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09x11 - Waynes World

Posted: 02/12/22 18:05
by bunniefuu


I just wanted to check
and see if you were awake.

I'm awake.

You still can't sleep?


Maybe if you just
closed your eyes.

I'm not tired.

I've been in bed
all day, all week!

But if you just closed...

I'm not sure that
you understand

what it's like
being on bed rest.

No, but I...
I am only allowed
to be on my feet

for five minutes a day.

I can't walk around, I
can't cook, I can't clean,

I can't do any of my
church work or any work.

So, I have to depend on
everybody else for everything.

Which means that until
I have this baby,

my entire life
is on hold.

I can't even take
a shower every day.

So, on top of
everything else,

my hair looks
terrible, and I smell.

You don't smell.


And what about my hair?

You've never looked
more beautiful.

Oh, right!

Oh, don't do that!

Do what?

Like you understand.

You don't understand,
you'll never understand,

because men can't have babies.

Which means that if we
have any more children,

I might end up like this,
on bed rest

again and again and again.

And where will you be

while I'm having
all the children that you want?

Where will you
be while I am

slowly going insane?

Oh, yeah. You'll be at work,
having fun, chasing criminals,

doing crime-fighting stuff,
and why is that?

Because men can't have babies?

Exactly, so please,

please do not nod at me
like you understand.

You do not understand.

Why aren't you
saying anything?

I don't know what to say.

What is that
supposed to mean?

It means, I don't know

what to say to you
that won't make you angry.

- Oh, so what does that mean?
- I'm just the irrational

nut you married and
have to put up with?

Honey, I love you.

You love me, but you agree
that I'm an irrational nut.

I didn't say that.

Ruthie, is something wrong?

Are you okay?

I'm doing better than Kevin.

You can hear them
all the way upstairs?

Yes, I can hear them.

The neighbors can hear them.

I think the man
in the moon can hear them.

I know this bed rest thing
is what Lucy has to do

for the baby,
but what about the rest of us?

Don't we count?

Can't we send her to a hotel

or a camp for other angry,
pregnant women on bed rest?

It's not gonna last forever.

True. We've only got,

like, another
month or two of this fun.

I'm not tired.

Then we get to enjoy
the screams of a crying baby.

Boy, I can hardly wait.

You know, if this were Survivor,

we would have voted Lucy
off the island days ago.

We can't vote her off.
We just have to...

Never mind.

Ow! I didn't
say anything.

I could tell you
were thinking...

Why is Lucy yelling
at Kevin again?

What is that
supposed to mean?

Someday when you
guys grow up, you're

going to fall in love and
get married and have babies.

And then,
your wives will yell at you.

And then maybe you'll understand
why Lucy is yelling at Kevin.

But you agree that
I'm an irrational nut.

Why don't you try putting
your pillow over your head?

That works sometimes.

I love you.

Stop saying that!


Well, say something.

- I'm afraid.
- Of me?

I mean, no.

Why would you
be afraid of me?

Because you yell
at me all the time.

- I'm not yelling!
- This is a discussion!

It's a loud discussion.

Try knocking.

Hey, we're all on the edge
because of Lucy,

but that's no excuse
to act l...

Okay, then...

Now what's going on?

I think Martin and Lucy
should be roommates,

because they have
a lot in common.

- You're tired.
- Oh, poor baby.

Dad, seriously,
I can't take this anymore.

I have finals
and papers and school,

and I just need some sleep.

We all need some sleep.

I love Lucy,
but I am tired.

Ruthie, the pillow
isn't working.

We can still hear her.

It means, I don't
know what to say...

Okay. Okay,
follow me.

If you want to sleep,
follow me.






Oh, no.

Oh, hey! Hey!

Everybody up! Up.

Oh, no.

We all overslept.
Come on.

Oh, come on, you guys.

You guys,
you're gonna be late.

Come on, let's go.

Come on, come on.

Go, go, go, go, go.


She'll get used to being
on bed rest and settle down.

Who am I kidding?
She's never gonna

get used to being on bed rest,

and everyone's exhausted,
and I feel like a failure.

Now, Kevin...
She's my wife,

and nothing I do makes
her feel better.

All she does is tell me

how I don't understand
how she feels

or what she's going through.

Look, I don't think
Lucy's ever going

to get used
to this, but

she'll survive it.

We all will.

Nice speech, but unlike
the rest of the family,

I can't hide up here
where it's all nice and quiet.

I'm stuck on the front lines
with an angry, pregnant woman.

Did I mention
this won't last forever?

Right now, a week
feels like forever.

Hang in there.

Do I have a choice?

No, but someday soon,
you'll have a baby.

Mom, my breakfast tray is ready.

And I need my hairbrush.
And I need my blue T-shirt.

The peacock blue one,
not the light blue one, okay?

Oh, I-I put the
baby monitor on now,

because I-I want to be able
to hear her if she needs me.

Hearing Lucy isn't exactly
a problem these days.

You don't understand
how hard it is for her.

I don't even understand,
and I've been pregnant.

But I didn't have
to go on bed rest.

It's really hard
that final trimester

without the added burden of
not being allowed to move.

I mean, that would
make anyone crazy.

Hello? Mom?

Are you there?

Lucy, I'll get that
T-shirt for you.

You just sit tight.

What else am I supposed to do?

Hmm. She's so grateful.

Well, she's frustrated.

I'm waiting.

And patient.

Can you give me a ride
to school?

I-I have to take
the boys to school

so your mom can
stay here with Lucy,

and I still haven't
changed or cleaned up,

so I-I don't know if
I'll have time. Sorry.


She's going to k*ll us all.

You know that, don't you?

Where's Martin?

Why aren't you going
to school with him?

I don't know if you've noticed,
with Lucy going insane and all,

but lately Martin has been
in a permanent bad mood,

so if you can't take me,

I think I'd rather take the bus
and be abused by strangers.

Where's Ruthie?

Mom? I need my Oprah magazine.

Mom? Mom?

Is-Is this on?

Is that Lucy?

I'm sorry if she's keeping
you up at night. I...

I'm fine. I don't want
to be late for school.

Where's Ruthie?
She took the bus.

All right. See you.


Don't worry. I ate breakfast.

Good, but is there
something else going on?

Lately, I...

You've just been
a little distant...

and Ruthie mentioned
this morning that she was taking

the bus 'cause she didn't want
to drive in with you.

If Ruthie doesn't want
to drive with me,

then it's Ruthie's problem,
not mine.

So you should talk
to her, not me.

Look, I'm fine.

I'm just... I'm just tired,
like everyone else.

Mom, this is last month's Oprah.

Sam's wearing my pants.

David's wearing my shorts.

We're too tired to change.

We're too tired
to go to school.

Well, you-you have
to go to school,

but you don't have to change.

She wants to talk to you.

Tell her I already left.

But Daddy,
that's a lie.

Yes, Daddy, that's a lie.

I know you're there, Dad. Dad?

Just because I can't move,
I won't be ignored.

Dad, don't make me use
my five minutes of walking time

chasing you down.


I'm on my way, Luce.

You look awful.


Are you sick or something?

Just haven't been sleeping
so well.

Yeah, me, too.


I wrote down a list of books
and articles

for the girls in my teen
empowerment class to read.

Maybe we should just keep
postponing the class

until you can be there
in person.

I've had to put my life on hold.
I've had to give up the things

I wanted to do
because of this pregnancy.

I'm not going to make the girls
in my class suffer

just because I have to.

Everyone's expecting me
to be there today,

but since I can't be there,
I, I need you to hand these out.

But no talking, no advising,
no words of wisdom;

this is my class, my girls.

I just need you to post that
list down at the church.

Are you okay?

I almost lost my baby

and now I'm a prisoner
in my own home--

wait, not my home, your home.

How okay should I be?

I should go.

Yeah, you should.



We need to talk.

I'm sending you home.

You're firing me?

No, I want you to go home

and take care of Lucy.

She doesn't want me to
take care of her.

Look, I can't have you
falling asleep on the job.

It's not the first time
this week.

Take a couple of days off.

Don't send me home.

Nothing I do makes Lucy happy.

She just yells at me, when she's
not yelling at everyone else.

I can't even imagine
what she's gonna do to me

if I'm available all day
and all night.

Let me stay, I promise
I won't fall asleep.

Please, I'll be good.

Get a hold of yourself,

and be a man.

It's just a couple of days.

Why'd you take the
bus this morning?

And why are you
avoiding me?

You don't want to know.

Yeah, I do.

You've been a jerk lately.

I told you
you didn't want to know.

That's, uh, kind of mean,
don't you think?

No, that's kind of honest.

Give me a break, will you?
I'm tired.

Being tired is not an excuse.

You're not special.

If the rest of us can manage
to be pleasant, why can't you?

News flash-- the rest of you
aren't all that pleasant.

You see, this conversation
is exactly

why I will be taking
the bus home today.

Fine, like I care. Take the bus.

No, not fine.

Fine would be you giving me
a ride home,

and truly, I can't take
your attitude anymore.

Yeah, well,

you're not that much fun
to be around either!


Since when did you
start hanging out

at the bottom of the
grading curve?

Okay, what's wrong,
besides the grade?

Ruthie called me a jerk.



You're my friend. You're
supposed to tell me that

Ruthie's a jerk for calling me a
jerk, and that I'm not a jerk.

If you want me to
lie, I'll lie.

You think I'm a jerk?

Lately, you've been
a bit tense.


Yeah, that's French
for "jerk."

Hey, but I didn't know
that you were having
trouble in school.

I'm not having trouble.

You're getting "D's"
on papers.

What's your definition of
trouble, getting "F's"?

And I'm not tense.

At our last
home game,

you got in a fight with
the mascot-- the mascot.

That's tense, my friend,
that's not tired.

I didn't get in a fight.

You were standing in
the middle of the field

yelling at some poor guy
wearing a cat costume
to "bring it."

That's not one of your
finest moments.

I told you I'm just tired.

Lucy's driving everyone crazy.

Something's driving
you crazy,

and I wish that I
knew what it was,

because I may not
know a lot,

but I do know that your
current mood has nothing

to do with Lucy.


What are you doing?

I was cold and I wanted
another blanket.

What are you doing home?

You can't be walking

you know what the
doctor said.

Your mother is just

If you need a blanket,
she'll get you one.

Well, I wanted to get
my own blanket.

How long have
you been up?

'Cause whatever time you've
been up gets deducted

from your five-minute
daily total,

and I think that means
no shower today.

You didn't already shower,
did you?

You know, stop, stop,
right there.

Stop talking to me
like I'm a baby.

I'm a grown woman,

actually, an overgrown woman,
a pregnant woman,

and I don't need you counting
the minutes I'm up every day.

I can do that myself.

But you don't want anything
to happen to the baby.

I am painfully aware

of how fragile my condition is
right now,

and it doesn't help to be
reminded night and day,

by you and the rest
of my well-meaning

but extremely annoying family.

And again, I ask,
why are you home?

Captain Michaels wants me
to take a couple days off.

I fell asleep at work.

If you're not at work,
you can't be here.

This bedroom is not big enough
for the both of us.

So go find a place to hang out
during the day

and stay out of my way.

There has to be something
I can do.

Please, I want to help.

Well, Mom's taking care of food
and magazines,

and other than that,
there isn't anything that you

or anyone else can do.

I'm just stuck like this
until I deliver,

and I hate it.


I talked to your mom
on the way up here,

and she said your advisor
from school called today.


So she thought there might
be a problem.

She's wrong.
Everything's fine.

I don't want any more kids.

What about Lucy and school,
and her advisor?

She says
everything's fine.

Maybe Eric knows something.

No offense,
but I'm her husband.

If I don't know what's going on,
why would he?

Don't listen to me.

Okay, I won't.

He's not there.

Maybe he ran away.

Oh, wait-- it's me
who wants to run away.

He should be there.

I don't think
he knows anything.

And again, I don't think
there's anything to know.

I'll page him.

I'll have to page him later.

I've got to pick
Sam and David up

at an after school playdate.

Do you mind keeping an eye
on things around here for me?

I'll change and be right back.
Oh, wait!

Wait... so you can
hear Lucy better.

I hear Lucy
in my nightmares--

I mean dreams.

Where's Martin?

I don't know.
I took the bus home.

Oh, he's probably at practice.

Yeah, maybe he'll
stay at practice, forever.

Oh, come on, he has been

a real pain lately.

To everyone, not just me.

He's just tired.

We're all tired.

And remember, this situation
isn't going to last forever.

Lucy needs us.

I'm going to go take a nap.

Help me put the laundry away
first, will you?

It's all folded,
just needs to be

delivered to everyone's room.

Sure, I'll do it.

Who needs sleep, right?

All right, let's go, Kid.

I got it!

Got it.
I got it.

I got it!

I got it.

Brewer, stay out
of my way.

Hey, I had it.

You were in my way.
I called it!

You just stick
to your position
and I'll stick to mine.

I would if I didn't
have to cover your butt.

What'd you say?
Hey, don't get angry

just 'cause you
need my help.

I don't need your help.

You're the one
that needs help.

Why can't we all just
get along?

Shut up.

Okay, what's the problem here?

As usual,

Martin thinks
he's playing every position.

Yeah, right.

I called the play.
It was mine.

If you hadn't
have gotten in my way,

I would've caught the ball.

Okay, everybody back
to positions.

Baxter, you're in!

I'm shortstop.

Not today, you aren't.

And not tomorrow, if you don't
change your attitude.

Hit the showers.
What attitude?

Look, I don't know what's going
on with you, but I can't have

that kind of attitude on my
team; it's disruptive.

I'm your best player.
What are you gonna do, bench me?

I can not only bench you,
I can kick you off the team.

So if you need help...

I don't need help.

I don't need you.

And I don't need this team.

Martin, man, what
are you doing?


Stick around, Martin.

We'll be talking after practice.

Okay, everybody,
the show's over!

Get back to your position.

Let's go!

Let's play ball!




Yes, this is Kevin Kinkirk.

Yes, I'm Lucy's husband.

I was just
putting laundry away.


Your advisor from school
just called me.

He says if you don't get
your last term paper turned in

by the end of next week,
you won't graduate.

He said when he

called you earlier
and told you this,

you told him that you don't care
if you graduate.

Why didn't you tell him
you're on bed rest?

It's none of his business.

Lucy, if he understood
what's going on,

maybe you could
work something out.

Get some more time.

It's not important.

Not important to graduate,

after all the hard work
you've done?

I can't get the paper done
while I'm in bed,

so forget about it.

I'll just...
take the incomplete,

finish next semester
and graduate in June.

But I know you were counting
on graduating in December.

You wanted your diploma
before the baby comes.

Well, I'm not going to get
what I want, am I?

So, I'm the
problem, right?

You leave me no choice.

Effective immediately,
you're off the team.

Fine. Good luck
without me,

'cause you're going
to need it.

What happened?

I'm off the team.

Temporary suspension,
which will be permanent

if my "attitude"
doesn't change.


Yeah, and I don't want
to talk about it, okay?

You need to get it together
for the good of the team.

We need you out there.

Yeah, you need me out there,

because you can't cover
your position.

What'd you say?
You heard me.

It's not me that needs to get it
together, it's you.

You don't want to go
down this road.

What road would that be,
the, uh, truthful road?

Because you know I'm right.

Look, back off.

Hey, Martin. Nick.

You should have backed off
out there on the field,

and you need to back off now.

I'm not the one with
the problem, so you back off.

You ever pull anything like you
did today in a real game,

and it won't be
the mascot who'll be

kicking your butt,
it'll be me.

Martin, just walk.

What are you, his girlfriend?

This isn't your business,
so butt out.

I'm out of here.

Do we have an understanding?

Get out of my way.
Or what?

Or I'll make you.
I don't think so.

Hey, guys, come on,
don't do this.

The coach
is watching.

Hi, Daddy.

We're helping.

Hello, boys.

Dinner smells great.

Where were you all day?


Oh. You look rested.

I do? Hmm...


I-I called you at the office,
there was no answer.

And then I paged you
and then I called Lou.

And he sounded funny
when he told me you were "out."

I, I was out ministering
to the people.

That's what I do.
I minister.

You were sleeping
at the office.

What? I wasn't slee...

Lou told you?

You've got bed-head

and your shirt and tie
are all wrinkled.

God, it was...

It was just a little cat nap.

That is so unfair.

Well, I couldn't help it.

I started writing my sermon
and I kept falling asleep.

And I thought if I could just
lie down, you know?

And before I knew,

it was time
to come home.

Well, so much for us

being in this
no sleep thing together.

Well, look, I'll...

I'll do the dishes
and you-you go to bed early.

And that way,
if you're lucky,

you might get
a couple of hours in

before Lucy starts
yelling at Kevin again.

Wish me luck.
I'm on my way to try

and talk some sense
into my crazy wife.

Good luck.

He's going to need it.

You missed a few things

while you were
napping at the office.

You're right about everything.

I am?


I don't know what it feels like
to be on bed rest.

And I will never know what it
feels like to be pregnant.

But I do know what it feels like
to have regrets.

And if you don't finish
your paper

and graduate like you planned,
you'll regret it.

If you don't get
your paper finished,

there's a chance,

no matter how
motivated you are,

there's still a chance you'll
never get around to it

and you won't graduate.

You may be able to live
with that, but I can't.

I love you too much.

I'll get it done.

I'll graduate in June
or whenever.

No, not June, not whenever.

Now, just like you planned.

Look at me, I can't.

You can, because I'm going
to help you.

I, Kevin Kinkirk,
your husband,

I'm going to help you complete
your lifelong goal.

You swore that

getting married
and having a baby

wouldn't stop you
from graduating.

So don't let it, okay?

You worked hard
all last summer

so you'd be finished
with school in December.

The way I see it, you either
finish your term paper

and get an "A," or I'll finish
it for you,

and you pray that I don't
ruin your GPA.

Oh, it's late.

I was beginning to worry.

I'm going
to skip dinner tonight.

Look, I'm not hungry.

Can't we just leave it at that?

Oh, good.
You're home.

I need to talk to you.


I have guilty knowledge.


How guilty?

Hold that thought.

Something's wrong
with Martin.

Excuse me?

You have to do something.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

He's getting
"D's" on papers.

Today, the coach suspended him
from the team

because his attitude stinks.

And then he gets in a fight
in the locker room.

Now, he says he's just tired

and that it's Lucy,
but I don't think so.

And I've tried to talk to him,

but he won't tell me
what's bothering him.

So you have to do something.

Otherwise, he's going
to mess this up.

Mess what up?

It's his life.
He loves it.

And if he doesn't go pro,
he'll play ball in college,

but not if the coach
labels him

as a disciplinary case.

No college
will touch him.

Okay, I'll,
I'll talk to him.

No, you have to do
more than talk.

You have to
straighten him out.

Like his father
would do.

I know what's wrong
with Martin.

Martin's dad's
tour of duty got extended.

Apparently, it's been happening
to a lot of soldiers in Iraq.

I accidentally saw an e-mail
on Martin's computer screen

when I was putting away
laundry for Mom.

Your guilty knowledge?


Oh, wow.


Martin told me that his father

was coming home early next year.

Well, I didn't know it was going
to be that soon, but...

No one knew but me.

He didn't want anybody to know.

He thought that
if he talked about it,

or if people knew,
that it wouldn't happen.

His dad won't be coming home
early next year.

Doesn't look that way.

Who isn't going to be home
early next year?

Who isn't going
to be home early next year?

I know about your father.

How did she...?

I accidentally saw the e-mail
from your father.

How do you "accidentally"
see something

on my computer in my room?

Well, I was putting away
laundry for Mom

and your computer
screen was...


I'm sorry.

I really didn't
mean to see it.

We should probably talk.

Oh, is that because
my former best friend

told you that I got
suspended from the team?

Or because he told you
about my "D" in history?

Or do you want
to talk about my dad,

now that the family spy
has reported in?

I can't believe this.

You're scolding me?
She broke into my room.

Let's go upstairs and talk.
Let's not.

Why didn't you tell me
about your father?

Apparently in this house,

I don't need to tell
anybody anything.

I just have to wait for my
best friend to rat me out,

Ruthie to break into my room

and report
on what she's discovered.

I probably
shouldn't have come.

No, no, you...

you should have come.

Uh... It-It's gonna be okay.

I don't want to talk.

What don't you want
to talk about?

Getting a failing
grade on a paper?

Getting suspended
from the team?

Getting into a fight
in the locker room?

Your father's tour
getting extended?

You can't help me.

I'd like to try.

How exactly are
you going to help me?

Can you bring
my father home? No.

So you can't help me
and we don't need to talk.


Are you here for me or for you?

I think you're here for you.

You want to help.

You need to help,
and it's k*lling you

that you can't help me.

I've got news for you.

No one can help me.

There is nothing
anyone can say

or do that will
make me feel better

about having my father in Iraq,

I know when my father...

Your dad was a Marine, I know.

But he was home
most of the time.

And when he wasn't,
you still had your mom.

I have no one!

And you can't
possibly understand

what that feels like,
or what I'm going through.

Or what I go through
on a daily basis.

And so, if you don't mind,
I'd like to be alone.

I really am sorry for looking
at his computer screen.

Well, Martin's more upset

about his father than about
you looking at his e-mail.

Can't we do anything?

All we can do is
be there for him.

I haven't really been
very supportive.

I haven't even been
very friendly.

It'll be okay, Ruthie.

Who's at the door?
Wayne Newton.

Very funny.
N-No, Wayne Newton, the singer--

he-he's in the foyer
waiting to talk to you.

Come on.

You're Wayne Newton.

I am, and you must be Eric.

Or do you prefer I call you
Reverend Camden?

Oh, no, Eric is fine.

Thank you, thank you.

I'm a big fan.

We both are.

Well, that's really sweet of
you, Annie. Thank you very much.

I-I can't believe you're here
in, in Glenoak and in our house.

Well, I am here
and I am Wayne Newton.

Uh, do you want me to sing
"Danke Schoen" for you?

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

I'm not going to sing...
unless you pay me.

I'm kidding again, I'm kidding.

Oh, you...

I just got back
from the Middle East

and frankly I'm still
a little punchy.

Is there anything I can do
for you, Mr. Newton?

It's Wayne, please,

uh, and it's not
what you can do for me

but maybe what I can do for you.

Uh, I have a message for
Martin Brewer from his father.

So you...
you saw my dad in Iraq?

Just got back.

Why were you there?



I am the chairman of the, uh,
Celebrity Circle of the USO,

and that's a program that
oversees all celebrities--

dancers, singers, uh,
comedians, uh, actors--

and we travel to bases
all over the world

our brave men and women

in the Armed Forces.

What made you want to
be a part of the USO?

Well, when I was not much
older than you are, Martin,

I, uh, I wanted
to be a soldier,

and, uh, I have bad asthma,
and so they couldn't take me.

I went back to Lake Tahoe,
where I was appearing,

and, uh, walked out onstage,

and the showroom was
filled with Marines.

And I thought to myself,
"I can do this.

I... I can entertain
our troops."

And so a couple of years later
I found myself in Vietnam, and

I've been going ever since with
the USO whenever duty calls.


How's my dad?

Well, your dad's tired

and he wants to come home
and, and he misses you.

I miss him, too.

You know, I talked to him
right after he e-mailed you

explaining that his tour
of duty had been extended,

and a lot of the men and
women in his unit had

to send the same kind
of e-mails to their families.

I was also there
when he received

your e-mail in return.

I, uh, I feel badly
about that e-mail.

Look here...

You were angry, and that's
understandable and acceptable.

It's just so hard. I mean...

You tell yourself you can wait
until a certain day,

and then it's "Sorry, too bad,
he's not coming home after all."

I, I just... I lost it.

Your dad told me
that he can take anything

that the enemy dishes out,

but he just can't stand
the thought

of you being in pain or unhappy.

And he's torn between his duty
as a parent

and his duty to his country.

That's not good.

He shouldn't be thinking
about me.

He shouldn't be thinking about
anything except staying alive.

Well, I wish I were delivering
your... your dad to you,

uh, but this is the best
that I could do.

And I want you
to know

I'm glad I got a chance
to meet you, Martin,

and I'm really happy I got
a chance to meet your dad.

You should be
really proud of him,

and I know he's proud of you.

And I know you think
no one understands

what you're going through
right now

and nobody understands the kind
of sacrifices you're making,

but you're wrong
and you're not alone.

There are over 100,000 troops
over there

and all of them had
to leave their families.

And when it's right...

this is a lady that, uh,
runs a local support group

for families who have, uh,

relatives that are fighting
in the Middle East,

and she's a friend of mine.

Give her a call.

w*r is really hard
on, on the soldiers,

but it-it's equally as hard
on the family left behind,

and people don't realize

that of all the soldiers
over there fighting,

that there are
relatives back here

that are waiting and
wondering and worrying.

Thanks for coming.

Happy to do all I can do.

I didn't realize you did this--

visited families
of soldiers serving overseas.

Well, I found
that it helps people

to be with someone
who has just seen

their son or daughter or wife
or husband or mother or father,

and that's the least I can do
for them,

considering all
they've done for us.

Is there anything
I can get you--

something to eat or, or drink?

That is really sweet, thank you,

but I have a couple of stops
I have to make tonight yet,

and if you don't mind,
I'd like to take a rain check.

Thank you.



Good night.

Good night.

Come in.

Did I just see Wayne Newton
come out of your room?


I'm not even going to ask.

He talked to my dad and
brought a message back for me.

What was the message?

"Hang in there."

I really am sorry
for looking at your computer.

I'm sorry, too.

I have been a jerk lately.

So I'm sorry and you're sorry.

Does that mean we're okay?

Yeah, we're okay, Ruthie.

Where are you going?

I just sent an apology
e-mail to my dad,

and I apologized to you.

I just have a few more
and then I'll be finished.

I have to go to the Promenade,
if that's okay.

And I'm sorry about earlier--

what I said.

I was wrong.

You can help, you do help.

All of you help.

You guys have been
so great to me.

And every time I think about
how much I miss my dad,

I just think about
how much more I'd miss him

if it wasn't
for the Camdens.

I'm really lucky to have
all you guys in my life.

We feel lucky to have you
in our life, too.


Lucy's final term paper.

All she needs are a couple
things from the library,

a few references,
and she's finished.

And better yet, she's asleep.

Thanks for meeting me.

I'm sorry about practice

and, um, about the fight
in the locker room.

And, uh, about my attitude.

What about the mascot?

Are you sorry
about the mascot?

Yeah, I'm sorry
about the mascot, too.

Martin, I know I'm just
your coach,

but I hope in the future,
if you have a problem,

you'll discuss it with me.

I'm here for you,

for all my guys.

And I know I can't bring
your father home from Iraq,

but sometimes it helps
just to have a friend

to talk to about
what's bothering you.

Because if you don't let off
steam in a healthy way,

emotions tend to build up.

And, well, before you know it,
you end up...

Yelling at a guy
in a cat costume?

Yeah, exactly.


So, I guess I'll see you
at practice tomorrow.

And I plan on
apologizing to Nick,

just, uh, so you know.

Good night.

Good night, Coach.

Hey, uh, Coach?


How'd you know about my dad?

Why don't you ask him?

I called the coach

and told him
about your father.

I'm sorry, I thought
he should know.

He told me he was going
to meet you here

and suggested
that I come.

He thought you might
need a friend.

Even a former best friend.

I was not ratting you out.

Are we still friends?



You want to go
sh**t a game of pool?

There's a cute new waitress.

How cute?

If you don't want her,

I'll take a shot.

Actually, I already did.


She winked at me.

She probably had
something in her eye.

No. You think?

I'll go with you,
but, uh,

I'll find my own girlfriend.

Come on, tell me where
you're taking me.

I wanted to get you

something special
for graduation.

What'd you get me?


I know you wanted to go
to your graduation ceremony,

so I talked to the Dean.

Actually, your father
talked to the Dean,

and he talked to some
other students.

And they all agreed
to be here with you.

It's a rehearsal for
them, but for you,

this is the real thing,

an official graduation.



Oh, I love you.

You should.

So, what do you say?

Are you ready to graduate?


Kelly Anne James.


Henry Michael Johnson.


Lucy Camden Kinkirk.

Mrs. Kinkirk.

Thank you, Dean Ryan.

I did it!

I'm a graduate!