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09x20 - Leaps of Faith

Posted: 02/13/22 08:40
by bunniefuu
Hope I'm not intruding.

Of course not.



I just wanted to stop by,
see how Tonya is feeling.

We just finished
Tonya's transfusion,

so she's feeling a little
worn out, and next week,

Kristi's in, so...

It's the usual.
We're fine.

Getting by.

I know it's tough.

Yeah, but we're used to
it, aren't we, girls?

I was actually going
to stop by your office today

to talk to you.
Oh. About...?

I'll be right back.

Hope to see you both
on Sunday.

I'll be thinking about you.

You having problems
with work again?

No, no. I transferred
to another department,

and I can work
whatever hours I can.

Of course, now I'm considered
a part-time employee,

so I'm losing money
and benefits.

Oh, that is so not fair.

Who can I talk to?

For starters,

my ex-husband.

On top of everything else,
he called.

He's in town.

I don't think
I've ever met your ex-husband.

Russell left
years ago.

He moved back to Memphis

right after we learned Kristi
had sickle cell disease, too.

He couldn't face the prospect
of having two sick daughters,

so he left me to deal
with it on my own.

Does he support you?


yes. Emotionally, no.

The girls get a card on their
birthdays and at Christmas.

That's about it.

Do you have any idea
why he's back now?

He says he wants me

to think about letting
the girls move to Memphis

to live with him for a while.

They don't even know him.

Did he say why?
Why now?

He said he'd tell
me when he saw me.

I don't care why.

They're not going.

You want me to talk to him?

If you don't mind.

Do you want to be there?
No, I don't.

I haven't seen him
since he left,

and after walking out on us,

I don't think he deserves
to see me or my girls.

You guys are
doing it wrong.

We're doing it
our own way.


Our way is better.
We like the fork

next to the hand
that uses it.

But you use the fork
with both hands,

and it's always been
on the left.

I think
our new way is better.

Okay, well, maybe we can
try your way tonight

and just test it out.

Hey, something smells good.


What are you doing here?

I thought you had finals.

No. Not for a few weeks.

But I do have a paper to write.

I always write better
when I eat,

and what better place
to eat than right here?

Why don't you guys go set
another spot at the table?

Hi! I've been
trying to call you,

or Kevin's been
trying to call you.

Oh, we-we just
wanted to say hello

and see how you're doing.

How are you doing?

I'm fine.

Yeah, well, you could
have let someone know.

Oh, Ruthie, you know, I-I don't
think I asked how you are today.

How are you?

I'm fine.

I'm fine, too.
So am I.

I'm a new mother.


Hey, Martin, it's Zoe.
What are you doing?


Oh, can you help me
with my homework?

I can do that.

Great, you can pick me up
at 9:30.


It's for my astronomy project.

I'm supposed to observe
the meteor storm.

And the earliest
I can see anything is 9:30.

I really don't know
if the Camdens

are going to let me out
at 9:30 on a school night.

Well, if you ask them
and they say no,

then I'm going to make an "F"
on my assignment,

and I can't afford
to lower my average.

I just don't know
if I can talk them into it.

So... why don't you take
a chance and not ask them?

Live dangerously. You can walk
out to your car and drive away.

Where is your sense
of adventure?

Come on, be a man.

I need you.
Come rescue me.

Come on.

What would your dad have done if
he was in your situation at 17?


Did you see Simon?

Simon's here?

Yep, he's here.


He said he's fine.

That was nice of him
to let us know.

Well, I didn't get
to say anything because

Ruthie and the boys were there.

So, go find him.

Why? He said he was fine.

Well, it was the generic
"I'm fine."

It wasn't the official medical
"I'm fine."

He would have let us know
if he caught something.

Would he? Or would he
have just not called?

He wouldn't have come home
if he had a problem.

Well, maybe he would have
and maybe he wouldn't have.

Go ask him,
and then come back up here

because we need
to talk about me.

What's wrong with you?

I've been thinking...

I wish
you wouldn't do that.

When do you think
I should go back to work?

Whenever you're ready.

Well, that's just the thing.
I'm ready now.

Okay, then you should
go back to work now.

But I don't know
if I should leave Savannah.

Then wait awhile.

I don't want you to agree
with whatever I just said,

I want you to tell me
what you think.

I think you should
go back to work

whenever you're ready
if you want to.

That doesn't help.

Look, I think you're
a great mother,

and I think you're a
great associate pastor,

and I think when
the time is right,

you can do both
at the same time,

but I can't decide when the
time is right. You have to.

Well, if I go back to work now,
Mom can take care of Savannah.

Oh, I don't think so.

Savannah's our responsibility.

If you go back to work, you
and I have to take care of her.

How are we gonna do that?

I don't know,
but we'd better figure it out,

because when we move,
we can't just stick your mother

with raising our daughter,

so we shouldn't
just start doing it now.

It takes a village.

Then we'll hire one.

We don't have to hire one.

We have my mother.

I'm sure
she'll take care of Savannah

if I start back at work.


No, you're not sure she will?

No, I don't want
to ask your mother.

Oh, then I will.

No, I don't want you
to ask her, either.

It's just not
right, okay?

Oh, good, you're here.

The boys just went upstairs
to wash their hands.

Dinner's almost ready.

Bad day?

Ah, hospital visit.

Oh, right. I forgot.

How-how are Tonya and Kristi?

They're hanging in there,

but their dad is supposed
to give me a call

to set up a meeting.

Their dad? I didn't know

there was a dad in the picture.

He hasn't been
for a long, long time.

Apparently, he's in town.

He wants to talk to Lynn
about moving the girls

to Memphis to live with him.

I don't remember
Lynn's ex-husband.

She's always been a single mom

for as long as she's been coming
to church, hasn't she?

Yeah, she has.

The father left
right after Kristi was born.

And now he wants them back?


Can't wait to hear
what he has to say.

Yeah, me, too.

I'll get it.


Hi. Surprise.

Yeah, it is.


Come in.

Are you alone, or...


We thought
it would be nice

if we were married
when the baby arrived.

I want Paris to make an
honest man out of me.

And we'd like you
to perform the ceremony.

We figured that since you know
about all the garbage

I put Paris and Peter
through, it might be special

if you were there when I did
something right for a change.

I'd be honored to
perform the ceremony.

Thank you.

When do you have in mind?

Well, the sooner the
better, obviously.

Yeah. W-W-We don't
want anything big.

Really, just the two
of us is all we need.

And Peter, as my best man.

Great. It's about
time I got you alone.

What, have you
been avoiding me?



How are you?

I'm fine.

Why does everyone
keep asking me that?

Because last time
I heard from you,

you were scared to death
that you got an STD

from your one-night stand.

Would you be quiet?

We've been calling you
and calling you.

Why haven't you call us back?

Because I didn't know anything.


You did see a doctor?



You waited until yesterday?

I'm sure I'm fine.

Did they tell you you were fine?

No. They're going to call me.

I have my cell phone on me.
I'm not worried.

You're worried.

I don't know.
I don't know, okay?

I just got tested yesterday.

All right, well, still,

it'll be good to get
the official all clear.

Yeah, of course.

And when you do...

And when I do...

I'll be relieved,
not that I'm worried.

No, I mean,

are you gonna be changing
your... social life?

Dad, I've already changed.

All I've done is study
since it happened.

We'll talk about this more.

I gotta say good night
to our guests

and meet someone down
at the Promenade.

Oh, she is
really beautiful.

Ah, thanks.

So, what are you gonna do
about taking care of the baby

and going back to work?

Well, I have to work.

We need the money and
I'm still our primary support,

even though Vic
is still teaching.

So, I'll have some time off,

and then when I go back to work,
Vic's on summer break,

so he can stay home
with the baby,

and then when fall comes
and he has to go back to work,

he's gonna teach
night classes

so he can stay home
in the daytime.

When are you gonna
go back to work?

Oh, Kevin and I were discussing
that this afternoon.

Yeah, but you're so lucky

your mom can just take
care of Savannah, right?

Yeah, I think she can,

but Kevin wants to make
some other arrangements.

But your mom, she's right here,
she's had seven children.

True, but we're moving.

Well, somewhere
close by.

Oh, I think that's
my cue to leave.

Good night.

What, are we talking
a survey now?

No, but did you hear
what she said?

Yeah, I heard every word.
I was right in there.

And you know what else I heard?

She's was gonna stay
with the baby at night

while Vic works, and then
he's gonna stay with the baby

during the day while she works.

Why can't we do that?

Why can't I work a night shift

and stay with Savannah during
the day while you work?


Well, I... I just don't see
you as a stay-at-home dad.

Maybe I want to be
a stay-at-home dad.

I'm off tomorrow; maybe we
should have a trial run.

Hey, I was, uh,
at the library.

Sure you were.

Do you want something?

Oh, if you don't mind, I'd like
to just crash on the couch.

I just don't want to
stay over at the house,

you know, and honestly,
I'm expecting a phone call,

so I need some privacy.

Well, you wouldn't exactly
have privacy here either.

I mean, I'm here.

Yeah, you're here now,
but clearly when I came in,

you were leaving, so...

Okay, but I'm leaving
because I have to do something

for school, I swear--
it's a homework assignment.

You don't have to explain
anything to me.

I know, but if your dad
comes looking for me...

I don't know where you are.

Hey, be careful.


God, um, if everything's okay,

if I turn out okay, then...
I promise I'll...

I will never have sex again
until after I'm married...

and promise I'll, I'll
start going to church again.

And I promise that I'll just try
to be a... better Christian.

Hi, Reverend

Uh, glad we ran into you.

We were looking for
someone we know.

Oh, well, hi, Torin, Preston.

What can I do for you?

Could we borrow
ten bucks for coffees?

Ten bucks
for coffee?

I don't think
I can afford that.

Yeah, neither can we.

Thanks anyway.

Are you Reverend Camden?


Russell Miles.

Thanks for meeting me.

My wife, my ex-wife, Lynn,

told me that you're
a good person,

a good listener.

Well, that was very
nice for her to say so.

I hope I can live up
to that expectation.

So, what's going
on, Russell?

I'm sorry.

I-I don't know
how to begin.

That's okay. I didn't
mean to rush you.

I understand you saw Lynn
and the girls today.

How are they?

Your wife and your
daughters are uh...

well, they're
having a tough time.

The girls have been
going through these

blood transfusions for
a number of years now,

and so they're
sleeping at night

with these needles stuck
in them, you know,

for the drug that takes
care of the iron overload.

I don't remember
what it's called

and they're sick a lot and
they miss a lot of school

and Lynn has missed
so much work lately

that she's been transferred
to a new part-time job

and she's exhausted.

That's pretty much
the way I pictured it.

I know what it's like having
sickle cell in a family.

My mother died from the disease.

I uh, I can't bear to think

of what they've
been going through...

what they're going through now.

I couldn't...

I couldn't until now.

It's okay.

Take your time.

Take your time.

I know that Lynn must
have had... plenty

of horrible things to say
about me through the years.

Uh... she actually never
told me anything about you

until she asked if I
would meet with you.

I don't blame her.

After the way I left,

she deserves every ounce
of hate she has for me.

She never said
she hated you.

How could she not?

I abandoned her
and my daughters.

You know, Lynn
and I both knew

that we carried
the sickle cell trait,

and we knew
there was a chance

we'd pass the disease
on to our children.

When Tonya was born,

and the test indicated
that she had it,

well, we took a
wait-and-see approach,

and both promised
to be strong.

But it wasn't long before she
started developing problems--

the pain and the
pneumonia, infections.

The doctors addressed
the problems as they came up,

but she was sick a lot.

Then... oh, I don't know,

we'd never planned on
having another baby,

but we just weren't
very careful,

and so we had Kristi,

and we hoped against hope

that she would be okay...

but she wasn't.

And uh, we promised

to be strong again,
but I broke the promise.

I bailed.

I was young when
my mother died,

but believe me, the memories
stayed with me.

I saw her being turned away
from the emergency room

time and time again, because
some doctor knew nothing

about sickle cell disease

and thought she was complaining
about nothing.

You know, there's
no swelling,

there's no signs to show
that you're in pain,

and they treated her
like she was a drug addict

trying to get painkillers.

There were
little strokes

along the way.

And then she had a stroke
that, uh, crippled her,

and, uh, then she had one
that k*lled her.

I know that's no
excuse for leaving,

but I couldn't bear to go
through that again

with my own daughters.

And now?

And now, I see

that it doesn't have
to be that way with them,

and that's why I'm here.

I want to talk.


What do you think
about the idea

of my going back to work?

Well, it-it doesn't really
matter what I think.

It's up to you and Kevin.
What does Kevin think?

He thinks, and you're not
going to believe this,

he thinks it would be a good
idea if we took turns.

He thinks that he should
take the night shift

while I take care of Savannah,

and when I got to work,
he'll take care of Savannah.

Well, what's so crazy
about that?

I mean, they'll be fine.


I just thought that you would
want to take care of her

if I go back to work.

That's funny.

No, n-no, let me just
say this for the record,

I do not want to take care

of my beautiful
granddaughter, whom
I love dearly

while her mother goes
back to work. No.

Do you know why he said
he didn't call me?

Because he doesn't have
feelings for me anymore.

Can you believe that?

We went through a lot together
in that year and a half.

Don't you think he'd have
some feelings for me?

I was his first girlfriend, and
he was my first boyfriend.

Doesn't that mean anything?

I guess not.

I don't expect him to be madly
in love with me or anything,

but no feelings at all?

Doesn't that strike you as odd?

Are you still there?

Yeah, yeah, I'm still here.

What do you think?

I think it's getting late,

and I'd better
finish my homework.

No, what do you think
about what I just said?

I really don't have an opinion
one way or the other about it.

You have to think
something about it.

Well, I do think it's a bit
awkward that you, my girlfriend,

are talking to me,
your boyfriend,

about how Peter,
your ex-boyfriend,

doesn't seem to care
for you anymore.

And I think maybe
he doesn't have feelings for you

because he has a girlfriend.

But I doubt he's talking
to her about you.

Oh, you're up here.


I just noticed Martin's car
is not in the driveway,

and so I looked
inside the garage,

and it's not
in the garage either.

I don't know
anything about that.

Is he here?

I saw him at dinner.

Well, so did I.

I have no idea
where Martin is right now.

Maybe I should call him.

You can't. He left
his phone here.

It's been ringing all night.

And he left his cell phone on
purpose, so I couldn't call him?

I don't know.

Was that you calling him?


Well, somebody's
been calling him.

His phone's been ringing
off the hook for...

Like every half hour.

And he didn't tell you
where he was going?

Okay, well...

I guess I'll wait.

While I'm waiting,
maybe we can talk.

You worried?

About the test?

The medical stuff?

No. We used protection.
I should be fine.

Are you sure you're not here
'cause you're concerned

you might not be fine?


You're not just

saying you used protection
because you don't want

to tell me
that you took a risk, are you?

No, Dad, honest,
I wouldn't do that.


Are you reading the Bible?

I might be.


Why is that interesting?

Why do I sense
that maybe you've...

struck up a bargain with God?

Who is it?

It's Vic.

Eric's not here.

Nah, it's okay; you'll do.

Thanks. What do you need?

Well, it's just that...

you think Paris
would be marrying me

if we hadn't
gotten pregnant?

Guess you'll never know
for sure, but come on.

She doesn't have
to marry you even now.

She could stay single
and have the baby.

A lot of women do that.

The two of you can continue

living next to each other
in a duplex.

Nothing says
you have to get married.

Yeah, you're right.

I mean, we're happy.

Life's been great
for us this past year.

So why in the heck am I
screwing that up?

I mean, I'm the one
pushing to get married,

but maybe we should
forget about it.

Thanks, Kevin.
Thanks. I mean,

I thought I was doing the
right thing, but maybe I'm not.

Maybe I ought to leave
well enough alone.

I mean, we're having a baby.

That ought to change life
enough, don't you think?


Hi. It's me.

Oh, hi.

"Oh, hi"?

Look, I'm sorry if you thought
that I showed up with my family

so that we could
get back together again.

I had already heard
that you have a boyfriend.

Where did you hear that?

I still talk to people
who know you.

Why don't you talk to me?

Because you have a boyfriend.

I didn't have a boyfriend
all year long.

Vincent and I
just started going out.

I have a girlfriend.

We're in a committed

Oh, I didn't know.

I guess it doesn't
really matter, does it?

I mean, you're seeing
someone else, too, right?

You are still seeing
that Vincent guy, aren't you?

Yeah, Vincent and I
are still going out.

So, I guess there's nothing else
to say, is there?

I guess not.

Nice talking to you.

Believe me, nothing
would make me happier

than if you've decided
to seriously consider your life

in terms of spiritual matters,


Uh, Martin's not here.

This is Eric Camden.

Could I give him a message?

Coming up!

Good morning.

I got in late last night,
so I didn't come over

when I got your message.
I didn't want to wake anyone.

What time did you get home?

Ah, it was around 2:00.

Something to do with school?

So, Simon told you?

Yeah, but that's all we knew,

so when your dad called
looking for you...

That's why you wanted to
talk to me? My dad called?

Yeah, I mean, he called
and called and called

on your cell phone,

and I finally...
I ju-- I picked up.

I thought maybe
it was an emergency.

I knew you wouldn't approve
that I was out with Zoe,

even though it was only for
school, and there's witnesses.

She had to watch a meteor
storm as part of a class,

and she didn't
want to go out

to the park late by
herself, so I took her.

I wished you had just asked.

I mean, I wished you'd,
you know,

trusted me to trust you,
but you didn't.

No, I didn't,

so I took a risk.

Yeah, and while you
were out taking a risk,

you missed an important call
from your dad.

Did he say why he was calling?

He said it was something
he wanted to tell you himself.

He didn't want
to leave a message.

That can't be good.

Who knows when he'll get
a chance to call again?

He said he'd try
to call you back tonight.

Was he angry that I wasn't home?
I think he was a little upset

that I didn't know
where you where

and that you hadn't told me
where you were,

but that wasn't
why he called.

Look, don't worry, okay?

Uh, whatever it is, he...
I mean, he sounded fine.

I have to go to work.
I've got a busy morning, so...

- Good morning.
- Oh.

How are you this morning?

God willing, I'm fine.

Let me know.

I'll pray that everything
is fine with your dad.

All right.
Thanks, I guess.

Well, I won't be
gone that long.

I just need to go out
and check on some things

so I can start thinking about
putting her on a bottle.

Great. Once she gets
on a bottle,

I'll be able to take care
of her all by myself.

I can.

Bye, baby.


If you're gone longer than
you think and she gets hungry,

if I give her a bite
of my sandwich,

do I have to burp her more or
less than if she just has milk?

No, you're not supposed to give
her any of your sandwich.

I was just kidding.

It's not funny.

We'll be fine.

Did you talk
to Russell?

I did.



Oh, please.

Don't tell me
you're on his side.

I want to...

tell you why he wants
the girls to go to Memphis.

You ever heard of St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital

in Memphis?

Tonya and Kristi
don't have cancer.

They have sickle
cell disease.

St. Jude treats more
than just cancer.

It was actually established
to do clinical research

and provide treatment for
catastrophic childhood diseases,

including sickle cell disease.

And when Russell...

When he heard about what they
were doing for children

with sickle cell disease who
have also had strokes before,

like Tonya and Kristi,

he went in and talked
to some of the doctors

and what he found out
is pretty interesting.

I'm not letting them go.

I am not giving them up

just 'cause Russell thinks
something is interesting.

They have a new drug for
treating sickle cell disease.

It's actually not so new.

Some patients have
been using it for years

without any serious side
effects, whatsoever.

It was developed as

an anti-cancer drug,
but the results

for sickle cell disease
have been phenomenal.

Well, I can't afford a new drug.

The one we're using now for
iron overload is very expensive.

Along with
the cost of transfusions,

it's over $30,000 a year
for each of them.

St. Jude pays for everything
not covered by insurance.

It... it won't cost
you anything.

But more than that,
Tonya and Kristi

could get off
the blood transfusions.

It could get them off this
expensive drug you're using now.

The new drug, it just costs
a couple of dollars a day,

and it's taken orally.

The children who are using it
are in less pain.

They're in the hospital
less often, and the drug

decreases the need
for the transfusions.

They're also hoping
that it decreases

the likelihood
of strokes, too.

But it's a risk.


It is.

They don't know
the long-term effects,

but they know
the long-term effects

of blood transfusions,
and so do you.

But even if I wanted
to take the risk,

I could do it here with them.

Why would I consider
letting Russell

just move them to
Memphis and take over?

Oh, please...

Let me explain.

I don't want to take over.

No, I don't.

It's just that from
everything that I've seen...

St. Jude is on the cutting
edge of finding a cure

for sickle cell disease.

Not a treatment, a cure.

And, while they're not
there yet, they've cured

several patients by using
bone marrow transplants

from their parents.

It's still too risky, maybe,

for us to try that now,
but in the meantime,

there is this drug.

I will think about
the new treatment plan.

But I don't want to think about
the girls going to Memphis.

You are not taking
my daughters away from me.

I don't want to take your
daughters away from you.

I want you and our daughters
to move to Memphis.


You don't have
to move there.

They take anyone

from anywhere in the country
and they pay for housing, but...

I was wrong to leave.

I did a terrible,
terrible thing.

And I'm asking...

I'm asking for another chance.

I've got a good job.

I can support you and the
girls. You don't have to work.

You can be there
for them full-time,

and I'll be there for them, too,

in all the ways
that I haven't been.

And I'll be there for you...

if you let me.

This new drug, the nurse said

that it doesn't just heal
sickle cell patients...

it heals families.

It's not something
you have to decide today.

But for the sake
of Tonya and Kristi,

I'd say the sooner,
the better.

Can I...
can I buy you a cup of coffee?



I thought you would
call me back last night.


Don't you think
you overreacted?

I mean, it's not like I
like Peter or anything.

Not like I like you.
But if Peter
had shown up

hoping to get back together with
you, what would you have done?

I would have told him
that I had a boyfriend.

I would have told him
that I wasn't interested.

If you ask me,
you seem a little upset that

you didn't get to reject him
and that he rejected you.

That's not true.

Did you find out
if he has a girlfriend?

No. I mean...

yes, yes, he has a girlfriend.

And did he call you,
or did you call him?




So, you called him,
because you just had to know.

Please, don't be angry with me.

That's the chance you took

when you picked up
the phone last night.

He never calls.

He e-mails, but this was
a phone call, and I missed it.

He'll call back.

I just hope it isn't bad news.

I wish I'd been there.

I wouldn't have asked
you to stay out with me

if I'd known he
was gonna call--
it's not my fault.

You're right, it isn't
your fault, it's my fault.

I shouldn't have gone out
with you when I wasn't
supposed to.

I shouldn't have
listened to you.

I'm sorry, okay?

I'm sorry.

I didn't have any
way of knowing how
big of a risk it was.

I thought the worst
that would happen

is that Reverend Camden
would get angry at you,

and if he did,
he'd get over it.

I didn't think it was
that big of a risk.
It's always a risk.

Doing the wrong thing
is always a risk.

And my dad is adventurous
and all that,

but he never does
the wrong thing.

I wasn't being
anything like him.

I'll call you
when I hear from him.


So, is it true?

Is what true?

Well, did you point out
that Vic and I

would be taking a big risk
if we got married, that...

that things are fine
just the way they are?

Um, not exactly.

Simon Camden.

Yes, uh, thank you, thank you.

Yeah, I've been waiting
for your call.

I don't know, Kevin
pointed out that things

are fine like they
are, and I just...


I just didn't want
to mess things up.

And you didn't think
it would mess things up

to tell Paris, who's
seven months pregnant

with your son or daughter,

that you're having second
thoughts about marrying her?

I'm not.

I mean, I was,
but I'm not.

I'm ready to do this.

Good. Good.

Then let's do it.


Living room.

Yes, living room.


Oh, hey, I'm glad you're home.

I wanted to tell you
that I got that phone call,

and I am officially fine.

E-Except now you've made
a pact with the Almighty

out of fear you
might have an STD.
Well, if that's what

it took to let me to see
the light, so be it.

You know, the, uh,

the first step to wisdom
is the fear of God.

Or something like that.

Yeah, something... like that.

You going somewhere?

Yeah, I got to get
back to school.

Well, you're not even
staying for the weekend?

Dad... I came down here
in case I needed you--
now I don't need you.

What I do need is
a higher power in my life,
and I got that now.

You wearing a cross?


Mom gave it to me.
Oh, that's...

that's good-- it might be
a nice reminder of the
promises you made.

Good night. God bless.

Sorry about everything.

I don't even know why
I said that stuff.

Me, neither.

The important thing is, is
that I got it all figured out.

With a little help
from Dad, of course.

Of course.

Were you this nervous

before your first wedding?

I don't remember
my first wedding.

Why not?

I wasn't feeling
very well that day.

Were you sick?


Yeah, for many, many years.

You look nice.


Didn't you bring
your girlfriend?

It was kind of last-minute.

Didn't invite your boyfriend?

It was kind of last-minute.


You don't have
a girlfriend.

Yeah, I know.


I thought I'd stop by

just in case
you weren't doing anything.

Maybe we can go out, talk.

Oh, sorry,

looks like
you're busy.

Want to come
to a wedding?

Peter's mom and dad?

Come on.


this is Vincent.

Vincent, this is Peter
and his dad Vic.

Well, looks like
everybody's here.

Where's the bride?

Oh, she'll be down

I'll get it.

Hi. We just wanted to talk
to you a few minutes.

We still have some
things to work out.

Are you busy?

A-a little.

A nurse from the
hospital volunteered

to sit with the girls
tonight so Russ and I

could spend some
time together.

It's kind of our first date.

Or our second
counseling session.


You have a whole
household full of people.

And how crazy are we,
just dropping by?

Uh, no, not crazy at all.

How's a wedding
for your first date?

Come on in.

Uh, everybody,

these are our friends,
Russell and Lynn.

Oh, hi.

So, let's all...

take a seat, and
we can get started.

Okay, uh, bride
and groom.

And best man.

Thanks for coming.

Thanks for
letting me in.

So, I did pretty well
today, didn't I?

You did okay.

We'll see.

You got a better plan?

Not yet.

Often in our lives, we're...

we're faced with choices where
the answers are quite simple.

Yes or no.

Left or right.

Right or wrong.

Soup or salad?

Sometimes the... the answers
aren't so cut-and-dry,

and that's when we
have to take a risk,

and with every risk,

we need to be careful
not to make choices

without fully thinking through
the consequences

of our actions.

Sometimes we need to look deep

within ourselves
to see which path to take.

Sometimes we may need

the guidance of a higher power.

We may know instantly,
or we might not know for years

if the risks we're taking today
are gonna pay off tomorrow.

Doesn't mean we
shouldn't take those risks.

Without risks,
there's no reward.


for Vic and Paris,
the risk of deciding

to see each other again
is about to pay off.



Do you,
Paris Marie Petrowski,



to be your lawfully
wedded husband,

to have and to hold,
for better or for worse,

for richer or for poorer,
in sickness and in health,

for as long as
you both shall live?

I do.

Do you,

George Willard Vickery...


take Paris

to be your lawfully wedded wife,

to have and to hold,
for better or for worse,

for richer or for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

for as long as
you both shall live?

I certainly do.

By the power vested in me,
I am pleased

to announce that you

are, once again,
husband and wife.

You may kiss
the bride.


My dad's coming home!

My dad's coming home!

All right! All right!