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05x18 - The Pine Bluff Variant

Posted: 02/10/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
North perimeter clear. No sign of him.

South access clear. Camera One, pan right.

Mulder, make for the west entrance. Zoom in.

No sign of suspect. Two, angle south entrance.

Mid park clear. There.

The bus. Three, zoom in.

Stay close, Mulder.

We have Alpha off an eastbound metro bus.

I have Alpha. Heading south.

One, follow suspect.

Beta. Contact made.

All right, hold your positions.

Stand by.

What's he looking at? Two, pick it up.

Mulder, he's watching you.

He’s reaching for something. One, zoom in.

Take it slowly.

Slowly. Wait for it. Wait, wait, wait for it.

What? What? What? What?

What just happened? I don't know what the hell happened.

Anybody! A doctor! I need a doctor over here!

My friend ’5 sick here. I don't know what's goin'... Oh. God! He just... he just fell. Oh, man!

What's goin' on? I can't see anything.

Beta target down. We've lost Alpha.

Go! Go! Go!

He's heading west. He's on the move! I'm on him.

Maintain your position on the downed Beta. find the Alpha on Three.

Federal Agent. Step aside!

Oh, my God! What is it?

What the hell did he do to him? What are you saying?

Come on! Talk to me! Talk to me!

It's eaten away his flesh. What?

Haley must be carrying something lethal. Where's Mulder?

There's no way he couldn't catch him! Mulder, respond!

Can you find him? Zoom in. Zoom in! I can't see a thing.

Mulder, suspect is armed and dangerous!

Pursue Alpha with extreme caution!

Mulder! Damn!

Agent Scully!


What happened? I lost him, What do you mean? He got away.

I came in early.

I wanted to take a look at the surveillance tape to make sure I wasn't crazy.

What happened out there, Mulder?

What happened?

There were 12 agents yesterday in the park. We had ownership of the suspect.

We were in position to make the capture and you let him get away.

And from what I see now, you may have even aided in his escape.

I don't know what you're talkin' about. It's on the video.

I can't prove it was you, but I know what I saw.

This man is a m*rder*r. He is a t*rror1st.

I have a report to give this morning.

I expect you to give me an answer. I expect you to tell me the truth.

We're late for the hearing.

15 hours ago a joint FBI/CIA task force assembled to capture Jacob Steven Haley, second-in-command of the group known as New Spartans.

Intelligence revealed Haley was to make an exchange of money for weapons to conduct domestic t*rror1st activities and to further their goal of overthrowing the federal government.

Due to reasons that are still under review, our operation failed.

Jacob Steven Haley remains at large, whereabouts unknown.

What about the weapons?

An arms dealer, who died at the scene, received from Haley a $50,000 bearer bond.

Presumably this was payment for weapons delivered.

In other words, Haley not only got away, he got away with $50,000 worth of g*ns?

Have we determined a cause of death? How Haley k*lled this man?

He was k*lled by means of a highly toxic biological agent.

What kind of toxin? We don't know.

Its effect on the dermis and the soft tissues, the rapidity of its action: it is not a disease known in nature. It would seem to be genetically engineered.

A bioweapon. How the hell did he get it?

Former Soviet Union.

Security on the Siberian vector lab is, um, lax.

It's conceivable it was stolen. Though we have no confirmation from Moscow.

So, is this in the ozone now? Is this stuff floating through Folger Park?

Decontamination procedures were undertaken immediately.

Our indications are that exposure was limited and that the toxin was transmitted directly and not contagious.

How do you know that? We're not all dead.

At this point we can only guess the toxin was transmitted by liquid, gas, touch or injection.

Anybody care to tell me how this guy Haley eluded us?

Video recon indicates Haley had an accomplice at the park.

We've yet to identify who this was or how Haley knew he was under surveillance.

He must've made us.

This task force was chosen for their lack of exposure in t*rror1st circles.

Haley's extremely suspicious to the point of paranoia.

He's got military training and a guerrilla mentality.

Second only to this man.

August Bremmer. He's the group's mastermind.

However, there are reports that he and Haley are vying for control.

This destabilization makes August Bremmer our primary threat.

Well, this is it. This is the scenario we've all been worried about, people.

Now, I need maximum control of information. Nothing leaves this room.

The media gets a sniff, we're gonna disavow.

We are gonna stop these men.

We're gonna make it all go away.


The show's almost over. One, please.


I'd like some popcorn, please.

Do you want... large... extra large... or jumbo large?

Could I get some fresh popcorn, please? The sign says "fresh popcorn".

This is fresh popcorn. No, fresh fresh.

Hot. Out of that machine back there.


A large. I have to make it.

Probably take a minute.

Yeah? You set me up.

I saved your ass. Why wasn't I told?

I didn't know about the operation. It was your operation.

The Justice Department got an anonymous tip.

I found out about it half an hour before. I did what I could.

You'll have to do better than that, Mulder. I got as much to lose here as you do.

They catch you, you'll flip me. Look, I believe in your ideals and your goals.

The only reason I tolerate your methods is cos the government's are worse.

Wow. What a ringing endorsement.

Hey, you came to me, remember?

What more do you want from me? I've risked everything.

I've given you information. My partner is seriously suspicious.

If that's not enough for you, that's all I got.

Ain't nobody home. No, she's in there.

She's just hidin' or somethin'. We could make a break for it.

Right through the front doors.

Why? I got us front-row seats.

She see us?

Is she coming?

Hey, man.

Maybe you can tell me what's going on. What?

There seems to be a problem.

A man told me you gave him keys to my room. Room 130.

Who are you? Who am I? Who is he?

Mr, uh, Kaplan. Mr Kaplan?

Yes. Thank you.

Are you the wife? Not even close.


We'll proceed as planned.

Agent Mulder, you comin' with us?

Step out of the car.

Exactly what agency are you guys from?

Obviously not the Office of Information.

Agent Scully, take a seat.

What the hell is going on? I apologize for our methods.

They may have saved Agent Mulder's life. What about my life?

I don't appreciate being run off the road. We had our reasons.

You're suspicious Mulder has betrayed his country.

I don't know what you mean. Your discretion is understandable.

In point of fact, Agent Mulder's actions are entirely honourable.

What you've stumbled into is a classified action: a deep-cover assignment.

Until now, Mulder's true mission was known only to us.

His true mission? The council we sat in was a front.

To make the New Spartans believe we were unaware of his complicity.

Why him? Why choose Agent Mulder? We didn't choose him. They did.

He spoke at a UFO conference in Boston. He apparently broadcast his feelings about the government and their conspiracies against the American people.

Somebody from the organization was listening. The man who escaped sent out feelers, in hopes that Agent Mulder was a man whose politics were in line with his own. Someone on the inside that he could use.

To what aim? That, we don't know.

You've put Mulder's life in danger by not telling me.

Agent Mulder came to me. I advised him not to tell you. He's at a very delicate point.

Everything he does now must work to build trust.

Including letting this man Haley get away with m*rder?

Sir, we know nothing about this bioweapon. We don't know what they want to use it for.

We don't even know if they have the capacity to store it safely.

Putting Agent Mulder in this situation is extremely risky.

They want something from him. We have no other way of learning what.

Movie theater in Ohio. Whatever they're usin', they've used it again.

Ooh, is this the Pepsi Challenge? How about some, uh, fresh air, boys?

Welcome, Agent Mulder.

OK, deal me in.

This is just a little method that we use... to learn the truth.

Well, you might wanna put that hood back on me unless you wanna see a grown man cry.

What happened in the park?

I told you on the phone.

I was set up. I'm tellin' the truth. Wait. Wait. Wait!

I let you go!

You're spying on us, aren't you? No. No!

You want me to lie and say yes?

I'm gonna k*ll you, you son of a bitch!

I'm gonna k*ll you!

If I set you up, do you think I'd even get into the car with this n*zi piece of sh...?!

I risked everything! If I was lying, there'd be federal agents descending on this place like the wrath of God right now! If you touch me again, you'd better k*ll me!

A w*r is going on, Agent Mulder.

Either you're on the right side... or the wrong.

You've seen the effects of this. Yeah.

Like to see them again? No. I didn't set you up.

If you got set up, it was one of yours.

You know what?

I believe you.

What are you reading in there? No not zones, no atmospheric.

You're clear, Agent Scully. Thank you.

There's 14 victims total, including patrons, a projectionist and an employee.

That's the usherette. There were two survivors. Two teenage boys.

How does it happen that those two kids survived?

I don't know.

But it's gonna help us establish a method of delivery.

It's doubtful the pathogen was airborne. They found no atmospheric traces.

So it's gotta be something that everybody touched.

Don't be alarmed.

Get outta here.

Get outta here! I know what you're doing.

Skinner told me everything. I don't know what you're talking about.

What happened to your hand? Nothing.

Oh, Mulder, what did they do to you?

This needs to be set. You're in pain. If you keep pullin' it around like that...

Let's get the swelling down.

They've k*lled again, Mulder. 14 people in a movie theater in Ohio.

Same toxin they released in the park.

14 people?

It doesn't make any sense. Unless it was a test.

For something bigger. Why do this to you, Mulder?

They're testing me, too.

Haley's paranoid and spooked. I was sure he was gonna k*ll me.

What stopped him? He still needs something from me.

And I'm sensing there's someone Haley trusts even less.

The man givin' him his orders.

Someone I haven't met yet. A guy named August Bremmer.

What happened to your hand? t*rror1st lie detector.

Well, did you pass? Well, I must've. I'm still here.

They told me what they want.

Documentation from the Federal Reserve Bank.

Fund-transfer schedules for the eastern seaboard. Cash money.

They're gonna hit a bank or an armoured car.

That's it? That's all?

I think I convinced Haley that the near miss in Folger Park was due to a mole in his group.

He wants surveillance files on them. How soon?

They're waiting for my call. We'll need some time to redact.

No, no, no. I anticipated this. I've got files ready to use.

I'm gettin' a bad feeling about this. I want a tail on him.

No tail. Once they get what they want, what's to keep them from k*lling him? They spot a tail, they're gonna sh**t him.

We have got no other way of learning what they want past this, what the big picture is.

You may not have another chance to contact us.

If you don't hear from me by midnight... feed my fish.

That's it. That's your bug.

That's a bacterium. An especially virulent one.

We isolated it from the bearer bond.

Was the bacterium found on the ticket stub?

Actually, no.

Barring the usual particles and dust mites, the ticket stub was clean.

How was the biotoxin spread throughout the theater?

I don't know.

It looks like streptococcus. A strain of streptococcus, but one that has been genetically altered to make it extraordinary lethal.

But strep wouldn't be able to survive any exposure to the environment.

Normally, but whoever produced this has cleverly coated the bacterium with a synthetic protective cover.

The covering gives them an adhesive quality. It's like scratch 'n' sniff.

Dermal contact activates the contagion. It's ingenious... in its own evil way.

Developed by the Russians?

I've seen everything in their arsenal. They've got nothing this sophisticated.

Well, then, by whom?

Do you have what we need? Tell the gimp to back off.

Gimme the files.

I need that back by tomorrow.

Lies within lies.

Put the hood on. You're goin' with us.


You put it on or the gimp puts it on for you.


The biotoxin was applied to the bearer bond with an aerosol spray but there's no evidence whatsoever of it on the theater stubs.

Now, I still have no idea how these kids were unaffected.

Have you ID'd the toxin?

Agent Scully? Sir, are you alone?

No. Why? I'd like to speak with you in private.

You're off the speaker.

Now, CIA intelligence suggested that this biotoxin was stolen from the Russians.

But my research indicates it was almost certainly developed domestically.

The US has no bioweapons. President Nixon dismantled our programme in 1969.

Yes, sir, that's what we've been told. But the CDC database contains evidence of a streptococcus bacterium being developed by the army's Pine Bluff facility in the 19605.

It appears to be a very primitive strain of what we're seeing here.

What are you saying? What I’m saying is... that the bioweapons programme may have continued in secret.

And that someone may be sending Agent Mulder on a su1c1de mission.


Thank you.

What is it?

She's just... concerned for her partner.

You put us all at risk bringing him here.

We took the usual precautions.

Anyway... he came through for us.

Federal Reserve schedules for tomorrow.

You're a believer? I have my beliefs.

You willing to die for them? I'd prefer it didn't come to that.

We have a job to do.

You're Dracula.

Oh, damn!

The money. Oh, my God. The money.

Mulder, take it.

Make sure you point that the right way.

May I have the keys, please?

You do what I say or I'll sh**t you!

Three minutes!

Open the gate. Open it!

Get down! Now! Everybody down!

Don't be foolish! Give us the money and we'll be gone!

Move back! Come on! Move it!

All right! Here! Down! Now! Don't touch that phone!

Dracula, take the teller. Right.

Step away from the counter! Open the doors! Put your hands up on the windows!

Now! Now! Do it!

You! Here! Get down! Now!

Nobody move! Two minutes!

Let's open it. Open it!

Don't move!

I got it.

Oh, my God!

Is he dead?

No. He's still alive. finish him!

One minute thirty!

You! Face down on the floor! Right here. Now!

What are you waiting for? Do it!

Get down!

I told you to finish him! finish him!

That w*apon's traceable. Go!

Get the hell outta here! Go! Go!

What are you doing? What are you doing?!

The bills could be traced.

The bank heist was a decoy.

To contaminate the money you didn't take.

No more tests, Mr Mulder. This is the real deal.

You've been a big help. Put that down.

He's a liability. To who? You?

If you're gonna k*ll Mulder to protect your secret, it's too late. I know your secret.

Mulder provided us with FBI surveillance reports. files which contained a name.

A source who's been leaking information on us for a period of two years.

Charles Bogart. See, Bogart is an alias, an old one... for August Bremmer.

Agent Mulder knows my alias.

He knew a false report would feed your ambition and pit you against me.

Mulder risked his life for us.

Are you sure about that?

They're testing me. Haley's paranoid.

Spooked. I was sure he was gonna k*ll me.

What stopped him? They need something from me.

I’m sensing there’s someone Haley trusts even less.

What the hell is this?

Director Skinner, you've got to get to Mulder. You've gotta find the bank they hit.

We're trying to. Mulder's life is in danger, and anybody else who touches the currency. They're putting the biotoxin on the money.

We've got no way of contacting him.

Not without blowing his cover. You've got no choice.

We had surveillance tapes satellited to us. There have been 27 robberies in seven eastern states this morning. There's no sign of Mulder.

Well, he's gotta be on there somewhere.

We've made some decisions.

Take it... and get outta here. I don't wanna see your face again.


On your feet. You can just call me a cab. That'll be fine.

Let's go. Go where?

Witnessing the m*rder of a federal agent will make these men an accessory.

You hear that? I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Stop there.

Down on your knees.

Hands behind your back.

There's a car for you just over the rise. Head south till you get to the highway.

Who are you? Go on.

They come out here and find us, they'll k*ll us both.


Hey! Hold it! Hold it! Who are you?

FBI. Who's in charge? Who's in charge? I need everybody out of the bank!

Mulder! They sprayed the money.

We got here an hour ago, before any of the funds were touched.

The cash supply's being isolated. It's being locked down in the vault.

How did you know it was this bank?

I recognized you from the surveillance tape.

Your finger.

August Bremmer, or whatever his real name is, he's working with us.

Before you go on, you should know the biotoxin they used may have come from government labs. Our government.

I was set up? We have no definitive information to justify that position. I was being used?

This whole operation? The people that died in that theater?

Agent Mulder! Our government is not in the business of k*lling innocent civilians.

The hell they aren't. Those were tests on us to be used on someone else, Those bills have been analyzed. The money in the vault gave no readings.

There's no evidence of any biotoxins. So before you climb on any bandwagon...

You knew about this all along! You knew about this the whole time!

I want the money rechecked. It's been cleared.

It's being used as evidence in a federal crime.

That money's as dirty as you are, isn't it?

Isn't it?

Say that were true, then what do you hope to accomplish as a whistle-blower?

To mobilize a civil-rights action? To bring down the federal government?

To do the very work that that group you were a part of is so bent on doing?

What do you want? Laws against those men or laws protecting them?

I want people to know the truth.

Well, sometimes our job is to protect those people from knowing it.

Excuse me.