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04x11 - El Mundo Gira

Posted: 02/07/22 11:36
by bunniefuu
Quiet! Quiet! Listen to me.

It was a terrible thing.

You are not going to believe me, even when I tell you.

Some say it is a story, a fairy tale.

But I saw it.

I saw it with my own eyes.

Quiero hombres fuertes. Rápido!

Oye, mi amor.

Pértate bien. Tu también.

Pues clam.



Let's go!


Eso es segum.

Las cabras.





Madre de Dios.

Mulder, this happened how long ago?

Tres dias, muy incredible, no?

Only the smell.

You brought me out here under the pretense of investigating an unexplained death.

Can you tell me why we're standing out here looking at a dead goat?

According to eyewitnesses, the death was preceded by a fortean event: a highly unusual or infrequent meteorological phenomenon...

..also known as a transient. A transient?

Witnesses described a bright flash about 30 degrees off the horizon.

A hot, yellow rain fell from a cloudless sky. Fortean researchers call these liquid falls.

Black and red rains are common, but there have also been blue. purple and green rains.

Purple rain? Yeah. Great album.

Deeply flawed movie, though.

Mulder, this transient, as you call it,...

..this bright flash in the sky - I assume you think it has some connection to...

Fortean events have been linked to alien encounters. Cattle mutilations.

The kind of exsanguinated animal carcass you were looking at.

The victim, Maria Dorantes - did she die in a similar fashion?

I would assume so. You assume?

Nobody's examined the body? Nobody cares. Scully.

The victim and many of the witnesses are illegal immigrants, migrant farm workers.

I thought it might be important to talk to them before they migrated.

No, no.

No la migra. No la migra.

No la migra.

We're FBI. No la migra.

It's all right. We don't wanna take anybody away. Relax. No, it's OK.

What do you want?

We wanna know what happened to Maria Dorantes.

Does anybody know what happened to Maria Dorantes? Did anybody see anything?

El Chupacabra. That's what happened to Maria Dorantes.

El Chupacabra? Yeah. it's a Mexican folk tale.

El Chupacabra. the goat-sucker: a small, grey creature...

..with a big head and a small body and big, black bulging eyes.

Si, si, si.

Light, then rain.

Then El Chupacabra, it comes and eats away Maria's eyes and face.

Did you see the Chupacabra? No.

But everyone here knows that this is the truth.

This woman's a liar. There is no Chupacabra.

It's nothing but a story told to children.

I know the k*ller of Maria Dorantes.

Who would that be, sir? It's my brother. Eladio Buente.

He k*lled Maria because she loved only me.

How do you explain the yellow rain then, and the dead goat over the hill?

It is a trick... for fools who believe in fool superstitions.

Thank you, Mr Buente. You've been very helpful.

"Maria, Maria."

"I've just met a girl named Maria."

Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, Scully. Makes perfect sense.

Admit it, you fell for it.

Your fortean event turned out to be nothing more than the oldest story in the world.

Two men, one woman, trouble.

I admit there's a strong suspicion of motive and intent.

But the detail, the description of that Chupacabra.

Mulder, what we've walked into here is a Mexican soap opera, one for the local cops.

Local cops don't care, Scully. I don't know who does.

OK, I care, but what are we supposed to do about it?

Find out what k*lled Maria Dorantes. Take a look at her body.

While you do what? Try to find this man, Eladio Buente.

Agent Lozano?

Special Agent Mulder. I'm with the FBI.

The FBI? Here?

We're investigating the death of a migrant worker.


Eladio Buente. He hasn't been seen for three days, and he's not in police custody.

I thought he might be in INS custody. He might.

Let's see.

0K, we have a José Feliciano. We have Juan Valdez.

We have César Chavez. We have Placido Domingo here.

But I don't see any Eladio Buente.

So you are telling me that no one here uses their real name.

What is this man wanted for? Possibly the m*rder of Maria Dorantes.

Oh, man. The Chupacabra?

Yeah. You've heard of it. You don't believe it.

No, I believe these people. Their lives are small.

So they have to make these fantasies just to keep on going, to feel alive.

Because they are strangers here. They feel hated, unwanted.

When their passions become inflamed they resort to v*olence...

..and then they cannot turn to the law so they make up these fantastic tales.

Call it anything you want, but this is an age-old story.

I've heard that.

Let's see if we can find your Eladio Buente.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. Can I help you?

I'm Agent Dana Scully with the FBI, investigating the death of a migrant worker.

Juan or Juanita? I'm sorry?

Doe. A man or a woman?

Maria Dorantes. I need to determine a cause of death in order to close an investigation.

It sounds vaguely familiar, but I don't think I've got to her yet.

Well, I'm a medical doctor. If you show me the body, I could examine it myself.

It's in the fridge.

I don't think he's going anywhere.

That's her.

Oh, my God.

This must be him.

Why is he segregated like this?

Por qué lo tienes segregado?

Nosotros detenidos lo molestaban mucho.

Ninguno se la acerca a él. Le tienen un miedo terrible.

The other detainees were giving him a hard time. They don't wanna go near him.

They think he's the Chupacabra. That may be.

But I will tell you, with a tremendous degree of certainty, this guy is not Erik Estrada.


El FBI quiere hacerte unas preguntas.

Ask him if he k*lled Maria Dorantes.

Quiere saber si mataste a Maria Dorantes.


No lo hice. Soy inocente.

No soy asesino!

What did he say? "I didn't do it."

Ask him what happened.

Qué fue lo que pasé?

Un ruido como un relampago muy cerca.

There was a noise like thunder, but very close.

And then there was lightning, very bright.

It blinded me. And I fell to the ground.

And then I felt the hot rain fall on me.

And when I finally could open my eyes and see,...

..I saw the dead goat.

And then I saw Maria. Maria.

She called my name... once.

She was lying in a puddle of yellow rain.

Something had eaten at her face.

And I held her in my arms, and then she died.

And then I got up, and I ran screaming.

Soy inocente!

This guy is better than Erik Estrada.

What's gonna happen to him?

He'll get his 45 seconds before the judge and he'll be placed on a southbound bus.

Is there any way to delay that? Why would you wanna do that?

To try to solve an unexplained death. Hasn't the FBI got better things to do?

File your paperwork.

By the time they process it, he'll probably be back here anyway.

Put him in the front.

Come on. Up front.

OK, vamos. Let's go.

Did you find Eladio Buente? Yeah, I found him.

Did he confess to the m*rder of Maria Dorantes?

Not exactly, no.

Did he tell you what happened? Flash of light, yellow rain.

"Maria! Maria!"

He didn't k*ll her, Mulder. I examined the body of Maria Dorantes...

..and I believe that her cause of death was natural, albeit strange.

She seems to have succumbed to a massive fungal infection.

A fungus? Aspergillus, according to the coroner.

It's a mould that's found in dead leaves, compost, even household dust.

And it can k*ll? Not normally.

It's very common and quite harmless. You don't think that's weird?

Well, aspergillus can be lethal to people with immunodeficiencies... AIDS patients and transplant recipients.

I found high levels of methyl bromide in her blood workup.

It's a pesticide that's used for soil sterilization - highly toxic.

Now, I think that her body was so ravaged by pesticides...

..that a normally benign fungus may have compromised her whole immune system.

Still doesn't explain the flash of light and the yellow rain...

..and El Chupacabra.

Mulder, I know you don't wanna hear this,...

..but I think the aliens in this story are not the villains, they're the victims.

Look at that.


What does it look like?

It appears he died of systemic shock, brought on by what appears to be a fungal infection.

The same one that k*lled Maria Dorantes? No, I don't know what this is.

But its speed and aggressiveness are frightening.

The infection's covered 90 percent of his body, through both layers of skin.

Did you find him?

We rounded up most of the people who escaped. Eladio Buente wasn't among them.

No one knows where he ran?

Agent Lozano, this is my partner, Agent Scully.

They all ran away from El Chupacabra, the man they say is responsible for this tragedy.

Eladio Buente didn't k*ll anybody. I'm not so sure about that, Scully.

This is the work of a pathogen of some kind of a highly virulent strain.

Right now Eladio Buente is the only connection we have to this death...

..and to the death of Maria Dorantes. which is why I need manpower to try to find him.

Manpower? We don't have the resources to go chasing after one poor illegal.

Whatever you hope to learn by finding him, we have to first make a classification...

..of the fungi from the victims.

I need to isolate it, and I need to get a sample to a mycologist as quickly as possible.

Good. You should do that while Agent Lozano and I try to find El Chupacabra.

Te molesta que te vea asi. No es cierto?

Por qué habia de molestarme?

Soy tu mujer. Si, te molesta.


Senor? What do you want?

You wanna go back?

Estas loco?

We haul mucha basura with that truck. What makes you think we haul it back?

How long have you been in this country?

Ni credito, ni caridad.

Aqui es America, you dumb wet.

Truck stop at dusk.

No dinero, no ride.



Dinero. Dinero.

Construction! Construction workers. Dos.

OK. You two, get in the back. Let's go.

I only need two, amigo. Dos.

Hey, outta the truck. I got work to do.

Hey! Where are you going?

You'll have to do.

What you're looking at is the most ubiquitous fungal spore known to mankind: dermatophytosis.

Athlete's foot?

A great survivor of countless extermination efforts.

Historically underrated and unfairly overshadowed by the popular cockroach.

But our body has natural defences against this kind of invasion.

I mean, even in the absence of an immunoresponse,...

..a fungi like this one or the aspergillus, don't they need the right environment to multiply?

Yes, unless they have help.

What's this?

It's an enzyme I isolated from both your specimens, but that's about all I can tell you.

It's unlike any enzyme I've ever seen. It's not the fungi but the enzyme that kills.

Acting as a catalyst, as an accelerant.

Let me show you. This is Puccinia graminis. Black stern rust.

It's been the cause of a fairly containable crop blight here in the valley.

Oh, my God.

I must say, if this were to get out into the environment...

..dermatophytosis might give the cockroach a run for its money.


He was here, all right. They say he got into the truck of a foreman named Culver.

Story's out.

Oh, yeah. I told you, these people love their stories.

It's the one thing that keeps them from going mad when they're out there waiting for work.

So they really don't think he's the Chupacabra?

No, they're certain of it.

You told them about the fungal infection? They wouldn't listen.

They are only interested in what will become of Eladio Buente.

What will become of him? When his brother finds him...

He'll k*ll him. Yes, probably.

A man cannot live with vengeance in his heart.

So we gotta find him first.

My mother used to say that blood should be left to cleanse itself.

God curses the man who stands between two brothers.

Well, in this case, he'll curse the man who doesn't.




Senor Culver?



Eladio Buente.


Eladio Buente.

Matame a mi. Asesino!



Gabrielle, por favor.


Mulder, it's me. Where are you?

The state university bio department. Mulder, listen to me. I think you're right.

I think Eladio Buente is responsible for those deaths.

Responsible how? By spreading an enzyme produced by...

..what appears to be a new strain of conidial fungi.

How's he spreading it? My guess is by touch.

I saw this man, Scully. He was unaffected.

He could be just a carrier then, a kind of Typhoid Mary.

You're saying it's a new strain? Yes.

Mulder, it is extremely important that you not come into direct contact with this fungus.

You must not inhale it, touch it. Lozano, careful.

Scully, I've been thinking. I know that's dangerous, but just bear with me.

These fortean transients - what the women described - they could have been caused by an object falling at a high speed...

..creating a sonic boom and a flash of light, what astronomers call a bolide.

A bolide?

Created by a meteorite or a piece of extra-planetary material...

..of which 2,000 tons fall to the earth every day.

This yellow rain - the space debris could have fallen in a lake...

..super heating the water and sending it Skyward, which would mean this is alien.

I think this is beside the point right now.

And the fungus... Let me work on the fungus.

What you need to do right now is to find the man who may be spreading it.


So you got your own stories too, huh?

Hey, it's El Barbero.

Hey. Lozano, I hear you're lookin' for the Chupacabra.

For a modest fee, I can tell you where he might be found.



Don't touch him.


I lost him.


More goats.

Agent Lozano. How does this man keep eluding us?

These people are invisible. You look at them and you don't see them.

Just workers, cheap labour to pick crops and clean houses.

To most people, they're aliens in the true sense of the word.

El Chupacabra. Calm down.

Calm down.

Can a man do this? Can Eladio Buente do this?

Eladio, he went to his cousin Gabriella's house asking for money.

When? Today. He said he k*lled nobody.

But Soledad, he went to Gabrielle's house trying to k*ll Eladio.

Calm down.

Quién es? Gabrielle Buente?

This is Agent Lozano, INS. Open up.

Where is he? 6' Que’?

Don't give me your "que". You know who.

Where is he - Eladio? He is not here.

Please, I would not let Eladio Buente in here. You must believe me.

Maybe you should check the back.

What about his brother, Soledad? No, He is not here! No one is here! I'm alone.

Have you seen either of them?

Si. But I'm afraid because of what they say about Eladio.

About El Chupacabra. There is no El Chupacabra, Gabrielle.

Eladio is a very sick man. If he comes here, you must not let him in.

If he comes to this door, call the police. Understand?

There's nobody. I'm gonna be watching you, Chiquita. Every move.

Comprendes? Si.

I think we should hold up a minute. For what?

Something's going on here.

Hey, José, this ain't no restaurant!

You know you have to pay for all that.

Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing? Come back here!

Hey, you're gonna have to clean that up. Hey!

That's our man. Eladio Buente?

No. That's his brother - Soledad.

Bueno. Eladio?

Si, Gabrielle.



Soledad Buente. Stop! Stop!

Drop your w*apon! Drop the g*n!

Put it down! Now! Drop it!


solo quiere vengarme.

Eladio! Callate.

Callate la boca. Mulder.

He's been here.

Quién es? Eladio.


Eladio? Eladio Buente?

He is not here.

He's gone.

Gone where? To Mexico.

Where he can hide his terrible face. How's he gonna get to Mexico?

I gave him all my money. You gave him your money?

Yes, because I was afraid.

I was afraid El Chupacabra would k*ll me too.

What can I say?

How are we gonna find this man? Good luck.

I'm gonna go process the brother.

You know what she said about Eladio, about his face...

I don't know what to believe any more. These people sure love their stories.

He could be anywhere.

If he were to enter a metropolitan area with what he's carrying...

He won't. If he's going to Mexico...

She's lying. If this man thinks he k*lled Maria Dorantes, he won't be going to Mexico.

Then where is he going?

Same place as Lozano and Eladio's brother.

He's gone to face his brother. I don't understand.

"God curses the man who stands between two brothers."

Get on your cell phone and have a haz-mat team assembled.

Eladio Buente, come on out!

Be a man and face your brother.

Madre de Dios.

Eladio, no!

Parate Eladio!

They came from the sky. More Chupacabras...

..coming to save Eladio.

I slammed the door and prayed... that they would not come to k*ll me too.

What will happen to Soledad? He was taken up by a Chupacabra.

He will suffer for his treachery.

He is made to suck the blood...

..of only the sick and dying goats when the Chupacabra comes to feed.

That's not what Gabriella said.

What does Gabriella know? I was there. I saw it with my own eyes.

Gabriella said that she lied to la FBI, so that her cousin Eladio might live.

But la migra Lozano knew that Soledad could not live with vengeance in his heart.


Turn around and face the man whose love you k*lled!

You k*lled Maria because she wouldn't love you.

Because her heart belongs to only one man.

Don't make me sh**t you in the back, Eladio! Turn! See my tears!

Turn around like a man! No.

"sh**t. sh**t!” la migra shouted.

But Soledad began to cry.

"No. No!" cried Soledad.

"I cannot sh**t my brother. He is my brother. My flesh, my blood."

sh**t him! He's El Chupacabra! Shouted la migra.

You cannot let him go!

"He is a goat-sucker and he must be k*lled!"

Soledad, he could not k*ll Eladio...

..because he knew I would never forgive him.

La migra Lozano tried to pull the g*n from Soledad's hand, calling him a coward.

"No!" cried Soledad. "He is my brother!"

And the g*n went off!

Bang! Bang!

La migra Lozano... fell dead.

Pero no.

La migra Lozano...

..brought Soledad to k*ll Eladio... that he would not be cursed.

So God...

..cursed Soledad for his treachery...

..and turned him into...

..El Chupacabra like his brother.


Together they run... Mexico.

El Chupacabra? Yes, sir.

Frankly, I'm confused by this story. I don't blame you.

We can't exactly explain it ourselves, sir.

At any rate, we arrived just after the haz-mat team.

They established a perimeter then secured the area.

An eyewitness was found, but her testimony was questionable.

The haz-mat team were able to contain the fungal infection within the camp.

No other casualties were reported...

..and we found no other traces of the accelerating enzyme.

Except on Agent Lozano. We found him dead with a b*llet wound to the chest With the fungal infection already starting to eat away at him.

What happened to the brothers? They were nowhere to be found.

Lozano’s revolver turned up ten miles away...

..near the car of a man known locally as El Barbera.

Apparently, the brothers paid this man for a ride to Mexico...

..but they didn't get very far.

So these men are still at large carrying a highly contagious fungus...

..that can k*ll a man in his tracks? It's not a fungus, sir.

It's an enzyme to which the brothers had an abnormal tolerance...

..and which came from what I believe to be an anti-enzyme gene.

And this enzyme came from where? Outer space, sir.

This is the story you're asking me to report?

..we'd be able to find these men. Why hasn't this happened?

Well, sir, they, um...

..they have a way of... being almost invisible.

The truth is,...

..nobody cares.

I made this!