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07x06 - Regarding Eric

Posted: 02/11/22 14:51
by bunniefuu
Oh, good, you're all here.

I need to talk to you.

Your father's
been through

a lot lately,
and he's feeling a little low

because he wants to go back
to work but he can't.

It's... it's too soon.

Now, I think he wants
to go back to work

because he needs to feel needed,
so what we need to do

is make him
feel needed.

How are we supposed to do that?

You know, take
your problems

to your dad.

Let him help you.

Talk to him.

Ask his opinion, his advice.

Involve him
in your lives.

Give him something
to do, something

that will make him feel needed.

How long are we supposed
to do this?

For as long as it takes.

I'm counting on
everyone to do

their part.

Come on, guys.

I don't have any problems.

Who do you guys
think you're kidding?

You all have

You always
have problems.

It's the way
you live your lives--

messy and problem-filled.

What are you talking about?

Your problem is Cecilia.

You like her,

but you're too chicken
to ask her out.

Your problem
is Roxanne.

You like her,

but like Simon,

you're too chicken
to ask her out.

And your problem
is Roxanne, too.

You don't like her
being Kevin's partner,

and I'm guessing you don't want
to see her become

Robbie's new girlfriend.

Your problem is
that Ben isn't leaving today

like he said he was,
and your problem is

that Kevin now knows
you're not leaving today

like you said you were.

See, problems,
lots of them,

and that's just
on the top of my head.

Imagine what I could dig up
if you gave me a few hours.

So don't
be stingy.

Let Dad help you.

Make him feel needed.

What's wrong?

No one needs me.

I called Lou and he doesn't
need me at the church.

He said Richard's doing great
with the Sunday services

and there are no counseling
sessions scheduled for weeks.

Everyone wants to give me time
to recover.

I'm recovered.

I am.

Why, why can't everyone
believe me

when I say I can handle
going back to work?


You, Lou, the doctors.

For the purposes of this
conversation, that's everyone.

Well, I need you.

Why don't you help me out today?

Oh, great, pity.

Feel sorry for me, treat me
like I'm weak and ineffectual

'cause it makes me feel
so manly and strong.


I was only trying to help.

I don't want to do your work,
I want to do my work.

I need to
do my work,

to make some kind
of contribution,

jus-just do something that
makes me feel like I used to

and not like some sick guy who
just needs to rest and relax.

Well, even if you're
not working, which I'm sorry

to point out the doctors say
you can't for weeks,

there's still plenty to do.


I can watch my cholesterol,

control my h*m* levels,
manage my stress,

control my
blood pressure,

yeah, watch my weight,
oh, and I can exercise--

not too much, though.

Really, just lifting a-a fork up
and down at dinner should do it.

You don't understand.

why aren't you wearing pants?

'Cause I don't
need to wear pants

to just lie around
and recover.

Wait a second.

I want
to ask Roxanne out,

but I don't know
what to say to her.

So I asked Kevin
for his help,

but he said
he couldn't help me.

Is that because of you?

I thought you made peace
with Roxanne.

I thought you were okay
with her.

She's gorgeous, her
uniform is too tight,

her hair is too shiny, and
she wears too much lip gloss,

and she drives around
in a car all day

with my soon-to-be fiancé.

And you think I
made peace with her?

With her being in my
life and Kevin's life?

I'm not going to help you make
Roxanne a part of this family.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a paper to research.

What are you doing?


Did Simon talk to you?

Talk to me about what?

I shouldn't say anything.

Not say anything about what?

He needs some help.

Is Ruthie telling
the truth?

Are you staying?

Yeah, I'm staying.

For how long?

I'm not sure.

What, are you a
millionaire playboy

in between
polo matches?

You're a fireman--
a fireman

who doesn't have
that much vacation.

I called my chief
and got an extended leave.


For what?
I explained

to the chief
that Reverend Camden

hasn't been home
from the hospital that long

and that I'm needed
here in Glenoak.

You're not needed.

Well, I need to stay here.

That's close enough.

Okay, what
are you up to?



You want to stay for a reason.

So what's the reason?


The ex-girlfriend
back in Buffalo

who's now the
current girlfriend?

Your job, Mom,

with the interrogation.

Can't I just want to stay
so we can hang out,

spend some time together?

Can't I just miss having
my big brother around?


that's why I'm staying.

I miss you.

I don't think so.

I know you.

You're lying.

So tell me what's
really going on.

Tell me, I want to know.

Tell you or what?

Or you can find
another place to stay--

I mean hide out.

That is what you're
doing, isn't it?

You're hiding from something
back in Buffalo, aren't you?

Are you really going
to kick me out?

Yeah, until you tell me
why you won't go home,

I'm really going
to kick you out.

How did it go with Simon?

He didn't want my help.

He may not want it,
but he needs it.

And Cecilia,

she's a nice girl,

the kind of girl you and Mom
want him to date

so, you know, he doesn't start
another escort business.


Don't give up
on him.

Help him.

Help him go
in the right direction.

Okay, what are you up to?

I'm just trying to help.

Help who?

And you should talk
to Kevin...

and Robbie and maybe even Ben.

They all need help.

They all have problems,
big problems.

And Lucy's
at the library,

so you can help her
when she gets home.

Okay, really,
what are you up to?

Look, things have been a mess
around here

since you went
into the hospital.

We all need you.

I'm just trying to point out

those in the house
that need you the most.

Ah, Lucy.


Paul, I thought

you only worked at Pete's
during the week.

I do, but
I'm here

because I need you.

I quit my job.

Did something happen
with Pete?

I got a new job
in show business.



And I need you to
tell my brother

I'm going to become a star.

So you want to join
the Famous People Players?


And they're a black light
musical theater company

that travels
all over the world?


And all the performers in the
Famous People Players are...

Just like me.

How did you find out about
the Famous People Players?

I was introduced
by my friend Tom

to the founder

and director of the Famous
People Players-- Diane Dupuy.

She is in

She said I can be a
Famous People Player.

So what's the problem?

My brother.

He treats me like a
little boy and not a man.

He'll listen to you,
so you must tell him.

Okay, I'll help you.

I'll talk to your brother,
but before I do,

I think I'd better talk
to this woman, this Diane.

Come on, I'll take
you to see Diane.

Let's go.


Why don't you just tell me
why you don't want to go home?

I told you,
I miss you.

I want to stay here
because I miss you.

You're lying.

Fine, I'm lying,

but I'm also staying.

Staying where?


Not here
with you,

here with the Camdens.

Reverend Camden told me

if I didn't want to leave
I didn't have to.

you're not the boss of me.

I'm gonna sleep on the couch.

I'll be right back.

Dad, I don't want to talk
about Cecilia, okay?

What are you doing here?

Why don't you tell me?

I was looking
for you.

Well, here I am.

I know that Lucy
doesn't like Roxanne,

and I know that you don't want
any problems with Lucy,

so if Roxanne isn't hanging
around the house,

that's better for you.

But what's better for me

is to date someone
that I care about.

What's better for me
is to be in a relationship

with someone that I care about.

And Reverend Camden
agrees with me.

You and Lucy don't get to decide
who I can and cannot date.

Robbie, I don't know
what Reverend Camden told you,

but Lucy and I aren't stopping
you from dating Roxanne.

But you and Lucy won't help me
with Roxanne,

so I just
assumed that...

You assumed incorrectly.

What you need to do

is take some responsibility
and be a man.

If Roxanne isn't in your life,
that's your fault.

Not mine, not Lucy's.

Get out of my way.
I have to talk to Dad.

I have to talk to
your dad, too.

Me first.

I think I need to
go first, Simon.

Dad called this girl
that I kind of like,

but I'm just trying
to be friends with

and invited her over
so I could talk to her,

but he didn't tell me,
so now I have this girl

that I kind of like,
but I'm just trying

to be friends with
up in my room.


In your room right now?

Okay, you first.

He's not up there.

He's in his office.
Let's go.

Cecilia is here.


Cecilia is here, here
as in, in my room, here.

I... I know, I let her in.

Well, did you call her

and tell her to
come over here?

Ruthie gave me her number.

Why would she do that?

Why would you do this?

I was trying to help.

I know you like her and...

just thought I'd move things
along for you.

Dad please, my
social life

is messed up enough--
I don't need your help,

and I don't need Cecilia
in my room.

Then, just tell her to leave.

I did.

She said that you said
I had something important

to tell her, and now
she won't go anywhere

until I tell her what it is.

So, tell her,
and then she'll go home.

I have nothing important
to tell her!

You like her,
you'd like to date her.

That's pretty important.

Did you tell Ben that
he could move in?

I told Ben that he could stay

as long as he liked.

Well, I told him he needed
to go home.

I know my brother.

He doesn't want to
stay, he wants to hide.

He needs to go home
and face whatever it is

he's hiding from,
and then get back to work.

His life is there, not here.

I'm sorry, I... I didn't know.

I was... just trying to help.

I'm available
if you and Ben

need a moderator,
you know, someone

to help you work
through your problems.

I don't need counseling.

I need Ben to leave,
and no offense,

I need you to stay out of this.

Oh, and did you tell
Robbie that Lucy and I

can't stop him from
dating Roxanne?


Lucy and I
aren't stopping Robbie

from dating Roxanne.

Robbie is stopping Robbie.

Again, just... trying to help.

What's going on?

Cecilia is up in my room.

It's all Dad's fault.

This isn't like
your dad.

But this is like...


Did a man come here
asking for me?
A man?

I'm helping out a friend--
he's in the backyard.

Why is he in the backyard?

He doesn't want
to come in.

He wants me to
talk his brother.

I'm gonna call
him again.
Call who?

His brother, Lenny.
Whose brother?

Maybe that's him.

Him, who?

Are you okay?

The church doesn't need me,

the community
doesn't need me,

and the kids don't need me
messing up their lives.

I need you.

We talked
about pity, remember?

It doesn't make me feel better;
it makes me feel worse.

It makes me feel
like I have no control.

A week ago,
I was a man in control.

I was a man with a purpose,

a man who helped his kids.

Now I'm just...
a man in the way.



Who are you?

Who are you?

I asked you first.

Yes, you did.

Answer the question.

Did you or did you not
sic your dad on us?

I don't have to
answer that.

I may have pointed him
in your direction.

What's the big deal?

Cecilia's in my room.

Do Mom and Dad know?

Dad invited her because you told
him I wanted to talk to her.

Look, I'm gonna make this
very simple.

If you want to make
your dad feel needed,

then let him solve problems
in yourlife, not ours, okay?

Can I help it if I don't
have any problems?



I know you're trying
to help your dad,

and trust me, we all want
to do whatever we can

to make him feel better,
but this isn't it,

so please, if you want
to give your dad problems

to solve, come up with your own

and leave the rest of us
out of it.


I was just in the backyard
with your friend, Paul.

Yeah, Paul needs some help.

This is Lenny and Marie,

Paul's brother and

Paul lives with them.

Can, uh, we
talk to Paul?

He wants me
to talk to you first.

Uh, why don't you wait
in my dad's office?

It's down there.

This is wonderful.

So, you don't mind?

Until Paul and his brother
and sister-in-law showed up...

well, uh,
let's just say

this has turned
my whole day around.

Someone needs me.

I'm back, Reverend Eric Camden
at your service.

Oh, thank you, Luce.

It's the first time

in a month I feel
like myself again.

So, tell me, what's...
what's the problem?

Eric, uh,

Lenny and Marie came here
to work something out,

but not with you, with Lucy.

I know Paul
from Pete's,

and he asked me to help him.

Oh, right, of course.

But I could sit in

with you, give you some advice.

After all, you... you haven't
done any counseling before,

and you're a student.

I would love your help, Dad,

but I think I better talk
to them alone.

I know Paul, and I know
what's going on and...

Paul did ask me.

Uh, if you
don't stop

pitying me, I'm gonna scream.

You're pitying yourself.

Yes, I am.

You're not always gonna
feel like this.

But I'm never gonna feel
like myself again,

like the me I was before
I had the heart surgery, am I?

Did you say puppets?

Paul wants

to join the circus?

No, not a circus,
the Famous People Players.

They're a black light
musical theater company.

They have puppets,
but it's not just a puppet show.

They're big,
they're famous,

they've been all
over the world,

and they're performing
right now

in a town
right outside of Glenoak.

I talked to the woman
in charge, Diane,

and she's fantastic.

She has this incredible
story of how she's

overcome these obstacles and
created this theater company.

He wants to play with puppets?

Not play, perform.

I'm not sure if
you noticed,

but, uh, Paul's not
like other people.

He's developmentally

Uh, he never finished
high school.

He just can't run off
and join some traveling

musical puppet show.

I mean, it takes
everything he has

just to get up, get dressed
and work at Pete's.

Paul has a lot more in him
than just working at Pete's.

He's creative.

He's funny.
He can do this.

I really think
he can do this.

Don't get us wrong, Miss Camden.


Lucy... I love my brother.

I've been looking out for him
ever since we were kids.

And when my
parents died,

Paul moved in with us,
but he can't...

Trust me, I really think
he can do this.

And more than that,

he wants to do this.

He needs to do this.

And what if he can't do it?
What then?

He'll feel like he's failed,
like he can't do anything.

We've been there

Pete's isn't the
only job he's had.

He's had lots of jobs,
and teachers and schools.

And each time they failed him,

he's the one
who feels like a failure.

He's the one
who gets depressed for weeks.

To see him like that,

it breaks our heart,

but it crushes his.

We're not bad people.

We're just trying to protect
Paul from getting hurt.

And we're doing
what's in his

best interest and...
and what's in his best interest

is to... is to stay here with us

and... and work at Pete's.

You look sad.

I am a little sad.


I had to have an operation,

and ever since I came home
from the hospital, I...

just haven't felt
like myself.

I don't feel
needed, and...

no one thinks I'm well
enough to do my job,

even though I know
I'm well enough.

I guess that's making me
feel like less of a man.

You look sad, too.

I am.

I want to be
a Famous People Player.


I want to work
with Diane, not pizza.


I'm a man.

I'm a man, too.

I like talking to you.

I like talking to you, too.

If you want,

you can be a
Famous People Player, also.

Thanks, but...

I don't think that
would solve my problems.

It could be fun.

Oh, Ruthie.
Uh, this is Paul.

Paul, this is Ruthie.



I need to talk to you.

I have a problem.

Maybe you should talk
to your mother.

I-I haven't been doing
so well with problems today.

Don't give up;
you can do it.


Hey, Roxanne. It's me, Kevin.


Is this a bad time?

No, I just got off duty.

I got called
in at the last minute

to cover the Promenade;
someone got sick.

What's up?

I'm doing something
I don't think I should do,

but I feel like I have to do.

Are you asking me out?


Well, it sounds
like you're asking me out.

I'm not.

You know,
if you're attracted to me,

we can't work together.

It's a rule--

partners can't be partners.

I'm not interested in you.

So, why are you calling me?

Because Robbie's
interested in you.

And you're calling me
because Robbie's lost

the ability to speak
and use his hands,

so he's incapacitated and can't
call me himself and ask me out.

Is that why he didn't call
since that night we made out?

I shouldn't have called.

I don't want to get involved.

Too late.
You called me.

You're involved.

Look, I feel badly.
I wanted to do something.

I know he likes you,

but he thinks Lucy's asking me
to keep you two apart.

Is she?

Is she?

When I said I wasn't leaving

until you told me
what was going on,

I didn't really think you
could sit there

and not talk to me
for hours.

I think I know
what's going on.

You don't have to be

I don't?


I know you like me.

But our relationship
is hardly normal.

First we made out
that night

I paid you to help me get
back at my boyfriend.

And then I told your dad

what we did
and you got grounded.

And now you want
to be friends,

but you don't know how
to make the first move.

And I'm guessing that maybe
it's a little awkward for you

to just be friends
with a girl,

especially a girl like me,
considering our history and all.

Simon, I like you,

and I wouldn't have
done what I did--

you know,
turning you in--

if I didn't have
feelings for you.

You're a great friend.

And if you want, I'd like us
to continue to be friends.

I could use a friend.

I'm kind of going crazy
with Mark.

the football player, Mark.

They guy I've
been seeing Mark.


Am I right?

Is that what you wanted
to tell me?

How's it going with Paul's
brother and sister-in-law?

Not great.

I thought I'd take a break
and fix everyone some tea.


Hold on.

It's Roxanne, for you.


Okay, what is your problem
and who do you think you are?

Excuse me?

I said,
who do you think you are?

Did I do something, Roxanne?

You know what you did
and what you're doing.

Okay, can we talk about whatever
this is later?

You don't like me.
I have some...




I don't care
what you think, Lucy.

I have tried to be
friendly and nice.

As my partner's girlfriend,
I want you to like me

and I want us to get along.

I'm Kevin's fiancée,
not girlfriend.

Do you have a ring?

Have you set a date?


I don't know, has he even asked
you to marry him yet?

Okay, here's the deal.

If Robbie likes me,

it's in your best interest
not to get in the way of that.

Because let's just say
if you get in my business,

I'm going to get
in your business.

And, Lucy...


You do not want me
in your business.

Bye now.

I'm sorry, but I...
I don't believe you.

It's true.

If you're telling the truth,

and this girl is real
and she has a problem,

how can I help her if
you won't give me her name?

Her name is...

Alice Brand.

All right. And her problem is?

Her parents won't feed her...

at all.

She's very, very hungry.


And they're mean to her.

And they say
a lot of mean things.

And she cries a lot.

It's sad.

So, can you help?

She needs you.

Her parents need you,

It's a family in crisis.

To help them, I'm going to have
to talk to them.

No, you can't.


Because Alice swore me
to secrecy,

and if her parents find out
she's talked to anyone,

that wouldn't be good.


can't you just tell me
what to say

and then I can tell Alice?

No, it doesn't work that way.

If you're...

if you're telling the truth,
I have to do something.

I'm bound by law to intervene

if I suspect
any kind of child abuse.

So if what you
say is true,

you need to let me
talk to your friend.


Hey, Roxanne,
long time, no talk, huh?

Drop dead.

What are you doing?

I thought you were moving
in with the Camdens.

It's kind of weird
and busy over there.

It's always weird
and busy over there.

I talked to Mom.

I know, she called.

Why didn't you just
tell me what happened?

It's embarrassing.

Yeah, Mom and her
boyfriend are

still a little shook up.

They're shook up?

Yeah, she's upset,
understandably so.

What were you thinking?

I guess I wasn't thinking.

No, you weren't

You were with your
girlfriend doing...

Well, you know what you were
doing with your girlfriend.



Mom was supposed to be
out of town all weekend.

Yeah, but she came back
early and found you.

And instead of dealing
with it, you ran away.

"I miss you. I just want
to spend time with you."

You don't miss me.

But I'm guessing you
miss your girlfriend.

I can't even look at Mom.

What do you think
I should do?


To Glenoak?

No, back to Buffalo.

How will that solve anything?

You need to move back to
Buffalo and out of Mom's house.

It's time.

It was different when
we both lived at home.

But now it's just weird.

And apparently, you need
your privacy, a lot of privacy.

I really do miss you.

Well, I'm sorry.

I'm not coming home
anytime soon.

I'm going to marry Lucy.

So, do you think I can get
a flight or...?

You're booked
on the red-eye.

And I called
your girlfriend.

She's going to pick
you up at the airport,

and I asked her to help
you find an apartment.

I don't need you
to live my life for me.

Then prove it.
Go home, move out, be a man.

A man who doesn't live
with his mother.

Am I interrupting anything?


Kevin, I need your help.

Come on, Paul,
let's go home.

Paul, you can't quit your job

and join
the Famous People Players.

You can't be in show business
or puppet business.

You need to stay
here with us.

That's not what I want to do.

No, but it's what you should do.

I'm not a baby, I'm a man.

I can take care of myself.

Paul, come on.

I wish I could do
more, but I can't.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry to hear
you couldn't get through

to Paul's brother
and sister-in-law.

I like Paul.

I'm not giving up.

Do you need my help?

I really need
to do this myself.

I started it and
I need to finish it.

Finish it?

I called Diane,
the woman who runs

the Famous People Players,
and we came up with a plan.

Wish me luck.

Good luck.

Do you like Roxanne?


Then date her.

You have my blessing,

not that you need it,
but you have it.

And with that, you can
now officially consider me

out of your
and Roxanne's love life.

Let her know that, would you?

Do you like Roxanne?

Yeah, but she
hates me.

She hung up on me.

So call her back.

What if she hangs up on me?

I think you're more afraid
that she won't hang up.

Call her back, take a chance.

That was great.

What you said just now,
really great.


I'm doing the pity thing again,
aren't I?


Thanks for calling me,
Reverend Camden.

Simon and I got
everything worked out.

Oh, yeah, thanks.

Do you know why
I haven't called her?

Do you?

'Cause I didn't want
to see her.

Do you know why
I didn't want to see her?

Because I'm in love with her
I don't want to be

in love with her because I think
she's in love with someone else.

So I figured out of sight,
out of mind, you know.

I'd just forget about her.

But no, you had to go call her

and now she wants to be
my best friend.

So I just spent
the last two hours

listening to her talk about
this jerk that she's dating!

You know why?
Because I'm her new best friend.


You know, now I'm more tortured
than I was before.

I guess next week I'm going
to have to give her a perm.

A perm?

Yeah, isn't that what
girlfriends do?

This is all your fault.

What's he talking about,
all your fault?

I'll get it.

Kevin asked me to
take the cruiser over

and check out the
situation for you.

This is Alice Brand,

Reverend, and
her parents.

And I think
we need to speak with Ruthie.

Uh... okay.

I thought you wanted to stay.

Yeah, I did,

but what I need to do
is go home.


I need to go home
and get my own place.

Hey, I'm sorry
for earlier.

You know, Roxanne.

You were right.

The only person stopping me
from dating her is me.

It's true, I'm a chicken.

Well, Mary broke my heart,
Joy broke my heart.

I just don't know how much heart
I have left to break.

You'll never know
unless you get back out there.

Look, I probably
shouldn't have

done this, because I don't want

to get involved
in Roxanne's love life.

Shouldn't have done what?

I called her and tried
to put in a good word for you.

Why'd you do that?

Because I felt sorry for you.

I know what it feels like
to be tortured and in love.

Good luck.

Hi, Ruthie.

Hi, Alice.

I got to ride
in the back of a police car.

So did I.

We feed our daughter,
and we don't appreciate

you having your father
send the police after us.

Why did you make up

a story about Alice

being abused, not being fed,

when clearly
that's not the case?

I think you owe us

all an explanation!

I'm sorry.

I was just trying to help.

Help whom?

My dad.


I'm sorry. I was just trying
to make you feel needed.

This sounds like
a family problem--

yours, not ours.

Apology accepted.

We'll just, uh,

be on our way.

Can you turn the sirens on
this time?

We'll see.

Go ahead and wait
in the car.

I'll be right out.

There's something I
need to take care of.


where's Robbie?

Boy, am I glad
to see you. Oh!

You make out with me,

then don't call me for
weeks, over a month,

then you get Kevin to
call and plead your case?

Hey, if I mean
so much to you,

why didn't you just pick
up the phone and call?

I don't like
being toyed with,

played with, or talked
about behind my back.

I'm not going
to lie to you.

I like you, but I
date men, real men.

Men who aren't afraid,
and don't get other people

to fight their
battles for them.

So when you decide
to be a man, call me.

I might just
call you back.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to involve Alice.

I didn't think

you'd actually send the police
over to her house.

I was just
trying to help.

Go on.

I thought if
you thought that

you helped someone,
you'd feel better, be happy.

I tried to get
you to help

Simon and Kevin
and Ben and Robbie,

but that didn't work too well.

So I made up a person
with a problem,

and you made me give you a name,
and I panicked,

and said the first person
I could think of.

Alice is a

Why did you want
to make me feel needed?

You can go upstairs.

I'm sorry.

I know. I'm not...
I'm not angry at you.

What did you do?

I told the kids you
were a little low,

and I thought you
might feel better

if-if you felt
more needed.

I was only
trying to help.

But you hurt.

I told you, no pity.

I'm a man.

I-I need to feel
like a man,

not a man
who's being pitied.

Uh, it's not your fault.

You didn't give me
a bad heart,

which forced me
to have open-heart surgery,

which changed everything
in my life and made me...

feel like less of a man.


It's not your fault.

Whose fault is it?


We hope it was magic.

♪& That you loved tonight ♪&

♪& Now we'd like to meet you ♪&

♪& So turn up the lights ♪&

♪& We painted you pictures
with our colors in the dark ♪&

♪& Hope you were filled
with enchantment ♪&

♪& We stole your heart ♪&

♪& We'd like to thank you
for applause ♪&

♪& You made the magic happen ♪&

♪& And claps to fill the stage
with rainbows ♪&

♪& With glowing sights bright ♪&

♪& Dreams and stardust ♪&

♪& Meet all of
the Famous People Players ♪&

♪& Meet all
of the Famous People Players. ♪&

All right, you
convinced us

that the Famous
People Players

is a legitimate
theater company,

and there are kids like
Paul who can perform

and do all the work,
and that's great.

But I'm sorry.
I know Paul.

I know my
brother can't do

what we just saw
on that tape.

That's me that's on that tape.

As a Famous People Player.

That was a show
we did a couple of nights ago.

Paul joined the company
last week.

A couple of night ago?
L-Last week?

How did you
get there?

I snuck out of the house
and got the bus.

You took the bus
to another town?

That's not all I did.

What else did you do, Paul?

I quit my job at Pete's.

I'm not a child, I'm a man.

And a man

can do what he likes to do.

I want to be
a Famous People Player.

And I'm going
with Diane tomorrow.

I don't know how
you're feeling right now,

but I think I know
how Paul's feeling,

because I've been there.

People said to me all my life
I couldn't

when I knew that I could.

When I started
the Famous People Players

back in 1974,
people were skeptical.

The parents of the children
who joined me were skeptical.

Everyone was skeptical,

because it was hard to believe
in what I was trying to do--

create a black light
puppet theater company

with developmentally-challenged

But I did it.

And it was the best thing
that ever happened to me.

And I know the other people
in the company feel

the same way I do.

There were a lot
of people who

thought that people who are

performing with puppets was akin
to a freak show,

but it's not a freak show.

It's a place
that offers a chance,

a chance for people like Paul

who don't get a whole lot
of chances or encouragement.

It's also a place about dreams

and making those dreams
come true.

And I'm not talking
about dreams

about performing
or being in show business.

I'm talking about dreams

about being independent

and self-sufficient

and self-reliant.

Free. Free to be who
and whatever they want to be.

Not because someone

tells them what they have to be

because of... who they are.

I don't usually

go into towns
where we're performing and hire

people to be in the show,
but I got to tell you,

Paul's passion
for the work we do

and the passion
for performing...

Well, I'd be honored

to have him be
in the Famous People Players.

Of course,
the decision

of whether he joins or not
is for you as a family to make.

I just hope you give

Paul a chance.

He deserves it.


I mean, I'm just
so nervous and... and scared.

So am I,

but I love to do this.

Well, I guess I only
have one question.

Can you get us
some free tickets?


Now rewind that tape.

I want to see my
brother again.

My brother,
the performer.

You're terrific.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I didn't do anything.

You believed in me.

We hope it was magic.

♪& That you loved tonight ♪&
It's terrific!

♪& Now we'd like to meet you ♪&

That's you!
♪& So turn up the lights ♪&

♪& We painted you pictures
with our colors in the dark ♪&

♪& Hope you were filled
with enchantment ♪&

♪& We stole your heart ♪&

♪& We'd like to thank you
for applause... ♪&