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03x04 - The Deliverer

Posted: 02/16/22 07:37
by bunniefuu
Ares, we have to
talk about this cult.

Don't worry about it, Discord.
Things are well in hand.

Take a look at that--
it's a new kind of metal.

I'm thinking about giving
it to a chosen few.

Ah, the impatience of youth.

I admire you;
I really-- really do.

And I'll excuse it
for only so long.

The cult--
has been taken care of.

I put one of my best men on it--

he controls their temple.

And without that--
they're hardly a threat.

Best men--
you have a mortal handling this.

Not just any mortal--
this one is-- exceptional.

It's mortals that think this--
one god is so special.

Why don't you just destroy
the temple yourself--

and get it over with?!

Why don't you?

Are you willing to
go up against this god?

Is any on Olympus?

You are just lucky that
I have the resources

and the people
to do something about it.

No-- it has to be a mortal.

Do you handle everything so--


If I didn't know better--

I would think you were
talking about us.

And don't mistake
confident for casual.

I know full well
what could happen.

Everything we know--

everything we've done
to make this world a home--

could come to an end.

You have to have
a little faith in me.

Well, what is a mountain,

but just-- a--
a bunch of boulders-- right?

And, and--
what is a-- a rock--

but a large grain of sand?

And what is a
large grain of sand?

Y-you see my theory, here?


And that doesn't bother
you at all, does it?

What possible use is this
information to us-- huh?

Well, I haven't
the slightest idea, but--

well, hey, it gave
us something to

talk about since the
last town, right?

A town-- towns, which are
made up of houses--

which, after all,
are just large huts--

- which are made out of wood--
- Stop.

which are made out of trees,

and-- huh-- hang on--
trees are bigger than huts, so--

there goes that theory.

You can be so frustrating,

- Hey-- don't do that.
- Move it!

Pick up the pace!


Come on, you rebels!

Don't be late for your--


Who are those men?

From the way they're dressed,

I'd say they're from the
island north of Gaul.

Come on.

Hold up!

You're a long way from Brittania.

We travel only
as far as criminals run.

We're taking these
men back for trial.

k*ll us here,
if you want.

My people will never
give in to Caesar.

Let these men go.

Any particular reason
why we should?

Yeah, a whole list of them.

Reason one.

Reason two.

Reason three.

I don't often get to reason four,

but when I do, it gets real messy!



What does Caesar
want with you?

He knows I'm recruiting mercenaries
to join Boadicea in Brittania.

Boadicea's fighting Caesar?

You know her?

Of course you know her;

you're like a who's
who of warriors.

What about Persuticus?

Dead-- Boadicea barely had
time to mourn her husband

when Caesar
began his invasion.

How many mercenaries
have you found?

Two hundred have already
set off for Brittania.

I paid these three to escort
me safely to northern Gaul.

You might consider a refund.

What's your name?

Crafstar-- first priest of the
temple of the one god.

Well, Crafstar--
put my name on your list.

I'm going with you
to help Boadicea--

and to destroy Caesar.

In a time of ancient gods...


...and kings...

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero...

She was Xena...

a mighty princess,
forged in the heat of battle...

...The power...

...The passion...

...The danger...

Her courage will
change the world...

[font color="#d "]The Deliverer[/font]

The harbor should be up
just beyond those trees.

Take a break;
I'll go check it out.

I'm not sure who hates
the Romans more-

Boadicea or your friend.

Xena doesn't hate the Romans--
just Caesar.

She had a run-in with
him a long time ago

and he, uh--
he betrayed her.


I'm glad she's on our side--
whatever the reason.

I just hope there's still time.

Caesar holds our temple.

I'm worried he might destroy it.

This one god of yours--
does he have a name?

Yes-- but we aren't
permitted to speak it.

Turn it around! Hold it down!
Clear the main anchor!

I'd be glad to tell you more.

That's OK-- the gods I know
are trouble enough.

Show yourself.
I know you're there. Ares.

You wanna move
this so we can talk?

Oh, I don't know.

I kind of like the
look of it there.

Still miffed about
the insanity thing, huh?

Oh, get over it

Even the Furies have
forgotten about it by now.

There's no real damage done.

You wanted me
to k*ll my mother.

No-- I wanted you to join me.

Why do you always look at
the effect, and ignore the goal?

Anyway, that's not why I'm here--

at least not to moan
about the past.

I am excited by your future!
Your near future.

You're going up
against Caesar, huh?

I am helping a friend.

Oh yeah-- sure, sure.

That must be great
for the masses,

but we really know, don't we?

You know, Caesar
and I-- talk, now and then.

But don't get jealous--
I don't always answer him.

He's got this temple.

I told him he should destroy it,
but he hasn't yet.

Sure must be important to him.

Caesar doesn't
care about temples.

If he has it, it's just
for strategic value.

Either way-- it'll really humiliate
him if you destroy it.

Go, Xena. Lead your army
to victory, and make me proud.

Easy does it, now.
g*ng way! To the left.

You all right?

Some people call us a cult.
I hate that.

But, I understand-- I mean,
the idea of one god--

it's a little far-fetched.

It's, it's-- it's hard for people
to believe in something that--

they can't see or touch
or-- or hear.

When was the last time
you saw love-- or friendship?

You see its effect.

You'll see the
effect of our god

when he brings his
kingdom to Earth.

I don't know.


I was just teaching Crafstar
how to avoid seasickness.

He was telling me
about his god--

It's-- it's very interesting.

I'm sure it is.

Hey-- what's up?

Does anything have to be up?

Xena, I think you have
mixed feelings about this.

I mean, you say you
wanna help a friend.

But you don't sound very
friendly towards her.

Boadicea and I were allies
a long time ago in Gaul.

You were allies?

In a sense.

She thought I was a friend,
and I just needed an army.

So I let her think
whatever she wanted to,

until I took control of her men.

You used her.

I ordered her k*lled.

But she escaped, and then
she and Persuticus joined forces.

They att*cked me--
but I defeated them--

and they retreated
north to Britannia.

So you see--

I'm not the only one
dealing with betrayal.


You better come up here.

Go ahead--
tell her what you told me.

Caesar has ordered that no
ships land on these shores.

You have until tomorrow
morning to go back to Gaul.

After that,
this vessel will be taken,

and all aboard
will be disciplined.

You tell Caesar that
we're not stupid

enough to go up
against his army.

As soon as I check the
wind up top, we'll set sail.

A wise decision.

I'll relay your message.

Do that.

I see the mercenaries have gone.

Yes, sir. They're headed north.

North?! Get the men! Now!

They've already come ashore.

Check the area for--


Stand firm. Prepare to fight


Boadicea! Caesar himself
will rest laurels on my head.

If you still have one.

Look out!

It's been a while, Xena.

You got my message?

Barely-- you need to
polish your sword.

Retreat! Back to town!

There's too many!


Come on, hurry! Keep going!

Don't stop! Let's go!

At least it's not a total loss.

Caesar might spare my life,
if-- I bring him prisoners.

Let me go!

There's food and water
in the back of the cave.

The hospital's there, too.

Take the wounded
and then get some rest.

I want you all on the
b*ttlefield by morning.

We should cut down those
trees before Caesar puts

This is my camp, Xena.
I'm in command here, not you.

Let's just get that
clear right now.

This isn't the past.

Then stop acting as if it is.
I'm here to help you.

No, you're not.

You're here because
Caesar is here--

because your hatred of him
won't allow you to be elsewhere.

And that's the only reason
we haven't crossed swords.

I know I can't defeat
him without you.

I'm sorry about Persuticus.

Easy does it. Careful, now.

I've got you. That's it.

You-- soldier,

what happened to that girl
that was brought in earlier?

What girl?

There's been nobody brought in.

No, that's impossible.
She came in with a young man.

He was the leader
of that temple.

Are you speaking of him?

Yes, him and the girl--
what happened to them?

I-- I don't know who the girl is--

but Crafstar went to Gaul
to find mercenaries.

I-- I was hoping
he'd be with you.

This is a much stronger position.

There's been a change in the--

You lied to me.

Gabrielle was never brought
back here, and you know it.

Yes, I was told.

But we had to get out of there,

and I knew you wouldn't leave.

I have to tell you something.

Do you want me--
to call the guard?

No, leave.

We found this near the river.

Caesar has them.

You go up there-- they'll die--

if they haven't already.

No. No, Caesar will know
that she's my friend.

He'll keep her alive
until he can figure out

how he can use her against me.



Sit on this.

No-- no, we'll sit.
No time for an attitude.

My god has taught me
that direct confrontation

is not always the right path.

Yeah, well Xena taught me that

if you let someone take
advantage of you, they will.

Besides, she's gonna
get us out of this.

Caesar has no idea what
he's gotten himself into.

Divide a woman's emotion
from her sensibilities--

and you have her.
Divide and conquer.

Abou-- about what I said--

It doesn't matter.
It has no bearing on your fate.

That was decided the moment
you entered my world.

And how is-- Xena?

She's fine?

You're a friend of Xena's.

She hardly knows me.

She probably doesn't
even know I'm gone.

I mean-- she hardly knows
when I'm around--

Come to think of it,
she doesn't even know my name.

Well, we'll see.

You see, Xena's fatal
flaw is her emotion.

She feels.
She cares.

Not exactly good
attributes for a--

true warrior.

Guard them. First daylight,
we take them to the hill.


Fifteen volunteers
are standing by.

They're ready
when you are.

At dawn, then.

This had better work, Xena,

or I'm going to lose a
lot of my best people.

It will.

Caesar wants that
one great battle

that will make him
a part of history--

and we are going
to give it to him.

But first, we have to get
his entire army here.

The key to destroying Caesar
is his belief in his destiny.

Sounds like someone
I once knew--

someone I trusted with my army--
and with my life.

Why do you trust me, now?

I don't. But--I have no choice.

You know Caesar, and you
know how to wage w*r.

Crafstar, do you have
faith in your god?

It's hard to explain.

I had a farm once, in Gaul.

I went to the temple of the gods--
made my offerings.

I did everything right.
Then one day, a w*rlord came--

and destroyed my home
and almost k*lled me.

As I lay in the brush, bleeding,

I saw him walk over
to the temple

and make an offering
to Hera and Zeus--

the same man who destroyed my
world was blessed by the very gods

I thought would protect me.

I'm sorry.

I was found by some
travelers from the East.

They cared for me--
made me well.

They taught me
about their one god.

And that's when you
started to believe?

Uh, I thought they were
like sheep to believe.

Then I met the w*rlord, again.

He was wounded from
some battle already and--

I was filled with so much rage,

and-- as I was standing

over him with a sword
at his throat--

something happened.

A light filled me--
and I knew he existed.

And this god gave you enough
strength to k*ll the w*rlord?

Just the opposite.
I couldn't k*ll him.

Despite all my rage and hatred,

I knew it wasn't right--

that even the w*rlord
had a purpose.

That's what I mean by faith.

I know--
it sounds strange.

No, I think it sounds wonderful.

All right.

Take this message to Catalinius.

He's to form up and prepare
to move his entire legion.

- Go.
- Yes, sir.

Trouble, Caesar?

During the night,

the barbarians gave up land
they fought and died for.

Xena's trying to
draw me into a trap.

If she's foolish enough
to offer me the land,

then-- I'm going to take it.

That will spread our
forces fairly thin.

You misunderstand.
I want her to attack.

If this draws her into
one big battle, I have her.

Take my personal banner.

I want her to know--
who ordered their deaths.

There's no way the
Warrior Princess will miss this.

Caesar wanted one more thing.
Your legs are to be broken.

He said it would mean
something to Xena.


we have got to work on timing.

You all right?

I want every legion in this
country here by tomorrow.

Xena-- now,
I know what you're gonna say.

Look, I'm sorry.

I-- it's not like I wanted
to be captured by Caesar.

Did you talk to him?

Yeah, I did-- um.

Well, he has this
aura about him--

It's the same thing that
draws a moth to a flame,

and withpretty much
the same result.

Well, he said something
about-- dividing--

Dividing a woman's sensibilites
from her emotion?


Yeah, I know his philosophy.

There are seven hills
surrounding this valley.

To force the battle,

he'll have to divide his army,
and fight uphill.

Divide and conquer.

Right-- only this time,
we're the conquerors.

What if he doesn't attack?

He will-- trust me.

We're going to take these hills,
starting with this one.

There's a temple near there--
the Romans hold it.

If we leave them there,
they'll be at our back.

Then we take the temple.

Square shields!

Go! Go!

Get out of here!
Run! Take that!


They're heading for the hill.

Press the advantage.

Follow them before they
can reinforce the garrison.

Praise to the one god.

Praise to the one god.

Get the army off to the hill.
Go, now.

It's going well.

The last hilltop is being
taken as we speak.

Caesar's legions have arrived.

They're forming up
north of the plain.

Then this is it--
the final battle.

We need to get your
army into place on those hills.

I've already sent out the order.

The temple--
you can destroy the temple.

What is it about that temple
that bothers you so much?

There is no place for
one god in our world.

This is a world
that we created!

Zeus, Athena,
Hades, Poseidon!

It is our world!

And before that,
it was the world of the Titans.

Oh, that's right.

Zeus overthrew them, didn't he?

You're just afraid that
history will repeat itself.

Whatever you might
think about us, Xena,

you know us.

You might love us; you might
hate us-- but we are not evil.

This god is.

Evil to you.

Trust me, Xena!

Based on what?!

Are you sure my being here is OK?

Our god is open to all.

Besides, I want
you to see this.

If you don't mind,
I'd like to conduct

the ceremony of rejoining.

I know it's your honor, but the
tribunal's made some changes to it.

Well if the tribunal wishes it.

From the beginning of time,

the One has been waiting
to complete the circle.

The world that is his,
has reached a time of rejoining.

The days of old are gone.

And the new is before us.

Tremble at his arrival.

Things have changed, and a lot.

But first, the door
must be opened.

The path of his arrival must
be sanctified in blood--

pure blood--
innocent blood.

What are you talking about?

Let go of me.

This world will end today.

The hand of Dahok
will sweep the Earth--

bringing with it the winter
of a thousand years--

k*lling everyone who stands
in the way of his world.

No. This isn't our god.

With this life--we praise Dahok--
the Dark One.

Look out!


Thank you, Gabrielle.

You were going to help bring
Dahok into this world.

He needed a sacrifice--

and not just one
of flesh and blood.

He wanted your purity--
your innocence of evil--

and you just gave it to him.

This world, and all who are on it,
will be no more.

The new kingdom
of Dahok will rule.

And you, Gabrielle,
will bring it to us.


- Boadicea--
- By the gods, look.

It's immense.
How are we supposed to defeat that?

Caesar still has to divide up
his army to attack the hills.

Hold your cavalry until
he tries to regroup.

I'm going after Caesar.
He's mine.


You're not the person
I once knew.

I can see that.

I can't forgive you.


I can thank you for
what you're doing now.

What's the matter?

What's that?

I don't know, but it's
centered over the temple.

That's where Gabrielle is.

Gabrielle. Hey, Gabrielle.

What happened?


She's dead.
Gabrielle, who did this?

I did.

I k*lled her.

I k*lled her, Xena.

No, Gabrielle, you couldn't--

No, I did. I just stabbed her.

I stabbed--

Accidentally, you--

No, I stabbed her.

Xena-- I ju-- I m*rder*d her.

Gabrielle, it's--

Thank you, Xena.


What have you done to her,
you bastard?!

Done to her?
I fulfilled her destiny.

She's for Dahok.

Who's Dahok?

The one god-- the dark force
that will sweep this world--

the old, crippled, blind-- maimed--

your so-called gods--
all will be destroyed.

Dahok will bring the
cleansing fire of w*r

to the world--
a w*r begun over innocence.

This is not the one
god of the Israelites.

No-- that one will be taken
care of in due time--

but thank
you for Gabrielle.

I don't what you're
talking about.

Look inside yourself.
You brought her here.

And why did you come?
To defeat Caesar.

Your hatred brought you here.

Dahok appreciates rage.



Xena, help!

Stay back, Xena.

You routed Caesar--

but Dahok will triumph here
as he will triumph everywhere.

I know!

I am-- the Deliverer!

Now Xena, you have to go!

It's Dahok's will!

Dahok already has a
sacrifice-- in Gabrielle!

But he wants your blood--
to welcome him into the world!

Hold on, Gabrielle!

Well that answers one question.

You can get hurt.

You get pretty mad, too.

Come and get me, then.

You half-witted toady
to a third-rate god!

Come and get me!

Yeah, come on.

What's the matter?

A mere mortal giving
you a problem?

I thought your god was
all-powerful, or something.

You can't talk of the
great Dahok like that!

Great? Great at what?

All I've seen is
a lame attempt at

a religion and some
fancy fireworks.

Are you sure he's
what you think he is?

Maybe he's got you fooled, too.

I got'cha. I got'cha. I got'cha.

You all right?


Get down!


I'm here, Gabrielle.

It hurts inside.


Everything's changed-- everything.


it's gonna be OK-- promise.