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01x12 - The Secret

Posted: 11/30/03 12:27
by bunniefuu
Opening scene - It opens on a breathtaking view of the water and the coast, then the camera pans quickly along an aerial view lots of houses until finally we are in the Cohen house. Seth is dancing very energetically in his robe & PJ's in the hallway, he makes his way into the kitchen at which point he makes a face, and pretends that he's sick. Sandy & Ryan are both in there

Seth: (groans, holds his stomach & touches his head) do I have a fever, I think I might have a fever and or the chills

Ryan: (skeptical) since when

Seth: since recently

Sandy: so you're not feelin well?

Seth: (sighs) no I feel fine (really badly fake coughs - lol) (Ryan looks at him) jus my heads a little bit achy and my stomachs kinda weird (holding his stomach) I'm ok

Sandy: c'mere (touches Seth's head, Seth turns to face him and swallows really grossly, again Ryan just looks at him with a 'you gotta be kidding' look) huh you don't feel warm

Seth: what about cold or clammy (Sandy shakes his head)

Ryan: (with his head down) maybe you've got the Summer flu

Seth: yeah it's November but it's possible

Ryan: maybe you need some (looks at him) Anna-biotics (Ryan raises his eyebrows for emphasis)

Sandy: do you not wanna go to school?

Seth: (over enthusiastically) NO, no dad no I wanna go to school ok

Sandy: ok

Seth: (fake concern) I'm jus worried about infecting others

Sandy: no you're right we can't take a chance we should just take you straight to the emergency room, just to be sure

Seth: (sighs) ok...or I could stay home an-an try an sleep it off

Ryan: or you could go to school face Summer an Anna (raises eyebrows) an apologise!

(Sandy is smiling)

Seth: first of all ah no second of all hmm no, why would I?

Sandy: (wide eyed) oh... the SUMMER flu, I it (patting Ryan on the shoulder) that was good

Seth: ok look it's not my fault that they both tried to kiss me on thanksgiving (defensively) what was I supposed to do ah not kiss back, say no stop risk hurting their feelings

Sandy: well it seems to me you already did hurt their feelings

Seth: yeah perhaps I did but what about my feelings ok, hello I was the one who was assaulted I am the victim here (Ryan frowns trying to make sense of it)

Kirsten: (walking in, in her dressing gown) (to Seth) hey how come your not dressed your gonna be late

Sandy: and so are you or is that what ladies are wearin these days to yogalaties. Taryn called to remind you that today is the first day of your yogalaties workshop

Seth: ok mom...yogalaties?

Kirsten: ugh I don't know if I'm gonna go, I'm not feeling well

Seth: see it's contagious

Sandy: you know honey you might still be a little hung over

Kirsten: from what?

Seth: uh gee I don't know getting drunk and passing out on thanksgiving

Kirsten: hey! I had two glasses of wine

Sandy: whoa

Kirsten: three

(Seth holds up both hands to Ryan and mouths 'ten' Ryan smiles)

Kirsten: and I'm sure Julie Cooper has spread word around town that Kirsten Cohen now has a drinking problem

Sandy: which is why you have to go to yogalaties, cause you know those chatty old newpsies 'll just assume that you're at home sleepin off another bender (laughs)

Ryan: (to Seth, smugly) and Summer and Anna will assume your to afraid to face them

Seth: hey I'm not afraid of Summer an Anna alright...well I'm not afraid of Anna

Ryan: so you're goin to school

Sandy: (to Kirsten) an you're goin to yogalaties

Kirsten: you just like saying that

Sandy: yogalaties (shrugs) I kinda do yogalaties

Ryan: yoooogalaties

Kirsten: (to Seth) you know what I wanna know

Sandy: yogalaties (smiles)

Kirsten: is why these two are so smug!

Seth: because for once they didn't do anything wrong

Sandy: (smiles, stops) that's true (walks over to Ryan) here's to ya!

Ryan: back atcha (clink coffee cups)

Kirsten: enjoy it boys because knowing the two of you, it wont last long

Sandy: yogalaties (Ryan smiles)

Theme Song - California by Phantom Planet

Harbor school - Ryan, Marissa & Luke are in class

Mr. Bendis: your class presentations will account for one third of your final grade, along with your term papers and of course the final-exam. I'll be dividing the class into two person teams (Marissa writes a note to Ryan and slides it to him) each team will be responsible for presenting a detailed account of a pivotal event or period in European history (Ryan looks around before reading the note and inadvertently looks at look Luke, Luke looks away & Ryan looks down at the table uncomfortably) now I've already had quite a few a partnership requests (Ryan reads the note it says 'We could do the crusades?') however in all fairness to the other students (Ryan raises his eyebrows at Marissa & Marissa smiles) I will select the teams myself at random ok (Marissa's smile goes) Lauren and Kenny the French revolution, Ryan an Luke the Spanish inquisition (Ryan looks shocked, and looks at Marissa who also looks shocked, Ryan then looks at Luke who doesn't look happy about it) Stephanie and Bobbie the prodestant reformation, Stephanie are you listening? (Ryan looks back at Marissa, she just shrugs) Stephanie. Miss Savage please

CUT TO: Outside at the lunch tables, Seth, Ryan & Marissa are walking together

Seth: you an Luke?

Marissa: I know!

Seth: (laughs) holy UN holy alliances

Marissa: see this is why I asked Mr. Bendis a week ago if we could be partners, to avoid a situation like this

Seth: (sits down) why who did you get?

Marissa: (sits down) oooh Marcie Ross an I are doing Cortez and the Aztecs

Seth: hey I like Marcie Ross she's got a good smile on her, its innocent but its knowing

Marissa: you goin after Marcie now to?

Seth: hey hey I'm the victim here ok

Marissa: don't tell me tell Summer... (nods) and Anna and hey eventually you might wanna tell uh Marcie to

Seth: mmhmm (to Ryan) what are you an Luke doing (to Marissa) that was me ignoring you by the way

Ryan: Spanish inquisition, I'm spose to meet him at his house after school

Seth: your goin into the belly of the beast your gonna go into the heart of darkness

Marissa: hey its not gonna be that bad, I mean who knows you guys might even end up being friends

Seth: (girly) hmm

Ryan: you think?

Marissa: (shakes her head) no it's too weird, I mean my ex-boyfriend hanging out with my boyfriend, what're you guys gonna talk about

Seth: I can only think of one thing (smirks)

(Marissa points to herself as if to say 'me'? Ryan just smiles at her)

CUT TO: Sandy & Jimmy at Jimmy's house

Sandy: so I talked to my guy at the SEC and your clients and they all agree that if you make full restitution by January first (makes a hand motion as if to say' no problems')

Jimmy: (opening the door) but that means selling the house

Sandy: (walking in) well it also means a avoiding criminal prosecution, and jail time

Jimmy: (shutting the door) (sighs) look I can't sell the house now it's almost the holidays...I can't do that to Julie and Caitlyn

Sandy: they wouldn't have to move out right away y'know just have the realtor show the house when Julie's out an Caitlyn's at school

Jimmy: what if she says no I mean she's got her name on the title to, what if Julie wont sell

Sandy: well what choice does she have, she can't afford to live there if you're in jail

Jimmy: now that's she's got Caleb Nichol in her pocket (sigh)

CUT TO: Harbor school - Summer & Marissa are in the bathroom

Summer: (o.s) you had lunch with him

Marissa: (coming out of the stall) no I had lunch with Ryan, Seth was just you know there (washes her hands)

Summer: I cannot believe you, Coop where is your loyalty? what'd he say?

Marissa: nothing, I'm not getting involved

Summer: oh that means he said something. what'd he say? I'm just curious

Marissa: (laughs and rolls her eyes) nothing, I told you

(Anna comes in, she and Marissa say hi silently, then Marissa leaves)

Summer: (flushing) hellloooo god what did he say?

Anna: what'd who say?

Summer: (opening the stall) Seth! (realises its Anna) oh, its you

(Anna flosses her teeth, Summer looks at her)

Summer: you're like, school

Anna: do you have any idea how much bacteria accumulates in your mouth between lunch an dinner

Summer: noo but the fact that you do tells me everything...look if you want him you can have him, I'm done

Anna: uh-huh thanks, but that's ok

Summer: right because you couldn't possibly be interested in someone that's interested in me

Anna: no, because I couldn't possibly be interested in someone who treats women that way

Summer: oh (looks at her teeth in the mirror) so how much bacteria, like alot?

Anna: (smiles and throws her the floss) alot

Summer: (smiles) thanks

CUT TO: the halls. Anna is walking out of the bathroom and Seth runs into her

Seth: hey I was hoping I would bump into you I wanted- (Summer comes out) hi Summer... and Anna hanging out...together wow, wow that's ah that's awkward

Anna: not really

Seth: well I meant for me um how are you guys, you guys good, you guys gettin along

Anna: yesss infact we were just about to go to the library to do some... research

Summer: (confused) we were. yeah!

Anna: uh-huh

Summer: the library

Anna: mmhmm

Summer: for books

Anna: books

Summer: yeah and then we thought we'd go shopping right uh south coast plaza

Anna: sounds good! ok

Summer: alright

Anna: ok (they both walk off)

Seth: that doesn't sound good... at all

CUT TO: Kirsten at her yogalaties class

Kirsten: hey guys

W: (suprised) Kirsten, you made it

Taryn: how you feelin sweetie

W2: Julie told us you were 'under the weather' on thanksgiving

Kirsten: she did

Taryn: yeah well the holidays can be so stressful

W: I could go for a little hair of a dog myself (winks at Kirsten) right about now

W2: we'll see ya out there

Julie: (coming in) hey wait up guys

Kirsten: Julie

Julie: oh Kirsten, you showed up, how are you feeling

Kirsten: so did you tell everyone I was drunk at thanksgiving

Julie: (shrugs) well everyone was wondering where you were so

Kirsten: I was at the office...working

Julie: well hey its ok I mean we're all friends here

Kirsten: well if we're all friends why don't you start acting like one

CUT TO: Luke's house, Ryan is at the door and Luke's mom answers it

Meredith: hi Ryan isn't it?

Ryan: hi

Meredith: uh Luke just got home he'll be right down, come in

(Luke's little brothers are fighting)

Meredith: guys guys this is Luke's friend Ryan, Ryan this is Eric an Brad (they start fighting again) who wants a snack

Eric & Brad: me

Meredith: Ryan?

(Ryan is about to reply and Luke's dad Carson walks in)

Carson: hello

Eric & Brad: dad your home

Carson: whoa ah huh huh there they are (hugs the boys) how you doin?

one of the boys: so can we play some ball later please

Carson: ah you know what kids I'm just home to drop off moms car (to his wife) ah one of the belts was misaligned I had em change the oil to (to the boys) sorry fellas

Meredith: mm (kisses him) uh you remember Luke's friend Ryan, they're doing a school project together

Carson: (shakes Ryan's hand) oh yeah what about?

Ryan: uh Spanish inquisition

Carson: ooooh not one a western civilizations proudest moments, I was a history major at USC and now I sell cars for a living

Meredith: oh don't listen to him Ryan he owns three auto dealerships

(Luke comes down the stairs)

Luke: god mom brag much

Carson: she's jus bein prouda me

Luke: (to Ryan) come on let's do this (to mom & dad) we got alotta work to do

Carson: yeah me to (couldn't catch it) I'll see you tonight (kisses her) Ryan keep him on his toes please, Luke SC Notre dame this Saturday thought we'd drive up about noon, tail gate

Luke: (smiles) yeah cool

Carson: (winks) Ryan I don't know if you're a Trojan man but it's gonna be a good game, you're more then welcome (leaves)

(Luke looks at Ryan. The boys are fighting again!)

Meredith: (yells) guys!

CUT TO: Luke & Ryan in Luke's room. Luke is at his computer and Ryan is looking around

Luke: (sighs) so how you wanna do this

Ryan: uhh I don't know I was thinkin-

Luke: cause I got a bunch a books from the library I pulled some stuff off the web ahhh I was thinkin we could do like a screen show on my power book

(Ryan just looks at him) my dads got a film scanner at the office colour laser jet, power point we could just pull some stuff here and then head over there (Ryan still doesn't say anything) you know or not

Ryan: (smiles) nah nah th-that sounds good, yeah

CUT TO: Jimmy on the phone, the first thing we see is him tapping his feet so you can tell he is nervous

Julie: hello

Jimmy: hey, it's me, can you talk

Julie: yeah jus packing up some of Marissa's winter things, I was gonna drop them by in the morning if that's ok with you

Jimmy: yeah yeah thats-thats-thats great

Julie: what's goin on Jimmy?

Jimmy: look I uh I had a meeting with Sandy and it looks like I have to pay everything back by January first

Julie: Jimmy! It's the holidays

Jimmy: uh I don't have any other choice

Julie: what are Caitlyn an I suppose to do hmm where are we gonna live

Jimmy: live with your mother or Caleb

Julie: no, no we cant an we shouldn't have to this is my house to and Caitlyn's an we're not selling

Jimmy: (sincerely) Julie, I could go to jail

Julie: (sighs) maybe you should Jimmy, have you ever thought about that, maybe you deserve to go to jail

(Jimmy scoffs and then all you hear is the hang up sound, Jimmy just looks at the phone in shock)

CUT TO: Luke's dad's car dealership. Ryan and Luke walk in through the doors

Luke: (yells) dad, hello, dad you here (to Ryan) I dunno must'a gone home

(Luke and Ryan look at a jet ski on the showroom floor)

Luke: nice huh, they're givin these away (looks over at a red sports car) oh nice its in (walks over) check it out four fifty horse power eight cylinder (gets in) oooh dude you have to get in (Ryan smiles and gets in the passenger side)

Ryan: whoow wow man

Luke: (turning the stereo on) the stereos insane

Ryan: (looking at something) hey is that your dad

Luke: (looking) oh yeah that's his business partner Gus, we should go say hey (gets out)

(Luke starts walking towards them, as he does they stop and hold hands, then bring their hands up together. Luke's dad kisses the other guys hand, and then they kiss heatedly. Luke just stands there looking like he's about to cry and Ryan looks at Luke with a worried look on his face. Luke backs up to run away but he hits a car and drops his books. The car alarm goes off and Luke's dad and Gus look shocked. Luke and Ryan quickly get the books together. Luke's dad starts to walk out)

Luke: (scared) if you tell anyone!

Ryan: I won't

Luke: (grabbing the books) lets go, let's go!

(Ryan and Luke both run out)

Carson: Luke? (teary) no! (yells) Luke!

(Luke's dad looks back at Gus stunned)

CUT TO: the pool house, Marissa comes in

Marissa: sorry I'm late, I slept through my alarm

Ryan: oh yeah its ok (kisses her)

Marissa: how'd it go last night? you didn't call me so...

Ryan: we were workin pretty late

Marissa: did you meet his mom? she's really great!

Ryan: seemed nice yeah

Marissa: and I'm sure his dad was out of town

Ryan: ahh no, he was there

Marissa: (surpised) really cause he's never around, he's got these dealer ships in other cities an he's always traveling

Ryan: ah

Marissa: what?

Ryan: nothing. just uh...need some coffee (smiles)

Marissa: (smiles) ok I knew you guys were gonna talk so what did he say about me

Ryan: nothing

Marissa: fine ill go grab Seth (goes to the door)

Ryan: wait (Marissa turns back and looks at him) s-s-something happened last night...but I told Luke I wouldn't say anything

Marissa: (worried) is it is he ok? (Ryan looks worried) what is it? Ryan you can tell me

Ryan: (giving in, seriously) you can't tell anyone not even Summer, especially Summer

Marissa: I wont, I swear

Ryan: cause I'm not even telling Seth

Marissa: you can trust me, I won't say a word I promise

(Ryan looks at her)

CUT TO: Marissa & Ryan coming into the kitchen, Seth is already in there

Seth: well, apparently some of us are on central time

Ryan: yeah sorry

Seth: (takes a sip of his coffee) so how was your date with Luke (makes a cutesy face) your new study buddy

Ryan: it was fine (to Marissa) something for the road (hands her a juice)

Seth: yes I would like something for the road its called gossip, was there any uh any cross burning any uh goose stepping small Taiwanese family locked in the basement, what?

Ryan: not so much (to Marissa) fruit, bagel?

Marissa: (reading) ah yeah bagel would be good

Seth: yes sooo would some information, dude you went behind enemy lines come on the parents what's the deal cyborgs, supremacies vegans

Ryan: we just ended up a his dads dealership, lookin at cars

Seth: so are you guys friends now (fake smiles)

(Ryan looks at him, Seth is smiling till he sees Ryan look at Marissa, then the smile goes. Marissa looks at Ryan, then Seth then quickly goes back to reading trying to act normal)

Seth: (disbelievingly) first Summer an Anna, now you and Luke

CUT TO: Harbor school - Ryan, Seth & Marissa are walking outside

Seth: they came out of the bathroom, together then they went off to the library together! together!

Marissa: stranger things have happened

Seth: these are two people who hate each other brought together by their even greater hatred of me! Its like-it's like Luke Skywalker an-an-an Darth Vader teamin up to destroy the emperor

(Ryan approaches Luke)

Ryan: hey we should talk about-

Luke: (snaps) we got nothin'a talk about

Ryan: the presentation

Luke: I'll finish it myself

Ryan: alright (walks off)

Luke: (to Seth) what're you lookin at q*eer?

Seth: somebody really needs new material (Luke looks at him) (waves him off) alright go with what works (to Ryan) so I guess this means that you an Luke are not friends which I find oddly comforting (walks off)

Marissa: (to Ryan) I promise (walks off)

(Ryan looks back, worried)

CUT TO: Seth walking into study hall. Anna is sitting by herself at a table and Seth sits down across from her. Anna gives him a look then goes back to what she's doing and ignores him

Seth: so hey (nods) big test

Anna: (glares) you know what (raises eyebrows) don't! (closes the book and leaves the table)

(Seth kinda waves to her as she walks by but it's from his head like a salute. Anna sits at a different table. Summer walks in the room, she is near Seth's table)

Seth: hey wanna (Summer ignores him an walks passed) over there

Summer: (to Anna) hi

Anna: hi

Summer: is this seat taken?

Anna: it is now

Summer: (couldn't catch it) so did you study for the (?)

Anna: kinda

Summer: (worried) well I didn't

Anna: don't worry all you have to remember is kittens prefer cream or fish generally speaking

Summer: (not following) excuse me

Anna: (laughs) kingdom phallom class order family genes species

Summer: (impressed) wow, you're like really smart huh

Anna: compared to what

Summer: (frowns)

Anna: Summer your smart

Summer: well smart enough to sit next to you (Seth is watching them over his shoulder) what was that kitten thing again?

Anna: kittens prefer cream or fish generally speaking...or if you're not a cat person king Phillip comes over for good sex

Summer: definitely not a cat person (laughs)

Anna: right (laughs)

Summer: (still laughing) that's really good

(Seth is watching them being all chummy with each other. their laughing gets amplified and Seth puts his hands over his ears to escape it)

CUT TO: Kirsten at her yogalaties class. Julie is in the change room drinking water and Kirsten is walking in

Kirsten: (frowns) I am so sore, are you?

Julie: I'm fine, you must not of stretched properly

Kirsten: (worried) are you ok?...Sandy told me about the house

(the three women from earlier are watching them)

Julie: nothing to tell I'm not selling

Kirsten: Julie (follows) Julie (Julie turns around) if you an Caitlyn need somewhere to live I can find you a house, my dad can find you a house

Julie: (scoffs) not according to him, not without compromising our relationship

Kirsten: he said that?

Julie: so I told him if that's true we don't have to have a relationship anymore, so now we don't

Kirsten: (sincerely) I had no idea I am so sorry

Julie: wow you think you'd be celebrating, go ahead tell everybody that Caleb Nichol dumped me my husbands going to jail an I have no place to live (shrugs) what're you waiting for? I told everybody about thanksgiving now's your chance to get even

Kirsten: if you need anything, let me know

Taryn: (running in laughing) oooooh my god you guys, I just ran into Betsy on the elliptical trainer, she was getting her car serviced this morning ok (softly) come here come here come here (all the women walk closer) ok you cant tell anyone but you are not going to believe this (huge smile) uh-hm ok

CUT TO: Tennis courts - Sandy & Jimmy are sitting at a table

Sandy: I gotta tell ya Jimmy I've never seen you hit the ball like that, you crushed it

Jimmy: creative visualisation (holding up the ball) Julie's head

Sandy: get a realtor, show the house

Jimmy: (shrugs) but she...

Sandy: Julie will change her tune, once word spreads that the SEC is investigating her as a possible co conspirator, forget about it

Jimmy: (suprised) they are

Sandy: I can make a call (Jimmy half smiles) (waiter puts bill down) thankyou...I'll get this one

Jimmy: thanks...y'know I gotta say you-you you've-you've jus ben incredibly cool (shakes his head) with me I-I you know considering...everything (Sandy waves it off) an I-I-I really appreciate y'know you jus not saying anything an I know you only heard it from-from Kirsten's point of view but I I you know I want you to hear it from me that whole-that whole thing was just a huge...mistake I'm really sorry

Sandy: (clueless) Jimmy what the hell are you talkin about

Jimmy: Kirsten didn't-didn't tell you

Sandy: (calmly) tell me what

Jimmy: (sighs) y'know when-when Julie kicked me out I was lost and Kirsten came over to help me set up my place and umm...I...kissed her (Sandy just sits there) y'know she was totally mortified I you know I and I apologised immediately she left like faster then that I mean an she didn't tell you because she didn't-she didn't wanna y'know she didn't wanna hurt you I-it meant nothing so she didn't wanna hurt you over-over over nothing (Sandy looks away)'ve done

Sandy: creative visualisation Jimmy I'm tryin hard not to see your head as somethin I should hit

Jimmy: look I'm-I'm really sorry I just I d'know I just didn't want there to be any secrets between us

Sandy: (his phone rings) mission accomplished (answers phone) hey

Kirsten: I uh have some news but I'm only telling you

CUT TO: Harbor school -Summer, Marissa and Seth are outside together

Summer: (excited) oh my good Coop you are not going to believe this! (Marissa looks at her as if to say 'what?') did you hear about Luke's dad?

(Marissa looks uncomfortable, then looks at Seth)

Seth: I haven't heard about Luke's dad

CUT TO: Seth walking the halls, he's looking for Ryan

Seth: hey (Ryan nods at him) I have crazzzy news for you

Ryan: not your woman problems

Seth: nooo it's definitely not (Seth is about to tell Ryan and they over hear some kid)

Kid: I heard his dads favourite TV show is Dawson's crack

kid2: I heard it was everwoody (laughs) (Luke over hears at his locker)

(Luke slams his locker & Ryan walks over to him)

Seth: hey Ryan

Ryan: (to Luke) hey man look

Luke: who'd ya tell?

Ryan: listen I'm sorry

(Luke grabs Ryan and pushes him against the lockers)

Luke: (angry) you're dead!

(Luke walks away and knocks into Seth. Seth looks at Ryan as if to say 'what was that about?' Ryan just looks worried about Luke)

CUT TO: Marissa walking outside of school. She is walking towards Ryan who is walking out of the main doors. He is angry

Marissa: (worried) everyone knows!

Ryan: yeah, well who'd ya tell!

Marissa: what? I didn't tell any-

Ryan: (angry) well did Summer? (softer) I asked you not to say anything

Marisa: why do you just assume it was me?

Ryan: because I'm the only one who knew, and you're the only one I told (sighs and walks away)

Marissa: I - didn't - tell - anyone

Ryan: I never should've told you in the first place

Marissa: probably not since obviously you don't trust me (Ryan doesn't say anything) (hurt) know what find your own ride home (walks off)

CUT TO: Cohen's backyard. Kirsten is trimming some flowers and Sandy comes out. he doesn't look happy

Kirsten: hey

Sandy: (softly) hey

Kirsten: it's amazing about the Wards, how fast word travels

Sandy: sometimes

Kirsten: well I'd ask you if everything's ok

Sandy: nah its not

Kirsten: which leads me to my next question

Sandy: oh its well covered territory with us...Jimmy Cooper (Kirsten just looks at him) I uh oh I wanna do my best not to sound to uh...high school but uh...(hurt) he kissed you

Kirsten: he told you

Sandy: well he didn't want there to be any secrets between us, apparently you don't feel the same way

Kirsten: of course I do, it's just that it meant - nothing

Sandy: well putting my own skepticism about that remark aside for a just a moment if it meant nothing...then why didn't you tell me

Kirsten: ...because I knew it would upset you

Sandy: thankyou... (hurt) cause I feel so much better having heard it from someone else

Kirsten: (softly & sincerely) I'm sorry

Sandy: well all this time all this suspicion and paranoia about me an my co-worker an-an- an your sittin on this (walks away)

Kirsten: (sighs) Sandy Sandy (follows) (turns him around to face her) it means nothing

Sandy: (hurt) well it means somethin a me (leaves)

(Kirsten watches him walk away with tears in her eyes, it looks like she's about to cry)

CUT TO: the dinner table. Kirsten & Sandy are at either end and Seth and Ryan are opposite each other. no one is saying anything

Seth: ok its just that (begins to laugh) after all the years of Luke callin me gay, I don't know I think its great that now the shoe is on the other actually its on his dads foot but you get the symmetry I'm goin for

Sandy: it's not funny... it's the end of their marriage, their life as they knew it is over

Kirsten: I heard Meredith's already filing for divorce

Ryan: I was just over there they seemed really happy

Seth: yeah, by happy do you mean (whispers) gay

Kirsten: Seth

Seth: yes?

Kirsten: cut it out!

Ryan: I mean how can you be married to somebody for that long an keep that kind of a secret

Sandy: oh you'd be suprised (looks straight at Kirsten) but eventually the secrets come out

Kirsten: and some marriages can handle the truth an some cant (looks straight at Sandy)

(Seth notices and looks at Sandy, then Kirsten)

Seth: yeah well I'm sure everyone 'll be so accepting seein as we're such a-a liberal, tolerant bunch (to Sandy) and that was at the expense of Orange County not Luke's dad, his big gay dad
CUT TO: Kirsten's yogalaties class. the women are talking about Luke's dad

W: did you see his arms, what straight guy has arms like that

Taryn: (laughs) not my husband

W3: well Charles an I went to go see the lion king with the Wards, and Carson cried, wept (both women laugh)

(Kirsten & Julie aren't in the conversation, but they are in the room)

W: all these years I've known him he's never once made a pass at me, I feel so much better (women laugh again as they leave)

Kirsten: I can't be here right now

Julie: have you eaten?

Kirsten: what'd you have in mind?

Julie: fried food an beer

Kirsten: first rounds on me (they both leave)

CUT TO: Harbor school - Marissa walks into Mr. Bendis class and Ryan is already in there. you'll remember from earlier Ryan and Marissa sit together, this time Marissa sits at a different table leaving Ryan at their usual

Mr. Bendis: alright if everyone will take his or her seat we shall begin...anyone seen Luke (Luke's regular chair is empty) (Ryan looks over worried, then at Marissa who also looks worried) ok let's open our books to page 59 the (?) West Indian colonies

CUT TO: Study hall - Anna and Summer are sitting together

Summer: so you should comer over like at four

Anna: yeah um I've got lit mag after school but I can come by after that

Summer: ok yeah the flash cards should be done by then so

(Seth walks up)

Anna: nice

Summer: perfect (they clink water bottles and laugh)

Seth: hi you guys could I speak to you (their smiles go) for-for one minute please because I owe you both an enormous apology (they both look at him) actually i guess technically I owe two apologies each one tailored to the specific wrongs visited upon the specific person but since you two seem to be sort of a package deal these days I don't know-

Summer: Cohen!

Seth: right uh (to Summer) I'm sorry ok (to Anna) and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that I apologised to her first its jus y'know chronologically I'm tryina

Anna: Cohen!

Seth: right stupid I know. well let me start by saying nothing in my life (shakes his head) nothing prepared me for the events of that fateful thanksgiving day but uh I'm not gonna make any excuses for what I did, I just wanna say one little thing in my defense which is, ya cant really blame me for wanting the company of either of you two (Anna smiles) an I know that I hurt your feelings an I feel bad about that I do but please believe me when I say that it wasn't intentional ok (Summer smiles) cause I'd never do anything to ruin our friendship...or look I know I have no right ask I jus hope that someday you can both forgive me (they both look at him and you can see they both want him again) ok so yeah thanks for your time (walks away)

(they both watch him go, with an 'aww expression' then they look at each other and realise the friendship isn't gonna happen)

Anna: (packing up) you know what I-I never really liked flash cards they've never really worked for me

Summer: (also packing up) oh yeah you know I think I study better alone

Anna: (stands) oh that's good because I think lit mags gonna go a little bit late today

Summer: (stands) ah huh yeah maybe next time (walks away)

Anna: maybe (walks away in the opposite direction)

CUT TO: Kirsten & Julie at the place they were discussing earlier. they are sitting at a table

Kirsten: it's like they enjoy it

Julie: mm (swallows her beer) well I can't exactly claim that I didn't once see the fun in witnessing the fall of the rich and fabulous... and then I became homeless an suddenly not so funny

Kirsten: I don't really think that my dad would let you go homeless

Julie: yeah well uh when I even mention that I might have to sell the house he went into a panic, you'd of thought I was asking for a ring

Kirsten: (laughs) that's so him

Julie: an then when I tried to explain-

Kirsten: he didn't listen

Julie: not a word, can I ask you a question

Kirsten: mmhmm

Julie: do you like that he calls you Kiki?

Kirsten: hate it!

Julie: cause he kept calling me Juju, like that candy that gets stuck in your teeth, I begged him to stop-

Kirsten: but when he gets something in his head (smiles)

Julie: it has to be his way

Kirsten: always

(Julie looks at her, and she looks back they both smile and laugh)

Kirsten: its just who he is, he jus cant spend longer then three months with the same woman before he freaks

Julie: oh he freaked alright

Kirsten: an I jus wish that I could tell him that I know what he's doing, he's trying to replace my mom...but he I just wish that he would... stop trying an be happy, but you cant talk to my dad

Julie: (smiles) no I know

Kirsten: and the important thing is is that he finds someone to share his life with, enjoy these years...I jus don't know if he's ever gonna figure that out

(Julie is thinking and Kirsten drinks her beer)

CUT TO: Harbor school -Seth is at his locker and Summer is there when he turns around

Summer: (smiles) hi

Seth: hey

Summer: so that apology aside from being the first I've ever received from a boy, was also the nicest

Seth: oh well uh I meant it so-so good

Summer: (bites her lip and moves closer to him) so... what're you doing Saturday

(Seth smiles)

CUT TO: Seth now outside with a huge smile on his face. Anna runs up to him

Anna: hey, Seth!

Seth: hey

Anna: you going to lit mag

Seth: ah yeah

Anna: wanna walk together

Seth: (taken back) uh, do you?

Anna: yes, that was so sweet what you said earlier (Seth smiles) an I could tell you really meant it, we both know sincerity's not your strong point

Seth: (nods) I'm workin on it

Anna: I'd like to help, what're you doing Saturday night

Seth: (thinks)...well in the new spirit of sincerity um...I have a date with Summer

Anna: oh

Seth: (disappointed) yeah so

Anna: (comes closer) what're you doing Friday night

Seth: (smiles)...what am I doing Friday night?

CUT TO: Luke's house. we hear the door bell and Marissa answers the door. It's Ryan

Ryan: hey why are you here?

Marissa: (shrugs) same reason you are

(Luke comes up behind Marissa)

Luke: hey

Ryan: (worried) you ok man?

(Luke shrugs and sighs. Ryan goes in, we see suitcases at the bottom of the stairs. Luke's brothers are quietly watching cartoons)

Luke: look man...I owe you an wasn't you who said anything my dad after we saw him he-he- he came out to my mom and...she wigged an called a couple friends and then everybody in Newport knew so

Ryan: don't worry about it I jus...wanted to see how you were doin

(Luke's mom comes in, she's crying)

Luke: hey mom

(she goes up stairs crying. Carson comes in behind her)

Carson: (teary) Meredith please (Luke looks at him) Luke could I uh Luke please

(Luke gets teary and runs out the front door. Carson just stands there upset)

CUT TO: the baseball field. Luke, Ryan & Marissa are sitting in players bit. Luke is drinking

Luke: my entire life has ben one giant lie (drinks) everything I thought I knew about my dad...I mean all those business trips he took...or how bout when he missed one of my games because he was working late (Marissa looks sad) I don't even know if this guy was the first one or if there were others...I cant even think about

Marissa: look I know its hard, but after everything I've ben through with my dad (shrugs) we've never ben closer, I mean we're finally able to be honest with each other an talk to each other an I don't know maybe you could have that with your dad

Luke: what he has to say, I don't wanna hear (sits down next to Ryan)

Marissa: I'm gonna go grab a jacket (rubs her arms) its cold (walks off)

Ryan: (sighs) well even if he (sighs) wasn't honest with ya...he still cared he did make it to some a your games

Luke: whatever, what does it even matter (drinks)

Ryan: its matters (sighs) especially if you had a dad who didn't make it to any a your games...who didn't even know what sport ya played or cared (they both look at each other)

Luke: everything's jus so screwed up

Guy: (o.s) isn't this romantic (on screen we can now see 2 guys at the fence) a couple a Harbor butt pirates

Luke: is there a problem...other then the fact that we kick your ass every year

Guy: nah dude, no problem at all, didn't mean to interrupt your date...f*g

Luke: (getting up and shaking the fence) what'd you call me?

(Luke runs around the fence and knocks into the guy. Ryan gets up and follows him)

Guy: yo dude keep your hands offa me save that for your boyfriend

Ryan: ok lets jus... not do this

Guy2: (couldn't catch it) back up your q*eer guy huh (shoves Ryan, Ryan shoves back)

Guy: yo why don't you jus run to your dad?

(Ryan and Luke look at each other then simultaneously punch the guys in their faces. they look at each other and smile. they look back and 6 more guys are walking up. now they both look worried)

CUT TO: Cohen house. Kirsten answers the door and Julie is there

Kirsten: Julie hi

Julie: (holding a plant) I jus had to come over and say thankyou (hands her the plant)

Kirsten: for what?

Julie: I got home today there was a message on my machine, its Caleb call me whatever

Kirsten: well

Julie: I know but I call him right just incase he's ready to apologise, which p.s he's not so he starts in again with the excuses and the he's feeling pressured

Kirsten: well because it's all about him

Julie: exactly (smiles) but then I remembered what you said at lunch so I let him have it

Kirsten: (suprised) you did?

Julie: I told him he's scared life's to short spend it with someone you enjoy, all that stuff

Kirsten: you did

Julie: don't worry he doesn't think it came from you he thinks I came up with it, but the important thing worked (smiles)

Kirsten: how so

Julie: Kirsten, he's buying my house as an investment. Jimmy's not going to jail, Caitlyn an I have a place to live, and who knows maybe some day your next door neighbour will be your dad (smiles)

Kirsten: (stunned) I don't know what to say

Julie: well you might wanna water that, bye (leaves)

(Kirsten shuts the door stunned. she walks into the kitchen. Seth is at the table, and Sandy is sitting on the couch reading the paper and watching cartoons)

Sandy: hey Seth...ask your mother who was at the door

Seth: (looks at Sandy) uh mom who was at the door

Kirsten: (puts the plant down on the counter) Julie Cooper bearing gifts

Seth: it's Julie Cooper dad

Sandy: ask your mother what she wanted

Seth: (looks at Sandy) um dad wants to know who-what-what what she wanted (Kirsten puts her hands on her hips) dad better idea, ask her yourself go on

(Kirsten walks in and stands in front of him, she looks annoyed)

Kirsten: Julie Cooper sold her house

Sandy: ahh

Kirsten: to my father

Sandy: oh, now that I wish you hadn't told me

(sound of a door slamming)

Ryan: hey

(we see Ryan and Marissa walking in, they are supporting Luke who is scruffy, bruised and bleeding)

Kirsten: oh my god! (walking over) are you guys ok?

Ryan: yeah, I didn't do it this time

(Seth gets up)

Kirsten: I'm gonna get the first aid kit

Sandy: come on have a seat

Seth: hey what happened?

Luke: (sitting) I guess bad news travels fast

Sandy: have you called your folks

Luke: no

Sandy: I'll call em

Luke: no-no-no I-id rather not call em if-if it's ok

Seth: it's alright (to Sandy) hey he can just stay in the gust room

Sandy: sure (walks into the kitchen) (to Kirsten) I'll go call his dad

Kirsten: ok

(Marissa, Seth and Ryan all look worried)

CUT TO: Marissa & Ryan on the front porch

Marissa: (sighs) so you guys need a ride to school in the morning

Ryan: (smiles) you don't mind

Marissa: yeah well you were pretty great with Luke today

Ryan: I never shoulda told you

Marissa: because I'll tell everyone right

Ryan: no, because he asked me not to

Marissa: but see the unwritten rule of relationships is you're allowed to tell your girlfriend, because everything you say to me stays with me and vice versa

Ryan: so then you didn't tell anybody that I went off on you yesterday when I thought you told

Marissa: no...well I mean jus Summer

Ryan: (nods) will you tell Summer about this (kisses her)

Marissa: (touches his face) no this'll stay just between us (kisses him)

(we hear the sound of a car pulling up and the lights shine in their eyes)

CUT TO: Carson standing inside near the back door Kirsten comes over to him

Kirsten: Carson are you sure that I can't get you anything to eat, scotch zanax

Carson: no thankyou (to Sandy who just came in) he's not coming down

Sandy: well he's half asleep, y'know maybe it would be a better idea if you guys talked in the morning

Carson: (teary) he's not gonna wanna talk to me...I lied to him...I lied to everyone I uh...truth is I love his mom I always have and I love our family an I just didn't uh wanna hurt now he's up there hurt

Sandy: hey if theres anything we could do

Carson: no no I've embarrassed my family enough (walking away) I think the best thing I could do right now is to just disappear

Sandy: (follows) noo I think that'd be the worst thing you could do, I mean it's what you ben doin all along y'know but comin out an bein honest with yourself an your family, in this town, it's the bravest thing you coulda done. look its jus my opinion but... you're the kinda father any kid'd be proud of

Carson: well I should go (walks away)

Luke: (standing around the corner) dad (they stare at each other) jus let me grab my shoes...I'll go with you

(Carson nods, still teary)

(Kirsten & Sandy are now in the kitchen)

Kirsten: so, while we're being honest

Sandy: oh god, there's more?

Kirsten: that was a pretty impressive speech you made in there

Sandy: well you know I'm prone to impressive speeches

Kirsten: right up until that line, yeah (Sandy laughs)

Sandy: so from now on are you gonna tell me all your secrets

Kirsten: are you gonna tell me all yours?

Sandy: y'know I don't think I have any

Kirsten: really

Sandy: yeah

Kirsten: you sure?

Sandy: I think

Kirsten: nothing from your past, no secret fantasies, no hidden porn stash (laughs) on the PC

Sandy: no cause obviously you already know about that one

Kirsten: (walks over to him) (softly) there's no way you can know everything about someone, that's what keeps it interesting

Sandy: well it hasn't ben uninteresting

Kirsten: at a certain point you have to trust the other person, that's what love is

Sandy: ok... so you'll have to trust that you can tell me things that I may not wanna hear we-we can handle it

Kirsten: like...Jimmy Cooper kissed me

Sandy: (touches her face) trust me (they kiss)

CUT TO: Harbor school - Ryan, Seth, Marissa & Luke are walking in. they stop and look ahead

Luke: this is gonna be weird

Ryan: yep

Luke: everybody's gonna be starin at me, talkin

Marissa: yep

Luke: maybe I can just blow the whole thing off, go hit the beach, give everybody time to get it outta their systems

Ryan: oh it doesn't work like that, its ben months I'm still the kid from China that burned a house down

Marissa: and I'm still the girl who tried to k*ll herself in Mexico

Seth: I'm still...I'm still Seth Cohen

Luke: man this is gonna suck

Seth: yep well, welcome to my world

(Seth rides his skate board and the other 3 walk behind together - fade out)