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08x08 - Baggage

Posted: 02/13/22 12:18
by bunniefuu
What do you say
we go on a real date?

Isn't this a real date?


So, by date you mean...?

I call you up, I ask you out.

Dinner and a movie.

It's a little cliché,
but I like the classics.

We've been out to
dinner and to the movies.

Yes, but we haven't
gotten dressed up,

or I didn't drive over to
your house and pick you up

or call first.

We always just make plans
when we see each other.

I want us to have a real date.

Wh... Where you going?


To sit by the phone
and wait for the guy I like

to call and ask me out.

(laughs softly)


Oh, we'll need to
eat in the dining room.

Cecilia makes it too many

for just the kitchen table.

Cecilia is coming
over for dinner again?


She misses Simon, she
likes to be around the family

and she likes my cooking.

That's her excuse. What's yours?

Did you talk to Dr. Hastings?

Yes, I spoke with Hank.


Well, Hank liked the idea

of your bringing your dog to
the hospital to cheer up patients.

But...? Well, the
hospital administrator

thinks you're too young
to be visiting patients,

with or without a dog.

Especially drug and
alcohol rehab patients.

That's why they turned
down your written request.

You have to understand
the hospital's point of view.

You're only .

I'll be in four months.

Yeah, but people
who are in rehab

are people who are struggling.



That's why they're in rehab.

They're addicts
who are recovering

from drug and alcohol abuse.

That's... that's some
pretty adult stuff.

You told us in church
to commit to something,

and this is what I
want to commit to.

I know, but...

You told us to take our faith

and share it with the community.

Yeah, but... You
told us to reach out

and expand and change the world,

and to be the wind beneath
the wings of our faith, remember?

I remember.

I know I can do some
real good with this.

I can help people.

I can help people
why maybe think

the world has given up on them.

Please just
convince the hospital

to give me a chance
to prove them wrong?

If I fail...

then I won't bother them again.

And if you succeed?

Maybe I'll end up
changing the world.

I knew you were
going to say that.

Look, why don't I
volunteer to go with you?

Chandler already
volunteered to go with me.

Then why am I the one
trying to convince the hospital

to let the two of you go?

Because Chandler's busy.



I'll-I'll... I'll talk to
them one more time.

As many times as it takes.

th Heaven

♪ When I see their happy faces ♪

♪ Smiling back at me ♪

th Heaven

♪ I know there's
no greater feeling ♪

♪ Than the love of family ♪

♪ Where can you go ♪

♪ When the world
don't treat you right? ♪

♪ The answer is home ♪

♪ That's the one
place that you'll find ♪

th Heaven

♪ Mmm, th Heaven

th Heaven.


♪ ♪

I unloaded the dishwasher.


But the dishes weren't clean.

I just got off the
phone with George.

He said he doesn't
know why Cecilia

wasn't here for
dinner last night.

I think he's lying.

Why would he lie?

Because I think if...

we knew where she really was

instead of having
dinner with us,

that he thought we'd be upset.

Are we upset?

Yeah, a little.

I would have liked a phone call.

Well, Cecilia is
not one of our kids.

She doesn't have to call us.

I know she's not
one of our kids.

But it's just polite
to call, you know.

If you're going to
be late or not make it.

Do you think Cecilia is
spending too much time with us?


You want me to lie?


She's here all the time.

But... you know that.

I don't see what the problem is.

Is there a problem?


But not with me.

With whom then?

I'm going to go
with Peter today.


I don't going with Peter
is such a good idea.


Well, if Peter can go to
the hospital, why can't I go?

Chandler is going with us.

I want to help people, too.

I'm taking Happy.

I thought we were going
to go to the Promenade.

You know, to lunch and a movie?

Don't worry, I'm sure you
can get Cecilia to go with you.

Is something wrong?

I was just wondering what you
were planning on doing today?

I thought I'd get together with
some of the guys from work.

So what are you doing today?

I was thinking of going to the
Glenoak Police Department

husband and wife softball game.

But I don't know
if I should go...

since I wasn't invited.

That smile is not going
to get you out of this.

How long has this been going on?

A while.

So there've been other games?

(inhales sharply)


And you went without me?

I'm the coach. I have to go.

Why didn't you tell me?

Come on, Luce, there's a
lot of things you're good at...

but I've seen you play
softball, and you stink.

I can play softball.

Since when?

I can. I mean...

I can't go to the Super
Bowl, but I can play.

The Super Bowl is football.

I knew that.


Well, I can play.

And I'm going to the
softball game today.

And if you don't let me play,

well, I think you know what will
happen if you don't let me play.

Why is playing softball
so important to you?

It just is.


(doorbell buzzing)


I'll go get Peter.

Are you ready for
our date tonight?

Oh, yeah.

Me, too.

Peter's spending the
night over at the Camdens'.

And that doesn't
mean that I think we're...

Or that I would expect
you and I to... (dog barking)

Uh, we should be going.


I'll see you tonight.

Yeah. Tonight.

Can you play softball?


Can you teach me
how to play softball?


I'm desperate.

Yeah, I got that.



tomorrow after church.

No, it has to be today.

I have to learn
how to play in...

less than four hours.

Can't be done.

Plus, I got a date.



Okay, I'll teach
you... something.


I don't make any guarantees.

Don't worry. I'm very athletic.

What sports do you play?

Let's just go.

You don't mind if my
girlfriend tags along, do you?

No. Great.

We can pick her up on
the way to the batting cages.

(phone rings)



My dad told me you called.

Oh, what happened
to you last night?

I went out with some friends
and completely lost track of time.

I'm so sorry.

That's okay.


Well, I made roast beef
sandwiches with the leftovers,

if you want to
come by for lunch.

I can't.

Well, how about dinner?

I can't.

Is there something wrong?

No. Nothing's wrong.

My parents just need me
to work a double shift today.

Oh, work.

Wow, I didn't realize.

Okay, well, have a good day.

And, you know, if you
have time, come on by


(dial tone)

(phone beeps off,
sets phone on counter)

Go get it.

(man whistling)

Come on. (smacking
lips) Come on.

Come on. Come on.





(dogs barking)

I had my doubts about
having Peter come by today,

but I have to say, the
patients are really enjoying it.

It's nice for them...

to be able to interact
with people and animals

that don't judge them or
know anything about their past.

It's a good way of showing them

their future can be
different than their past.

Um... Excuse me.


What are you doing?

Taking a report from
a car accident victim.

You don't look so
great. Are you okay?

I just broke up
with my boyfriend.

You don't really want
to hear this, do you?

Sure, I do.


I've missed talking to you.

Me, too.

Well, are you doing
anything tonight?

Maybe we could meet for
supper, you know, just friends.

I have a date.


Okay, I-I didn't know
you were dating anyone.

Yeah, for a week now.

Well, I should go.

What-What about dinner?


Sure, some other
time when you're free.


Wait... This is the house
where your girlfriend lives?


But that's where Cecilia lives.

I know. She's my girlfriend.





Since when?

Since a couple weeks.

So, you know Cecilia?

Yeah, I know Cecilia.

She's Simon's girlfriend.


Who went away to college early?

I... guess she's
dating other guys.


Hands up, foot down.

Okay. Okay.

Here, watch me.

(bat tings)

(bat tings)

(bat tings)

Just keep swinging. Okay?

Practice makes perfect.

I got you a soda.

Thanks, but...

I'd also like an explanation.

Why didn't you tell
me about Simon?

Keep your eye on the ball.

Man, she is really bad.

I don't want to talk about Lucy.

Well... I don't want
to talk about Simon.

I don't want to have this
conversation with you.

I just want to go out

and laugh and talk
and have some fun.

Oh... I get it.

You're not over him.

Yes, I am.

It's just, I'm not
over his family.

We went through
a lot this summer.

We got very close.

Yeah, I heard about
what happened.

The car accident.

Lucy told me.

Why didn't you tell me?

I thought you'd hear about it
at school from other people.

And you thought those
other people would tell me

about you and Simon?

Are the other people
going to tell Reverend

and Mrs. Camden
that we're dating?

Or should I?

Are you threatening me?

No. I'm just saying...

if you can't tell your
ex-boyfriend's parents

about us, then maybe
we shouldn't be going out.

Sorry, I wasn't watching.

Did you connect with any?

Not a one.

I've got to get to the ballpark.

You want me to
drop you off at home?

Uh, you can drop me off at home,

but I think Cecilia said she
was going to your house.

I don't even want to know.

Let's just go.

Hey, Peter?

I really liked, uh...

liked meeting you.

As a matter of fact, I
think this is the best day

I've had in a long time.

I liked meeting you, too.

Look, I know we just
met and everything,

but I was wondering if
you could do me a favor.


Would you drop this off for me?

I don't know the
guy's home address,

but he works at Margaret's
Books on the Promenade.

He's working
there this afternoon.

Sure. I'll drop it off for you.

Thanks, right.

Kind of sorry to see you go.

You're a nice kid.

Well, with any luck, I'll
be back next Saturday.

With any luck, I won't.

I'm getting out
of here tomorrow.

days of sobriety
and counting.



(dog whimpers)

Well... see you.

I guess you better get going.

(knocking on door)

Is Chandler here?

Uh, he's...

out with Ruthie and Peter.

Can I help you?

I doubt it.


I think I made a big mistake.

A big, big mistake.

All right.

I still love Chandler.

I-I think that's why I
broke up with my boyfriend,

and I think that's why
I'm really not interested

in dating any other men.

And I don't know what
to do about it unless...


I marry him.

I think he's dating someone.

Not that you couldn't
tell him how you feel.

I couldn't.

You could.

Well, should I?

I... I don't know about should.

But even if I should... it
wouldn't come out right.

I'll just make things worse.

Unless... unless I
write him a letter.

What about a letter?

A letter.


Thank you for helping me.

I-I know that you
never really liked

that Chandler and I were dating.

So I really, really
appreciate all your help.

(indistinct shouting)

First base, Lucy Kinkirk.

Dude... Dude, your
wife can't play softball.


But this is a husband
and wife team,

so we should give her a chance.

Not when we're undefeated.

You can't do this.

I'm the coach.

You still can't do this.

Why? Because she stinks!

Kev-Kevin, my wife stinks, too.

That's why we leave
our wives at home.


But there's other
women on the team.

Yeah, women cops, not wives.

Then this isn't a husband
and wife team, is it?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

And I don't care.

Kevin, all we care
about is winning.

Right, guys?! Yeah!

That's not right.

Neither is putting
your wife on first base.


Hey! (cheering)

Sorry I'm late.

I decided to spend a little time

at the batting cages warming up.

You're playing first base.


It means a lot to me,
your letting me play a base.

(stifled laughter)


I'm your coach.

There's no kissing in softball.


Okay, no kissing
and... first base.

I got it covered, coach.

I'm going to be the best first
base player you've ever seen.

(indistinct shouting)

All right, let's play ball!

♪ If your head keeps spinnin'
'cause someone else is winnin' ♪

♪ And you're lost in
a game of chance ♪

♪ Where every time you
make a little decision ♪

♪ It's like nuclear fission ♪

♪ Life explodes
right in your lap ♪

♪ Now's the time to
stop, look around ♪

♪ Get both feet on the ground ♪

♪ Dig the view, take
your foot off the gas ♪

♪ You're moving way too fast ♪

♪ You don't need to
worry, slow down ♪

♪ Hey, what's the hurry? ♪

♪ Take your time,
baby, just relax ♪

♪ Well, don't look back,
forget about tomorrow ♪

♪ Right now is where it's at ♪

♪ And don't you know
that you are right on track ♪

♪ Your time is only borrowed
and you know wherever you are ♪

♪ Is where it's at ♪

♪ Is where it's at ♪

Strike one!

♪ Now, if you take confusion,
turns dreams into illusion... ♪

Bring it home! Bring
it home! Come on!

♪ Caught in a race, but
you can leave the cage... ♪

Strike two!

♪ Just sit and be right in it ♪

♪ 'Cause today
is a beautiful day ♪

Strike three! You're out!

♪ Now's the time to
stop, look around ♪

♪ Get both feet on the ground ♪

♪ Dig the view, take
your foot off the gas ♪

♪ You're moving way too fast ♪

♪ You don't need to
worry, slow down ♪

♪ Hey, what's the hurry? ♪

♪ Take your time,
baby, just relax... ♪

Hi. I think I left my bank
card in my jacket pocket.

How'd it go at the rehab center?

It went well.


Um, the kids want to
go to the Promenade.

They want to see the new
animated movie, if it's okay.

Yeah, that's fine.


Uh... there's a letter
for you on the desk.


I did something very stupid.

I said something to Chandler,

something that
might scare him away.

Hi, Sam. Hi, David.

Sit down, over here.
Well, what did you say?

Chandler and I are having
our first official date tonight,

and I told him that Peter

would be spending
the night at your house.


So it was like I was telling him

that Peter wouldn't be there
when we get home from our date.

Oh. Yeah, I did not mean it

the way it sounded,

like it was some sort of
invitation or something.

Well, um, why didn't
you straighten that out

when you were talking to him?

Well, the kids
came in and, oh...

I don't know, he
left and they left.

Are you sure it
wasn't an invitation?

No, of course not.

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

Can you wait
outside with the dogs?

This will only take a second.

Is there an Alfred
who works here?

Yeah, I'm Alfred.

Well, then this is for you.

Do I know you?


Oh. Did I win a contest?

You seem a little young

to be a process server.

I really don't
know what's inside.

This guy, Nick, just asked
me to deliver it to you.


I should have known.

Known what?

You go back and tell Nick,

nice try, but it's
not going to work.

Although I have to say,

using a kid is a nice touch.

I don't understand.

I don't want to see him...

talk to him or read
any letter he wrote.

Nick is my father

if you could call a drunk

who spent his whole life
abandoning his family a father.


Oh, hi.

I'm so happy to see you.

Do you want to stay for dinner?

It's meat loaf,
it's not roast beef,

but I know how much
you love my meat loaf.

I lied to you.

You don't like meat loaf.

No, not about the meat loaf.

I didn't have to work today.

I had a date
today and last night

with a guy I really like.

A guy named Martin.

Oh, Martin!

The new guy from
across the street.

I didn't tell you because
I didn't want to upset you.

Oh, no, no, I'm not upset.

I just don't want
you to be upset.

You've already been
upset enough this year.

No, I'm not upset.
I'm-I'm happy for you.

I'm happy you're moving on.


Yeah. I like Martin.
He's a nice guy.

He's younger than I am.

Almost two years.

That's okay. He's still nice.

And he's new, so he doesn't
know anything about me,

and I don't know
anything about him, and...

Does he know you
went out with Simon?

Lucy told him.

Well, as long as he knows.

You don't want to
hide that from him.

Of course not.

So, you're really okay?


You staying for dinner?

No. She has a
date with, you know,

Martin from across the street.

Oh. I didn't know.

I'd better get going.

Thanks again.

What's wrong?

Now that she's
dating someone else,

for the first time, it...

it feels like Simon
is really gone.

I need to talk to you... alone.

I'll check on the twins.

Is everything okay?

Oh, yeah.

We're just missing Simon.

What's up?

I think you might
be right after all.


Maybe I'm not ready

to work at the rehab center.

(phone ringing)

(clears throat)



Hey, you running late?

Ah, not exactly.

Um, I can't believe
I'm doing this,

but, uh...

I have to cancel our date.

There's this...

I have to take
care of something.

It's personal,
and it can't wait.

I'm so sorry.

Is this because of
what I said today?

What did you say?

This is because you think

that I invited you
to stay here tonight.

You did what?!

Never mind.

No, no, no, no. Wait. No, no.

We-We should talk about it.

Yeah. Yeah, but unfortunately,

you just cancelled our date.

Good-bye, Chandler.


(click, dial tone) Hmm.

How did everything go
at the rehab center today?


You don't feel like talking?

Where's Cecilia?

She left to go out on a date.

Oh, I get it. Get what?

Well, Cecilia's not here,
so you have time for me.


Oh, come on.

Cecilia is always here.

You're always with her.

Or talking with her or
doing things with her.

She helps me with Sam and David.

She helps me around the house.

She helps me, you know,
cook dinner and clean up,

but she's not
always here, and...

Well, did you ever
think that maybe

I want like to help you
take care of Sam and David?

Or I want to help you
around the house?

Or cook or clean for you?

They're my brothers.

It's my house.

I'm your daughter, not Cecilia.

(door slams)

KEVIN: Luce. Come on.

How long are you
going to be angry at me?

It's not my fault.

I'm the coach.

I have to do what's
best for the team.

Please? I feel
bad enough as it is.

You feel bad? You?

I'm the one who was humiliated.

That's not my fault.

I told you not to play,
but you insisted, and...

You took me out of the game
and made me sit on the bench.

I had to.

No, you didn't.

You should have let
me finish the game.

But you stink.

(scoffs) Oh, come
on. You know you do.

I don't want to hurt you,

but I also don't
want to hurt the team.

Those guys have
played hard all season.

If I'd left you in,
we would have lost.

It's a game.

A game.

And everyone who shows up

and wants to play
should get to play.

That's what
sports are all about.


That's not what
sports are all about.

Sports are about winning.

There are more important
things in life besides winning.

It's softball.

It's not a metaphor for life.

It's just what it is, softball.

And if winning
is so unimportant,

why do you want
to play softball?

Why do you care so much
about being part of the team?

I don't want to be on your team.

You and your team are
just a big bunch of cheaters!

I had some time to talk

to some of the
wives on the team.

You know, when I was
sitting on the bench.

And they told me
they're not married.

At least not to
anyone on the team.

They're just women

who've been playing
softball all their lives.

And that's why you always win.





You look nice.


I'm glad you called.

I got your letter.

I love you.

I still love you.

I think I'll always love you.

I, uh... I don't want
to do this here.

Let's go back to my place.



(knocking on door)

What's wrong?

Cecilia broke up with me.

What?! Why?

Uh, never mind.

I'm sorry.

Are you sure this
isn't what you wanted?

What I wanted?

You sure you didn't want Cecilia

to be free to get
back with Simon?

You sure you want to do this?


I tried to deliver that
letter you gave me.


Your son wouldn't take it.


I had a feeling.

Well, I took a shot.

No, you didn't take a shot.

You had me take a shot.

That wasn't very nice.

No. I know.

I was just a little desperate.

I didn't mean
to lie to you, kid.

So, why didn't you
tell me the truth?


Because I like you.

I like you, too.

Peter, look,

if I told you the
truth about me,

about my past,

what kind of father I was,
what kind of husband I was,

you see, I don't think you would
have liked me so much anymore.

My dad had a drinking problem.

Actually, it wasn't the
drinking he had a problem with.

It was the staying sober.

He hurt my mom and me a
lot, but especially my mom.

Because no matter
how hard things got,

she always tried
to make it work.

Mostly for me so I could grow
up having a mother and a father.

Do you miss your dad?

No. I miss not having
a father sometimes,

but I don't miss my dad.

I don't know what
you want me to do.

It's your letter. You
should deliver it.

Peter, my son won't
even talk to me.

But you still have to try.

You owe it to him to try.

When my dad finally left,

I was relieved.

Things had been so
bad for such a long time.

But he left in the
middle of the night,

and he didn't even
give me a chance

to tell him what
I thought of him.

I deserve the chance,

even if he didn't
want to hear it.

Well, it's...


It's just those darned steps.

You see, it's the program,
steps to sobriety.

AA, Alcoholics Anonymous.

You see, I've been down
this road quite a few times.

This is not the first
rehab center I've been in.


it's the first time I've tried to
make it through all steps,


I always get stuck on
steps eight and nine.

"Made a list of all
persons we had harmed

and became willing to
make amends to them all."

And that's followed
by the equally difficult,

"Made direct amends
to such people

"wherever possible,
except when to do so,

would injure them or others."


All you can do is try.

If you try and Alfred
turns you away,

at least you tried.

But it has to be your trying,

not me, not someone else.

No one else can do this for you.

And I don't know if
this means anything,

but my dad never tried.

When he left that was it,

he was gone, and I
haven't seen him since.




you're okay.

So are you.

So, I know you're
gonna do the right thing.

Would you get the boys
ready and meet me downstairs?

Isn't Cecilia coming over so
she can go to church with us?

Yes. Well,

doesn't she usually
get the boys ready?

Well, sometimes,
but today I'd like you

to get your two brothers ready.

Is there a problem?


Not at all.

Aren't we gonna talk?

You don't want to
talk about yesterday?


Once you have the boys ready
and Martin and Cecilia get here.

I'll see you downstairs.

I'll meet you at church.

I have something to do
with Peter beforehand.

Are you okay?

I will be.

(clears throat)

What are you doing here?

Peter let me in.

You should leave.

I don't want to leave.

Well maybe I want you to leave.

No, not maybe... definitely.


This can't all be from my
breaking our date last night.

Which I'm here to apologize for.

You're still wearing the same
clothes you had on last night.

What you didn't have time
to go home and change

after spending the
night with Roxanne?

Don't try to deny it.

I saw you

last night at the
Promenade with Roxanne.

I saw you kiss her.


You saw her kiss me.

What's the difference?

There's a big difference.

I've heard it all before.

All the lies and the deception.

And I thought
you were different.

Now I know you're not,
I just want you to leave.



When have I lied to you?

Okay I did break
our date last night

so I could see Roxanne.

Just leave, please.

Just let me tell you
what's going on.

Then if you still
want me to go, I will.

Roxanne wrote me this letter.

She thought she was
still in love with me.

It's a pretty
interesting letter.

Look, I know that I was wrong

to break our date last night.

But Roxanne and
I are still friends.

And last night she needed me.

Are you two back together?


Look, I'm not in
love with Roxanne.

And she's not in love with me.

Roxanne and I are
not right for each other.

She just needed me
to remind her of that.

To remind her that...

that we both need to move on.

What about us?

Well, I think that we should
at least get to know each other

before we move on.

I can still leave...

if you want me to.

Do you want me to?

(keys clinking)

(clears throat)

Are we interrupting?

I'm gonna ride to the church
with Reverend Camden.

Yeah. Are you okay
with what we're gonna do?

Yes, I think it's a good idea.

I'll see you both at church.


We have something
else to talk about.

Ah, the invitation.

I left my car keys.

I-I know that when you told me

that Peter was gonna spend
the night over at the Camdens',

you didn't mean
it as an invitation

for me to spend
the night with you.

That's why when you
said it, I-I just let it go.

I mean, you didn't
mean it how it sounded.

Did you?


I... I don't know.



No, definitely not. No.


What's going on?

Take a seat.

Um, I wanted to talk
to you all together,

because I think there
have been some pretty big

misunderstandings going around.

Don't break up with Martin.

I overheard you and
Reverend Camden talking.

I didn't overhear.

Actually listened
in on the two of you.

It's okay. We're used to it.

ANNIE: But I did mean
everything that I said.

Your dating someone
other than Simon

does make it seem
like Simon's really gone.

But you know what?

Simon is gone.

You and Simon broke up.

It's over.

But we still like
spending time with you.

I like spending time
with you guys, too.

Well, you're welcome
here anytime.

But only if you promise...

to live your life the
way you want to live it

and not the way you
think I want you to live it.

I'm sorry.

I have been spending
more time with Cecilia

and less with you.

I have been leaning on Cecilia

without ever giving
you the chance

to pitch in and help
with your own family.

It's a big mistake
and I'm really glad

that you finally brought
it to my attention.

If you want to date Cecilia...

date Cecilia.

But treat her well

because as far as I'm
concerned, she's family.

And you treat him well,

because he's our
neighbor, and a nice guy.

Well, if that's it for everyone,

let's go to church.

I'm sorry, too.

For how you spoke to me?

For that, and for
not speaking to you.

I was upset.


I'm not upset.

Just sorry.

That makes two of us.

I'm glad the Camdens
know about us.

So am I.


You were right, I was wrong.

This is a husband
and wife league.

And if we don't use our
wives, we are cheaters.

I called all the wives and
invited them to join the league.

Most said yes.

And what did the
rest of the guys

on the team think about that?

Some of them quit.

A lot stayed.


Now will you tell me

why being a part
of the softball team

is so important to you?

My whole life...

Grade school, middle
school, high school...

During PE I was always
forced to play sports

I didn't want to play.

But the truth was,

it wasn't the playing
that I didn't like,

it was always being picked last.

Do you know what it
feels like to be the loser?

I hadn't felt like that in
a long time, and then...

I didn't force you
to play softball.

I didn't even ask.

The only thing worse
than being picked last

is not being asked at all.

Do you want to play on my team?

No. Thank you.

I don't know how you
got my son to show up.

Well, one, he works here.

And, two,

he's very angry but
he wants to talk to you.

And you have to let him talk.

Even if it's hard to listen.

That's the first step
for the two of you

to start a new relationship.


here goes nothing.



I-I didn't know about your dad.

About his drinking problem.

Well, I guess I figured
that if I couldn't help my dad,

maybe I could help
somebody else's dad.

It won't be easy for them.

Yeah, but they both showed up.


Sometimes just showing
up is the hardest part.


I think our work here is done.

Let's go to church.
