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09x15 - Once Upon a Time

Posted: 02/17/22 08:08
by bunniefuu
Laura: there are many
conflicts which led up to
the american revolution,

But the most important
one was the passage of
the stamp act in 1765.

Now, up till then,
all protest against
taxation by england

Were made through the courts,
but the stamp act was so hated

That actual riots broke
out in the streets.

After a while,
the colonies became
even more divided

By those who wanted
to break from england

And those who were
determined to remain
loyal subjects.

Now, who can tell
me the names of
those two groups?

- Willie?
- Whigs.


I forgot.

Well, which side did
the whigs represent?

The ones loyal
to england?


The ones loyal
to england were...

- Jason?
- Tories?

Yes, that's right.

Now, I want you to list
any other grievances
held by the colonies

Which led up to the
american revolution,

And then tomorrow
we'll begin studying
england's point of view.

Well, that'll
do for today,
class dismissed.

Miss plum!

Etta: hello, children,
how are you?


Miss wilder?

Hi, how's
your ankle?

Doc baker says
it's much better.

Girl: will you
be coming back
to school soon?

Tomorrow, as a
matter of fact.

That's wonderful.

In the meantime, I've
heard your assignment
for tomorrow,

So, I suggest
you waste no time
getting at it.

- Bye, miss plum.
- Bye.

Girl: bye, miss plum.

I can't tell you
how much I appreciate
your taking over.

It's been a burden,
I know, with all
your duties at home.

Nonsense, I enjoyed
it, really.

I could tell.

I heard you.

You're a fine
teacher, laura.

Thank you.

Rose is finally asleep.

You must be
pretty tired.

No, not really.

Well, tomorrow
you can sleep in.

You've put in a lot
of double duty lately.

Manly, I don't
want to sleep in.

You know what
I want to do?

I want to go back to
that school tomorrow,
and I want to teach.

I know.

I didn't realize
what a good
teacher you are.

I am.

I am a good teacher!

And I'm not saying that
out of vanity, either.

It's just that
I need it.

I mean, I love being
a wife and a mother,

But it's just
not all of me.

Having a profession.

Well, now's as good
a time as any
to get started.

What's that
supposed to mean?

It means I've been
waiting for a whole
week to find you

In this kind
of state.

I thought for
sure the teaching
would do it.

Manly, what on earth
are you talking about?

The answer,
that's what.

The answer to
what you want
to be doing.

You see, there's
this contest.

Almanzo: it was
announced last week,

And I've been waiting
for just the right
time to bring it up.

- Well, what kind of contest?
- Writing.

Well, what kind
of writing?

Short stories,
poetry, and novels.

Your remembrance books
must be crammed full
of all kinds of stories.

Manly, my remembrance books
are just bits and pieces
of a farm girl's life.

Who would be
interested in that?

Well, city
folks, for one,

Who don't know
anything about
how we live,

And who knows
how many others?

Sounds like
a wonderful idea to me.

Jenny: and you'd be good at
it, you're good at everything!

Almanzo: come on,
beth, she's right.

Besides, what do you
have to lose?

Let me see that.

Laura: it took less
than 4 weeks for me
to finish the novel...

And then it was time to read
it to jenny and almanzo.

I can't remember
being more nervous
than I was that night.

"She looked at ma,
gently rocking
and knitting.

"She thought to
herself, this is now.

"She was glad
that the cozy house
and pa and ma

"And the firelight
and the music
were now.

"They could not
be forgotten,
she thought...

"Because now is now.

It can never be
a long time ago."

Why, aunt laura...

That was beautiful.


I knew it
would be good,

But I never dreamed...

Do you mean it?
Do you really
mean it?

You never knew you
could write like that?

No, I really didn't.

But you know, it's
just like what I
said about teaching...

Something so right,
something I was
meant to do.

Well, just wait
till that publisher
in minneapolis reads it.

I don't see any
way you can keep
from winning.

[Train whistle]

Laura: almanzo was right,

And 3 weeks later,
jenny and I were on
our way to minneapolis.

They didn't say I won,
but they wanted to see me.

I had butterflies
in my stomach for
the whole trip.

Mr. Broxton? This
is my niece, jenny.

Hello, jenny.

Pleased to
meet you.

My husband's right
in the middle of
planting season,

So, I asked
jenny along.

An excellent opportunity
to escape school
for a while, hmm?

Mr. Broxton: am I right?

Not exactly.

You see, I'm
a teacher, or
I used to be.

Jenny will have
plenty of schoolwork
to keep her busy.

Mr. Broxton: ah, I see.

Well, shall we go in?

You make yourself
at home, young lady.

We have plenty
of magazines
there on the table.

Yes, sir,
thank you.

My chief editor,
russell matthews,

This is laura
ingalls wilder.

I enjoyed your
book, mrs. Wilder.

Thank you,
mr. Matthews.

Oh, please, sit
down, sit down.

Be comfortable.

Now, let's get
right to the point.

Russell and I both feel
that your manuscript
should take first prize

And be published.

Well, that's

Mr. Broxton: ah, however...

There always seems to be
a "however," doesn't there?

We feel that your
manuscript is about 80%.


Well, you have a good
beginning and a good end.

What you need is a
little more in between.

Oh, I see.

Mr. Broxton: other incidents
from your childhood.

I'm sure you can
recall others of them.

Mr. Broxton, I have
half a dozen notebooks
in my luggage,

And they're all
filled with
childhood memories.

Is that so?

Yes, I'm sure I'll
have no trouble
writing new chapters.

Well, we'll need
3, wouldn't you
say, russell?

That'll do.

A half a dozen
notebooks, you say?

Yes, I've even started
working on a seventh.

That's very interesting,
very interesting.

Russell and I
were discussing

How your book might
be ideal for sequels.


That is, if we can
find a good enough
market to begin with.

I--i don't know
what to say.

Well, first
things first,

We'll need the 3
chapters quickly. fast
can you write?

Well, how quickly
do you need them?

In two weeks they should
be ready for publication.

Two weeks?

Is there a problem?

Well, i...

I didn't think
you'd need me
here that long.

I'm afraid I should
have been more
explicit in my letter.

Well, there's
no problem.

I'll telephone
my husband.


Then we'll have
a press reception

For you and the two
winners for poetry
and short stories.

Yours, I emphasize,
is the most important.

So, you come in tomorrow
morning with, say...

6 Chapter ideas,
and we'll select
the 3 best.

Can you do that?

I think so.


Now all that remains
is your advance of $50.


It's quite usual,
I assure you.

Mr. Broxton: your fee,
or your prize money,

However you wish
to think of it,
will be $250.

And there will,
of course, be
royalties later on,

If it sells
well enough.

I'm speechless.

Mr. Braxton: for now, perhaps.

It is my experience
that young writers get
accustomed to success

With alarming speed.

And now, for
the last detail,

Your signature
on the contract,

And mr. Matthews can
see you to your hotel.

Oh, feel free to
glance over it.

It's quite ordinary.

Is it all right
if I bring it in
tomorrow and sign?

Well, of course.

It's something I
promised my pa...

Never to sign anything
until I'd read it all
the way through first.

Perfectly all right.

You'll find it to
be quite in order.

Thank you.

Well, let's get
you settled.

Porter: I think
you'll find this
quite comfortable.

Oh, yes.

Jenny: it's beautiful.

And will there be
anything else?

No, thank you.

Thank you, sir.

This is wonderful.

For now, we thought
you might prefer
working here.

It's very nice.

Our offices can
get pretty hectic.

You'll concentrate
better, I think.

I don't have this
much privacy at home.

You'll find
everything you need:

Pens, pencils,
paper, dictionary.

Now, all your expenses
here are paid,

Including meals taken
in the hotel restaurant,
or room service.

All you need
to do is sign.

An added 10% tip
is customary.

I'm going to be
absolutely spoiled.

Well, contrary
to popular belief,

Physical hardships
don't add much

To the quality
of a writer's work.

Comfort, therefore,
becomes a necessity.

Well, I won't
argue the point.


Would you mind a
little personal advice?


Take a small part
of that $50

And buy yourself
something frivolous.


Russell: well, because
it feels marvelous.

And because you
should get used
to that feeling.

Your life is about
to change, young lady.

We'll see
you tomorrow

See you then.

Aunt laura, come
and have a look.

Aren't you excited?


But I'm a little scared.


still working.

I'm almost through.

It's after 2:00.

I know, you go
back to bed, I'll
be right there.

All right.

This being famous
is hard work.

They're all excellent
choices, I must say.

Thank you.

Especially the one
about the long r*fle.

That's exactly what
this book needs,

Wouldn't you
say, russell?

The one I'd choose,
yes, and also the one
about the bears...

And the harvest.

That's exactly why russell
will always have job
security in my company.

We think alike.

Not always,
now and again,
you're wrong.


Mr. Broxton: yes, I dare say.

You go right ahead
with those 3 chapters.

Yes, sir.

And now there's still a
question of your contract.

Have you read it
over thoroughly?


It's a good thing
I had that dictionary.

And are you
now satisfied?


There is one
small thing.

Oh, just one?

It wouldn't be
more money by any
chance, would it?

Not at all,
let me find it.

Here it is.

"All changes
in the manuscript
shall be made

At the sole
discretion of
the publisher."

Does that mean I
wouldn't be consulted
about any changes?

Of course not.

On the other hand,
it doesn't mean that
she would be, either.


Russell: oh,
come on, broxton.

Mrs. Wilder isn't the
first one to pick that
out of the fine print.

I wouldn't want it in
any contract of mine.

Very well, it
isn't important.

We always work very
closely with our writers,

And there's never been
any serious problem.

Oh, I'm sure of that.

I'd just feel
better, that's all.

Okay, let's
have that.

Cross out "the
sole discretion...

Of the publisher"...

Replace it
with "contingent...

"Upon author's...


My initials...

And there you are.

Thank you.

How did it go?


In fact, I felt
so good about it,

I went out and I bought
that frivolous item

Mr. Matthews was
talking about.

In fact, I bought
two of them.

And this one
is for you.

Open it!

It's a new hat that
you absolutely
don't need.

Oh, aunt laura,
it's beautiful,
thank you! for me.

Now you sit down
and close your eyes,
and don't peek!

No peeking.

Keep them
closed tight.

Like mr. Edwards says,

"I won't stand
for no peekin'!"


Okay, you can
look now.

Ta-da, you
like them?

Oh, yes!

They must have
cost a fortune!

Well, almost $6.00,

If you count the
cost of getting
my ears pierced.

Jenny: did it hurt?

I was too happy
to notice.

You know, mr.
Matthews was right,

Buying these things
really did feel

Aunt laura?

It's really going to happen.

I know it.

What's going to happen?

You're going to be rich!

I did it.

I finished the
last chapter.

That's wonderful.

I'm so excited, I'm
going to take it down
to mr. Broxton right away.

- It's after 6:00.
- He usually works late.

- Good luck!
- Thanks.

- Bye!
- Bye!

Is mr. Broxton in?

You just missed him,
mrs. Wilder, he had
an early dinner engagement.

Oh, I guess I'll
see him tomorrow

I think mr. Matthews
is still in, though.

Oh, good,
thank you.

Come in.

Well, well.

Am I disturbing you?

Yes, and
I'm glad.

I've just been involved
in some extracurricular
literary activity,

And I'm not in
the mood for it.

Russell matthews'
great american

Been fiddling with it
ever since I left
yale graduate school.

May I offer
you a drink?

No, thank you.

Then you won't
mind if I offer
myself another?

Of course not.

Have a seat.

So...what brings you
here at this hour?

Well, it's going
to sound silly...

But I finished
my last chapter,

And I just had to
bring it right in.

No, that's not
the least bit silly.

I've never met
a new young writer

Who wasn't exactly
the same way.

Broxton must
be pleased.

He'd already left.

Oh, well, then, just
leave it with me.

Tell me about your novel.'s a sweeping
saga of romance...

Set against the
tumultuous backdrop

Of the w*r of 1812.

It sounds exciting.

No, no, what'll...

What'll really
be exciting is if
I ever finish it.

And here I am,
sorry that
you're married.


You absolutely
get rid of me.

Mr. Matthews--

Russell: no, no, no...

I'm perfectly

And I always say
what I mean,

Especially after
a couple of drinks.

Have dinner with me.

No, thank you, my
niece is expecting
me for dinner.

Well, call her,
have her use
room service.

She won't mind,
just this once.

No, really, as you
pointed out, I am
a married woman.

Young lady, I
offered you
a dinner invitation

And nothing more.

Now, you have been
cooped up with all
your obligations

For close to
two weeks.

It's time you had
an evening out
on your own.

Russell: and you must
be bored to death

With that
hotel restaurant.

So, I'll take you
someplace special.

where, if...

We see any of
my friends,

They'll wonder where
on earth did I find

Such a beautiful
young lady.

Really, mr. Matthews...

No, no, no, go on.

I won't take "no"
for an answer.

Russell: for
a while there,

It was starting
to look like I
was turning into

A professional student.

First the
bachelor's degree
and the master's...

Then on to a ph.d.

Well, what's
wrong with that?

Well, after all, I wasn't
training for the medical
or legal professions.

I was merely studying
world literature.

I could have managed
that in my spare time.

No, the truth is
I didn't know what
to do with my life,

And the novel
was taking forever,

So, I settled
on teaching.

And it was then, in
the course of grading
essays and the like,

That I discovered in
myself a positive flair
for being an editor.

Here we are,
mr. Matthews.

Would you care for
more coffee, ma'am?

Yes, please.

Albert, more coffee
for the lady.

And you, sir?

Yes, yes, I'll
have another
one of these.

Now, you go right ahead.

I tend to dawdle
over my food.

Well, that's all
you're eating?

- Oh, that's quite enough.
- Thank you.

Now, uh, what
was I saying?

You discovered that you
had a flair for editing.

Ah, yes, and I knew
the publishing business

Was bound to pay
at least as well
as teaching.

Which, by the
way, was beginning
to wear thin.

Russell: so, I shopped
around and finally came
with broxton's firm,

And I've been
there ever since.

Here you are, sir, is
everything all right?

- Yes, thank you.
- Good.

Thank you, hugo.

Mr. Matthews...

Why don't we get on
a first-name basis?

I don't mind russell,
and I'd enjoy
calling you laura.

Well, that's
fine with me.

Russell, can I ask you
a personal question?

Well, you're
free to try.

Do you always
drink that much?

Yes, ha ha.

Yes, I'd say
I do, yes.


Well, i...i
find it agreeable.

Does it offend you?

Oh, no, no,
not at all.

It's just that I'd
never seen anyone who--

Well, actually,
there was mr. Edwards,
until he quit.

It almost ruined his life.

Well, let me
reassure you that
it's not ruining mine.

You see, I have--
I have a firm rule.

Never to begin drinking
until between 5:00
and 6:00 in the evening

And not to stop until
I retire at night.

It's nice of you
to be concerned,
but don't be.

I'll even have a
bit of my salad.

Well, I imagine you
miss your family,
being away so long.

Oh, yes, very much,

Although keeping
busy did help,

But now that the
book's finished--

Oh, uh...

The book
isn't finished.

Those ominous
changes you were
concerned about.

Are there a lot?

Russell: oh,
nothing, nothing
to be worrying over.

Now, we'd better
eat, or we'll hurt
hugo's feelings.

Mr. Broxton, I'm still not
sure I fully understand.

Well, it's purely
a matter of enhancing
the stories a bit.


Mr. Broxton: yes, they
certainly can't suffer

From a touch more
dash and excitement.

Well, I'm sorry.

I'm afraid I was under the
impression that you liked
them the way they are.

But we do, you mustn't
think otherwise.

The rural setting.

The hard winter.

The family's constant
triumphs over adversities.

Their love and
faith in one another.

All rich, rich material.

But all of it must be
made as effective and
powerful as possible.

Don't you agree?

Well, yes,
I do, but--

Mr. Broxton: but
you're still confused?


You see, mrs. Wilder...

"Ma bakes a pie,"

Is not in and of itself
electrifying drama.

But if ma bakes a pie

As if unaware
or unconcerned...

That outside rages
the worst blizzard
of the winter...

And pa is two
hours overdue,

Possibly stranded...

In the snowbound

Possibly perishing
in that wilderness,

Then the routine, domestic
act of baking a pie...

Is transformed into
an act of courage.

Because it serves
to allay the fears
of the children,

Fears that would engulf
and terrify them,

If she allowed her
fears to come to the
surface and be seen.

Does that make it
any clearer--what
I'm trying to say?

Yes, yes, it does.

As a matter of fact, I
remember something happened

Almost exactly
as you described.

There, you see?

I'll do my best.

And I'll be with you
every step of the way.

In fact, we can go
to my office now and
get right to work.

All right.

Mr. Broxton: fine, fine,
here, why don't you go on
ahead, mrs. Wilder?

I need russell on
another matter.

Of course.

Mr. Broxton: we'll be
there in a few minutes.

That was an excellent

I've never
seen you better.

Thank you,
I thought it
was necessary.

I don't want her
giving us trouble.

Once we hold that
press conference,

We're committed
to a full
advertising campaign.

And if she decides
to have second thoughts,

Well, with that clause
in her contract...

Then maybe we should
leave the book alone.


It's been on my mind
for a while.

There's something
about the way her
stories are told.

There's a gentleness...

A deep innocence...

That I find
intensely original.

Maybe we should
simply make sure

All the is are dotted
and the ts are crossed

And take our chances
with the book as is.

Are you serious?

It's worth considering.

Now, I had thought after
12 years in the company,

You would have learned
more about the business
end of publishing.

I agree with your
assessment of mrs.
Wilder's talent.

But without injecting
more excitement into it,

The book would
never sell, never.

All right.

Leave it to me.


Good morning,
mrs. Foster.

Mrs. Foster: good morning.

A letter from laura.

Oh, that's a surprise,
she's due home tomorrow.

Oh, probably
just homesick.

Yeah, you're
probably right.

Thank you,
mrs. Foster.

You're welcome.

Laura: dearest almanzo,

The changes are taking
longer than I thought.

It could be
another two weeks.

I miss you, so, please
try to understand.

Give rose a kiss for me.

I love you.

The problem is, I
thought I knew what you
and mr. Broxton wanted.

But when it comes
to actually writing
that way...

Well, I'm sorry,
I really am.

Well, I know
you're trying, laura.

It's just that
I am so close
to my characters.

Maybe too close.

It's just hard
for me to see them
in certain situations.

I understand.

Now, laura, would you
be willing to try
another approach?


Let me take
the first chapter
all by myself

And refashion it a bit.

Russell: nothing radical
that can't be switched
around more to your liking,

But it's the best way
I know to show you.

I suppose.

Russell, I
feel so stupid.

Oh, none of that.

You just go
and relax a bit,

And I'll have that
chapter for you
in the morning.

Are you sure this is
the right way to do it?

I mean--

You trust me,
all right?

All right.


You go home...

And get some rest...

And I'll see you
in the morning.

See you then.



It's very
skillfully done.

It's certainly a lot more
exciting than the original.

Mr. Broxton: exactly!

But it's still the
story that you wrote.

Yeah, I suppose it is.

And quite frankly,
I wouldn't change
a word of it.

How do you feel,
mrs. Wilder?

Well, uh, to
be truthful...

It's very difficult
to find the words
to describe it.

Mr. Broxton:
excellent, excellent,
if I may?

Miss prettis?

Have this rushed
into galley proofs
right away.

Of course,
mr. Broxton.

Now, I have a suggestion
to make, and I hope you
both will agree with me.

My suggestion is that
russell continue reworking
the rest of the book,

Subject as always
to any comments that
mrs. Wilder may have.

That's fine
with me.

Mr. Broxton: see, what
I have here is a fine,
fine writing team.

Things sometimes
work that way.

The collaborative effort
is the most effective.

Naturally, only laura
ingalls wilder will be
listed as the author.

What do you say,
mrs. Wilder?

I suppose it's best.

Mr. Broxton: good.

Good, I can't tell
you how pleased I am,
how very pleased indeed.

Laura: it was quite
an experience watching
russell work.

He knew exactly
what he was doing.

And, true to his word,
he never took a drink

Until he was finished
for the day.

On the evening before
the press reception,

I gave the galley proofs
of the book to jenny to read.

Aunt laura?

I finished it.


It's very different.

Well, that's
what I thought,

But mr. Matthews
and mr. Broxton
don't think so.

Well, I'm sure
it'll be a big
success, but...

I don't know any
of these people.

The way that you
wrote about them,

I could see them
and feel them.

Go on, jenny, please.

The way it is now,

Why, aunt laura, how can
you even think of allowing
your name on that book?

It's a lie!

I'm sorry.

I know I shouldn't
say a thing like that,

But it's true.

It's all right,

It's all right.

Broxton: and the winner of
first prize for poetry...

Mr. Robert holmes.

Thank you, I don't--

I mean, it--

It's hard
to know what...


Just...thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm afraid there's been
some delay in the arrival
of mrs. Wilder.

Where on earth
have you been?

I'm sorry, I've had
a very difficult
decision to make.

Come on, you're keeping
the entire room waiting.

No, please, I have
to explain something.

You can tell me
about it later.

Come on,
excuse me.

Ah, here she is now!

I was almost afraid
you weren't coming.

Mr. Broxton,
I'm sorry, but--

It's perfectly all right,
so long as you're here.

Russell: come on, jenny,
let's take a seat over here.

Come along.

Mr. Broxton...

Ladies and gentlemen,
the winner of first
prize for the novel...

Laura ingalls wilder.


I'm sure mrs. Wilder
has a few things to say.

Finding myself...

In the middle of
the successful world
of publishing,

With all the talk
of possible money...


It's a very hard thing...

For a simple girl from
the country to deal with.

There's a feeling of...


That I've never
known before.

All of a sudden,

Nothing's simple...

Nothing at all.

It's even hard to tell
what's really right.

Most especially...

Putting my name on
a book that really
isn't mine anymore...

And accepting
money for that.

[Audience murmuring]

I'm sorry.

That's all I can say.

Please excuse me.

Ladies and gentlemen,
there's plenty of champagne!

Please bear with us!

She's not going to
take that award?

Well, I can't--

Laura: it all
happened so gradually.

Gentlemen, if you'll
excuse me, please.

Young lady,

Am I to understand from
that peculiar speech
you just delivered

That you are
backing out of this?

Yes, mr. Broxton,

And I can't tell
you how sorry I am.

Then why on earth
couldn't you have reached
that decision before now?

Well, I tried
to explain it
to both of you

Before you put me
up in front of
all those people.

All right, all right.

You've absolutely
made up your mind?

Yes, I'm afraid so.

This is what's left
of the cash advance.

It's nearly $40.

I'll pay back the rest
as soon as I can.

That will be

And in time, all
the other expenses.

That won't be necessary.
We knew your terms,

And gambled...

The fact that we lost
is our financial

I really would be
terribly upset if I
ruined your reception.

Young lady, the only
thing that is ruined

Is the rare opportunity
you choose to cast aside.

Mr. Broxton: the instant
your approval clause
went into the contract,

I began thinking
of contingencies.

While I may be lacking
in certain attributes,

I am not a foolish man.

I have acquired a novel
from a young man

With not a thumbnail
of your talent,

Which russell will easily
transform into something
quite respectable.

The author I speak
of is here today
as a guest.

I will now surprise him
with this good news.

I wish you a
pleasant trip home.

Thank you.

Good-bye, russell.

I admire you
a great deal.

Come on, jen.


Russell: laura!

There's something
I'd like to say,
if you don't mind.

I think
I'll wait

Run along.

What is it?

Listen, I know
broxton too well.

He's not saying a word
to his new young author

Till there's been time
for you to reconsider,

And I beg you to do so.

Russell, the decision's
already been made.

You're a fool, you
know that? A fool!

I know what a success
that book can be,
I can smell it.

And you're just going
to throw it all away,

A chance I'd give
anything to have,
just once,

And you throw it away.

I don't understand.

You can do anything
you want to.

You can reach
any heights.

Russell, I know
how well you write,
I've seen it.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

It's true!

Of course, I'm
a marvelously
gifted writer

Just as long as
I'm redoing somebody
else's material.

Russell: why do you
think I spend my life

Cooped up in a musty
office for $20 a week?

Because in
my entire life,

I've never turned
out one acceptable
paragraph of my own.

Do you have any idea
what that has to feel like?

Champagne, sir?

- Well, now...
- Madame?

Could anything
be more opportune?

Yes, perhaps I shall.

A fitting occasion,
I must say,
to break my rule.

To you, dear laura.

Go right ahead,

If it will help you
wash down all your
noble-sounding lies.


The only reason
why you drink

Is because
you're afraid.

Afraid of what?

To write.

To do what you
know you can do.

Laura: russell,
that takes courage,

To expose yourself
to the world.

I know!

I was scared to
death when I sent
in my manuscript.

But I guess courage
just isn't in
your department,

Is it, russell?

You'd rather go on
hiding behind your
job as an editor...

And drink.

Russell, I
need you in here.

Is that so?

Yes, that's so.

I'm sorry,
broxton, I'm busy.

With what?

I have a novel
to finish,

And I'm damn well
going to finish it.

Broxton: ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The new first place
winner for the novel,

Mr. Casey johnson.


Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm very proud to win
this award tonight.

I certainly
didn't expect to,

But now that laura
didn't take it, well...

I'll take the
money and run.


First thing I've ever
had published...


Michael landon: 40 years
later, laura ingalls wilder

Finally had her
first book published.

It was only the first of many

In the now-famous
"little house" series

That is so popular today.

This time, no one
made any changes.