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06x03 - Westward Ho!: Part 3

Posted: 02/11/22 06:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ The weekend
comes, my cycle hums ♪

♪ Ready to race to you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Share them with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rocking and
rolling all week long ♪

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ Saturday, what a day ♪

♪ Groovin' all week with you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Share them with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are yours ♪

♪ And mine, Happy Days! ♪


Dear Mama,

my vacation in Colorado

turned out to be

just like a Hopalong
Cassidy movie.

We're all out here
to help Marion

run her uncle's dude ranch.

He was hurt

by a k*ller bull.

And there's this mean
sidewinder neighbor,

H.R. Buchanan, who's trying
to take over her uncle's land.

What can we do for you, sir?

I hold a note on
Uncle Ben's ranch,

and it's due noon... Friday.

We also met a nice girl
wrangler named Thunder.

Both Fonzie and
Richie are wild about her.

I can't believe it.
You're getting all riled up

just because we
took a walk together.

I'll tell you something,
carrot, I ain't riled.

Joanie found herself a cowhunk.

Oh... the hunk loves me.

The hunk loves me not.

The hunk loves me.
The hunk loves me not.

Hey! What happened?!

- Help!
- Grab the reins, Joanie!

Help me!

Oh, boys, catch her!

Fonzie, Richie, help me!

I can't get the reins!

Help me!

Fonzie, Richie, get
up here! I'm trying to...

I can't... Help me, Richie!

Watch out! Watch
out for the wheel!

Hold on, Cunningham!


You don't want to know!

Fonzie, watch out for the ditch!


Help! Help me!

Some ditch. That was a canyon.

Fonz, my life passed
before my eyes.

Yeah. Mine started, too.

I couldn't get past
the Polaski twins.

You want to know
something, Fonz? It's me.

Things like this don't happen
to Ralph, Potsie, Joanie...

Red, Red, Red, Red, just push.

- Right.
- Right.

Richie, help!


Fonz, we got to
catch up to Joanie!

What do you think I'm here for?

Fonz, Fonz, there she is!

Fonzie, help!

That's it, Fonz.
You're getting closer.

You're doing great, Fonz!

Richie, help!


Sounds like you said "go"!

Will you get off the bike?

Richie, what are you doing?

Watch out!

Be careful, Richie!

What are you doing?

Richie, don't jump!

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa, Nellie!

- Oh, Richie...
- Joanie!

- Are you all right?
- I think so.

Oh, I'm so glad.

- Oh.
- Hey, shortcake.

Oh, thanks, Fonz.

All right, get off
me. Get off me.



Richie, you were great!

- You did it!
- Oh, thanks!

Oh, Joanie...

I rode the bike.


You're gonna be a
legend in this town.

A legend?

Oh, no, no, not a legend.

A legend?

Do you have any
idea how difficult it is

to keep my cycle close to
the snorting, wild team of wild...

Yep. Well, we better
get back to the ranch,

'cause your folks are
gonna be mighty worried.

- Oh, they sure are.
- That's right. Mom and Dad, Rich.

- All right. Come on, Joanie. Get up there.
- Okay.

- Be careful though.
- All right. I will, I will.

- Be careful there.
- Okay.

Get up there...

Be careful, Rich.


I rode the bike.

Nobody wants to
listen to me here.

Hey! Wait, wait!
Cowgirls and cowboys,

our hero, Richie Cunningham!

Speech! Speech!

Come on, let's get him up here.


Thank you. Thank you.

Well, I'd-I'd just
like to say that, uh...

it's really no big deal. Yeah.

No big deal. No big deal.

He saves the life of
his younger sibling,

he's got an audience...

An audience?!

Hey, did you hear the one
about the guy who left his wife...

Please, it's my moment.

Sorry, Rich, I'll
tell it to you later.

All right.

Uh, I would like
to add, however,

that I never could
have saved my sister

were it not for the superb...

no, the-the superhuman effort

of my good buddy Fonzie.

Would you say a few words, Fonz?

Come on up, Fonz.


Uncle Ben was so grateful.

He laughed so hard he
threw his back out again.

He didn't seem to mind.

Oh, it's so peaceful here.

Richard said there's an
Indian legend about this spot.

Sure is beautiful.

You know, sweetheart,
maybe we could come back

to this ranch someday.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Uncle Ben would love that.

The kids will be
grown-up, off and married...

Our grandchildren would
love this place, Howard.


I never thought much about that.

It's part of the
reward of growing old.

My reward has been my
life with you, sweetheart.

What was that? It
sounded like crying.

I don't know, Howard, it's
just is the wind whistling.

You're a very lucky
fella, you know that?

Oh, yeah, I do know that.

I've got my health...

I'm talking about Thunder.

She's in love with you, huh?

In love with me?

Hey, that is the only
reason I can figure

that she can't see
my obvious charm.

She is gaga over you.

- Gaga?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, no way. No,
that's-that's serious.

Uh, ga, maybe, but...

Fonz, I'm spoken for.

Lori Beth and I have an
arrangement back home. I...

Oh. I-I can't string
Thunder along like this.

Can I, Fonz?

- No.
- No.

Well, I'll just have to
tell her in the morning.


Oh, hi, Rich.

Mighty fine sunrise, huh?

Yep. Might be my
last one on this ranch.

The note's due today.

Not till noon.
We're not licked yet.

You know, life's funny.

I mean, the way things work out,

how-how just being in
that one certain place

that one certain time can
change your whole life.

We met too late.

Understand what I'm saying?



I've-I've got a girlfriend
back in Milwaukee.

And we're going steady.

Please, please,
just let me finish. I...

Thunder, I-I want you
to know something.

If there were no
other women in my life,

why, then you'd be right
up there on top of my list.

I mean, you would be...

my little cowgirl.

Sure was pretty.

Well, I'm a journalist.

So, anyway, I-I
guess this is it.

Oh, what are you doing?

Well, I, uh...

I just thought a good-bye
kiss might be nice. I'm sorry.

That's okay, Rich.

But you didn't
have to say all that.

Because, uh...

I-I like Fonzie.

Let me tell you something,
Joanie, you are...

you're impressive on horseback.

- Hi, Mom and Dad.
- Hey. -Hi.

Oh, well, what's the matter?

Why all the long faces?

Oh, Joanie, Arthur...


The ranch is lost.



How much are we short?


You come up with the $17.38.

I'll give you the thousand.

Oh, Arthur, that's a
very gracious gesture.

But you don't have
that kind of money,

and we don't have the time.

No, all I need is eight seconds.
That's as much time as it takes

to ride that fat cow
out there, Diablo.

Cow? That's a
k*ller bull, Fonzie.

Oh, now, wait a minute,
Fonzie. I'm not going to allow that.

No, I'm putting my foot down.

Arthur, no ranch is
worth your getting hurt.

- We did our best, we tried.
- You are not gonna ride

- that bull, Fonzie.
- We can't make it work... -Yeah, you can't

- ride the bull.
- We can't make it work. We just...

Now, hold it.

I ride my motorcycle,
I'm on 40 horses.

One bull is a step down.

I'm coming back.

With a thousand dollars.

Fonzie's gonna ride the bull.

Fonzie's gonna ride the bull!

This is crazy!

Hey, guys, guys!

Fonzie's gonna ride the bull!

- Come on!
- Come on, let's go!

Everybody, Fonzie's
gonna ride the bull!

Fonzie's gonna ride the bull!

Oh, keep...

Keep cooking, little doggie!

Fonzie's gonna ride the bull!

Fonzie's gonna ride
the bull! Come on!

Fonzie's gonna ride the bull!

Richard, you got to talk to him.

I'll give it a shot.

Whoa, mama.

All right.

Fonz, is this true?

What? That I'm gonna
tangle with this big cow?

Yeah, it's true.

Fonzie... it's a k*ller!

Come on, you
can't do that, Fonz.

- Come on, Fonz!
- Come on!

You can't ride this bull.

Let me tell you something.

The word "can't" is not in
the Fonzarelli dictionary.

You understand that?

All right. All right, how
about the word "dead"?

Or how about "gored"?

Or how about "trampled
on," or how about "mangle"?

How about the word
"friendship," huh?

That's a good one, huh?

Like when your
family needs your help

'cause they're busting
their backs here

to make a go of this place.

- Oh, no.
- Look who's coming.


Well... howdy.

Howdy. Everybody
here to see me take over?

We've got a
challenger for Diablo.

Oh, yeah? Well, no, you can't.

You see, the offer's only
good during the rodeo.

That's just as well.

Arthur, I didn't want to
see you hurt riding that bull.

Oh, you're the one.

Well, as a matter of fact,

as President of the
Cattleman's Association,

I'm going to extend the
deadline for riding the bull.

Oh, I'm going to enjoy
seeing you trampled.

Mr. C., would you give
this creep the money,

let him get out of here?

Sure I can't get you
to change your mind?

Give, give, give,
give, give, huh?

Now, excuse me.
I got work to do.

All right?

Good luck... Diablo.

He's gonna need it.

Somebody's holding
on to the Fonz?

Fonzie, don't.

I grew up on horses,
and I know animals.

That bull cannot be ridden.

That bull hasn't met me yet.

Will you wear this?

I heard about flowered scarves,

you know, in the
movies and stuff.

I don't know. I don't
know about that, Thunder.

But please. For me.

I'll see you in eight seconds.

All right.

What am I, nutso?

Red, get up here.

I want to conversate with you.

Oh. Do you want
to back out, Fonz?

No, no, look. Thunder...
she gave me this.

- Any problems?
- No, Fonz.

I had a nice talk with her,
and she and I are just friends.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- She likes you.

It's very nice of
you to ask, though.

You know, I remember
the first time we ever met,

- you were very considerate, even...
- Red!

- I'm sitting on a bull here.
- Oh, right.

- Good luck, Fonz.
- Right.

- Get up here! Get up here!
- Huh?

- What's this rope for?
- You hold onto that!

I knew that. I knew that.

The ranch is practically ours.

All right, open the chute.

- Whoa! Hey!
- Get that bull!

- Go, Fonz!
- Go, Fonzie!

Come on, stay with him!

Hang on, Fonz!

- How much time?
- I lost. I can't re...

Hang on!

Four seconds. Come on, Fonz!

You can do it! Stay on!

- Two more.
- Two...

You did it, Fonz!

- You did it!
- I got to get off this!

Fonzie, the bull!

Sounds like you
said, "The bull."

- Look out, Fonzie!
- Oh, my God!

- In the barrel, Fonzie!
- No.

He's in the barrel!

He should get out of there!

- Marion...
- Run!

- The bull!
- Look out! -

- The bull! The bull!
- Get out of there!

- Don't move!
- Richie's gonna save him!

All right, come on, bull!

- Richard! -What are you doing?!
- Richie! -

Come on, bully.

Tame that hunk of
meat, Rich! You can do it!

Fonzie, stay in the barrel!

Come on, bully.

- Richard, get out of there!
- Come on! Now!

All right, come on!



- Oh, great work, Rich.
- Oh.

- Ha!
- Oh!

I'm sorry. I hardly know you.

Well, that'll
teach that old bull.


Here is a certified check

from the Colorado Cattleman's
Association for $1,000.


Well, you still owe $17.38.

And you've got exactly 15
seconds to come up with it.

Well, here's ten dollars, huh?

- Here's two.
- I got a silver dollar.

I-I got three bucks right here.

- I got one.
- Yeah. -MARION: Ah.

Now all we need is
38 cents in change.

Come on, somebody
come up with it!

You got five seconds.

Here's a quarter! Pots,
hurry. You got any change?

Sorry, Malph.
All I got's a five.

- Oh!
- Give me that!

And I'll take this note, sir,

and kindly ask you
to get off this property.


Well, where's my car?


It's right over there, Mr. H.R.

We parked it in a very
special spot for you.

So long, sidewinder.

♪ See them tumbling down ♪

♪ Pledging their
love to the ground ♪

♪ Lonely but
free, I'll be found ♪

♪ I'm drifting along... ♪

I'd kind of like
to keep in touch.

Maybe, uh, maybe I
can get your address.

Oh, gee, I...

Never mind.

Oh, just happen
to have it right here.

Oh, yeah?

♪ Nowhere to
go, but I'll find... ♪

Ma'am, you just make
my heart palpitate

like a doggie in fresh grass.

Oh, I'm sorry, dear.

♪ Drifting along with the
tumbling tumbleweeds. ♪

Only one bad thing
about the West, Al.

I think I've
forgotten how to talk.


Sure am glad we got
our wranglers back.

sh**t. Takes all the pressure
off Uncle Ben and Thunder.

Where is Thunder and Fonzie?


Yup, yup, yup,
yup, yup, yup, yup.

Well, we're all packed
and ready to go.

Did you want us for
something, Thunder?

Yeah, I thought we'd all
take one last ride together.

One of us hasn't ridden yet.

Fonz, you're gonna ride a horse?

That's right, I'm
gonna ride a horse.

Thunder gave me
the secret, you know.

- Yup.
- She said,

just think of a horse like a
motorcycle with feet, you know?

Got me a leather
jacket for my legs.

I am all set to go.

Very cool.

Whoa, whoa, I'm up.

I'm up!

A ride with my
two favorite fellas.

Gosh, ma'am.


Everybody, I
have a big surprise.

I have a letter here
from Uncle Ben.

It's very nice, and I
want you all to hear this.

"Dear Marion, well, I am
back on my feet again.

"I feel fine, the ranch is going
great thanks to all your help.

"The check... it's for all
the money you loaned me.

Tell Al his meat
finally got done."

"It fell into the fire."

"I don't know how I
can thank all of you.

My heart is full. Uncle Ben."


What's wrong, Mrs. C.?

Well, oh, it's just...

You're all so wonderful, Arthur.

I asked you to come
and help, and you did.

I can always count on you.

Well, what do you say we
get the garage cleaned up?

If we all pitch in, we can get
it done in a couple of hours.

Uh... uh, Jenny Piccalo's.
Tell her about the trip.

Uh, I got a date with Lori Beth.

I haven't seen her
in a couple of weeks.

I got motors dying
to be tuned, huh?

Hey, don't close that door.


Don't look at me. I
have dishes to do.

Okay, Marion.

I got to send a telegram.

Hello. Western Union?

I'd like to send a wire
to Marion Cunningham.

"Marion, lonely man
has free evening.

Would like to watch the
deer and the antelope play."

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rockin' and
rollin' all week long ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Share them with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪