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03x22 - Open Door, Broken Heart: Part 2

Posted: 02/18/22 08:45
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

♪ Maybe the world is blind

♪ Or just a little unkind

♪ Don't know

♪ Seems you can't be sure

♪ Of anything anymore

♪ Although

♪ You may be lonely and then

♪ One day you're smiling again

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ I see the girl
who turns my world around ♪

♪ Standing there

♪ Every time I turn around

♪ Her spirit's lifting me
right off the ground ♪

♪ What's gonna be?

♪ Guess we'll just wait

♪ And see ♪

Punky: Last week
on "Punky Brewster..."

Cherie left the door open

and Brandon got out
without his tags.

Guys, we can't quit now.

There must have been some place
we haven't looked.

He didn't have any tags.

So I brought him home.

Can I keep him, please?

- You can keep him.
- Yeah!

Did you hear that, boy?
You belong to me now.

I'm so sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.

It's all my fault.

- No, it isn't.
- It is.

I'm the one
that left the door open.

Now Brandon's gone.

Hello, God?
Sorry to call so late.

But I need your help.

Brandon's lost.

Please, please bring him
back to me.

California, here we come!

[instrumental music]


where are you?

Punky: And now, part two
of "Open Door, Broken Heart."

[instrumental music]

So, the missing party
in question is...

Brandon Brewster.

Is little Brandon
your brother?

Uh, well, I'd like to
think of him

as much more
than just a brother.

See, it's all my fault.

I left the door open
and he wandered out.

Toss me in solitary
and throw away the key.

I don't think
we'll arrest you just yet.

Cherie, in case
you do get busted,

here's the name
of my father's attorneys.

Rosenblum, Rosenblum,
Rosenblum and Smith.

Oh, okay.

So, um, let's get
a description of Brandon.

- How tall is he?
- About this tall.

- Mm-hm.
- Weight?

Around pounds.

Two feet tall,

Couldn't have waddled
very far.

- Hair?
- It's reddish.

- Eyes?
- Two.

I mean color.

You'll have to excuse her.

She's easily intimidated
by authority figures.

Me, too.

Brandon's eyes are
a beautiful, warm brown.

Brown. Uh, any unusual marks
or characteristics?

Uh, well, his tongue's
eight inches long.


So, how long
has Brandon been missing?

Six days, four hours
and twenty-three minutes.

Six days? Why didn't you notify
the police immediately?

Because we thought
we could find him ourselves.

I better get an APB
out on this right away.

We can also notify
Child Find.

They have this
National Computer hookup--

Hello, I'm back.

Uh, hi, Henry.
This is Officer Bob.

Officer Bob,
this is my dad, Henry.

Nice to meet you, Officer Bob.

Why are you here?

Because Brandon is missing
for over six days.

And if you weren't aware
of that, sir,

this could be a case
of criminal neglect.

Criminal neglect?

Officer Bob...

I treated him
just like my own son.

- You mean he's not your son?
- No, he's our dog.


Brandon is a dog?

Did I forget to mention that?

I think I would've remembered.

You girls have been
conning me.

Officer, I had absolutely
nothing to do with this plan.

Please don't throw me
in the big house.

I'll miss the new fall fashions.

Give it a rest, Margaux.

I was gonna tell you he's a dog.

But first, I wanted you
to get to know him

and love him as much as I do.

Well, that's sweet, honey,
but we're not allowed

to look for missing dogs.

Just missing persons.

But, he's a person to me.

Please, Officer Bob.
You're my last hope.

Well, I'll ask the guys
on this beat

to keep their eyes open.

And I'll put this flyer up
on the station bulletin board.

Officer, that's very
kind of you.

Really, thanks a lot.

You're welcome.

You know, it's a shame
that Brandon's a dog.

It would've been a lot easier
to find a fat, hairy midget.

Come on, Margaux.

Let's go down
to the Eastside Mall

and hand out some more
of these flyers.

More mingling
with the masses?

This must be what it's like
to be a democrat.

[door closes]

Punky, you called
the police?

I was desperate and it was
something we hadn't tried.

So is skywriting, but
you don't see me up in a plane.

Hey, what a great idea!

Why don't you just call
the Goodyear Blimp?

I did. They said
they'd get back to me.

[knocking on door]

Hi, I'm looking for,
uh, "P. Brewster."

That's me.

The P. Brewster
that's offering the reward?

Yes, I'm P. Brewster.

Cough it up.
I found your dog.

You found Brandon?
Where is he?

Not so fast.
Where's the reward?

I'll handle this.

Young man, after you
show us your dog

we'll discuss the reward.

Okay. You drive
a hard bargain, pops.

Brandon, in here.


That's not Brandon.

I'm not even sure
that's a dog.

Boy: Of course, it's Brandon.

This is not our dog.

As you know only too well,
you little bunco artist.

No need to get personal, gramps.

Listen, you.

If "Gramps" ever hears of you
pulling another stunt like this,

he'll have you arrested
for intentional infliction

of mental anguish.

Just trying to make
a buck here.

Henry's right.
You're a bongo artist.

How could you leave your dog
with total strangers?

That's mean and cruel.

Relax, he would've come back
to me tomorrow morning.

I've got his kids.

Beat it. Now.

Okay, Waldo.

We're going to Oak Street.

This time,
I want you to be a poodle.

No dog deserves
a kid like that.

Punky, I don't have
to tell you

how much I care
about Brandon.

But I'm getting
very worried about you.

You're not eating,
you're not sleeping...

- I can't until I find Brandon.
- Ah.

That's what I have to talk
to you about.

There is a possibility,
we may not find him.

- You're giving up?
- I didn't say that.

Henry, if I were lost,
would you stop looking for me?

Of course not.

I'll help you look

as long as there's strength
left in these old legs.

I wanna look
longer than that.

What I'm trying to get you
to understand is that

no matter how long
or how hard we look...

we just may never find him.

[instrumental music]

Okay, it's your move, Dude.



You win again!

You've gotta be the smartest dog
in the whole world.


Joey? I need to talk to you
for a minute.

Hey, mom, you and dad can forget

about that little
baby brother I wanted.

Dude's the best pal
a guy could have.

He even plays chess!

He's not a very
careful player.

He bit the head off
your king.

Uh, no.

I did that when he beat me
three games in a row.

Joey, I was shopping
at the mall,

and a little girl
handed me this flyer.


It's a picture of a lost dog.

Who do you think it looks like?

Uncle Dave?

Well, a little.

But you know who I mean.

Who in this room
does he look like?

He looks like Dude.

But, mom, this address
is nowhere near the park

where I found Dude.

He plays chess.
Maybe he also rides the bus.

Come on, mom!

Can't you see that Dude
and I belong together?

Honey, I want you
to think about

what it would feel like
if you were this child

and your dog ran away.

My dog wouldn't run away.

And besides, I'd never let him
out without his tags.

That may be true.


I want you to think
about this.


[instrumental music]

This doesn't prove anything.

Besides, you couldn't possibly
have a name like "Brandon."


Let me put it to you
another way.

Do you know
someone named Pu... P-U-N-K-Y?


I was afraid of that.

"Punky Brewster."

What's this Punky like?

[instrumental music]

She's either color blind
or she's got two left feet.

No matter what,
you're lucky I found you.

I'm taking better care
of you than her.

You want me to call her?


Don't worry,
once we get to California,

you'll forget all about Punky.

Boy, are you stubborn.

Oh, boy.


Forget it! You're my dog.
And you're gonna stay my dog!

[intense music]

[instrumental music]

Brandon, I miss you so much.

I've tried to be brave
about this but...

I just don't think
I can take it anymore.

[door opens]

Hello, Punky.

- How are you?
- I've had better days.

Wait till you see what I bought
you at the toy store!



I knew you'd love it.

The saleslady said
it was the hottest thing going.

Everyone in the store
was covered with it.

Here. Yeah.

Go ahead.

Slime me!

Sorry, Henry, but
even slime won't cheer me up.

Oh, great.

Now, what do I do with this?



Oh, so you're the one
that bought

the last Tub-O-Slime.

I mistakenly thought
a little slime

would cheer up Punky.

Oh, we've got something
that'll cheer her up for sure.

Come on in, Cherie.

You're gonna love this.

What is it?

No, take a look!

Punky: A puppy!

[instrumental music]

[puppy whimpers]

I call him Willy,

but you can name him
whatever you want.

Thanks, Cherie.
This is really nice of you.

I know he can never take
Brandon's place.

But I hope you'll love him
and forgive me.

I never blamed you
for leaving the door open.

I blame myself.

Cherie, I really
appreciate this,

but I just don't want
a new dog.

Uh, uh, Punky, uh...
tell you what.

I sure would appreciate it if
you watch Willy for us a while.

We need to de-slime Henry.

Don't get too comfortable.
This is only temporary.

Yeah, Brandon used to
like that, too.

You know, you don't look
like a Willy.

You look more like a Bernie.

What am I saying?
You're not my dog.

Brandon's my dog.

I can't just give up on him
and adopt you.

I'd be a traitor.

And you know what happens
to traitors, don't you?

They get cold noses.

It's no use, guys.
He's a cute puppy.

But... [sighs]
I'm a one dog girl.

- Are you sure?
- I'm positive.


Until I find Brandon, I can't
even think about another dog.


Will someone see
who's scratching the door?

All: Scratching?



[instrumental music]

Oh, you're the best dog.

Did a dog come in... here?

There he is.

Who are you?

You must be Pu-- Pu-- Punky?

- Yes, ma'am.
- How do you do?

- I'm Punky's father.
- Ah.

Oh, don't worry.
Just a little slime.

[panting] Excuse me,
but we've been chasing your dog

for three blocks...
and a flight of stairs.

She's out of shape.

I'm Joey Deaton
and this is my mom.

Nice to meet you.

Oh, Bran,
I'm so glad you're safe.

Now you know, Brandon, never
to go out without your tags.

We've all been worried
sick about you.

For the next two weeks,
you're grounded.

No "Lassie" reruns,
no Pudding Pops

and you can forget
about going to that cat show.

Geez, I'm glad
you're not my mother.

How did you find us?

Uh, I was handed a flyer
at the mall.

As a matter of fact,
by this little girl.

It sure feels good
not to be a tree slug anymore.

Way to go, Cherie.

Joey, I really wanna thank you

for bringing Brandon
back to me.

Well, the truth is,
I wasn't going to.


See, we were gonna move
to California

and I figured
he'd forget all about you.

But we found out today we're
gonna stay here in Chicago.

Even if we had moved, I bet

he would've hitch-hiked
back to you.

[sighs] I know it's hard
to give him up.

Do you mind
if I say goodbye to him?

Go ahead.

Well, Dude...
I guess this is so long.

Gonna miss you.

But I suppose this is where
you really belong.

It's been great knowing you.

Will you give me five?


Joey, Cherie and I want you
to have this puppy.

I call him Willy, but you
can name him whatever you want.

Alright, thanks!


Can I keep him, mom?

Thank you so much.

Please, please let him have it.

You have no idea
how much I'd appreciate it.

Aww, how could anyone resist

such a cute little puppy?

- Alright, you can keep him.
- Alright!

Oh, thanks, mom.

We better get going, Joey.

Hey, Punky, may be some time,
you and Brandon

could come and sh**t hoops
with me and little Dude.


You got it.

- I'll see you.
- Bye-bye.

Oh, and, uh, Punky,
I really think you're cute.

- You have a boyfriend.
- You got a boyfriend.

Punky's got a boyfriend.

Can somebody
please close the door?

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]