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04x06 - Sanguinarium

Posted: 02/07/22 11:33
by bunniefuu
Miss Holland, I'm Nurse Waite.

I'll be assisting in your procedure.

Will it hurt?

You won't feel a thing. There's no blood.

Dr Lloyd's done over a thousand Iipo procedures.

You're in good hands.

OK, here we go.

I'm going to give you a tranquillizer now,...

..then the doctor will give you injections of saline and anaesthetic.

All you have to worry about is buying a new wardrobe.

Your liposuction patient is prepped and in room five.

Fine. What else am I scheduled for?

You've got a scalp reduction and a blepharoplasty.

Are they prepped?

Um, no. Would you like...? Get them ready, please.

I'd like to move right along today.

Yes, doctor.

How are you doing?

Is the doctor going to be much longer?

I think my tranquillizer's starting to wear off.

I'm sorry. I don't know where...

Dr Lloyd!

I think this patient is finished.

What else do you call it?

When you're in your body and out of it at the same time,...

..unable to control your actions,... stop yourself from doing what I did to that poor man?

What else do you call it? Spirit possession or demon possession?

While these mental states have been well documented,...

..they've been much maligned and haven't held up in court well as a criminal defence.

I have advised my client against speaking to you.

I'd appreciate it if you would direct any legal discussion to counsel.

Dr Lloyd, are you taking any kind of medication?

The odd sleeping pill and a prescription antacid for my stomach.

Would you mind if I check the dosage and which ones?

No, I really...

I would like to know why...

You've got a clear picture of my client's story...

..and his willingness to go along with your investigation.

Yes, I believe we have.

Dr Lloyd, you say that you've taken sleeping pills.

How much sleep did you get the night before?

l, um... I can't recall.

The sleeping pill he was taking was called Somanil.

I've heard of it.

It works directly on the central nervous system and it isn't stored in body tissue.

But it's controversial for its addictiveness and its effect on long-term behaviour.

What was... What was the date of Dr Lloyd's prescription?

He started taking it five years ago, and went through...

Oh, he took a lot of it: 19 100-tablet refills.

Wow. Yeah.

That's more than a pill a day. An addiction, in other words.

An addiction which very well could have altered his ability to do his job.

How many of these procedures would you say he's performed?

Judging from his schedule the day of the accident,...

..hundreds, and probably thousands.

And not one fatality.

You're missing my point, Mulder. This place is a veritable factory.

Cosmetic surgery is a boom industry. ASU wards like this are a gold mine.

Everybody's doing it, so I hear.

A brand-new, state-of-the-art facility like this can support an entire hospital.

What do you suppose these are? What?

These five marks on your brand-new, state-of-the-art floor.

They look like they were made by the coasters from an OR table...

..or some kind of equipment.

They look to me like they were burned or scorched.

It's the shape of a pentagram.

If you want to connect the dots here, you should look at the facts.

Iatrogenic deaths or deaths due to doctor error are upwards of 80,000 a year.

Dr Lloyd was pushing his limits. He was an accident waiting to happen.

I'm not a doctor, but you've got to be pushing hard to mistake a beer belly for a bald head,...

..not to mention door number three.

It's amazing that no one saw him in time to stop him.

Maybe they were all possessed.

I don't think it's a simple possession.

I think it's more like sorcery or black magic or something like that.

Excuse me. What kind of procedure is that up there?

It's a rhinoplasty. I'm sorry, who are you?

We're with the FBI. I'm Agent Scully and this is Agent Mulder.

We're investigating a patient's death here.

Oh, uh, yes.

You're Rebecca Waite. You were the attending nurse at the time?


Can you explain what happened, how a mistake like this could happen?

No. No, I can't really.

I wasn't in the OR at the time and... it's difficult for me in my position.

Did you observe Dr Lloyd at all before the accident?

I helped prep the patient. I was supposed to assist.

I did my job as a nurse.

Are you aware that Dr Lloyd is claiming he was possessed during the incident?

I guess it's cheaper than malpractice insurance.

Give him 500cc's of Ringer's wide open before he goes to Recovery.

I need you to keep up with me. Right away, Dr Shannon.

Dr Shannon, can we have a word, please?

I've got a patient who can't wait.

There's magic going on here, Mulder,...

..only it's being done with silicone, collagen and a well-placed scalpel.

What we have to do here is keep calm and do nothing out of the ordinary.

The appearance of any impropriety will only deepen the FBI's probe,...

..on top of Dr Lloyd's insurance investigation.

Dr Lloyd has made us a target.

The last thing we need is to be caught up in an expose.

Then they look at our books again.

It's bad enough we have to explain why buttock liposculptures cost 4,000 a pop.

We look greedy, therefore we look guilty.

We haven't done anything wrong, Dr Illaqua.

If we give any credence or credibility to Dr Lloyd's story, they'll burn us at the stake.

What about the other personnel? They were talking to the nurse, Waite.

She can't tell them anything...

..because she doesn't know anything.

I can't feel my feet.

I'm having a skin peel,...

..but I can't feel my feet.

It's OK. It's OK.

Your feet are still there. They aren't goin' anywhere.

It's, it's just...

..I'm afraid to be put to sleep.

What if I don't wake up?

Not to worry. Not to worry.

I want you to relax...

..and think about your beautiful new face.

You're in good hands.

We're going to protect you.

You wanted to show me something? Yeah, a videotape.

This video shows that the five marks delineating the pentagram...

..were in evidence prior to the patient's death.

Stop it a second.

My God, he basically stabbed the man to death in his sleep.

Which underscores the strangeness.

A sane man acting under his own volition could never perform such an act.



Presuming that has anything to do with this, who put them there?

I don't know. A pentagram is meant to be a symbol of protection,...

..used to control the elemental forces.

Then it doesn't make sense. But it makes sense that witchcraft...

..would find a theater in a place like this, preying on the weak and vainglorious.

But there's no other evidence of witchcraft taking place here.

Maybe there is. What was that prescription that Dr Lloyd was taking?

The sleeping pills? No, the stomach antacid.

Read me what it's made from.

"An antispasmodic - active ingredients include belladonna alkaloids..."

Belladonna - also known as witch's berry. That's an herb used in hexing rituals.

Do you know how many pharmaceuticals contain belladonna?

Yeah, just the one Dr Lloyd was taking.

If it's that simple, why don't you put out an APB for someone riding a broom?

You jest, but there's a good chance that this hex or ritual may not be finished.

The FBI seems to have backed off, at least for the time being.


Are you finished for the day? Yes.

I've got a laser peel. Then I'm outta here.

We're gonna get through this, Eric. All we have to do is keep our heads on straight.

The patient's prepped. Is there anything I can do?

Yes, I'm gonna need a clean pair of scrubs from the laundry.

I'll get them now.

Is there anything you need, Dr Illaqua?

No, thank you.

Am I prepped in another room? No, your patient's in OR two.

Who's that?

That's Dr Illaqua. What the hell is he doing with my patient?

Dr Illaqua!

Open this door!

Eric, open this door immediately!

Dr Illaqua, do you hear me?

You've got to stop this now!

This is wrong! What are you doing?

Eric! Open this door immediately!

This is Dr Shannon!

I said stop this now! Stop!

You don't remember anything, Dr Illaqua?

How you got in the room or what compelled you to do such a thing?

No. I was on my way home.

Do you realise what you've done now?


May I?

I'll be right back.

Did you examine the victim?

No, just Dr Illaqua. Why?

I found something else on the videotape.

Right there.

What are they, bruises?

I don't know, but the orientation of the points describes a pentagram again. See?

Well, I found something too.

That's the same prescription as Dr Lloyd.

You think it's just a coincidence?


Any change in scheduling or workload... going to give the appearance of covering guilt.

We can't compromise our position on this.

Sorry to barge in, but this is a matter of urgency.

No, please. I'm Dr Jack Franklin. May we ask you to sit down?

It appears we've interrupted a gathering.


Sir, can you imagine this group's concern about what's happened,...

..and our urgency to resolve this...

..and to finally bring the person responsible to justice?


I don't know how much of this you know,...

..but ten years ago,...

..there were several deaths at this hospital, here in the ASU,...

..and, like the recent deaths,...

..they were all ruled accidental.

Were any of you here at the time? A few of us, yes, but...

..more importantly...

..there's a nurse, Rebecca Waite.

She was on the ward during those incidents.

Six weeks ago, she transferred back here to the ASU.

Do you have any other reasons to suspect her?

She's the only person who had some contact...

..with each of the victims and the doctors involved.

Have you spoken with her? No, she left early,...

..and no one's been able to find her.

Probable cause.

Under suspicion of being a witch?


What could she have been doing in here?

Probably not tax returns.

You have reached the 911 emergency line. Please stay on the line.

You don't know what you're doing. Let me go! They don't understand.

You have to tell them. I want to speak to her.

Tell them! Mulder, don't.

I tried to stop him, but it's too powerful.

Someone has to stop...

Get the paramedics over here.

Get the paramedics over here now!

She swallowed straight pins and is bleeding internally.

Get her into surgery immediately.

There you go.

I'm going with her to the ER.

I would have done it myself,...

..but I'm still a little shaky.

Jack, you're a lot cooler than I'd be if it'd been me.

Well, the important thing is...'s over now.

Dr Franklin?


..Agent Mulder.

I came to see if you were OK. Yes, I'm fine. Thank you.

That woman broke in. She was in here waiting for him.

Looks like she took a good shot at you. Yes, apparently.

Nothing that a little plastic surgery won't fix up, though, huh?

Do you have any idea why she might have att*cked you?

I'm the one who voiced suspicion about her.

She wouldn't have known that. It could've been any of us. She's mad.

We have reason to believe she's a practitioner of ritual magic.

Ritual magic? A practicing witch.

She's responsible for Dr Lloyd and Dr Illaqua?

Witchcraft caused them to k*ll those patients?

I think a lot remains to be proven.

I'm sorry.

This evening has been a bit much, and I really need to get some rest.

I think all of us would like to get some rest,...

..get back to work and...

..put this behind us.

Mulder, it's me. Come in. It's open.

God, you look tired. I do?

I was at the hospital. Our suspect, Rebecca Waite, was pronounced 20 minutes ago.

Cause of death?

Massive blood loss due to haemorrhaging...

..caused by the expulsion of hundreds of straight pins.

You ever see anything like that?

Well, in med school I saw some weird stuff.

There's a psychiatric disorder called pica,...

..which is characterized by the craving for non-food objects like clay, rocks, glue.

But if she swallowed... She would have died long before that.

Unless she didn't ingest them, which would fit with a phenomenon called allotriophagy.

Allotriophagy? Spontaneous vomiting or disgorgement...

..of foul or strange objects, usually associated with someone possessed.

I won't refute that this woman was practicing the occult,...

..but what comes out must first go in.

According to this book, people have coughed up things...

..from cue balls to knives with no explanation of how they got there.

Where'd you get this from? Rebecca Waite's house.

It's the same place I got this.

This calendar was open at April. The 30th is marked by a familiar symbol.

What's the significance of the 30th?

It's one of the four greater witches' sabbaths.

It's also known as Roodmas. It's also the birth date of the first victim.

Now, July 31st... also marked with a pentagram.

This coincides with Lammas, another witches' sabbath.

It's the birth date of the second victim.

She was choosing victims based on their birthdays?

No, no. Remember, I said the pentagram is a protective symbol.

I think Rebecca Waite was trying to save them.

I think she knew they were in danger.

Which made her attack Dr Franklin. She knew something about him,...

..and we should find out what that is before he goes back to work.

I just got a disturbing call. From whom?

The FBI. They were asking about patients' birth dates.

They're on their way over.

I thought this was over. Apparently not.

You have a good thing going, you can bet somebody will try and take it away.

I'm beginning to understand why a man becomes a conservative.

He's got something to conserve.

Are you all right, Jack? I didn't get much sleep last night.

Of course you didn't. I'll be fine.

Gail, push my osteoplasty back half an hour.

Yes, doctor.

I'm taking your chem peel. You're going home.

I said I'll be fine. Take a look at yourself.

You look like hell, Jack.

Look, I appreciate the offer.

Don't get me wrong. I am not being magnanimous here.

We just can't afford to make any more mistakes right now.

Yes, thank you.

Dr Franklin's left, but his office confirms... of his patient's birthdays corresponds with one of the sabbaths.

When is that patient scheduled? She's already in pre-op...

..and one of the other doctors is filling in.

ls Dr Franklin OK?

He's just not feeling very well. Oh.

I suppose this is one of those procedures...

..that all doctors here can do, isn't it? Yes.

Yes, Dr Franklin said...

..that a chemical skin peel is safe,...

..almost... risk-free.

We're looking for Dr Shannon.

Our practice has been affiliated with Greenwood for 13 years.

Now the ASU accounts for over 50% of this hospital's revenue.

Do you understand what that means?

That doctors in other fields have seen their earnings fall...

..because of managed health care, and you've all become wealthy.

We fill a need. We didn't create it.

Everyone wants to be beautiful.

But our success made us arrogant.

I'm willing to accept responsibility for certain of our... mistakes.

Mistakes? Like those patient deaths ten years ago?

That any of us could be capable of such gross negligence was inconceivable.

So you covered it up.

If we did, it was with the hospital's blessing.

They conducted the investigation.

We had become too valuable an asset,...

..something they had to protect, even at the cost of five lives.

There were five deaths? Yes, four patients.

The fifth was a colleague of ours who, for all intents and purposes,...

..worked himself to death. He died of a drug overdose.

What was his name? Dr Cox. Clifford Cox.

Do you have a file on him? In the computer.

I'll need that and the files on the deaths ten years ago.

Why? What are you thinking?

Dr Clifford Cox. Birthday: July 7, 1939.

Can you take that photo and run it through the cosmetic-surgery program I saw?

It will take me a few seconds to load up the software.

I'm still not sure where you're going with this.

Ten years ago, four patients died.

Like recent victims, their birth dates matched the witches' sabbaths, except Dr Cox.

But Cox was a doctor. Nothing about his death matches up except its coincidence.

Maybe, maybe not.

I'm online here.

This software gives patients an idea of their projected result, right?

Within the limits of what the patient comes in with, we approach that aesthetic ideal.

The program is based upon a matrix of relative proportions.


Vanity, all is vanity.

Here it is.

Can you move the eyes further apart and strengthen the forehead?

That's beyond our surgical capabilities. I know.

I don't understand.

It looks like Jack Franklin.

Where else could he be? I don't know.

I'll check the OR. Maybe he's there.

He's not answering his pages. Did you try his home?

Answering machine.

Are you thinking Dr Cox m*rder*d these patients and then became Dr Franklin?

I think he m*rder*d those patients so he could become Dr Franklin.

This transformation is medically impossible.

It's not medicine, Scully. It's blood sacrifice.

Blood sacrifice? The most potent offering in black magic.

What if, having reached the limits of medical miracles,...

..he decided to stage a miracle of his own?

So he committed these murders in order to make himself beautiful?

Everybody wants to be beautiful, Scully.


What are you doing?

I'm so glad that you're here.

Jack, stay right where you are.

I hope those instruments were properly sterilized.

Dr Franklin?

Scully, come over here.

Stop right there. Look what you're standing on.

This one's different.

It's been inverted.

See these two upright points here?

They represent the goat of lust, attacking heaven with its horns.

He's inscribed all the names of the patients who were k*lled.

Including Dr Shannon.

Clear the way! Moving through!

What did you swallow?

What did you swallow? She didn't say.

I'm going in to do an exploratory laparotomy.

Please... don't.

Give her two units blood, stat. Someone get a 16-gauge IV in and open it wide.

I'll get the IV, doctor.

No. Please, no.

No. No, please, don't.

Where's Dr Shannon? They said she was brought here in an emergency.

Mulder, here.

Don't let them operate. Hold them off until you hear from me.

Where are you going? To find Dr Franklin.

More snaps. Here you go.

Sponge it.

Suction. Suction.

Flush. Saline.

More sponge. Lap.

You have to stop this procedure! Whoever that person is, get her out now!

I'm Special Agent Dana Scully, FBI.

Get out of here now! Listen to me! I'm a doctor!

What the hell's going on? I'm a federal agent.

I don't care who you are. You can't interrupt a surgery.

This woman could die. That's what I'm trying to prevent.

What happened? They saved her life.

They just pulled a whole rack of surgical instruments out of her intestinal tract.

God knows how they got there.

Then it failed.

Code blue team to the ER, stat.

I tried to stop him! He just went crazy!

We're losing her! Fast!

What is this patient's birth date?

October 31 st.

Halloween. And Samhain, the fourth witches' sabbath.

I can't tell you how happy we are...

..that you've decided to join us, Dr Hartman.

Well, I like what I've seen so far.

The truth is, I've always been drawn to Los Angeles.

With your credentials, I'm sure you had plenty of options.

I've been reviewing your patient portfolio.

Your work is among the most impressive I've ever seen.

I like to say whoever God didn't get around to creating in his own image,...'s our job to recreate in ours.

I made this!