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05x10 - Chinga

Posted: 02/10/22 07:39
by bunniefuu
OK, sweetheart, we're just going in for a few things.

We won't be long, OK, Polly?

Mommy needs some groceries, OK?

I don't like this store, Mommy. We're only gonna be a minute.

I wanna go home.

Let's have fun.

Help‘ Melissa.

We're going home, Polly. Please, don't do this to Mommy.

It's Dave, down at the Super Saver. Send whoever you got on duty.

I want to play.

Scully. Hey, Scully. It's me.

Mulder, we agreed we were both gonna take the weekend oft Right, I know. But I just received some information about... about a case.

A classic X-files. Classic. I wanted to share it with you.

Mulder. I'm on vacation. The weather is clear.

I'm looking forward to breathing in some of this fine New England air.

You didn't rent a convertible, did you? Why?

Are you aware of the statistics of decapitation?

Mulder, I'm hanging up. I'm turning off my cellphone. I'm back in the office on Monday.

Don't talk and drive at the same time. Are you aware of the statistics?



Sir, what happened? I... I think we need a doctor.

Who are you? I'm...

My name is Scully. I'm an FBI agent. What happened to you?

I don't know. But Dave, the butcher.

I think he's dead.

Mulder. Mulder, it's me.

I thought you were on vacation. I am. I'm up in Maine.

You said you wanted to get out of your head for a few days.

I don‘t... I mean I do.

What are you watching. Mulder? The World's Deadliest Swarms.

Urn... you said you were gonna be unreachable. What's goin' on?

I, uh... I'm at a market here.

I'm trying to give the local PD a handle. A handle on what?

I'm not quite sure how to describe it. Mulder. I didn't witness it myself, but there's some kind of an outbreak of people acting in a violent, involuntary way.

Towards who? Toward themselves.

Themselves? Yeah. Beating at their faces, clawing at their eyes. One man is dead. Dead? How?

Self-inflicted, it appears.

Huh. It sounds to me like it's witchcraft, or maybe some sorcery that you're looking for.

No, I don't think it's witchcraft, Mulder, or sorcery.

I've looked around. I don't see any evidence that warrants that kind of suspicion.

Maybe you don't know what to look for. Like evidence of the black arts...

..or shamanism, divination, wicca or any kind of pagan or neo-pagan practice?

Charms, cards, familiars, bloodstones or hex signs...

..or any ritual tableau associated with the occult?

Santeria, Voudoun, Macumba or any high or low magic?

Scully? Yes?

Marry me. I hoped for something a little more helpful.

Short of looking for a lady in a pointy hat riding a broomstick.

I think you've pretty much got it covered. Thanks anyway.

Who's that woman right there? Melissa Turner.

She's the only one who looks unaffected. What's your point?

You might want to talk to her.

Miss Scully...

You staying in town? Yes. I'm on vacation. Why?

What you said about Melissa Turner put a spin on this whole business here today.

How's that? Melissa's caused some stir.

People here say she's a witch.

It's not the first time for that accusation in these parts.


To be honest with you. Captain Bonsaint. I'm not much of a believer in witchcraft.

I'm not either.

I used to just think it's cos Melissa's pretty and single.

Threatenin' you know? But now you're not convinced?

Well, you know... I appreciate the trouble you went to.

And I sure do hope there's a reasonable explanation, like you said.

Just this one thing gonna make it hard to persuade folks to your thinkin'.

What one thing is that? Who she's been carryin' on with.

Who she's been carrying on with? Uh.. yeah.. with Dave, the butcher.

Hello? Hey. It's Buddy.

Oh.. hi. You OK, Melissa?

I'm fine. Why do you ask? Who's that. Mommy?

I know you were here, Melissa, down at the Super Saver.

I don't know what you're talking about. Buddy.

Hang up. Mommy.

Melissa, turn the music down.

They say you're involved in what happened.

I'm not involved in anything. I know that. Would you listen to me?

I'm not sayin' that you are. What are you saying. Buddy?

I wanna help you. But keep it a secret or we'll both be answering questions.

Now I got something to tell you. What?

Something bad. What is it. Buddy?

Dave's dead. Oh my God!

I gotta see you right away. Melissa?

I can't. You need a friend more than ever.

Let's have fun.

You can't come here. Buddy. Why? Tell me why.

I can't explain it to you now.

I’m coming over there, Melissa. You shouldn't be alone.

Back door's wide open.


The sheets are still wet.


Take a look at this.

What the devil's this for?

Looks like she was afraid of somethin'.

Whatever it is, she's run off in a hurry. Laundry's out, doors unlocked. Beats me.

You know her? Melissy? About as local as you can get.

Born and raised here. Married a fisherman.

Widowed last year after a boating accident.

Don't know if the little girl, Polly, ever really understood. Toys in the attic.

The daughter's autistic? That's what they say.

Last year at the daycare center, proprietor slapped Polly across the face.

Slapped her? What for?

She said Polly threw a tantrum so fierce there was nothin' else she could do.

Next thing, she's on the ground. The little girl knocked her silly.

The little girl did? That's her story.

Polly never touched her as far as I could figure.

It was a real drama. Lady who ran the school lost her license.

People calling the kid all manner of names, saying Melissa's a witch.

Polly never went back to school a day since.

This.. uh... this affair that the mother was having with the butcher...?

Dave. Oh. I might've given you the wrong impression. That wasn't really an affair.

Although Dave did make quite a fool of himself and his wife.

So, it was unrequited? You could say that.

To the extent that she'd have to nail her windows shut?

Oh, he wasn't that big a fool.

You know.. maybe she wasn't afraid of somethin' getting in.

Maybe she's afraid of somethin' getting out.

Like what?

Just a thought.

What do you think of that, huh?

Why don't you leave town? I've got nowhere to go. Buddy.

I live on a shoestring as it is. Listen to me.

I've got some money put away. Buddy. I can't.

I've had my eye on you for more years than I care to remember.

I missed my chance the first time round and I'm waiting in the wings.

Now. I'm sorry about things. Truly I am, but you need somebody who can provide.

Don't Buddy, please. "Don't" because you don't want to?

Or just because you're too proud? You don't understand!

What don't I understand?

What happened in the Super Saver? What happened to Dave?

I couldn't stop it. What do you mean?

I've seen things.

I want more cherries. What's that, sweetie?

I want more cherries!

I saw Dave dead. Before he was dead.

I saw him in Frozen Foods, all cut and bloody.

And it's not the first time.

My husband...

I saw him... in a window... dead, before it happened - you know, with the hook?

You're gonna have to go ask your mommy for more money.

I just can't give them away.

Window order.

Let's have fun.

Mommy. I want more cherries. We gotta go now. Polly.

Take this, Melissa. It's to a place we use for hunting, up near Schoodic Lake.

Mommy! Or else there's gonna be trouble.



Is that you, Jack? Yeah, it's me Jane. Come in?

Who've you got with you? My name's Dana Scully. I'm with the FBI.

I just happen to be here on vacation... So?

So. I just... I'm helping out the chief here.

Did you talk to her? Who?

Oh please. Melissa Turner.

That whore's a witch, sure as I'm standin' here.

She's descended from the Hawthornes in Salem, The Englishes, Too.

She comes from a cursed lineage and now she's passing it on to the whelp.

God save that little girl if somebody don't do somethin'. Lord knows. I tried.

Jane, if we could just come in for a few minutes and talk...

I found out last year how much good talking to you does. Jack.

I explained everything and the city closed me down anyway.

Our great-great-grandfathers knew about witches.

They would've driven the demon out of that girl.

And given that slattern of a mother just what she's got coming.

New England hospitality.

Heard about it my whole life. finally got a chance to experience it for myself.

You see what I'm up against, public sentiment an' all.

This family tree of Melissa Turner's... Yep?

It's all talk, isn't it? I never really asked. Why?

Well. I think you need to bring her in to straighten this out.

Under what pretext? That she might know something.

About what?

About what I'm sure is a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this.

Uh.. yeah.

Well. I wish I could help you out.

You know. I'm just... on vacation.

Hi. Where you headed this time of night?

We were invited up to a place near the lake. A friend gave us the key.

You got gear? Food and water? We'll be all right.

I just want to make sure of that, ma'am. Winter‘s in full force up there. Power's iffy.

Just you and the little one? For now.

I wanna go home. Mommy. We're gonna go camping. Polly.

I want my bed. I want my records. Let's have fun.

I'll just take your license number then.

Help me.


You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That's what it's all about Left foot You put your left foot in Hello?

You put your left foot in and you shake it all about You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That's what it's all about Who's there? Is anyone there?

You put your right arm out, you put your right arm in And then you shake it all about

Left arm You put your left arm in, you put your left...

I want to play.

That's what it's all... That's what it's all about That's what it's all about... That's what it's all about I'm not afraid of you!

That's what it's all about... That's what it's all about...

That's what it's all about...

The hokey pokey The hokey pokey You do the hokey pokey That's what it's all about

Hello. Chief.

Looks like she died by her own hand.

Big slice under the chin opened up the artery.

With what? Buddy, show her the thing.

Jack Bonsaint.



Oh, OK, put him through.

It's for you.

Hello? Hey, morning, sunshine!

Mulder? Yeah. I was a little worried about you.

I wondered if you needed my help? Needed your help on what?

I left you a message.

I was up and out this morning. Mulder? Yeah?

What's that noise? Where are you?

At home. They’re doing construction right out the window. Hold on a second.

Fellas! Can you just keep it down for a second maybe?

Thank you.

Hey. I was thinking about this case. Maybe it's not witchcraft after all.

Maybe there's a scientific explanation.

A scientific explanation? Yeah, medical cause. A thing called chorea, Dancing sickness.

St. Vitus's dance. It affects groups of people. causing unexplained outbursts of uncontrollable jerks and spasms.

It hasn't been seen or diagnosed since the Middle Ages.


You're obviously not a fan of American Bandstand.

Mulder? Thanks for the help.


That your partner? Yep.

Has he maybe got some insight on this?

No. I see.

You put your right foot in, you put your right foot...

You know. Chief Bonsaint. Jack... Can I call you Jack?

I've been thinking that maybe... maybe we need to explore other possibilities.

I'm not sure I understand.

Well, maybe we need to keep our minds open to... extreme possibilities.

OK, but, uh... aren't you on vacation?

You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out You put your whole self in and you shake it all about You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That's what it's all about Backside You put your backside in, you put your backside out You put your backside in and you shake it all about You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That's what it's all about Hokey pokey!

You do the hokey pokey The hokey pokey You do the hokey pokey That's what it's all about

Let's have fun.


Help me.


Ah. Oh my God.

That looks like something out of Jules Verne.

We're supposed to eat that? Little late for anything else.

You said you had some other directions you were looking at?

I've been thinking about Melissa Turner.

Her husband died in a boating accident? Yeah.

Well, was there anything strange about that?

About the way that it happened?

Well... it was never quite explained to anyone's satisfaction, actually.

How's that? How a grappling hook went in his skull.

Was Melissa ever questioned about that?

Melissa? No. I don't see how she'd be involved.

Boat he died on's right over there, if you're at all wonderin'.

I saw that man at the market.

I want popcorn. Mommy!


You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out You put your right foot in What are you doin' here? Buddy!

How come you're back? You've gotta get outta here!

I called the rangers. They said you tried to k*ll a man - you almost ran him over.

You came back to k*ll her too. I didn't try to k*ll anybody!

Jane Froelich. It isn't me. Buddy.

Ah.. we're gonna see about that. You're coming in with me.

That's what it's all about Right arm You put your right arm in...

And your little brat.

You put your right arm in, and then you shake it all about

I want to play.

"What happened?"

You ask that question around here, you get as many stories as... as fishermen.

You were on board the night that he died. What do you think?

I told my story to the chief.

People's stories change.

Folks blame the widow. Who do you blame?

He was wild for her.

He worked very hard to build that little house for her.

When that daughter came, you'd need a mop to wipe the smile off his face.

We'd set out to sea on the girl's last birthday.

He was counting the hours before he'd be home again.

Hey, look what Davy Jones sent my little Polly.

Catch of the day.


Three days later he was dead. And you know what k*lled him?

The eyes play tricks at night.

Water up against the hull making noises.

Sometimes you hear things.

Let's have fun. What the hell was that?

What is it?

I want to play.

Oh my God!

Like I said, the eyes play tricks.

But you saw something in that grocery store.

That little girl and her dolly. Moment I saw them. I knew.


Thought you weren't answering your phone.

Then why'd you call? I.. uh...

I had a new thought about this case.

There's a viral infection spread by simple touch.

Mulder... are there any references in occult literature to objects that have the power to direct human behaviour?

What types of objects? Um... like a doll for instance.

You mean like Chucky? Yeah. Kind of like that.

The talking-doll myth is well-established in literature, especially in New England.

The fetish or juju is believed to pass on magical powers to its possessor.

Early witches were condemned for little more than proclaiming that these objects existed.

The supposed witch having premonitory visions and things...

Why do you ask? I was just curious.

You didn't find a talking doll, did you? No, no of course not. Uh...

I would suggest that you check the back of the doll for a plastic ring with a string on it.

That would be my first... Hello?

Let's go talk to Melissa Turner.

Where's my popcorn?!

It's coming. Polly.

Where's my popcorn?! It's coming.


I can't sleep. You go back to bed. Polly.

It's way past your bedtime.

No more pounding. Go back to bed, sweetheart.

Let's have fun.

Help me.

Everything's gonna be all right, sweetie. Just go back to bed.

That's Buddy's car.


Do you see anything? Uh-uh.




Don't play with matches.

Go back to bed. Polly!


Go on now!


Melissa! Bonsaint!

Don't play with knives.


She's got the door nailed shut. She's trying to k*ll herself.


Mommy! Mommy, no more pounding!

Let's play with the hammer.


Get away from me!

Put it down. Melissa.

I don't like you any more.

Give me the doll. Polly. I want to play.


Polly, give me the doll. I want to play.

Polly, give me the doll.

I want to play.

I want to play. I want to play.

I want to play. I want to play. I want to play. I want to...

I want to play. I want to play.

I want to play. I want to play. I want to play. I...

Oh. Hey! Scully, how you doin'?

Uh.. how you feelin'? Rested? I feel fine.

What? That poster. Where'd you get it?

Oh. I got it down on M Street at some head shop about five years ago.

Hm. Why?

No. I just... wanted to send one to somebody.

You do? Mm-hm.


Who? Oh, just... some guy.


M Street?

Yeah. Is this somethin' to do with that case?

"That case"... um.. yeah. Yes, it is. Yeah.

Did you solve it? Me? No.

No. I was.. uh... I was on vacation just... getting out of my own head for a few days.

What about you? Did you.. um... get anything done while I was gone?

It's amazing what I can accomplish without incessant meddling or questioning into everything I do. It's just...

There's... got to be an explanation.

Oh. I don't know. I think some things are better left unexplained.

I want to play.