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06x04 - The Amazing Psych-Man & Tap Man, Issue No. 2

Posted: 02/09/22 17:24
by bunniefuu
That's Gus.

He and I are going
to the comic book convention.

Just be finished saving the world before
the street lights come out.

Where is your costume?

I'm wearing it.


- A tap-dancing superhero.
- Ugh.

How is it that you always
make the wrong choice

- between cool and stupid?
- Hey, hey, Shawn.

Give Guster a chance to present his case
for Tap-Man.

Tap-Man meets all the superhero

His super-power--rhythm.

Alter ego--mild-mannered
dance instructor.

His arch-nemesis--
Riverdance Man.

Wow, that is stupid.

Yeah. And plus,
how does he fight?

Well, he confuses the bad guys
with his quick syncopation

and grabs some tap sand
from his trusty pouch,

and splat!
Right in the eyes.

Come on, let's go.
We're already late.

To the Tap-Mobile!

Are you sure no one can tell
my true identity under this?

For your sake, let's hope so.

Stop, freeze! S.B.P.D.!

This is all your fault, Shawn!

You're the one
that blew our cover!

No one told you to open a
car door and set off the alarm!

Why was the alarm on?
We were still inside the car!

Inside the car, not getting
carjacked and brutalized,

- thank you very much.
- Just hurry up.

If we catch these guys,
we're heroes.

No, if we catch these guys,
we'll be dead. Aah!

You think we lost 'em?

Yeah, I think we're clear.

You--you tripped me.

Come on, Shawn, you tripped me.

- You come on, Gus.
- Come on.

- Come on, get up.
- Come on. Aah. Aah.

This is the last time
I let you use

your fast-twitch muscles
as an excuse for anything.

You and I both know
that's not true.

"The Mantis."

A little thicker
on the eyebrows.

- Are you sure?
- Let's see him.

Oh, yes. Yes.

And, uh, you should add
another wheel.

- It'll imply more motion.
- Dude, in your dreams.

You're right. I can't
skateboard that well.

- What the hell is this?
- He's too cheap

to pay the caricature artist
at the pier $30,

so we decided to get one
this way.

That'll be all.
You are done wasting our time.

I'll say when I'm done.

All right, I'm done
wasting everyone's time.

Besides, I'm missing
a Phineas and Ferb marathon.

Perry the Platypus.

He's a real platypus.

Let me know what you find out.

He's an idiot.

All right, which one of you
lowlifes want to describe

the guy that did this to you?

He was well-built,
about 6 feet tall, 200 pounds.

He came out of nowhere.

Before we realized
what happened, he was gone.

Did he have on a body suit
and have intense eyes

- shining through a dark mask?
- You saw him, too, Guster?

No, but I see him now.

♪ In between the lines
there's a lot of obscurity ♪

♪ I'm not inclined
to resign to maturity ♪

♪ if it's all right ♪

♪ then you're all wrong ♪

♪ but why bounce around
to the same damn song? ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ you'd rather run
when you can't crawl ♪

♪ I know you know that
I'm not telling the truth ♪

♪ embrace the deception ♪

♪ learn how to bend ♪

♪ your worst inhibitions ♪

♪ tend to psych you out
in the end ♪

See? It's easy to read
no matter how you spin it.

I'm telling you, I'll never buy
a real paper again.

I can't believe you told them
I tripped.

- You tripped.
- No, I did not.

- You tripped.
- No, I did not, Shawn.

Chief Vick, is it true

that the four criminals
the vigilante caught

are members of
the Camino Drug Syndicate?

Reginald, you've been around
here long enough to know

- I'm not answering that.
- All right, that's it!

Last thing we need is a bunch
of reporters twisting our words,

especially you copy monkeys
at The Mirror.

Don't think I've forgotten

about the whole
"Detective Dipstick" incident.

Look, that piece was written
by Chad Gorsuch,

and he's now on assignment
in South America.

Well, at least
he's being punished.

Chief, can you give us
any information?

- What can you tell us?
- Have the Caminos

really taken control
of all cocaine production

- from rival gangs?
- No comment.

- Chief, who was the masked man?
- No comment.

Should other citizens
follow his lead?

Okay, that I'll comment on.

Vigilantism is a dangerous act.

The art of apprehending
criminals should be left

to the police officers

who have been adequately trained
and equipped.

Well, then why does
detective Lassiter's report

say that the police consultant
failed to apprehend

the four suspects because he was
"woefully out of shape"?

Comment! I have a comment.

I was tripped
by my clumsy assistant,

- Watson Williams.
- I am not your assistant.

And my name
is not Watson Williams.

Oh, but you do admit
to tripping me.

- What?
- Okay, no more questions.

You heard the chief.

Everybody outside.
Go on. Shoo, shoo. Scat.

All right, people, listen up.

I would be lying if I said

this vigilante hasn't made us
look bad in recent days.

I'd also be lying if I said
I didn't sometimes wish

that I could operate outside
the constraints of the badge

and dish out some good
old-fashioned street justice

- of my own.
- But we can't.

Apparently not even while

traveling along the border.

Not even.

Right, so we rely on good
old-fashioned police work.

Detective O'Hara.

The first two pictures
are locations

where the vigilante--
or the Mantis,

as he's affectionately known
to the public--

apprehended members
of the Camino Drug Syndicate.

- "Affectionately known"?
- We have also listed the dates.

Ted the dates.

In each situation, a major
drug exchange was in progress.

This is a well-funded

and extremely
well-organized operation.

We have located a handful
of the phony businesses

that they are using as fronts,
but there could be a dozen more.

Now we were just notified
of this most recent bust

20 minutes ago by our colleagues
on the Ventura Police Force.

This bust,
combined with the others

that the Mantis
has impressively handled,

gives us eight of
the Camino Syndicate members.

Let's get out there
and find the rest.

You heard her.
Go do it.

Sounds like you want to give
this weirdo some kind of medal.

Shawn, oftentimes,
vigilantes are just good people

who want to take back
their neighborhood

- from a bad element.
- Sure.

Charles Bronson--
a real charmer.

Eastwood in Gran Torino--

there's a guy you want
to hop in the tub with.

Okay, the Mantis
is a bit eccentric,

and I wouldn't go as far
as to say

that I support what he's doing,
but you have to admit,

he's done a better job
than we have

of slowing down the Caminos,
and he's just one guy.

I'm just one guy. I've solved
more crimes than I can count.

Because I've solved
a lot of crimes,

not just because I can't
count very high.

Yes, but you have
a supernatural psychic gift.

The Mantis is solving crimes
using his natural instincts

- and sharply honed abilities.
- She's right, Shawn.

I mean, if you were a regular
guy solving these crimes,

that'd really be impressive.

But everyone knows
that you're a psychic.

I mean, that's really
an unfair advantage.

I guess you're right, Gus.

Thanks a lot,
Benedict Arnold Jackson.

I know what this is about.

You're jealous
of all the attention

that the Mantis is getting,
especially from Juliet.

You think I care if Juliet gives

another guy a little attention?

How insecure do you think I am?

Seriously, how insecure
do you think I am?

I need you to tell me.
Will you please tell me?

Why are you bothered
by this guy?

Because, Gus, there's already
a badass crime fighter

in a cool outfit
running around this town,

and his name is me.

The Mantis can't even fly

or activate into half
of something

you just happen to need
in the moment.

He's clearly emulating
the "everyman" superheroes

like Batman and Iron Man.

Besides, you shouldn't
criticize the guy

without knowing
his origin story.

The Mantis is not
a real superhero, Gus.

He's just some nut in a mask.

Hey, what's that calendar
you have on your desk,

- the--the one that's all loony?
- You mean lunar?

It tracks the phases
of the moon.

- What's the next phase?
- New moon.

It's coming soon, the 26th.

The 26th. Everyone stop
what you're doing

and only pay attention to me!

I'm getting
a clear psychic vision

on when the next
Camino drug exchange

will take place.

September 26th.

It's October.

That means
it's almost, like, a year away.

- October of this year, Shawn.
- October 26th,

because this is
the month of October.

Spencer, you're not even
officially on this case.

You know the routine.
First you--

- Dad, can I please--
- You're hired.

- Well, there it is.
- Fine.

We'll look into it.

Have vice monitor
any local street chatter

for anything going down
on the 26th,

especially any large
industrial shipments

occurring after hours.

Nobody breathe a word of this
to anybody outside the force.

How's that for one man?

No, seriously,
h-how was that for one man?

- I need you to tell me.
- It was all right.

- It's on, Mantis.
- I'm not the Mantis, Shawn.

You're damn right, you're not.

You could never be the Mantis.

You have problems.

Attention, sitting docks.

All units respond.

Really? Again?

The Mantis took out four perps

Again without a g*n
or needless bloodshed.

That is classic superhero
moral code.

Whoever he is,
I'm glad he's on our side.

She used to talk about you
that way.

Would you stop it?

Whoever the Mantis is, he's not
doing this by himself, Gus.

He clearly has an inside angle,

which means he either overheard
my psychic revelation

or he got ahold of
the information the cops have.

How is that possible?

Nobody breathe a word of this
to anybody outside the force.

It isn't,

unless he's already
on the...inside

of the police department.

Whoever this brother is,
he's gonna be hard to spot.

You can't just assume
he's a brother

because he's all mysterious
and smooth.

You'll see, he's either
a brother or Persian.

I can't talk to you
when you're like this.

- Okay.
- All right.

We know it's not Lassie,
because he's way too proud

to solve crimes anonymously.

And it's not 1976.


- Who's the new guy?
- I don't know,

but he is the right height
and weight.

And he was here
when I revealed my inside tip.

Hey, there.

We've never met officially.
This is Gus. I'm Shawn.

Scott Reynolds,

just transferred over
from Ventura P.D.

We were just notified
of this most recent bust

20 minutes ago by our colleagues
on the Ventura Police Force.

That's quite a grip
you have there, Scott.

- You must work out.
- A little.

Oh, come on now.

Feels like
more than just a little.

- Doesn't it, Gus?
- Shawn...

- Feel it.
- I don't want to feel it.

- Feel the man's fitness level.
- I'm not feeling--

- Do it.
- Fine.

- Oh, you are kind of fit.
- Uh-huh.

You look like you could
handle yourself

in a dark alley full of guys.

I suppose if I had to.

Uh-huh. I bet you're real nice
with the hand-to-hand action.

Okay. Dude,
what are you doing?

- Get to the bottom of it.
- Watch and learn, Gus.

- This is--it's like a dance.
- I know how to dance, Shawn.

Uh, guys, excuse me,
I've got some work to do.

Yeah, no problem. We'll catch
you later, Dr. Muscles.

- It's definitely him.
- So what do we do next?

I should probably go
throw some lunchmeat

at the guys in the drunk t*nk.

After we prove
that he's the Mantis.

No, we do that first.

Which they all ate

using the same fork.

Shawn, you're not
even listening.

I am. I am. Mm-hmm. Why?
Why do you say that?

I just gave you a setup
containing Mr. T.,

Crockett, and a word
that rhymes with "mork"

- and I got nothin'...
- Mork.

Not even a "Battle
of the Network Stars" joke.

What's going on?

All right, uh--

All right, listen,
I-I need to say this.

- With regards to the Mantis...
- Oh, okay.

Um, you know what?
Let's just--

let's just finish our dinner

and not talk about work
or the Mantis.

Wh-why--why not?

Well, I just think

that we clearly have
different opinions about it.


And I don't want it to be
an I issue between us

if we don't see eye-to-eye
on a case

or a suspect or whatever.

How would that possibly
be an issue?

I mean, Gus and I never see
eye-to-eye on work stuff.

For instance, he doesn't like
being used as a human shield

when we're being shot at.

I happen to think
it's a very noble way

to meet one's maker,
especially for a guy like him.

Bottom line is we never let
that difference of opinion

interfere with anything.

Okay, well, as long as you know

that it's not a competition.

I know that.
Look, let's just--

let's just have a nice dinner,

see who can eat the fastest...

And, uh, not talk about work.


What's up?

Oh, um, it's nothing.
It's, uh...

- Just a work thing.
- You need to go.

No. No, no, no. They send
the message out to everybody,

and they know
that I'm off duty.

- You want to go, don't you?
- Well...

It's okay, Jules. You can go,
and you should go. Go.

- You can go.
- Really?

- Yes.
- Okay.

- I'll call you later.
- Yep.

Okay. Mwah.

Hey, excuse me.

Could I get a check

as soon as humanly possible?
Thank you.

Confirm multiple units
en route to reported activity

at 1215 Marine Way.

Potentially armed suspects.
Proceed with caution.

He's been here again.

It's the Mantis.

Make way, make way.

Did the police I.D.
the last culprit?

Can you confirm or deny reports

that the Mantis
has been identified?

Was the Mantis injured, sir?

You caused quite a stir.
It's a madhouse out there.

Oh, thanks, Buzz.
I-I think I'm safe now.

Do you expect anyone to believe

that you were actually
the Mantis this entire time?

Please, of course
I'm not the Mantis.

What have we been doing?
We've been trying to expose him.

Well, how do you explain
being dressed as him?

Because from the looks of it,
you're a copycat vigilante.

Maybe you secretly
look up to this guy.

Look... I realized
that the Camino Syndicate

was gathering in one
of the Baine Industry buildings.

I thought I could
finally expose his identity

by getting to the bad guys first
and catching him in the act.

And just as I thought,

he had the same
inside information I did

and was already there.

You hear that?
It looks like your game's up.

We're gonna have to find out
who you really are.

First, I used a classic
combat distraction move.

You went boneless, didn't you?

I used my entire body
as a w*apon.

After an epic,
very evenly matched fight,

he sucker-punched me.

I woke up with
the fire alarm blaring,

wearing that ridiculous
painted-on costume,

which means he saw me
in my underwear.

You mean like
on Diff'rent Strokes?

Yes, Gus, just like
Diff'rent Strokes.

- That's not cool.
- No, it's not, Gus.

He must have put on my clothes

and blended in with the crowd
leaving the first floor.

Damn it!

I had a handful of gummy worms
in that jacket

that he probably
won't even eat.

Get your story straight.

Everybody's waiting
to hear what happened.

You had everybody fooled there
for a second.

Even if you were the Mantis,

I was gonna have
to bring back Tap-Man.

It's still the stupidest idea
for a superhero ever.

How does he even fight?

Sand, Shawn, right in the eyes.

You ever had sand
thrown in your eyes, Shawn?

It's debilitating.

No wonder
you were acting so weird

at dinner the other night.

I mean, I knew you were capable
of amazing things,

but this is just--


Well, the cat's
out of the bag now.

You guys get in here.

The real Mantis was just spotted
20 minutes ago.

Oh, was he?

I know you know
I'm not telling the truth.

I know...
You know.

All right, listen,

we're in a lot of hot water
with the mayor's office

for all the free press
we're giving this guy

every time he slips through
our grasp, so maybe you'd like

to fill us in on what the hell
happened down there.

The real Mantis jumped him
like a sack of flour,

took pictures of him
in his underwear,

then dressed in his clothes

and escaped through the crowd

You didn't even get
a good look at him?

Great. So we still don't know
who this guy is.

But we can add one more
big bust to his record.

The perp we found
knocked out next to you

was a lieutenant
in the Camino Syndicate.

We put the screws to him,
and he let it slip

that they're moving
a huge shipment next weekend.

Which means this is
our last chance to stop them

before they flood the streets
with product.

The Mantis knows that now, too.

What makes you say that?

Because he's someone
in this department.

- Can you prove it?
- Give me one minute.

Can we get a comment?

I didn't have
my best stuff today.

- Mr. Spencer, over here.
- One game at a time.

We just gotta execute.

Hey, hey, hey.

Officer Reynolds,
I know who you are,

- or should I say, what you are.
- Excuse me?

Come on, man, you can't hide
your identity from me.

- It's time to let the secret out.
- Listen, man,

I'm sorry I acted
all weird earlier.

I'm just not used
to getting hit on.

You're not--what?

Look, I'm flattered,

but I don't sh**t that way.

I can't imagine
how tough it must be

for you around here, but, look,

it gets better.

Oh, my God, what would
make you think that--

You must work out.

Handle yourself in
a dark alley full of guys.

Bet you're nice
with the hand-to-hand action.

Okay, okay, okay, look.

Let's be very clear here, okay?
I was not hitting on you.

It's okay, man.

Look, I got this buddy, Pete,
that would be perfect for you.

Stop it. I'm not--

We're talking about your
secret identity, man--yours.

You know, by day,
you're officer Reynolds.

By night,
you're officer Mantis,

or should I say,
Mantis Reynolds.

Why the long sleeves? Huh?

You hiding something,

like maybe the marks
from your last fight?

Huh. No bite marks,
no scratches.

And you have a tattoo
of a bull mastiff.

That's my Nana.

Is she pretending to be
a bull mastiff?

Oh, I bet she's stopping traffic
in heaven.

She's not dead.

Good talk.

I got nothin'.

Well, the crime scene photos
from when we found you came in.

Maybe you can get something
off of these.

There was no satchel of dr*gs.


I know where it came from.

The Mantis had the satchel,
not the Camino.

I'm sensing that this evidence
was planted.

We're dealing with a fake bust.

The Mantis is padding his resume
and possibly his costume.

Sorry, Spencer,
forensics has already confirmed

the dr*gs confiscated
at the scene

are the same strain sold
on the streets by the Caminos,

just a much lower grade.

Which corroborates the info
from our perp.

They put out quality product
first, then flood the area

with lower grade
and maximize the profits.

In that case, I think we
should consider the possibility

that the Mantis is working
with the Caminos.

First, you say
he's on the force.

Then you say
he's with the Caminos?

- How hard did that guy hit you?
- Hard.

Let me know
when you can be useful.

I'm telling you, Jules,
we are dealing

with a bad, bad dude here.

Shawn, a messenger
dropped this off for you.


It's the clothes
the Mantis stole from me.

"Sorry for the inconvenience.

"I had your clothes dry-cleaned
as an offer of gratitude,

even though you pinched
and bit me."

See? You see what I mean?
Just pure evil.

You pinched and bit a man?

- Okay.
- I know that I've been off,

but seriously, when have I
ever been wrong

when I felt this strongly
about something?

Shawn, what I was going to say

is that maybe
we should believe you.

I mean, if your suspicions about
the Mantis are this strong,

then maybe
we're missing something.

Hang on.

Thank you.

- Hello?
- Is this Juliet O'Hara?

It's the Mantis.

It's the Mantis.

I'll put it on speaker
in the conference room.

Go to the conference room.
Go. Come on.

Okay, I'm listening.

I'd like to compliment
your department

on helping me
bring down the Caminos.

We make a good team.

His voice is really deep.

I've heard deeper.

Wow, really?

- Thank you.
- I wanted to let you know

that in addition to the dr*gs
found at the latest scene,

if you run D.N.A. analysis
on your perp,

you'll find hints to an unsolved
m*rder from last year.

- Okay, we'll look into it.
- I also have reason to believe

that a huge drug shipment
to the Caminos is imminent.

Ha! We already know that one.
Suck it.

Shawn, we're all professionals.

- Oh, yeah? You suck it.
- You suck it.

What kind of man takes off
another man's pants

in a smoky boiler room?

I'm on to all
your little tricks, man.

Have the police go down
to the warehouse district

in two hours.

I'll have another surprise
waiting for you.

It's time to escalate the game.

Um, thank you.
You've been very helpful,

but it would be
even more helpful

if you told us who you were.

- Crap.
- Don't worry about it.

Let's get some units down
to the warehouse district.

Let's beat 'em to this.

Freeze, Mantis!

Step away from the body!

Put your hands
where I can see 'em!


He escalated the game,
all right.

Yeah, to m*rder.

Wow, now I can read the paper

and listen to my movie score
playlist at the same time.

- Will you move out of the way?
- That's rough.

Quit playing around with that
before you break it.

Well, I guess I'm just
a little giddy now that

my nemesis has been exposed
for the fraud that he was.

And yes, I realize
that using the term "giddy"

is a bit facetious,

because the truth is
I am tickled pink.

The Mantis is not
your nemesis, Shawn.

You don't have an alter ego,
a cool suit,

or a tragically ironic
origin story.

- You're just a hater.
- A hater?

The only hater is the Mantis,
hater of not murdering people.

I still don't get it.

sh**ting a guy goes against
the Mantis' established M.O.

And I don't see a guy
who is that consistent

in his mythology
suddenly abandoning it

and using a g*n.

- Hmm.
- What is it?

- Oh, nothing.
- Shawn, I know that look.

- No, you don't.
- You just deduced something

that might prove the Mantis
is innocent,

but you don't want to say it,
because it might mean

- you were wrong about him.
- I didn't deduce anything.

Shawn, you are an hysterical
deducer, and you know it.

- So spit it out.
- Okay, fine, listen.

Generally, as a rule, when you
sh**t someone in the back,

they fall forward, right?

Well, when we saw the Mantis,
the victim was on his back.

Meaning the Mantis
had to flip the body over,

like you'd do if you
were checking to see

if somebody was already dead
when you found him.

Or even if you were
trying to save him.

Shawn, this man is innocent,

and we need to help him
clear his name.

Well, guess what, Gus?
We can't.

- Why not?
- 'Cause that is the downside

of being all secret identity.

Look, we can't find him,

unless we blast the Mantis light
into the sky,

which would be
pretty stupid, right?

Because the Mantis looks
like a little stick

that walks around.

You're thinking
of a walking stick.

No, those are the bugs
that hop around in the grass.

That's a grasshopper.

"Could not remove stain
on sleeve."

Well, I could've told 'em that.
Nothing gets out motor oil,

especially not more motor oil,
which I've tried.


You know how the police

couldn't trace that package
back to the Mantis?

Yeah, because he paid in cash
and didn't leave a record.

But he didn't know
the dry cleaners

put this in my jacket.

A paper trail.

Yeah, that was
a special rush order.

I'm sorry, I can't give you
any more than that. No.

Well, we're
paying customers here.

Well, where are your items?

Dude, take off your shirt.

Give it to her
for dry-cleaning.

You must be out
of your damn mind.

- Give her your shirt.
- Then what am I supposed

to wear tomorrow?
And the day after that?

- And the day after that?
- I don't know.

Oops, my bad.

this is a custom-made shirt.

Uh-oh. Well, what can we do
about this stain

before it sets in?

I have some industrial
stain-block in the back.

- Just a minute.
- All right.

Shawn, will you hurry up?

Bingo. It's his
regular dry cleaners.

I got the address.
Let's get out of here.

All right.

All right, let's see.
What do we got here?

Oh, that's kind of weird.
What does it feel like?

Look at that, buddy.


There it is.
Look at that.

Good as new, buddy.
Good work from you.

We're in, Gus.

I don't know, Shawn.

Are you sure this is
the right place?

501, just like
the computer said.

Oh, I hear you. This place isn't
very superhero-ish, is it?

Maybe we made a mistake.

♪ What? ♪

♪ What? ♪

You know that's right.

We need to get out of here.

We shouldn't be here
in the first place.

You should have thought of
that before you picked the lock.

No, you picked the lock.

Human shield.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- He's the Mantis?

Come on, chief, can you
give us any information?

- What can you tell us?
- That's how he got

the information
for the bust on the 26th.

Wait, we're here
to actually help you--aah!

Clear your--aah!

Because we know--ugh!

We know that you were--aah!

Cozened! Ugh!

Nobody knows
what "cozened" means.

"Cozened" is a fairly common
word, Shawn. Aah!

Why can't you just be
a normal person and say--

We know you were framed?

- You do?
- Yeah.

I'm really, really sorry
about this, guys.

I thought you were here
to take me in to the police.

- No, we think you're innocent.
- Might be innocent.

- I am not yet convinced.
- It's amazing.

Nobody's gotten this close
to actually figuring out

who I really am.
Your psychic powers are amazing.

Gus, we have to help him.
He's a good man.

First, I have to know,

why would a reporter want
to become a superhero?

All I do every day is write

about recent pet grooming trends
in Santa Barbara,

where Rob Lowe had brunch,
where Rob Lowe had dinner...

- Lucky's.
- And the politics and red tape

that keep the police
in this town

from actually doing their job.
So I decided to do something.

With my background
in mixed martial arts,

the Mantis was born.

And the first thing
you decided to do

was go after the biggest
drug g*ng in town?

I knew that the Caminos
operated in small groups

with each drug transaction,

which makes 'em
quick and mobile,

but it also keeps them
pretty vulnerable,

if you have their schedule
in advance.

Okay, so what really happened
to the guy on the rooftop

of the Baine building?

That was Carlos Jacott.

He was my inside man
with the Caminos.

The head bosses found out
he was trading secrets,

and so they k*lled him
for snitching.

And then they set me up to look
like I was a m*rder*r.

Well, they're desperate.

You're very close
to bringing 'em down.

Yeah, but not close enough.
I still can't figure out

how the dr*gs are getting
to the syndicate.

You know, I've looked
into all the clever ways

criminals are smuggling dr*gs
these days--

inside children's toys,
seafood shipments,

- plastics.
- What about glass?

I suppose
that could work, yeah.

You could embed the cocaine
in the glass,

and then melt it,
separate it at a later time.

That's it. Aah!
I can see the dr*gs

infused in panes of glass

loaded into cargo containers,
a bunch of 'em,

in a shipment yard
called n-o--

- No...
- Nosco. Nosco.

That's a cargo company.
They ship from overseas.

So that's how they've been
moving so much product

- without being detected.
- Yeah, we've just got

to figure out where
those cargo crates of glass

are entering Santa Barbara

before the dr*gs
hit the streets.

But I'm sensing
you're not gonna want

to help with that, are you?

What, are you nuts?
Now I've got the cops

and the Caminos following me.
The Mantis is done.

Reginald, as difficult
as this is for me to say,

you were actually making
a difference.

I mean, the Camino Syndicate
was running scared

all because of you.

Your presence alone
will slow them down.

Trust us, all you
have to do is show up

to that shipment yard. They'll
take one look at you and run.

Yeah, I don't know, guys.

I mean, it's one thing
to fight one-on-four,

but if we actually do find
their distribution center,

it's gonna be
more like one-on-ten.

What if you had help?

Detective unit
backup request--

Criminal investigation
at warehouse district,

3900 Saltair.

It's the Mantis!

The Catch.

And Tap-Man!

Give up while you still can.
We know how this will end.

Shawn, I thought you said we
were gonna just scare them away!

- They don't seem scared to me!
- That's 'cause you just went up

on your toes
and started dancing!

- What do we do now?
- You two go distract 'em.

I'll take 'em out one by one.

Detectives Lassiter and O'Hara

requesting backup
under heavy fire!

I told you this was a bad idea.

The only bad idea

was you thinking that Tap-Man
would fool anyone.

It's better than anything
that Catcher Man has.

- The Catch.
- Whatever.

He has no skills at all.

The Catch is
an impenetrable wall, Gus,

and he will smack the mess
out of you with this mitt.

What are you talking about?

Man, before anything went
wrong, you were totally on board

- with Catch and Tap-Man.
- Tap-Man and the Catch.

Get it right.

What was that?

Man, I told you
that wouldn't work.

- You have to believe.
- Shut up!


You're welcome.

- Guys!
- What?

- Come on!
- Ow, okay.

Put your hands in the air!

Put 'em up!

Get down! Get down!

Get down! Spread 'em!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
hold it!

- Get down on the ground, Mantis!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa,

Lassie, Jules, wait.
He's with us.

I don't care
what you say, Spencer.

- This man's wanted for m*rder.
- No, no, no,

the Mantis was framed.

When we caught him
above the body,

he was actually trying
to revive the victim.

And if you run ballistics
on the Caminos' firearms,

I bet you find
your m*rder w*apon.

Spencer, we can sort all this
out down at the station.

Especially why are you wearing
that ridiculous get-up?

What the hell are you supposed
to be anyway, the Turtle?

I am the Catch,

though I might
have to borrow "the Turtle"

if "the Catch" is already taken.
That's not bad--"the Turtle."

- Yeah.
- We're done here.

- I'm taking him in.
- Ooh.


Guster, did you
just throw sand at me?

Oh, hell.

Where's the Mantis?

Oh, good, you're all here.

Uh, the mayor just called.

I would like to pass on
his congratulations

to all of you for bringing down
the Camino Syndicate.

Oh, just doing our job, chief.

Besides, it was Shawn
who psychically realized

the Mantis had been framed

and led him
to Caminos' headquarters.

He really deserves
all the credit.

I wouldn't say that.
Well, not that it isn't true.

I-I just wouldn't say it.

Oh, come on. You might
like it if you try it.

I would rather spend the rest
of my life at Lilith Fair.

- Fair enough.
- Okay, but, gentlemen,

this case is far from over.

We're still looking
for where the Caminos

hid all the money that they made
from the drug trade.

Don't worry, chief, if it
hasn't already been laundered,

- it's bound to show up somewhere.
- Just like no one will know

where or when Tap-Man
and the Catch may show up.

The Catch and Tap-Man.

- Shawn.
- Oh, I think we know

a lot of places and times
they better not show up.

- Are we clear on that?
- Yes, ma'am.

Good day, gentlemen.

- Lunch later?
- You bet.

I just gotta drop something off
to a friend first.


Reginald, I had your suit


We're still looking
for where the Caminos hid

all the money that they made
from their dug trade.

We have identified a handful
of the phony businesses

that they are using as fronts,
but there could be a dozen more.

That was Carlos Jacott.

He was my inside man
with the Caminos.

Son of a...

Hello, Reginald.

- Looking tough there, sport.
- Thanks.

You know what?
You give a bad name

to all the good Mantises

This was never about honor
or justice

or even presidential fitness.

You just wanted
to take down the Caminos

so you could steal
their dirty money.

I've gotta say, I'm impressed.
You figured it out.

The truth is

I couldn't have done it
without your help.

Man, the deal was we help you
bring down the Caminos,

not we help you get rich.
You've risked my life.

You risked Gus' life--
for what?

What, a million dollars
in drug money?

- Actually, about $10 million.
- No kidding.

Yeah. The irony is

I was about to give up
until you and your partner

helped solve the final piece
of the puzzle.

That's how they've been moving
so much product

without being detected.

And what happened
at the glass factory--

I couldn't have done that
on my own.

So here,
thanks for coming out, champ.

- Those are all Benjamins?
- Oh, yeah.

Holy sh--No, no! No!

Absolutely not.

You know I can't let you
get away with this, Reginald.

All right.

You want me to kick your ass
for the third time?


Only now you're dealing
with the Catch.


Ow. Ow.

Strike one!

Strike two!

That's all you got?


That's right in my eye!


You were supposed to jump in
at the beginning of the fight!

- Freeze!
- It's okay.

The Catch cannot...

be stopped!

- Where are you going?
- Shawn!

- Dagnabbit, Shawn!
- Shawn!

Hold it!


Nobody steals on the Catch, Gus,

You know that's right.

Oh, God.

Oh, God. Ohh.

Here you go.
I don't know why you insist

on depositing
all of our checks yourself.

Because the last time
I had you do it,

you asked for it
all in singles.

Gus, I wanted to make it rain.

Half of our check blew out
an open window, Shawn.

Well, maybe this will
make it up to you.

What is this?

That is your shirt
from earlier.

Now it took a few cycles,

but I managed to get
the stain out completely.

Please tell me you didn't
put my dry-clean-only shirt

- in the washer.
- You bet I did.

It shrunk, Shawn.

Yeah, but so did the stain.

Look, you can't see it
at all anymore.

This shirt cost me $100.
You owe me a new one.

What? I would never spend
$100 on a shirt.

- You must be crazy.
- Fine.

- Then I'll just take yours.
- Oh!

You did that on purpose.

No, that was an accident.

This was on purpose.

- Give me those sleeves!
- Make me.

You know, you and Shawn
just got off on the wrong foot.

In time, you will see that he
really is a great guy.

A great guy who calls
your grandmother a dog.


She's not a dog.

Oh, I'm--I'm sure she isn't.

And that was after Shawn
and his partner

poked and prodded me
like I was a piece of meat.

Yeah, um, it may seem
unorthodox at the time,

but there's always
a perfectly logical explanation

for everything that Shawn does.

Give me those sleeves.

Then again, some things
are better left unexplained.

- Stop, Shawn!
- Give it!

I still think he'd be perfect
for my buddy Pete.