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08x03 - Growin' Pains

Posted: 02/16/22 06:53
by bunniefuu

Careful, you'll
cut off your nose
to spite your face.

Excuse me.


I can't make
this part right.

Yeah, well come
around here, james.

Come on. I'll help
you with it.

All right.

can you help me?

In a minute, carrie.
Let me just finish
with james here.

Hold still,


Honey, is
something burning?

The biscuits!


Breakfast is served.

James, albert,
carrie, come on,
sit down.


Here. I can't
part this.

Just a second, mom.
Be right there.


Gosh. It'd be so much fun
to shave like you and pa.

Nah. Not really.

Especially when
you cut yourself.

Pretty soon
I can shave.

Here. Mama
called you.
Give it to me.

I won't hurt it!

This razor was
a present from pa.

Don't want anything
to happen to it.

Charles: boys,
come on now!

Bow our heads.

We thank you, lord,
for last night's rain.

We thank you for this food.

Please bless our family
and protect us.

All: amen.


who that is.



'Morning, charles.

I hope you had

Unless you like
burned biscuits.

Well, no. I had breakfast
with laura. Thanks.

I didn't figure
to see you until
I got to the mill.

Well, I have this, uh,
delivery for you.


A chest
of drawers?
What for?

Mrs. Oleson said
caroline wanted it.

Want to come on in
and have some coffee
while I finish?

No. I had
too many cups already.
I'll untie the chest.

All right,
I'll be right out.



Bye. Bye.

Big surprise.
There's a dresser
in the wagon outside.

Oh, good.
It was free.

Well, I think the least
you could have done was
tell me about it.

Oh, charles,
I'm sorry.

It's just that
when mrs. Oleson asked
me if we could use it,

I just said yes.

Well, there isn't
any room for it.

I--i'm tripping over
things in here as it is.

Well, charles,
james and cassandra

Need some place
to keep their clothes.

Why can't they share
space with carrie
and albert?

There's no since in ironing
if I'm gonna jam everything
into 2 drawers.

Where are we gonna
put it?

In our room,
where the trunk is.

And what are we gonna do
with the trunk?

In the barn.

Charles, you don't really
need it in the house.

Caroline, I have leather
in that trunk that I use
of making harness

For repairing things--

It's not just
for their clothes.

It's so they'll have
a sense of belonging--

Something all their own.

Almanzo: charles!

All right.
I'll help him unload
the dresser.

Thank you.

Next thing I know,
I'll be sleeping
in the barn.

Charles ingalls.

Don't say that,
even as a joke.

Yes, ma'am.

All right,
let's get it inside.

I don't know
how do you do it, charles.

What's that?

5 young'uns.

The more there is,
the easier it gets.


Sure. If you
believe that,

I've got a bridge
I want to sell you.

Do you think mrs. Wilder

Is going to give us
a test today?

Huh? Do you...
Think she will?

That's what she said.

I didn't
read mine.

You think I'll
get in trouble?

Huh? Do you?

I get so nervous

When people
get mad at me.

Do you get
nervous? Do ya?

James, will you
please be quiet?

I really have to read this.

Can I be
on your team
for recess?

I won't make an out.

[bell rings]

Oh, no!
Late again!



You're awfully busy
out there.

I don't think
anybody eats at home

You're too good
a cook.

Why aren't you at school?

Recess. I have
to talk to you.

Oh, what about?

Well, it's not
as your daughter.

It's as your
children's teacher.

They do something?

They were late twice
last week and now today.

Laura, I'm sorry.

I do try.

It's just that I remember
you and mary seemed

So much easier
to get ready.

I don't know.
Could be I'm just
getting older.

my steak ready?
I'm in a hurry.

Coming right up!

Excuse me.

I have to go.
Recess is almost

All right, laura,
I'll try to get them
there on time.

It's just that
we're still getting used
to there being so many of us.

I know, ma.

I mean,
mrs. Ingalls.

All right,
mrs. Wilder.

See you later.

I'm talking to you
as your big sister.
Not your teacher.

Ma and pa
have a lot to do.

With 5 of you,
there's more
dirty dishes,

More clothes
to wash,

More questions
to answer.

What I'm trying
to say is,

They're going
to need your help.

You have to do more
for yourselves.

All right?




As your teacher...

If you're late again,
it's extra homework.

Class dismissed.

Hey, albert,
are you gonna pick me
for your team

Since I hit that homer?

Hi. Sorry I'm late.
I thought you forgot.

Oh, no. My sister
just wanted to talk to us.

Maybe we can
go riding.

I ran around
those bases so fast!
Didn't i, albert?

Albert, does he
have to come?

Uh, james,
why don't you walk

Carrie and
cassandra home, huh?

I want
to be with you.

James, you don't have
to go everywhere I do.

Now go on home.

I'll be
real quiet.

He's such a pest.
Come on, albert.

I'll see you
when I get home, ok?

I'll see you.

Ho ho ho!

Get off, girl!
Get off!

Back up!

Get off!

Oh, my.

Let's put your
things in the
2 bottom drawers

So they'll be
easier to reach.

Thank you!

Ha ha!
You're welcome.

James, you want
to help us put things
in the drawers?

Got an answer?


Correct. Write it down.
Very good.

James, we're going
to put your things
in the 2 top drawers.

Oh, you don't
have to.

Don't be silly.
They're your drawers.

You want to help?
Well, come on.

Very good.

Hey, albert,
soon as you're
finished in there,

Give me a hand
with this trunk.

I got to take it
out to the barn.
I'm done.

Ok. Let's do it
right now,
get it over with.

There you go.

There. You swing around.

Just stick it on top
of that barrel.

It's as good a place
as any for now.

So heavy!


james was awful
quiet at supper.

Do you know
if anything's
bothering him?

It's probably me.



What do you mean?

Well, I went over
to jenny soapes' house

To fix her mare's halter.

She didn't want
james to come.

Did you tell her
if james wasn't

You weren't
in helping her?


Pa, I should be able
to go somewhere without
james tagging along.

I know, but...

You got to remember,
this is an uncertain time
for james right now.

Still trying to get
used to our family,

Trying to see
where he fits in.

I know, but--

Hey, now, you remember
how you felt

When you first
came to live with us?


Right. So I think you
know how james feels.

Yeah. I guess I do.

I think I better
apologize to him.

That's my boy.

Why don't you do it
right now?

Ha ha ha!

There you are.

James, breakfast.

James: coming.

where's my razor?

Have you seen it, pa?

Isn't it in there?

No. Ma, do you know
where my razor is?

I don't know
where it is.
Come on. Sit down.

Have you seen my razor?

James: no.

James, albert,
please sit down.

What am I
going to do?

After breakfast,
you can use my razor.

Come on. Eat these eggs
while they're hot.

Something happened
to it. It didn't
just disappear.

Well, I'm sure
you'll find it.
Here. Have some eggs.

I haven't
said grace yet.

Put your fork down.

Can we fold our hands
and bow our heads, please?

Dear lord, thank you
for this food you've
placed before us.

Thank you for
all your love and gifts
of health to our family.

May we be worthy, lord.

How do they feel?


All right.
That's $13.88 with tax.

Are you sure
it's that much?


That's right.
$13.88 it is.

Mmm. Figures
are my business.

Yeah, well,
mrs. Oleson,

I've only got, uh...

I've only got $10.32.

Caroline, do you have
any more money with you?

Charles, I gave
you all I had
the day before.

I had no idea shoes were
going to cost so much.

They've really gone up.

Well, let's see.

That's a dollar,
25, 50...

Still not enough,

Well, for a little
interest fee,

We can carry you.



Charles, could
I speak to you
for a moment?

Sure. Excuse us.

I do not want to pay
that woman interest.

I know, but what
are we going to do?

Just look at them.

Cassandra: do they
fit comfortably?

Carrie: pretty.
Aren't they,

I can't tell one
of them they have to
give the shoes back.

We have to.

All right. Which one?

His cost the most.

If we don't get his,
we can pay for
all the rest.

He won't mind.

It's only
for a few days,

Till mr. Dobbs
pays you.

All right.

All right.
Let's pay mrs. Oleson.

I'll talk to albert.


Yeah, pa?

I'm running a little
short of cash today.

Mind waiting a few
days for the shoes?

Oh, no.
No, that's all right.

I'm really sorry.
It'll just be
a few days.

No, it's all right.
I understand.

Good boy.

The way I figure it,

Mr. Dobbs will owe me
$122 when I make that
delivery tomorrow.

we ought to be able
to put some aside.

Well, part
of it's almanzo's.

My new shoes.

You will get your
new shoes, albert.
I won't forget.

We can still
put some away.

Hey, albert,
I found your razor.


Yeah. I moved
the wood box
a little,

And there it was.


What'd I tell you?
I knew it would turn up.

I thought it was
gone for sure.

I'm sorry for thinking
you took it, james.

I just didn't...

This isn't mine.

What are you
talking about?

Of course
it's your razor.

No, it isn't.

I had a bad nick
on the blade.

I had to be
careful of it.

Look for yourself.

This is
a brand-new razor.

Where'd you
get it, james?

James, I asked
you a question.

Where did you
get this razor?

I didn't mean it,

I broke albert's
razor by mistake.

I wanted
to make it right,


James, where did you
get this razor?

I want an answer now.

From the mercantile.

You stole it.

Get up to your room.
Get ready for bed.

Go on, now!

I knew he took it.

You're going
to get it now, james.

That's enough, albert.

But he broke my razor,
then he stole.

Aren't you going
to punish him?

I'm the parent here.
I'll decide who
gets punished.

Why don't you go
outside and cool off?

It's not fair.

I have to be

But nobody has
to understand me.

I have to go
without shoes,

I have to let
people break...

Why did you take albert's
razor in the first place?

I just wanted
to try shaving
like you and albert.

You know that razor
is special to albert.

He asked you not
to play with it.

But I just did it.

You just did it.

And then you stole.

James, let me
ask you something.

Have I ever beaten you

Or given you any reason
to be afraid of me?

No, sir.

Then why in the name
of heaven didn't you

Just come to me when
this happened and tell me?

I don't know.

If you'd have come to me,
you wouldn't have any
reason to steal, would you?

No, sir.

All right.
We'll take the razor back
into town tomorrow.

I'll decide what
your punishment will be.



I didn't mean it.

I'm sorry.

I think albert's
the one

You should be
telling you're
sorry to.

I will.

Get yourself
ready for bed.

Sorry about
the razor.

Sorry doesn't
fix my razor.

He shouldn't
have taken it.

Are you going
to punish him?

Whether I do or not is
my business, not yours.

I didn't think
you would.

It's always
the same thing.

"Poor james.
He's been through a lot.

You have to
understand him,
be nice to him."

He's part
of our family.

That isn't my fault.

Albert, you wanted
him to have

A home with us just
as much as I did.

I didn't know
it would be like this:

Taking my things,
hanging around me
all the time.

I wish he'd never
come to live with us
in the first place.

Charles: albert.

It's a good thing
laura and carrie
didn't feel that way

When you first
came to live with us.


I'm sorry.

I'm gonna save
and buy you a new one.

I don't want a new one.

I don't even want
to talk to you.

Just leave me alone,
will ya?


Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.
Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning,


Albert, where's
james and cassandra?

They were
right behind us.

Carrie, hold these.

what's wrong?

James ran away.

Ran away?

Yes. He just stopped
and hugged me tight

And said he had
to go away

And for me to be
a good girl.

He gave me this.

take this to pa.



where's my pa?

Albert, he left
for sleepy eye

With a load of lumber
about 20 minutes ago.

Anything I can do
to help you?

He sure is
in a hurry.

Yeah. Let's go.

"I don't deserve
to be in your family.

"I don't want to ruin it
for my sister,
so I have to leave.

Thanks for loving me.

I'd better
go after him.

Where will you look?

He follows me around
all the time.

I'll just look
where I go.

It's my fault
he ran off.

Let me try
to find him, ma.
He's my brother.

I'll check the house.

He might have gone
back for something.







Albert: james!


Hey, wait up!

Let me go!

I just want
to talk to you.

I'm not going back!

I'm not going
to make you.

I just want to know
why you ran away.

'Cause I don't
fit in,

I do bad things,

And it's just
too crowded.

Mr. Ingalls
knew it would be.

He's just
trying to be nice,

But I know he's
sorry that he
took us both in.

What about cassandra?

She'll be
all right.

She's got carrie.

They get along good.

It's just better
this way.

I'll see you.

Hey, hold on
a second.

You promised you wouldn't
make me go back.

I'm not. I was just
thinking is all.

You know,
with you gone,

It's going
to be nothing
but womenfolk:

Grace and
carrie and ma...

Your pa's there.

Well, yeah,
but he's working
all the time.

I'm going to be
up in that loft

With nothing
but womenfolk.

I'm going with you.

Albert, what are
you talking about?

I'm running away,

You can't do that.

Why not?

You did, and I'm
older than you.

Where do you think
we ought to head?

Uh...i don't know.
The city?

Get jobs there.

They ain't going
to give a kid a job.

Well, you lived
in the city.

How'd you make do?

Well, I shined shoes,

But stealing, mostly.


Sure. Look,
I got some hooks
and some line.

What do you say we
catch us some lunch

And figure out
where to head?

Sure. Sounds good.

Let's go.

James: what's
the city like?

Albert: it's not
like walnut grove.
That's for sure.

But like what?

Well, everybody's
always in a hurry.

You won't know
anybody there,

And nobody
wants to know you.

People never really
take the time to say hello

Or care about each other.

Why not?

Too busy.

Folks aren't nice
like ma and pa.

You probably won't even
find a place to sleep.

Where'd you sleep?

Sometimes alleys
or rubbish bins.

Now, that's
in the summer.

It's going to be
winter soon.

It's going to be cold.

But at least it won't
be crowded, huh?

That's for sure.

Say, it's the first
time in a long while

We've been
fishing together.

Yeah, I know.
That's my fault.

No, I understand.

You're older
than me, and you
want your privacy.

Well, we'll get plenty
of it in the city, huh?

Sleep in an alley,
one to a rubbish bin.

Do you want
to go back?

Well, I suppose we
can give it a try.

I didn't mean me.

I just meant you.

I'm not going back.


Well, if you're not,
I'm not either.

I'm glad.

Kind of exciting,
isn't it?

Us two on our own.

Yeah. Huh.
Real exciting.

[Thunder crashes]

Looks like we're going
to hit some rough weather.

Come on.

Maybe we can find
a place to stay dry.

Anything you say,

Come on.


Where are they?

I don't know.

I don't know.

They're gonna be
all right.

They are.

Just sit down here

And see if you can't
concentrate on
your homework.



I don't think it's ever
going to let up.

Just have
to wait it out.

We're going to catch
our death out in this.

How long have we
been out here?

Couple hours.

Hmm. Sure seems
like longer.

You know, I don't
like being out in
the woods at night.

We'll be all right.


Bet ma and pa
are worried sick.


You sure you don't
want to go back?


No. I'd really catch it
if I did.

No, you wouldn't!

I mean,
it's my fault anyway.

If there's any punishment,
I'd tell 'em to give it to me.

You'd do that for me?

Sure I would.

You'd do the same for me,
wouldn't ya?

Yeah, but...

All right.

But I've made up
my mind.

And I'm not going back.


Oh, charles.
What's wrong?

James has run away.
Run away?

Albert went after
them. Neither one
of them is back.

Something bad
must have happened.

Don't you worry, darling.
We'll find them.

Put some hot water on.
They're both going
to need it.


Bless you.

I'm cold,
and I'm getting wet.

Me, too.

We got to look
for a warmer place
to spend the night.

Well, how are we going
to find our way
in the dark?

You just stay
close to me.

Let's go.


Boy, it sure is
a weird house.

Yeah. I never
seen it before.

We must be way
out of our way.

Looks deserted.

It's open.

Come on. It'll be
warmer inside.

Maybe we can
start a fire.


Would you come on?

Do you think
it's haunted?


Come on.

It sure is creepy.


Here's a fireplace.

Let's find
something to burn.

Hey, there's some
old, empty crates.

We could bust them up.

Good idea.

Whatcha doing here?

Uh, we got
caught in the storm.

Well, lucky for you,
I don't have an itchy
trigger finger.

Other folks would
have plugged you.

We didn't know
anybody lived here.

Your door was open.

It was unlocked.
It wasn't open.

That's true.

Me and my brother
didn't mean no harm.



All right.

Well, don't just
stand there shivering.

There's wood in the box
behind the chair,

Matches on the mantel.

I'll see about getting
you some dry clothes.

Let's get that
fire started.

Caroline: you
couldn't find them.

No. They must have
taken shelter someplace.

Albert can take care
of himself.

No use my looking
any more tonight.

I'll start first thing
in the morning.

Well, can't say
as they fit you,

But they'll keep you
warm for the night.

Yours will be dry
in the morning.

Thank you, mister...

Horace tibbs.

And who might you be?

Albert ingalls.

James cooper.

Oh? I thought you said
you were brothers.

We are.

I see.

Well, what are
you boys doing out
in this storm, anyway?

We were
just fishing.

Running away
from home.

Well, which is it?

It's both,
I guess.


Now sit down.

Soup ought to be
good and hot.

Here we go.

Here's some for you...

And some for you.

There's salt
if'n you need it.

Oh, no.
It's real good.

It sure is.
I never tasted
soup like it.

It's an old recipe
of my wife's.

Not many folks making
muskrat soup no more.

Needs just
a touch more salt.

I'll get it.


Here. Throw some
of this in your cups.

Oh, no.
We already finished.

drank it down.

Well, have some more.
Got plenty.

We'll dig down
into that pot.

Got some good chunks
of rat meat down there.

No, thanks.

I had plenty.



So, you boys
are running away.

Yes, sir.

How come?

Well, mainly 'cause

It's just
too crowded
where we live.

Oh, I know what
crowded is.

This old house used
to be packed to the rafters.

A house this big?

Yep. Lookit.

You see there?

Quite a brood,
ain't it?

11 Young'uns.

Had 14 altogether,

But 3 died afore
they was a year.

Where are they?

My wife passed away
a few years back.

Young'uns all moved on.

I ain't seen
a one of them since '75.

Why not?

They got their
lives to manage.

Just too busy
to get back here.

That don't
seem right.

It's not their fault,

I never saw much
of my youngsters when
they was growing up.

I was kind of
like you, I guess.

Thought the house
was too crowded.

Wanted my privacy.

I'd go to
the gold fields,

Spend the winter

Didn't really take
the time to get
to know them.

When my wife was alive,
they'd come back, but...

Why don't you
go see them?

When folks stay apart
like we have,

You get to feel
like strangers.

Come on. I'll show you
where you bunk.

Here you go, son.

Extra covers in the closet
if you need them.

Thank you,
mr. Tibbs.

You're plenty welcome.

James, your room
is this way.

Come on, son.

Plenty of room
to stretch in here,
wouldn't you say?

James: sure is.

You sleep well.

Mr. Tibbs?


Is there a lamp?

Over there,

But I don't bother
keeping them filled
with oil.

Room's never used.

Too late for
reading, anyway.
Good night.

Good night.


Can't sleep, huh?


We should add on.


We should add on.

You know, we could
knock out that back wall.

Then the boys would have
a room, and the girls
could have the loft.

Oh, caroline,
we don't need
any more room.

Charles ingalls, just
day before yesterday,

You said that there
wasn't any room
in this house.

I was talking
about furniture,
not children.

Besides, it doesn't
make any difference

How big or small
a place is.

It's what happens
on the inside
that counts.

I know that.

They are
getting older.

All right.

All right. I'll
add on if that's
what you want.

I just pray to god
they're all right.

They are.

Believe me,
they are.


[Shutter banging]

Aah! Aah!


Albert! Albert!


Do you hear
that noise?

[Shutter banging]

It's a shutter
banging in the wind.

Oh. Can I sleep
in here with you?

Yeah. Come on.

Kind of funny,
ain't it?


All our talking

About it being
so crowded
at the house,

And the first time
we get a chance

To sleep in
our very own rooms,
what happens?

It is kind of funny.

You wouldn't be
scared if we were
home, would you?


It's kind of like
what mr. Tibbs
was talking about--

Thinking it
was so crowded,

Then missing it
when it wasn't.



Do you remember
what you were saying

About taking
all the blame
if we went back?


And you said
if there was
any punishment,

You'd take it?


Well, do you still
feel that way?


Do you want
to go back?

I sure do.

How about you?

I never really
wanted to leave
in the first place.

Let's leave
at first light.

Sounds good to me,
little brother.

Now, you get
some sleep.

I sure hope
there isn't
any punishment.


they're back.

James: hi!

You're all right.

You had us scared
to death, you know that?

oh! Oh!

James, what
in the world
got into you?

I just got
to feeling bad.

I know how crowded
the house is.

Well, it's not
going to be

Charles and I
talked it over.

We're going
to add on.

There's going
to be plenty
of room.

That's right.

You don't have
to do that.

It's fine
the way it is, really.

Isn't that right,

That's right,
little brother.

[Door closes]
cassandra: james!

James: hi. Hi.

I don't get it.

First it's too crowded,
then it's not too crowded.

Uh, it's
a long story, pa.

Can I tell you
over breakfast?

Sure you can.

Albert: thanks.

Charles: I'm glad
you're home.