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03x04 - Ring

Posted: 02/11/22 14:26
by bunniefuu
Tobe. You wanna come over?
There's nobody home.

[AUNT JOSEPHINE] I would like
to know what you want, Leanne.

I want to stay here.

I'm afraid that's not an option.

- [LEANNE] Why not?
- You don't belong here.

[DOROTHY] Sometimes
I feel like I'm cursed.

'Cause things just keep slipping.

I think that everything's happening
the way that it's supposed to.

I just found out that
while I'm playing dead diva,

Isabelle is covering the Kaplowitz case.

[LEANNE] I told you that
we can't trust strangers.



Oh, I'm so glad those fit you.

You look adorable. Look at yourself.


- Oh.
- I feel like everyone can see my body.

Well, who cares if they can see it?

I mean, this is what normal girls wear.

You can wear this all day, you know?

To the park or to the store.

It's not safe to go out.

Oh. You'll get there.

And there's no rush.

But how about we get you
some exercise, hmm?

You ready for our lesson?



[DOROTHY] I can't believe
you found all these old records.

I haven't seen them in ages.

[INHALES] You know, I
saw Vivian Dale live once

at a little club in New York
on the Lower East Side.

She died so young.

dr*gs, I think.

Maybe a boyfriend who abused her.

I can't remember but, ugh,

when she was on stage,
she was like a goddess.

She was in so much pain, but
she turned that pain into power.

Hmm. Oh, that's good. Yes!

But don't just extend the arm.

You gotta send the energy
all the way through your fingertips.

Yes, that's what you want
to do in every position.

Oh! Look at you.


I'm terrible at dancing.


Why would you say that?

It's what my mother used to say.


Whenever I'd have to learn
choreography for a pageant,

she wouldn't let me eat dinner
until I got it perfect.


And, you know, I remember
trying really hard to do my best.

But eventually, I'd just
be so tired and hungry

that it was impossible to get it right.

Oh, sweetheart.

[SEAN] Dorothy, I need you!

What is it?

[SEAN] The safety guy!

Oh, shit.

Oh, God, I've got this meeting
that I'm supposed to go to.

Are you coming back?

[EXHALES SHARPLY] N-No, I'm sorry.

But we can pick up again tomorrow. Yeah?


Oof. Right from where I'm sitting,

I see, like, deadly hazards.

Starting with this table.

Put bumpers on that. [SIGHS]

And that armoire you got over there.

Sharp corners?

Worse. Toddlers like to climb.

Every two weeks, a kid dies
from furniture tipping over.

Oh, my God.

Hey. We'll anchor it to the wall, huh?

- Okay.

- Now, outlets.

A hundred kids a year
die from electrocution.

Sad. Very sad.


Well, we'll put safety
gates on each floor

and Plexi along the sides here,

'cause toddlers love to stick their
little heads through the spindles.

- Oh.

Oh, Leanne, could you keep him
occupied until we're done here?




I know. We gotta move all
this cleaning stuff up higher.

Ah, no need.

We'll put locks on all the cabinets
and, uh, stove knobs too.

[SEAN] Is that really necessary?

I'm a professional chef,

so I can't have a bunch
of gadgetry stopping me...

- Sean.
- You don't need this.

As long as I'm here, nothing
will ever happen to Jericho.

[SCOFFS] Leanne.


He's hungry. You need to feed him.


Excuse us.

Babysitter really rules the roost, huh?



- [NEWS ANCHOR] ... with a special report.

[ISABELLE] Our cochairs
for tonight's event said this is...

I really don't like that man.


Leanne, he's not one of
your creepy cult people.

He's owned the company for years.

You're gonna have to trust that
I know what's best for my son.

- ... long stay at a villa in Tuscany.

I can't believe they had Isabelle
do "Spring at the Mansion".

I've been doing this f*cking
party for eight years.

Well, I'm glad they didn't ask you.

- We need you here at home.
- ... is "spring has sprung".

- And we are definitely...
- This is so hurtful.

It's like I'm invisible.

The dance floor is full,
the bar is open and...

God, I don't even know if he's
getting anything. [SIGHS]

My supply's dropping ever
since he's been on solids.

Maybe I should put him back on formula
if we want him to gain weight.

No. No. Your milk is better.

You're just not sticking
to his schedule.

And you're not drinking enough water.
Would you drink this, please?

- ... that if you have a man in your life...
- Drink it.

- ... who hasn't been screened...
- It's fine. Leave it.

... particularly if he's
over the age of ,

now is the time to do it.

No more making excuses
and putting it off for later.

I know how much men
hate going to the doctor,

but this really could be
a matter between life and death.

Mmm. Walter, don't tell
my trainer about this, okay?

[DOROTHY] Oh, there you are.

Good for you. A little fresh air.

Still friends?





Where are you going?

Oh, I asked for a meeting
at the station.

Sometimes you just have to go in
there and ask for what you need.

Sean has Jericho. Wish me luck.

Stay away from me.

I just want to talk to you.






- Hey.
- Morning, Chef.

Uh, want you to meet someone.

- Sylvia. Hi.
- Hi.

I had this sweet gig as a private chef

on this guy's yacht for a while,

but then he got busted by the Feds,

so now I'm back in town

just trying to pay off my
student loans, you know?

Yeah, I hear that.

Oh, hey, Leanne, come
meet my girlfriend, Sylvia.

Leanne takes care of Jericho.

Oh. So cute.

What is he, like, uh, months?

Nine months. He's big for his age.

He's perfect.

Uh, so anyway, we were thinking

if you ever need an extra pair of hands

for a big job or something,
Sylvia could totally help out.

I have references. I mean, not
from the yacht guy. He's in prison.

But I spent a year at Jean-Georges,
so I can make anything.

Yeah, that's great. Sure.
I don't usually, uh...

Sometimes people don't realize

how much help they
need until it's too late.

[INHALES] I need to get back to work.

Sure thing. And if you want,

I'll work the first shift
for free. Trial basis.

Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.

[TOBE] Thank you, Chef.
Um, I'll see you tomorrow.

- Sure.
- Super good to meet you.

- I loved you on Gourmet Gauntlet.
- Oh.

[SEAN] What the f*ck was that?

I understand the desperation
for a new gig, but come on.

Tobe knows better than try
and foist some cook on me.

What are you guys doing tomorrow?

Pain-in-the-ass catering job.

Actually, I could put you to work,
if you want to pitch in.

Yeah, I'd love to.

Cool. Yeah, Dorothy could
hang with Jericho.

You ever made candy?

Uh, no. [CHUCKLES]

We're doing saltwater taffy
with passion fruit and fleur de sel.

You just throw it over
the hook, over and over,

to aerate it until it turns white.

It's fun.

And it would put some muscles
on those puny little arms.

Hey. I'm stronger than I look.

Yeah, I bet you are, from
carrying this little bruiser around.

- Mmm. Shh.

After you put him down for his nap,

come back. We'll talk over the menu.

Yes, Chef.

I just got the babyproofing estimate:

$ , for -cents
pieces of shit that...

Thank you. Yes. I... Me too.
I am really looking forward.

I'm back! I am back in the game.

In-depth report on the
street murals downtown.

I don't know, maybe they're
just doing it to shut me up.

But who cares? At least
they're giving me a chance

to prove I'm still worth it.

- You are still worth it.
- Oh.


This is the kind of piece
that could go national.

- When does it start?
- [SIGHS] Tomorrow.

And if all goes well,
I'm gonna be out all week.

- Tomorrow, I need Leanne in the kitchen.

Don't you have Tobe?

Yeah, but it's a ton
of prep, so I need her.

Can't we get someone else
to look after Jericho?

Do you expect me to just snap my fingers

and find someone else
who can watch our child?

No, it's just that Leanne was
really looking forward to it.

Sean, she can cook with you anytime.

I just need this one week
to focus on myself and my work.

Can you give me that?

[DOROTHY] I'm so sorry.
I can't do our little class today.

Why are you dressed for work?

Well, I'm finally being shown
the respect I deserve again,

and I've been given a big assignment.

So, crazy hours this week.

Sean has found someone else
to help in the kitchen

so you can focus on Jericho.

Did I get these buttons right?

What time will you be home?


It's live, but there's a party
where we have to get some B-roll.


It's not good for Jericho
when you're out late.

Oh, Leanne, I understand it makes
you nervous when I'm not home.

Just a few more buttons.

I know you didn't grow up
around women who worked,

but that's just not normal
for most people.

I love my job.

It makes me happy.

It makes me a better mother.

And if, God forbid, anything
ever happened to Sean,

I can support this household.

I would never let anything
happen to Sean.

Thank you.

And thank you for helping me
hold down the fort this week.

I want you to know when you're
watching me on television...


... that I absolutely could
not do this without you.

Plus, we should be
thinking about your future.

You know, you could get
your high school degree.

You could do that all online
without ever leaving the house.

We want to help
you focus on your own goals,

so you can become the woman
that you were meant to be.

All I care about is this family.


[TOBE] Hey, little buddy.
Want a green bean?

[SYLVIA] No, dumbass.
He could choke on it.

He can play with it. It's fine.

Did you check on the
tart shells in the oven?

[TOBE] Yeah. Five minutes.

[TOBE] Do you maybe
want to take that ring off?

Uh, they said at the store
the acid could etch the stone.

Yeah, I would, if I could get
the f*cking thing to come off.

The jeweler is gonna have to cut it off.

[TOBE] I didn't realize
it was too small.

[STAMMERS] I told him size six.

[SYLVIA] Only my left
hand is a size six.

Well, I thought you'd wear it
on your left hand.

[CHUCKLES] Honey, it's gotta
be diamonds for this finger.

- Right.
- What are you doing?

Sean said brunoise, not
f*cking matchsticks. Here.

- Hey, Tobe. Why don't you take a break?
- Yeah.

- Take these out to the kids in the park.
- Okay.


Why are you so rude to Tobe?

Excuse me?

Where are the radicchio cups?

Nice, Chef. Good work.

Hey, so, Sean, you ever think about
starting your own restaurant?

I mean, sure. I thought about it.

But I don't think it's gonna happen.

I'm just saying. I know some investors.

You are exactly the kind
of chef they're looking for.

Young, hip, one-of-a-kind
vision. A superstar.

Well, right now I'm just trying
to get through today.

All right. Well, when
you get your Michelin star,

you better keep me in mind.

[TOBE] Hey, Chef, I couldn't find
them. Maybe they moved on?

Are you insane?

You think homeless kids walk
away from food like this?


Shit. That's the safety guy.

Leanne, could you answer the door

and make sure he gets anything he needs?


Here. If you need anything else,
I'll just be in the kitchen.

Actually, it'd be great if you
could stick around for a while.

It's a pretty sweet house. I wouldn't
wanna mess anything up.

How long you been working here?

A few months.

They treat you all right?

Evenings off? Weekends?

A lot of great clubs downtown.

How old are you?

I'm .


You work out?

You know, like, Zumba and stuff?

I bet you are a great dancer. Huh?

Come on, show me some moves.


Hey, it's okay.

You don't gotta be afraid of me.

My buddy's got a place
downtown. Real upscale.

If I brought you, they
would not check your ID.




It's my fault, right?

Because I look like a whore?

Are you happy now?

- [CRYING] Are you happy?

Get the f*ck out of my way.

[SYLVIA] Tobe, that candy is done.
What the hell is wrong with you?

Come help me with the garnishes.

[TOBE] What?

[SYLVIA] Stop! Stop! Jesus!

You're gonna ruin
the ones I already did.

[SEAN] Tobe! Take the trash out, please!

How can you let her
talk to you like that?

All chefs talk that way.

I've heard Sean yell at you
a hundred times. That's different.

She's trying to hurt you.

Sylvia's just a really insecure person.

Sometimes when insecure people just...

She doesn't even like you, Tobe.

All you want is to live a normal life,

and everybody keeps thinking that

they can do whatever they want to you.

Awful things to you.

And that you're always
just gonna be there.

- And it's not fair.

[SEAN] Leanne! Dorothy.


Jericho's having sweet potato.


I remember.



I'm out here on Broad Street
with graffiti artist Diego Williams.

Diego's street name is D. Wilz...

[CHUCKLES] ... and our
local Philly viewers

may have seen his tag all over downtown.

Diego, please tell us about
your inspiration for this piece.

[DIEGO] Ida B. Wells was a godmother...

- ... of the Civil Rights Movement.

She was a journalist in the late s.

She forced everyone to see

what was...

happening in the...

- Miss?

Are you all right?


You can't leave him in here crying
when we're trying to work.

Okay, okay. I'm here. You're okay.

- Hey. I almost tripped.
- Excuse me.

- [SYLVIA] Chef. Chef.
- [COOK] Where do you want this?

[SEAN] g*dd*mn it. Uh, I'm
not ready. Five minutes.

Tobe, show 'em what's ready.

[VINCENT] This is the last room.
You want me to get started on the...

[SEAN] No! Wait! Thirty minutes!

If we wait, I gotta pay
my carpenter overtime.

Then don't f*cking do the kitchen!
I'll do it! Thank you.

You're the boss.

But you gotta sign this invoice
to confirm it's what you want.

Leanne, could you sign
that for me, please?


Easy, there.


- Watch it! Jesus!

[VINCENT] We'll see ourselves out.

- [COOK] Oh. My bad.
- Are you f*cking...

[SEAN] Listen to me.

You have to handle that
like it's f*cking plutonium.

[SYLVIA] Where's the ceviche?

Where's the ceviche?

- I'm... I'm sorry. I...
- [SYLVIA] Oh, my God!

You already gave them the ceviche?
You dumb f*cking shit!

I thought you were
done with it. I didn't...

I have never met anyone
so useless in my entire life!

I have been trying
to prove myself to Sean...

- ... and you have done nothing

except get in my way all f*cking day!

Do you have any idea how f*cking

embarrassing you're making me look?

Do you have any f*cking idea
what you just did?

- You f*cking moron! f*ck you!

Nobody should ever f*cking
hire you ever... [GASPS]

- Shit.


- My ring got caught.





- [TOBE] Oh, God. Oh, shit.

[SEAN] What the f*ck just happened?

- [TOBE] She was...
- [SEAN] Apply pressure!

Tobe! Where's her finger?

- Where the f*ck is her finger?
- [TOBE] What?

- [SEAN] Find her finger.
- [TOBE] Finger, finger.

[SEAN] Because the hospital
needs it, Tobe.

In order to reattach it.

[TOBE] Yeah, um,
I... I... I can't find it!

[SEAN] Did you find it?

- No! It's not anywhere!
- Tobe!

- I don't see it anywhere!
- Tobe!

- What? What?
- [SEAN] Tobe!

- Tobe!
- What?



Hey, you see Dorothy on TV?


We had this huge f*cking accident.

[JULIAN] You need to see this.


Are you all right?

[DOROTHY] Of course. Um, can
you tell us why you painted her?

[DIEGO] She was fearless.

She single-handedly
exposed the atrocities

that were happening in the South
against African Americ... ans.

Oh, my God!

She's never gonna live this
down. [SIGHS] She's done.





[LEANNE] I didn't give
him the bottle yet,

in case you want to feed him.

I'm glad you're home.

When he was gone...

I thought...

if I can just have my baby back,

I will never ask for anything

But something's just not right.

I can't explain it, but it's like...

the universe is trying to hurt me or...

like I've...

lost something.

Come here.

[SIGHS] Why can't this be enough?

What is wrong with me, huh?