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03x12 - The Ties that Bind

Posted: 01/21/12 07:30
by bunniefuu
[The Woods]

(Bonnie is in a cemetary, surrounded by tombstones of her famyly and ancesters. She finally sees a coffin. She gets closer to it and touches it. She's about to open it when Klaus arrives. She turns herself)

Klaus: I figured out how to open it. Can you?

(He rushes over her and bites her. She screams)

(Bonnie is in a coffin. She hits it and then takes her phone to have some light)

Bonnie: Let me out!

(She punches the top)

Bonnie: Please! Oh, my God, oh, my God

(She casts a spell. She punches the top again when she suddenly hears footsteps from outside)

Bonnie: Hey! I'm in here! I'm in here! I'm in here!

(She screams and freaks out but someone finally opens the coffin. It's a woman)

[Abandonned Witch House]

(Bonnie and Elena are downstairs, looking at the coffins)

Bonnie: I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message

Elena: I just can't believe you guys have kept this from me this whole time

Bonnie: Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus could thr*aten people to get the information out of you

Elena: So these are the rest of his family?

Bonnie: Yeah, Elijah and two others

(She goes toward the 4th coffin)

Bonnie: Now this one... Is the one we can't open. We don't know who's in it or what's in it, only that I think my dream's telling methat it'll help k*ll Klaus

(Stefan arrives)

Stefan: What the hell are you doing?

Bonnie: I needed her to know about the coffin

Stefan: And I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie

Elena: So what are you going to do, Stefan? Are you going to kidnap me so that I won't tell anyone?

Stefan: Don't tempt me, Elena

Bonnie: I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan. And I need Elena to help me find her

Stefan: Find who? What are you talking about?

Bonnie: I couldn't place her face at first

(She takes something from her pocket)

Bonnie: Then I realized...

(She shows Elena a picture)

Elena: Oh, my God, Bonnie

(He takes the picture from Bonnie's hands. It's her when she was little, with her mom)

Stefan: Who is this?

Bonnie: It's my mom

[Gilbert's House]

(Bonnie and Elena are in the kitchen. Looking at files and pictures of women)

Elena: Los alamitos?

(She shows Bonnie a picture)

Bonnie: Um, too old

Elena: Honolulu?

Bonnie: Ugh, I wish. How many of these are there?

Elena: A lot. I asked the sheriff's office to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country

Bonnie: I know we haven't been able to really... That things have been weird because of Jeremy. So thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with

Elena: There's nothing more important, Bonnie

Bonnie: It's surreal. Having to track down a woman who bailed on her own kid

Elena: You know you don't have to, right? Let Stefan obsess over opening up the coffin. It doesn't have to fall on you

Bonnie: The coffin is spelled shut. That makes it a witch problem. So it does fall on me. I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later

(Damon enters. He has a file in his hand)

Damon: Sooner. Abby Bennett Wilson, Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls hospital, graduated Mystic Falls High, blah, blah, blah. A little compulsion helps to speed up the research process

(He gives the file to Bonnie. She opens it and looks at the picture)

Bonnie: This is her

Damon: I call shotgun

Elena: Yeah... no

Damon: Why? You don't want me to hang out in the back with you?

Elena: You're not coming, Damon

Damon: Why? I'm the one who found her

Elena: Ok, Damon, look, Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over 15 years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience

(He looks at her, pouts a little and smiles. Bonnie is looking at them)

Bonnie: What's going on with you two?

Damon: We kissed. Now it's weird. Have a great trip

(He leaves. Elena looks at Bonnie)

[Caroline's House]

(Caroline arrives and goes in the living room. Tyler is waiting for her)

Caroline: What are you doing here?

Tyler: I came to apologize

Caroline: Apologize? You bit me. I could have died. I think we're way past apologies, Tyler

Tyler: That's the problem. Klaus told me to do it and I said no. And then, it just happened anyway. Like it was completely out of my control. That's why I had your mom call him

(Bill rejoins them)

Caroline: Daddy?

Bill: Hi, Caroline

Tyler: I thought since he could resist compulsion, maybe he could teach me to resist the sire bond

(She looks at Bill)

Caroline: Can you help him?

Bill: I'm going to try

Caroline: Why?

Bill: Because he made a mistake. And now he wants to make good. And I understand that

[Mystic Grill]

(Alaric and Meredith are sitting at a table)

Alaric: Do you want anything else? A beer?

Meredith: Ah, I'd love one, but I've got rounds in 15 minutes. And a drunk doctor is a bad doctor

Alaric: Well, that depends on what kind of drunk you are

Meredith: Angry

Alaric: Oh

Meredith: Thanks for lunch

Alaric: Yeah, sure. Ah, so, um, next time, dinner?

Meredith: Yeah, that would be great

Alaric: Cool. Take care

Meredith: Bye. Thanks

(She leaves. Damon arrives)

Damon: Who's that?

Alaric: My doctor

Damon: She's a doctor? Ooh. What's her damage?

Alaric: No damage

Damon: Come on, Ric, it's a fact of life. A girl that hot, that smart...Damage

Alaric: Well, you know, I'm looking for red flags. Her, uh, her ex called her a psycho case the other day

Damon: Yeah, but if it comes from her ex, it doesn't count

Alaric: I guess you're right. It's yours. I wonder what my exes would call me

Damon: Nothing. They're all dead

Alaric: Hmm. Well, her ex is the medical examiner, so he's dead-adjacent

Damon: She dated the medical examiner?

Alaric: Mm-hmm

Damon: Well, I don't think he's dead-adjacent. I think he's just dead

Alaric: What?

Damon: m*rder*d. Sheriff's trying to keep a lid on it because he was staked in the chest like a vampire

Alaric: Well, Meredith didn't say anything about that

Damon: Well, red flag number two

Alaric: Who do you think k*lled him?

Damon: I don't know. But if I was a cop, your sexy doctor lady friend would definitely be a suspect

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan enters the house. Klaus is in the living room, sitting in a chair and listening to music out loud. Stefan takes the remote and lowers the sound)

Stefan: What are you doing here, Klaus?

Klaus: Enjoying our stalemate

Stefan: What do you want?

Klaus: Question is, what do you want? My hybrids left town as you demanded, so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back

Stefan: Well, ahem, see, Klaus... I'm not negotiating

(He sits down next to him)

Klaus: And you understand that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean?

Stefan: No, no, you leave Mystic Falls and then give me a call in a few years, and...We'll talk

Klaus: I'm going to give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal

Stefan: Or what? You make one move, and I will...

Klaus: Yes, that's right. Crazy Stefan. Mmm. How's that working out for you? Any friends left?

(Stefan doesn't answer)

[Bonnie's car]

(Bonnie and Elena are road tripping)

Bonnie: I just can't believe I'm actually going to see her. Or meet her. Sort of. Since I don't really remember her

Elena: You don't really talk about her

Bonnie: What's to say? She left, never wrote, never called. Not even when my grams died. Can we talk about you and Damon instead?

Elena: I'm not talking about it. He kissed me. It's not going to happen again

Bonnie: I mean... Was it good?

Elena: It doesn't matter

Bonnie: That means it was

(Her phone rings. She looks at it)

Bonnie: I told him I'd call him as soon as I got the address

Elena: Ignore. Bonnie, you're about to see your mom for the first time in 15 years. I'm not letting anyone ruin that moment

Bonnie: Yeah, but he's going to keep at it until I pick up

Elena: Fine

(She takes the phone and answers)

Elena: What?

Stefan: Where are you?

Elena: Bonnie and I are going to spend the night at the lake house while we wait for sheriff Forbes to give us some more addresses

Stefan: You're kidding me, right?

Elena: No, Stefan, I'm not. We need a night off from your insanity

Stefan: Klaus is getting antsy. He knows I'm stalling him. We need to move faster

Elena: Well, we're doing everything we can. So could you maybe not call every 5 minutes?

Stefan: Sure, Elena. Whatever you say

(He hangs up. He's at her house looking at Abby's file)

[Mystic Grill]

(Klaus is at the bar, on the phone with his hybrid, Daniel)

Klaus: How's life on the road?

Daniel: Scenic. How's life in Mystic Falls without any hybrids?

Klaus: Boring. For now

Daniel: If you want any of us back, you just have to say the word

Klaus: There's no need. I've been making friends with the town's civil servants. There's a deputy who's awfully chatty, but useful nonetheless. Are you clear on what you need to do?

Daniel: I've got it covered

[Abby Bennett's House]

(Daniel knocks on the door. She opens)

Abby: Can I help you?

Daniel: Abby Bennett Wilson?

Abby: That's me

(He smiles)

(Bonnie and Elena arrives at the house and parks in front of it)

Elena: Cute house.

Bonnie: Yeah, For the middle of nowhere

Elena: You ready? Come on

(They get out of the car and goes to the house. Elena rings the bell but no one answer so she's about to knock but a boy arrives. They jolt)

Jamie: Hey there

(Elena and Bonnie look at each other)

Elena: Hey, we're looking for, um, Abby Wilson

Jamie: She's not home. Is there anything I can do for you?

Bonnie: That's ok, we can come back

(He looks at her)

Jamie: I'm sorry, but you look so familiar

Bonnie: Yeah, Abby's my mom

Jamie: Oh. I'm Jamie. Um, you guys want to come inside? Right this way

(He opens the door. Elena looks at Bonnie, half smiling and they enter)

(Bonnie and Elena are sitting at a table. Jamie opens the fridge)

Jamie: You guys sure you don't want anything? We got fresh O.J., coconut water, some mango guava something

Bonnie: Water's fine

Jamie: Cool

(He goes to the sink and comes back with two glass of water)

Bonnie: So, ahem, are we, like, related?

Jamie: Oh, no. Uh, Abby's not my mom

(He gives them the glasses. Elena takes hers and looks at Bonnie)

Elena: Oh. Good

Jamie: Yeah, she, uh, she dated my old man back in the day. He was kind of a deadbeat, so when they broke up, she took me in. Put me through school. Didn't freak out when I totaled her car. Twice

Bonnie: She sounds...Great

Jamie: Yeah

(Abby arrives)

Abby: Jamie? Whose car's out front?

(She enters the room and sees the girls)

Bonnie: That's mine. I'm Bonnie. Your daughter

Abby: Hello, Bonnie

[Old Lockwood's Cellar]

(Tyler is shirtless. Bill is tying him up. Caroline's here)

Caroline: How do you know this is going to work?

Bill: It's a process. It took decades to train myself to resist compulsion. The brain's like a muscle. The more you use it, the more it can do. A sire bond, at its core, is about one thing... Gratitude. If you believe you owe Klaus your life, ask yourself why

Tyler: I was cursed. Every full moon, I had to change into a wolf. It was t*rture. Klaus took that away

Bill: Freed you from your pain and you feel indebted to him. To break the sire bond, you've to make yourself turn. Own your pain, then you'll owe Klaus nothing and you'll be free

Caroline: But how can he turn? It's not a full moon

Bill: He doesn't need one. You're a hybrid now, right? I mean, you can turn at will or not, am I right?

Tyler: Yeah, but I don't know how to just...Start

Bill: Now you're making excuses

Tyler: You don't understand! When I turn, I break every bone in my body

Bill: You asked for my help. This is the only way. How badly do you want your freedom?

(He looks at Caroline. Tyler looks at her too)

Tyler: Ok. Ok

(Tyler concentrates and his eyes turn yellow. His transformation begins)

[Abby Bennett's House]

(Bonnie is looking at a picture from Jamie's graduation. Elena is here too. They're alone)

Elena: How are you holding up?

Bonnie: Oh. I'll be fine. I'm not here to get my mom back, I'm just here to get her help

(Abby comes back with a plate of food)

Abby: So I hope you guys are hungry. 'Cause, uh, food has always been my go-to icebreaker

Elena: You have a really beautiful home

Abby: You're so sweet. Just like your mom

Elena: You knew my mom?

Abby: Miranda was my best friend

Bonnie: So you had a daughter and a best friend and you still left?

Abby: My best friend is why I left. 15 years ago, a vampire came to town. Looking for you, Elena. Looking for the doppelganger. No one could manage to k*ll him, so I lured him out of town and cast a spell to desiccate him in a crypt in Charlotte

Elena: Mikael. He was an original vampire

Abby: It took every ounce of power I had. Almost k*lled me. I recovered. But my magic didn't. My powers never came back

Bonnie: And neither did you

Abby: It wasn't that simple

Bonnie: It wasn't? You cast a spell, put Michael down, then... What? You had to teach Jamie how to drive?

Elena: Bonnie...

Bonnie: This was a mistake. She has no magic, she can't help us

Abby: Bonnie, wait, please. Don't go. Talk to me. Please?

Elena: I'll wait outside

(Elena goes outside and looks around her. When she turns herself, Stefan's here)

Stefan: Hi, Elena. Nice lake house

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Damon waits for Meredith outside of a room)

Damon: You know, we never got a chance to officially meet, doctor...Fell

Meredith: You're Alaric's friend, right? Damon Salvatore. Saw you at the council meeting. What are you doing here?

Damon: Strolling the halls. I like to wave at the newborns through the window. Sorry about your boyfriend. Animal attack. Brutal

Meredith: Ex-boyfriend. And thanks. I'm still kind of processing

Damon: Yeah, I'm sure. You know, I just thought I'd come by and tell you that it wasn't an animal attack. And then I realized. You signed the death certificate

(He shows her a paper. She enters a room and makes him a sign to follow her)

Meredith: Would you rather I say he was staked like a vampire?

Damon: Wasn't he the guy that coined the phrase "animal attack"?

Meredith: Why do you even care?

Damon: Because Ric likes you. And if you're a psychopath, it would probably really suck for him

Meredith: You think I k*lled my ex-boyfriend?

Damon: I think psychopaths are incredibly high-maintenance

Meredith: If you care about your friend, go figure out how Alaric came into the icu on his deathbed and walked out an hour later without a scratch

Damon: Fair enough

(He leaves but she injects him vervain and he collapses. He's on the floor and she takes some blood from him with a syringe. He starts to wake up so she rushes and leaves)

[Old Lockwood's Cellar]

(Tyler is still transitionning but he stops because he's in too much pain)

Tyler: I can't. I can't

Bill: Try harder

Caroline: Can't he just rest for one second?!

Bill: We're doing this my way, Caroline. If you can't handle it, you should go

Tyler: He's right, Caroline. Just go

CarolineNo! Tyler!

Tyler: Go, Caroline

(She looks at them and leaves. Bill takes an ax and goes toward Tyler)

Tyler: What are you doing?

(Bill hits him and cuts him wi the ax)

Tyler: What the hell, man?

Bill: Does it bother you?

(He hits Tyler again)

Tyler: Knock it off!

Bill: Good. Get angry. It's in you. You know it is

(He hits Tyler on the face. Tyler gets really angry and gets up)

Tyler: I said knock it off!

Bill: Your bond to Klaus is putting my daughter in danger. Now either you turn or I k*ll you right here, right now

(Tyler looks at the ax and at Bill and start to turn again. His eyes turn yellow again)

[Abby Bennett's House]

(Bonnie and Abby are sitting at the table. Alone)

Abby: You've grown into such a beautiful young woman, Bonnie

Bonnie: Please, just stop with the muffins and the compliments. I just want to know the truth... Why didn't you come home?

Abby: I had no magic. I was in a new city, and I realized I had a chance to be somebody else. To be Abby Wilson, the woman... Not Abby Bennett, the witch. I'm not proud of what I did, Bonnie. I ran. I know I ran. But you had your dad and your grams, and, ok, let's face it... Your grams is way better at this stuff than I am

Bonnie: You don't know?

Abby: What?

(She realises what Bonnie meant and seems choked)

Abby: How?

Bonnie: We were doing a rough spell... And we both exhausted ourselves. Her more than me

(She shed a tear)

Abby: Well, she raised you right. I'm sure she was very proud of you. Well, now you know my whole story

Bonnie: Yep

Abby: How about you tell me yours? What brings you to me?

Bonnie: It was a dream, actually. I thought you were supposed to help us. But if you don't have any magic, it's...

Abby: Well, no spells, no. But I'm not completely useless. I mean, the earth still provides herbs and such. There might be something I can do

Bonnie: I...Don't think so

Abby: Bonnie, please. Let me help you

(Stefan and Elena are in the barn)

Stefan: So what, you'd think I wouldn't find out?

Elena: Honestly, I didn't care

Stefan: This is exactly why I didn't want you in the loop, Elena

Elena: Yeah, because now you can't do whatever you want

(He sh**t in a chair)

Stefan: Damn it!

(Jamie arrives)

Jamie: Hey! Everything all right out here?

Elena: Hey. Jamie, go back inside, ok? Please. Trust me. It's better off for you there

Jamie: I don't think so

Stefan: I'd listen to her. Get back upstairs, man

Jamie: I said I don't think so

(Stefan compels him)

Stefan: Get back upstairs before I tear your damn throat out, do you understand me?

(Jamie goes back upstairs)

Elena: I don't think you realize how bad you've gotten!

Stefan: This is the way it has to be, Elena

Elena: Oh, yeah, right. Out-villain the villain. I get it

(Jamie comes back with a r*fle)

Jamie: You're not supposed to be here

Elena: Jamie, what are you doing?

Jamie: What I was told. He's not supposed to be here

Stefan: Elena, he's compelled

(Jamie sh**t him)

(Bonnie hears it and gets up)

Bonnie: What was that?!

(Abby pours some herbs in her hand and catches Bonnie from behind, putting her hand on Bonnie's face. Bonnie struggle but she finally collapses)
[Alaric's Appartment]

(Alaric is working out. Damon enters)

Alaric: What are you doing here?

Damon: Ah, looking for a bunny. You're good. For now

Alaric: You still obsessed with Meredith? Ah. I mean, don't you have an original vampire to worry about?

Damon: Ah, ah, ah, do ten more of those. You're going to want to buff up if you start dating this one. Self defense and all

Alaric: What is your problem?

Damon: Your doctor vervained me. And then she bloodjacked me

Alaric: What? I mean, when did you even see her?

Damon: When I went to the hospital to accuse her of k*lling her ex-boyfriend. Which, by the way, very sensitive subject

Alaric: Damon, what the hell are you doing, huh?

Damon: Why are you mad at me?

Alaric: I told you I'd handle this!

Damon: I proved your theory... Diagnosed psycho case. You're welcome

[Abby Bennett's House]

(Jamie is tying Elena's hand)

Elena: Why are you doing this?

Jamie: Stop moving

Elena: Jamie, let me go. Jamie, he needs help. Jamie!

(She sees Abby dragging Bonnie, unconscious, into a car)

Elena: Bonnie! Bonnie!

(Jamie takes his riot and goes toward them. Stefan is awake and in pain. Jamie helps Abby put Bonnie in the car)

[Old Lockwood's Cellar]

(Tyler is still turning and pulls on the chains and finally breaks one)

Bill: Oh my God

Tyler: These chains aren't strong enough. You need to leave. Run!

(Bill runs but Tyler has finally turned and rushes toward Bill)

[A Road]

(Daniel is waiting. A car parks behind his. It's Abby. She gets out of the car)

Daniel: So?

Abby: She didn't tell me where the coffins are. The vampire showed up

Daniel: Did Jamie take care of him?

Abby: He did. But she's not going to talk now. There's no way. I tried

Daniel: Well, you should try again

Bonnie: What did you do to me?

Abby: You'll be fine. But don't try and use spells. Those herbs I used muted your magic

Bonnie: Where's Elena?!

Abby: She'll be fine, too. Bonnie, listen to me. I need your help. I need you to tell me where those coffins are

Bonnie: Why?

(Abby looks at Daniel)

Abby: Because if you don't, that man compelled Jamie to k*ll himself

Bonnie: I can't. This goes beyond you and me

(Abby takes her phone and writes something)

Abby: All you need to do is tell me where they are. Then we'll have held up our end of the bargain. Bonnie, please

(Abby gives her phone to Bonnie. She's written to warn her friends)

[Abby Bennett's House]

(Stefan is still on the ground and Elena is still titened and tries to break the rope)

Elena: I've almost got it

(Jamie comes back)

Jamie: Abby hasn't called yet

Elena: Jamie, please, just let us go

Jamie: No! Please, don't do anything. Look, I don't know why I shot him. I don't know why I'm holding this g*n, but if you move or do anything, I'm going to sh**t him again

Elena: Ok, I won't. Who gave you that g*n?

Jamie: A man came by here earlier today. He said it was wooden buckshot. Told me if anyone got in our way, I'm supposed to sh**t 'em

Elena: What else did he say?

Jamie: If Abby didn't find the location of some coffins... I'm supposed to sh**t myself

Elena: What about me? What did he say about me?

Jamie: I'm not supposed to hurt you

Elena: Are you sure? Because... These ropes are so tight that it is hurting me

(He comes toward her. She frees her hand and catches the riot and hits him with it. He falls on the ground, unconscious. Then she rushes over Stefan)

Elena: What can I do to help?

Stefan: Every time I move, the wood shifts inside of me. I can feel it scraping against my heart. You need to get the pieces out

(She puts her fingers in one of his wounds to get the b*llet out)

[Abandonned Witch House]

(Damon goes downstairs. The coffins aren't here. Klaus arrives)

Klaus: What took you so long? Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less

(He suddenly screams and touches his head. The witches spirits are hurting him)

Damon: Insulting a bunch of dead witches... Not smart. I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here

Klaus: Well, you know the funny thing about the witches is that living or dead, they care about their own. A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendents... And I have no problem k*lling every last one of them if I don't get my coffins back. As we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line. Now. Please... Show me the coffins

(The coffins appear)

Klaus: Here we are

(He sees that one coffin is missing)

Klaus: Where's the fourth? Show me!

Damon: Well, ehh, here's the thing. They can't. It's not here

Klaus: What did you do?

Damon: Well, Bonnie gave me the head's up. I mean, I didn't have enough time to get all four, but I did have time to get one

Klaus: I will tear you limb from limb. And only then, when you are a writhing mass of blood and flesh, will I rip your heart from your chest

Damon: Sorry. Same rules apply. Leverage and all. I know you want your family back. But something tells me you want what's in that coffin a lot more

(He leaves)

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Alaric is waiting for Meredith)

Alaric: You want to tell me what you're up to?

Meredith: You talked to Damon

Alaric: Yeah i did

Meredith: He wasn't supposed to wake up so soon. I used enough vervain to sedate him for hours

Alaric: Well, he drinks it, every day. To build up an immunity so people like you don't get the jump on him

Meredith: I'm not crazy, Ric

Alaric: Really? Then what are you?

Meredith: You really want to know? Stick around

(A patient in really bad shape arrives. It's Bill Forbes)

Alaric: Is that bill Forbes?

[Abby Bennett's House]

(Elena is still getting the b*ll*ts out of Stefan's chest. He screams)

Elena: Aaah! I'm just trying to help!

Stefan: Just get it out, Elena, please. Just get it out

Elena: If you keep squirming, maybe I'll feel sorry for you

(She takes the last piece out. He looks at her)

Stefan: You've changed. Something's different about you. You're stronger. Tougher

Elena: You're not the only one who changed, Stefan. We all had to

Stefan: That's good to know

Elena: There's something I have to tell you. And it's not because I feel guilty that it happened. It's because I feel guilty that you don't know. I kissed Damon

(He doesn't say anything. She looks a him. She touches his chest)

Elena: There. All done

(He gets up and leaves)

[Mystic Falls' Hospital]

(Alaric and Meredith are in Bill's room)

Alaric: What happened to him?

Meredith: He was found in the woods. An actual animal attack. Bite marks and gashes over half his body. Lost about 3 liters of blood

Alaric: Well, is he going to make it?

Meredith: Nope. At least not on his own

(She takes a vial of blood from her pocket)

Alaric: What is that?

Meredith: Exactly what you think it is. Vampire blood.

(She injects the blood in Bill's arm)

Meredith: You wanted to know my secret? I cheat. I'm a doctor and I hate when people die. So when I have the ability to do something about it, I do

[Abby Bennett's House]

(Elena rejoins Stefan at his car)

Elena: Stefan... Say something. Please

Stefan: I shouldn't have kidnapped you. The car, the bridge, it was too far

Elena: Thank you

Stefan: But you shouldn't have lied to me today. You can't go off and do things like that, Elena. Not while Klaus is still alive

Elena: I know. I just...I wanted to give Bonnie a moment with her mother without everything else getting in the way

Stefan: Without me getting in the way

Elena: I didn't plan on kissing him

Stefan: You're better than him, Elena. You're better than both of us

(He goes into his car and leaves)

[A road]

(Bonnie and Abby are on the side of the road, next to Abby's car. Bonnie looks at her phone)

Bonnie: Elena's on her way. Jamie's safe. He's a little bruised, but he's safe

Abby: Do you think the hybrid will come back?

Bonnie: You kept your end of the bargain. Klaus usually keeps his. You're willing to do all of this for him... And he's not even your family

Abby: He is my family, Bonnie. I know that might be hard for you to hear, but he is. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you. I want to help you

Bonnie: You can't. You have no magic and I don't trust you

Abby: When I put mikael down, my magic didn't just leave me. It drifted away. The longer I stayed away from you, the weaker it got. I think nature was punishing me for abandoning you. Maybe you can help me get my magic back

Bonnie: I thought you said you didn't want it anymore

Abby: I don't. But if it's what you wanted... I would do that for you

[Mystic Falls's Hospital]

(Bill is awake and is in better shape. Tyler enters the room)

Tyler: You're better

Bill: Yeah. I shouldn't be, but I didn't have any say in the matter

Tyler: I didn't mean to hurt you. I lost control. Again

Bill: I knew the risks when I decided to help you. So... Was it worth it? How do you feel?

Tyler: Different. A little more myself

Bill: Then we'll continue tomorrow

Tyler: What are you talking about? I turned

Bill: Once. To break the sire bond. Turning needs to be painless. And from what I saw today... We're still a long way off

Tyler: I can't put myself through that again

Bill: You will. Because until you're capable of acting on your own free will, I'm not going to let you anywhere near my daughter

[Gilbert's House]

(Alaric is with Meredith. He shows her his vampire hunter arsenal)

Alaric: You told me your secret. This is mine

Meredith: You're a vampire hunter

Alaric: Ah, semi-retired

Meredith: You're trying to get out of taking me to dinner, aren't you?

Alaric: Just want to be honest. No secrets

Meredith: Ok. Then tell me how you survived getting hit by a truck. Your injuries were fatal. Was it vampire blood?

Alaric: That, and, uh...

(He shows her his ring)

Alaric: This ring protects me from death at the hands of supernatural beings

Meredith: A vampire hunter who can't be k*lled by vampires. Convenient.

(She tries to take his ring off his finger but he takes his hand back

Meredith: Are you worried I'm a supernatural being?

Alaric: One can never be... Too careful

(They kiss and Elena enters at the same time)

Elena: Oh, um, hey, um. Sorry

Meredith: Oh, uh, I'm gonna go

Alaric: Ok, yeah, sure, sure, sure

(Meredith leaves. Alaric is uncomfortable)

Alaric: Elena, I am... I'm sorry

Elena: Please, it... it's ok

Alaric: Ah, it's not ok, Elena. I mean, this is not even my place. It's... it's your place. It's Jenna's place. It's your family... It's your family's place

Elena: The minute that you slept on that couch, it became your place, too. We needed you, and... And you stayed. So thank you for that. Hey, look, I know it's hard. But Jenna's gone. And you're allowed to move on

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan enters. Damon's here)

Stefan: Oh, you're still alive? I assume that means Klaus didn't get his coffins

Damon: Well, don't look so happy. I was only able to get one of them out in time. The locked one

Stefan: Probably a good choice

Damon: Yeah. You know, if you're banking on Bonnie's mama to open it, you're screwed. She doesn't

have any powers

Stefan: Ah. Doesn't surprise me. It's been that kind of night

Damon: Is Elena ok?

(Stefan doesn't answer and punches him)

Damon: I take it you two had a heart to heart. And I take it you don't want to talk about it. Noted

(He takes a dagger from his back and shows it to Stefan)

Damon: So why don't we talk about this?

Stefan: What did you do?

[Klaus' House]

(Daniel is helping Klaus put the coffins in a room)

Daniel: You have your family back. Finally. You're going to open them?

Klaus: Not quite yet. I still have some unfinished business to take care of

Daniel: What business?

(He's suddenly dead. Elijah is behind him and has Daniel's heart in his hand)

Elijah: So, Niklaus...

Klaus: Elijah?

Elijah: What did I miss?