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11x17 - Boiling Point

Posted: 02/07/22 18:51
by bunniefuu



nice reg thanks brand-new I notice I'm
shot Matt Matt Matt you're doing a great

job putting it together that's for sure

probably really awesome and safe to on
this is matt you see those kids over


yeah they're from the mainland to first
time in hawaii in fact first time in the


wow you're kidding no no so I don't want
them to get in your way you probably

want to give him plenty of space on
that's cool i'm sure you're also aware

that we have a nasty rip over here by
the break-in the jetty here and i know

you have the skills and can handle the
action but do me a favor and just stay

away from that area i don't want the
less-experienced boardriders get any bad

ideas you know

no problem great thanks a lot man lesson
fauna happy birthday man all right



shot as soon as I could

thanks brought how you want hey what
happened where everyone young striker

what now I got a last-minute call from a
big-shot sponsor once she all his

funding dollars in action so I sent me
to the airport pick them up

what about Jason well the guy's daughter
wants to go hiking and quite beautiful

Waimea Canyon father wants to have a
strong keep wescourt so I send Jason and

Zach chasing fits the description but
sach hai this end Zach to keep an eye on

Jason good idea

Judy cool i set them to keep a Zac
better idea

checks and balances all eyes in the
cookie jar through its all ivana well

I'll take the tower you walk the beach
is good




























where you go Maddie not forget the board
there's another set coming in

my birthday was

my god


this job


hey Brit why me is an awesome height
they called the Grand Canyon of quite

yeah the views rock really there's a lot
of sacred grounds up there stay on the

trails and don't leave any trash behind
you and how will I know what sacred


you've got a guidebook looking at

that's why I'm here hawaiian you know
don't worry about . about bread need a

little on your back

yes on your back

I got my hand you going i'm who i got
my of right back at ya

you're probably

you know what my problem is yeah well
retract the claws with you being pissed

at me is one thing but being rude to the
daughter of the center's biggest

sponsors just plain nuts especially over
something as trivial and irrational a vm

a rational you know that is so typically
male reducing my feelings into complete

unimportance it's just a watch

it's just watched just gave you it's a
good watch

who cares who gave it's me don't turn
this into a federal case

well you're the one still wearing it

alright be alright nice dresses on

nice ride Brian took you long enough to
get the board back sorry sweet rig Brian

Brian keilana big wave surf champion

I'm the surf champion just the surfer I
can't believe it you do those toys on

-foot waves I saw you on TV rescued by
the greatest lifeguard in the world my

heart Maddie take it is now don't get
too excited I know it's difficult being

the presence of greatness

I better get back to the hotel i got an
e-mail my friends back home and tell him

I met the great Brian Kalon alright man
listen listen if your mom has any

questions to tell the contact captain
shaun munro Baywatch Hawaii sorry about

that little worries man but got a moment

oh great one I gotta show you what I've
been working on man it'll knock your

socks off aww



you do there i was thinkin Schuster's
little girl is gonna be this little brat

but she rocks Chris doesn't her she's a
total Betty I think she wants me bad

reform bra okay what's hot wine you need
glasses bra

well i'm thinking of the blind man mr.
ya want to make a little wager on that


looks like you like to put my neck in
that thought crossed my mind

look can we talk about this get it
settled mean for adults we've got a job

to do here doesn't look very
professional two of us airing our dirty

laundry in front of everybody else
you're right

stay here not that there's anything to
talk about

you can't stay here Sean explicitly said
to roll out the red carpet for rich

Houston those two look like they need
any help kissing that stuck-up girls but

you know what why don't you go right
along with them feel like being around

you anyway right now okay

so excited my dad won't believe how
sweet love being this is like a dream

really i mean two chaperones gorgeous
make sure you need all this four-day hi

oh yeah it's just the essentials really
our problem you need help with that I

can handle it

oh don't forget that little razor
scooter baby doubt i don't think you'll

be needing it

it's so cute and it's got that great
little strap let's rock and roll

the position is with me under the stars

fujitsu about it and flies old are you
ready to get up and kick you and I are

going to stay here you know just take it
easy spend some quality time together

mmm all trains getting down about it

that was too green for a campfire the
silent treatment now that's fine with me

better than being gripe that no you're
the one that's always saying we've got

to talk out our problems if you want
this relationship work together forever

that's it out junkie one coming in here
the back of your watch d so what I'm not

gonna throw away a perfectly good watch
because of a few words on the back a

hundred times a day you look at that
watching you think of the person that

gave it to you i do not i look at to
watch and think I'm late for work or oh

good it's time for lunch or geez I
better call my ball and chain don't want

her freaking out that what I am to you
is a fallen chain

ok ok

come on i was kidding why being such a
pain about this why don't you give her

that damn watch

I told you already it's a great watch it
keeps perfect time it's waterproof


I can't afford another dive watch like
it well how about any girlfriend can

afford that

okay you're right

I'm fine the next door down

ok I gotta find a way to get you on
right away right I'm



easter eyes on our new may watch hawaii
website you watch . com

what is it in great site the future
lifeguard and what do you think huh

hours surf cam round-the-clock
weather reports current directions from

all the beaches all around the islands
everything you need to bring

lifeguarding into the st century my
friend got a computer like that in my

life God's oh no you do not my friend

this is a custom design state-of-the-art
system ok it's linked to the National

Weather Service the coast guard by the
end of the month will have satellite

uplink virtually every lifeguard station
on the worldwide way friend you are

witnessing the creation of a global
rescue network haha you do this Shawn oh

yeah what was that helped a little bit
and then what is this sponsors page not

sure we're still working on that one


do-right suggestions on this date with
this little hottie right and he's

putting the moves on

ha ha ha well here's the Unreal part
another chick comes in and she's totally

ticked up Jason just looking at her with
those oh hell I'd anyway she blows up

like a woman burn Jason Jason why would
you call me

didn't we find Jason Jason projection it
was so brutal

what happened ok training

guess he didn't like that story

tennessee be your water Herbert


he shouldn't talk to you like that I
mean it was the true story

not training crack life burn

oh yeah it's just I want to be a team
leader like Jason will be no down we go


you've got that from

you know i'm good at spotting that
special something and sometimes my dad

even takes me to meeting so I can get my
take on people

good or bad average special and I'm
always right back

God so beautiful hair being we think
will make it to the top of the canyon

and move what couple hours

no doubt

hey catch like you you must have the
guys lining up

well my dad it's kind of scary just hate
I mean hates every guy that I date I was

dating this really great guy mark he is
special and my dad pulls his same old

garbage what you're available

I mean I think you tell your man to go
to help what if we cut off without a

cent spending his money is a way more
fun and the only way to get to Shuster

you let me help you out of there are you
going to stay together forever I might

have a lot better than being up there
with you know what this is ok you're

scared like hell I've been in situations
much worse than I've got myself up just

fine thank you very much not talking
about being stuck down there you're

scared cuz thanks for still right with
us and that maybe means having to give a

part of yourself to someone else having
to trust that person when you're used to

relying on your stuff

okay maybe it does scare me a little

all right on what but you're wrong about
one thing

if things are so right with that you
want to be fighting to hold on to

something just gave you can I prove
myself to you put my job on the line

step to your father

go to hell and high water to be with UK
to watch means nothing to me here

see there you happy

no what no

it's lot of watch

you're here now you sure island girl

someday you're gonna move to the man I
want some cali girl like Jesse or threat

on whoever hey hey it's always going to
be temptation both of us but we have to

trust each other

my best friend k my soul me

I don't want to be with anyone else

I know this sounds kind of corny but
make me whole got me all right i'm gone

more do you want




which way

chief thanks you need is developing all
the food what flower quiet in boston

where your hair fragrance beautiful i'm
thinking we go left any good reason my

guts telling me to listen to the bone
and we get you into trouble trust Zach

says left we don't we go write a fine
don't listen to me but my gut is

rock-solid right Zach your gut and that
the same gut that the lifeguard trucks

trip that's always getting into hot
water now that same incredible gut that

nearly got me k*lled

right it is



how long is a bit almost an hour

this is ridiculous calling back

they went away hey hey Manny how you
doing buddy

pretty good yes the switchboard my mom
said come down here and ask Frankie Lana

for a surfing lesson

oh yeah you know what Manny I'm sorry
it's not a good time right now we would

kind of having a crisis

hello hard drive crash or something like

art lead you taken to the tide pools all
right hey take them to cool and a

sandwich the best burgers on the island
right you did that all right then

matsumoto shave ice for dessert

you did that to find just anything
justjust keep him away from here okay

sorry Matt maybe could come back later

now look why don't you go out front to
the beach sand all right our Hollywood

Beach Boys lanai and all you'll take
care of you to give you surf lessons

everything you just told my center right
okay a little trickery i finally we're

sorry all of our technicians are
currently assisting other commenters we

stay on the line your call will be
answered in minutes



Zach had no idea it takes me longer to
get to the top

not that far off only about a mile if
that there


did you make this man not that happen

I don't look okay don't you think that's
a little low

the lower than foot massage too if
that's a hat

this is one hell of a walking stick well
you're right it will be no no arts and

crafts mr. Rogers ok no stories no
Hawaiian spiritual flower leaf

mumbo-jumbo reading news i'm just trying
to save you the embarrassment haha this

is incredible

it's okay i'm skinny dipping in here

I'm not breaking any rules or anything
am I know

wow you guys gonna join me



always anybody there

don't you people realize we have lives
to say glad you think this is so fun

our computers down our necks tells down
working blind here

I guess you got a lifeguard the
old-fashioned way

let's get on the beach instead of
wasting out time sitting here

fine you go lifeguard the old-fashioned
ok but i have a training center to run

which requires money and technology paid
for by sponsors one of whom is about to

walk through this door to see how his
big honkin donation has been put to use

on an extraordinarily expensive computer
system that some about boosts messed up

hey this never would have happened
except for you showing off me showing

off your the one strutting around with
that kid like Aquaman this coming from

Superman I got it no no I got it

what happened I wiped out guys come here

what went down we gave him a surfing
lesson just like you said course lanaya

can't swim but it's not our fault Sean
and it's not the board's either

yeah because all equipment is fully
checked out and the kid did sign a

waiver he's looking i look why don't you
guys just just call it an early day

alright no more surf Reynolds no more
equipment rentals the lessons nothing to

communications are back up all right

hey man I'm sorry about that man I
should never set you up with those

goofballs in the first place just it's
not my day you guys seemed pretty

stressed out I get that way to in my
hard drive crashes did you try the

recovery disk recovery this

yeah you know that the the disc you use
for recovery

it's common knowledge Mayan you put in
the hard drive crashes to get your

system back exactly you did that right



can't wait to see you

I just got to get rid of dumb and dumber
and I'm at the top of the canyon can

handle it

love you too mark




Jason Jason not gonna believe a bra but
we're totally being played

yeah right i'm not fall for bro don't be
so obtuse man it's over she's got a dude

and it's quite clear that she's been
using us to get up here

what is your problem you what's your
problem island boy you know you never

give me a break man

I know you think I'm some kind of joke
what are you talking about respect

do you even know what that means yeah
and I also know that you have zero for

your friends don't you know that wreck
with JD was helping me and you just

spill it to brit that was totally wrong
when your friend Claire little dinner

story sure about me that girl was with
Maya yeah I was in love with her that is

stopped taking misunderstanding attorney
trash talk to you excuse me I can't keep

all your conquest straight you know what

every day every day you something stupid
you know why you're ready bring it on

following spring down the hill should
eventually run off the beach

hey good news on my watch

the chili kidding

found the nextel

call jason is a compelling yourself

I'd love to but battery's going

eventually they'll come back to base
camp realize we're going to look for us

so beautiful here

no wonder they call why the garden

close their workplace

we'll just have to live up with roots
and berries and

use our body heat to keep it general

kind of times

well maybe they won't find us



hey gorgeous

mm oh your site missed you

that goes double for me angel sorry I'm
late longer than I thought to get rid of

those guys

well there's no sign of them and no sign
of your father milk

I told you I can do it all we need is
are nesting



where she going to kick it down that way
to stop him

strap your way out through

stay back


throw a million Jude


you are such a jerk a line faster jerk
got my leg

yeah we know broken serves you right you
know you could have had me mark but no

you had to be greedy

you are such a loser hey you know better
bet you could have told us was up and go

easy dude you could've told us what was

I mean you think it's cool to go around
using people like good old mark here

I mean you put people's lives in danger
for some kind of sick romantic weekend

oh and like you two weren't using me
well it's not like that i mean we didn't

want your money

shuttle I'm in pain here shut up shut up
shut up you have lost all talking

privileges . you think I couldn't see
you two clowns the game mile away

it's not easy for me we every guy I meet
wants me for one thing and one thing

only for my dad's money

oh we weren't into your money

yeah but it was still just a game for
you who you guys really interested in me

or just the idea of me sorry Brit early
is just we got stupid

yeah are you okay I'm not shut up now
and just

that he was different but

I guess my dad was right Mark's just a
loser and I'm an even bigger loser

falling for his crap just thought it was
a great guy

just wanted to be in love but instead of
doing it with dignity and respect I'm

just made a total fool out of us don't
even like hiking

hey we should let this fool get your

no i didn't that's serious guts to give
a total tool like this a chance

it's not your fault that he's a loser
and big that loves i know right is

someone gonna get me out of here

c- we've got you be watching
your signal is very weak

what can we do more

Valley Project watch will relay message
to farmers . in mind the spring

we have a report from Baywatch
why they have an accident victim with a

broken leg and why you may have a lead
on my feet of animal pickup


this is Coast Guard helo me they
watch your why

hey watch your signal strength is very
weak keep transmitting and we will use

your signal to locate you

what no way my book template stairway to
have it be watched you read good signal

out the Brotherhood it's just brother
loses signal again

nope they forgot the words this is

who are those guys see ok let's do this
right guys from the top

first need to get the hard drive back up
then we can store network services this

place should be fully operational no
time it really knows his way around a

patch panel off

Oh No sh**t on his way in from the
parking lot we must run out of ways to

Stalin rebooting need a minute I'll hold
them up tonight

mr. Schuester how is your North short or
bad enough we had to stop at every

greasy spoon in town and then she takes
me to some house where this guy wants to

sell me pickled mangoes pickle who each
that's actually pickled mango is a local

delicacy and Kenneth makes the best on
the island you really have to try to

know thanks

look I've got indigestion as it is

why do i keep getting the idea that you
people don't want me in your training

center on the contrary mr. Schuester we
always love to see a sponsor here they

watch your why good now look I'm exhaust
all i want to do is check out this new

computer system we gave you soon as my
daughter gets back from her hike on

Hawaii I'll be out of your hair will you
pick one side to re-explain go see for


right on


well I feel like a regular VIP oh well
we just wanted to let you know how much

we appreciate your support mr. Schuester
way to go mad

no problem i downloaded to m*rder is
an extra bonus cool

now about that surfing listen let's go

right behind you are


hat what I know what god had to us must
be the plane

no I say it's the woman

wish we could stay like this forever

we can

we should

what are you saying JD I'm saying I want
to spend my life with you

all of it marry me

I don't want to say will say yes I get
down on my knees but considering i'm

half dress that be that might be kind of
dignified you know take off i love you

I want to be with you

I thought you'd want the same thing I
love you too JD i really do it's just


can I get back to you on that

no problem Baywatch I called the police
have an escort at the hospital isn't

going to make this passenger happy

over and out red will take it easy see
my stuff I'm I take responsibility or we

can handle it

it's okay really thanks for everything
guys be good

look man this is stupid

yeah I here yet didn't mean we're cool
always bra right on the two pumps ready



hey at least the trip wasn't a total
loss i mean we may not discard the bay

but i found this insane watch and it's
Swiss Harvey rocks mando fine you know

what the right


what happened I just twisted my ankle

take a look at

like swollen where's it hurt

actually that's not what hurts it all
hurts here

my heart

wait a minute be sure to breath i'm
going to have a painting your left on

it's a metaphor JD and

and I love you and this ache in my heart
won't go away unless we're together

forever me like Mary not like that

for real and forever

so that's a yes you know what it is

stop playing with me booze Columbia


one and for the ball offers





