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09x08 - Why Not Me?

Posted: 02/12/22 18:03
by bunniefuu
Hey, you missed dinner.

Well, there's leftovers
in the fridge.

Which I was

going to take as a lunch
tomorrow, so I could eat

in the office
and get caught up.

But you're not here
for dinner anyway, are you?

We're here to rat out Simon,
because, evidently,

that's the kind of people
we are now.

He just called
and asked to borrow

$500 from us.

He asked me for the money

and I told him
I would give it to him.

Without even telling me.

Evidently, it's Kevin's
money, not our money.

And evidently, Simon's
your brother, not my brother.

That's right,
I consider him my brother.

And if my brother called
and asked for a loan,

I'd just give it to him.
Uh, both

the money and the brother
belong to both of you,

but that's an argument you
can have over at your place.

$500 for what?

Simon didn't say.

So you know
he's in trouble.

But maybe he's in trouble

that he can fix by himself
if he just had the money.

Why didn't you ask him
why he needed the money?

It's not like you

not to ask about
a loan like that,

Kevin, is it?

I mean, if your
brother, Ben, called

and asked for $500,
you'd probably

ask him what
he needed it for.

True, but I thought
I'd ask Simon

when I drive up there tomorrow
to give him the money.

Is something
wrong with that?

So many things.

I just think you
might be getting in

a little over your head.

Don't you think
I should go with you?

No offense, but do you always

have to solve
the family problems?

Shouldn't I be able to step in
and solve a problem sometimes?

This is my father

you're talking to.

No one solves problems better
than he solves problems.

I'm not saying
that you can't fix

whatever's going on,
I'm just saying that...

That I can't.

Still, I'd like a shot.

Then, please, you...
Go ahead up there,

if that's what
you think you should do.

It's not that I think I should.

It's more
that Simon asked me to,

and I think I can handle it.

I mean, I'm a police officer

and I handle difficult
situations every day.

Is it a police matter?

I don't think so.

Well, then it's a parent matter.

You just might want
to think about whether or not

getting involved
in a parent matter might be,

again, getting in
over your head.

But, hey-- no, you...
just go on up there

and handle it
just liked Simon asked.


Well, Kevin's right.

Simon didn't call us,
he called Kevin.

He wants
Kevin to handle this,

and I'm sure there's
a reason for that.

But, son,

if you find
that you can't handle

whatever this is on your own
in a way that you know

both Annie and I
would both approve of,

then please,
give me a call, okay?


It's a trap.

Okay, it's a trap.

I don't care.
I'm going anyway.

And whatever the problem is,
I'll handle it.



Hey, there.

Thanks for coming.
Look, I really

appreciate it.
I just...

I hated to call Dad.

Especially after everything
that happened this summer.

I didn't think
he'd understand.

I didn't want to have
to go through the hassle

of trying to explain
it to him.

So make me understand.

I got kicked out of the dorms,

so I have to move
into an apartment.

I found a place that I can
share with another student.

I just need a deposit,
like, today.

I take it you got kicked out
for something other than, say,

playing your music too loud?


And I take it that you can't
just get kicked out

for having a woman in your room,
because you had a woman

in your room all last year,
so it has to be more that that.


And I take it that you think
that no matter what it is,

I won't say anything
to your parents about it.

And I'll just loan you

the money,
and you'll pay me back.

And it'll just be between us.

I was hoping.


What'd you get
kicked out for, Simon?

I was letting this girl
stay in my room

and that's against the rules.

But we weren't
having sex,

it's not like that.

She's just a friend.

Even Georgia doesn't
understand that.

So you risked losing Georgia
and getting kicked out of school

to help someone?

Very noble, yet you couldn't
have helped her out

in any other way than by letting
her live in your dorm room?

That was the help she needed.

Why did she need
to live in your room?

Why can't she get a room
of her own?

Because she and her boyfriend
were living together.

They got into a huge fight
before school started.

And by then it was too late
for her to get a dorm room.

Her boyfriend was
paying all the rent.

She had no money, so she
needed a place to stay.

It's as simple
as that.

Nothing about this
strikes me as simple.

How do you know this girl?

I knew her from high school.

I saw her at registration,

and she explained
to me her situation.

She asked for my help.

It was only supposed
to be for a night or two

and it became
longer that that,

but it didn't
become more than that.

Okay, she's really nice.

And she feels terrible
about what happened.

Again, I just question why you
wouldn't have asked me

for the $500 for her to pay
security deposit weeks ago.

So then she wouldn't have needed
to stay with you in the dorm.

'Cause you, you
don't even know her.

No, but I would have
preferred to give

her the money to keep you
out of trouble.

That would have been better
than giving you the money

after you got into trouble.

But I'm going to get
into more trouble

if I don't have a place to live.

I realize that, but now
the $500 is for an apartment

to share with a woman who got
you kicked out of the dorm.

Is there a problem with that?

There might be lots
of problems with that.

Lucy and I feel we can't support
something that we know

Mom and Dad would not
approve of.

And I think
it's not very likely

they would
approve of this move.

But the dorms are coed.

So why would they object
to a coed apartment,

if they even had to know
about it, which they don't.

Do they know the dorm is coed?

Yes, they do.
All the dorms are coed.

Okay, in the unlikely event
they would approve

of your moving
to an apartment with a girl,

a girl they don't even know,

how are you going
to pay the rent?

I just got a job
at the school radio station,

so I can pay
my half of the rent.

And she'll pay her
half of the rent

once she gets a job.

Look, I didn't...

I didn't call Lucy
and ask her for help.

Okay, I didn't call my mom
and dad ask them for help.

I called you
and asked you for help,

so I didn't have to answer
a million questions.

I just need a loan,

a simple, $500 loan
to keep me in school.

Look, Simon.

Lucy got very upset

about your calling me
and asking for money.

That's why we told Mom and Dad

you called
and asked for a loan.

Why did you do that?

Because Lucy thought
that if you needed $500,

you might be in big trouble,

and she wanted
your parents to know.

And you are
in big trouble.

I wasn't comfortable
telling them about the loan,

but now I'm not comfortable
giving you the money

unless you call Dad
and he says it's okay.

So you want me
to call him

or you want to call him?

If I wanted to call my dad,

I would've called
my dad already.

By the way,

why didn't my dad come up here

if he thought I was
in so much trouble?

Because I told him
I wanted to handle it.

Then handle it, please.

I'm begging you, just leave
everyone else out of it.

Come on, come to Papa.


Have you heard from Kevin?

No, but I'm sure I will.

Should we call the school?

What and ask if they know
why Simon needs $500?

We could call Monty.


I called him.

I didn't get an answer.

We're in trouble.

Your dad left a message.

Was the message
for me or Kevin?

It was for me.

Why would my dad be
leaving you a message?

Oh, we talk all the time.

But I don't tell him anything.

Since when?

Since you're never
in the room,

except to let Christina in.

And, by the way,
now I'm in trouble,

because Christina
was living in our room.

So it's no longer
your friend in your room.

It's your friend in our room.

So now,
I'm on probation.

I don't have to move.

Who are you?

Oh, this is
my brother, Kevin.

He's married
to Lucy, my sister.

You married your sister?

My sister.

I thought you just said
he was your brother?

He has a thing
about not being

and being a brother.

You know, one big,
happy family.

Oh, yeah. I've heard about those
big, happy families before,

but I don't think I've ever
really seen one.

Well, it was
nice meeting you.

I have class.

Let's just get on
with this, shall we?

All right, first of all,
who kicked you out, Simon?

That was Jimmy, my R.A.

I'll go get him.

I know you're going to call.

I know it.


Lucy. Have you heard
from Kevin?

Oh, I think it was

completely unfair to send Kevin
up there to help Simon

when you know he's just going
to end up calling you

to go up there and help Simon.

Maybe Kevin can handle this.
Who knows?

I don't understand
why you're even letting him

try to handle this.

He asked to handle it.

He said he'd handle it.

I know you're trying to teach
him some kind of lesson.

I'm just trying to get my sermon
written before I have to drive

two and a half hours
to Simon's school.

What lesson are you trying
to teach him, just so I know?

Not to help,
unless you really can help.

Hi. I'm Kevin Kinkirk.

I'm married to Simon's sister.

I'm a police
officer in Glenoak,

and I came up here
to try and investigate

this situation.


How long have you been an R.A.?

Since school started.

What year in school are you?


Okay, I still have a few
sophomore classes to make up.

Have you ever done anything that
would get you into trouble?

Ever had anyone in the dorm that
wasn't supposed to be there?

No, never.

Have you ever
brought alcohol into the dorm?



What are
you doing?

Everyone makes mistakes,
Jimmy-- everyone.

I'm just trying to find
a mistake that you've made

to use as an example.

Look, I haven't made
any mistakes, I swear.

And when it comes
to dormitory rules,

three strikes and you're out.

Now, Simon broke all the rules
more than three times.

He's out.

Who's your supervisor, Jimmy?

The Dean of Students.

Why don't you tell him,
I'd like to see him?

'Cause he's, like,
the dean, you know.

You got to go see him.

All right, I'll go get him.

Are you sure about this?

You wanted to
see me, Officer?

Are you a plain
clothes officer?

I'm an off-duty officer.

I'm married
to Simon Camden's sister, Lucy.

So, you have no authority

in this county or, like,
on this campus, right?

Right. I'm just here

to get to the bottom
of this matter

with Simon getting
kicked out of the dorm.

Well, you were at the bottom of
it when you talked to Jimmy.

Um, what do you want
to talk to me for?

The whole thing just seems
a bit suspicious, that's all.

Um, how so?

Maybe you can tell me.

Are you always this strict
when enforcing dorm rules?

No exception has ever been made

to the three-strikes-you're-out
rule, ever?

Well, you know, maybe, but
this time, we just can't.

Simon's already on
disciplinary probation.

If-If I could help you out,
I would, really, but I can't,

so, no offense officer,
but Simon has to go.

Is there anyone else
I can talk to?

Well, you could try
the dean of the school,

but perhaps you
should go to her.

I mean, she really doesn't have
a sense of humor like I do.

So, Simon put everything
at risk--

his parents, his family,
his education--

all to help out a poor girl
who had no place to stay?

That's basically it.

Well, that's not the first time

I've heard a woman blamed
for a guy's problems.

You're not a parent, are you?

Not yet. My wife,
Simon's sister, and I

are expecting our
first child, a daughter.

Well, when you get that child,

and she goes to school
and she gets in trouble,

if all you can do is blame
the teachers

and the administrators
and interrogate the people

who don't think your daughter's
playing by the rules

and should pay the consequences,

then your daughter's gonna be
in trouble her entire life.

You have a lot
to learn, Officer,

which is why I imagine

Simon's dad let you
come up here.

Now, I want him living
off campus by midnight tonight.


I think we need your dad.


I'm in over my head.

I couldn't get the school
to let you back into the dorms,

but the dean told me
about, uh, a man

who rents low-income
single apartments to students,

to graduate students.

Now, I talked to this man,
and he has

a couple of singles
that he's willing to rent

to you and your friend.

Even though
you're not graduate students,

he's going to make an exception,

provided that you understand
that the people

who live in these apartments
are serious about studying,

not partying, but studying.

What's the difference
between getting this single

and getting the apartment
that I wanted?

They're singles.

You and Christina
wouldn't be living together.

Let me say it again.

These apartments are

for students
who are interested studying.

Dad, I didn't do this
to get out of the dorms, okay?

Or to live with a woman.

I swear.

We're not doing anything.

I mean, she asked me for help.

You know, I let her stay here.

Which of course, I
shouldn't have done.

Hi. I would have
been here earlier,

but I didn't want
to miss a class.

Hi, Simon.

Christina, this is my dad.

Hi. Eric Camden.


I'm really embarrassed
about what happened,

but I just didn't
know what to do.

Uh, my dad has
some-some good news

and some bad news.

We're not gonna be getting
an apartment together.

Um, but my dad did find
some singles that we can rent,

you know over where
the graduate students live.

You know, I think before we go
any further, uh, we should...

we should talk to your parents,
Christina, get them involved.

I was wondering

when the subject of my
parents would come up.

I don't have parents.

I came out of Social Services.

Last summer,
when I turned 18,

I was no longer allowed
to be in Social Services.

I'm out

on my own, and the guy
that I was living with thought,

since I was homeless,
and I needed a place to stay,

that he could take
advantage of that,

and that led to the argument
that broke us up.

So, you were in Social Services?

For about ten years,
but I-I managed

to graduate high school

despite the fact
that I moved around a lot.

You know how it is.

One foster home after the other,
one school after the other.

And I managed to make
good enough grades to get

a partial scholarship,
and I got a school loan,

but I didn't have the money
to pay for a dorm.

And I don't have the money
to pay for the apartment.

I don't have a job.

I-I had one, but they cut back
at the end of the summer.

Yeah, Simon
had-had mentioned that.

Ah, you know, there's an opening
in the cafeteria,

and the dean said

that she would have them
give you first consideration.

I don't have a security deposit.

Simon could

share part of the money
that, uh,

Kevin loaned him,
and I think I can

probably get the rest for you

out of an emergency fund
we have at the church.

Why would you help me?

I mean,

why now?

I just got your son kicked out
of his dorm.

Not-Not that I
don't appreciate it,

I do, but...

I've lived in your community
for a long, long time,

and you didn't help me.

Nobody did.

Not really.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know you.

I-I didn't know you needed help.

Although, I'm well aware of

the number of children there are

in social services, you know,

and that
they all need help, but...

I have a younger sister.

I don't know
if you remember her, Simon,

but she needs more help
than I do.

A sister. Okay, okay.

I'll... Yeah,
I'll-I'll get right on that.

Hey, thanks, Dad,
um, for helping me.

I mean that.

You're welcome.

Ah, but before I leave,
let me just remind you that, uh,

living off campus
is a big responsibility,

and a big leap of faith

on my part
and on your mother's part.

I talked to her about this,

and she's gonna
go along with it,

but she's not
gonna be happy

about it unless
you come home more, and unless

you maintain
your grades.

I promise, I will.

This apartment is

a privilege, not a right, and...

Privileges can be
taken away.


So, act responsibly.

Now, I'm gonna need
a little more information

about your sister.

Thanks for coming.

I was hoping that you would have
paid me a visit weeks ago.

Harry, Ruthie's boyfriend, and I
were supposed to get married

to get out of here, and then
your family saved a bird,

and that plan went
right out the window.

Of course, Harry thinks

that God saved the bird
and saved him,

but I credit you with finding
Harry another foster home.

I, by the way, don't

want another one, unless
you can guarantee my safety.

The last one I was in,
I got my wrist broken,

and not by the parents--

by their other foster kid,

an adorable, psychotic
ten-year-old boy.

Just imagine what
the little darling will be able

to do
after a few more growth spurts.

Of course,

the parents blamed me
for breaking my own wrist

and sent me packing.

So now, I'm here,
home sweet home.

I'm sorry you had
to go through that.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry
that I was ever born,

at least most of the time.

Look, are you

here just because you told
my sister you would come,

or are you actually
gonna find me a new home?

I'm gonna try.

Well, trying isn't good enough.

I need action. I need a home.

I don't think we've had a
chance to introduce ourselves.

I'm Eric Camden, and
you're Meredith, right?

Yeah, on top of everything else,
I got stuck with Meredith.

I promise you,

Meredith, that I'm
gonna help you,

but I just... I
don't know how yet.

How about your family?

You have to have
a few rooms open, right?

I mean, Simon's not taking up
any space at your house, so,

there's a room.

And Simon's

older sister, the one who got
kicked off the basketball team--

she's married and living
in New York now, right?

So, another room.

That's true, but...
And Simon's

other sister-- the one that's
living in your garage apartment,

expecting a baby
with her husband...

I mean, they got to get out
of there at some point, right?

So, that's a whole apartment.

Yeah, but...

And, your doctor son,
Simon's older brother--

another room.

So, you have to have a room

at your house,
even with that

hunky Martin guy staying there,

which I wouldn't mind sharing
a house with him, believe me.

I cook, I clean,

I don't eat a lot.
All right, but...

I'll do whatever
you tell me to do.

I'm used to not having
a lot of money.

I don't need any money.
I just...

I need a safe place
I can call home.

So, what do you say?

And you said?

I said we'd
think about it.

But, I also said we might not
be the best home for Meredith.

You know?

Meredith, uh, Davis, the one
who was gonna marry Harry?

Yeah. You
know her?

Everyone knows her.

She's a really
friendly girl,

likes to talk a lot,

kind of desperate
to make friends.

Does she have any friends?

Ah, I don't think so.

I mean, kids don't
usually like kids

who are desperate
to make friends.

It scares people.

That and the fact that she
lives at Social Services.

I mean, those kids

are tough, except for Harry.

He didn't seem that tough.

Oh, well, thanks
for the information.

Sure. So, are you
going to help her?

Oh, I'm sure

we will, but probably not

by having her come
to stay at the house.

If I wasn't living here,
would you take her in?

Oh, probably not.

No. I think
Meredith needs a home where

the family focuses
just on her.

She deserves that,
and I think

Eric can find her that,
can't you, dear?

Well, I'm-I'm
certainly gonna try.

Well, it's just

that Kevin and Lucy

still haven't found a house,

and they're gonna have
their baby soon.

I'm not sure we can take on any
more challenges at the moment.

We have seven children
and two grandchildren.

It seem like a lot
to me at the moment.

And then you've got me.

We're happy

you're here, Martin, really.

I'm just saying
that I don't think

we can take on any more children
right now.

What are we talking about?

That girl at school, Meredith,

the one who was going
to marry Harry.

Oh, yeah.

Is she coming
to live here?

No, I don't think so,

but your dad is going
to try to find her a home.

I'm going to try
to find her a home.

That's what I said.

What about the sister?

Well, I managed to find her
a cheap apartment

and help her get a job.

Christina should be fine.

No, I meant the other sister.

Who's the other sister?

She's in my class.

The one in the wheelchair?

The one
in the wheelchair?

Meredith has
a handicapped sister?

Christina and Meredith have
a handicapped sister?

I don't know
if she's handicapped,

but she's in a wheelchair.

I've probably seen her,
but I don't know her.

I didn't even know
Meredith had a sister.

They don't live
in the same home.

Kelly has to live in a home
for special needs kids.

They just get
to see

each other at school.

It's sad.

So you're the Davis family's
guardian angel?

Where have you been
all these years?

Sleeping on the job
or what?


a girl can't have wheels
and a sense of humor?

No, of, of course.

Uh, I'm Eric Camden.

It's nice to meet you.

I'm Kelly.

Meredith and Christina called.

They were going
to spring me on you

after you got Meredith a family,
but, well, somebody blew

the surprise?

Yeah, my daughter Ruthie--
I believe she's in your class.


I knew her dad was a minister,

but I didn't know
you actually helped people.

I mean, a lot of you godly types
talk about helping,

but who ever does anything,




Are you going
to help Danny, too?


Nobody told you
we have a brother?

Hey, Greta.

This, this
must be Danny.

Hi, I'm Eric.

I'll just sit over here
out of your way.


Don't let
the black eye fool you.

I don't get
into a lot of fights.

I mostly just
get beat up.

I'm in a group home.

I reached for a pudding

and a big kid elbowed me
in the eye.

He didn't do
any permanent damage,

and besides, I've been hurt
worse, way worse.

So I understand you talked
to my sisters,

all three of them.

I did.

Gee, mister, I haven't talked
to my sisters in a long time,

a long, long time.

I really miss them.

It stinks that I don't get
to see the only family I have.

Hey, you got a restroom here
that doesn't have a line?

That'd be great.

Oh, yeah, it's
right down the hall.

Okay, thanks.


some things are your business
and some things are my business.

Now you've stepped into my
business and you think you going

to solve this little problem
all on your own,

like I never even tried.

No, I'm sure you've tried.

Yes, I have.

I know the Davis family,
know them very well,

but you never called me
to ask me if I knew them

or if I could help you.

You just went right
from one to the other.

Yeah, I did kind of do that,
didn't I?

Christina Davis is

one of our success stories.

Most kids who spend their
childhood in Social Services

don't end up doing that well.

As you know--
and I know you know--

there just isn't any kind
of support system in place

for kids who age out of the
system and never get adopted.

When these kids turn 18
like Christina,

we just show them the door

and sadly wait
for them to return--

pregnant, drug addicted,
victims of domestic v*olence.

That's the future for most
of these kids, and ironically,

if they get addicted to dr*gs,
we have programs to help them.

Pregnant, abused,
we have programs.

We have all kinds
of programs

to help them
if the worst happens,

but we have no programs to
help them when they succeed.

We're a government agency.

Each year, we get less money
and more kids.

So what are you going
to do, Reverend?

'Cause the Davis family problem
is a nationwide problem.

You want to come
to our rescue?

Great, 'cause we need some help.

Let me get you a plate.


Sorry about yesterday.

I didn't want you to have
to drive up to the school.

I thought I
could handle it.

Well, that's okay.

Sometimes we all take on

we can't quite handle.

Tell him about the other thing.

I learned my lesson.

You do what you do
and I do what I do,

and I was way
in over my head.

I wouldn't have
the slightest idea

where to begin
to help that family.

I couldn't even
help Simon.

I'm not a parent.

I don't parent.

Should have left it all
up to you, Dad.

I'm sure you'll do fine
with the parenting

when the time comes.

It's just a little tough to,
to jump into cold.

Why are you looking
at everybody, Daddy?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

This is just

something that a lot
of families take for granted--

just having dinner
with each other,

each other out,

getting one
another through

the tough times, being there
during the good times.

Teaching each other
little lessons.


Really, it was
very nice of you

to apologize,
but maybe I shouldn't have

done that.
I really don't know

everything about everything.

Pretty close.

So what's your plan
for helping out

this Christina and her
two sisters and her brother?

How are you
going to do that?

Well I'm sure there's
something that can be done.

You didn't volunteer us
for anything, did you?

No, I didn't.

I don't mind getting
a couple more sisters.

And I don't mind sharing
the room in the house

you're all
sharing with me.

I'd be okay in a tent
in the backyard.

Well, there are a lot of things
I'd like to volunteer for,

but we just can't
take on any more children

right now.
Well, Kevin and I obviously

can't take a child right now,
but if you need me

or Kevin to help
in anything else...

Yeah, just name it.

I'm available
if you need me.

I am, too.

So am I.
Me, too.

I don't know what to do yet.

But you'll
figure it out.

Yeah, you'll figure it out.

You always know
how to help everyone.

Yeah, you're good at helping.


Eric, it's Greta.

I found the information
on the Davis kids' mother.

I have an address for you.

Oh, good.

But I'm telling you,
visiting her

is not going
to solve anything.

I have to try.

Well, take your son-in-law
with you.

You're going to want the company
and maybe the protection.

Tell him to go in uniform.


I don't know why
you're doing this.

Isn't the whole foster system
about reuniting families?

Shouldn't we try
to reunite this family?

You can't reunite
this family, Reverend.

The dad's dead
of a drug overdose

and the mom is working on it.

She's been in and out of rehab.

That's one of the things

that keeps the kids
from being adopted.

The mom gets out,
she makes her case,

some judge allows her
to take the kids back.

She gets back on dr*gs
and we take the kids again.

She might be their only chance.

That's what you've come up with?

That the mother
may be the only chance?

I don't know
what you want me to do.

Well, go see the mom.

And maybe she'll inspire you

to come up
with another solution,

because that one's
not going to work.

All I can do is try.

Well, you're going to want
to try something else,

but go on.

Pay the mom a visit.

It's a halfway house.

Halfway between here and hell.


I have to do this.

Of course, you do.

And my guess
is you'll succeed.

I'll be right here,

unless you've changed your mind
and want me to go in with you.

No, I'll go alone.


Reverend Camden?

You really figure
you need a police escort?

I mean, aren't you
a minister?

Isn't God
watching over you?

Or is God too
afraid to come

to this
neighborhood, too?

Ooh, who's the hunk?

This is Officer Kinkirk,
or Kevin.

He's, he's my

He was going to be
in the neighborhood anyways.

Can we talk?



How's it going?

It's going.
I'll call you back.

Have you seen the mother yet?

We just met her.

I'll call you back.

What does she look like?

Can I call you back?

Is she standing right there?

Pretty close, yeah.

I really would appreciate
if I could call you back.

I'm working.

You're watching my dad work.

True, and if he can reunite
this woman with her children

and have it all turn out okay,

he really should just hang out
a sign as a miracle worker.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that
when I got in over my head,

I got some help.

And I think your dad just
may be getting to the point

where he knows
he's in over his head

and he should get some help.

Well, don't do anything
to discourage him.

Don't be all negative like that.

Say something encouraging.

All right, I'll try.

Because if anyone
can pull this off, he can.

I realize that.

It's just not going to be easy.

I have to go.

I didn't mean
to upset you.

I ju...

I want to help you,

so I can help
your children.

I don't need your help.

That was a court-ordered
rehab I went through.

Now, I'll spend
a couple of weeks here

and then I'll be released.

And then this time,

I think I'm going to pass
on the time with the kiddies,

and just go back to doing
what I do best--

getting high.

So you're not even
going to try to stay sober

and get your kids back?

I'm done with all that.

They're all fine, anyway.
What do you mean?

They're anything but fine.

They need a home.

They need to be
with each other.

They have homes.
They have

places to live,
they don't have "homes."
They'll be fine.

They're tough kids.

They've got each other.

No, they don't.
They're all separated.

You knew I was gonna
come by here tonight,

so you must have wanted
to talk to me.

There must be something

that we can do together
to help your children.

Maybe get you into
some better drug program,

some counseling, some classes.


if you went back to school.

Maybe if you came to church.

Would you come to church?

You are such an innocent
little lamb, aren't you?

I'm not that innocent.

I'm just the eternal optimist.

I, I just feel that
something can be done here

for your children.

And if you don't
want to help them,

then maybe,

maybe you'd be willing
to give up your rights to them,

let some other family help them.

Giving up

your rights might mean
they'd have

a better chance at adoption.

I am not giving up my
rights to my children.

They are my children!

And if that's what you came for,
good riddance and good night!

Were you hoping
I was here for you?

'Cause... I'm here
for you, too, Alison.

Wh-What do you need?

Talk to me.

I need what
everybody else needs:


The only reason I agreed
to let you come by

was 'cause I thought you might
give me a couple of bucks.

If I had any money,
I'd give it to your children.

Then I'm just wasting
my time, aren't I?

See you, Rev.

How'd it go?

Seems to be spiraling downward.

You'll pull this out.

You can do it.
I know you can.

How was your night?

Oh, not that good.

I really hope you can figure out
how to help this family.

Ever since my mom died,
that's been my greatest fear--

being put in Social Services.

It's really scary,
and especially for kids like me

who don't really have
any extended family.

Y-You have your aunt.

Yeah, but when
I was younger

and she was younger,
I didn't picture a judge,

you know, letting her
be in charge of me.


Well, I'm gonna try
to figure something out

for the Davis family.

It's a bit of a
challenge, but hopefully

there's an answer to their
problem out there somewhere.

There's always hope, right?


I'll, uh, tell Meredith that

when I see her
at school tomorrow.

What's he going
to tell Meredith?

Let me know,
so I can tell Kelly.

I don't think
either of you should tell

either of them anything,
'cause I don't know

how I'm gonna help them yet.

I'm trying.

I-I really am.

I know you are, Dad.

Good night.

I-I don't know.

I really
don't know.

I don't have the solution, okay?


I told you so.

Yeah, I know.


maybe we can get Alison
to relinquish her rights.

Or-or maybe we can get the court

to terminate her rights,

Look, I hate to admit it,

but maybe I should
just give up on this one,

get you someone else

to help you
help the Davis family.

And who would that someone be?

You can't quit now, Reverend.

Sorry, this isn't like me.

Just feel at a complete loss.

I-I don't know what to do.

And I almost always
know what to do,

or-or an answer
almost always comes to me

in one form or another.

But... I just feel so...

Hopeless, useless,
pessimistic, despondent,

depressed, sad and heartbroken
by what you see?


Welcome to Social Services.

I forget sometimes
what you people do,

what you do, Greta.

Well, I don't forget
what you do.

So you keep praying,
see what you can come up with.

Good night.


I can't do this alone.

Come on, I just,
I just need an idea,

something I haven't thought of.

Have you thought about getting
the whole church involved?

I mean, Lucy and I
were just talking,

and we'd be willing to go
through the process of,

you know, becoming
licensed foster parents.


Oh, no.

I mean, not actually
taking on foster children,

but to support
those of our church

who would be willing
to go through the process.

Social Services
needs more foster parents,

and the reason I think
that there aren't enough

is because
people are just afraid.

They're afraid
of being turned down.

They're afraid of
taking on a child

who's been abused
or abandoned or has problems.

They're afraid that
the mother will come back,

and that they'll have their
child taken away from them.

They're afraid of
taking on too much.

They're afraid of
adding to their own family.

They're afraid of
starting a family.

They're-they're just afraid.

But what if we all went through

the process
of licensing together?

You know, like sort of
one big family--

the family of our church--

all helping each other
to not be afraid.

You think that would work?

Well, of course. Why not?

I mean, we can call everybody,
get everybody together--

people who are willing
to become foster parents,

people who have been successful
at being foster parents,

social workers who need people
who want to be foster parents

and who know how to take them
through the process.

And somewhere

in our church, there has to be

a family for
those four Davis children.

And with all the churches
around here, there's got to be

other families
for all the other children.

I mean, we can find them.

We can do this.

You can help everybody do this.

Those who are willing.

I started out my week trying
to prove to my son-in-law

that he was in over his head
when he offered to go

up to Simon's college
and loan him some money

for some problem
yet to be explained.

The explanation was that Simon

had a friend who needed money.

This, this friend had been

turned out from
Social Services at 18.

And, uh, yeah,
she needed the money.

But more than that,

she needed a family

for her three younger siblings
who were still in

Social Services but
separated into different homes.

I haven't found that family,

but I'm going to.

And... I hope to find a home

for the half-million,
half-million other children

in America who are in some form
of foster care right now.

There are almost
130,000 in need

of immediate placement
across the United States.

The older children
are the hardest to place.

They're the last to get adopted

or they don't get adopted,
and at 18,

they're out on the street
with no support,

like Simon's friend at college.

But I've decided I'm not gonna

limit myself
to children in America.

Since I'm in
over my head anyway,

I'm gonna open this church

up to adoption agencies
who work in other countries,

'cause worldwide there are

millions of children
who need a home.

Those countries who can't
take care of their own children

are asking for our help,

and I'm gonna give them
whatever help I can.

Now... I'm sure this seems like
an impossible task--

getting every child a home--

with God,
all things are possible.

I truly believe that.

There's a saying that I love

that most of you have
heard me say before:

Save the life of a child,
and you save the world.

So let's do it.

Let's save the world.

One child at a time.

One family at a time.

One church at a time.

We can make a difference.

You can make a difference.