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Agent Toby Barks (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 13:42
by bunniefuu
Kick out the fires, campers,
it's time to turn it in.

Let's go to bed,
come on, let's go.

- Okay.
- All right.

Bedtime. Let's go,
let's go, let's go.

- Bret, turn off the TV.
- After this game.

You gotta get
some sleep, buddy.

If you pass
your driver's test tomorrow,

then you can drive a real car.
Wouldn't that be somethin'?

This is kinda
like practice, Dad.

Oh, well, this wouldn't be
confusing or distracting.

Come on, Dad.

- Is this a problem for you?
- Dad.

- I'm so sorry.
- You're gonna make me crash!

I'm a pedestrian!
I'm a pedestrian, look out!

Don't hit the pedestrians!
Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry.

Go to bed.

Love you.

Toby, shut the TV.

All right, pal,
it's just you and me,

so you know what that means.
Snack time.

One for me.

And one for you.

Mm, I got my snack,

Here's yours.

Good catch.

Activate tactical vest.

Agent Toby Barks,
do you read me?

Agent Toby Barks, come back.

Hold your horses, lady.

I mean,
reporting for duty, ma'am.

That's more like it.

How's that Bark Link working?
I've made some modifications.

Seems to be working great.
I feel like I could ♪ sing! ♪

Great, hold that song
for later.

We have business to tend to.

Oh, fine, I'm all ears.

Agent Prescott will brief you
at the mobile command unit.

- Roger.
- Gear up, and meet at the extraction point.

Better get my tail movin'.

It's go time. Yeah.

Agent Barks,
welcome to the party.

Let's go.

Don't have
to tell me twice.

All systems online.

Looks like the team's
all here.

Agent Prescott,
let's go.

Meet Horrace the Horrible.

He's big, he's nasty,
and he loves money.

He runs an evil faction out of an
old nightclub on the edge of town.

He's hired rogue hackers
to spread a virus

within the American
banking system.

His ultimate plan is
to shut down Wall Street,

creating an economic downswing
worse than the Great Depression.

He always rolls
with a pack of very mean,

very dedicated bodyguards.

He is considered to be
extremely dangerous.

This man must be stopped.

That's where Toby here
comes in.

The Horrible Compound is known
for its tight security.

Agent Barks can
infiltrate the building

and shut down
the security system,

allowing agents in
through the undefended flanks

east and west
of the main building.

- You be careful in there, Agent Barks.
- Copy that.

Have no fear, buddy.

We're watching
your every move.

I got this,
no problem, Jack.

Toby, you've got

Copy that.
I can smell 'em.

Activate stink canister.

It stinks!

Threat neutralized.

Stinky job,
but somebody's gotta do it.

West wall is clear, repeat,
all clear on the west wall.

Nice work.
Move in.

Ray Ray,
remember that vault job in Rhode Island?

That's peanuts to this!

- We're gettin' paid, boys.
- Yeah!

Third door on the left.

That's the security hub,
but be careful.

You need to get
by the main "foryer."

It's foyer.

That place is crawlin'
with guards.

- Double D.
- A crawling joke?

This is the big job!

Soon, we will destroy
Wall Street.

Whoo, let's go!

The markets will crash!


That's it, Toby,
that's the main hub.

You're doing fantastic.

Now plant that virus,
and let's go home.

The country
will crumble!

It's time that we take over!


Okay, let's see here.

- Come on, come on
- Toby, look out.

Two bogies headin'
your way and fast.

Repeat, two bogies!


Come on, come on, come on.


- Look at this little guy!
- Oh, somebody wants a belly rub!

This must be
Horrace's new dog.

- Hey, he kinda looks like him.
- Yeah, he does.

- Don't tell him I said that.
- Mm, no, I won't.

Oh, boy, yeah.

Better get goin'.


Works every time.

Those typing classes
came in handy.

What is this?

I don't know.

No. It's not responding!

It's not.

Sound the alarms!

They're coming for us.

Here's a little goin' away
present, fellas.

He did it.
All their systems are down.


Get Agent Barks out of there,
and send in the cavalry.

Toby, the back window to the
rear courtyard is open and clear.


All right.


All right!

Mission accomplished, baby!

Yeah. Proud to know you,
Agent Barks.

Couldn't have done it
without you.

You gotta love it.
One more bad guy off the Most Wanted list,

one more dangerous raid with
nobody hurt on either side.

He's a fine agent, sir.

Figured nothin'
like a smoke show

to add a little excitement
to the dance floor.

Hey, Toby.

I figured
I'd throw you a bone.

This guy gets it.

Hawk, you're the man.

Thank you, but I gotta take
that bone to go.

Need to get back before my people
wake up and notice I'm gone.

Of course. Later, Toby.

Agents, we were all just
in the presence of greatness.

We could all learn
a lot from that dog.

That dog is one of a kind.

Wouldn't the world
be a happier place

if there were a million others
just like him?

Uh, yes, sir,
Mr. Albright.

Yes, sir, I'll have
that report in

by the end of the day
today, sir.

Yes, sir, no problem.

Uh, no.

No, no, fishing trip? No, sir,
I haven't heard anything about that yet.

This is the first thing
I've heard.

No... yes, sir,
yes, of course, yeah.

I can make that happen.

Yes, sir. Okay,
I'll see you at the office then, sir.

Thank you so much.

Oh, boy. How am I
gonna make this happen?

Kids, let's go, come on!
Let's move, move, move!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!
We're gonna be late.

- Morning, Daddy.
- Good morning, sweetheart.

Wow, look at... That is
a very, very festive outfit.

Thanks, I like
all the colors.

- What's for breakfast?
- Breakfast, um...

♪ Doughnuts! ♪
I got doughnuts.

- Doughnuts are for breakfast.
- Doughnuts are for breakfast, sweetheart!

- Oh, wow, doughnuts?
- Look at that!

- Ah, sick!
- I know, right?

Oh, hey, I hear
today's a big day.

Yep, my boy's gonna ace
his driver's test.

Yeah, can't wait.
Just me, the open road,

Dad's beat up old Honda with
the busted air conditioner.

- Gonna be great.
- That's a great car.

You should be
very lucky to have that car.

- You're welcome.
- Kate, the bus is here.

Coming, Bretty.
Bye, Dad, bye, Dave.

Bye, sweetheart,
I love you... okay.

Hey, thank you
for comin' through

with those doughnuts.
Big win.

Yeah, I mean, I know it hasn't
been easy without Diane.

Can you believe
it's been a year already?

It's not getting easier,
you're right.

Well, if we get
this promotion,

you'll have less work,
more money,

more time to spend
with the kids.

- That's a good point.
- And then I get to have your job.

Uh, yeah, no,
I don't think so.

You're jumpin' the g*n there
a little bit, big guy.

Well, rumor has it

that Albright is ready
to promote the both of us.

We just need to seal the
deal on this fishing trip.

- Oh, the fishing trip.
- It's great, right?

No, it's terrible.
It's a scheduling nightmare for me.

I gotta find someone
to watch the kids.

Ted, you're doing this
for those kids.

It's for their future.
You're fishing for their future.

I guess
I could call my sister.

Oh! Oh,
of course, yes, yes!

Whatever you need,
I'm there!

Okay, okay. I-I'll...

I'll get my stuff,
and I will stop by after work.

This is such a great surprise.
I can't wait to see everyone!

- Hello.
- Oh.

- Hungry?
- Oh, no, thank you.

Oh, come on! Look,
it's juicy, take a bite.

I don't doubt that they are,
but I really don't... okay.

So, what are you
workin' on, huh?

Oh, well, I was just making some
modifications to the B Link.

Oh, you mean the world's
greatest invention?

- You're a genius.
- Thanks.


So, that's so top secret,
I've always wondered,

how do we deal with the plans
for that sort of thing?

Where-where do we keep
those plans?

Well, they're filed away.
Why do you wanna know?

Shop talk. Inside baseball.

You don't have clearance, so there's
really no point in my telling you.

I could get clearance.

Brr, got cold in here.

Oh, nice talk.

All the key ingredients for
an epic weekend with Auntie B.

Well, I didn't think I'd be
seeing you again so soon, huh?

Really nice of you
to help out.

Well, it's a great opportunity for me
to catch up with the niece and nephew

before I blink
and they're off to college.

But there is one thing
I wanna make very clear.

The kids cannot know
about what we do.

If they were
to ever find out,

we'd be putting them
in incredible danger.

- Agreed.
- Okay, good.

Now, do you mind?

I have to go
to the bathroom.


How was
your driver's test?

Um, it was great.
I aced it, yeah.

- Can we go for a ride?
- Um, maybe tomorrow.


- Hi, Auntie B!
- I have missed you so much!

- Auntie B!
- Oh!

Oh, Bret, you are now taller than me!
How did that happen?


Missed you too,
Auntie B.

Yeah, we did. Hey,
today's not a holiday.

No, I don't think so.
What do you mean?

Well, usually you
only come on holidays.

- Oh.
- Dad's home.

- Ha!
- Dad, Auntie B's here!

Ah, yeah, I know.
Hey, you!

- Hi!
- Hi, sweetheart, my little sis.

Good to see you, sis.
She's here

because she's gonna
stay the weekend.

Daddy has to go schmooze
his boss on a fishing trip.

Daddy, what does
schmooze mean?

It's like being extra nice
to somebody

so they'll be nice to you
in the long run.

Oh, so kinda like kissing up to
your teacher but for grownups?

Yes, that's exactly what it's
like, Miss Smartypants. Geez.

Hey. How'd the test go?

Um, it was good,
I nailed it.

I have a ton of homework and a book report.
I am so far behind.

You know, actually,
I should get on it right now.

Well, that's a first.

Anybody hungry?

Come here you.
You I gotta feed,

I know I have to feed you.

I guess this is the closest I'm
gonna get to a car this summer.

I could've swore
I passed it.

Come in.

I'm not mad.

But I was doing
the laundry

and I found this.

Well, now you know.

Why'd you lie?

I didn't wanna
let you down.


Making a mistake
is not letting me down.

Lying to me is.

All right?

Lying is like driving
a car in reverse.

Okay? I don't care
how good you are at it,

you're still going

I was just embarrassed.

Why? So what?

I failed
my first driving test.

- Really?
- Miserably.

Like, not even close.

What do I tell
the other kids?

Forget them.
Your real friends won't care.

I guess bad driving
runs in the family.

Yeah, we don't have to
tell anybody else though, okay?

That's our secret.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

All right.

If you fail the next one,
I'm gonna k*ll you.

Gummy worms before bed?

I like your style, kid,
but I'm not so sure I can allow that.

They're not for me,
they're for you, silly.


Yes, you can use them
as bait on your fishing trip.

Oh, sweetheart,
I appreciate that,

but I don't think the fishies
like candy as much as we do.

No, look, they do.

Fish are known to be attracted to
the bright colors of the gummy worms.

- Look at that!
- Yeah, and it even says

if you keep your line
just above the water,

it can catch the light.

I guess it makes them
all shiny.

Well, you are
my little Einstein.

Thank you very much.

Hey, you better hit the road if you're
gonna get to the lake by daybreak.

All right, all right.

Listen, you have fun
with your Auntie B, okay?

- Sweet dreams and jellybeans.
- And gummy worms.

And gummy worms.

here, buddy.

I got a little something
for you.

Listen, I know my sister's
here this weekend,

but you and I know
who's really in charge, okay?

It's you.
Thanks, buddy.

- He understands every word I say.
- Yeah, go have some fun.

I have everything
under control here.

Don't even think
about it, Toby.

- What smells so good?
- Oh!

- Whoa!
- Order up!

I wish we could have
breakfast like this every day.

There's the genius!
Workin' on your day off?

Oh, Agent Lane!
Everything okay?

Oh, great, great, great,
couldn't be better.

Brought you some coffee.
Cream, no sugar.

- Just the way you like it.
- Oh, thanks.


So how'd you know
to track me down here?

I'm a federal agent,
it's what we do.

I guess...
guess that's true.

Actually, I wanted a little time
just me and you away from the office.


- Go on...
- It's about the B Link.

The ability to translate
barking into words.

I mean, who knew
that "woof woof"

meant, "How you doin',

Ha. You made it possible
for man's best friend

to actually be
man's best friend.

Well, the frequencies
were always there.

- It was just a matter of deciphering...
- No, you!

You made them talk.

I didn't make them
talk, Agent Lane.

Dogs have been talking
since the beginning of time.

I just found a way
for us to listen to them.

- Well, listen to this...
- What's this about?

What if I told you that I could put
$20 million in your pocket today

and offer you a partnership in my
new enterprise, Lane Technologies?

Which will be worth billions for
all of us very soon, I assure you.

All you would have to do...

Leave out the plans
for the B Link,

accidentally, casually,

so I could take a few quick
snaps of them, huh?

- Okay, okay.
- Uh-huh, yeah?

That's a good joke.

No, no, no, this is
anything but a joke.

I have an associate at the
largest overseas tech company

who is willing to pay
a fortune for those plans.

You really aren't
joking, are you?

You don't realize
what you have here!

You have invented
the most important device

of the history of mankind
and animalkind.

I mean, every little boy
is gonna wanna come home

and hear about the dog's day.

Every little girl
will be able to say,

"Fluffy, how you feeling?"

"I ate a paperclip."

Or you could be on vacation
and call home,

and Bowser can say,
"I chased a burglar away."

The possibilities are endless
for this invention

and the marketing, the social
media, the interactive games...

We've got a goldmine!

But I didn't invent
the B Link to cash in.

I invented it to help people.

Well, it could still
help people,

only in a different way.

- Not a chance.
- Well, I don't think you understand...

You know, why don't we pretend
that this is all a big joke

and act like it never
happened, hm?

Otherwise, I'm gonna
report you so fast

that your tie will spin
right off your shirt collar.

Ouch. So that's the way
you wanna play it?

Oh, that's exactly
how I wanna play it.

Okay, so it's all a big joke.

Yeah, you owe me $5
for the coffee.


Big joke.

Enjoy your day, partner.

All righty, we score big
with the boss this weekend,

we earn ourselves
the Empress account

along with a couple
of promotions.

Yeah, well,
you're in luck, buddy,

'cause I can fish
like a grizzly bear.

I'll believe
it when I see it.

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, here he comes.

Shall we do battle
with Neptune, boys, hm?

Test our mettle against
man's oldest adversary?

- Huh?
- I think he wants to know

- if we're ready to fish.
- Oh, yeah, absolutely.

- Bait me up, Teddy.
- Yes, sir.

I'm glad you boys
could make it.

You know there's a
legendary fish in this lake?

And I'm gonna catch it.

The bad guys are
getting smarter every day,

so we've gotta keep
one step ahead of them.

- Are you ready?
- Born ready, baby.

Okay. This looks like
a regular tennis ball, right?


All right,
take a good chew.

Yeah, one good bite and it's
lights out for 30 seconds.

It cuts the power and stops
any signal of any kind.

Snap into that bad boy,

and everything
within a 100-foot radius

goes back to the Stone Age.

Wow, that would come in handy

when it's time to make
a quick getaway.

- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- I'll take it.

Hey, what's in here?

Oh, oh, stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop.

Um, this? This is
the Crossbone,

and it is, perhaps,
my finest invention,

but it is not ready yet,
so paws off, please.

- All right, all right.
- Oh, yes, yes, yes.

I give you
the cam collar.

- Hey, you're on TV.
- Mm-hmm.

We see everything you see.


It's incredible,
you really outdid yourself.

Oh, you know.

Eh? Look at that.

That was a nice cast.

Oh, hi!

There's my favorite kids
in the galaxy.


- Auntie B, are you okay?
- I'll call for help.

No, no, no, no, I'm fine.
Just a little slip.

Good, you scared me.

Yeah, that was
a pretty hard fall.

That was nothin'.

Whatcha workin' on there?

I am glad
that you asked.

I know that your dad needs a
little help around the house,

and after you enjoyed breakfast so
much, I said to myself,

"How can I ensure that my
favorite kids in the galaxy

have the most important meal
of the day every day?"

And so I whipped up...

- the Diner Drone!
- ♪ Diner Drone ♪

The Diner Drone.
I like the name.

It is easy to use,
so check it out.

You see our funnels
here, yes?

So you just put in
basic breakfast ingredients,

like syrup...

Or flour...

your sugar,
and I know you like that.

And just a little bit
of bacon, just a little.

- Can I try one?
- Crack away.

All right, now we get
to customize our settings.

So scrambled. Scrambled, right?
All right.

Okay, and you might want
to step aside a little bit.

I've never really tested
this thing out.

And if it smokes,
that's normal, so...

Now basically, your standard
ordinary breakfast

takes approximately nine minutes
to create from start to finish,

but the Diner Drone accomplishes
the whole thing in 18 seconds.

Don't ask me how I do it,
it's top secret.


And just because it's a shame
to waste food,

- this is an after-school snack.
- Thanks!

Can you believe we get to eat
breakfast like this every day?

How did you do this
in just a few hours?

That's also top secret.

What's the matter
with these fish?

I got good bait.
Are they too good for my bait?

They're just
not bitin', sir.

Thanks, master
of the obvious.

You know, I brought you two out
here to see if you were lucky.

Lucky, sir?

I always say it's better
to be lucky than good.

In business, it takes a lot
of luck to become successful,

and there's no better judge
of a man's luck

than by how the fish bite.

I see.

Well, then, I say
we change our luck, sir.

- I don't follow.
- Well, we've been fishing

this exact same spot all day
without so much as a nibble.

I say we go fish
that little point right there

underneath those trees?

I'll bet you
that big, glorious fish

is just sittin' under there
in the shade

waiting for us to come over
there tomorrow,

catch him, and put him
inside your cooler.

I like your moxie,

All right.

Tomorrow morning,
we hit that spot at dawn.

Now let's make camp
before it gets too dark.

Yes, sir.

Auntie B, why are we at an
old, empty grocery store?

Well, it's not the old,
empty grocery store I'm after.

It is the old,
empty parking lot.

- Hop out of the car, Bret.
- Huh?

Hop out of the car,
switch places with me, mm?

What is she doing?

You are about to enroll
in the Auntie B Driving Academy.


So... ahem.

The key to operating
a motor vehicle

is simple
but very crucial.

It's all about sight lines,
my young friend.

You are aware of everything in
your environment at all times,

including the ignition.
Start the car.



- Lane?
- Hi.

What are you doing here?

Oh, nothing of any
interest whatsoever.

I... you know,
I was just tryin' to catch up,

and, you know,
get ahead of the game.

Heh. You know, success
favors the diligent.

That's what I say.

Yeah? Oh, well,
we're both very wise.

So what are you
doing here?

- Same, just... work.
- Oh, well.

- Good for you.
- Work to do.

Good for you. A busy agent
is a great agent.

So, let's get back
to it, shall we?

- All right.
- All right.

- Later. All right.
- Yes, much later.

- Good night, Agent Prescott.
- Good night, Lane.

Yes, good night.

Where was I?

Baddies, bullies,
charming sociopaths,

cheaters, crackpots, creeps,

crooks, deranged psychopaths...

Ah-ha! Dangerous maniacs...

and there he is.

Sunny Wolf.

Takes a big bad wolf to catch
a chatty little dog.

100! 101! 102!

Keep going!
You got this, yeah!

It's for you.

Wolf here.

Hello there, Mr. Wolf.

This is Benedict N. Lane
from Lane Technologies,

and I have a rather
lucrative offer for you, sir,

for a man of your specific
skill set and expertise.

I'm listening.

Oh, you're interested.

you're throwing sharks at me?

- That makes no sense. Makes no sense.
- Come on, come on.

- Move it or lose it, lady.
- Oh, ho, ho! Oh, yeah!

Who taught you
how to drive, huh?

Just my awesomely
wacky aunt.

Whoa! Hmm!

- No, no, no, no, no!
- Come on.

- Oh.
- Yes!

Hey, come on!

Well, your awesomely
wacky aunt

is quickly becoming
your awesomely old aunt.

I'm ready for bed.

Oh, wow, look at this!
Check out the masterpiece.

That is really something.

I'm getting sleepy too,
Auntie B.

Why don't we call it a night,
and you go get ready,

- and I'll tuck you in?
- Okay.

- I'm gonna head up, too.
- Hmm.

Thanks again
for the driving lesson.

You'll be on the road
in no time.

We'll try to get another
lesson in tomorrow.

Night, Auntie B.

Goodnight, Toby.

Come on.


I'll grab the pooch,
you get the old lady.

Got it.

Get off, you stupid mangy dog!

- Bretty, I heard a noise.
- So did I.

Maybe Auntie B's
just getting a snack.

That doesn't sound
like a snack.

You stupid!

- Toby!
- Wait. It might not be safe out there.

Grab his things
to keep him quiet.

You, you don't have
to do this.

- Stay.
- Let's go.

Come on, lady.
Get in the van, lady.

- Someone's got Auntie B!
- Call 911!

- Will you shut that dog up?
- Yeah, yeah.

Here, do you want the ball?

Do you want the ball?

- The phone won't work.
- What?

It won't even turn on.

Someone must've cut
the phone line.

They're gonna get away!

Not if I can help it.
Stay here.

I'm coming with you.

- What was that?
- I don't know!

It won't start.

It won't start!

Well, did you try
turning the key?

Ah-ah-ah, don't make me snap it.

Work, work, work.

Whoo! Back in business.

- What about the dog?
- Forget about the dog.

Let's get out of here
before the cops come.

Yeah, go!

They're all gone.

- Toby?
- Toby!

Where is he going?

Hold up.

Be careful,
there may be aliens.

I don't think it's aliens.
Let's stay close.

This is Agent Toby Barks

Agent Laura Prescott.

Security clearance

Repeat, Agent Barks
for Agent Prescott,

security clearance

Do you copy?

This is Agent Barks,
do you copy?

Does anybody read me?

Code red,
can you read me?

This is not a drill.

this is not a drill.

This just keeps getting
weirder and weirder.

Anybody at all?

Can anyone hear me?

Uh, hi, guys.

This can't be real.

- Toby?
- Uh, hi, guys.

are you talking?

No, I'm just...
I... yes.

Auntie B gets snatched in
the middle of the night,

thrown in to a van,
our dog is talking to us,

and we're in the middle of some kind
of, I don't know, secret base.

- Is this a secret base?
- It's the Barkcave.

Right, the Barkcave, makes sense.
I know what this is.

We're still sleeping.
This is a dream, I'm dreaming.

I already pinched myself
six times. This is real.

Kate's right, this is very real.
Don't have time to explain it.

Well, excuse me for being
a little weirded out

that my dog is talkin'
to me right now.

Look, I'm not just your dog.

I'm a highly trained
government agent.

Your Auntie B and I work
for a top secret organization.

You've gotta be kidding me!
So you're like a 00-doggie?

Will you just listen?
We're running out of time!

Auntie B invented some real
game-changing gadgets

and someone must be
after her.

- Who do you think it is?
- Well, only a few people know

where to find Auntie B
this weekend.

Sadly, they all work
for the agency.

So, that means?

That means someone
from the inside

double-crossed us.

Computer, locate
van make and model.

Can't be too many of those
on the road in this area.

Computer, I need
an engine sound match

on a '96 Bounder.

Activate the doggie ear.

- That's them?
- Bingo.

That's the access road
near the school.

Shouldn't you call
backup or something?

I need to handle this myself.
I can't trust anyone yet.

You can trust us.
I'm coming with you.

Me, too.

Oh, no, you're not.

We're Auntie B's family!
We're not just gonna sit around

while someone breaks
into our house and takes her.

Absolutely not!

Your safety has been
jeopardized enough as it is.

It's just too dangerous.

Well, if you don't
let us come, we'll tell Daddy

and everyone will know
that you're a secret agent.

Ah, poop!

- You're driving.
- What?

- You heard me.
- I don't even have my license.

Well, my paws
don't reach the pedals,

and we're tails-deep
in a government emergency here.

So I think we can make
an exception.

I believe in you.
You're the man for this mission.

Now, let's go
before I lose the scent.

You can do this.

Be the road.

The road and you.


You got this, kid.
Just focus on the yellow lines.

My dog is giving
my brother driving tips.

Okay, what's
it say, Kate?

Um, okay,
take a left up ahead.

Left up ahead,
got it.

Now, 100 feet,
turn signals.

Come to a complete stop,

check all directions
for oncoming traffic.

- Good, good.
- Okay.

Okay, slowly accelerate
into the turn.

Okay, now what?

Um, take a right on Davison Ave.
Take a right!

Okay, got it.
What's next?

Um, that's
where the signal ends.

No way they're still
gonna be there.

Don't worry,
I'll smell 'em the rest of the way.


- Left! Go left!
- What?

Left! He said go left!

- Straight!
- Straight.

I like that one,
it's easy.

Oh, brother.

Oh, Bretty? I think
they want you to pull over.

Yeah, it's the fuzz.
Pull over.

Oh, man! Now I'm never
gonna get my license.

I'll be banned for life!

Brett, relax!
I'll do the talking.

Okay, everybody,
keep cool.

Keep your cool.
I got this.

License and registration,

Evening, officer. What seems
to be the problem?

I'm sorry, was I speeding?
I really didn't think so.

This is a 35, right?

We had reports of a van
speeding through a minute ago.

Guess I got
the wrong one.

Oh, I see. Well, have
a nice night, officer.

Yeah, you guys take care.

Stay safe!

Wow, I gotta cut back
on the overtime.

I cannot believe that worked.

Works every time, baby.

All right, let's get back
on the scent.

Guys, it's Auntie B!

Nice spot, Kate!

Okay, I need you two
to stay in here.

Let me guess,
it's too dangerous for kids?

No. Well, yes,

but the truth is,
I need you in here.

Everything I see will be
transmitted on that tablet.

I may need you for some intel
if I get in a jam,

so be on the ready
to haul out of here

once I rescue Auntie B.

Got it.

It's go time.

Paws in the middle!


Auntie B!

No, no, no!

What do you mean... couldn't get the dog?

I could've hired
a dog catcher

for far less money
and better results!

If I knew we had to nab
some secret agent dog,

I would've asked
for more money.

Not some secret agent dog,

a talking secret agent dog!

Well, since you got
half your job done,

I will offer you
half of the money,

and you're still security
until this whole thing is over.

And if you have a problem with it...

I'll just call my friends
and tell them all about you.

No problem.

"No problem."
Good answer.

Will you stop
squirming? Geez!

♪ Auntie B, Auntie B ♪

♪ Oh my favorite money tree ♪

- Bazooka?
- Mm.

It's my favorite.
Well, later.

I came to you,

and I offered you a deal,

and you gave me a flat no,

not knowing that I'm the kind of
guy you never say no to.

My mother used
to call me "tenacious."

She called me "solipsistic," too.
That was when I was six,

and "Mr. Smartypants"
when I was 27.

But I'll show you, Mommy!
I'll show all of you.

You'll never get away
with this, Lane!

Oh, won't I? Is that
your expert opinion?

I think I already have!

Because no one knows
you're here.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I introduce to you
Dr. Bonnie Barks!

We're old chums
and collaborators...

for huzzum huzzum years.

She's the new head
of research and development

at Lane Technologies,

but you can call her...

- Auntie B.
- Oh, yay!

You're all
breaking the law!

This man is a traitor
to the United States,

and you're just as guilty
as he is

if you don't free me at once!

Oh, that's good,
that's good,

appeal to their consciences.

You don't know that they're paid
so much they don't have any.

What do you want from me?

Don't you know with that brilliant
bulb of a brain of yours?

I want that B Link!
I want schematics,

I want plans, I want data.

I wanna know
how to make that dog talk!

Years of hard work
and research

just thrown away
on consumerism?

It's a real shame.

Shame on you.
My mommy used to say,

"Self, self, self,
why don't you think about me?"

Well, I'm not
giving you anything,

not one shred
of information.

Well, then my associates
are right here,

and they are experts
at extracting

all the information I need.

How you doin',
Auntie B?

What's that?

I don't know,
but it's blue.

What does that mean?

Well, all the people
have been red dots,

and Toby's a blue dot...

So that means
there's another dog?

Toby, I think
there's another dog,

and he's coming your way.

Don't do it.

Don't... don't...

What was that?

Good ol' Angus
must've found somethin'.

Fan out, fan out
and find out what that is.


Whoa! Whoa!


Ow, ow, that was the dog.
That was Toby!

Come on, you imbeciles!

Get me my talking dog!

Activate Mr. Sandman.




What are you doing sleeping
in the middle of the night?

I was just resting
my eyes. Geez.

Mommy, I don't wanna
go to school today.

I'm afraid to ask this,
but do I look like your mother?

Get up, get up! Go, go, go!
We're losing him!

Go, go, go, go!

- Go, go!
- Sleepin' on the job.

Aw, no!

You brainless imbeciles
let him get away!

- We'll go find him!
- We got it!

No, no, don't go
anywhere! I need you here.

I gotta get
this show on the road.

All right, tighten security.

Hire reinforcements.
Do something to help me!

I have to go have a little
chat with our guest.


Round up some g*ons.
We got a job to do.

Sure thing! I'll just go
put an ad in the crime paper!

Well, we didn't get
what we came for,

but we made it
out of there in one piece.

But how are we
gonna save Auntie B?

Don't worry, kid.
I have a plan.

Good. A plan is good.

At first I didn't know who I
could trust within the agency.

Now that we know Agent
Lane's the crooked one,

I can get by with a little
help from my friends.

I finally figured out

what the B in Auntie B
stands for...

the best and the brightest!

Oh, Bonnie,
you truly are a genius.

Oh, can it, Lane!

Ooh, I am sincere.

I speak
from my heart's core.

Look at these scientists!

My scientists,
the best that money could buy!

The greatest minds
in the universe!

Nobel Prize winners!

All of them working for
what seems like an eternity

trying to create what
you have already created.

You know,
billions and billions

of overseas dollars
from my investors

have gone into
supporting them

trying to do
what you've already done.

We attempted

on every single kind
of species.

We tried a parrot.

A goat.

A bunny, a turtle,
a mouse, a horse!

Say "not by the hair
of my chinny-chin-chin."

All right,
BLTs for lunch!

We even tried a fish.

We got the same results
every time.

Guess what?
We got nothing!

I thought the cat would work,
I was sure!

And we got something,
we did.

I thought every little child
would wanna say good night

to his own little
kissy kitty cat,

and I would be so rich!

Ew, humans, gross!
Please give me my space.

You there, fathead,
what's for lunch?

Fathead, fathead!

Fathead, fathead!
I'm talking to you!

Mouthy little furballs,
aren't they?

That really hurt.

You were a good agent, Lane.

I was not only a good agent,
I was a great agent!

I was an excellent agent!

But Uncle Benny's
got a mortgage.

You see what I drive?

Well, I guess for you

making money is more
important than helping people,

but for me,
it's the other way around.

Oh, she's a wonderful woman.

I can't say it
with a straight face.

You know,

there's still a chance
for you to give up peacefully.

If you let me out right now,

I'll tell the agency
to go easy on you

just because you've been so reasonable.
How about that?

That's very nice.
Let me think about that.

I may have to change
my whole life's plan,

but I will,
sincerely, I will.


Let's cut to the chase.

This is your workstation.

You have all
the materials you need

to make me a prototype
of that B Link.

And if you refuse...

we'll pay a little call
on your niece and nephew.

And we won't be
quite as nice to them...

as we were to you.

All right, Lane, you win.

Cut me free,
and I'll get to work.

I said you were smart.

All right, come on,
cut her loose.

You have two hours.

Get to work!

Prescott, Hawk.

Toby, what's wrong?

Auntie B's in trouble.

Well, what are we
waitin' for?

Work fascinates me.

I could sit
and watch it for hours.

You're doing
a beautiful job.

Just remember,
clock's ticking.

Welcome to the party.

I want all exits
on lockdown.


- Huh?
- Gimme a perimeter.


Nobody in,
nobody out.

You and you.
Follow me, boys.

Well, it's ready.

Oh, it's ready,
that's good, that's nice.

It's ready! Oh!

Hand it over to Uncle Benny.

You got what you wanted,
now let me go.

Oh, a deal's a deal,

but let's just make sure
this baby works.

Fair is fair.

Mm-hmm, knock yourself out.

Voice activated
and everything.

Come here, Angus. Eh? Eh?

All right, activate B Link.

Hey, boss.
What can I do for you?

My baby! It spoke to me!

We did it, we did it!

Looks like they set up
patrols along the perimeter.

- We'll park offsite, sneak our way in.
- Copy that.

I'll pull up here,

and we'll tuck in
behind this building.

Everybody know
what they're doing?

It's showtime.

Yoo-hoo! Hey, lady!
Lookin' for me?

Oh, good!

I was startin'
to get bored out here.

Catch me if you can.

Get him, get him,
get him! Go!

Yes, yes,
that's right.

120% fully functional.

Your buyers are going to be
more than satisfied,

and we'll be ready for
mass production next month.

That's right!
Yes, yes, fantastic.

Domo arigato.

Enough, Lane!
Let me go!

You know what?
I changed my mind.

She's coming with us.

Wait, what?
You can't do that.

I can do anything
that I put my mind to now.

What if something
breaks, eh?

We have nobody here
to fix it,

and I'm not going to let
that happen ever again.


That's right.
Excellent, yes.

Boys and girls,

we need to vacate
these premises immediately.

So destroy any evidence
that we were ever here,

incriminating evidence.

Nothing left.

Lane Technologies sign,

I'd like to keep that
for my rumpus room

if anyone has a stepladder.

Now let's crate up Porky,
shall we?

And anything too heavy
to lift, burn!

All right,
quick like bunnies!

That's good.
Quick like bunnies!

Everything gone!

- Who's that?
- Looks like some kids.

What do they want?

Why don't you go
and ask 'em?

Hello, sir.
We're raising money

for my softball team,
the Ladybugs,

and we're going door-to-door

asking local businesses
for sponsorships.

You kids can't be here.
This is private property.

We're so sorry, sir.
I just got my license,

and I promised my dad
I'd take my sister around.

She just loves softball.

You know what?

I love softball too.
I do, I do, hold on.

This is for you.

- Really?
- Oh, yeah, yeah, hold on.

Oh, Buzz!

Come out here, cheapskate!

Pony up a few bucks for the
kids, for their softball team.

We are softball fans.

Agent Barks,
do you copy?

Yeah, a little busy
right now.

Another canine
is inbound.

Not again.

Hey there, pup.
Boy, am I glad I can talk!

Now, I can tell
all the other dogs

how I kicked your tail
up and down this warehouse.

Sunny Wolf, it's Angus.

Got that little pooch
you're lookin' for.

Meet me in the back hallway.

You know, your boss
is a real crumb.

We could use a guy
like you on our side.

You know,
the good guys?

Yeah, well, the bad guys
don't seem so bad

when they dole out
a million treats.

Good guys ever pay
you a million treats?

No, but at least
I can go to sleep

knowing I'm doing
the right thing.

Oh, I sleep just fine,
little guy.

On a big pile of treats.

Well, end of the road,
little fella.

Just give up,
before I unleash the beast on you.

You asked for it.

Angus, get him!

What the...?

Oh, I'm so glad
you're okay!

Not so fast.

g*ons, sic 'em.

You're surrounded,
both of you.

Time to move in.

Take this.
Toby gave it to us,

but we don't know
what it is.

The Crossbone.

Auntie B told me
all about this thing.

Let's hope it works.

Hey, kid, you think
you can drive this monster?

Like the wind, sir.

That's what I like to hear.

You're the extraction team.

It's go time.

Oh, you should've run
while you had the chance.

Now I have two for one.

You know... ahem.

It took me a long time
to develop the B Link.

I couldn't make it work.

It got so hot, I must've melted
through a dozen prototypes.

All the circuits
would overheat.

Darn thing would cook
from the inside out.

But I figured it out.

Liquid nitrogen.

But I had to be careful.

Oh, yeah? Why's that?

Well, if I use too much...

it would freeze!


Activate Crossbone.

Agent Toby Barks.

- Hey, hey, hey!
- I've heard enough from you!

I'm running away!

Come on!


You're trapped, Lane!
There's nowhere else to run!

You still have a chance
to make this right, Lane.

Trapped like a gray rat.


turn yourself in,
and give up now.

What did mother used to say?

When cornered,
use what you got.


It's time
to face the music.

Won't get me
without a fight.

Come on,
let's do this!

And that's
what I'm talkin' about.

- Still got it.
- Yeah, we do.

Oh, hey, guys.

See what we did?

Well, go arrest them.




Outstanding work.

Check out the human popsicle.

Oh, don't worry,
he'll thaw out in a few hours.

Or a few days.

I don't remember.

There's my family!

Auntie B!

Ah, look who's talkin' now!

How about some petting?
Oh, that feels good.

I just don't get it.

We've been out here
since four in the morning,

we've done everything
by the book

and still nothing.

Wait a minute,
what do you got there?

Well, it's a little trick
that my daughter taught me.

Is that a gummy worm?

Sure is!
You wanna try it?

Um, no, thanks, I'll stick
to the real worms.

- Suit yourself.
- Hey, I'll try one.

Yes, sir, sure.

Here we go.

It's, uh, create your own
luck, right, sir?

I like your attitude, Teddy.

- Gummy me up.
- There you go.

- Thank you.
- Yes, sir.


Here goes nothin'.

Oh! Hey...

Hey, nice... nice cast, sir,
that was a good job.

- Thank you, Teddy.
- Yeah.

You know, I hear you can catch
Bigfoot with Sour Patch Kids.


I got one! I got one!

- Come on.
- Oh, yeah!

Oh, yeah, that looks
like a big one too, sir.

Oh, he's a-fightin',
help me out here, Teddy.

Oh, wait, yes, sir.

Oh, my gosh!

That is a big one!

Whoa, there he is!

Hold on, I got him, I got him!

- There he is!
- Right here, right here!

The legendary fish
of Falcon Lake!

And you caught him, sir!
You caught him!

Thanks to you
and your gummy worms, Teddy.

I tell you,
it's innovative ideas like that

that separate the good
from the great.

How about you come
into my office Monday morning,

and we talk about a promotion, hm?
What do you say?

Yes, sir.

- All right.
- Ahem.

All right, Dave,
you can come too.

After all, you were here when
we caught this glorious fish,

so you must be
at least a little lucky.

How 'bout we call it
an early day, huh?

Pack it in,
beat the traffic?

Because I don't think
we're gonna top this fella.

- Yes, sir, great idea.
- Good idea.

I can't wait
to surprise my kids!

Nothin'. All right.

Okay, we're just about
ready to rock and roll.

- Hey, everybody, Dad's home early!
- Oh!

Hey! Hi, sweetness,
look at you!

- You look so great!
- Welcome back!

Thanks, buddy.

Wow, you're sharp too.
What's goin' on here?

You guys look so...

This is Agent Prescott.

- Call me Laura.
- Wow!

I'm sorry, hi.

- I'm Ted. Nice to meet you.
- Hi.

Why-why-why are you guys
all dressed up, though?

- What's going on?
- Funny you should ask that.

Anybody see
a pair of cufflinks?

I know I put 'em down
a minute ago,

now they're gone.
Hey, Ted!

Can I borrow
a pair of cufflinks?

Um, why don't you go
throw a suit on,

and I'll explain
everything on the way?

Yeah, uh, okay.

Welcome back, Ted.

Is that why... Yeah.
He's gonna be fine.

Thank you! Thank you so much,
everyone! Thank you!

And, so you're hearing
that too, right?

Yeah. Okay.

Well, agents,
you know what that means.

What does that mean?

Looks like
our next mission.

Agent Barks,
you take the lead.

Yes, sir.
Agents, mount up!