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04x18 - Wimped Out

Posted: 02/20/22 08:57
by bunniefuu
Hi, guys.

FAh, school's out, fun's in.

Isn't summer great?

Brandon sure is laidback.

He does have a gift
for lounging.

Okay, let's talk party.

Cherie, have you picked
out the music?

It's not easy,
but I've narrowed it down

to my very favorite tapes.

How about
the guest list, Margaux?

It's the creme de la creme.

Not the menu, the guest list.


Wait a minute.

"Princess Di, Donald Trump...

King Olaf of Norway?"

King Olaf?
I eat his sardines all the time.

We'll handle
the guests, Margaux.

We're gonna invite
our usual friends.

I was afraid of that.
Don't worry, I'll come anyway.

Ooh, my heavily insured Rolex
says it's time to toodle.



It's British
for I'm rich and you're not.

Oh, how are you coming along
with the banner?

Just gotta hang it up.

Okay, I'll go down
and eyeball it for you.

School's out,
bop till you drop. A-ha!

School's out,
bop till you drop. A-ha!

Okay, move it a little
to the right.

Okay. Here?

Uh, up higher.

A little more to the right.

A little more.


Hold on, Punky! Don't move.

Right, good advice.
Where am I gonna move?

Cherie, do something!

What should I do?
What should I do?

Help me. Help me.

Right, I'll get a ladder.

Wrong, I don't have a ladder.

Is the hardware store open?

Cherie, my hands are slipping!

Okay, I'll come up and get you!

I can't hold on that long.

I'm gonna catch you.



You missed.

Hi, Brandon, don't worry.
I'm okay.

No, she isn't okay, Brandon.

She's covering for me,
Cherie the bone crusher.

Here, Punky,
sit on the sofa, huh?


Oops. Sorry, Henry.

No, I'm sorry.

Your toe wouldn't be hurt
if it wasn't for me.

Ah, it's alright, Cherie.

Some party this is gonna be.

Nobody's gonna wanna dance
with peg-leg Punky.

That's true.

So I guess you won't mind
if I dance all night

with Lance Feeberhorn?

Why did this have to happen?

Young people heal fast, honey.

The doctor told you that cast
can come off in only six weeks.

But six weeks
is half the summer.

I'll have one tan leg
and one frog belly leg.

Henry, this frog belly talk
is making me hungry.

Let's fix
some sandwiches for the girls.

- Have any turkey left?
- Yeah, right here.

I'm a turkey
if there ever was one.

Cherie, it's no big deal.

It is a big deal.

I panicked when you needed me.
I choked.

You've got a broken leg,
a sprained wrist

and a best friend who's a wimp.

- You are not a wimp.
- Yes, I am.

- No, you're not.
- I have to go with Cherie here.


Well, admit it.
With more friends like Cherie,

you could end up
seriously d*sfigured.


I just never thought
I'd fall apart

when you needed me.

Well, aren't you glad
you found out?

Now we know
we can't depend on you.


No, she's right.

Punky, remember when I got
locked in the refrigerator?

You didn't panic
when I needed you.

Punky, you saved my life.

Okay! So Punky saved your life.

She's a hero, you're a wimp.

Now can we get on
with our lives?

How do you like my new outfit?

All I can say is
I'm really sorry.

I blew it.
Will you forgive me?

Cherie, there's nothing
to forgive.

Now come on and sign my cast.

Are you sure you trust me
with a pointed object?

Come on.

You, too, Margaux.

I don't sign anything
without consulting my lawyer.


Hey, you wrote a poem.

"Violets are blue,
roses are red.

With a friend like me,
you could wind up dead."

Cherie, would you
spread on the mayonnaise?

I better not.
I'd probably spill some,

Punky will walk in, slip on it
and break her other leg.


Betty, are you getting
a facial twitch?

No, but I'm gonna give you one
if you don't get out of here.

I wanna talk to Cherie.

Oh, well, then I'll just, uh,

go into the living room.

Honey, I think
you're overreacting to this.

No, I'm not.

How would you feel
if you let your best friend

take a swan dive into the dirt?

It was an accident.
No one is to blame.

I always hoped I'd turn out
to be the hero-type.

But I'm no hero.
I'm worthless.

I'm a wart on the nose of life.

You are not a nose wart.

You're being too hard
on yourself.

Not as hard as the ground
was on, Punky.

Grandma, I panicked.

That's understandable.

Everyone feels panicked
at some time in their life.

The trick is,
don't give into the panic.

You got to grit your teeth,
hang on

and do what needs to be done.

I know you're trying to make me
feel better, grandma,

but it's no use.

As of right now, I'm a life
member of the Wimp Academy.

You know,
my leg feels much better.

Do you think the doctor
will take this cast off?

He'd better not.
It's only been three days.

Three of the longest days
of my life.

Ow! Ooh.

Sorry, Henry.

Alright, alright.

Aim for a different toe
next time.

We're now in the medical
building lobby.

This is our second to last
prenatal check-up

before splashdown.

My husband thinks
he's Steven Spielberg.

Nancy, say something
into the camera.

My husband is an idiot.

Oh, that's cute.
A little comedy.

Oh, here's Nancy's elevator

and the four complete strangers
who will be going up with her.

Anything you'd like
to say, folks?

Hi, I'm Punky
and I've got a broken leg.

Hi, I'm Cherie
and it's my fault.

Oh, the baby kicked me, Chip.

Oh, great.
Sir, would you put your hand

on my wife's stomach
and I'll zoom in?


If you ask one more strange man
to feel my stomach...

this baby is gonna
be fatherless.

Great ad-lib.

Oh, okay,
I'm gonna go park the car.

Don't let the doctor
start the examination

until I get up there
with the camera.

Whoops, uh, the car.

Henry, you wanted me
to remind you

not to forget your checkbook
in the car.

Oh, thanks, Punky.

Why didn't you remind me
while we were still in the car?

Why didn't you remind me
to remind you?

Oh, I'll go and get it.

Wait a minute, Henry.

You'll be late
for Punky's appointment.

- I'll get the checkbook.
- Thanks, Betty.

Hold it! Open the door.

What's the matter?

Betty doesn't have the keys.

And neither do I.

Ah, the keys are locked
in the car.

I don't know how, but this is
probably my fault too.

You girls tell the doctor
I'll be right up.



Oh, this kid can kick.

I'm just glad
he's not wearing spikes.

So when's your baby due?

In a couple of weeks.

What happened to you?

Okay, okay, it's my fault.

I tried to catch her
and I missed.

I fell out of my treehouse.
It was an accident.

Mine was too.

Relax, I was kidding.

Hey, the elevator stopped.

We're somewhere between
the ninth and tenth floor.

I'll try the buttons.

I think we're stuck.

Oh, don't blame me!

- What's her problem?
- I'm a jinx.

She's not a jinx.

Well, look, here's a phone.
We'll call for help.


The phone's dead.

Maybe she is a jinx.

Don't worry,
we're perfectly safe in here.

- Unless...
- Unless what?

The cables snap and we fall
nine floors to our death.


Ah, uh-oh.

Oh, I think
we have another problem.

Ah, I'm going into labor.

- Labor?
- Ah, the baby's coming.

- Now?
- Now?


- We're having a baby!
- We're having a baby!

Don't worry, keep calm.

The three of us
will get out of here.

Please don't make it four of us.

Uh, h... here, sit down.

Does it hurt a lot?

Ah, it ain't no hangnail!

Try the buttons again.


Oh, I gotta check
the exact time.

Why? Do you have an appointment?

Oh, yeah, with junior.

Oh, I've gotta time
my contractions.

What are contractions?

Don't you remember?
We learned it in school.

It's where you jam
two words together

and stick an apostrophe in.

Oh, oh, yeah,
like can't, won't, don't...


That's not a contraction.

The pains are coming faster.

Well, slow 'em up.
There's no rush here.

Oh, I can't slow 'em up.

When it happens, it happens.

Cherie, what are we gonna do?

- CPR!
- She doesn't need CPR.

- Heimlich!
- She's not choking.

There is only one other thing
I know how to do!

I doubt if she wants a manicure.

Why are you
fixing the telephone?

Shouldn't you be fixing
the elevator?

I don't fix elevators.

Oh, but don't worry.

The people that do
are on their way.

They'll be here eventually.

Well, hurry up
and fix the telephone

so we can find out
if our kids are okay.

Lady, you wouldn't be so tensed

if you used more bran
in your diet.

Ah, there we go!
Phone's working now.

I'll just, uh, ring
the elevator.

I don't think it's a toll call.

Hello, who might this be?

Oh, come on.
Nobody is named Punky.

Give me that phone!

Uh... uh, you go ahead.
It's time for lunch anyway.

Punky, are you alright?

Ah, you are? Thank goodness.

Oh, they're alright.
They're just having a baby.

You're having a baby!

Oh, my Lord.
I... I'll get a doctor.

What's going on?

Your wife's stuck
in the elevator

and she's gone into labor.


Please, uh, don't panic.

It's important
that you remain calm.

Don't worry, I'm fine.

Oh, good for you.

Ten seconds, twelve seconds.

Punky, I think I have that fear

of being trapped
in small, tight places.


- Ah!
- How do you feel?

A little queasy.

Not you. Nancy.


The contraction's over.

What's the time?

Uh, seconds.

Oh, okay.

I gotta breathe
deeply and relax.

Feels like Herman's on his way.


You've named your kid Herman?

Ooh. Yes.

On purpose?

What's wrong with Herman?

I guess it's okay
if your last name is Munster.


But no real person
wants to be named Herman.

Oh, I see.

What would you name him?

My favorite name
in the entire world is Sean.

Yeah, Sean is cool.

- But not Herman.
- Definitely not Herman.

That's as bad
as naming your kid Sidney.

Is this your first kid?

Oh, no, our second.

Our first son
was born two years ago.

Oh, really?
What's his name?




It's starting, ooh!

I hope she's talking
about the elevator!

No, the baby's coming.

No, Herman, not yet.
Go back.

No, my husband promised

he'd be here with me
when the baby came.

Chip, you jerk!

You had to park down the block

because the doctor
wouldn't validate.

Next time you're gonna
have the baby.


The phone's working again.

Hello? Maternity ward?

It's Dr. Craig.
Is there anything

you want me to tell him?

Yeah, tell him this...


Oh, no, stand back!

She's gonna explode!

Cherie, I can't help her!
It's up to you.

What do you mean, up to me?

Dr. Craig's gonna tell us
what to do

and you've got to do it!

I've only got one hand.

No way, Punky,
I can't handle this.

Sure, Mrs. Johnson.

It's your grandma.
She wants to speak to you.

Hello? Grandma?

Cherie, I want you
to listen to me.

this is your department.

You've got to get up here
right away.

Climb up the cables!

Calm down, Cherie.

Grandma, I'm scared.

I'm getting that
panic feeling again.

Remember what I told you.

Just grit your teeth, hang on

and do what needs to be done.

I'm gritting my teeth
and I'm hanging on!

Here he comes.

Okay, okay.

Don't worry, we're gonna
help you through this.

Oh, my gosh, Punky!
There's the head!

We can see the head!

The doctor says push, push!

It's working! Here he comes!

Here he comes!
Come on, you can do it!

Come on, Herman!

Cherie... the elevator's moving.

Don't bother me, I'm busy.

Excuse me, girls.
I'll take over now.

I'm here, Nancy,
and... and I've got the camera.

Do you mind getting a shot
of me and Herman together?

- Are you girls okay?
- I think so.

You should've seen Cherie.
She was awesome!

That doesn't surprise me.

You're really out of the Wimp
Academy now.

Cherie, do you realize
what you did?

You delivered a baby!

Yeah, I did. Didn't I?


Hey, everybody, look who's here.

We're now entering the backyard
of the people

who played a large part
in the birth of our son.

- Hello.
- Smile, folks.


Look, Chip, vegetables.


Chip and I wanna thank you girls
for all you did.

You should be very proud
of Cherie.

She always makes me proud.

- Can I hold him?
- Sure.


- Support his head.
- Oh.


Hi there, Herman.

It's not Herman, it's Sean.

- Oh.
- Sean?

That's the name I picked.

You delivered him.
I thought you should name him.


He's got dimples.

He's got blue eyes.

Oh, he's adorable.

He's smiling.

He's leaking!