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01x08 - Visit to the Doctor/Go to Sleep

Posted: 02/13/22 20:04
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be

♪ Guess we'll just wait

♪ And see ♪

[dog barks]

[instrumental music]

Punky: Please, Henry.

Come on, Punky, hit the hay.

You've gotta get some sleep

if you're gonna grow up
big and tall.

I'm willing to stay short
for one more day.


[band music]

Gotta get your beauty rest,
young lady.

Don't you wanna be beautiful?

In my age, I can get by
with just being cute.

Do you have an answer
for everything?

Let me stay up
and we can find out.

I let stay up to watch

"Silver Spoons"
and "Knight Rider."

Isn't that enough?

I wanna watch "Revenge
Of The Slime People."


Okay. We'll compromise.

How about "Newsbreak
With Connie And Chung?"


What's up, Henry? Why do you
keep checking your watch?

I'm just keeping track

of the amount of sleep
you're losing.

Now, lie back
and close your eyes.


- Henry.
- What?

I can't go to sleep,
I've got too much on my mind.

Maybe I'll fall asleep faster,
if you read me a story.



But a quick one.

[breathes deeply]

"The Happiest Fox
In The Forest."

"Once upon a time, there was
a little fox named Frankie,

who smiled and laughed
all the time."

"He was so full of good cheer

that all the other animals
called him

the happiest fox
in the forest."

"One day, Willie Wolf came
up to Frankie Fox and said

'Golly, Willie!'
goes Frankie."

You've gotta do
Willie's voice.

[imitating Willie]
"'Golly, Willie.'
goes Frankie."

"'How come you're so happy
all the time?'"

"And Frankie said

'Gee-whiz, Willy--'"

You've gotta do
Frankie's voice too.

[inhales deeply]

[imitating Frankie]
"Gee-whiz, Willy,

I just am, that's all."

"The end."

- Henry!
- What?

I'm still not sleepy.

Try counting sheep.

Here comes sheep number one.

Can you see him?

I see him.

He's approaching the fence.

He's jumping over the fence.

Can you picture him?

There he goes.
Oh, he's so graceful.

Here comes sheep number two.

And sheep number three.

And sheep number four.

Come on, now you do it.

Sheep number five.

Sheep number six.

Sheep number seven.

Sheep number eight.

Sheep number nine.


What's the matter?

Sheep number nine
crashed in the fence.

Oh, Henry, it was horrible.

You should've seen it.

Should I pretend to call
the farm ambulance?


Now I really can't
go to sleep.

Find a way.



[instrumental music]

Three minutes.


[music continues]



Good morning.

It's not morning.

It's not?

Son of a g*n.

You've been in bed two minutes.

I'm a speed sleeper.



It's not fair, Henry.

Why do I have to go to bed
at a certain hour

and you get to stay up
as late as you want?

Because I'm a grown-up.

And grown-ups
get to stay up late.


Because grown-ups
don't need as much sleep.



we got to bed early,
when we were children.

We got all that extra sleep.

Then, I'll make you deal.

I got to sleep late now

and I'll get the extra sleep

when I'm a grown-up.

I'll make you a deal.

Go to sleep now
and I'll let you

live to be a grown-up.

Henry, why is the phone
off the hook?

Oh, is it? Huh. Yes, so it is.

What's going on around here?

Always checkin' your watch.

The phone's off the hook.

Fresh popcorn...

You're up to something.

Level with me, Henry.

What is it?

Alright. I'll tell you.

There's a special program
on television tonight

and I want to see it.

Okay. I'll watch it with you.

No. It's a program
for adults only.

Must be cable.

Bed! Now!


Man on TV:
Coming up next...

Johann Strauss's
classic operetta

"Die Fledermaus."

Starring the incomparable
Alfredo Avino.

But first, public television
needs your support.

Call in your pledge right now,

and you'll receive
a free "Channel " tote bag.

Here to tell you how he uses
his tote bag is d*ck Cavett.

Wait, I wanna see
what he does with his tote bag.

You again?

Come on, Henry, why can't
I watch the opera with you?

Because I watch the opera alone.


It's one of my greatest joys
in life

and I share it with no one.

Even when I attend the opera,

I buy two extra seats...

so there would be no one
sitting next to me

to make inane comments

or try to borrow my program.

I watch the opera alone!

Okay. I can take a hint.

But you know, Henry

you're not alone anymore.

It would be nice if I could sit

in one of those empty seats.


Punky, where are you going?

To bed. I thought
our little talk was over.

Which just shows that you know
nothing about opera.

It's not over, my dear,
until a fat lady sings.

Come on, get over here.

I want to teach you
a few things.


[Henry chuckles]

Now, I told you

that I take
my opera seriously.

So, any foolishness out of you

and it's straight to bed.

I'll be serious,

cross my heart.


The title of this opera
is"Die Fledermaus."

Is Fledermaus a relative
of Mickey Mouse?

[Henry chuckles]

Fledermausmeans, the bat.


"The bat."

Is this gonna be scary?

No, hardly.

It's a light operetta.

Isn't that who you get
when you dial "O," an operator?


What's the music like?

Music, oh,
it's truly beautiful.

There's a wonderful duet
in "Act One."

- Would you like to learn it?
- I'll give it a shot.

[Henry chuckles]


This is my part.

[singing in foreign language]

And this is your part.

[singing in foreign language]

Are you sure you don't wanna
watch "Slime People?"

No, no.

Now we sing it together.


[indistinct singing]

Punky... let's just let
the fat lady do the singing.

- Right-eroo!
- Ah.

Man on TV: And now...

"Act One" of"Die Fledermaus."

[instrumental music on TV]

[singing on TV]

Alfredo's performance tonight
is a bit, uh...


I see you agree.

[clamoring on TV]

Female on TV: Run, Jerk!

It's the slime people!

[screaming on TV]

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ But you may be lonely
and then ♪

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be

♪ Guess we'll just wait

♪ And see ♪

[dog barks]

[instrumental music]

Cherie, how do you
spell illness?


And how do you spell
booster shot?

B-O-O-Z-T-O-R S-H-O-T.



Your red sweatshirt
ran all over my clothes.

I'm now the proud owner
of pink pants.

Henry, I told you,

you should've spent
those extra quarters

and wash those
loads separately.

I swear sometimes you're tighter
than bark on a tree.

[Henry scoffs]

What are you children up to?

Uh, it's homework.

Sort of like creative writing.

Hmm, excellent. Is it a play
or short story?

- A play.
- A short story.

Let's take a look
at this creative writing.

Yes, let's.

"Dear Nurse Williams,

I'm Punky Brewster's
foster father, honest, I am."

"Punky has never had any l-ness

and does not need
her booztor shott."

"Love and kisses,
Henry Warnimont."

Very creative, indeed.

"Dear Nurse Williams,

Cherie is fine."

"See you around."

"Betty Johnson."

Punky, I'd like
an explanation.

Well, uh, a school nurse
gave me a note

saying that I had to get
my booster shot.

And where is this note?

It might be in the garbage can.

What's it doing there?

The backstroke.

[Cherie laughs]

Did you get the same note,

Uh, I'm trying to remember.

Well, let's go upstairs

and find a way
to jog your memory.

Punky, if something happens
to me,

you can have my gerbil.

Punky, it was dishonest of you

to write that note
and sign my name.

I'm gonna have to ground you.


That'll make me miss
my booster shot.

Oh, you'll get your shot,
young lady.

Tomorrow, right after school.

[instrumental music]



Punky, what's the matter?

I had a nightmare.

Oh, dear.


Tell me what it was about.

I dreamt
I was in the doctor's office.

All of a sudden,

he started to give me
my shot in my arm.

But then,

the needle got bigger,

and bigger,

and bigger, and bigger

until it was the size
of a telephone pole.

Henry, I'm scared.


"The Joan of Arc"
of the third grade?

I know, it's hard to believe.

Usually, nothing scares me.

But the thought
of getting a needle

stuck through my arm

gives me chicken skin.

Yes, I know
what you mean, Punky.

But I think...

I may have a solution.

I want to show you something.

Something very special.

- A nickel.
- Henry: Oh-ho.

Well, it's not
just an ordinary nickel.

This is my magic nickel.


Is it really magic?

When I was about your age

and airplanes

was a new thing

I was frightened of flying

more than anything
in the world.

Well, one Christmas,

I had to fly
to Massachusetts

to visit my grandparents.

And my father knew
how scared I was.

So, he gave me this magic nickel

and told me, if I carried it
on the plane with me

all my fears would disappear,

as if by magic.

Wow. Did it work?


And ever since then,

whenever I've been afraid
of anything, anything at all

I've carried this magic nickel.

And whatever
I was afraid of...

didn't seem so any bad anymore.

Holy macanoli!

Tell you what.

If you promise
to be extremely careful

I'll let you borrow
this magic nickel

for your booster shot tomorrow.

I'll be super-duper careful.

Thanks, Henry.
[Henry chuckles]

You're welcome.

Sweet dreams.

I feel like the force
is with me.

[instrumental music]

Mister, you wanna lick
from my ice cream cone?

Young man, the spittle you've
deposited on that confection,

considerably decreases
it's desirability.


Could you come over here
a minute?

I need to ask you
some questions.

Nurse: Okay. Let's see.

- Jimmy Rogers.
- Ah. Good.

Come on, Jimmy!


I'll be right back, Punky.

I've just been the victim
of a lick and run.

Nurse, how soon can I go in
and get my shot?

Eager, aren't we?

Why are you so brave today?

Simple. I've got
my magic nickel.

You wanna see it?

More than anything.

Oh, grossaroo.
It's stuck to my gummy bears.

Is there anywhere
I can wash it off?

How about right over there
at the drinking fountain?

Oh, no!

What's the matter?

The magic nickel,
it fell down the drain.

Oh, this is terrible.

Well, I have a nickel
in my purse

if that'll do any good.

No, you don't understand.

There's only magic nickel
in the whole world.

I borrowed it for today.
It's a loaner.

Punky Brewster.
Time for you booster.

Listen, can I bring
the drinking fountain with me?

There we go.

Come on.


Did Punky go in
to get her shot?

Yes, she did.

Oh, that's my brave little girl.

Well, she wasn't very brave
a minute ago.

Why? What happened?

She lost
some kind of magic nickel.

She what?

She lost it?

It's silly, isn't it?

Children always wanna rely
on some magic,

something or other

to get through a tough time.

And then when they don't
have it anymore, they panic.

Oh, well, kids will be kids.


She lost it?

What amazes me,
is that I have seen parents

in this very room

encourage their children's
believe in magic.



Some parents will do anything

to avoid dealing with their
child's feelings directly.

Oh, how immature. How...

How short-sighted.

Where was she
when she lost that nickel?

In the drinking fountain.

Tell me something.

Why are adults so
uncomfortable with honesty?

Let's face it

uh, honesty is a dying art.

Well, I-- I need
a drink of water.

[instrumental music]

[sighs] Let's see...

"A three letter word

that rhymes with cat...

first letter is B."

Too tough.

Hi, Henry.

How did it go?

Great, the doctor said

I'm the bravest kid
he saw all day.

Oh, well done, Punky.
I'm proud of you.


Henry...sit down.

There's something
I've gotta tell you.

[Henry sighs]

Now, this is gonna be rough
on you. Very rough.

I lost your magic nickel.


You're not mad?

No, what's done...

is done.

The thing is,

I was still able to be
brave without it.

I decided to believe in myself

as much as I believe
in the magic nickel.

And presto zappo

I stopped being scared.

I don't need the magic nickel

and you don't need it either.

Well, maybe, you have
a point there.

Well...Punky, the doctor told me
you were very brave.

Thanks, and guess what,

Henry wasn't mad

when I told him
I lost his magic nick...

What do you say,
we go for ice cream?

- Bye!
- Nurse: Bye-bye.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]