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Secret Garden, The (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 12:57
by bunniefuu
Ayah, we're leaving now.

- Bring the car round! Please!
- Yes, sir.

- Jemima?
- Ayah. Get the suitcase!

Can you sleep?


Are you scared?

Don't be.

Shall I tell you a story?

There were once two people
called Rama...

and Sita.

And they loved each other.

They spent their days
dancing and singing together.


And then Sita was kidnapped
by the evil demon Ravana.



Ayah? Ayah!



Time for our nap, Jemima.

There were once two people
called Mary and Jemima.

They spent their days
telling stories to each other.

And then one day,

their mother and father
were kidnapped

by the evil demon Ravana...

...leaving them all alone.

As I understand it, her mother was
struck down with cholera very suddenly.

Her father rushed her mother
to hospital.

She died that night,
her father the following morning.

She can't stay here.

Well, she has
an uncle in England.

We'll send her back
with the other children.

It's disgusting.

Then you're gonna be
very hungry.

I never said
you could do that.

You didn't say I couldn't.
If you weren't eating it, I will.

You don't understand.
I need better food than this.

My parents are dead.

We've all lost, girl.

Would you
like to hear a story?

No. I'm not a kid.

There once
was a lord of the seas.

His name was Varuna, and...


I'm not a kid.

You are a plain little
piece of goods, aren't you?

Don't expect luxury.

Misselthwaite is not
the place it was.

Those army savages used it as a
hospital in the w*r, left it a wreck.

Don't you care?

Does it matter
if I care or not?

You are an odd duck, aren't you?

Is that the sea?

No, it's the moors.

Nothing lives on
but wild ponies and sheep.

And there you have it.
That's home.

That's Misselthwaite.

And don't expect him
to come running, your uncle.

He's had better days.

And you're not to stare
when you see what afflicts him.

First things first,
we are fully electric.

That doesn't mean
the electric always works.

So, if you're needing the lavatory
in the night, you take a lamp.

Secondly, Mr. Craven is
a widower and on his own.

He's promised he'll have someone
to tend to you soon enough.

But until then, don't be expecting
there'll be people to talk to,

'cause there won't.

I need no entertaining.
I'm not a child.


You'll be told
what rooms you can go into,

and what rooms
you're to keep out of.

But until then, you stick to
your rooms and your rooms only.

No exploring, no poking about.

I assure you, Mrs. Medlock,

I've no interest
in "poking about."



I'm climbing.
Mother, look. Please!


Is anybody there?


Is someone there?

No, sir.
Please, leave those.

The army will come
and collect them.

Come on.

Come inside.

Who are you?

What's that for a greeting?

You'll call me Martha.
And you're Mary, I hear.

Brrr! Quite chilly today,
but spring is on its way.

That's what my brother Dickon says.
He's always out on the moor.

I was cold in the night
and no one heard my call.

I'm guessing
we were sleeping too.

And I heard noises.
Wailing. Screaming.

No, you heard the wind,
that's all.

My Ayah would come
if I needed her.

Whoever Ayah is,
she's sure as not here, is she?

But aren't you going to be
my servant?

I'm just
to check the fire's lit,

the room's shipshape
and you've had food in you.

Come on, get up and ready.
Your porridge is getting cold.

I don't eat porridge.

For my breakfast,
I like bacon and eggs.

I like 'em too.
But you've got porridge. Now, eat.

But you need to dress me.

Dress you?
Do you not know how?

Me mother always says she can't
see why grand people's children

didn't turn out to be fools,
what with being washed and dressed

and took out to walk
as if they were puppies.

And there I was, excited to
have a young 'un in the house.

It doesn't matter!
This is of no importance.

We can't just leave them
all piled up like this.

Well, get rid of them! Throw them away.
Burn them. I don't care!

The house will be better
without them!

What about this one?
Please, I don't need to be reminded of her.

She's gone.

One, two...


Fifty-seven, fifty-eight...

Seventy-six, seventy-seven, seventy-eight...


Are you Martha's brother?

Come back!


There you are.
Now you're fed. You can go now.

Don't you dare.
It's far too close!

I want you to go!

Of all the silly things.

Are you following me?

Mary! Mary?

Do you have a problem
with wild dogs on this manor?

It is not a manor,
it is an estate.

Of course we don't have
a problem with wild dogs.

You're not
in the colonies now.

And in future, your bath
will be ready at 5:25,

and you'll be expected
to be in your room by then.

please keep her quiet!

Were you here
when the soldiers were?

Did you work in the hospital?

Soldiers died here, didn't they?

Please don't.

You spoil the carpet
and your dress

and it'll be me
has to clean both.

The noises that
I hear in the night,

do dead soldiers
haunt this house?

If you hear noise,
then turn over and sleep more.

I didn't ask to be here!

And Mr. Craven didn't ask
to take you in,

but he did all the same.

Mrs. Pitcher?

You gave me a sandwich
yesterday, for my luncheon.

I need the same meat
in my sandwich today.


There you are.


What's your name, then?

Are you a girl dog or a boy dog?

I think that you're a girl dog

and I'm going to call you Jemima.

Come on, Jemima!

Wait for me!

Where are you taking me? Jemima!

So this is where you live.


- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Mary!

I saw you.

I can't say I saw enough
to identify you,

but I'm sure if I were to say
the little servant girl,

you'd be in firm trouble,
wouldn't you?

I'm no servant.

My name is Mary Lennox.

My mother was sister to
the mistress of this house

and my uncle owns it still, and you'll
do well to give me the respect I'm due.

I'll give you none. I'm Colin Craven
and the uncle you speak of is my father.

If I were to live,
this place should belong to me.

We're cousins.

But I've
never heard of you.

Nor I of you.

You're very thin.

You're very white.

You smile with no teeth.

Well, you don't smile
at all.

Why are you here?

Why shouldn't I be?

I don't want a friend.

I've plenty already.

So you're the one
that cries at night.

I thought this cursed house
was magic...

You think the house cursed?

By all the soldiers
that died here.

No. The curse came
before the w*r.

The reason they say
this house is cursed

is because it k*lled my mother
and tried to k*ll me.

My mother's dead too.
And I k*lled her.

Did you really?

Well, then we both
know tragedy... don't we?


Wake up, girl.

The master wants to see you.

Come on, girl,
you can help more than you are.

My mother would say you do
as little as fast as you can.

I have decided
that I like your mother.

You've never met her. Eat.

I like your brother Dickon too,
and I have met him.

Well, I would have, but he backed away.
I've seen him, at least.

Dickon has problems enough of his
own without you to bother him.

Don't worry, he won't like me.
No one does.

And how do you
like yourself?

Mother said that to me once.

Put her in a bad temper and
she turns on me and she says,

"There tha' stands saying tha'
doesn't like this one an' tha'.

How does tha' like thysel'?"

Not that I want to interrupt
this reminisce,

but there are those
who are waiting on us.

Mrs. Medlock, I'm sorry...
It's not her fault.

I was tardy.
She was scolding me for it.

Well, it doesn't matter
whose fault it is.

What matters is you're late.
Now, come on with you.

Now, when he speaks to you,
you answer back with a "sir."

Do you understand?
Yes, Mrs. Medlock.

And if he wants to look at you,

you let him look,
but don't stare back.

And say nothing fanciful.
He's enough concerns.

Come here, girl.

Into the light,
where I can see you.

Mrs. Medlock says
you're cluttering up the place.

She'd have me
send you away to school.

I don't want that, sir.
I like it here.

Then we will find you
a governess.

No. I've no need
of a governess.

I've too much to learn here
at Misselthwaite, sir.

This place
has nothing to teach you.

I want to play
out of doors.

It was too hot
to do so in India.

I'm obliged by law
to have you taught.

Then we'll need to
break the law, won't we?

Mrs. Medlock says
she sees your mother in you.

I'm not so sure.

Did she like my mother?
Doesn't seem to like me.

It's not your mother I see.

You see her twin.
Your wife.

My mother
said the same once.

If you do cause me trouble, I will have
you sent away to school in an instant.

Do you understand?

All women are destined to leave
Misselthwaite, one way or another.

Go on, off you go.

I'm not to be sent to school
and I'm not to have a governess.

- Are you not?
- Mr. Craven's orders.

He doesn't want me to leave this cursed
house like all the other womenfolk.

Please be sure to have Mrs. Pitcher
supply me with her special sandwiches.

Extra meat.
It is a requirement.

I need to grow.






Please don't.






This is a mysterious place.

Come back and we'll get
that wound better for you.

The trap wasn't my fault.

Very well.

Can I see your paw, Jemima?

I promise I won't hurt you.

You don't want help?
That's fine.

We'll deal with that later.

We'll have an explore first.

Keep up, Jemima.

There were once two friends
called Mary and Jemima,

and they discovered
a mysterious garden.

Hello to you too.

No, don't hurt him.
It's just a friendly robin.

What is it?

That's as good an idea
as you've had.


I'll be back tomorrow
to see to that leg.




you've dirt all over you,

and your hair's matted
and wet.

Mr. Craven said to play.
I'm playing.


Lie still.
No, please.

I don't like it.
It tastes horrid, please!

I know you don't like
it, but it's going to make you well.

- Please. Please!
- You know very well,

it's either the medicine
or the brace.

Come on.
It'll soon be over. Just...

I don't like it.

It tastes horrid.
I don't like it.

I'll come back
later when you've calmed down.

Sometimes I need to be
restrained, or medicated.

My father says
it's for my own benefit.

Although I rarely see him.
He's always too busy.

I thought
you wouldn't visit again.

That's your chair?

It's none of your business!
Don't touch it!

Oh, it's good. Moves well.
Do you use it much?

I'm afraid I can't.
You've seen my father's hunchback.

Well, mine is worse.
I've never been able to walk.

Shall we use the chair
to explore? I can push...

Your cousin is dying.

You don't look like
someone who's dying.

And how many dying people
have you seen?

We could go outside and, who
knows, you might feel better.

Once they tried
to take me outside,

and the stench of the roses
almost k*lled me.

You're afraid of flowers?
That isn't very sensible.

What if I were to tell you
that I know of a magical place?

Where the birds
sing for you

and a friendly dog
plays with you?

I'd say that you were lying.

And I'm not interested,

even if you are
telling the truth.

I'm tired now. You can go.


I'm tired.

You're not listening to me.
Please leave.

I'm not your play toy to be
put down when you choose!

You came to me.
I never invited you in.

I told you secrets
about my magic place.

Secrets I didn't care
to know of.

Now get off my bed
and leave me alone.

Is that your mother?

You were leaving.

They say I look like her.

I hate her for doing it.

Hate her?

My mother loved me hugely.
Everyone said so.

And then she died,
leaving me all alone.

It's unforgivable.

Well, my mother
never loved me.

Will you read to me?
As I try to fall asleep?

I struggle to sleep.

I know...

I'll tell you a story
about gods

and a quarrel
over who first made fire.

That sounds terrible.

Read me this.

What are you laughing about?

You might be the rudest boy
I've ever met.

Perfectly all right.

But you've not eaten anything.

Please don't fuss!

Martha, can you tell me
about my Aunt Grace?

Your mother didn't talk
of her sister at all?

She never talked of England.

Thick as thieves, they were.

The crying I heard
when it was announced

your father
was to be posted to India.

I served at the last ball
they had here.

To see them dance...

This house
was filled with light,

laughter, happiness.

Your poor mother.

I don't know how
she coped to lose her.

I don't think
she ever recovered.

I have a new story for you.

No, darling,
I just need to be alone.

- Mommy!
- Please go away!

Come on, Miss.

Mary! Mary, please, darling,
leave your mother in peace.

Why won't she see me?
What's wrong with me?

She's just sick, that's all.

Then why doesn't she get on and
die, leave us all alone?

You needn't trouble with
dressing me this morning.

I can manage.





I know it's you, Dickon.

And unless you want me to instruct
your sister to box your ears...

My sister loves me
much more than you.

She won't love you so much when she
knows you're poaching on the moor.


I were not.

You ran from me.
That says guilt.

Guilt for what you did
to my Jemima.

I'm not sure your dog
would like the name Jemima,

being as he's a boy.

A boy? It doesn't matter.

His paw was trapped
in a horror trap.

Tell me where I'd find him.

Why should I trust you?

I know how
to make him better.

Trust that.

I need you to keep a secret.

On my honor I'll keep it.

Why have you
just spat on yourself?

You spit too. Then we shake.
Then we're bonded.

If you're too much of a lady, then there's no...

I'm no lady, sir.

And it's my secret,
so you're to keep it.

You're just here
to help with the dog.


This way!

Can you do this?

Look at this.

Hello, fella.

How'd you get here?

Master not come back
from the w*r?

Do you think
he lost his home?

I'll do you no harm.


What are you doing?
You tricked me.

Hold the head.
This was all a trick!

If we don't see to this now,
he'll lose his leg,

and chances are, his life.

Careful, now.

He trusts you.

Nothing's broken,
but it looks like it's going rotten.

Is there running water here?

That's really good, that.

Feel better, does it, sir?


Dickon, you haven't
fixed anything.

You've made it worse.
Just give it time.

Both of you.

We've done all we can.

We're hoping the garden
will magic him well?

Come morning,
we'll have an answer.

It has a lake? You wouldn't call it a
lake, but a pond maybe, and a stream.

Now, promise to spit?

You may need to educate me
on how to spit.

Surprisingly simple.

I've spit
and I won't tell a soul.

Now, tell me everything
about your dog.

Does he love the garden?
Is he trained?

In fact, I've a book
on dog training.

It's on that chair over there.
Fetch it.

When was the last time
you used your chair?

Fetch me my book...

I don't believe your back
is half as bad as you make out.

And I know
you didn't k*ll your mother.

So who is the bigger liar?

Did you ask after me?

I said I'd heard you.

They said you'd lost
both your parents tragically.

They were very clear
you weren't a murderess.

Do you trust me?

I've something to show you.

Why would I trust you?

You'll damage my back.

I wished her death,
and it happened.

I'm absolutely her m*rder*r.
Okay, fine. I believe you.

But if you take me to that
garden, you'll m*rder me too.

Of course I'm not taking you
into the garden.

There's something
you need to see.

I was three years old
when your mother died,

and you and I
are almost the same age.

Was this
my mother's room?

No. No, take me back!

You should see these.

No, don't be scared.
You'll like them.

Your mother. My mother.

She came. Don't you see?

I don't want to see.
To Misselthwaite, to visit your mother.

She wanted to see her
before she died.

And look.

No, I don't want to look!

Can you see?

They're inside
the secret garden.

Don't be afraid. Look.

- And we're there too.
- No!

I've been
to Misselthwaite before.

So we did know of each other.

Isn't that extraordinary?

And do you know
what's even more extraordinary?

You're walking.

How dare you!

This is just jealousy
because my mother loved me.

Well, you don't deserve
a mother's love!

Colin? Are you okay?

Where does it hurt?

You don't even
have a hunchback.

Of course I do.

Your back's just the same
as mine.

I swear on your mother's life,
I can't see it there at all.

Come on, let's get you up.

You tell me to be careful?

Have you seen him?

He's better!

He still has a limp,
but the leg takes his weight.

The garden has cured him.

It had some help.

No, Dickon.
This is a magic garden.

What are you doing?
I'm a Yorkshire terrier.

Then I'm
a Yorkshire terrier too.



The robin's helped us
find a gate.

It's locked.

Not for long.

Who's there?

It's the girl, isn't it?

My name's Mary,
and you know it.

I don't want you here!

I don't want to see you.
You're cruel!

We're past this, Colin. You'll scream.
I'll scream. No good will come of it.

They catch you in here,
they'll have you whipped.

It's worth the risk.

You risk being sent to school.
We risk far more.

Don't worry yourself, Mrs.
Medlock. I'll deal with him.

Never normally causes bother
at this hour.

I'll take care of it, Mrs. Medlock.
You continue with your chores.

Such a lot to do.

Do that and you'll
never see me again.

It's your decision.

This is Dickon.


He's handsome.

And he can whistle.

When's the next time they'll check on him?
I'll bring him his lunch,

then come back a little after
4:00 to check he's eaten.

I'm not going!

You know what you risk?

He'll be back in his room
by 4:00.

I'm not going!

When we tried to fix the dog,
he refused us too.

Take his legs, Dickon.
I'll take the arms.

Or... we can get you
in the chair,

get you down safely.

I promise you
we won't k*ll you.

You can't promise
anything of the kind!

You'll die in this bed,

and all you'll have seen
is the wallpaper.

Is that really what you want?

Where's Dickon?

You're going too fast.

You're too fast!

Stop that!
It's the pollen, I told you.

Take a breath.

Still alive?
Yes, but...

We'll work out what hurts
and what doesn't.

But you have to try,
just as I do.

Does that sound fair?


Mary, the wall.
Stop! The wall!

Dickon, what are those called?



And those?

- Hypericum.
- Hypericum.

They sound better
in your accent.

Colin, there's a good friend
I'd like you to meet.

Hold it out and he'll come.
He's here? The dog?

Just hold it out.

He wants to say hello.
I can see.

- He took it from my hand.
- He did.

- And now he's licking my hand.
- He does that.

It tickles.

He's not diseased?

Not that we've seen.

What's his name?

He was called Jemima.

Till she knew different.

Now he's... Dog.

He needs a better name than that.

Perhaps we should...

What's your father called?

Marcus. Can we not
name him after him?

We should not name him
after my father either.

My father was called Hector,
and he was a brave man.


Settled. Hector.

Mary and Dickon
you know already.

Well, I'm Colin,
and I'm your new friend.


You think
you just can sneak about

and act how you like,
don't you?

Little savage girl.

I knew
you were hiding something.

You and your secret ways
and your... deviance.

Mrs. Medlock, whatever you think
I've been doing, I promise...


That the sort
of barbarous behavior

you learnt out there,
is it?

Where did you find them?

Underneath a floorboard.
Where are you taking me?

You understand these pearls
mean something to me?

I'm sorry.
She's been everywhere.

To the boy too.

His wheelchair was skew-whiff
when I went in this morning.

It's this roused my suspicions.
She's found my son too?

Have we just given her
the full run of the house?

I warned you
what a young girl could do.

Was it not explained to you to stay
away from the parts of the house

that were not yours
to roam in?

Colin is my friend.

I just thought that if I
could excite him about life...

Your excitement could k*ll him.
Do you think he wants that?

Oh, what have you done?

Mrs. Medlock,

let's look into finding
a school for my niece.


I was trying
to make things better.

Find somewhere to
educate some civility into her.

You locked me in!

If you'll be
needing the lavatory in the night,

you'll find we've provided you
with a chamber pot.

It's under the bed.

Martha will let you out
in the morning.

Hey! Where are you going, girl?


Follow me!

Mary, what's wrong?

There are even more secrets
to this garden!

So Colin's mother
was dying?


And you think
she came here?

My mother came to be with her in
the last days of Grace's illness,

knowing that she wanted to die
by this tree.

After which, Mr. Craven...

He shut the garden away because
memories of her caused too much pain.

We don't have long.
They're sending me to school.


This is Grace's garden,
and it needs to cure her son.

It's cold.

It's very, very cold.

I don't think I can.
Course you can.

I don't think I can.
We've got you.

I suppose it's not so freezing.

That's the way.

I've done it. I've done it!

Now hold your arms out
and lie back.

And now...
you're on your own.

Done. Over there, please.

What are you
laughing about?

Just enjoying
your happiness.

We're all happy, aren't we?

We are pirates.

We're lords.

We're conquerors
of this fair and beautiful land.

This is our garden
and we love it.


It's not our garden,
and it never can be.

There's something
I have to show you.

Stop. Stop!

You know
what happened here, then?

Why would you
bring me here?

Because you needed to see it.

Would you like to see the
place your mother died?

My mother died in a hospital,
alone and in pain.

Your mother
found a far better spot.

Dickon, can you
fetch me some flowers?

The white ones.

And then can you take me home?
I don't want to be here.

You don't understand.

She died here
because it was beautiful,

and so she made
this place magical.

It cured Hector's leg, and I...

I didn't want to see the dresses
and I don't want to see this.

Please, take me home.

Oof! Hello, monkey.

Is something troubling you?

Your mother...
is sad at the moment.

Her sadness
has made her unwell.

It's not her fault.

I'm sorry.
I didn't understand.

Not today!

Colin, I've found these
letters from my mother to your mother.

I don't want you today!

All about you.

And I don't want
that garden!

You need to hear this.

They talk about how your father
is focusing all his fears

about your mother's illness
onto you.

How he seems set on
protecting you from the world.

And she's scared...

of the damage he'll
do to you when she's gone.

Should you be...

I need to read those letters.

You walked.

Listen to this.

"She's bold, slightly dangerous,

and she has a spirit
that nothing can quench.

I'd be scared for her
if I wasn't so proud of her."

Who's bold?
She loved you, Mary.

She wanted me nowhere near her.
Maybe that's...

"I'm so pleased Colin
is making you laugh so.

A whole day
pretending to be a dog.

What a delight."

A dog, was it?

"Archie sounds deeper in love
than I've ever heard a man.

He's just as besotted
as I am with Mary."

My father wants me
locked in a room.

That's the thing, isn't it?

Loss changes people.

Even your mother, Mary.

You don't know my mother.

But I know
what it means to lose someone.

Listen to this one, Mary.

"She did a puppet show for me
the night before last.

An elaborate affair
that required Ayah

to make some silk curtains.

She told this
Indian myth story.

It was quite mesmerizing."

I hadn't read that.
She wrote about my plays?

Maybe he's right.

Maybe neither of us
knew our parents well.


She couldn't have loved me.

These letters say otherwise.

Mary! Mary?

We've quite the surprise
for you.

Just had word today,
and what exciting word it is.

It is a school that is full
of the right sort of people

and the right sort
of discipline.

Now, the car will
take you at 3:30.

We've already packed what
possessions you have into your trunk.


I'm not ready.

Uncle? Please, Uncle!
No, you don't!

Why do you say
your son has a hump?

- What are you talking about now?
- Colin.

Stop with your talking.
Or this will get much worse.

He thinks he has a hump,
but he doesn't, and I think you know it.

I'm sorry, sir.

Do you honestly think Grace
would've wanted this life for you?

You know nothing of my wife.

I know she wouldn't just stand outside
his door while he cries at night.

Can't you see
what you're doing to him?

Colin needs to live,

and this house
is a prison for you both.

I'm sorry, sir.
She leaves tomorrow.


I can hide in
the garden and be happy.

At school? I can't.

We don't want you
to go either.

He's right. We don't.

But you can't stay locked up in
the garden forever. Life needs living.

Yeah, says the boy who's seen none of it.

Says the girl so determined no
one loves her, she'll make it so.

They won't like me like you do. I'll go back to being alone.

That smoke...
is that normal?

Father? Father!

Go! Go!

Mary! Get away!

Who's inside?

Mr. Craven.
We don't know where.

I know where he'll be!

The brigade
has been called!


No, girl.


Come back, girl!

Mr. Craven!



Mr. Craven!

Where is my son?
Where are you?


Mr. Craven!

I don't understand.
I knew you'd be here.

- I'm not going.
- I can't go.

Mr. Craven,
you need to come with me.

I will not leave
without my son.

Your son is not here, sir,
but he is safe and well.

I can't desert him.

Not again.

I left your son
not five minutes ago.

I give you my word
on the soul of Grace Craven.

Come on!

I can't lift you.

I can't.

Just leave me.

Please, leave me here.

He needs you!
Your son needs you!

I've ruined everything.

Come on! We're going!

Mr. Craven, I need your help.



Please stay.

I know you can't,
but please stay.


Mary. Are you all right?

Him. Take him first.

Show me...

Show me my son!

It's beautiful.

And it's ours.

It was hers, but now I think
she'd want us to share in it.

And he's here?

Where is my son?

Call for him, sir.





Father, I'm here!



I thought I'd lost you.

Of all the places.

No. Wait.


One, two...

But how is this...





His mother.

How is it that we're
taught by our children?

How is that?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Enough of that.

Now, tell me...

Do you like our garden?

We have the large French
windows overlooking the patio...

There were once three people
who loved each other very much.

Are you including Hector?

Maybe I was including
Hector and not including you.

I want to include my father.

- Martha needs to be included.
- Six. And Martha.

There were once some people
who lived in an old, deserted house.

Partially deserted.

And they
discovered a garden.

One of the people
discovered a garden

and they didn't know it
at first

- but the garden was a magic garden.
- It was.

Because it was a magic
garden it was going to save them

as much as they
were going to save it.

I think you should
talk more about Hector.

If you don't
both pipe down,

I shan't tell
the story at all!

- Sorry, Mary.
- Sorry, Mary.

Thank you.

Now if you're ready
and silent,

I shall try again...
