is the brother and father of the other two.

So when Edmund was a kid, he could ground the other two for playing with his things?

The brothers k*lled three people. Tell her we're gonna bring them in.

And convince her that she's the one way they can get out of this without getting hurt.

I'm gonna keep an eye on them.

Scully, watch your step.

This place is rigged.

Mrs Peacock?

Mrs Peacock, you are in immediate need of medical attention.

Agent Mulder and I are here to help you.

This is our home. Why leave it?

Whatever pain you may be in... I don't feel pain.

Runs in the family.

Have to check the boys, see if they hurt themselves.

What about you? Even after the accident?

Right arm was torn off.

Saw it sittin' there across my dead husband's lap.

Boys took me home,...

..sewed me up, just like the family learnt in the w*r of Northern Aggression.

Whole time, felt the same as if been makin' breakfast.

They're such good boys.

Mrs Peacock, they m*rder*d Sheriff Taylor and his wife and Deputy Paster.

I can tell you don't have no children.

Maybe one day you'll learn...

..the pride,...

..the love,...

..when you know your boy will do anythin' for his mother.


Federal agent! I'm armed!

Stop or I'll fire!


I've got the mother!

Where's the other brother? Edmund?

Mulder, look.

Marks on the floor.

I looked everywhere. They're gone.

I've notified the state police and the highway patrol. They've put out an APB...

..and are setting up a roadblock over a 30-mile radius.

In time, we'll catch 'em.

I think time already caught them, Scully.

There, there. Sherman and George were good boys.

We should be proud.

And you got to know, Edmund, you can't keep a Peacock down.

There'll be more.

One day, there'll be more.

Now we have to move on,...

..start a new family.

One we'll be proud of.

Find a new place to call ours.

A new home.

A brand-new home.


Oh, so wonderful, my love And I say to myself It's wonderful, wonderful Oh, so wonderful My love

I made this!