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05x06 - Fonsillectomy

Posted: 02/15/22 13:59
by bunniefuu
♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ The weekend comes,
my cycle hums ♪

♪ Ready to race to you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days

♪ These days are ours ♪

- I Share them with me I
- S Oh, baby a'

♪ Good-bye, gray sky,
hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can hold me
when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rocking and rolling
all week long ♪

(organ solo plays
over rhythmic handclaps)

♪ Sunday, Monday, happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday,
happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday, happy days ♪

♪ Saturday, what a day ♪

♪ Groovin' all week with you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Share them with me ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days

♪ These days are ours ♪

- I Happy and free I
- S Oh, baby a'

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are yours ♪

♪ And mine, Happy Days!

Happy Days is filmed
before a studio audience.

What a shame.

Arthur's gonna miss the
Halloween party and everything.

Get this prescription filled,

have him take two every day.

Will they help?

They'll relieve the pain, uh,

until the operation takes place.

(Marion gasps)

Well, how much time
has he got left?

Uh... before the operation?

Mr. Cunningham,
there's no more time.

He's got to go
into the hospital tomorrow.

I hope you understand.

Well, thanks
for coming, Doctor.

I'll see about
getting him a bed.

A bed? Yeah, a bed.

He could use a bed.

Oh, Howard, you're so strong
in a time of crisis.

Well, you get that way in the
hardware business, Marion.

Gee, why so serious?

Yeah, what's
the big deal about a guy

getting his tonsils yanked out?

Shh! He's sleeping.

I'm not going to the hospital.

And I'm not
having my tonsils out.

Look, Fonzie, I know
what you're going through.

I had my tonsils removed
just three years ago.

Yeah, those were the two
quietest weeks of my life.

Now, look, this is the third
att*ck you've had this month.

You have got to go
to the hospital.

Fonz, Joanie and I had

our tonsils taken out years ago.

- Yeah. -My throat's just
starting to feel better.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Just a little sickroom
levity, you know.

Now is not the time to go...

I can't talk anymore.

Oh, he lost his voice.

Well, that settles it--
he has definitely got to go in.

Howard is right, Arthur.

-"Good night, Mrs. C."
-"Good night, Mrs. C."

-"Mr. C."
-"Good night, Mr. C," yeah.

-"See you, Shortcake."
- Gee.

-(mouths words)
- He says

- He's not going to the hospital.
-he's not going to the hospital.

Oh, yes, you are!

Let's get one thing straight:

The doctor says that you
have to have those tonsils out

and that's exactly
what's gonna happen,

if I have to
take 'em out myself.

Now, you may not
care about yourself,

but we care about you.

So there is no
Halloween party for you.

Tomorrow you go
to the hospital,

and that's final,



WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Curtis. Dr. Curtis.

Well, Fonzie,
this was the only bed available.

Look, it's-it's a cute room.

- Heyyy.
- Oh, yeah, sorry.

Well, look at the
bright side, Fonz.

Your inflammation is down,
your voice is normal.

This is normal?

Well, no...

I mean, what is this,
the junior prom?

Fonz, everybody wears those.

It's a sterile gown.

I don't care who designed 'em!

No, see, that means
I-it's germ-free.

- I knew that.
- Oh.

Now, do we have our bathrobe?

No, we don't have our bathrobe.

I got one, it's home.

Well, you can wear
your little leather one.

Now, where are
your little slippers?

With our robe.

Well, then, you'll just

have to keep
your booties on.

No, no, n ,

no one takes my clothes--
get out of here.

Fonz... what about the time

that Sally was up
in your apartment...

All right, all right,
all right, all right.

Hey, uh...

when's the main event?

We'll take your tonsils out
first thing in the morning.

Yeah, they're gonna do us all.

If you need anything,
you ring that buzzer.

But only if you
really need me.

Good-bye, kiddies.

- Bye. -Bye.
- Bye.

You know, I don't
understand something.

I like to sleep late,
you know Cunningham?

Why do they always
have operations

so early in the morning?

You know,
that's interesting.



just the other day,
in my psychology class,

the professor was saying that
most people can't do anything

until : in the morning.

Look, Fonz, I'm sorry
that you got to be stuck here

on Halloween, but...
that's just the way it goes.

Look, you're gonna
have a lot of visitors.

I'll see you myself.

Bye, kids.


Who's gonna visit me here?

Bozo the Clown?

Hey, we're alone.

Let's play!


Hey, kid,

I'm gonna play taps

with that horn pretty soon.

(bell dings twice)

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Ward...

Hey, mister, you want
to finger paint?

Uh, no, I don't want
to finger paint, I mean,

I might have to scratch my nose.

I'll scratch it for you.

(boys imitating planes
whooshing, crashing)

Fonz, I brought you a gift.

Your Halloween costume.

My Lone Ranger mask.

♪ Da-dum, da-dum... ♪
I can't wear that.

Lone Ranger don't have
his tonsils yanked.

You want me
to sh**t 'em out, Kemo Sabe?

(imitating roaring engine)

(imitating buzzing airplanes)

Why are you so bugged?

Because these kids

are driving me nutso.

Oh, drop it, Fonz.

He}! guys, guys, come here.

Do me a favor:

Give the old-timer a break.

Cool it for a while, all right?

- Yeah, sure.
- All right.


It worked.

Besides, they understood cool.

Well, I gotta make my rounds.

I'll see you later, Fonz.

Yeah, take it easy.

Dr. Durshlag?
Dr. Durshlag?

Yes, nurse'?

You're not a doctor.

No, but you should
see me operate.

Wah, wah, wah.

BOY: Hey, we can
play tiddlywinks.

The Fonz does not
play tiddlywinks.

But on the box it says,
"For kids from six to ."

I'll bet he doesn't want to play
'cause he's stinky at it.

Hey, hey, hey,
I'll show you a tiddle.

I call blue.

I go first. Hah!

All right, all right,

all right, look,
it's all in the thumb.

Now, I'll show you some
action here. (chuckles)

Are you kidding me?
This tiddle will fly.

All right, look,
the wind took it!

There must be a draft in here.

Here we go.

Oh, give me that back.

Give me that back.
Here we go.

(braying laughter)

Hey, Pots, the Fonz
is playing tiddlywinks.

(stuttering laugh)

I'll tiddle your wink, Malph.

RALPH: Tiddle my wink.

Now, uh, listen, we'll play
later, kids, all right?

- Oh, come on! -Come on!
- Hey, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.

I promise we'll play later.

Get over here.

-(Ralph chuckles)
- BOY: Okay, Fonz.

Now, what are you guys
doing here?

Ain't this off
your, uh, trick-or-treat rack?

Yeah, we came to see you.

How do you like
our costumes, Fonz?


I Still got it.

You still got it.

The thunder of hoof beats,

a cloud of dust,
and a hearty Hi-ho...

How could you, Malph?

You pulled the mask
off the Lone Ranger.

-(kids groan) -Hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, it's all right,

he's not the real
Lone Ranger, I am.

And don't you forget it, Malph.

Aw, but you're not even
gonna be at the party, Fonz.

And let me tell you
something, little Ralph.

This town ain't big enough
for two masked men.

You just go grow a beard
and go as "Gabby" Hayes.

Right, Fonz.

I got a whole drawer
full of them.

Children, Jingles the Clown
is in the sunroom

and he wants you
to come down right now

-and have a Jingles good time.
- BOY: All right.

- GIRL: Yay!
- NURSE: Come on, hurry.

We don't want to miss him.


Aren't you coming, Arthur?

He's got Tinkertoys.


Pots, forget the Tinkertoys.

It's party time.

Oh, yeah, party time.

Oh, oh, Fonz,
it's a little party.

You're not going to miss
anything good, really.

Yeah, we never
make out that well, Fonz.

Yeah, that's a good reason
for you not to go,

now give me a good reason
why I shouldn't go.

Gosh, I tell you something,
what a waste.

You're gonna have a great time
dancing and everything.

Sophia's gonna be there
all by herself.

Oh, not for long, Fonz.

There'll be
plenty of guys there...

Pot... Pots, Pots...

RALPH (chuckling nervously):

Fonz, you see, he means there's
gonna be plenty of guys who...

who'll bring her punch, make
sure that she's having a good--

No, Fonz, I mean there's gonna
be plenty of guys

-that are gonna come up to her--
- Pots, Pots, Pots!

Little devil.
Come on, little devil.

- We'll be late.
- Yeah.

Pots, where you going?

The elevator's down here.

I wanted to look at
some of the Tinkertoys.

- Will you come on?
- Hey, you're bending my fork.


(bell dings)

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Hines. Dr. Hines.

I don't have to worry.

I know that Sophia
is very loyal to her masked man.

(humming the
"William Tell Overture")

How can they have
a Halloween party

without the Lone Ranger?

That was a great idea,

borrowing these costumes from

the college theater department
for the Halloween party.

Thanks, Dad. I love mine.

En garde!

Take that, you swine.

Hah! You fight like a chair.


Oh. Wearing armor, huh?

Well, I'm all set, Cyrano.

King Henry VIII
has his turkey leg.

(doorbell rings)

The king will answer the door.

Hi, mister.

Well, young lady, if you're
looking for a pajama party,

you've come to the wrong house.

Trick or treat.

You go trick-or-treating
in pajamas?

This is a costume.

I'm dressed
as a middle-class housewife.


Well, how about it?

Do I get a treat,
or do you get a trick?

Well, that's a nice costume.

I think you do deserve a treat.

- Let's...
- I'll take this. Thanks.

No! Wait!

Did you see...?
She took my turkey leg!

Now how am I gonna
be King Henry?

Well, I-l guess you'll
just have to be...

King Kong. (laughs)

I don't need jokes, Cyrano,
I need a turkey leg.

Okay, why... why don't you check
in the refrigerator, Dad.

L-I think I saw something in
there wrapped in aluminum foil.

Everything in there is wrapped
in aluminum foil.

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

Who's the fairest of them all?

Joanie, you look beautiful.

Oh, you look great, too, Dad,

except your pillow
is a little crooked.

I'm not wearing a pillow.

Better watch it, Snow White,

or you'll be sent up
to your dungeon.


I'm really gonna be hot
at the party tonight.

Who are you?

I'm your brother.

Sizzling, sizzling hot.

No, no, I'm Cyrano de Bergerac.

Can't you see the no...

Oh, I forgot the nose.
All right, I'll be right back.

-(doorbell rings)
- Get that, Snow White.


(evil laughter)

- Guess who.
-(Joanie chuckles)

Hi, Al.

Oh, you guessed me.

I should've worn
my Shirley Temple outfit.

Where's Chachi?

- He's right outside.
- Oh.

You know, he's Fonzie's cousin.

- He likes to make an entrance.
- Oh...

Okay, Chach!

♪ Ta-da! ♪

Ah, Snow White,
you're a vision of loveliness.

You and me, later.

Well, well,
the eighth dwarf-- Pushy.

No, I'm Prince Charming.

(car horn honks)

Wait a second!

We're going
with Jenny Piccalo's folks.

Oh, I can hardly wait
to see her costume.

She's going dressed
as Lady Godiva.

Lady Godiva.

Wah, wah, wah.

This way, Snow White.

No way, Prince Squirt.

Richard, there is no turkey leg
in there, just meatloaf!

Now, what king carries meatloaf?


Hi, Al.

Hey, you recognized me.

I know what-- it's the shoes.

You recognized the shoes, right?

My king.

Anne Boleyn, my lovely queen.

Oh, sire, you're so romantic.



Well, what do you think?

Huh? You like it?

- It looks nice. (chuckles)
- Oh, thanks.

Rich... tonight...

try not to stand
next to me, okay?

Well, look, as soon as Fonzie's
girl comes, we can leave, huh?

Oh, Ralph called.

He's so sweet.

He volunteered to pick her up
and bring her to the party.

Oh, yeah, volunteered.

So sweet. (chuckles)

All right then, let's go.
Come on.

That's right, it's me.

Let's not make
a federal case out of it, huh?

I'm here.
Where's Sophia?

Hi, Al.

That does it.

I'm going home
and change my shoes.

Arthur, what are you doing here?

You're sick, Fonz.

You've got no clothes
under your coat.

- You were at the hospital...
- Look, I am not going back

to the hospital,
I'm going to the party.

I'll go back tomorrow morning,
first thing.

You are going back
to the hospital tonight.

(doorbell rings)

There they are now.

The doctor came for you.

You brought it on yourself!

Oh, what cute children.

You're dressed
as little hospital patients.

Mom, they are
little hospital patients.

They're from Fonzie's room.

Stool pigeon.

Will you get over here?

Hey, Fonz.

How did you
and why are you here?

They must've followed you.

How'd you get out
of the hospital?

It was easy.

They're on strike.

We snuck.

Let me ask you a question.

How can you run around like this
at nighttime?

You know, you could get sick.

We're already sick.

Oh, that's great.

I'm surrounded
by wise-guy munchkins.

Well, I hope you're happy now.

You sure set some example.

Now, we got to get these kids
back to the hospital.

- Richie, you bring Fonzie back.
- Right.

Come on, children, off to the
hospital-- now, bundle up.

Some Halloween!

Let's go, everybody!

How come the guy with the pillow
is so grumpy?

I am not wearing a pillow!

But you are
a little grumpy, dear.

Well, why shouldn't I be grumpy?

I got to take three kids back
to the hospital,

a ten-year-old housewife
took my turkey leg

and, Marion, these tights
are strangling me.

You really did it tonight, Fonz.

A mass breakout.

Come on. I'll take you back
to the hospital.

I'm not going back
to the hospital.

Now, just lay off.
I don't feel so hot anyway.

I'm gonna wait here for Sophia.

Ralph took her.

Well, then,
I'm gonna un-take her.

No, now, wait,
I want to say something.

Fonz, I just want
to tell you something, okay?

Make it fast.

Now, listen, you-you're sick.

Do you know you could lose
your voice permanently?

Now, I want you to think
about that, Fonz.

Because how would you look

It is Halloween.

I don't want to be in bed,
cooped up, sick.

Well, you have no say
in the matter.

You can't control
when you're sick.

You can get mumps
on your birthday,

you can get measles
on Thanksgiving

or y-you could get, uh...

I know--
and tonsils on Halloween.

That's right.
That's the way life is.

But why on Halloween?

You're right, Cunningham.

Take me back to the hospital.

Happy Halloween.

It's not my fault.

Fonz, boy, are you a drag.

Hey, look, I mean,
this is our Halloween.

You know, there's not much
we can do about it.

You know, you can't choose
when you're gonna be sick.

That's easy for you to say.

This is probably
your th Halloween!


Yeah, it's only the third one
I can remember.

All right, all right,
I don't know what to do.

I mean, I'm not used
to being with, you know,

people your height.

Boy, are you a drag.

I am not a drag!

Now, uh,
why the long faces, huh?

I mean, we should be happy here,
have some fun.

All right, everybody,
off your beds.

Grab your bags,
get your masks on, let's go.

We're going trick-or-treating.

You can't trick-or-treat
in the hospital.

Let me tell you something,
Russell, where there's a door,

there's a trick or treat.

Now, just put your mask on,
you ninny-- let's go.

We're gonna go to
the X-ray room, we're gonna go

to the doctors' room,
we're going to patients' rooms,

we're gonna go
to the nurses' room...

Boy, that was neat, Fonz.

Yeah, best
trick-or-treat stuff ever.


cotton balls...

Look at this, an ah-stick.


Poor Fonzie, all you got
is nurses' telephone numbers.

Oh, yeah, that's my tough luck.

But I'll tell you something,
the evening is young, you know.

I mean, you can't have a
Halloween without a ghost story.

- You want to be scared?
- KIDS: Yeah!

All right, we'll all meet
on Allison's bed. Let's go.

Let's go. Here we go.

Up there, up there.

All right, now listen up.

to the Lone Ghost Story Teller.

- I love ghost stories.
- RUSSELL: Yeah, me, too.

All right, because this is
a very scary story.

And here we go.

Once upon a time...

They all start that way.

What are you, a wise guy?

Once upon a midnight dreary...


Once upon a midnight dreary,

there were three little kidlets,

and their names
just happened to be,

Patrick, Russell and Allison.

And they were stuck
in the woods.

And all of a sudden...

(imitating a rainstorm)

...a rainstorm started,

and the trees were dripping
with wet.

And I want to tell you
that in the distance

they saw this dark, eerie
abandoned house.

And Patrick said,
"Hey, let's go over there

to that dark, eerie
abandoned house."

And they did.

They ran through the mud
and the slush.

And they got up
to that house and they walked up

the crickety porch,

and they opened up
the creaky door...

(imitates creaking door)

...and a bat flew out!

And then, all of a sudden,
they heard this strange noise.


"if this log rolls over,

"we'll drown.

We'll drown."

I want to tell you,
they shook in their boots.

It was pitch dark.

(kids gasp)

And they started
to walk up the staircase.

At the end of the staircase
was this room.

And they opened up the door.

(imitates creaking door)

And all of a sudden,
they heard the sound again.


(grumbly voice):
"if this log rolls over,

"we'll drown.

"If this log rolls over,

we'll drown."

Well, I want to tell you,

Patrick took out his flashlight,

and he looked across the room,

and he saw a sink
filled up with water.

And he looked in the middle
of that sink,

and standing there,
on a floating toothpick,

was this little ant.

And that ant was talking
to his friend,

another little ant, and he said,

"Help! Help!

"If this log rolls over,
we'll drown!

We'll drown!"

Hey, what's the matter here?

- That was neat, Fonzie.
- Yeah?

Look at that.
The boys are scared stiff.


Nah, we're just cold.


All right, that's our Halloween.

Now get over there,
go to your beds.

Thanks for
a nice Halloween, Fonz.

Yeah, you, too.

Fonz, you're not a drag.


An ant on a toothpick?

Get over there.

Have a nice operation, Fonz.

Well, you have a nice operation
your little self, huh?

- I'm glad you were sick with me.
- Mm.

All right.

Everybody in their beds?
Get in there.

All right.

Nurses station?

All right, I'll see, uh,
Ellen, Barbara...

At : , I'll have Debbie come
in here for a massage.

That Fonzie.

Uh, in case you forgot,

this is room , the Fonz.


Oh, Marion, that dinner
was just delicious.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Arthur must be all better.

He ate everything on his plate.

I'll tell you something,
Mrs. C., I feel terrific.

What is for dessert?

Everybody's favorite...

- Lemon tart! -Chocolate cake!
- Strawberry shortcake?

Chocolate sundae!

-...pumpkin pie!
-(everyone groaning)

We've been having pumpkin
all week.

Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies,
pumpkin ice cream,

pumpkin pudding...
I've had pumpkin up to here.

I've had so many pumpkins,

I feel like I should put
a candle in my mouth.

How was I to know that the prize
for best costume

was pumpkins?

Oh, Howard,
drink your pumpkin juice.

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These are such happy days! ♪

♪ Good-bye, gray sky,
hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothing can hold me
when I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right,
it can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rockin' and rollin'
all week long ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

- ♪ Happy and free ♪
- ♪ Oh, happy days

♪ These days are ours ♪

- I Share them with me I
- S Oh, baby a'

♪ These happy days
are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days are
yours and mine, Happy Days! ♪