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02x21 - Changes: Part 5

Posted: 02/15/22 06:21
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪

Punky: So far
on "Punky Brewster..."

[siren blaring] What?

I'll be right there.

Henry, what's the matter?

That fire truck was for me.
My studio's on fire.


[indistinct chatter on radio]

Everything is ruined.


With the studio gone,
we ran out of money.

Henry worried so much,
he got a bleeding ulcer.

I am herewith
removing Punky Brewster

from your custody.

Where will I live?

- Fenster Hall.
- No!

[indistinct chatter]

While I was in Fenster,

Mr. Chillings decided
to find me new foster parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Buckworth,
this is Punky Brewster.

The Buckworths are really rich.

[instrumental music]


I just...

I guess I don't know how to act.


Two weeks later, Henry finally
got home from the hospital.

I miss you, Punky.

I dropped in
during my riding lesson.

Oh, Henry.

All I want is to come back
home with you.

That settles it.

If I have to go to the supreme
court, I'll get you back.

And when I do,

nothing, nothing will ever come
between us.


And now the conclusion
of Changes.

Punky, there's a horse
in the living room.

Uh, this is Foxfire.
Foxfire, this is Henry.

Uh, pleased to meet you.

[clears throat]
Why is he in the living room?

I guess he missed me.

Uh, we've become
such good friends

that he gets lonely
when I'm gone too long.

I think it's time for Foxfire
to hit the happy trail.

No problem. I'll just have
to take him around the couch.


You know,
Foxfire is real talented.

Wanna see how high he can jump?

No! Uh, uh, I'll take
your word for it.

Well, now I want you
to go downstairs

and wait for me outside.

And don't slide down
the banister.

You know, Foxfire kind of
reminds me of Brandon

when he was a puppy.

Except a horse is a lot harder
to potty-train.

Punky, are you
absolutely certain

you want to come back
here with me?


That would mean
no more tennis courts,

no more swimming pools,

no more Foxfire.

No more nannies,
no more butlers,

no more tutors.

Just you, me and Brandon,
the way it should be.

The way it should be. Oh.

Help! Somebody, help me!

Touch me and you're gruel.

Uh, Mr. Green?
Mr. Green?

Oh, Mr. Warnimont.
Sorry, I'm late.

No need to apologize,
Mr. Vice President, sir.

Oh, just call me Oliver.

Almost everyone at the bank
is a vice president anyway.

[laughs] That's very funny.

- What's so funny about it?
- Absolutely nothing.

Let me show you the space
I intend to lease.

As you can see,
it's a perfect location.

Hm, I don't know, Warnimont.

Do you really think
that a photography studio

could be successful here?

Okay, look this way.


What are you doing here?

- We're helpin' you.
- Oh.

Gee, I wish there was a, uh--

A place.

Oh, yeah.

I wish there was a place
around here

to develop our film.

Uh, say, mister, is there
a photo studio in this mall?

Gee, I don't know.

Well, there should be.
It would make a killin'.

I'd open up one myself
if I get a loan from a bank.


Sorry to interrupt, stranger.

Nice to have friends, isn't it?


Oliver, why don't we
just step inside

and I'll show you
what I have in mind?


Back here, I'll put all the
one-hour developing equipment.

- Mm-hmm.
- Hi, Bernie. Corned beef?

This whole side
is where I'll be sh**ting.

And not just traditional photos.

- Fun photos.
- Fun photos?

Yes, I'll have costumes
and backdrops.

Customers can be photographed
as, uh, Jesse James or Superman.

Hm, what about Conan?

Good idea.

As a matter of fact, you'd make
a magnificent Conan.

[chuckles] Well, I must admit

you're not the first person
to tell me that.

[clears throat]
Now, uh, just what

size loan are we talking about?

Oh, just enough to cover the
first six months of my lease.

After that,
business should be booming.

Fine. I had my secretary run
a little credit check on you.

Let's see. Ah, here it is.

I can't imagine
there being any problem.



Mr. Warnimont,
you have no credit history.

It's blank.
Don't you owe any money?

Not a cent, never have.

I always pay in full, in cash.


Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Warnimont.

Without a credit history,
I can't give you a loan.

Are you saying
I can't borrow money

because I've never
borrowed money?

That's right.

Look, here's what you do.

Get yourself a credit card
and charge it to the limit.

Then go to a department store
and put a microwave on layaway.

Then go right out
and finance a nice El Dorado.

Take seven, eight years
to pay it off.

Then when you're in hock up to
your eyeballs, come back to us.

We'll be happy to give you
all the money you need.

Here's my card.
Have a nice day.

I've got to get this loan.

If I don't,
I'll never get Punky back.

Punky? Punk...

The cute little girl, pigtails,
different colored tennis shoes?

- Yes, you know her?
- As a matter of fact, I do.

She came to see me
for a loan once.

[chuckles] $ , .

She qualify?

You know,
I've never forgotten her.

I was always touched by her
concern for her foster father.

Well, that must be you.

Yes, she's the most
important thing in my life.

Please, please,
you've got to help me.

I'm sorry, my bank will not
allow me to give you the money.

I see.

But, uh... [clears throat]

would you accept a loan
from me personally?


Well, I'm always looking
for a good investment

and you're a responsible man
with a sound business idea.

Oliver, I'm touched.

You hear
about cold-blooded bankers,

but you are a warm,
caring human being.

In a pig's eye.

I expect to double my money.

- Capisce?
- Capisce.

We have a deal?

We have a deal. [chuckles]

Excuse me. I need to find
a place to get a passport photo.

Uh, can you help me, stranger?

Oh, relax, young man,
he's got the money.

Alright, Henry. Yeah!


- Cuthbert.
- Yes, ma'am.

What is that orange object?

I believe it is a yo-yo, ma'am.

- Remove it at once.
- Yes, ma'am.

And tell Punky
that if she doesn't learn

to put her things away,
I'll have them destroyed.


- Good evening, Tiffany.
- Jules, you're late.

I'm sorry, dearest.

Punky took me
on the most wonderful outing.

Guess where we went.

I'd rather not.

To a park!

Did you wash your hands?

Tiffany, let's build
our own park on the back lawn.

You know, as a sort of surprise
for Punky.

Oh, forget it, Jules. I've got
an even better surprise for her.

Where is the little darling?

Punky: Clear the runway!

Tiffany: Freeze.

We do not bounce into a room.

We walk with grace and poise.

Remember yourself.

I remember, I'm Punky.

May I take your hopping machine?

Sure, Cuthbert.

And it's a pogo stick.

Jules, Henry just gave me
some great news.

That's wonderful.

Sit down, Punky.

I have some
wonderful news myself.

- You do?
- Yes.

I've just purchased
the most darling little castle

on the French Riviera.

How nice, Tiffany. It'll make
a lovely summer home.

Oh, it's not just a summer home.

We're moving there permanently.

Jules, did she say
what I think she said?

Yes, we're moving to Europe.

We leave in four days.

It doesn't give us
much time to pack.

Or say goodbye or anything.

Everyone you need to say goodbye
to is going with you.

You know, I don't speak French.

Maybe I should stay here and
take lessons for a few years.

The subject is closed.
Now let's eat.

Something wrong
with your salad, dear?

Tiffany, I think
she's feeling a little uneasy

about making such a big move.

Is that it, Punky?

Kind of.

Oh, pish-tosh.

But, dearest, Europe does seem

like a strange and faraway land
when you're a little person.

I understand, Jules,
but you'll be with me.

You've no need to be afraid.

Thank you, dear.

Still, a move like this will be
a big adjustment for all of us.

Right, Punky?

What's wrong with you people?

We're going to indulge ourselves
in a luxurious lifestyle

in one of the world's
most beautiful settings.

Let's be thrilled!

Cuthbert, does living in Europe
sound like a dream come true

or have I completely
lost my mind?

Yes, ma'am.

There you have it,
Cuthbert agrees.

We're going.

Excuse me,
but may I say something?

Of course, you can, Punky.
Go ahead.

First of all, I think
it was real nice of you guys

to become my foster parents.

And there's a lot of other kids
who need good homes.

And y-- you have
one of the goodest homes

in the whole world and--

Punky, there's no need
for you to thank us.

No, let her finish, Jules.

It's about time
she showed some appreciation.

Go ahead, my dear. What else
did you want to say?

I wanna go back with Henry.


I'm sorry,
but I'll never be a Buckworth.

I'm more of a Warnimont
kind of girl.

But, Punky, it isn't possible

for you to be
with Mr. Warnimont.

It is now.
That's why he called.

He got a loan and he's opening
up a new studio.

Well, good for him.

And good for me too.

You see,
now I can go back with him.

That is,
if it's okay with you guys.

Well, Tiffany, what do you say?

Absolutely not.

Please, Mrs. Buckworth.

Me and Henry love each other.

We wanna be together.

Oh, spare me
the histrionics, Punky.

No one forced you to come here.

You made your own choice
and it's a choice

you're going
to have to live with.

- I only came here because--
- I don't care why you came.

You're here now
and you belong to me!

[chuckles] Remember you are now

one of the wealthiest children
in the country.

But I don't want your money.

Oh, no, no.
It's more than money.

It's position. It's power.

And it's also a responsibility.

From now on,
you are to conduct yourself

in the well-bred manner that
bespeaks your station in life.

You will behave
as I instruct you.

Say what I tell you to say.

- Do what I--
- That's enough.

- I beg your pardon?
- Sit down and be quiet.

- Jules, I was--
- Sit!

I'm experiencing deja vu.

That speech
you just made to Punky

is the very same speech
you made to me

on our wedding night.

For years, I have enjoyed
this charade of a marriage.

For years,
I have let you bully me.

For years,
it's been yes, Tiffany,

fine, Tiffany,
whatever you say, Tiffany.

Well, listen to this.

No, Tiffany.
Forget it, Tiffany--

- Jules, I was--
- Put a sock in it, Tiffany!


[sighs] I have allowed you
to browbeat me

into a life
of privileged misery,

but I will not allow you
to do the same thing

to this little girl.

Jules, the only thing
you have ever contributed

to our marriage
is your respectable family name.

You have absolutely no money
of your own.

If you don't apologize to me
this instant,

I will cut you off
without a penny.

Tiffany, your cutting off days
are over.

I'm leaving you.

I'll have our attorney
contact... our attorney.

Leave me
and you'll have nothing.

Oh, there's where you're wrong.

I'll have the one thing
I haven't had for years.

My self-respect.

Punky, there's a lesson
to be learned in this.

Money can buy things,
but not people.

There's only one way
you can belong to someone...

and that's in your heart.

Yes, sir.

Come on, short stuff.

Let's get you back
to where you belong.

Yes, sir.

[doorbell rings]

Come in.

- Mr. Warnimont.
- Yes.

I'm Jules Buckworth.

Somehow, sir,
a very special little girl

ended up in the wrong home

and it is now my very great
pleasure to bring her back...

where she belongs.

Hi, Henry.

Hello, Punky.

Welcome home.


- Here you are.
- Thank you.

And thank you for comin'
to Warnimonts.

Uh, tell me something, did your
husband take those pictures?

No, I'm not married.

Oh, well, uh,
here's your change.

- Thank you.
- And here's my phone number.

Ooh, I love this store.


[telephone rings]

- Warnimonts.
- Fulton?

- Chillings?
- What are you doing there?

Well, I'm fillin' in for Henry

until he and Punky
get back from court.

You see,
today is the day they get

their official adoption decree.

I know that.

I was calling to offer them
my congratulations.

Congratulations? [scoffs]

Hey, man, you're the guy
that tried to keep 'em apart.

Well, it might interest you
to know that I've submitted

my resignation to the Department
of Children and Family Services.

You've resigned?

What a shame.

Well, I just realized
I wasn't suited for that job.

That position needs someone
with flexibility,

someone with compassion,

someone who can stand
the sight of children.

Well, what are you gonna do now?

Fortunately, my personal life
has taken a turn for the better.

- Really?
- Yes.

I have found a special someone.

She's perfect for me and...

someday I hope
I'll be perfect for her.

- Simon, luncheon's served.
- Yes, dear.

I'm gonna have to get off
the phone.

- Now, Simon.
- Yes, dear.

So long.

Yes, dear?

That Simon.

- We did it, Mike. We did it!
- Alright! Yay!

- We are officially adopted.
- Way to go, guys.

It was the most beautiful
adoption proceedings

I've ever seen.

I wished I had a picture
of you two right now.

Ah, my good woman,
you're at Warnimonts.

If it's pictures you want,
pictures you'll get.

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smilin' again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait
and see ♪♪

[theme music]