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06x04 - Dreamland

Posted: 02/11/22 17:33
by bunniefuu
Outpost 134. Two miles to go.

I'm all atingle.

So, this supposed clandestine source who's contacted you...

How do we know he's not just another crackpot whose encyclopaedic knowledge of extraterrestrial life isn't derived from reruns of Star Trek?

Because of where this particular crackpot works: Groom Lake.

Area 51. Where the military has conducted...

..for the past 50 years, classified experiments involving extraterrestrial technology.

It's the proof that we suspected, but never have been able to hold in our hands. That proof is here.

It's the dim hope offinding proof that's kept us in this car, or one very much like it, for more nights than I care to remember, driving hundreds - if not thousands - of miles through neighbourhoods and cities and towns where people are raising families and buying homes and playing with their kids and their dogs and...

In short, living their lives while we... we... wejust keep drivin'.

What is your point?

Don't you ever just wanna stop? Get out of the damn cai’?

Settle down and live something approaching a normal life?

This is a normal life.


I don't know if we're gonna meet that crackpot after all.

Out of the car!

Out of the car, sir!


May I see some identification, please?


You'll have to turn and leave. Why? It's a public highway.

It also borders on a US government testing ground.

What's your business here?

What are you doing out here at night?

What are you doin' out here? Hiding top-secret test flights?

Using technology from UFOs?

Flying sauoers.

I got a top secret for ya.

There's no such thing as flying saucers.

Come on, Mulder, let's...

Come on, Mulder, let’s go.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Sir, open fire? No! No, let 'em go.

Let 'em go. Sir?

Your orders, sir?

I wanna get out of here.



What do you think you're doing?

Why'd you let them go?

They didn't know anything.

They were FBI agents, obviously here to meet someone. Very possibly an informant.

You sent away our hope of finding who.

We can't just disappear a couple of FBI agents, Howard.

Their own people will deal with 'em.

That's what Morris was thinkin'. Right, Morry? Let's go.



Your identification, sir.

You do have identification?



What's Wegman doing here? Kinda late for the old man to be clockin' in.

Something must be up. I'm gonna check it out.



Are you all right, Mulder? What are you talking about?

Well, you haven't said anything since we left those men. Is something wrong?

I'm fine. Gas caps on your side.


If you don't want to talk about it.



Come on, Scully, pickup.

Bastard! Huh?



Oh, Dana?

You wanna pick me up a pack of Morleys, please?

Since when do you smoke?

Well... you're not gonna be a n*zi about it, are you?

I ran a reverse trace on all the outgoing calls. We definitely got a leak.

He called the FBI this morning from Wegman's office.

Wegman? The leak.

He used the guest phone in Wegman's office.

He's rubbing our noses in it. Hmm. In what?

In the fact that he works in this building.

That he has access to everything. All our work.

And we don't know who he is.

Morris? Yeah?

You gonna answer that? Oh. Yeah.

Hello? What are you doing there?

I'm just trying to work that out. It's midnight. I've been waiting up.

I didn't know. What do you mean you didn't know?

You said you'd call. Morris...

I forgot. You always forget.

Well, this time don't forget the milk!

The wife?

Come on, man. Let's go home.

All right, Morry. There it is, huh?

Home sweet home. All right.

Good night... Jeff.

Base Operator Oh, um, I, uh...

Would you like an outside line, Mr Fletcher?

No, thank you. Good night.

Look, kids, it's Larry, the creepy...

.. September, along the...

Wanna play? I think we already are.

It was a routine test flight.

Craft suddenly lost altitude at 2317 hours over Highway 375.

What happened? We haven't determined.

We have recovered the flight data recorder, as well as the pilots.


We found the copilot over here.

My God.

The other man's alive, but, uh... But what?

We're not sure yet.

What happened, Captain?

I'm sure he's on his way.


Hey. Hey, Dana. How's it going?

Mulder. Where have you been? Sorry, Ijust got a little lost on my way in.

You got lost? I'm just a little, you know, lost in my head.

Yeah. Yeah. One of those days.

Yeah. Hi, there. How are you this morning?

The assistant director is waiting, sir. Great. Let's do it.

My two frequent flyers.

I'm to understand you were in Nevada yesterday.

And after - what's it been? - two, three conversations such as this on the matter.

Uh, sir...

This morning I got a call from the Pentagon demanding that you two be reprimanded for trespassing on a top-secret military installation.

What do you think you were doing there? We were following a lead, sir.

And that's part of your current caseload? A legitimate investigation?

We were contacted by a confidential source.

What source? Oh, if I had the name, I'd give it to you.

Some whistle-blower working inside the so—called Area 51.

Said he had "big deal" information.

I gotta tell you, the whole thing turned out to bejust one gigantic mistake on our part.

Mulder, you were specifically ordered not to pursue any line of investigation pertaining to the X-Files. You're absolutely right.

On behalf of Scully and myself, I apologise for our blatant disregard of your order.

You have our word. We will never, ever do that again.




What was that about? What was what about?

"I'd give you his name if I had it"?

Whatever happened to protecting our contacts and our work?

He asked. And hang on a second.

Well... OK, then.

What? What is going on with you?

Will you stop trying to pick a fight with me?

Mulder, you are acting bizarre!


I don't mind if you don't.

We don't have much time.


I can't believe you.

I just can't believe you! And who is Scully?

Good morning.

You could come to bed at night! Pretend we have a happy marriage!

What if Chris or Terry had come down first? Seen their father being a pervert?

Did that ever occur to you?

Hey, uh...


Honey? I need...

Have you... Have you seen my car keys?

I thought I might have left 'em... Morning, Dad.

Morning... Terry.

Oh, my God!

Morris! What did you do to Chris?

Where are my keys?

Yo, Dad. Morning, Terry.

Not Terry.

Chris? Terence. Terry's for wusses.

And Terence isn't?

Hey, uh, Terence, how about helping your old dad find his car keys?

No milk.

I'm taking the minivan. Don't I have my own car?

Chris, did you give your father back his car keys?

OK, well, uh, everybody have a, uh... a good day at your various, uh...

All right.

Mom! Morris! What about Chris?

Chris? You said you'd give me an answer today.

Her nose. You said you'd give her an answer about her nose.


I think... I think she's a little young for plastic surgery. Don't you think?

Oh, for God's sake, Morris, a nose ring! She said she wants a nose ring!

I hate you! I wish you were dead!

Well, my work here is done. Have a nice day.

You want a divorce, don't you? Just say the words.

"Joanne, I want a divorce." Joanne? Joanne, no...

I will not live this way!

I will not let you walk in and out like a stranger.

Maybe it's better if you just... Sorry. I'm just not myself lately.


You are wearing your suit from yesterday.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Johnny Cash.

Morris? What are you doing?

It's for you.


Mul... Morris.

It's Jeff. Where the hell are you? I'm just runnin' a little late.

Get your ass down here.

We got something big going down. Big, as in?

Big as in, I can't say anything more over the phone. Get down here.

Do we know what he's saying? It seems he's praying, sir.

We've identified the language, a Native American dialect: Hopi.

The pilot's name is Captain Robert McDonough.

Born in Montana. No known foreign language skills.

Since the crash, he claims to be Mrs Lana Chee, a 75-year-old Hopi Indian woman born on the Moapa reservation about 35 miles from here. Is it some kind of shell shock?

We don't think so, sir.

This is Mrs Lana Chee.

We picked her up on the reservation this morning.

At ease.

What's your name? Captain Robert McDonough, sir!

I apologise for my present condition and appearing out of uniform, sir!

Um, do you know... what happened last night, Captain?

Sir, we launched from base at 2300 hours and headed south.

At approximately 2315, we lost power in the right rear quadrant.

Do you know what, um... Do you know what caused the power loss?

No warning lights came up on the panel. AII systems checked out in prefiight.

Shejust wasn't in the mood to fly, sir.

Come on, baby, be the hole. Oh...


I got a birdie.

Scully. Oh, thank goodness. Scully, it's me.

I'm sorry. Who is this? It's me, Mulder.

Mulder. Shh.

Sorry I couldn't call sooner. Something really weird happened when that UFO passed over us.

UFO? You don't remember?

You don't remember.

The man you're with is not me. He's Morris Fletcher.

He's an Area 51 employee.

Morris Fletcher. That's right.

Everybody here seems to think that I'm him, but I'm not.

Psstl As long as they think I'm him, I have access, but I'm gonna need your help.

What was that? Uh, what was what?

This may not be a secure line. Mulder, uh, where are you?

I'd better not say. Look, just get out here as soon as you can.

How can I get in touch with you? You won't. I'll get in touch with you.

Who do you suppose that was? That wasn't your source?

Well, I'll run a trace. Uh...

No, no. I think we should notify eljefe ASAP.

We don't want our collective asses chewed out again.


Are you sure that's the best thing to do?

Look, little lady, I think it's time you got your panties on straight.

We're federal officers. We go by the book.

That'll be $1.89.

You got 11 cents change.

Keep it. Wow. Maybe I'll just close early.

Turn around, big guy. We got trouble.

Keep back! We got a spill!


Hey, Fletcher!

What the hell's he doin'?

What are you doing? There was a man in here, the attendant.

Holy mother of...

It's happened again. What's happened again?

Let's get out of here.

We gotta help him. We gotta help ourselves!

Whatever caused this could come back.

We can't leave him. Morris...

What's the matterwith you? Morris...

I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. He needs a doctor,

Not any more.

Burn it.

Clear perimeter, 200 feet!

Let's go! All right! Everybody! Pull back!

Come on, Morry. That guy was dead long before we found him.

Agent Scully.

Just can't get enough, huh? It's me, Oh, hey, Dana. What do you think you're doing?

Oh, you know, just a little lunch break. What's up?

We got the trace back on the call we received.

It came from a gas station payphone off of Highway 375, three miles east of Groom Lake.


I'm thinking it was your source, although I don't know why he'd impersonate you.

Maybe so.

You don't think that we should follow up on this?

Are you out of your pretty little mind? Am I out of my mind?

Mulder, you are out of your mind! What is up with you?!

I'm thinking about having you examined for mental illness or drug use or...

Or maybe a massive head injury!

This is an X-File!

Your life's work! Your crusade!

As I understand it, we're off the X-Files.


This was brought to a local vet.

Some kid found this in the desert ten miles east of the gas station.

Show me on the map.

Right here.

This is where you found the attendant?

Yes, sir. We located the pilot at the crash site here and the Indian woman right there.

What's this? That, we believe, is ground zero.

Once we analyse the flight data recorder, we can confirm it's where the warp began.

Warp? Beam me up, Scotty.

It's a tear in the space-time continuum. An anomaly created by aircraft malfunction, which was operating in gravity-pulse mode before it went down.

We've been flying these things since '53. I never heard anything like this.

According to quantum physics, it's possible.

Antigravity systems utilise bends in space and time for propulsion.

A sudden shift in a craft's trajectory could create the distortion we're witnessing:

If this is where your... so-called warp began, we would have all seen it.

The three of us were out on Highway 375 at the time, intercepting two FBI agents.

The fact that none of us remembers seeing it is evidence of my theory.

And hoWs that? Lost time, It's a symptom of close proximity to antigravity propulsion systems.

How come my head isn't in a rock? Or Morris's?

That's one question I haven't been able to answer, It is possible we suffered consequences that we're not fully aware of.

What do we do about it?

That's your department. Keep it out of the paper, make sure witnesses disappear.

Yeah, but, I mean, how do we reverse it?

How do we get the lizard out of the rock?

Who says we can?

This is not a marriage. It's a farce!

What? You're not attracted to me any more.

I disgust you, don't I? No.

It's not that you're disgusting. It's... it's just that...

That you don't want to make love to me ever again!

And you mumble about "Scully" in your sleep!

Who is Scully, Morris? Is it another woman?

Does Scully sound like a woman's name?

Who is Scully? Tell me!

I'm sure I've told you many times that there are things about my work that, unfortunately, I have to keep secret.

Oh, no, buster. That's not gonna fly this time.

My point is that there are a lot of things you don't know about me.

And... I've just been... I've been under a lot of pressure lately.

Up is down, black is white. I don't know where I stand.

I don't even know who I am really any more. Ijust...

I know for sure that I'm not the man you married.

I'm just not and I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.

Oh, God, Morris. I didn't know.

They have that pill now.

We can work this out. There's otherways to be intimate.

I think that was the doorbell.

We can make this work.

Yes? Hi, my name is Dana Scully.

I'm looking for Morris Fletcher.


You son of a bitch.

I'm sorry. Uh, Morris Fletcher? Scully, it's me. It's Mulder.

You're, uh... you're the man from the other night, from Area 51?


You phoned me. What is this about?

Yeah, I'm Mulder. I'm really Mulder.

I switched bodies with Morris Fletcher, the man that you think is Mulder, but he's not.

Of course you don't believe me. Why was I expecting different?

Your full name is Dana Katherine Scully.

Your badge number is... I don't know your badge number.

Your mother's Margaret, your brother's Bill Jr. He hates me.

Lately for lunch you've been having a cup of yoghurt into which you stir bee pollen because you're on a bee-pollen kick, even though I say you should know better.


Look, any of that information could have been gathered by anyone.

Even that yoghurt thing?

That is so you. That is so Scully. It's good you haven't changed. That's comforting.

I don't know what the point of this is. I'II prove it to you.

No, you won't. But I wouldn't mind if you came clean with me.

Scientific proof about what happened to us on that road two nights ago. Fair enough?

I am calling the police!

Goodbye, Mr Fletcher.

I will prove it to you, Scully.

Tonight. I'II prove everything.


Howard Grodin. Mr Grodin?

This is Special Agent Fox Mulder of the FBI.

How are you? How did you get this number?

That's what I wanted to talk to you about.

Sir, I'm obligated to tell you that you have a security leak.

A man with whom you've worked very closely has contacted this office and offered me access to highly classified information.

You happen to have a name for this man? Why, yes.

Yes, I would.

Scully. You're in Nevada again.

Uh, sir, I... Do not speak, Agent. Listen.

Your partner apprised me of his conversation with the airforce and his fervent desire to save you from making a fatal career mistake.

Therefore you will follow my instructions to the letter.

I don't know what Mulder told you...

You will follow my instructions to the letter.

OthenNise, don't bother coming back from Nevada.

Can I help you?

Scully, I got it. I got the proof.

I'm sorry. Scully, you?

Dammit, Morris. You! You son of a bitch!

You orchestrated this whole thing! He's not me, Scully!

Would I do this? Would I do this, Scully?

Tell her, you bastard! Tell her the truth!

Scully, he's not me! He's not me!

Scully, he's not me!

I made this!