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05x16 - Parents

Posted: 02/09/22 10:37
by bunniefuu
I'm so depressed.

Jeremy, my new boyfriend,
he moved back east.

No way.

Yeah, his father got a job
with the New York Philharmonic.

It's so unfair.

I finally meet
the man of my dreams

and fall madly in love with him
and now he's gone.

Don't worry Luce.

You'll fall madly in love
again and again

and then you'll meet Mr. Right
and live happily ever after.


Are you talking
to Lucy again?


Quit hogging my friends, mom.

Sorry. Bye, Luce.

Hey, why don't the three
of us go sh**t some pool?

Help Lucy take her mind
off of Jeremy leaving?

That sounds fun.

Count me in.

I'm gonna go change and then
we'll go pick up Lucy.

Your mom is so...

un-mom like.

Tell me about it.


Hi, Dad.

How's your U.N.
research paper coming?

Oh, it's coming.

Well, it better be more
than just coming.

It's due Monday, counts for a
third of your grade in History.

I've got
everything under control.

Yeah, yeah, everything's
under control.

And... what, you've already
finished your paper?

Oh, I'm in a different
History class.

I don't have a paper due.

Keith's helping me.

Well, when you're ready
to go home,

just let me know.

I don't need a ride, I drove.

Keith just got his license
last week.

Finish your paper.

Just the Dad I was
looking for.


I haven't asked anything yet.

But you were going
to ask me something.

Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't.

Okay, so let's say I was going
to ask for something.

How can you say
"no" before I've even asked?

Maybe it's something
you can't say no to.

Come on.

Can I have that really huge,
really cool makeup kit

that's on sale
at the department store?

The one you asked about

No, you're too young
to wear makeup.

But my friend Rachel
gets to wear makeup.

You have a ten-year-old friend
who wears makeup?

Just blush and lipstick.

Rachel's parents
don't think she's to young.

Her mom bought her
that makeup kit.

Sorry, no makeup.

Well, thanks for nothing.

Parenting really is
it's own reward.


Yes, good job.


I'm sorry, is this
Reverend Camden's house?

Yeah, I'm Eric Camden.

Oh, great. I wasn't sure if I
had the right address or not.

I had it scribbled
on a cocktail napkin.

Did the church send you over?

Oh, will you look at me?

Where are my manners?

What must you good people think?

I'm Ed, Ed Palmer.

I was looking
for Robbie.

I was just passing through town

and I heard he was living
with you good people,

and, uh, I thought
I'd look him up.

Robbie's at work.

Did you say your
last name is Palmer?

Yes, ma'am.

Just like Robbie's?

I hope so.

I'm his father.

What's wrong with the guy
in the living room?

What makes you think
anything's wrong with him?

Every time someone shows up
at our house late at night,

they usually have a problem.

The later they come,
the bigger the problem.

So, what's his problem?

No, he doesn't have a problem.

He's looking for Robbie.

What's Robbie's problem?

No one has a problem;
Ed, the man in the living room,

is Robbie's father
and he's here to see Robbie.

I didn't know Robbie
had a father.

Everyone has a father.

Yeah, but not everybody
has a father

who lets them buy makeup.

Unh, unh, unh, unh, I have
already spoken with your father.

We are in total agreement,
no makeup.

Makeup kit?

I don't understand
why she wants it so badly.

Her friend has it.

Remind me to, uh,
call Rachel's parents

and thank them for buying

their ten-year-old
daughter makeup.

Did you get ahold of Robbie
at the grocery store?

Well, how did he take the news
that his father is here?

I didn't tell him.

I wasn't sure how Robbie
would react to his dad

being back in town and I didn't
want him upset and driving,

so I just told him
he needed to come home

as soon as possible.

You don't like Ed, do you?

I don't know him well enough
not to like him.

I don't trust him,
I mean, he did abandon Robbie

and his family
when Robbie

was just a kid.

Okay, I don't trust him
and I don't like him.

Me, neither.

Did you have to go to
Columbia for that coffee?

I spoke with Robbie.
He's on his way home.

You didn't tell
him I'm here?

Hey, it's okay.

I don't know how Robbie's
gonna take the news, either.

You know I had to leave town
when he was very young.

"Had to"?

I had no choice.

My parents needed me.

How do you take
your coffee, Ed?

Well, when I was living
in France, it was black.

Now it's kind of half
coffee, half sugar.

France, huh?

Yeah, well, that was
back in the '70s.

I joined the Peace Corps
and, uh, they had me stationed

in a little village
outside Paris.

I helped the
local farmers

build a damn so they would have
water for their farming.

You don't look like
a Peace Corps kind of guy.

Well, that was
a long time ago.

Yeah, let's see,

1970, that's 30 years ago.

You must have been very young.

Did I say '70s? I meant '80s.

I wasn't aware
that the Peace Corps

operated in developed
countries, like France.

I'm hungry.

Do you have anything to go
with this coffee

besides cookies.

Maybe a little sandwich,
some chips?

I could really go
for a sandwich.

Oh, I'll see what I can do.

You're a lucky man.

I had plenty of wives, none of
them ever did anything for me.

And this one's a looker, too.

Yeah, she is.


Have you finished
your paper?

You know, Keith's parents never
bug him about his homework.

And they gave him a car
last week when he turned 16.

Your father and I are never
gonna give you a car,

and we're always gonna bug you
about your school work.

Finish your paper.

Hi, Mrs. Camden?


I'm here to pick up Lucy.

Hey... oh, you look great.


Hey, that's my shirt.

I borrowed it from Ashley,
I hope you don't mind.

What are friends for?

Did you meet my mom?

Uh, you're going out?

Yeah, well, I figured
it wouldn't be a problem

since Ashley's
mom's coming, too.

You're Ashley's mother?

I thought you knew.

No, I didn't.

Well, we're just going
up to the pool hall.

I promise to have
her home early.

I just, you know,
I kind of wanted to take her out

and try to cheer her up.

It's not easy losing
a boyfriend.

You and Jeremy broke up?

They didn't break up,

but he's moving away.

What's the difference,
he's gone?

Well, I didn't know.

It just happened.

Come on, you guys, let's go.

Ed says no mayo.


Oh, honey,
this is Serena.

Ashley's mother, Serena.

Oh, nice to meet you.


You're Ashley's mother?

People always think
Ashley and I are sisters.

No, Mom, that's what
you always tell people.

Come on, let's go.


Serena's the mother?


Ruthie is that you?

Why are you whispering?

'Cause I don't want
anyone to hear me.

I need your help.

I want something

that Mom and Dad
say I can't have.

It's a makeup kit.

But you're too young
to wear makeup.

Look, I have the money,

but the store's too far away
for me to go on my bike.

So I need someone to drive me,

but everyone
in this house who drives

also thinks I'm too young
to have makeup.

That's because you are.

Look, what I need from you
is a plan.

"A plan"?

Yeah, a plan.

I want to do something
and Mom and Dad say I can't.

You practically made
a career of doing stuff

Mom and Dad said
you couldn't do.

And look where that got me.

They aren't gonna send me
to Buffalo for buying makeup!

Disobeying Mom and Dad
is a very bad idea.

Don't do it.

You don't understand,
I have to have that makeup kit.

I saved my money

and I'm gonna get it
whether you help me or not.

I'm sorry, Ruthie,
I can't help you do this.

I won't help you do this.

It's wrong and you know it.


Shut the door.

We need to talk.

Look at that guy.
He's gorgeous.

I can't believe
your mom.

She does this all the time.

She's always picking up guys
that are way too young for her.

Well, he's gorgeous.

Come on, it's your shot.


Who wants to go

to Alan's party
with me tomorrow night?

Mom, you just met Alan.

I know, that's why
I can't go alone.

You two have to come
and protect me.

He's got a lot of cute friends,
and he wants you guys to come.

Did you tell Alan
that I'm your daughter?

Why would I do that?

Oh, please?


Okay, I'll go.

Cute guys?
I'm there.

But will your
parents let you

go to a party thrown by
someone they don't know?

Hey, no problem.

Just tell your parents,
you'll be out with me--

a sane, rational,
responsible adult.

So, is everyone coming to
my party tomorrow night?


Come on, there's somebody
I want you to meet.


I love your mom.

Yeah, she's great.

I had to get someone
to cover me at the store.

I got home as quickly
as I could.

What's going on?

There's somebody here
who wants to see you.



Man, I-I can't believe it's you

and you're here.

I can't believe
I'm here, either.

Did you get my letters?

'Cause no matter
where I've been

the last ten years,
I've always taken the time

to sit down
and write you a letter,

every day.

I haven't gotten any letters.

Darn post office.

Well, they must have lost them,
because I sent them.

So what are you doing here?

Well, I'm here
because you're here.

I wanted to see my boy!

Well, where you staying?

Well, I can only afford
to stay for one night,

so I thought maybe after
we had a chance to visit

that, uh, you could
drive me downtown

and help me find
a cheap motel.

It's already pretty late.

Not to worry.


Hey, why spend money
on a nice motel room?

It's only for one night.


The truth is
I'm between jobs.

Actually, I'm between a lot
job, car, home, wife.

I, uh, spent the last
of my savings

on my bus ticket
to get to Glenoak.

I'm not here
to sponge off anybody.

I just need
a ride downtown.

Since it's only one night,
why don't you stay with us?

That way, you and Robbie will
have plenty of time to catch up.

I don't want
to bother anyone.

It's not a bother.

Well, if you insist.


Yeah, thanks.

Come on, Dad, let's
go to my room.

What just happened?

I think Ed
just happened.

Where are
you two going?

Oh, we're going to... Ow!

What's going on?

My leg slipped.

I'm getting the feeling

that you don't want me to know
where you're going.

Normally, I'd be
a little concerned,

but since you're with Matt,
okay, fine, go do.

Just be careful.


Stop kicking me.

You almost ruined everything.

Remember, it's supposed
to be a surprise.

Right, right.

I'm sorry, I forgot.

I'm taking you to the store
to get Mom a present, right?

Why you getting Mom a present?

I don't have to have a reason.

I love her, you love her,
we all love her.

She's a great mom.

She works really hard
and does a lot of stuff

for all of us.

We're lucky we have her.

Maybe I should get her
a present, too.


I'm going out with
Keith tonight.

Excuse me?

May I go out with
Keith tonight?

Did you finish your paper?

I'm almost done.

I'm just, I'm proofing it.

You're not going anywhere
with anyone until you finish.

Does that mean I can go?

Finish your paper,
and then we'll talk.




How can one man
make so much mess?


Make sure he's on
that bus tonight.

I'm sorry about
all this mess.

It's not that.

It's just that
I don't trust him,

and I don't want
Robbie to get hurt.

Neither do I.
I spoke to Robbie,

and he and Ed are gonna
spend the day together,

and then he's driving Ed
to the bus station.


Hey, good.

I promised myself I wouldn't
ask any big questions,

but there's something
I have to know.

You want to know why I left.

Mom said you met
some woman in a bar,

cleaned out the checking
accounts and took off.

But you were such a great dad,

and great dads don't do
things like that.

I remember that time
you took me to the zoo.

I think I was only five,
but I remember.

You held my hand and you
bought me nuts for the monkeys

and we rode the train.

So what happened?

I didn't leave
for another woman.

I left to take care
of my sick parents.

They needed

to move in and look after them,

so I went back home and, uh,

I took care of them
till they died.

And I never took

anything from the family
or from your mother.

As a matter of fact,
I sent money back home.

Well, your mother
didn't believe me,

so, uh... we got a divorce,

and then she refused to let me
see you or your brothers.

She shut me out of your lives.

Couldn't you have called
or something?

She got a court order.

All I could do was write,
which I did.

You know,

those letters you didn't get.

For a long time,
I thought that

staying out of yours
and your brothers' lives

was for the best, and, uh,
well, now I see that was wrong.

If I had one thing
to do over again in life,

I would have fought your mother
harder for custody.

I'm not here
just for a visit, Robbie.

I want to make it up to you,
to you and your brothers.

I want my family back.

And this time, I'm not gonna
let your mother stop me.

I'd like to stay
in town for a while.



I'm gonna need
some help.

Maybe we could help
each other, hmm?

You know, like family.

Hey, you got in
late last night.

After the pool hall closed,
we went out

for ice cream
with these really cute guys.

Come on, we were out
with Ashley's mother.

Oh, so...

can I go to a party with
Ashley and Serena tonight?

Whose party?

Some friend
of Serena's.

But you don't have to
worry because we'll be

with an adult the
whole time-- Serena.

You're going to a party
with your girlfriend's mother?

Ashley's going, too,
and there will be

people of all ages
at the party.


She's cool.
She's not like...

You were going to say
she's not like most moms.

Moms like me, right?

I didn't mean it
as an insult,

but yes, she's not
like most moms.

You just don't like her
because she doesn't bake pies

and go to church activities
and make lunches.

That's not true.

She's fun;
I like her.

What's wrong
with that?

Serena's fun-ness
isn't the point.

So are you saying I can't go?

You know,

you're gonna be graduating soon,

and you'll be off in college
and I won't be there

to make these decisions
for you--

should you, shouldn't you
go here or there.

So I think maybe it's time

that you start making
your own decisions.

If you want

to go tonight, go.

If it's my decision, I'm going.


I got it! Matt took me.

You should confess
and take it back.

Never. My plan was too perfect.

I'll never get caught.

I told Matt I wanted

to go to the store
to buy something for Mom.

So Matt thinks that the makeup
kit is for Mom not me.

Now, Mom seemed
a little suspicious,

so while Matt was flirting
with the sales lady,

I bought some little
flower thing.

When I got home,
I gave the flower thing to Mom

and told her Matt took me to the
mall 'cause I wanted to get her

something special
for being such a great mom.

It was great; she almost cried.

So you lied to everyone?


That's not good.

Mom and Dad will find out--

they always do-- and then
you'll be in big trouble.

Trust me, when it comes
to trouble, I am an expert.

I'm not gonna get caught.

And you're not just gonna be
in trouble with Mom and Dad,

Matt is gonna be really mad

when he finds out you lied
to him and used him.

You know,
you were a lot more fun

when you were
messing up your life.

Be careful.

It's just a party.
I'll be fine.


Where are you going?

You said I can go out.
No, I didn't.

Hey, man.
Come on in, guys.

Maybe we should talk
in the living room.

There's nothing to talk about.

Did you finish your paper?

I'm sorry, but Simon won't
be able togo with you tonight.

You must be kidding.

No, I'm not kidding.

Uh, we're going
to take off.

Catch up with us
if you can, man.

Let's go.

Come on, guys.

I hope you're happy,
because you

just completely humiliated me
in front of my friends!

I want to read your paper.

I'm not finished!

You need to finish it.

You know, I don't like you
very much right now.

Well, the feeling's mutual,

so, I suggest
you go upstairs

and finish your paper.

Change your attitude,

or the next time
you leave the house,

it will be
for your high school graduation.


Hi. Reverend Camden?

This is Sally Palmer,
Robbie's mother.


Hello. H-How are things
in Florida?

Pretty well.
How's Robbie doing?

Well, he...
You know, he's doing great.

He's, uh... he's very popular
down at the daycare center,

and he's still working part-time
at the grocery store,

and he's doing really well
at school.

Thank you so much

for helping him
and taking him in.

You don't have to thank me.

Is my ex-husband there in town?

Yes, Ed got here last night.

I was afraid of that.


He came here first.

Wait. He was in Florida?

He left two days ago.

I'm worried about Robbie.

Well, uh, Ed is leaving tonight.

He-He's probably already gone.

The thing you have to know
about my ex--

he's always there
when you don't want him,

and he's never there
when you need him.

Aren't you going
to miss your bus?

Well, I...


I should let Robbie
tell you the good news.

Good news?

My dad and I decided

we need to spend
some more time together.

He didn't want to leave,
and I didn't want him to leave,

so we rented
an apartment together.

We put down a deposit,
and tomorrow,

we move in.

Isn't this great?

I finally have my dad back.

And I finally have
my son with me again.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, that's okay.

Um, it's been
a rough night,

so I ordered pizza
for the kids,

and I made you a salad.

Rough night?
What happened?

Well, let's see.

Uh, Lucy's out with her
new best friend Serena,

who I think is 40
going on 17,

and, uh, Simon didn't
finish his paper,

so I wouldn't let him go out
with his friends,

so now Simon
hates me.

And of course,
I save the best for last.

Ed isn't leaving.

Ed is staying.

He and Robbie put a deposit down
on an apartment today,

and Robbie is moving out.

Robbie can't move in with Ed.

I know.

Robbie's mom called
from Florida, and...

Ed is no good?
Well, that's old news.

We knew that
the second we met him.

Well, the trick is
convincing Robbie, not us.

He and Ed went out.
They'll be back any minute.

Well, I'll talk to
Robbie when he gets home.

When did Robbie become one
of our children?

I'm not sure,
but he is,

and I-I can't just

stand around
and watch Ed ruin his life.


Did you know it was
going to be like this?


Oh, no! Here they
come again.

Why don't they
leave us alone?

You know, why
don't we just go?

I don't want
to leave my mother.

Okay, well,

let's do something.

Oh, those two guys are
giving me the creeps.

I mean they're
27, and we're 18.

Over here, over here!




I think we should talk.

You see the problem?
You want me to treat you

like a man, and you're
acting like a child.

Fine, talk to me,
don't talk to me.

I want to read your paper.

I don't care
if you're not finished.

I want to read
what you've done so far.

Do you really want to be in more
trouble than you're in already?

Thank you.

You okay?

What's wrong?


I can't get it off.

I tried soap and water,
but it just

won't come off.

Who's makeup did you

get into?

It's my makeup.

Matt took me

to the store today,
and I bought that makeup kit

that you and Daddy said
I couldn't have.

So, you didn't go to the store
to buy me something.

You went to the store
to buy you something.

Something you were told
you could not have.

I'm in trouble, aren't I?

You're in more trouble
than you've ever been in before.

First, I'm going
to take you in the bathroom

and get that stuff
off of your face,

and then, when Matt gets home
from the library,

we're going to have
a long talk about this.


Did you hear
the good news?

I'm moving in
with my dad.

Yeah, I know.

I-I... I spoke
to your mother tonight.

Well, she hates my
dad, she always has.

She never has anything
good to say about him.

He did abandon her
and you and your brothers.

That's not true. My dad told me
what really happened.

You know, my mom's not exactly
June Cleaver.

You can't believe
everything she tells you.

She'd tell you anything
to keep me and my dad apart.

She kept us apart for years.

Maybe she had good reasons

for wanting
to keep Ed away from you.

You may not be able to believe
everything your mom says,

but I think you can believe
what she says about Ed.

I finally have my dad around
after years and years

of not having him, and everyone
is trying to take him away.

No one's trying
to keep Ed

away from you, but...

well, we are trying
to protect you.

I don't need protecting.

I can take care of myself.

And I know my dad's not perfect,
but neither am I!

I hate to be the one
to tell you this, but...


the police in New York
are looking for my dad

because he wrote
some bad checks.


He told me that.
He didn't have to,

but he wants
to be honest with me.

You really should
call your mother.


So she can badmouth
my dad some more?

No, thanks.

Look, one more night,
and I'll be out of here,

and everyone can
stop worrying.

I'll be fine,
my dad will be fine.

We're going
to take care of each other,

and we're going
to be just fine!

I'm sorry.

Why are you

I'm apologizing for my mother.

It's okay.

No, it isn't.

You wouldn't

You have a mother,
a real mother.

Sometimes I wish
I had a real mother, too.

Not some woman who'd

rather be my friend
than my mother.

Friends, I have.

People to go to parties
and dances, I have.

A mother, I don't have,

and haven't had
since my parents got divorced,

and my mother decided that...

she no longer wanted
to be a mother.

I had no idea you felt
this way about her.

I thought that you liked

that your mother was
hip and cool and...

un-mother like.

What's so hip and cool

about being locked up
in some stranger's bathroom

while your mom flirts
and carries on

with some guy who is too old
for us and too young for her?

Welcome to the dark side
of having a hip and cool mom.

I stayed longer at the
library than I planned.

Is there any
dinner left?

Or I could eat out.

Did you take Ruthie
to the store today?

Do you like the makeup kit
she bought you?

The makeup kit wasn't for me.

Who was it for?


But Ruthie's too young
to wear makeup.

Bingo. Her father and I told her
she couldn't have it.

Wait. So, she lied to me,
so I'd help her get it?

I-I know Ruthie's done
some questionable things before,

but she's never looked me
in the eye and lied.

Doesn't feel so great, does it?

No, it doesn't.

I was waiting for you
so we could both talk to her.

No, this whole thing
was my fault.

I was the adult in charge.

I'd like to handle Ruthie
by myself.

Are you sure?

You're going to have
to punish her,

and she's not going
to like you for it.

I don't care.

We need to talk.


I figured this
was coming.

I know you don't
want me and Robbie
to move in together.


I talked
to Robbie's mother, and...

I know everything.

So, did you tell Robbie...




I'm guessing either, uh,

Robbie didn't believe you,
or he doesn't care.

If he did,
you wouldn't be out here

asking me to leave town.

That is what

what you're
doing, isn't it?


Well, I've had a lot of
people ask me to leave,

so I generally know
when it's coming.

Robbie doesn't want to believe
anything bad about you.

I don't know
what my ex told you exactly,

but you can't believe
everything she says.

She's no saint.

That's true.

She's had her share
of problems--

financial, emotional.

She hasn't always made
the best decisions, but...

she tried.

She did the best she could
under the circumstances.

Being left

to raise three sons
on her own.

But my parents...

You and I both
know that

you didn't leave her
and your children

so you could take care
of your sick parents.

You did leave because
you weren't really

into being a father, right?

I mean... a little
too much responsibility,

and you were okay with

making the kids,
just not raising them,

or taking care of them.

Did you know that

Robbie was homeless
not too long ago?

I don't want
to see that happen again.

Robbie's doing great.

He should just stay
right where he is.

You're not his father.

Neither are you.

Sticks and stones. Ouch!

Robbie may not be my son,
but he is a part of this family,

and this is the best place
for him.

And he knows that,
but he loves you, or...

the idea of you.

He's willing

to risk his future,

because he believes
he has a future with you.

You can't stop me

from getting an apartment
with my son.

The state of New York can.

Is that a threat?

No, it's not a threat, but...

Okay, it's a threat.

Robbie's welfare means
a lot to me.

If you don't leave,

I'll call the police.

I'll let them know
where you are.

I don't want to do it,
but I just...

I can't just watch Robbie
throw everything away. I...

I love him.

And he'll never
reach his potential

if he's too busy taking care
of you to take care of himself.

Well, I love him, too.

And he is my son.

Then do
the right thing.

Put your son's needs
before your own.

Do the right thing.

I've been home
for a while,

but I've been
in my room thinking

of what I wanted to say.
I'm very upset.

The devil made me do it.

Let's not bring the devil
into this.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to apologize.

Oh, okay.

I'm sorry.

No, I want you to apologize

and mean it.

I am sorry.
I didn't mean to lie,

but I had to have
that makeup kit.

That's not an apology.

Why are you being so mean to me?

Look, I'm not being mean.
I'm being nice.

You have to learn

that what you did was wrong
and if you don't learn it today,

you're gonna go out
and do the same thing tomorrow

and hurt someone else
like you hurt me.

Now it's okay if you don't
understand what I'm saying

because we can talk tomorrow
when I drive you back

to the store
to return that makeup kit.


So did Mom and Dad find out yet?

What are you? Psychic!

I told you they always find out.

So did you call to just to say
I told you so?

No, I called for two reasons.

One, I knew you were gonna
get into trouble

and I figured that you were
gonna get yelled at.

And I know how that feels

so I wanted to make sure
you were okay.

And two?

I love you

and I wanted to make sure
that you learned your lesson

because I don't want you
to end up in Buffalo like me.

Okay, okay,

I get it.

I really get it.


What happened?

You had months
to work on this

and it's nowhere near
your best work.


I'm not going to get an "A"
on everything I do.

If this paper was truly the best
you could do, it would be fine.

You could turn it in
and that would be that.

You can still turn it in and
probably get a passing grade,

but then what would you
have learned?

That to get by

in life, you don't have to do
much because you're a smart kid.

If all you want
to do is pass,

the truth is, you don't
have to work very hard.

Why you making such a big deal
out of this?

Because it is a big deal.

You are smart, very smart

and if you don't work up
to your potential,

you will never truly be happy.

Sure, you'll have
time to goof around
with your friends,

but deep down inside,
you'll know

that you're not the person
you could be

and that will make you
very unhappy.

I'd rather see you mad at me
for the rest of your life

than to let that happen.


Oh, hi, Luce. What?

You're where?
No, no, no,

I'll be right there.

Give me the address.

Uh-huh, okay.


I made some notes on your paper.

You should read them over
and start rewriting.

I'll be back

and we can work on it together.


Hi, Mom.

I'm sorry I called so late

I'll, I'll try back tomorrow.

Don't hang up, I'm awake.

What did you call to talk about?



When I was younger,
who used to take me to the zoo?

My brother, your uncle.

Your dad wasn't around much

and he thought you boys should
have a guy to do stuff with,

so he took you places.

He loved the zoo,
especially those monkeys.

Are you still there?

Yeah, I'm still here.


Hey, Ashley.

Mom, I'm staying the night
at Lucy's.

I'll call you
in the morning.

Weren't you having
a good time?


And it would have
been hard for you
to notice that

since you've been
throwing yourself

at that Alan
guy all night.

Hey, hold on.

Would you just grow up, Mom,

and act your age just once!

You cannot talk to me that way.
I am your mother!


I thought you were
my best friend.

So what is it,

mother or best friend?

Can't I be both?


Because I
want a mom

that I can call to come get me

if I'm having a bad time
at a party.

I want a mom that yells
at me when I'm late,

tells me to eat my vegetables,
go to bed.

I want a mom with
her own social life,

her own friends.

I don't want to
go to parties

with my mom and watch her
make a fool of herself

flirting with some guy

who's half
her age.

I'm not saying that it
has to be all about me,

but why does it always have
to be all about you?

I know what's going on here.

You know, uh...

just because
you bake cookies

and make lunches
and drive

a car pool
does not make you

better than me.

It doesn't make you
a better mother!

I'm a good mother, too!

This isn't about us.

This is about you
and your daughter!

This is about
you growing up

and acting
your age!

It's about you being an adult,

so she can be a child.

Its called

parenthood and it has nothing
to do with cookies

and everything to do
with raising children.

Helping them
find their way,

being there for them,
putting their needs first.

How is

your daughter supposed to learn
how to be a mother

if you won't be a mother to her?

I don't know what you want
from me.

Well, I don't either
but I don't want this.

I had no idea

you felt the way you do.

I love you, Mom,

but I don't want to
do this anymore.

Oh, I love you, too.

Um, look I know
that you were, uh,

planning on spending the night
at Lucy's,

but maybe instead
we could go home and talk.

It seems we have a lot
to talk about.

All right.

We can talk,

but we're not going to
settle this in one night.

No, but it will be a start, huh?

I'm gonna go
get my coat

and then we can go, okay?

You guys can go.

I'll call you

You're welcome.

How did you know I was
going to say thank you?

I'm your mother,
a mother knows.

So, did my dad
get off okay?


I heard Mrs. Camden
tell Matt

you were out
with my dad,

so I figured you were putting
him on the bus.


I called my mom
and had a long talk with her.


Sorry for what?

For caring about me,

for giving me the first
real home I've ever had?

For being the father I never had
and always wanted?

For forgiving me
of my past mistakes,

being so supportive and kind?

You have nothing
to be sorry for.

My mom told me
he showed up in Florida,

stole money from her

and took my underage brothers
out to a bar

and used them to pick up women.

My mom thinks

I can't see the bad
in my father.

That's not true.

I don't want to see the bad
in my father.

I want to believe he's just like
everyone else's dad.

When I was younger,

he used to disappear
for months at a time,

so I'd pretend he was in the CIA

and he was doing
undercover work.

I just couldn't
let myself believe

he didn't want to be with us.

I guess I'm still

That's why I let him talk me
into renting that apartment.

I figured all I had to do
was pay the rent

and he'd be there...

like he never was there
my whole life.

I know that sounds stupid,

but to have a dad
I'd do almost anything.

Uh, after I dropped Ed off
at the bus station,


stopped by the apartment.

I got the landlord to give me
back your deposit check.

That was very...
fatherly of you.

Do you think

my dad will ever be a dad
to me and my brothers?

A dad like you.

I don't know, I hope so.

What exactly did I do

to deserve you
and this family?

I think you dated Mary.

So you do this for all your
daughter's ex-boyfriends?

No, just the... special ones.


You're welcome.

I want to give you a hug.

You know, I want
to give you a hug, too.

This will be
our first hug.

Yeah, it will.