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06x16 - Christmas Time

Posted: 02/11/22 06:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ The weekend
comes, my cycle hums ♪

♪ Ready to race to you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Share them with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rocking and
rolling all week long ♪

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ Saturday, what a day ♪

♪ Groovin' all week with you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Share them with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are yours ♪

♪ And mine, Happy Days! ♪

Happy Days is filmed
before a studio audience.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ O what fun it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh. ♪


Oh, I just love Christmas.

Decorating the tree and buying
presents and Christmas carols.

Oh, and college hunks
are home for the holidays.

Now, let's see
what we have here.

Ah, Mother Kelp's present.

I hope she likes it.

She should. It's
a hundred proof.


Oh, let me see. What's that?

Here's Uncle Ben's present.

I hope I got the right size.

Mom, you got him handkerchiefs.

Maybe it's Santa Claus.

Oh, Mom.

You're no fun since
you stopped believing.

Hi, Rich. Cold?

Oh, that reminds me.

I've got to take the
turkey out of the freezer.

You got to come in.

It's freezing; hurry up.

Let's get him over
to the fire. Come on.

Come here.

Joanie, what-what
is he trying to say?

Well, it sounded like he said

that the scarf
is frozen to his...

- Oh, Richard.
- Take it off.

You poor dear.

I thought they had
heat in the post office.

Remember, Mom,

nature boy here didn't
want to be cooped up inside.

Change your mind, Rich?

When are they gonna
invent lip mittens?

Daddy's home!

Hey, everybody, I
want you all to get ready,

because I brought
home a holiday surprise!

It's a Christmas tree!

You got the
Christmas tree, right?

You guessed it!

Oh, I bet it's big and
we can decorate it.

I'll help you carry it
in if you wait till spring.

I can't wait that long.

Besides, you don't
have to help me.

I got it right here.

Howard, what is that?

This, Marion, is a boon to
mankind, a major breakthrough.


And a special this week
at Cunningham Hardware.

Oh, Dad, not an artificial tree.

This is not an artificial tree.

This is aluminum.

Look, Richard, lend
me a hand, will you?

There must be some
instructions in there.

Yeah, sure, right here.

Oh, Dad, uh...

do you read Japanese
left to right or top to bottom?

What difference does it make?

It's quite simple, you see?

You just take one
of these branches,

and you stick it in these
little holes right here,

and voila!

Isn't that nice, huh?


Real nice if it's for a tin man.

Well, it's... it's shiny.

Yeah, we're gonna
save big bucks on tinsel.

Ugh. It's my get.

Now bring that over
here, sweetheart.

- Hi.
- Oh, hello.

Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, kid.

I'm looking for
Arthur Fonzarelli.

Oh, well, he's not here.

He's, uh, got the
apartment over the garage.

Well, I'll show you where it is.

Merry Christmas, folks.

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

Ah. You know, the nice
thing about this, it lasts forever.

Good news, Dad.

The snow's off the roof.

Now, I ask you, who needs elves?

Hey, got your tickle bone, huh?

I'll tell you something,
I'll tell you something.

After we finish this work, I'll
show you some serious tickles.

Girls, keep doing what
you're doing, all right.

Entrer, entrer.


You Fonzarelli?

All my natural life.

I got a package for you.

Hey, thanks a lot, huh?

Merry Christmas,
special delivery.

Yeah, sort of. It's
from your father.

Oop, wrong Fonzarelli.

I don't got no old man.

Vito Fonzarelli?

All right, girls, fire drill.

Everybody out. Let's go.

Hurry up.

I'll see you under
my tree, all right?

Very nice.


They keep me warm, you
know, better than a sweater.

So, uh, you know
my old man, huh?

Yes. I'm...

I met him at a bar in Singapore.

My old man is in New Jersey?

No, no, no.

S-Singapore is in the Orient.

Hey, I know that. I know that.

Well, I told your father
I was shipping out.

He asked me could
I drop off a package,

I said yeah, and here I am.

I haven't seen him since
I was three years old.

He sends me a package.


Well, look, uh, if I
run into old Vito again,

uh, is there anything
you want me to tell him?

Yeah, yeah.

You could tell him
to take this package.

I got nothing to
say to him, ever.

Yeah, well, uh,
I got to be going.

You know, I'm shipping
out tonight and, uh...

uh, well...

you know, Merry Christmas, kid.

Yeah, same to you, Captain.

Hold it, hold it, hold it.

I owe you anything for this?

- Me?
- Yeah, you.


You don't owe me a thing.

So long.

Merry Christmas.

Come on in, Red, it's open.

Hey, Fonz.

How'd you know it was me?

I know your galoshes'
slosh anywhere.


So, uh, what did this
guy want anyway?

Nothing, he didn't want nothing.

He dropped off a package.

Oh, yeah? Who's it from?

Oh, it's not, uh, Ginger?

The one with the big, uh...

The smile?

Big smile? No, no.

Forget it. Forget it.

Hey, look, look what I
got for Christmas, huh?

This is what I'm giving
out for Christmas.

Hey, yeah, this is...
this is great, Fonz.

Look inside. It's got words.


Yeah. "To my one true love."


That's fantastic!

Who are you giving this to?


Look at this, right here.

It's adjustable...
One size fits all, huh?

I think that is
beautiful right there.

That's pretty good.

Uh, this package over here...

Is this the one that the,
uh... the old salt brought?

Old salt?

A sailor.

Ah, us writers talk

a little more colorfully
than most people.

Aren't you gonna open it, Fonz?

No, I ain't gonna open it.

It ain't Christmas yet.

Yeah, but you
could at least take off

the brown wrapping paper,
you know, and see who it's from.

I know who it's from.

It's from my old man.

You want some hot chocolate?

No, thanks.

- Your father?
- Yeah.

That's really something.

- That's great.
- Why?

Well, 'cause you haven't
seen him since you were

three years old, and then,
you know, all of a sudden,

he shows up and...

That's right.

He shows up, he
gives me a package.

He thinks this is gonna
make up for everything.

Well, I don't believe
your father thinks

it's gonna make up for anything.

You know, you're
right, you're right, Rich.

It ain't gonna
make up for nothing.

This could be
filled with diamonds,

it ain't gonna
make up for nothing.

Fonz, the man
is still your father.

My father?!

That's what I
think of my father!

He should rot in Singapore!

That's in the Orient.


Yep, yep.

Just tell me the
truth; you're mad.

I am not mad.

I can tell you are.

I am not mad.

You look mad.

- Hey, Rich.
- Do you mind?

We're having an argument here.

We are not having an argument.

Uh, what are you
not arguing about?

Oh, didn't we make an agreement

about the amount we
were gonna spend on gifts?

Yeah, we set a
limit for the gifts.

Yeah, it was Rich's idea.

What? He didn't go
over the limit, did he?

Well, he did with my gift, and
I stuck to the limit on his gift,

and now I feel
like a real cheapo.

I went a little
bit over the limit.

Oh, Rich.

This is from
Pfister's jewelry store.

The box alone is over the limit.

Wait a minute. Now,
give the kid a break.

- Yeah.
- He's working.

He just wanted to
spend a little more money

on the people that
mean the most to him.

Yeah, Rich. How much
more did you spend on us?

Well, with you guys, I
stayed within the limit.


See, Rich? People's
feelings are gonna get hurt.

All right, now, this
has gone far enough.

- Now he's yelling at us.
- Yeah.

You see that? You're
both angry at me.

We're not angry.

Come on, Pots, let's go
to the department store

and see if Santa Claus will
give us a list of bad little girls.


I hope your Christmas
stocking has a hole in it!

- Potsie.
- See what you did now.

Wait, Lori Beth...

You know, Rich, it's not
easy being your girlfriend.

I try so hard.

Busy, busy, busy.

Rich, I'm having a
problem. I need your help.

- Yeah, Fonz?
- I got these two ties.

See, I don't know which one
your father would like better.

It's a toughie, Fonz.

Uh, but I-I think this one would
go better with his blue suit.

- You do?
- Yeah.

I'll keep this one for your dad.

- I'll give this one to Al.
- Oh.

I bet you it reminds him
of Rosa, anyway, huh?

Hey, what do you got in there?

Uh, federal offense, Fonz.


So, uh, Fonz?


Open that present
from your father yet?

Something I said?

I want to tell you something.

You don't mention
that again, all right?

We're gonna forget
that right now, right?

- Yeah, but, Fonz...
- I said we're gonna

forget that right
now, all right?

Forget what?

Oh. See that-that's great.

That's great. Thanks.

Fonz, your father's present...

I'm sorry!

It's just been on my
mind, that's all. I'm sorry.

Yeah, but, look, when
it comes to my old man,

I don't care what you think.

I don't care what
anybody thinks.

And this conversation is
over now, you understand?

- Huh? You understand?
- Yeah, Fonz.

I'm going back to
wrap my presents.

Life is so difficult.

♪ 'Tis the season... ♪

- Oh, hi, Rich.
- Hi, Al.

Oh, boy. Isn't this
a great season?

Everybody's happy and jolly.

Don't you just love


Well, you will,

as soon as you see all
my lights here on the tree.

Look-it. Your
father sold me this.

- Oh.
- That man's a saint.

He gave me four percent off.

All right, now watch this.

Look how it's gonna
help the whole tree. Good.

Yep, yep, yep.

Richie, you know what you
can tell your father for me?

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. ♪

Rich, I'm glad you're back.
I got the lights working.

- Would you lock up for me?
- Yeah.

- Now, be sure to blow out all the candles.
- Sure, Al.

- See you at 8:00.
- You bet.

I got one more present to
buy before the stores close.

- Hi, Rich.
- Lori Beth.

- Listen, I'm sorry...
- Rich, I'm sorry...

No, it was my fault.

I acted awful.

Yeah, it was my fault.

We set a limit, and I should've
stayed within that limit.

Why? You were just being sweet.

You got something
you knew I wanted.

- Well, I...
- I, uh...

Here. Go ahead and open it.

Oh, well, d-don't you
think I should wait till later?

No, I want to see your face.


My first present.

Wait, save the ribbon.

Oh, sure, there it is.

Lori Beth.

Oh, this is beautiful.

You like it?

I'm crazy about it.

I took the other
present back, I got this.

It was worth it.

No kidding?

That's, uh... that's funny.

What's the matter?

Well, uh...

I, uh, returned
your other present

and got you something
within the limit.


Aren't we silly?

Aw, you're the
greatest, Lori Beth.

Well, it's like they always
say, it's the thought that counts.

- I could get your present back.
- You could get my present back.

Well, I-I got you
one other present.

Uh, did you go over the limit?


Got this one for nothing.

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

What's this?

I don't know.
Richard put it there.

Oh, some Christmas.

Brown paper and
an aluminum tree.

Joanie, it's better
than nothing.

You know that new family
that moved in at the corner?

I walked by their
house this afternoon.

They don't have a tree at all.

Mom, the house on the corner
belongs to the Bernsteins.

They're Jewish.


I'm glad.

Well, I better get
the eggnog ready.


Merry Christmas.

Hi, Dad.

Well, don't I get a "Merry
Christmas," young lady?


Especially after I lugged
this all the way home?


Oh, Daddy...

Oh, Daddy, a Christmas tree.

- Mom, Dad got a Christmas tree!
- Oh, Howard!

Oh, Howard!

Marion, I thought you
didn't mind the artificial tree.

Oh, I love that tree,
Howard. I love that tree.

Just so shiny and aluminumy.

Now, you two, wait right here.

Don't go away. Don't go away.

Has Mother been making eggnog?

Since 8:30 this morning.

That explains it.

Come on, help me set
this somewhere, huh?

Okay. Oh, it's beautiful.

Merry Christmas, Joanie!

Mom! Mom got a tree!

- Marion!
- Oh, Mom.

Oh, Howard, don't look sour.

I think it's funny.

Merry Christmas!

Make that three trees, huh?

Oh, I-I guess somebody
beat me to it, huh?

It doesn't matter, Rich.

We've always got room
for another Christmas tree.

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. ♪


Whoa, you got a
whole forest in here.

Oh, Fonz.

You're all so wonderful.

Well, I'll tell you
something, Shortcake,

that's what Christmas
is all about, you know.

Oh, isn't this
beautiful, Howard?

It certainly is, Marion.

I always wanted to spend
Christmas Eve in the woods.

I usually do.

All right, Christmas Eve.

We each get to open
one Christmas present.

Okay, Joanie, give one
present to everybody.

I love this part.

Well, come on, you two.

Stop examining them
and bring them over.

All right, we're
coming, we're coming.

Okay, this one's for you
and that one's for you.

- Ah.
- This one.


I think that, uh,
there's a mistake there.

There's no mistake, Fonz.

You have to open the
present that I picked for you.

It's tradition.

It keeps showing up, Richard.

You don't give up, do you?

Guess I must have
got that from you.

We've been friends
for a long time now.

You go first, Fonz.

I wonder who it's from, Fonzie.

It's from my old man.




"I'm writing this letter in
case I don't have the guts

"to tell you it was me
that delivered the letter.

I'm not sure how
you're gonna take this..."

Oh, Arthur, are you all right?

He's not sure how
I'm gonna take this.

I haven't seen him since
I was three years old!

How does he think
I'm gonna take this?!

Probably just the way you are.

- Look, what's going on here?
- Nothing.

I-It's nothing.
Don't worry about it.

It is, too, something, Fonz.

And you can't keep
ignoring it. This is your father!

He's my father. Then
why didn't he stay?

Why didn't he talk to
me? Why'd he walk out

when I was three years
old? I didn't even get a chance

to see his face real good.

He hates me. That's it.

Oh, Arthur!

No, no, no, don't worry
about it. I accept it.

Walked out on me 'cause
he hates my guts. It's all right.

I didn't even get a chance
to see his face real good.


Now, wait a minute, Richard.

- That's Fonz...
- Dad, I've been hearing

about Fonzie's father
ever since I met him.

Fonzie, I want to know
what you're afraid of.

I'm not afraid of anything.

You want to read it, read it.

All right.

"I was a merchant seaman
when I met your ma."

My ma.

"I thought I could settle
down like everybody else.

"Maybe it was my fault.

"I don't know.

"It just didn't work out.

"I can't stay in
one place too long.

"I know it's not much
of an explanation, but...

that's the way it was."

And signed: "Your father...

Vito Fonzarelli."

Oh, Arthur, your father...

Father? You call that a father?

Oh, Howard, now,
don't be too hard on him.

- He explained...
- He didn't explain anything, Marion.

- Dad...
- Look, Richard,

every man comes to that
moment when he wants to run away

from everything he's got

and go bum around
through the Seven Seas.

But most of them don't.

Howard, will you
just try to understand?

I do understand, Marion.

I understand that there's
something called responsibility,

and this man just
couldn't face up to his.

I'm sorry, Fonzie,

I know it's none of my
business, but that's the way I feel.


- I feel great.
- You what?

- Feel great?
- I feel great.

See, I understand now.

Uh, what you're talking
here. It's not my fault.

You see, I thought
it was my fault.

I thought I did something wrong
that made him leave, you know?

But, Fonzie, you
were just a kid!

Yeah, I know. I thought
I did something wrong,

you know, like getting born.

But I don't feel so
much hate anymore.

You know what I mean?

I understand what
you were talking about.

Couldn't help himself.

It's all right. Some
people are like that.

You know how good it
feels not to hate anymore?

It feels good.

Well, open your present.

Well, now, now, wait a minute.

He may want to
open that in private.

No, no, wait a minute.
I'm with family here.

- I'll open my present.
- Oh, I'll help you.

- Right, your family.
- Whoo!

- Oh...
- All right, let's see here.


This is from
Singapore, you know.


That's in the Orient.

I happen to think
that this is beautiful.

- Oh, it is. It is beautiful.
- Yeah.

Oh, look at that!

Oh, I'll get it, I'll get it.

Oh, Arthur, that's
really beautiful.

- Thank you.
- Just beautiful.

Merry Christmas, Joanie!

Guess what we got you.

A Christmas tree.

You told!

Here you are.

Come on in, you
guys. This is good.

Look at this. Must
have been a big sale

- on Christmas trees, huh?
- Yeah.

- That's all right, boys...
There's always room

for another Christmas tree.

Marion, you've got
to stop saying that.

Oh, I was afraid you guys
might really be ticked off at me.

Well, we figured that
friendship means a lot more

than how much you
spend on a present.

- Of course it does.
- Good. -Yeah.

We brought you a present.


That's great! A hockey stick.

You told.

It couldn't be!

I can't stand the suspense.

Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.



Al, I can always count on you.

Oh, this is the best
Christmas, everybody.

- Yeah. I, uh, I love your tie there, Al.
- Thanks, Fonz.

- Yeah.
- Al, you seen Fonzie's Christmas present?


It's, uh, it's from my dad.

- Ah, terrific!
- That's beautiful, Fonz!


Hey, this'll make a great
picture for the album.

Uh, Howard, you
can see the tree?

- Yep.
- Oh, dear.

- Now, where's my eggnog?
- Oh, the last time I saw it,

- it was next to the Christmas tree.
- Which one?

- The alumin... yeah, a...
- Yeah, the aluminum.

Marion, stay in the picture.

Now, come on, everybody,
squeeze close together.


Well, not that close.

Hey, come on, Al, smile.

I am.

We're all set.

Here goes the timer.

Hurry up, Dad, hurry.

I hope this goes fast...
My teeth are drying.

Here it...



Merry Christmas, everyone.

♪ Good-bye, gray
sky, hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can
hold me when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rocking and
rolling all week long ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Share them with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪