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02x10 - Strike

Posted: 02/17/22 12:40
by bunniefuu


Hey, watch it, Amy! Jeez,
try aiming for the bad guy!


Oh, come on!

you bumbling bolt buckets!

- What are ya waiting for?
- You didn't say the magic word.

- Pawn shop.
- We were thinking "please",

but "pawn shop"
gets the job done.

- Seriously?
- Booyah!

And Sonic takes the Eggtank!

Perhaps you should consider
grenades that explode on impact

instead of ones that can be
thrown back before they blow up?

- You saying this is my fault?
- No, no, I'd never say that,

regardless of how true it is.

You incompetent ingrates!

You can find your own way
back to the lair!

Might we grab a ride
to our evil employer's lair?

Of course! But this wagon
isn't exactly water resistant.

It'll probably sink
to the bottom of the ocean

- and me along with it.
- On second thought,

we'll find another ride.

Hey, Soar the Eagle.

Any chance you could fly us
over to Eggman's?

I could give you a ride
or could give you

something even more valuable,

the motivation
to do it yourself!

Close your eyes and imagine
you're back at the lair

and a ride will manifest itself.

I can't believe Eggman
just abandoned you.

Why do you put up
with his abuse?

Ah, he's not so bad.

Sure, he gets upset sometimes,
but deep down he really cares.

He just has
a funny way of showing it.

Sonic, how about giving these
guys a lift in Blue Force One?

Yeah, sorry. There's a reason
it's called Blue Force One

and not called Blue Force Three.

Where the heck
have you two been?

- Oh...
- Doesn't matter.

I need you to go to the Village

and get me decorative rocks
for my garden.



Oh, this is pathetic!
You need to stand up to Eggman.

And if he continues to treat you
this way, go on strike!

We would, but it's not
a good time right now.

- He really needs these rocks.
- Of course, Rock Transport Bot

might've been a better choice
for this job,

but Eggman's the evil genius,
not us.

Hey, Doc, we got those rocks
you asked for!

That was, like, so hours ago.

- Get with the times.
- But we carried them

- all the way here.
- And now you'll return 'em!

- Lazy good-for-nothings.
- We've hauled

grenades and rocks all day.

- We need a break, pronto.
- You two can take a break...

in the garbage compactor!

That's the straw
that broke the robot's back.

We're going on strike!

Androids! Annoyed!
We're not fairly employed!

Androids! Annoyed!
We're not fairly employed!

What's going on out here?
I'm trying to watch my stories!

- We're on strike.
- You two nincom-bots

won't last a day out here.

Hey! Hey! Whaddaya say? Eggman's
treating us very poorly!

Oh, I wish RhymeBot was here.

- Androids! Annoyed!
- Stupid robots.

Don't they know they need me
more than I need them?

Orbot, Cubot,
clean up this mess!

Oh, right. No problem.
I have plenty of other robots.

You useless hunk of metal!

What good is a destruction robot
if it can't do light housework?

Androids! Annoyed!
We're not fairly employed!

- (Blow horns)
- Is that all you got?


Ballot Stuffer Bot,
clean this up!

is your answer to everything!

Get a new thing,
ya one-trick pony!

Androids! Annoyed!
We're not fairly employed!

Androids! Annoyed!
We're not fairly employed!

FireBot, clean!

What's so hard about
cleaning up this mess?

See how easy that was?

Now you try,
you flaming piece of...

Androids! Annoyed!
We're not fairly employed!

Androids! Annoyed!
We're not fairly employed!

- Androids! Annoyed!
- I don't need any of you!

I can run my lair
without minions!

I can't run my lair
without minions!

I gotta break this strike,
and I know just how to do it.

At Eggman Industries,

employees work in a creatively
challenging environment,

while gaining access
to our many amenities!

For example, the rumpus room,

where you'll have ample room
to... rumpus... in.

Did I mention I offer
ludicrously high salaries?

- Whoa!
- All that wonga? Count me in!

- I like wonga.
- Actually,

I'm a little short on wonga
this month.

I don't know why you're fixated
on that one term for money,

but you're hired!

- Where is Eggman taking them?
- We gotta stop him! Let's roll!

- So... that way?
- Mmm-hmm.

Boo! Scabs! Boo!

Boo! Boo! Boo!


- OK, minions, clean that up!
- Yes, sir!

Hey! Hey! Whaddaya say? RhymeBot
joined our strike today!

Hey! Hey! Whaddaya say? RhymeBot
joined our strike today!

Time for some true-blue heroing.

Sonic, no!
We can't cross a picket line.

We'd be betraying
these poor robot souls

and undermining their fight.

But we must have to rescue
those villagers.

Step aside, ya bums. I'm taking
my new workers for ice cream

to celebrate a job well done!

You never took us for ice cream!

You never earned it.

Wait, so these guys are workers,
not prisoners?

Mike, are you really
working for Eggman?

Blink twice if you're in danger.

Wow, you really don't blink,
do you? Well, all right.

If everyone's happy, I guess
there's no need for a rescue.

- What can I do you for?
- I can't make up my mind.

Should I toss a coin
or play eenie meenie miney mo?

Or should I do
a blind taste test?

You don't have to do
any of that.

Just destroy the cart and steal
all the ice cream you want!

it would make more sense

to steal the ice cream first,
and then destroy the cart.

Why destroy the cart
if we have the ice cream?

You call yourselves
evil minions?

At least the robots
do what I say! Usually.

- (Sighs)
- Ah, this is hopeless!

It's not that bad. Don't panic.

- (Screams)
- I said, "don't" panic.

I misunderstood
the instructions.

Face it. We've been replaced.
It's the scrapheap for us.

Don't give up. You can win this.
You just need to hang in there.

I have a better idea.
Let's practise our grovelling!

How's this? "Oh, Dr Eggman,
your mastery of villainous acts

is surpassed only by the
gloriousness of your moustache,

the hair of which
has never clogged a drain."

I said, "Attack that guy!
Burn his cart to the ground!"

Or free ice cream
if you don't attack?

No. That... that doesn't work.
It's not evil enough!

- Well, it is extortion.
- Technically, it's not,

because you're offering,
I'm not demanding.

I guess it could be
considered bribery,

but that's evil on you,
not on me.

- I vote we take the bribe!
- Vote? You don't get to vote!

It's a basic principle of
the leader-minion relationship!

Hey, Egghead!

Gah! It's Sonic.
Minions, attack!

No way.
He'd totally kick our butts.

Yeah, I would! I mean,
not that I would, but I could.

You're the worst minions
I've ever had!

And believe you me,
the bar is pretty low!

Now attack!

They're new. (Screams)

OK, he's coming.
Now, remember, stand strong!

Don't back down.

Everyone ready
to fall at his feet

and ask
for merciful forgiveness?

- Yeah!
- I'm in!

Or there's that.

I don't know
what I was thinking!

Please come back!
All is forgiven!

Not so fast, Eggman.

These robots are prepared
to keep striking for months!

What do I gotta do
to get you to come back?

Well, let's see...

We want Casual Fridays,
paid maternity leave...

And we get to choose the radio
station every other Tuesday.

Every third Tuesday
and you've got a deal.

Wait. They also want regular
tune-ups, high-grade motor oil,

use of the Eggmobile
for cross-water errands

and you have to treat them
in a respectful manner.

Now let's not be unreasonable.

We're willing to scratch
the final demand

if you'll agree
to everything else.

Done and done!

Now get inside,
ya digital dunces!

You've wasted enough of my time.

Wait! How do I get back home?