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03x17 - So Long, Studio

Posted: 02/18/22 08:42
by bunniefuu
Hi, Mrs. Dempsey. How are you?

How do you think? I'm old.

You know how that feels.

Come, Mrs. Dempsey, you look
great. You still got it.

Yeah, I've got it.
Just forgot how to use it.


That'll be
seven dollars and fifty cents.

Oh, Henry, uh,
my social security check

doesn't come until Tuesday.
I'm sorry, I...

You're a good customer.

Pay me
when the government pays you.

Well, thank you, Henry!

My pleasure.

My family's gonna love
these blow-ups

of my kidney stones.

- Gangway!
- Gangway!


If I'm gonna keep up
with these girls,

I better get a skateboard too.

Don't they have a weight limit
on those?

Thanks for the insult.

Now I don't feel so bad
giving you this bill.

What bill?

One hundred
and eighty-nine dollars?

Yeah, my board was
and then there were the pads.

I knew you'd want me
to protect my elbows and knees.

What's going to protect
my wallet?

And then
there's these cool helmets

and these cool socks!

What's the other $ ?

Oh, that was
for Brandon's skateboard.

When I agreed
to buy you a skateboard,

I figured to dollars.

- You should get out more.
- Hm.

I'll write you a check.

But I'd appreciate it

if you'd hold it for three days.

Well, what do I look like,
a bank?

Only in square footage.

It's not smart to make fun
of people you owe money to.

I'll close up
and meet you people at the car.

Wait a minute!
Hold up, you scamps!

Ah, excuse me.
Are you the owner?

I am.

- Henry Warnimont.
- I'm Matt Glossy.

The Matt Glossy of Glossy's?

In the flash! Kshh!

I read that newspaper article

about your chain
of photography stores.

Quite a little success story.

Well, if you call, uh,
forty million

a little success.

And, uh, that's after taxes.

I've often wondered about
your photographic name.

- Ha-ha-ha!
- Matt Glossy.

Well, that isn't actually
my name.

I was born, uh, Sam Glossy.

So you've come to check out
the competition, eh?

- I have no competition.
- Hm.

I'm here to make you rich.

Well, well...

May I offer you a chair,
a cup of coffee, my firstborn?

A sense of humor. I like that.

Uh, the point is, uh,
this mall is a primo location

for me to open a new Glossy's.


And I feel honor-bound
to tell you

that with my, uh, processing
centers and greater volume,

I could flush your business

right down the old developing


But first and foremost, I am
a man who believes in fair play.

And, well,
I wouldn't move in here

without making you an offer.

Oh, what kind of an offer?

To buy you out.

Sell my studio?

No, no. I'm just not interested.

Well, now, don't be too hasty.

I... I'd like you to stay on
as manager at a generous salary.

I don't think so.
I'm used to being in charge.

Well, you'd be doing the same
job as you're doing now,

minus the headaches
and the liabilities.

No. This studio
is like part of my family.

I couldn't sell it.

I'm offering you
a hundred thousand dollars cash.

I can't argue.
It is a big step.

I have always been my own boss.

But with
a hundred thousand dollars,

we'd never have to share
tea bags.

Hi, Henry. Still thinking about
selling the studio?

Ah, it's very tempting.
There are lots of good reasons.

Less responsibility,
less pressure, more free time.

Sounds great.
What are the bad reasons?

Wouldn't be my studio anymore.

But Mr. Glossy says
you can still run the place.

Yes, but there's
a big difference

between manager and owner.


One hundred thousand dollars.

One hundred thousand dollars.

We sure could take
some great trips.

I wouldn't have to worry
about your college education.

Brandon could get the work done
he needs at the doggy dentist.

It sure is a tough decision,

Yes, it is. And it shouldn't be
based solely on the money.


There are lots
of other considerations.


One hundred thousand dollars.

One hundred thousand dollars.

Punky, I can't do it.

I'm just too attached
to that studio.

I understand, Henry. And I want
you to know you're right.

One hundred thousand dollars!

- I'm selling.
- I'm rich!

The photos are ready, Henry.
You'd better hustle.


Uh, Henry, I noticed
that your sleeves are rolled up.

They should be down. Didn't you
read the "Manager's Manual?"

Reading it is easy.
Lifting it is the hard part.

It's not funny, Henry.

Ugh! Uh...

You know, I noticed that
my portrait area has disappeared

and you've filled the place
with sales racks.

Well, naturally. That's where
the money is, merchandising.

Any jerk can take a picture.

Thank you.

But... it takes

real talent

to be able to sell
one of these genuine, vinyl,

shark-proof camera cases.

It's good down to fathoms.

You wanna buy one?
You look like a snorkeler.

- Uh, I'll think about it.
- Huh.

Hi, Henry.

Hi, sweetheart.
How was school today?

It was okay.
Mrs. Winston was mad at...

Uh, Henry,
kiss your kid goodbye.

There's a customer waiting.

- Oh.
- Hi.

Sorry, Punky.
I'll be right back.


The hat.

I can't.

It's rule, Henry.

To tell you the truth,

I feel a little silly
wearing the Glossy's hat.

I think I'd do a better job

just being the mature, dignified
businessman that I am.

Henry, let me put this in terms

that a mature, dignified
businessman can understand.

Wear the hat or you're fired.

Welcome to Glossy's. Smile.

Maybe it's because
I've never been

someone's employee before.

You can't teach an old dog
new tricks.

Henry, it's way past
Brandon's bedtime.

The tea was his idea.

I'll take over from here,

Your eyes are glazing over.

Henry, I know
Glossy's is losing its shine.

Go ahead, let it all hang out.

I'm miserable.

Four weeks
of ever-increasing humiliation.

Here I am,
at the zenith of my life,

kowtowing to a pompous pinhead
who is half my age

and just treats me
as if I were dispensable.

You're not dispensable.

He just doesn't need you.

Why don't you quit?

I can't do that.

It's difficult for a man my age

to suddenly go out
and find a job.

Not many men looking for people
at their zenith, huh?

There's not exactly
a run on them.

What if we took the one hundred
thousand smackaroos

and bought a new studio?

Remember the contract I signed?


Page says
I can't open a competing studio.

- Forever?
- No.

Just for the next years.

You'll probably be too old then.


I'll just have to get used
to working for Genghis Glossy.

Well, remember, Henry,
just 'cause he's the boss

doesn't mean
you have to eat dirt.

I'll bear it in mind.

And just because he owns you

doesn't mean
you have to lick his boots.

Thanks for the pep talk.

And just because he's a kingfish

doesn't mean you're sea slime.

Punky, please,
I can't take any more pep.

- Henry.
- Just a moment.

- Oh, Henry.
- Just a minute.

Sorry to keep you waiting,

Here are your pictures.

Thanks. Here's my check.

Um... May I see
some identification?

Henry, it's only been two hours
since I've seen you.

You couldn't have gone senile
that fast.

I'm sorry, Betty,

but the "Manager's Manual"
clearly states

that a driver's license

and two credit cards
are required.

Of all the stupid...
you should be ashamed.

Known you ten years,
you old coot.

Thank you, ma'am. Oh.

I'm surprised you didn't ask
for my fingerprints.

They're on the check.

- Hi, Henry. How's it going?
- I'm very busy right now.

This is our chance.

While they're busy,
we'll hurry up

and look at the
"Hunk Of The Month" calendar.

Henry, I've been waiting
so long,

my clothes
are coming back in style.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Dempsey.
I'll be right with you.


Dempsey. Where do I know
that name from?

Thank you for your patience.

Nice hat. Gives you height.

- I hate it.
- I don't blame you.


Well, here are your pictures.

Nice, clear shot
of your appendix scar.

the quack who operated on me

took my last dime.

Can you carry me till Tuesday?

Oh, now I remember.
Dempsey, the deadbeat.

Ma'am, for some unclear reason,
you were extended credit

and have an overdue bill.

With interest, you owe me...

twelve dollars
and forty-seven cents.

Mrs. Dempsey has been
my customer for years.

I do not charge her interest.

- Here. They're on the house.
- Thank you, Henry.

It's a pleasure
to do business with you.

When I have my tummy tuck,
you'll develop the pictures.

And you, you meatball,
you should develop an itch

in a place
that's hard to scratch.

I am deducting the $ .
from your paycheck.

And I never want to see
that woman in my store again!

She's welcome any time
as long as I am the manager.

Oh, well, that won't be for long
if you keep this up.

Let's not forget
who's in charge here!


As a wise, young lady told me,
just because you're the boss

does not mean
I have to eat dirt!

And just because you own me

does not mean
I have to lick your boots!


And just because
you're the kingfish...

does not mean
that I am sea slime!


You heard me.

You watch it, Henry!

Don't make me exercise page
of the "Manager's Manual."

You cannot have me deported.

I can prove
I was born in this country.

I don't like you.

I don't like you

or the way you do business!

- You're a dinosaur.
- You're a vulture.

You're fired!

Too late.

I quit!

Guh! Fine!
Then it's on your head!

No, no, no!

It's on... your head!



Even though
I needed that job desperately,

I wasn't willing to roll over
and play dead.

You can understand that.

The night shift has arrived.

Unless you'd rather talk
to Brandon.

Nah. His mind wanders.

Henry, I was proud of you today.

You were real gutsy with Glossy.

No, I was stupid.
I needed that job.

- Why? We're rich, remember?
- Ah.

Can't you start a new business?

I have been a photographer
for years.

That's all I know. Huh.

Besides, you have no idea

how risky it is
to start a new business.

Henry, Henry, Henry.

Life is risky.

If we didn't take risks,

we wouldn't be a family
right now.

I mean, after all,
let's face it,

adopting each other was risky,
but it paid off.

I can't argue with that.

What kind of business
did you have in mind?

I don't know,

but it should be
something different,

something fun,
something out of this world!

Henry D. Warnimont,


Watch out below!

The best entrance in Chicago!

Come on, Margaux, it's fun.

- It's great! Come on.
- Come on, Margaux.

I may take legal action if
there's grease on my Calvin's.

Grandma, are you okay?

Of course, I'm okay.

My first boyfriend
used to be a fireman.

I was the only blaze
he couldn't handle.

I must say, Mr. Warnimont,
I'm impressed.

I might even be willing
to be seen here.

Well, I hope
you're not the only one

who's willing
to be seen in here.

I sank every dime I got
from Glossy into this place.

Don't worry, Henry.
I've put flyers all over town.

We'll be swimmin' in customers.

But we've been open
for over seconds

and the place is empty.

Hi, Henry.
Brought my poker club.

Girls, Henry.

- Henry, girls.
- How'd you do?

- Mm-hmm.
- You helped me out.

I figured
it was my turn to help you.

Bring a little business.

- Thank you, Mrs. Dempsey.
- Ha-ha-ha.

- Ladies, please be seated.
- Oh, sure.

- Over here, please.
- Yeah.

- Come on. On the double.
- Hey.

- Let's get to this.
- Whose deal?

- Mine.
- Oh.

- Five-card stud.
- Oh.

Down and dirty.

I love a down and dirty.

Great. Loser's paying for lunch.

Henry, can I ask you a question?


Why did you name this place
after me and not you?

Because when it comes down
to it,

you were the one who encouraged
me to take the risk

to open a new business.

So you deserve to have it
named after you.

Thanks, Henry.

Besides, the sign painter
charges by the letter.

And "Punky's Place"
is a lot cheaper than

"Warnimont's World Of Weenies."