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09x05 - Vote

Posted: 02/12/22 18:00
by bunniefuu
I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the republic
for which it stands,

one nation under God,

with invisible liberty
and justice for all.

How was that?

Terrific, close
to being perfect,

only, uh, it's

not "invisible"--

"with liberty and
justice for all."

Are you sure?

What is

The country can't be divided.

Well, the country is divided.

How so?

Some guys want that stupid man

to be president.

And some guys want the other
stupid man to be president.

Did you learn that at school?

We learned at home.


No, it's on TV
instead of cartoons.

The two men running
for president are not stupid,

and it's not nice
to call anyone stupid,

and w-we certainly
all should have respect

for the current president
as well as for the man

who's running against him
for president.

The president has
the responsibility

for leading this great nation
of ours.

Blah, blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah...

Good morning.

Good morning.

Is Ruthie ready
for school?

Ah, just...

I'm sure she'll be down
in a minute.

Look, I was wondering
if I could talk to you

again about the election.

I know there have been a couple
of problems at school

where maybe you were
a little overly enthusiastic

in stating your opinion,

and I'm wondering if it's not
now spilling into our home.

When you're with the twins,

I'm wondering if you could talk
more positively

about the basic freedoms
that we enjoy in this country,

one of the most basic being
the freedom to vote.

Blah, blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah...



Yeah, sure.

I'm sorry.

I still haven't finished
my homework.

Let's go.

What homework haven't
you finished?

Why didn't you tell someone
you needed some help?

Because it's my homework and I'm
responsible for not doing it.

Don't you think that should be
"I'm responsible for doing it"?

When I was in high school,

I was too afraid to go to school
without my homework.

Back then it was...
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah...


What did your dad
just say to you?

I don't know.

What was he saying to you
when I came down?

I don't know.

Well, then it probably
doesn't matter.

It's like I just
blank out sometimes

when he's
talking to me.

Welcome to the family.

Hey, good morning.

I'll drive the boys
to school.


Have you registered yet?

You haven't told anyone that
I didn't register yet, did you?

No, but did you or not?

I will as soon as I drop off
the boys at school.

Well, look, Lucy, there's
only one week left to register,

and this is your first
presidential election.

It's real important,
especially since you're voting

as a woman and a
mother and a wife,

that you get

you get informed, you know,

you get to the polls
on Election Day.

Blah, blah, blah...

blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah...


Oh, please,
he's an idiot.

Obviously, but so
is the other one.

I mean,
I don't even know

why we're in Iraq.

Yeah, why
even bother?

You know, it's a free country.

You can say what you
want, unlike Iraq.

Come on, Martin,

we all know you're a hawk,
but what about the people

that are dying--
the innocent people?

What about the innocent
people who were dying

before we had anything
to do with it?

Right on, dude.

I just don't want to see any
more Iraqis lose their lives.

I have family
in Iraq.

They're very
grateful to America.

They say now they have hope
for their children's future,

they didn't have before.

Yeah, well,
I've got relatives in Iraq,

and they still don't have
electricity where they are.

So my dad's
supposed to what,

protect people and
put up power lines?

Why should we be concerned
with getting anyone electricity?

Do you know how many people
in Appalachia

can't pay their electric bills
and don't have electricity?

You don't hear them whining.

And you don't see us
doing anything

to help our own country.

So what does that mean?

We should only help people
who live in America?

Yeah, that's exactly
what it means.

You think what goes on
in one part of the world

doesn't affect what goes on
in every part of the world?

so why isn't the U.S.

stepping in to protect Africa?

Why isn't the Sudan
in the news every day?

Innocent people are
dying by the millions.

You know, maybe if we weren't
fighting a w*r in Iraq,

we'd have resources to do that.

Well, why are you
guys so concerned

about peace in Iraq?

There's not going
to be peace anywhere

until there's peace
throughout the Middle East.

If you ask me,
we should be paying

more attention to North Korea.

I mean, we ought to be
putting some funds

towards that situation.

Why leave home
to spend our money?

You think Native Americans
have been treated fairly?

You think we won't benefit

from a few bucks
from that w*r chest?

Of course, but historically
we always helped out.

Do we stop helping people now
because people hate us?

Not every one hates us.

I'm Italian,
second generation.

My father says if America
hadn't rescued our families

during World w*r II, we'd still
be hiding from Mussolini.

Mussolini would be
121 years old now.

Maybe if we weren't
so busy policing the world,

we could police
our own neighborhoods.

Come on, my brother's a cop.

You know what he makes?

You know what I make?

Let's go,
this discussion's over.

"Well" what?

Don't you have an opinion
about anything?

I mean, a cause you'd be willing
to speak up for?

Yeah, of course I do.

I'll speak up when I'm ready
to speak up.

I filled up
your car for you.

Oh, I could have done
that, but thanks.

See you later.

What time will
you be home?

Um, I'm not sure.

I'm going to a
political debate.

They're going
to talk to about

women's issues
in the election.

As opposed to men's issues
or human issues?

It's a class assignment.
I have to go.

And I want to go.

Should be very informative.

What are you going to do
with the information?

What do you mean?

I know your little secret.

You're not registered to vote.

I... I registered
this morning.


On the way back home

from dropping the twins off
at school.

Oh, great. Where?


Where they register
people to vote.

What's the matter,
you don't believe me?

Hey, you still have one week.

I'll take you if you want.

I don't need you to take me.

I took me.
I registered to vote.

Which party?
Why do you want to know that?

Just curious.

We've never really discussed
politics that much.

So let's not start now.
See you later.

Thanks for filling up the car.

You're doing it all wrong.

You're messing up the clothes.

No, you're doing it all wrong.

You're stupid.

No, you're stupid.

♪ ♪

Hey, how was your day?


Your laundry's sitting
in a basket on the dryer.

You want to bring it upstairs

before you settle in
to doing your homework?

I'll get it later.

No, hold on.

You have certain
responsibilities here

in addition to going to school
and doing your homework.

We all have to pitch in
around here.

But you're obviously

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.


I'm sorry, I'll get it.

Uh, no, I'm way past
the laundry lecture.

I said, what's going on?

Now was your day really fine
or did something happen?

Okay, okay.

My day was humiliating.

How were you humiliated?

Evidently my interest
in boys has overshadowed

my interest in just about
everything else in this world.

I know nothing.

Well, you-you are only
in ninth grade,

you know, there's a lot to learn
and a lot to consider

before you form
your own opinions.

Maybe it was like that
in the olden days,

but it's not like that now.

You know, Martin asked me if I
had a cause I'd speak up for.

I had to lie.

I knew this had something
to do with Martin.

The closer it gets to election,
the closer he gets to exploding.

Didn't your father talk to him
just this morning

about being careful, uh,
about voicing his opinions?

I don't know.

But I mean it's not
like it was just him.

There was a whole bunch people
voicing their opinions

and I have no opinion
on anything.

I'm telling you,
I'm giving up on boys

and getting on
the internet.

Oh, that's right,

we're still living
in Biblical times,

we don't have
the internet.

My I suggest NPR,
National Public Radio.

You get plenty
of free information

from a variety
of informed sources.

What's up?

Ruthie, she's giving up on boys

because she felt humiliated
today at school

by Martin and a bunch
of other kids

who made her feel that she knows
nothing about anything.

I don't care why
she's giving up on boys

just as long as she's giving up,
that's great news.

Yes, you do care.

Didn't you just talk to Martin
this morning about this?


You're stupid!

I'll get this one.

Hey... stop that!

What's, what's going on?

Why are you fighting?

He called me stupid.

I thought we weren't
gonna call anyone stupid.

Isn't that what we talked
about this morning,

not calling anyone stupid?

You said not to call the guy

running for president stupid.

You didn't say not
to call Sam stupid.

Yes, I did.

No, I don't think you did.

Well, maybe
you weren't listening,

I said not to call anyone

In this house...

we don't call anyone stupid.

What about in the White House?

Nope, not in the White House.

What about in the other guy's

No, name calling
is inappropriate

in anyone's house or outside
anyone's house for that matter.

We saw a lot of men
doing that

and waving the flag
at the same time.

It's on TV all the time.

Haven't you seen it?

Yes, those are political

I'm sure it must
all be very confusing,

especially when you see
grown-ups misbehaving.

But here's the thing.

Name-calling is
a last-ditch effort

to discredit
the other person,

and it's wrong for
the same reason...

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah...

So, yeah...

Think about that.

By any chance,
did Simon

take the other
children's ability

to hear me when he left?

I don't seem to be
getting through to anyone.

I've been wondering
the same thing.

I've been telling Lucy for weeks
now to register to vote

and, as of today,
she still hasn't registered.

Lucy isn't registered to vote?

Neither is Kevin.

He never registered
after he moved here.

I, uh... wasn't supposed
to mention that.

I wasn't supposed to mention,
you know, about Lucy either.

Simon. Is Simon registered?

I don't know.
Mary and Carlos?

I don't know.

Matt and Sarah?

Shouldn't we know?

By that, don't you mean
shouldn't I know?

I didn't say that.
That's what you're thinking.

No, I'm not.
Then what are you thinking?

I'm thinking that "actions
speak louder than words."

What does that mean?

It means that voting speaks
louder than not voting.

You still think I didn't vote
in the last election.

I know you didn't vote.

I'm just hoping
you vote this time.

You know what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking that
"thou dost protest too much."

Maybe you didn't vote
in the last election.

You're stupid!

No, you're stupid!

I didn't say anything.

I didn't say anything, either.




Where are you going?

How was the political debate?

It was fine.
I'm just hungry.

I thought I'd stop by
and get some fries.

You can register to vote
while you wait for your fries.


You're not registered
to vote, are you?

"Registered to vote"?

Please, I told you before.

I registered.

I'm a cop.

I can tell when someone's not
being completely honest with me.

There's no shame
in registering late.

Then why are you acting
so annoying?

So you didn't?
You're not?

All right, all right.

I, I'm not registered.

I'm going to register.

So am I.

So are you?

You haven't registered?


Then why are you smiling

when you lied to me
and your daughter?

"Lied"? I didn't lie.

You never really asked me.

And why would I?

All this time, you let
me and your daughter

think you're a registered voter.

I was.
I just haven't changed

my registration
since I moved here.

And yet, you let me think

that I'm a traitor
to my country,

because I haven't
registered to vote.

You should be ashamed
of yourself.

Why, because you're ashamed
of yourself?

No, I'm not ashamed of myself.

I'm going to school.

I'm getting my degree.

I'm working,
I'm having a baby,

and I'm kind
of proud of myself

for everything else
I'm doing.

Maybe I haven't had time
to register to vote.

But you,
what are you doing

that you couldn't
register to vote?

Ah, let's see.

Going to your doctor

picking up midnight snacks,

filling up your car,

fetching things day and night.

Oh, and let me see,
what else is there?

Oh, yeah,
protecting the safety

of everyone
in the city of Glenoak.

Maybe I didn't
have time to change

my registration to vote.

So, I'm your excuse?

Me and your daughter
and our needs

are keeping you
from doing what any other

decent citizen
should be doing?

Since when did it become
the two of you against me?

Since you acted like my not
registering to vote was stupid.

I didn't call you "stupid."

Not in so many words, but...

But we think you
are just as stupid.


You want some help
with your homework?

What makes you think
I can't do it on my own?

Because it's supposed to be
on the presidential election.

So, if you don't have an opinion

about anything
going on in the world,

how would you have an opinion
on the presidential election?

What makes you think
I don't have an opinion

on anything that's going on
in the world?

I was just listening to NPR.


"And" what?

And what have you learned?

What are you,
my political advisor?

I could be.

If only you could see
both sides of any issue.

I can see both sides
of any issue:

the right side
and the wrong side.

Well, maybe there isn't
a right side and a wrong side.

Well, maybe you're...


I didn't say that.

But you were going to say that.

Well, at least I read
the newspaper

and watch the news every day.

And I don't,
so I'm stupid?

"Stupid is as stupid does."

Well, you must be stupid
to call me stupid.

Hello, you've reached
Carlos and Mary

and Charles Miguel.

Please leave a message.

Hi, honey, it's your dad.

Hey, Dad.

Carlos, hey.

I, I was just
calling to say hi.


Why, don't I usually

call just to say hello?

But that's okay.

We love talking to you.

Don't we, Charlie?
Where's Mary?

Oh, she went
to a political rally.

Oh, that's... that's great.
Who, who's it for?

Oh, Mary said if you called
not to tell you.

So, hey,
I'm just following orders.

Yeah, but if she didn't
want me to know, then obviously,

it's, it's not the person

I would want her to be
campaigning for.

But of course,
that's not important.

What's important is that you're
both registered to vote,

and you're both voting

in the upcoming
presidential election.

That's what's important.

Ah, you see,
I knew you called for a reason.

Well, it's just that
so many young people

haven't registered to vote,

and that's so important
to this election.

If, if everyone
who was eligible to vote,

would, would just vote,
it would be an amazing...

Blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah.


Oh, sorry, Dad.
What were you saying?

Would you ask your mother
if there's something

I can do to help
get dinner ready?

My mother and I are
going out for dinner.

What, no dinner
at this hour?

What's going on?
Uh, an election.

Ruthie's watching the boys.

Well, I-I have to go.

Give my love to Mary
and Charlie.

And don't forget
to register to vote.

And don't forget to vote,
it's important.

Tell me, tell me, Charles.

What is it that makes

us parents so difficult
to listen to, huh?

Yeah. What is it?

I'm going
to pick up something,

since evidently
you and Mrs. Camden

aren't speaking to each other.

You want to pick something up
for the rest of us?

Uh, I could, but your daughter
just called me "stupid,"

so I'd rather just pick up
something for myself.

Where is your

I don't know.

There he is.

Did you guys eat?

I ate.

Mommy made me a sandwich.

So, David ate, too?

I don't know anything about him.

So, everyone ate
but Martin and me?

I don't know.

I don't know anything.

Or... haven't you heard?

No, I... I haven't heard.

Well, maybe you
should ask Martin,

because he thinks
he knows everything,

especially about
the presidential election.

I just talked to him
this morning.

Well, I don't think
he was listening.

Well, I'll talk to him again.

Please do, and make it
one of your long

and serious sermons,
not just a sermonette.

You and Martin
have been fighting

since school started,
or even before that.

Yeah, I know.

Would you like a sandwich?
I'm not hungry.

You... you're not hungry?

Lucy and I had a fight,

the first fight we've had
since she got pregnant.

Oh, well, that's
not too unusual.

When... when Annie was
pregnant with Matt,

uh, we used to have
a lot of fights.

About politics?

Oh, about politics,

about laundry, about...

a lot of things.

It was a very
stressful time,

but with each pregnancy,
I started to learn...

Blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah...

I just felt so stupid

not having registered
before that

that I took it
out on Kevin.

Thank heavens Dad
does not know

that I'm not

But you and Kevin ran
into each other

as you were going to register.

Didn't you register?

Well, I was too
upset to register.

But Kevin
isn't registered, either.

Well, I know, that's
what got me so upset.


How do you know that?

Dad knew?

Well, did Dad
tell you?

Did Dad tell you that
Kevin's not registered?

Because that would mean

that Kevin told Dad
before he told me.

Oh, does it really matter?

Did you tell Dad
that I'm not registered?

Oh, Lucy...

I'm sorry, it just slipped out.

How could it just slip out?

I don't know,
politics makes people

say stupid things to each other.

I'll say.

I beg your pardon.

I don't care how old I get.

Everyone else in the family

always knows everything
before I do.

I'm sorry, Luce-- let's not make
this little slip of the tongue,

you know, part
of a lifelong syndrome.

I remember once when
Annie was pregnant

with, uh... Matt,

and Reagan was running
against Carter.

I wrote this sermon, and...

Let me see if I can
remember exactly...

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah...


Are you listening?
I'm sorry.

I lost my train of thought.

By the way, you didn't mention

that I wasn't registered
to vote to Annie, did you?

I'm sure Lucy's told her.

I mean, you know women,

especially mothers
and daughters, they talk.

Yeah, but did you tell her?

It just slipped out,
kind of.

I'm sorry.
I mean, I...

I don't even
have an excuse

other than, maybe,
politics makes people say

stupid things to each other.

Yeah, stupid...

Politics make people say
stupid things to each other.

Thanks for the sandwich.

What's with you?

Oh, it seems that
election time causes

all sorts of trouble
in all sorts or relationships.

Would you like to talk?

Not really.

Would you like
to say something to me?

I thought we talked
this morning,

but evidently I didn't get
my point across.

Okay, I'm begging you,

just tell me what it is
you want me to do.

I'll do it,
just say what it is.


Who's this?

Who is this?
This is Eric Camden.

Oh, Simon's dad.
How're you doing?

I'm doing fine.
How are you doing?


Are you calling
about something in particular?

I'm just call-returning.

I got back to the dorm
before Simon.

Oh, so Simon's still out?

Yeah, but he's out
at the library.

Is he really at the library
or are you just saying

it's the library to avoid
telling me where he really is?

He's not out with Georgia.

Yeah, but he's not
at the library?

You almost tricked me.

Simon warned me
you might try to do that.

So you want me
to give him a message?

I would love it
if you would tell him

to make sure that
he's registered to vote.

He only has another week
if he hasn't registered.

No kidding?

Is that just for him
or everybody?

It's everyone.
Everyone in America

has another week
to register to vote.

Good to know.

Are you registered to vote?

If I'm not, are you going
to give me a lecture?

Of course not.

Tell you what,
I'll have Simon call,

and you can lecture him
if he's not registered.

But if he is, you could lecture
him about being out.

Not that he's not
at the library.

Bye, Monty.

I really wish
you hadn't done that.

I really didn't want
Mom to know.

I didn't want anyone to know.

I was wrong.
I shouldn't have said anything.

How would you like it
if I told Lucy

you didn't vote
in the last election?

What, what are you
talking about?

I'm talking about
how you were so busy

driving other people
to the polls,

and helping Mr. Wexler find
where he was supposed to be,

that the polls closed
before you got a chance to vote.

Isn't that right?

Uh, how do you know
about Mr. Wexler?

You told me.
I also vote first

and then I help everyone else.

Not in the last election.

You intended to vote
after dropping Mr. Wexler off,

but you didn't, did you?

I kind of feel like
I'm being interrogated, son.

Okay, it's the first time
I ever missed voting

in a presidential election
since I was 18 years old.



Hi, Dad.

Oh, hey, Matt, how are you?

Tired. I just came off
an 18-hour shift,

and I know what
you called about.

Well, I just wanted to know
if you and Sarah are...

Yes, we're registered to vote.

We're voting.

Oh, so, uh...

Not telling you.

That's okay. That's okay.

Voting's a very personal matter

and this election has gotten
personal, very personal.


Well, that's just
what I was talking about.

Look, y-you get
some sleep, okay?


Ah, they're registered.

Now, all they have
to do is vote.

And by the way,
I heard Matt snoring.

So where were we?

You didn't vote.

I'm so ashamed of myself.

And shame is
so underrated these days.

It, it can be quite
useful at times.

Wait. You said
how would I like it if--

if being the operative word--
you told Lucy?

You told Lucy

your little theory
about my not voting?

It's not a theory now.
It's a fact.

How did you know?
Well, Dad told Kevin this

long story about driving this
old guy around the city all day.

And he didn't specifically say
that he didn't vote,

but Kevin's a cop, he knows
when people are covering.

He knows Dad didn't vote.

When did Dad have this
conversation with Kevin?

I don't know.

Let's get the check.
I'm ready to go.

I want dessert.

If you knew,
why didn't you tell me?

Because it didn't seem
important at the time.

Well, that doesn't matter.

You're supposed to tell me
everything. I'm your mother.

You don't tell me everything.

I tell you practically

even things I'm not supposed
to tell you, remember?

And when you're a mother,

we'll probably be
sharing more and more.

Did you vote
in the last election?

Not sharing things
about elections,

things about husbands
and children and life.

Does Dad know?

No, and I'm hoping
you won't tell him.

I won't tell him.
Then don't tell Kevin.

I tell Kevin everything, because
Kevin tells me everything.

Okay, I'll try not to tell him.

Jeez, I hate politics.

So, who are you
going to vote for?

That, I don't tell anyone.

I'll tell you if you tell me.

No, because you'll
just tell Kevin.

Come on, just between
mother and daughter?

Just between us?

Of course, I'm voting
for him, aren't you?

Yeah, who's Lucy voting for?

I don't know.

Who's Annie voting for?

Nah, she,
she never tells me.

Yeah, I don't think
Lucy will tell me either.

Which means...

That they're not voting
the way we're voting.

Who are you voting for
for president?

I can't vote.
Why not?

Because you have to be
18 to vote.

Because it's the law.

Well, because you
don't know enough

to make a good decision
until you're 18.

At least that's
what people think.

I know lots of things.

Well, so do I,
but I still can't vote.

Well, that's a stupid law.

Can't children vote on anything?

Not really,
but if we could...

If we could, I bet things
would be different.


Tell you what, if you
make up with your brother,

I'll read you a book
all about voting.

My dad gave it to me
when I was a kid.

I gave Ruthie an idea.
I'm smart.

I'm smarter.

No, I'm smarter.

I can make you
both smarter

than a lot of people.

Come on, I want
to read you a story

about how the president
gets elected.

I missed you.

And our daughter.

How was dinner?

It was interesting.

I missed you, too.

Good night.
Good night.

So you didn't vote
in the last election?

You didn't tell your mother
that your father

didn't vote in the last
election, did you?

It's okay,
she didn't vote, either.

You shouldn't have told her.
It was just a theory.

No, it wasn't.

You told me you were sure
he didn't vote.

Wait a minute--
your mother didn't vote

in the last election, either?


I'd hate to be over
at their house right now.

I don't think we've
had a night like this

since Carter
defeated Ford.


What about the night
the governor was elected?

Oh. Hmm.

Sorry, how could I forget
Terminator night.

My apologies.

I wonder how Kevin
and Lucy are doing.

Poor Kevin and Lucy,
their first election.

Oh, I think they'll
make it through.

Good night.

You know how
I've been feeling

like no one's
listening to me?

Hmm. I think
we've been feeling

that no one's listening
to either of us.

I think I know why.

Why, because we're deaf,

'cause all the candidates
are talking too much?

I think we've been
talking too much.

Just talking and talking,
and I'm thinking

I'm not going to be
doing as much talking.


Something Martin said

that's just been running,
running through my head.

He... I mean,
he practically begged me

to just tell him what to do,
instead of...

...lecturing him.

Ah, with so many people
talking right now,

it's hard, it's hard
to hear anything.

Not to mention
that as parents,

we love hearing ourselves talk.

A lot more than our children
love listening.

Let's go, boys!

I'm not going to school.

Me, neither.

We voted not to go.

Yeah, we voted.

And we won.

We're not going.

Go upstairs and get dressed.

You're going to school.

What's with Sam and David?

Oh, they're just a little late
getting dressed for school.

Aren't you going to ask me
if I have my homework today?


Well, I wrote my paper.

And I like it.

Good for you. If you like it,
I'll bet I'd like it.

You want to know
what it's about?

Uh, if you want to tell me,
I'd love to hear.


Of course.

Don't you want to tell me
how much better it is

to do my homework
than not to do it?

Or about some paper
you wrote or anything?


Aren't you feeling well?

Is it your heart?

I feel fine.

Maybe I'll let you
read my paper

when I get my grade on it.

Well, I look forward to it.

Good morning.


I don't need
a ride from you.

Dad will take me
to school.

Uh, can't. Martin, you drive
Ruthie to school,

and you two work out
your differences.

Got it.

Heard him loud and
clear that time.

So did I.

And before
you came down here,

he was actually
listening to me.

Good, 'cause I'm sure
you have something to say.

I know it's no excuse,

but I'm really excited
about this election.

It seems like a really
important one.

Not that they're
not all important.

I just can't help
voicing my opinion.

And it's not just because
my dad's a Marine,

it's because I'm me.

I love politics.

I might even want to be
a politician someday.

I'm sorry if I made
you feel stupid.

Well, I'm smart enough
to forgive you

and learn my lesson.

From now on,
I'm reading the paper,

I'm watching the news
and I'm getting involved.

Four years from now,
I'll be ready to vote.

If I know you,
four years from now,

you'll be ready
to run for office.

Who knows?
Maybe I'll start this spring

by running
for sophomore president.

Good. I'll be happy to help you,
but only if you need me.

The whole
world's a mess.

You know that, don't you?

See? You do have
something to say.

♪ ♪

Hey, look who's here.

Well, hey.

Yeah, Dad called me.

Ah, Dad called me, too.

And then, Mary came home

and we got into a discussion.

She found out that I wasn't
registered to vote

and now I'm registered.

Yeah, we had the same
argument at breakfast.

I, I never changed

my registration
when we moved here.

I got no excuse.

I just find the whole thing
completely intimidating.

It's an awesome responsibility
choosing a president.

So you're undecided?

Oh, no. I'm decided.

No, you're not.

No, you're voting
like Mary's voting.

Well, she had the baby
for both of us, so...

She'll never know
if you vote the other way.

You haven't had a baby yet.
You'll see.

You like pudding?

Does "pudding" refer
to one of the candidates

or does that mean lunch
at, um, at the hospital?

Lunch at the hospital.
Wait for me.

Yes, I'm registered.

Hey, guess who I ran into?

Your brother.

Yeah, we're going
to go have lunch.

No, I guess he never changed
his registration

when he moved here.

I don't know.
He didn't say.

Mary wants to tell you

how proud she is that
you're registered.

No, she doesn't.

She just wants to tell
me how to vote. Nice try.

Come on.

So, we're registered.

So now, all we've
got to do is vote.

You know, I would never

ask you to vote the way
I'm voting just because

I'm having your baby--
your, your daughter.

I know you wouldn't,
'cause then

you'd have to tell me
how you're voting.

Okay, I'll tell you who I'm
voting for and tell you why,

and then you tell me who you're
voting for and tell me why.

I don't want to.

Are you sure you know
where your candidate stands

on the issues
that are important to you?

I don't care.
I just think he's cute.


You're kidding.

Yes, I'm kidding.

But we just barely squeaked
by voter registration.

Let's not test
our relationship any further.

But we are going to vote.

Yes, we are going to vote.

Are you sure you
don't want to tell me?

I'm absolutely positive.

I'm glad you're issuing
orders again.

Nice job.

the campaign?



Not really, no.

He's for better schools,

higher pay for teachers,

more police officers
on the street,

greater national security,

lower taxes.

His opponent can't be trusted

to do anything
other than raise taxes.

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah...

Don't you have
anything you want to say

about the election today?

Yeah. But I was talking
to Ruthie

and she has a really
interesting perspective.

Go ahead.

Well, it's just that,

if we had the right to vote--

if children
had the right to vote--

I think the world
would be a different place,

a better place.

If children voted,

we would see to it
that every child was fed,

that every child has a family,

or at least a safe place
to grow up.

We'd make sure
that every child

had the opportunity
to go to school

and get an education.

No child would be
sacrificed for peace.

No child would be
discriminated against

because of their race,
religion or beliefs.

But we don't have
the right to vote.

So all we can do is ask that
those who do have the right,

value that opportunity.

We all need to make sure that
those who love us are registered

to vote.

And they do go to the polls
on November 2

and cast their ballots.

Our future is at stake.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.
Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.
Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.
Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.

Vote for me.



