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01x15 - Henry Falls in Love: Part 1

Posted: 02/14/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be
lonely and then ♪

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifted me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait

♪ And see ♪


[instrumental music]

Oops. Sorry.

Can I help you?

That depends.
Who might you be?

I might be Cyndi Lauper.

But I'm not.
I'm Punky Brewster.

May I help you?

One can but hope.

I have waiting in her limousine
at this very moment,

my employer, who is in urgent
need of a passport photograph.

Will you be able
to take one?

Not from this angle.
She'll have to come inside.

Working class humor.

Look at that limo.
Who do you suppose it could be?

Oh, probably some doddering old
dowager who'll expire

before her passport.

Good afternoon.

How very kind of you to take me
on such short no... tice.

- Maggie?
- Henry.

- Maggie.
- Henry.

- Snuggums!
- Boo-Boo!

- Snuggums?
- Boo-Boo?

- Hi.
- Oh.

This is my
foster daughter, Punky.

Punky, this is
Mrs. Margaret Mclerie.

- Hi, Punky.
- Hi.

It's a pleasure
to meet you.

Punky, Maggie and I were
high school sweethearts

way back in --

Oh, just, just say,
a-- a while ago.

Madam, may I remind
you that we're due

at the Van Floot reception
in less than an hour.

Don't rush me, Jeffries.

Honestly, you sound just
like my late husband.

Why is your husband late?
Did he break his watch?

No, dear. He passed away
several years ago.

Oh, sorry.

Maggie, if you'll take a seat,
we can get started.

[Maggie sighs]

Uh, Henry?
Did you ever marry?

Yes, I did.


His wife's late, too.

Oh. Oh.

Uh, let me adjust this light
on the background.

I want to bring out the blue
in your eyes.

I've been on the go all day.
I must look a fright, Boo-Boo.

You're as lovely as the first
day I met you, Snuggums.

I may be ill.

Ah. Hold it.

[camera clicks]

Now, flash your
fabulous smile.

Henry: Perfect.

Henry is the best photographer
in the whole world.

I doubt he's the best
photographer on the block.

I should have these developed
for you by tomorrow morning.

Oh, dear.
I need them today.

I'm leaving
for Europe tomorrow.


Well, for a dear friend,
I should have them ready

when we close at six.

No good, madam.
You'll be at the Van Floot's.

I know. I'll just pick them up
at your home on my way back.

- If that's alright.
- Well, that's fantastic.

And fine.

Here's our address.


Henry, I can't
thank you enough.

Oh, no thanks are necessary.

Hear, hear.
Shall we, madam?

Well, I'll see you around eight.
Bye-bye, Punky.


I like her. And you really like
her too, don't you?

What gives you that idea?

Ever since she's been here,

you've been holding
in your stomach.

Don't be silly.

Now run along into the dark room
and put these away for me.



Henry, you're gettin'
behind here.

There's a lot more
dishes to be done.

♪ There's lots more
dishes to be done ♪

♪ Oh those dishes we are drying
and my dear there's no denying ♪

♪ You're my heaven you're
my moon and you're my sun ♪

♪ But there's a lots more
dishes to be done ♪♪

Henry, what's with you?

What are you talking about?

Usually, when you dry dishes,
you look like this.

This is the first time
you've ever gone...

♪ There's a lots more
dishes to be done ♪♪

I guess I'm in a good mood.

Yeah, and I know why.

And her name is Maggie.

- Nonsense.
- Come on, Henry, admit it.

She pops your cork.

She used to pop my cork,

but that was
a long time ago.


[instrumental music]

What happened
with you and Maggie?

We were very much in love.

So much that I was going
to propose to her.

I took Maggie

to a romantic
candlelit dinner for two

at Luigi's Italian restaurant.

Did you ask her
to marry you?

I didn't get a chance.

Right after the antipasto...

w*r broke out.

- w*r?
- Yes, Pearl Harbor was bombed.


The next day I enlisted
in the navy

and then, eventually we lost
track of each other.

Well, Henry, you can start
all over again.

Pick up where you left off.

[chuckles] No, darling,
you don't understand.

We've both
changed too much.

Now, Maggie is a wealthy woman
of the world,

living a life of luxury,
and here I sit...

on the ugliest Afghan
I've ever seen in my life.

Look at this hovel!

The walls need paint.
The chairs are wrecked.

The dog on it
needs a bath!

What am I saying?

The woman's coming here
for pictures,

nothing more. Huh!

She couldn't care less
how this apartment looks.

[doorbell dings]

Don't just sit there. Clean!

[instrumental music]


act casual.

Please come in.

- Hi, Punky.
- Hi.

You look sensational.

Oh, I just scraped
the mud off.

Holy macanoly!
What a great coat.

Do you want to try it on?

I don't know.
How does it work?

Oh, you just
sling it on and go.

[instrumental music]

I'm gone.

[Maggie chuckles]

Maggie, here's your
passport photo.

- Oh.
- Deluxe matte. No charge.

Actually, Henry,

I may not be
needing this after all.


Oh, well, I see.

No, I don't.
You don't like it?

- Look, satin finish.
- It's very nice.

It's just that I may not be
going to Europe after all.

Somehow Chicago has never
seemed lovelier.

I like this picture.

I've also read in the paper
that Alfredo Annino

is opening inLa Boheme.

Henry, are you still
an opera buff?

It's too good
for a passport.

It should be enlarged
and hung in a gallery.

Uh, M-- Maggie,
excuse us for a second.


Punky: Henry, she wants you
to ask her to the opera.

Henry: She does?
Punky: Yes.

Henry: Oh!

Here's a thought. I've got
season tickets to the opera.

And perhaps you and...

I don't know... me?

We can go
and seeLa Boheme.

I'd love it.

You would?
That's wonderful.

Then we can make it, uh, uh...


Yes. A date.

Yes. A date.

Well, I hate to rush off,

but, uh, I have oodles

of travel plans to cancel.

Always very awkward
at the last moment, but...

-C'est la vie!
- La vie!

Henry, you're going on a date!


[instrumental music]

Okay, guys. Just set the bowls
on the table with the rest.

Punky, we've been helping
you collect

bottles for the last two hours.

I've got a question. Why?

Well, you know that
Henry and Maggie

have been dating
for over a month.

You mean, Snuggums and Boo-Boo?



Henry and Maggie
are in love.

Do you think they're
gonna get married?

I hope so. She's real nice.

- She's real friendly.
- She's got a limo.

See, if Henry and Maggie
get married,

then we'll be a family.

I'll have a dad and a mom.

And a limo.

All I have to do
is get Henry to ask her.

How are you gonna do that?

That's where you guys
and the bottles come in.

[instrumental music]

[Maggie laughing]

[doorbell dings]

[Italian accent] Welcome
to Luigi's Italian restaurant.

That's all the Italian I know.

Please come in.

Henry, look.
This is a lovely restaurant.

Oh, miss, I'm afraid
we don't have a reservation.

Do you have room for us?

Oh, let me check.
We're awfully busy tonight.

Oh, yes. I think I see
one open table.

Please follow me.

Thank you.

[Henry sighs]

Here are your menus. Your
waitress will be right with you.

[instrumental music]


"Veel Pajamas?"


I think that's meant to be
Veal Parmigiana, dear.

That sounds good.

And along with that I'll order
the Uncle and Auntie Pasto.

Hello, I'm your waitress,

May I take your order?

What do you recommend?

Punky Pizza
and Grape Kool-Aid.

Maggie: Ah.
- It's the best thing we make.

Actually, it's
the only thing we make.

What about the rest of the menu?

That's history.

You know, Henry,

I have a real taste
for Punky Pizza

and Grape Kool-Aid.

- Make that two.
- Great choice.

Hey, Luigi!
Make Punky Pizza for two!

Cherie: Coming right up!

- Can I pour your drinks?
- Oh, please do.

Hmm, uh... excellent.

Just the right hint of... grape.

Yes, and a good three
pounds of sugar.

Hi, I'm Chef Luigi,

and I hope you'll like
my Punky Pizzas.

Oh. They smell
absolutely wonderful.

It's a secret recipe.
Want to hear it?


First, you toast
the English muffin,

then you spray
Cheez Whiz on it,

then you add ketchup,
baloney, pickles,

olives, and my secret
ingredient, gum!

Don't let it get cold.

[instrumental music]



This is absolutely...

Mm. Never had
anything like it.

Well, enjoy your meal.

Come on, Cherie...
I mean, Luigi.

Oh, Henry, wasn't it thoughtful
of Punky and Cherie

to go to all that
trouble for us?


Yes, it was.
They're good kids.

How about a toast?

Here's to Luigi's
Punky Pizza...

and us.

[violin screeching]

Excuse me.

Excuse me!

Excuse me!


What on earth are you doing?

I'm Zoltan,
the Gypsy violinist.

For cents,
I play you a song.

Here's a dollar.
Get out.

Gee, thanks, Mr. Warnimont.

[instrumental music]

Thanks for your help, Cherie.

I think Henry
is on his own from here.

You're welcome.

You know,
these are really good!


I'm going to bed.
I'm bushed.

- The meal's on the house.
- Thank you.

Here, you may need this.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight, Punky.

[Henry chuckles]

A ring.

Subtlety has never been
Punky's strong suit.

I think she's wonderful.

Thank you. So do I.

I told her about our
last night together at Luigi's.

I guess she wanted
to recreate it for us.

But... why did she
bring you a ring?

Well... the truth is

I was going to propose
to you that night.

You were?

Henry: Yes.

In fact, I still remember
the speech I had prepared.

I'd love to hear it.

Snuggums, I know our parents
think of us

as just two crazy kids,

but I knew you were
the woman for me

as soon as I saw you
in Latin Club.

I figure, with my summer job

and your tips
at Roller Burger,

we could make a go of it...

if we lived over
your folks' garage.

What I'm trying to say is...

Margaret, I love you.

Will you marry me?

Yes, Henry. I will.

You mean then or now?

Are you asking me now?

Yes, I'm asking you now.

Will you marry me?

I will.

Oh, Henry, we have so much
lost time to make up for.

You're right. We must set
the date as soon as possible.

Yes. This spring.

We can honeymoon in Europe.

We'll take
the Concord to Paris,

and ride the Orient Express
to Istanbul.

That's wonderful.

Wait a minute.
We can't go in the spring.

Punky's still in school.

We'll have
to wait till summer.

No, I have
the perfect solution.

I know a marvelous boarding
school in Switzerland.

Maggie: Schule de Gstaad.

My niece is enrolled there.
She adores it.

Henry: Boarding school?
Absolutely not.

I want Punky with me.

Maggie: Oh, we can see her
on all the holidays.

Henry: Forget it.

Henry, she'll have the best
education possible.

And we'll be able to travel
around the world

and spend some time
by ourselves.

Let's face it, we're at an age
where it's difficult to keep up

with an eight-year-old.
We could use a little help.


I'd love
to see the world with you.

It would be
a dream come true.

But I am Punky's foster father.

I took the responsibility
for raising her.

And as long as she's here,
that's exactly

what I'm going to do.

Even if it means
losing you.

[instrumental music]

Well, Brandon,
looks like it's time for us

to hit the road again.

Nothing should stop Henry
and Maggie from getting married.

Last time
it was Pearl Harbor.

This time it won't
be Punky Brewster.

[melancholic music]

Maggie: Henry, I only want
what's best for Punky.

I want to give her
a life of quality.

Henry: She has a quality life
right here. With me.

Maggie: I understand that.

Henry: But then you also
must understand

that I'm won't ship her off
to some boarding school.

Punky and I are
staying together.

[music continues]

[theme music]