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04x14 - Ouch

Posted: 02/20/22 08:55
by bunniefuu
Don't worry, Brandon.

I won't forget to pack
your nose plugs.

This is going to be
our best vacation ever.

Yeah, two weeks at Lake Geneva.

Swimming, sunning, boys.

Can't you just see us
standing at the lake,

ordering sodas
and lounging with the babes?

Yeah, babe lounging.

The perfect vacation activity.

The only problem is,
how are we gonna keep

your dad and my grandma
out of our hair?

They won't wanna hang out
in the sun.

At their age, they shrivel.

I don't know. My grandma
bought a brand-new bikini.

- She did?
- Sequins on leopard skin.

- How does she look in it?
- Let's put it this way.

I'm thinking
of changing my name.

- What's that, Punky?
- Tums for the tummy.

You still have a stomachache?

Yeah, for two days now.

What did you have?
Some bad fish?

I don't know,
but whatever is in there

is swimming upstream.

- Did you tell your dad?
- No way.

It took me two months
to talk Henry and his wallet

into taking this vacation.

If he thinks I'm sick,
he'll cancel it.

Still, two days is a long time
for a tummy ache.

You should do something.

Look, your grandma's
a nurse, right?

Why don't I just ask her

some general
stomachache questions?

Yeah, without letting on you
know the stomach personally.

Sort of like a mystery stomach.

Oh, and, Brandon, you don't know
the stomach either.

Betty, look at all this stuff.
Where'd you think you're going?

On a three month tour
of the world?

It's only the bare essentials.

Yes, I heard
about your leopard skin bikini.

Now, Henry, I don't want to hear

one little remark
about my bikini.

I'm sure there's nothing
little about it.

I'll see how much of this stuff
will fit in the car.

- Grandma?
- Yeah, honey?

We need medical advice.

There's an anonymous kid
at school

whose anonymous stomach has
been upset for a couple of days.

Yeah, and not only
is she anonymous,

we don't even know her name.

What do you think's
wrong with her?

Well, a upset stomach can be
caused by any number of things.

- Like a bad diet.
- That's probably it.

She eats
at the school cafeteria.

tell her to see a doctor.

Persistent problems like that
should be checked.

Okay, I'll tell her.

Okay, I've come up with a way

of making room in the car for
your luggage and our luggage.

Really? That's great.

All we have to do
is strap you to the roof.

Punky, what are you doing up?

Oh, I was just thirsty.

Thought I'd get a glass of...



Oh, Wow, the new soft drink.

You've heard their slogan.

Wow, the drink
that upside down spells mom.

Something wrong?

- N... no, just a cramp.
- Where?

In my hand, but it's fine now.

Oh, okay then.

Now get your drink,

but then right after that,
straight to bed, okay?

Punky, is something wrong
with your stomach?

No, I just got this little
nothing of a pain.

How long have you had this
little nothing?

Well, I felt
a little sick today...

and yesterday.

I'm calling Dr. Evans.

No, it'll ruin our trip.

Maybe not.

We'll stop in to see him
before we drive to the lake.

Wait, Henry.
There's been a miracle.

Really, I feel totally great.

Save it.

Hello, uh,
this is Henry Warnimont

calling for Dr. Evans.

I see.

How long will he be
at the investment seminar?

A whole week to learn
about foreclosures?

Never mind, I'm taking her
to the hospital.

Hospital? No, Henry,
I'm perfectly... fine.


Henry, it hurts.

Henry, what's taking them
so long?

They're getting your test
results as fast as they can.

Let's wait for them at home.

As long as we're here,
we might as well stay.

I knew you would say that.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, Henry, Dr. Davis would
like a word with you.

I'm going too.


I wanna know what's going on.

I'll tell you everything,
I promise.

Cherie will keep you company.

- Sure, I will.
- Okay.

So, nice room.

I hate hospitals.

They're full of sick people.

So how do you feel?

Between us, not too good.

What are these?

Those are the bed controls.

Oh, want me to raise
your head a little?

Okay, sure.


Oh, that doesn't look
too comfortable.

- It isn't.
- Then I'll fix it.

- Sorry.
- Put it back, put it back!

Okay, don't get bent
out of shape.


- Are you okay?
- I think so.

Just don't help me anymore.


I wonder what the doctor
and Henry are talking

about for so long.

Do you think it's bad news?

I don't know.

Cherie, I'm scared.

Don't be.

They'll probably come back
and tell us we can go.

You think so?

Well, I'm sure I can go.

I just don't wanna
have to have an operation.

I should be wearing
a bathing suit,

not one of these
breezy-behind nighties.

Listen, can I go?

Not quite yet.

What's wrong with me?

Dr. Davis says
you have appendicitis.

Oh, no, I have an itis.
I'm worm food.

Punky honey, an appendectomy
is a very simple operation.

Operation? Oh, no,
you said the word.

The surgeon will take out
your appendix

and sew you up as good as new.

Better than new.

Henry, please,
I don't wanna have an operation.


I'm sorry, sweetheart.

You just don't have any choice.

Dr. Rosen,
you're needed in X-ray.

Dr. Downey,
you're needed in ICU.

Dr. Pepper,
you're needed in the cafeteria.

- Morning, Punky.
- Hi, Nancy.

You're scheduled for surgery
this morning at o'clock.

How's my pulse?

Fine, till I said
the word surgery.

Oh, my legs are asleep.

Come on, you guys.

Everybody, up.

Can I get you anything,
Mr. Warnimont?

I could use a younger body.

Sorry, but there's
a waiting list for those.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Mornin', everyone.

Punky, you remember Dr. Davis?

How's our little patient?

Well, let's, uh, take a look
at those tonsils.

Open wide.

It's her appendix, remember?

Well, in that case, open wider.

We, uh, we like to keep things
light on the children's floor.

Let's leave the doctor
and patient alone, Henry.

You look like
you could use some breakfast.

Oh, I am hungry.

Could I get
your nurse's discount?

Sure, all you have to do
is wear my cap.

Well, let's, uh,
let's take a listen.

Hey, doc.

I have a few questions.

Okay, sh**t.

First of all, did you graduate
from medical school?

Yes, several of them
as a matter of fact.

Why? Did they keep
throwing you out?

No, I'm a... I'm a specialist.

Would you like
to see my diplomas?

No, your report cards.

I wanna see
how you did in appendix.

I assure you
I did very well in appendix.

And I wasn't half bad
in basketball either.

Then let's forget
about the operation

and go sh**t some hoops.

You're, uh,
you're nervous, aren't you?

Would you like to know why
your appendix has to come out?

You need the money?

You see, your appendix
has an acute inflammation.

Well, if it's so darn cute,
why can't I keep it?

I don't want you to be nervous.

The operation won't hurt at all.

I'll see you in a couple hours.

Great, can't wait.

- Oops, sorry, doctor.
- Oops, sorry, doctor.

Quite alright.

- Surprise!
- Surprise!

Hi, guys, why are you dressed
like that?

It's part of my brilliant plan
to smuggle in a special visitor.


Thanks for sneaking
him in, guys.

Well, it wasn't easy.

We needed to look official,
so we collected these.

The only problem is, I forgot
which teeth belonged to who.

But if a person couldn't
recognize their own choppers,

they're too far gone
to eat anyway.

Um, can we make this
a quick visit?

I look awful in stripes.

Margaux, forget how you look.

We're here to cheer up Punky,

Now tell us all about having
your appendix ripped out.

That's the last thing
I wanna talk about.

I'm so nervous.

I know all about operations,
and I don't blame you one bit.

Margaux, you promised not to
mention your cousin, Millicent.

Tell me about
your cousin, Millicent.

Um, she had
the very same operation.


And, well,

let's just say
Millicent walked in,

but they carried her out.

Poor Millie.

Well, it's just as well.

The scar's so ugly,
she's better off dead.

Margaux, don't say dead
in front of someone

who's about to have a serious
operation that could k*ll her.

I'm sorry, Punky.

No, go on,
tell me about Millicent.

Well, the way I figure it is,

inside of all of us
are organs, muscles, blood,

but mostly air.

- Air?
- Air.

Now my guess is
when they sliced into Millicent,

all her air rushed out of her
and she went...


Like a punctured balloon.

- Eww!
- Eww!

Attention, please.

All the false teeth are missing
from the Geriatric Ward.

Until they're located,
we'll be serving Cream Of Wheat.

Well, Punky, I've got to dash.

Margaux, thanks
for coming to visit.

Hey, I'd never forgive myself
if I didn't at least

take the time to say,
"It was nice knowing you."

I... I mean, good luck.

Don't worry, Punky.
You'll be fine.

- You think so?
- Absolutely.

Brandon, I'm scared.

Real scared.

I can't go through
with this operation.

I'm busting out of here.
I'm going over the wall.

Now you gotta pretend
to be me, got it?

No, you won't have to have
your appendix removed.

No, they're not gonna shave you.


Oh, I'll bring you something
for that cough.

Punky. Oh!

Hello, nurse, how's Punky doing?

Mr. Warnimont,
your daughter is gone.

- Oh, Lord.
- What?

No, no, not gone-gone.

I mean, she's left her room.

There's a dog in the bed.

Brandon, what's going on?
Where's Punky?

Come on, Brandon, speak up.

Excuse me, folks,
you're talking to a dog.

This is no ordinary dog.

Let's have it, boy.
What's Punky up to?

Mm-hmm, just as I thought.

She's ran away
because she's afraid

of having the operation.

I'm overworked.

I'll notify security,
so they can start looking

for Punky right away.

We have to find her.
She couldn't have gotten far.

Brandon, I know you promised
to cover for Punky,

but this is very serious.

Lead me to her.

Good boy.

Security, report
to the Children's Ward.

You didn't have Dr. Davis,
did you?


Go away.

Can I come in?

It's a free closet.

Thanks a lot, Brandon.

I never figured you
for a stool pigeon.

Look, don't blame him.

He's doing what's best for you
because he loves you.

We all do.

I'm not having an operation.

I'm scared.

Well, that's not like you,

You're usually so brave.

I'm not afraid
of anything I can see.

But I'm gonna be asleep
during the operation.

- Would you rather be awake?
- No.

Well, Punky,
this operation has to be done.

We don't have any choice.

Margaux told me
about her cousin, Millicent.

I don't wanna end up... prrr!


You know,
when the doctor cuts in

and all your air escapes.

Oh, that doesn't happen.

It doesn't?

I'll tell you what.

I've been working
at this hospital long enough

to have a little pull.

Would you like it if I was
in the operating room with you?

- Sure. Can you do that?
- Absolutely.

It would be an honor
to scrub up for you.

And could you make sure
everybody else scrubs up too?

If I have to spank
every one of 'em.

You ready?

I guess so.

Well, then let's go in
and show 'em how it's done.

I thought they already knew
how it's done.

Oh, they do, they do.

That's just an expression.

Come on, Brandon.


- Hi.
- Hello there.

Either I'm okay
or we all died together.

No, we're all okay.

Dr. Davis said the operation
went perfectly.

- My appendix is gone?
- It's history.

I hope they pickled it.
I'm dying to see it.

I do feel lighter.

Guys, I guess
I acted like a baby.

Aww, it's natural to be afraid

when you have to have
an operation.

But you overcame your fear.
I'm very proud of you.

Me too.

Look, we better scram,
so Punky can get some rest.


- Guys.
- Yeah, Punky?

I'm sorry about our vacation.

It was all ruined because of me.

Don't worry, honey, we'll go

just as soon as you're up
and at 'em.

That's right.

I don't understand,
the flowers we ordered

should have been here hours ago.

Don't they have
any decent candy-striper?



You're sweet.

Thanks, boy.

Thank you so much, guys.