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04x05 - The Wolves

Posted: 02/17/22 09:10
by bunniefuu





Not too good.

Better than you.

Not as far.

I know.

Ma, come and jump!

Don't be silly. I got
work to get done.


Just for a minute.

I haven't got time
for such foolishness.

How come it's not
foolishness when we do it?

Because you're
children, and I'm an adult.

When a child does some...

Then grownups say,

"It's so easy, a
child can do it."

I think they say it just
so they don't have to try

The stuff kids can do.

Now, just a minute, young lady.

Are you saying that I can't
jump as far as you can?

No, ma'am, but my pa says that
saying you can do something

And doing it are
two different things.

All right, then...
I'll just show you.

Ha ha ha!

This is going to
be good. Ha ha ha!

[Dog barking]

Laura: hi, bandit!

Bandit, you showed up
just in the nick of time.

Hey, boy.

Hello, boy. You come to get me?

Did you come to get me?

He knows the way real good.

He goes back and forth a lot.


Well, I guess I got
to go. See ya, andy!

Bye, mrs. Garvey.


Ready to jump?

I'd love to, andy, but
I've got work to do.

Oh, ma.

No "oh, ma" with me!

You get in that house and
do your homework, too.

Yes, ma'am.


Ha ha ha!

Not too good.

Never mind!

You get in there and
do your homework.

Ha ha ha!


You about ready, pa?

Yeah, if your mother ever
gets ready. Look out, dog!



Now, mary, let's just go
over that one more time.

We've been over it times, ma.

I know, dear, but I can't
help but be concerned.

Now, I want you to remember
to keep a close watch

On that sore on carrie's leg...

And make sure laura
does her studying

And see that the wood
stove stays lit and that the...

Yes, I'm convinced!

You really are ready for this.

Charles: caroline!


Oh, be a good girl.

Bye, sweetheart.

Oh, laura, now, remember
to mind your sister.

I will.

Charles: caroline, I
want to go today!

Coming, charles!


I could have been to
twin falls and back

By the time you two
finished saying good-bye.

I'm sorry.

We're only going to
be gone for two days.

I'm sure they're
going to survive.

Don't worry, ma.
We'll be all right.

See what I mean?
We'll see you soon!


Take care, now.

We will!

Mary: have a good trip!

We will!

Thank you. Bye-bye!

Laura: bye-bye, ma!

Bye, pa!

Bye, honey!

I didn't realize

There were so many
different kind of pans.

I do wish you would
decide, mr. Garvey.

I do have other work to tend to.

Well, I'm thinking. I'm about
ready to make up my mind.

Well, I'm still
recommending this one.

It seems a mite
expensive to me, ma'am.

Quality doesn't come
cheap, mr. Garvey.

Now, look at the
workmanship of this.

Oh, you can even see
my reflection in it.

Well, I don't really
need one to look in, ma'am.

I just need one to cook in.

I think I'm gonna take this one,

And would you throw in
some chewing tobacco for me?


[Bells on door ring]


Mrs. Oleson, I need some traps.

Be right with you. Cents.

What you... What you trapping?

I don't recollect
addressing you.

Wolf traps... You
got any, mrs. Oleson?

Uh, yes, we have quite a few...

Different kinds.

I want the best.

Ain't no wolves hereabouts.

I got two dead sheep
that say different.

Best be careful with them traps.

They can be awful dangerous.

I'll look after my
own hide, thank you.

You stick to
worrying about your'n.

Well, it's about time someone said
something to him... Stood up to him!

The way he struts around
this town. Tsk tsk tsk!

Mrs. Oleson, I'd like
to see them traps.

Oh, yes, sir. They're this way.

Here you are... All kinds.

I've heard talk that
you and mr. Garvey

Had quite a bit of
trouble back in kansas.

'Tweren't no trouble.

Come on now, mr. Larabee.

I understand that he
stole some furs from you.

Maybe. I'll take these.

Put them on my account.

Oh, yes.


Oh, good morning.

Poor man.

Garvey was in here earlier.

You should have seen the
look of anger on larabee's face.

Oh, those two still
can't get along, huh?

Well, I'm not surprised.

Garvey stole his furs.

Now, hold on now. Wait a minute.

I think you got that backwards.

The way I heard the story,

If there's anybody
that's got any complaints,

It's garvey. He's the one
that was falsely accused.

Mr. Larabee said that
he stole the furs,

And that's what
he told the judge.

They caught the
crook red-handed!

With the furs! There was
no question after that.

Well, mr. Larabee
still had his doubts.

The only thing
that larabee's got

Is a bad case of
being humiliated

In front of that whole town.

That's what he won't
forgive garvey for.

Well, I don't care. I
still don't trust garvey.

For heaven's sakes, why not?

Well... Because
he chews tobacco,

And he spits! That's why.

Oh, well, why didn't you
say that in the first place?

I didn't know you
had a good reason.

That basket isn't
getting any fuller.

I know, but I am.

You got to stop eating them.

Your mom wants
to make some pies.

Just a few more.

Ok, more each.

How about more?

[Bandit barks]

I wonder what
bandit's barking at.

I don't know.

He sounds awful angry. Come on!

[Barking continues]

Andy, look.


Bandit, be quiet. Stay here.

Poor old dog... He's hurt bad.

He's so pretty.

Maybe we can get him free.

I don't know. That
trap looks awful big.

That's a good boy. I'm
not going to hurt you.

Be careful.

It's ok. He's just
scared is all.

Come on, laura.
I need your help.

Ok, take that side.


Ok, ready?


Andy: push!


Uh! There. Get his foot out.


We did it!

Now what do we do?

His leg looks awful bad.

Where's he going?

We've got to fix his leg.

Let's follow him.


Oh, andy, look!

He's a she!

Yeah, and she's hurt too
bad to take care of her pups.

What's a dog doing

All the way out here
in the woods anyway?

I don't know. She must be lost.

We'll have to take her
home and fix her foot.

We can't leave the
pups here all alone.

We've got to take them all.

My ma and pa are away.

I don't know if mary
will let me keep them.

I'll take them home.

Come on. We'll get my cart.

Guess what me and andy found...

Where have you been,
young lady? You're late!


I asked you where you've been.

Well, I was trying to
tell you. Me and andrew...

The fact is, you're late!

I know I'm late. That's
why I'm trying to tell you...

I don't want to discuss it!

You're just going
to have to mind me,

Whether you like it or not!

Don't you want to even
know what we found?

I don't have time right now.

Hey, andrew.

What you got ahold of now?

Just a dog, pa, with
her babies. She's hurt.

Where'd you get her?

Down by the creek.
She was caught in a trap.

Me and laura got her out.

Isn't she a pretty dog, pa?

[Growling softly]

Lord have mercy, son,

Them ain't dogs, they's wolves!


Wolves, andrew. We can't
keep them around here.

You're going to have to take
them back where you found them.

But, pa...

Look at how bad she's hurt.

I know,

But there ain't nothin'
we can do for her.

She don't belong here.

Why not? What's
wrong with a wolf?

Well, it ain't that there's
something wrong with them, it's...



Don't you think

That she's one of
god's creatures?

Well... Yeah, I think so,

But there's more
to it than that.

Don't you always say

We got to take good
care of god's creatures

And that he made every
one for a very special reason

And that he loves
them all the same?

Yeah, i... I guess I did
say something like that.

All right, I'll go in
and see doc baker

And see if he can come out and
have a look at her in the morning.

Thanks, pa!

[Pups whimpering]

It's ok.

Doc baker's going to fix
your mama up real nice.

[Dogs barking loudly]

[Cow moos]

Laura, put that light out.

I'm doing homework.

I don't care! You should
have been finished an hour ago.

Well, I'm not.

Look, I did all the
cooking and the cleaning

And my homework,
and I managed to finish.

That's 'cause you're perfect.

I've got a big day tomorrow.

Now put out the light.

Yes, ma'am.

I told you to put out the light.

I did. That's the moon.

You can make me do
anything you want,

But you can't stop
the moon from shining.

Only god can do that.

Not you, too.

She'll really get better?

I think so, andrew.

She's hurt bad, but
I'm sure she'll heal.

How's it going, doc?


He says she'll get better.

Oh, good. Doc, you want
to help me with this?

Sure thing.

Andy: what are you
doing that for?

She won't hurt anybody.

Well, I know, son,

But I'm just making sure.

Your pa's right, andrew.

This wolf's a wild
animal, and she's hurt bad.

You never know what she's
going to get it into her head to do.

Besides, an ounce
of prevention...

Is worth a pound of cure.

That's what miss
beadle always says.

Speaking of which,
isn't it about time

You were headed off for school?

I guess.

Guess nothing. Now, get!

Bye, doc baker. Thanks!


Yeah, pa?

Who knows about this?

Just us and laura.

Think we best keep it
that way for a while, huh?

Sure, pa, whatever
you say. See ya!

See ya, son.

Sounds like andrew
might be thinking

He's got himself a new pet.

Yeah, I'm afraid he's
getting awful attached.

I hope you're not thinking
of letting him keep it.

No, no, no. I'll be talking
to him soon enough, doc.

I got to shut it off
before it goes too far.

Well, good luck.

Say, doc, could
you do me a favor?

If I can.

You know, there's some people
around here wouldn't be too happy

To find out I'm nursing a
wolf back to health here.

You may be understating
the case, jonathan,

But don't worry. I
can keep a secret, too.

Thanks, doc.


Laura ingalls, what
are you doing up there?

What does it
look like I'm doing?

Building a tree house!


You come down here this minute
and get yourself off to school!

[Mimicking mary] you come
down here this minute...


I'm coming. I'm coming!

Did you finish all
your homework?

Yes, and I washed
behind my ears, too.

What's this tree
house all about?

It's about getting away from you

And having a little
peace and quiet!

I just can't believe it!

Neither could I when
my pa first told me.

Wolves... We were
playing with wolves!

What are you going to do?

Keep them.

Doc baker came over
and fixed up her leg.

He says she'll be ok.

Is your pa going to
let you keep them?

Yep. He put a muzzle on

Until she gets to
know us better, though.




What's the big secret?

There's no secret.

No secret.

Then I guess no one's
interested in these penny candies.

I was going to give you some,

But if you don't
want to be friends...

We're just talking.

I was just telling andrew

About this tree
house I'm making.

Yeah, a tree house.

Ok, have your little secrets.

Nellie... Promise
not to tell anybody?



I mean no matter what,
you won't tell anybody.

Cross my heart.

You better not.

Me and laura found
a wolf in a trap,

And we got her free. Then we
brought her and her pups to my barn.

Doc baker came
and fixed up her leg.

You have wolves in your barn?


How interesting.

Now how about our candy?

All right, but just for you.

Laura didn't tell me anything.

[School bell rings]

Well, back to class.

Where is she going?

To keep her promise
not to tell anyone.

But she crossed her heart.

She hasn't got one.

All right, doctor, here you are.

Thank you very much.

It's always a
pleasure to serve you.

Always nice to hear,
mrs. Oleson. Good day.

Good day.

Nellie: mother!

Land's sake, child,
what's the matter?

I heard andrew
and laura talking.

They're keeping wolves in
andrew's barn... Of them.

Oh, don't be silly, my dear.

People just don't
keep a pack of wolves

In their barn.

Now, you run along
back to school,

And don't you come home
with any more tall tales.

It's true. Ask him. He knows.

Is it true, doctor?

I'm afraid it is.

Well, I can't believe it!

We've got to do something!

Whoa. Hold on there.

Garvey's got the mother wolf
muzzled. There's no danger.

Besides, there isn't
a man in the county,

Much less the whole territory,

Knows as much about
wild animals and their ways

As jonathan garvey.
He can handle it.

Well, I am shocked

That you would be a
party to such a thing!

What are you? A doctor
or a veterinarian?

You know, mrs. Oleson,
looking at some of my patients,

I get a little confused myself.

Good day.

Nellie, I want you to run an
errand for me today after school.

I want to play after school.

Not today!

Now, I want you
to take a message

Over to judd larabee's place.

Yes, mother.

Now, run along!

Ah! Another beautiful day.

Yep. They just keep on a-comin'.

Good that charles and caroline
have this kind of weather for their trip.

Yeah. Looked in on
the girls the other day.

They seemed to be doing pretty
good with... Without their ma and pa.

You know, jackson
dropped in a while ago,

And the wolves brought
down one of his cows.

A cow. And just left it there
for the vultures and the maggots.

They didn't eat it? No.

That don't figure.
That just don't figure.

Hear about them wolves k*lling
his stock and just letting them lay.

What do you mean?

Well, I've been around
them wolves before,

And they only
k*ll enough to eat.

I can't imagine them animals
k*lling for the sake of k*lling.

Well, I can't answer that.

But I tell you one thing,

When folks get done, there won't
be a wolf left alive in these parts.

Time to get back to work.

They're so cute.

I don't understand why
everybody hates them.

I used to, especially after I
heard little red riding hood.

You mean, "all the better
to eat you with, my dear!"

Yeah. Ha ha!

You know, those kids' stories,

I got a feeling that
grownups made them up.

Laura: you're probably right.

Sometimes I can't
figure grownups out.

Sometimes I can't either.

Hi, pa. We're trying
to give them names.

What do you think about jonah?

Hold on now, son.

That's a wolf you
got there, not a whale.

Besides, I ain't so sure you
should be naming them critters.


Well, 'cause names is for
pets, and they ain't pets.


Now, hold on a second.

Pets is a very
special kind of thing.

You know, dogs and
cats and like that,

They get real close to us.

They get to be our friends.

They love us, and we love them.

And that's the way it
is with animals like that

'Cause god made
them to be with people.

But some animals
he made to be wild.

But they're not
wild. Look at them!

I'd take real good care of them.

I know you would, and you'd
train them, and you'd love them,

And you'd probably get along,

But they wouldn't
really be happy.

They'd always be
thinking about being free.

You know, one time in chicago,

I saw a lady with
a lion on a leash.

A lion?

In the street?

Just as plain as day.

She was a-parading up and down,

And that lion was going
along right with her

And listening to her.

But you know, there was a...

There was a look on that
lion's face that said, "I ain't happy.

"I want to be out in the
jungle with the other lions.

I want to be able to
let out a big roar."

"I want to be free."

[Pups whimpering]

I think we ought to
let the wolves go

So they can roar.

Good idea.

Now, I'll tell you
what we'll do.

We'll keep them here
for a couple of days

Till the mama's good and healed.

And then the two of you can
take them out into the woods

And set them free.



Well, how does it look, bandit?

[Ruff ruff]

I agree...

But we need something.

All this climbing up and down

Is getting a little rough.

Hey, I know what we
can get. Come on, bandit.


Laura ingalls!

Laura, where are you?

I'm right here, master!

Time to eat.

Eat? That stuff
you make is awful!

I'm running out of patience.

All right. I'll
be in in a minute.

What are you and andy going
to do about your wolves?

I heard a cow was k*lled
just a few miles from town.

That wasn't our wolves.

I know. I'm just asking.

We're going to set them
free... Probably tomorrow.

I'll be in in a minute.

You better be.


Oops. Look out, bandit.

This will do it. Come on, boy!

Want to talk to you, garvey.

All right. What is it?

Understand you got
a couple of wolves

Kind of moved in with you.


I want 'em.

Look, it ain't none
of your affair.

Just go about what
you come to town to do

And leave me be.

This is what I come to town for.

I got dead livestock.
You got live wolves.

Now, there's
something about that

That just ain't right to me.

I'm sorry about this, but...

Don't look like
a wolf k*ll to me.

Just don't look
like a wolf k*ll.

Besides, even if it is,

All I got's a wounded mother

And a couple of pups.

How much damage can they do?

Wounds heal. Pups grow up.

Now, I want them wolves dead.

If you don't do it, I will.

Now, you stay away
from them wolves.

You stay off of my property,

And you stay as far away
from me as you possibly can.

The matter is closed.


Mrs. Oleson: so I'll
spread the word

To any of the men who
happen to come around.

Tell them to meet
at my place tonight.

We'll head over to
garvey's from there.

I'll do whatever I can to help.

Appreciate it. Thanks
for sending the message.

Oh, now, be careful

Because that mr. Garvey
can be very stubborn.

I want them wolves dead,

And I'm going to see
to it that they are.

If he gets stubborn, he's going
to be headed for a heap of trouble.

Good day. Good day.

We're going for a ride.

Nothing's going to
happen... Nothing bad.

I'll make sure of that.

[Pups whimpering]

Hey, laura!

Hi, andy!

Had to bring the wolves.

How come?

A man... He's gonna k*ll them.

I heard him talking.

Who was he?

I don't know,

But he sounded awful mean.

I'll have to hide
them out here, ok?

Did you tell your pa?

I couldn't. They're
angry at him, too...

And I'm scared for
him. I just figured out

That I better get
them out of there.

Ok, we'll keep them in my barn,

But don't tell mary.


She'll figure out
some rule I'm breaking

By keeping them here.

Let's go. Come on.

Where's your sister?

I don't know.

She must be up
in her tree house.

I told her to be
in by suppertime.

I'll get her. Come on, bandit!

Tell her to hurry!

Laura, mary wants you!

[Dogs barking]

[Dogs barking]

Carrie, come on! Hurry!

Come on.

What is it?

Help me get this bolted.

Laura: what is it?

What's out there?

Some kind of dogs gone
crazy. Get the window.

We're safe now.

There's no way they'll get in.

[Chickens squawking]

[Cows bellowing]

They'll probably go now.

I'm scared.

Me, too.

It's all right to
be a little scared.

Nothing's going to happen to us.

We're safe in here.

[Dog barks and snarls loudly]

Come on, let's sing.


Mary: you know, ma
sometimes sings to us

When we don't feel too good,

And right now I
don't feel too good.

Me, neither.

Mary: how about...

oh! Susanna.

oh! Susanna.

Everybody ready?


All: ♪ oh, I come from alabama ♪

♪ With my banjo on my knee ♪

♪ I'm goin' to louisiana,
my susanna for to see ♪

♪ Oh! Susanna, oh,
don't you cry for me ♪

♪ For I come from alabama
with my banjo on my knee ♪

♪ It rained all
night the day I left ♪

♪ The weather, it was dry ♪

♪ The sun so hot
I froze to death ♪

♪ Susanna, don't you cry... ♪

How long has it been?

Couple hours.

I'm hungry. Can't
we go in the house?

Not yet.

Well, they should
be gone by now.

Well, it's too dark
outside to tell.

We can't take a chance.


What was that?




What is it?

I don't know.

[Barking and growling]

They're digging under the wall!

Everybody up in the hayloft!

Where's the ladder?

The ladder... I took
it to my tree house.

I needed it to climb up.

On the table! Hurry!

Come on, hurry!

Mary: come on, carrie.

There. Get over there.

We forgot the wolf and the pups!

We haven't got time.

Get over there with
carrie. Come on, hurry!

They're in here. I'll get them.

Mary: there's no time!

Hurry. Get up here.

[Pups whimpering]

Wait. Where's bandit?

I'll get him.

Come on! Come on, bandit!

Come on, bandit. Come
on! Come on! Come on!

Andy, hurry!

Come on.

[Dogs and wolf snarling]

[Dogs barking]

Shh. Shh. It's all right.

It's going to be all right.

Andy: I sure wish
my pa would come.

I was sure he'd
come looking for me.

What if no one comes?

Bandit knows the
way to andy's house.

Mary: maybe he
could get mr. Garvey.

No. Those dogs will get him.

Laura, we have to try it.


You've got to do this, bandit...

You got to.

Go get mr. Garvey

And make him come with you.

Please, bandit.

It's all clear, laura. Come on.

Be careful, bandit.

[Dog growling]



Mrs. Garvey: jonathan,
you're late.

Them wolves is gone.

Where's andrew?

Andy? I thought he was with you.

He said he was going to
meet you after school.

I ain't seen him. Has
larabee been around?


Has anybody been around
here, any strangers?


I don't think so. I
didn't see anyone.

[Bandit whimpering]

Alice: it's laura's dog.

Easy, boy, easy. I ain't
gonna hurt you, now.

You've been bit...

But it ain't too bad.

I don't understand.

He... He's hurt.

Why did he come here?

Trouble at the ingalls'!

Do you think the wolf hurt him?

I pray to god
that's all she hurt.

Why did I ever let that boy
bring that animal in here?

You stay here in
case he comes home.

We came about that
matter you and me discussed.

Not now.

Now's as good a time as any.

Where's them wolves?

My boy and
others is in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

Jonathan: I don't know...

But I'm going to find out.

Now, you want to ride

Along with me, that's fine.

If not, out of my way.


[Dog snarling]

[Dog whimpering]

[Dog growling]

[g*n cocks and fires]


[Barking fading]

[sh**ting stops]

Everyone all right?

We're fine.


She saved my life.

The mama wolf saved my life.


[Pups whimpering]

I don't think it's
going to work.

[Quietly] shh. It's
going to work.

You just got to
give it a little time.

That mama wolf's
being awful careful.

I still don't understand...

About the dogs.

That's kind of a hard
one to get ahold of,

But I'll wager you
that all them dogs

Was once good family
pets, just like your mutt.

Then why did they
do what they did?

Well, because...

Their masters just
got tired of them.

You know how I
told you that, uh...

It's wrong to take a wild
animal and make a pet out of it?

Well, it's just as
bad... Maybe worse...

To take a pet and turn
it into a wild animal.

But how?


Not caring,

Stop loving them,
stop feeding them,

Stop taking care of them,

Then turn them loose
to fend for themselves.

Mr. Garvey.


Come on, mama.

[Pups whimpering]

Hold real still now.

Real still.

Come on, get the
other baby, mama.

There she comes. Easy now.

Do you think they'll be happy?

Oh, about as happy
as two young cubs

In a honey tree.

Ha ha ha!

Now, come on.

Let's get out of
here real easy, now,

And leave them be.

Sure am going to miss them.

Me, too.

[Quietly] hey, you
two, get a move on.

Now, I hear old
man stimson's hound

Has got some new pups,

And if we're gonna get
there and take a look at them,

We're going to have to hurry.

You mean it... A pup?

Of course I mean it, now.