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Teen Musical - The Movie (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 16:00
by bunniefuu

[upbeat music]

♪ Fun, fun ♪

♪ Summertime countdown ♪

♪ Fun, fun ♪

♪ Summertime countdown ♪

♪ Fun, fun ♪

♪ Summertime countdown ♪

♪ Fun, fun ♪

♪ Summertime countdown ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Nine ♪

♪ Eight ♪

♪ Seven ♪

♪ Six ♪

♪ Five ♪

♪ Four ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every way ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, everything I say ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every day ♪

♪ Is the last day of school ♪

♪ Monday ♪

♪ Tuesday ♪

♪ Wednesday ♪

♪ Thursday ♪

♪ Friday ♪

♪ Saturday ♪

♪ Sunday ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every way ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, everything I say ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every day ♪

♪ Is the last day of school ♪

[students cheering]

♪ September ♪

♪ October ♪

♪ November ♪

♪ December ♪

♪ January ♪

♪ February ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every way ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, everything I say ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every day ♪

♪ Is the last day of school ♪

♪ September ♪

♪ October ♪

♪ November ♪

♪ December ♪

♪ January ♪

♪ February ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every way ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, everything I say ♪

♪ Countdown ♪

♪ Every, every, every day ♪

♪ Is the last day of school ♪

[alarm beeping]



[eggs cracking]


[soft music]

- My name is Alexandra Park,

but my friends
just call me Alex.

That's me, working hard,
searching for my self-worth.

A single brownie or
piece of wedding cake

will go straight to my thighs

if I don't work
it off in advance.

I do love wedding cake,

mind you, not my
own wedding cake

because my choices in life
seem to have ruled out

the happily ever after
love story thing.

It's only in fairytales,
right ladies?

Well, before you start
feeling too sorry for me,

it isn't like I live a
totally loveless life,

in fact, you could
even say I would win

Mother of the Year award.

Not because of my own kids,

but because of my life's
passion at my activity center.

I work with kids.

I love them with all
my heart and soul,

and in return,
they love me back.

They give my life a
sense of significance.

I'll be honest, things
haven't been easy lately,

but no matter how
bad things get,

when I look at their faces

and I see the hope in
their eyes, who knows?

Maybe God has some sort of
divine intervention for me.

Maybe it's right
around the corner.


Sarah, good to see you.

You are right on time.

Let's grab a seat and get comfy.

So, did your mom drop you off?

- Yeah, she said she
would come get me later.

- Okay, good.

Oh, I saw you
brought your journal.

- Mm-hmm.
- Great, thank you.

I give you almost as much
work as your teacher, eh?




So, tell me, what's been
going on in your life lately?

- I mean, just problems at home,

my parents are always fighting

and it's just hard for me.

- So, Skyler, you are
looking beautiful.

Things are going well.


Roxanne, hey.

What are you doing?

No, no, go around.

I told you before, use the door.


[bright music]

Roxanne, that's
what doors are for.

- Who uses doors?

- [Alex] Normal people.

- Boring people.

Hey, all right, so I
am breaking you out

of this office for lunch.

- Okay.

- I was thinking out
favorite Italian restaurant,

the one with the really
great mozzarella,

and the cute owner's son
who has the hots for you.

- No, he does not.
- Yes, he does.

You don't think I notice?

The plates come out,

yours has a little extra
something something,

mine, nothing.

- Rox, you're ridiculous.

A guy hasn't looked
at me since--

- Oh, no, do not bring up the
Max this and the Max that.

He went off to New
York, or wherever,

and it's been what?

Two years?

Two very long and lonely years.

Time to plant a
new garden, honey.

I say start with
some Italian herbs.

[soft guitar music]

So, since you have a really
good look into the kitchen,

how 'bout you tell me

when the Italian
stallion comes into view.

- I am ignoring you.

- Yeah, well, you
could try to do that.

- Hi.

- Good afternoon, ladies.
- Hi.

- Welcome to the Peppermill.

Can I start y'all off
with something to drink?

- I would like a water
with no lemon, please.

- Okay.

- Oh, and a vodka martini,
dirty, with three olives.

- Okay.
- Well, you know,

make it a double.
- Okay.

- Yeah.

- Are you done yet?

- It's five o'clock somewhere.

- And for you?

- I'll just have a
water, thank you.

- Water?

- What's wrong with water?

It's good for you.


What now?

- I don't know, I
was just wondering

about what maybe you had planned

for say the first
week of the summer?

- Why, pray tell,
are you asking?

- Because I have
this vision of you

with your cute
little recyclable bag

heading into the used bookstore

and filling it up with
$ romance novels,

and then sitting home on
Friday and Saturday night

after you get back from
the gym to read them.

You, my girl, are
predictable and boring.

I love you, I do,

but you have got to get a little
fun in your life, capeesh?

- Oh my god, it's him.

- What?
- It's him.

- Yeah, it is.
- Don't look at him.

- What?

Ow, that hurt.

- Don't, stop.
- Why not?

Look at him, he is like
one of those statues

in a fountain that you're
supposed to look at.

He's beautiful.
- You're crazy.

- Come on.

Just look at him, seriously.

Just take a look.

Take a look.
- Crazy woman.

- [Roxanne] I am.

[boys chattering]

- Justin, go long.

- I just think Christian and I
would be so perfect together.

- I'm sure you do.

- He just has the best smile.

And his eyes, don't you think?
- Yeah.

- Snap out of it, girl.

- He is pretty dreamy, isn't he?

- [clapping] Guys, it's summer.

We need to make a plan.

- I plan on watching every movie

that hits theaters this summer.

Yes, every single one.

- Oh, okay.

Well, I plan on starring in
my community's summer musical.

- Well, I plan on
getting discovered,

and when I do, I'm
heading out to Hollywood.

- [scoffs] Discovered?

I don't see any Hollywood agents

banging down your
door, Michael Buble.

- And if they did
come to New Orleans,

they'd be looking for me.

- Oh, or me.

- This conversation is stupid.

- Well, the music I'm
gonna make with this

and the Grammys I'm gonna win,

that's all that matters.

- Well, I'm gonna be like
one of those big celebrities

on YouTube and show kids that
they can make a difference.

- Whoa, Whoa, that
got very deep.

But on a brighter note,
have you guys ever noticed

my abnormally small ears?

[group laughing]

- Hey, Mr. Small Ears,
get over here.

I wanna beat you in
a game of foosball.

- Okay, I gotta be in on this.

- Count me in.

- Hey, guys.

How y'all doing?

- [Students] Hey, Ms. A.

- How was school today?

- Ms. A, school's
over, it's summer now.

- Yeah, thank goodness.

- Wow, time flies.

Summer already?

Okay, we're gonna
have to talk about

posting new times for the
center to be open, guys.

My work hours may
be changing soon.

- More patients
than usual, Ms. A?

- No, the opposite
actually, but yeah,

a bunch of new hopeless
romantics, just like you guys.

- I mean, you gotta
love us, Ms. A.

- Oh, I do, Aldrich, that I do.

Well, I've got some paperwork,

so y'all have some fun
and behave yourselves.

[upbeat cheerful music]

[students chattering]

- Yeah.

- No!


- We did something!

- Do you ever stop
looking at yourself?

- And what's wrong with
liking the way I look?

- Just seems a little
self-absorbed, is all.

- Well, if you cared about
your appearance at all.


- You guys, that
was really mean.

- Yeah, not okay.

- You know what, Lexi,
not everyone is obsessed

with their appearance
like you are.

- You're one to talk.

Little miss perfect Parker

who always has to have her
makeup done just right.

"Is my mascara smudged?"

- "Do I look good in
this shade of lipstick?"


- Guys, please stop fighting.

- [Abigail] I think I need
to lose at least five pounds.

- Hmm, more like seven.
[girls laughing]

- Guys, please stop fighting.

- It's okay, honey.

- Knock it off, okay?

You're all beautiful,
end of story.

- Yeah, if this is
a beauty contest

I wouldn't know who to choose.

Y'all are all drop
dead gorgeous.

- Oh, give me a break.

This is all pathetic.

Stop trying to make
her feel better.

- What do you think
you're doing, Abigail?

You know that Belle
gets triggered

with conflicts and
fights like this.

- Well you know what?
- What?

- She's gonna have to grow up

and face the real world
one of these days.

- Look, this is supposed
to be a safe place,

not a place where Belle
has to face more trauma

and get att*cked by
bullies like you.

- Oh, shut up!

- Hey, no you ain't gonna
talk to her like that.

[girls screaming]

No, you stop it!

[students screaming
over each other]

♪ Taking a look at that girl ♪

♪ In the mirror ♪

♪ Yeah, not everyone likes ♪

♪ What they see ♪

♪ Falling under the line ♪

♪ Of expectation ♪

♪ And not liking that girl ♪

♪ Staring back at me ♪

♪ Whenever you are alone ♪

♪ Just know that we
all are with you ♪

♪ Your cries are not unheard ♪

♪ And you are not unseen ♪

♪ Whenever you hear that sound ♪

♪ Pick yourself up
off the ground ♪

♪ If ever they bring you down ♪

♪ We can build you up ♪

♪ These walls that
your fears have made ♪

♪ Just help you
to hide the pain ♪

♪ But still through
the storm and rain ♪

♪ We can build you up ♪

♪ Yeah, we will build you up ♪

♪ We will build you up ♪

♪ We will build you up ♪

♪ Honestly, is it worth it ♪

♪ Somebody tell me the purpose ♪

♪ Being an image of perfection ♪

♪ When nobody's perfect ♪

♪ Why people do things ♪

♪ Strange and inhumane ♪

♪ And go through
all this trouble ♪

♪ Just to cause somebody pain ♪

♪ It's wrong, point blank ♪

♪ Stop just think ♪

♪ 'Cause this life
is temporary ♪

♪ Could be done in a blink ♪

♪ Must we judge on race,
class, and social case ♪

♪ When you're all beautiful
life forms, carbon based ♪

♪ Look at your heart
and not your face ♪

♪ So the truth can be placed ♪

♪ God made us in his image ♪

♪ That can never be erased ♪

♪ And if you're lost
without a home ♪

♪ You will never be alone ♪

♪ Take a stand, grab a hand ♪

♪ 'Cause you're beautiful ♪

♪ Whenever you hear that sound ♪

♪ Pick yourself up
off the ground ♪

♪ If ever they bring you down ♪

♪ We can build you up ♪

♪ Those walls that
your fears have made ♪

♪ Just help you
to hide the pain ♪

♪ But still through
the storm and rain ♪

♪ We will build you up ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ We can build you up ♪

♪ When they bring you down ♪

♪ Those walls that you put up ♪

♪ It's time to break them down ♪

♪ Ooh-Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh-Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Whenever you hear that sound ♪

♪ Pick yourself up
off the ground ♪

♪ If ever they bring you down ♪

♪ We can build you up ♪

♪ Those walls that
your fears have made ♪

♪ Just help you
to hide the pain ♪

♪ But still through
the storm and rain ♪

♪ We will build you up ♪

♪ Whenever you hear that sound ♪

♪ Pick yourself up
off the ground ♪

♪ If ever they bring you down ♪

♪ We can build you up ♪

♪ Those walls that
your fears have made ♪

♪ Just help you
to hide the pain ♪

♪ But still through
the storm and rain ♪

♪ We will build you up ♪

♪ Whenever I hear that sound ♪

♪ Pick myself up
off the ground ♪

♪ If ever they bring me down ♪

♪ You can build me up ♪

♪ Those walls that
my fears have made ♪

♪ Just help me to
hide the pain ♪

♪ But still through
the storm and rain ♪

♪ You will build me up ♪

- Special person with
quirky personality.

[laughs] Yeah, that's me.

Good at storytelling.


I've got a magic trick or two.

Balloon artistry
and face painting.

How hard can it be?

bookings, I like that.

Pays $ per event, nice.

Submit letter of interest
today, start working tomorrow.

Paid weekly.


Here you go, Glen.


You got this, Alex.

How hard can it be?

It's just a bunch
of little kids.

You like art, it'll be fun.


Hi, my name is Alex.

How do you do?
- Hey.

- I'm here for Hannah's party.

Thank you.

Hi, mermaids and mermen,

how are you today?

- [Children] Good.

- Good.

Are you ready to have some fun?

- [Children] Yeah.

- Okay, well, I heard that
it's somebody's birthday today.

- Mine.
- Yours.

You must be Hannah.

How old are you today, Hannah?

- Five.

- Oh, you're a big girl.

Do you brush your own hair?

So do I.

Would you like to see my brush?

I have it right here in
my underwater mermaid bag.

It's a dinglehopper.

Works like this, see?

- It's not a dinglehopper,
it is a fork.

- Oh. [laughs nervously]

Silly me.

I guess y'all never saw
a dinglehopper before.


- [Boy] You're not a mermaid,

you're a human
wearing a fake tail.

- Well, I most certainly
am a mermaid, young man.

You know, we mermaids when
we dry off we get legs.

- Then why not wear a dress
and walk around on your legs?

Why try to fool us
with a fake tail?

What do you think we are,
gullible or something?

We're kids, not idiots.

- [Mother] Son, come here.

- Okay. [laughs nervously]

Well, why don't we try
something else out of my merbag?

Look guys, isn't this neat?

It's my magic empty bag.

Doesn't it look empty?

Would you like to
make something?

- Yeah.

- What lives in the sea, guys?

Anybody know?

- Oh, fish.
- That's right.

Fishes live under the sea.

- Crabs.

- Crabs do live
under the sea, too.

What else?

- Seahorse.

- Yeah, seahorses live
under the sea, too.

And so do mermaids.

You know what?

I think it would be really nice

to make you all a fishy balloon.

Would you like a fishy balloon?

- [Children] Yeah!

- [Alex] Would you
like a fishy balloon?

- I want a seahorse.

- Well, why not a nice
blue fishy balloon?

- I want a seahorse.

- Oh, okay.

I'll try, sweetie.


Alex, you can do this.

- [Child] You made
another big balloon.

- Yeah.

Oh, okay.

So, I'll just make
you a seahorse.

[balloon pops]

Oh dear.

- Yay!

- Let's try that again.

Okay, look it's yellow,

it matches your bow,
isn't that pretty?

Get it together.

It's not that hard, right?

Go like--
[balloon pops]


- Hey.

- Oh dear.

You know, maybe I'll
make the balloons

a little later, guys.

How about we do
something else right now?

Would you like to play a game?
- This is my house.

- [Children] No.

- No?
- This is my house.

- What would you rather do

instead of playing a game?

- Sing.

- Sing!
- Sing?

- [Hannah] Sing, sing.

- [Children] Sing, sing, sing

sing, sing, sing, sing,
sing, sing, sing, sing!


- Hi, I'm Alex, I'm here
for Jackson's party.

- Hi.

What a lovely dress.

- Oh, thank you, but
it's so hot to wear.

- Can I get you
something to drink?

Lemonade, iced tea,
a shot of whiskey?

- No, I'm good, thank you,

I don't drink when I--

- These rugrats can be a mess.

- Yeah, they sure can.

Just point me to 'em
and I'll get started.

- Okay.

Kids, the face painter's here!

[children screaming]

- Okay, you wanted
to be a kitty cat?

- No, I told you, I
wanna be a princess.

- Oh, sorry, it's just a
little hard to hear with y'all.

And you wanted to
be a kitty cat?

Oh, and you wanted Spider-Man.

- No, me!
- Oh, I'm sorry.

You wanted Spider-Man.

What were you?

- Panda.
- Panda?


Okay, here's what
we're gonna do,

don't worry, I'll get
you all done, I think.

We're just gonna give
you all numbers, okay?

So, don't worry, everybody's
gonna get a turn,

just be patient.

Okay, buddy, almost done.

And you are a panda.

Do you like it?
- No.

- Let me show you.

Do you like it?
- No.

- Do you like it?
- Mom!

Spider-Man's not pink!

- What do you think, sweetie?
- I like it.

- Finally.

What do you think?
- I like it.

- Oh, good, I think I'm
better at princesses.

Oh, man.

Here, you're gonna
look beautiful, honey,

just close your eyes for me.

Glitter, everything looks
better with glitter.

- What is she supposed to be?

A scary clown or something?

- Mom!

She made me look ugly!

[Alex sighs]

- Cool, can you make
me a scary clown, too?

- Like her?

Sure, why not.

Climb on up.


One scary clown coming right up.

Are you feeling okay, honey?

Your eyes are kinda red.


Ah, man.

Hey, could somebody
get this kid's mom?

And some wet wipes.

It's okay, sweetie.

Just let it all out.
[slow music]

♪ Magical ♪

♪ Life was all so magical ♪

♪ Everything was magical ♪

♪ Until the magical went away ♪

♪ And now my last
tear has fallen ♪

♪ And the last smile has gone ♪

♪ When the last
flower is dying ♪

♪ And the last seed
has been sown ♪

♪ When the last
poet has spoken ♪

♪ And the last song
has been sung ♪

♪ When the last
trumpet is blowing ♪

♪ The magic ♪

♪ Has gone ♪

♪ There are no more tears ♪

♪ To be falling ♪

♪ No more smiles ♪

♪ I have to show ♪

♪ No more flowers ♪

♪ To be trampled ♪

♪ No more seeds I
have to be sown ♪

♪ No more poet's reflections ♪

♪ No more singers ♪

♪ No more songs ♪

♪ No more sounds to be hearing ♪

♪ 'Cause the magic ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

[soft music]

- Can you hear that?

- Hear what?

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na ♪

Yeah, I hear that.

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na ♪

- Oh my god, I have less
than , in this account?

And this one's drained.

Sweet Jesus, help me.


Look, if you want this
place to stay open

I need a sign.

I've tried everything.

I don't know how to tell them.

I can't put off telling
them any longer.

♪ It's been so long ♪

♪ Since I've painted a song ♪

♪ Or dreamed in color ♪

♪ Instead of shades of gray ♪

♪ It's been so long ♪

♪ Since I've painted a song ♪

♪ And it seems like forever ♪

♪ Since I lost my way ♪

♪ Yet there's new hope today ♪

♪ So color me a song ♪

♪ And paint for me
a melody sweet ♪

♪ A place where I belong ♪

♪ A place you know I wanna be ♪

♪ Color me a song ♪

♪ And paint for me
a melody sweet ♪

♪ A place where I belong ♪

♪ A place you know I wanna be ♪

♪ Sometimes we wonder ♪

♪ Often we're lost ♪

♪ But don't count us out ♪

♪ At any cost ♪

♪ Hearts come alive ♪

♪ And hope lights the way ♪

♪ Just remember the
colors of yesterday ♪

♪ So color me a song ♪

♪ And paint for me
a melody sweet ♪

♪ A place where I belong ♪

♪ A place you know I wanna be ♪

♪ Color me a song ♪

♪ And paint for me
a melody sweet ♪

♪ A place where I belong ♪

♪ A place you know I wanna be ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Color us a song ♪

♪ And paint for us
a melody sweet ♪

♪ A place where we belong ♪

♪ A place you know we wanna be ♪

♪ Color us a song ♪

♪ And paint for us
a melody sweet ♪

♪ A place where we belong ♪

♪ A place you know we wanna be ♪

[students chattering]

- Hey, what's up?

- Hey, Rox, what are you doing?

- Yoga.

- Yoga.

Rox, you don't do yoga.

- Yes I do.

There's this cute
yogi at the gym.

He likes it.

- Okay, I cannot imagine that.

Sitting still, that's
not your thing.

- Yeah, it really isn't.

But I'm on this ball in the park

and this is really fun.

So, what's up?

- [laughs] Okay, wow.

Look, Rox, I need to
talk to you for a minute.

I need to run something by you.

- Okay.

- Well, I have this crazy idea.

I'm thinking of putting
together a musical,

like a show to fundraise
for the activity center.

I found out these kids
really have talent.

- What are they gonna do,

have mood swings
on stage? [laughs]

- Oh, come on, that was funny.

All right, tell me about it.

- Rox, I'm serious,
these kids can sing.

It's not a joke,
they're talented.

It'll blow your mind.

And I was thinking, I
need to contact Max.

- Wait, what?

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.

- See, I knew it.

I knew you were
gonna flip out at me.

Look, I know I don't need him,

but I do need him, for
the fundraiser at least.

- Okay, I'm not going
back down Max memory lane.

You don't need him, Alex,
you can do this on your own.

- He's good at
that kind of stuff.

And I promise, I'm
going to keep it

strictly professional, okay?

- Really?

You promise?

- Gosh, Roxy, yes.

I promise.
- Pinky swear?

- I pinky swear.

Trust me, okay?

- Always.

You got this.

- Love you, girl.
- Love you.

[exhales heavily]

- Hi.

Yeah, it's Alex.

Yeah, long time.

Yeah, no, I'm doing pretty
good, things are fine.

No, no I'm calling because...

Actually, I need your help.

[laughs] Yeah, very funny.

Yeah, I know, I need
lots of help, mm-hmm.

No, seriously, my
foundation is in

a little bit of a pickle,

and I think that you're
just the man to help me out.

[laughs] Yeah, funny.

No, but I have an idea.

I found out that my
kids have a gift.


No, not shoplifting.

No, Max, these kids can sing.

Like really sing.

[engines whirring]

All right, guys, I
called you all here today

because I have something
to share with you.

Well, something to
confess, actually.

Our government grant was
not renewed six months ago,

and I've been funding
this whole thing

out of my pocket ever since.

I never took business
school, y'all.

I'm not so good with the
finances, and we're broke.

- We're not gonna lose
the center, are we?

- No, no, honey.

Not if I can help it.

- What can we do to help, Ms. A?

- Well, you could tell me,

why does this place
matter so much to you?

Why does this place matter
so much to all of you?


- I wanna say something,

but I don't want you
guys to judge me.

- Dude, don't worry,
we're all family here.

- Yeah, we got your back, bro.

- The reason I wanna be here

is because I don't
wanna be home.

My dad he...

He has a temper, and he
likes to take it out on me.

At home, anything I do,
it's not good enough.

I can't ever make him happy.


This center, Ms. Alex, it's...

It's our home.

And you guys are my family.

- Thank you, Justin.

- My dad died of cancer
last year, and...

it broke me.

It's like, how do you watch

the guy that raised
you just fade away?



But you guys accepted me,

and you were the
shoulder I needed.

That's why I'm here.

- Thank you, Hannah.

- My older brother
and I, we were close,

but when he was my age
he ran away from home

and he got mixed in
with the wrong crowd.

Any drug you could
think of, he did.

He didn't have a place
like this to come to,

and that's what this
place is for us.

It's a place for hope.

- Ever since my
brother was born,

my mom, she, [sighs] she
hasn't been the same.

The doctor says that it's
postpartum depression.

I just, there's not
too many reasons

for me to be happy anymore.

I'm just so glad
to have this place.

You all bring a little
joy into my life.

- You make us
happy, too, sweetie.

Thank you.

- Abby, what's wrong?

- I'm sorry.

I'm just realizing that
we're all in this together.

In the third grade,
I was bullied so much

because I love to sing.

Even my friends said I sucked.

I stopped singing altogether
until I came here.

- It's okay, you're not alone.

Me, too.

- This place, it gave
me my voice back.

But I took out my frustration
on all of you, and...

I'm sorry.


- I just come for the free food.


- Oh, guys.

Guys, thank you so much.

Abigail, thank you.

That was hard, thank
you for your bravery.

Thank you all so
much for sharing.

This reaffirms in my heart

why this place
needs to stay open.

It matters.

This place matters.

You know, I've been
reading this book.

It's called "God's
Calling", and in here,

it talks about
how each one of us

is created with gifts
and talents, desires,

for a specific purpose.

I don't know if you know
the story of Esther or not,

but she was given the
gift of influence.

She was put in a very
powerful position

and it was scary for
her to use that gift,

could've cost her her life.

But the choices she
made saved a nation.

Would you be willing to
be brave like she was?

- Of course.
- Yeah, of course.

- Would you use your
talents and gifts

that I've seen in you
to fight for your home?

- [Students] Yeah.

- [Belle] Mr. Max!

- [Students] Mr. Max!

- Hey, y'all.

- Mr. Max, what
are you doing here?

- You didn't tell them, did you?

- Well, I was getting to
that, and you're early.

- It's never too
early to save the day.

- And also so humble, I see.


- [Belle] We missed
you, Mr. Max.

- I missed you guys, too.

- We've got some ideas here.

Actually, Mr. Max, take it away.

- Okay, guys.

Well, how would you
all like to star

in a musical written by moi?

- Yes!
- To save the activity center.

- [Students] Yes!

- Yes?

- Oh my goodness.

- Awesome!

- No.

I said they could have the space

for $ a square foot
and nothing less.

I have over $ million
invested in this property.

Look, if they give you
any resistance at all,

you kick 'em to the curb.

This is a business, and if
they want waterfront property

they have to pay the piper.


I have another call coming in.

Just get this deal done.

Hello, this is
Chandler DelaHoussaye.

No, Mr. Marcello.


I fully understand the
terms of our agreement.

I just need a little
more time, sir.

Please, I will have you
your money, with interest.

I promise.

Thank you, sir.

Take care.

[intense music]
[sighs deeply]

Let's see here.

Where is it?

Where is it?

There it is.

That sweet little
property down by the river

where that nonprofit's
gonna go belly up.

Let's see.

If I can...

get the demolition
done for $ , ,

and I can pay
planning and zoning

and the site inspector $ ,

I can make a ton of
money off this deal.

Stacy, pull the car
up front, please.

I wanna go see that
pathetic little property

down by the river.

I need this to work.

- Max, thank you so much

for dropping everything
you were doing

and hopping on that plane,
getting down here so quickly.

I don't know how I'm
ever gonna repay you.

- I could...

think of a few things.

- Look, we have a lot to get
done and not a lot of time.

Strictly business, okay?

- You could suck the helium

out of the Goodyear
Blimp, you know that?

- I guess I never was
fun enough for you.

That's why you ran off
to New York, isn't it?

- Ran off to New York?

I didn't run off to New York,

you forced me out, remember?

What was I gonna do?

Stay around here
and see you around

and act like I didn't
have feelings for you?

I asked you to come with me.

- Max.

Are you gonna help me or not?

- Okay, boss lady, what
do you need from me?

- If you could write a musical,

something that would catch
the community's interest,

maybe we could raise enough
money to save the center.

But it would have to be
quick, I'm out of time.

- So, let me get this straight.

You need me to write a
musical, like, yesterday?

- Yeah.
- What about a budget?

Stage crew, stage
manager, production crew--

- No.
- Lights.

- No.
- Stage.

- No, no. [sighs]

Max, look, I know some of the
logistics are out of order,

but if you can just take
care of the creative side

I promise I'll get
the details in order.

- And what about us?

I mean...

What's in it for me?

[Alex scoffs]

- There you go again.

Been here, what?

Five minutes?

And already you're making
this all about you.

Max, these kids trust me.

I cannot let them down.

If we can't fix this,
they lose everything.

- What do you want, Alex?

What does your heart want?

- My heart?

[Alex sighs]


If you ever really
cared about me,

please, help my kids.

I can't lose my kids.

- Okay.

How much are you in the hole?

[Alex crying]

- grand.

- grand.
- I know.

- Oh boy, Alex--
- I'm sorry.

- You really, you got yourself

into a pickle here
without me, huh?

- Without you? [laughs]

Once again, you are
making this all about you.

I don't know what I was...

Why did I even.

You know, you say you know me,

I don't think you do.
[intense music]

- I think I know you
well enough, Alex.

This was a mistake
coming down here,

I can see that now.

You don't want me back,
you just wanna use me.

Shame on you, Alex.

Shame on you.
- No.

- Alex.

- Max.


[sighs] My god.


♪ Always say that you ♪

♪ You know me ♪

♪ But you'll never walk
the willow trails with me ♪

♪ Through the
forest that I love ♪

♪ To share in the ♪

♪ The beauty and the sense ♪

♪ That delight my senses ♪

♪ Well, you say that you ♪

♪ You know me ♪

♪ But you don't know what
makes my eyes light up ♪

♪ Or fills me with wonder ♪

♪ Have you tasted ♪

♪ Tasted the power
of my ecstasy ♪

♪ Well, you say that you ♪

♪ You know me ♪

♪ But you've never
been to the deepest ♪

♪ Place of my soul ♪

♪ Where were you when the ♪

♪ The darkness ♪

♪ Surrounded me ♪

♪ And swallowed me whole ♪

♪ I've been running such a ♪

♪ A hard race ♪

♪ You just stood
on the sidelines ♪

♪ Giving me guidelines ♪

♪ When all I wanted ♪

♪ Was a warm embrace ♪

♪ Well, you say that you ♪

♪ You know me ♪

♪ But you don't know the
thoughts inside of me ♪

♪ Or the torment of my mind ♪

♪ Where were you when I ♪

♪ Cried out in desperation ♪

♪ Well, you say that you ♪

♪ You know me ♪

♪ But you've never seen
the tears I've cried ♪

♪ Or the pain I hide inside ♪

♪ All you saw was the smile
that I wore on the outside ♪

♪ Well, you say that you ♪

♪ You know me ♪

♪ But you've never
been to the deepest ♪

♪ Place of my soul ♪

♪ Where were you when the ♪

♪ The darkness ♪

♪ Surrounded me ♪

♪ And swallowed me whole ♪

♪ I've been running such a ♪

♪ A hard race ♪

♪ You just stood
on the sidelines ♪

♪ Giving me guidelines ♪

♪ When all I wanted
was a warm embrace ♪

♪ You never took my hand ♪

♪ You never understand ♪

♪ Eyes never see
what my eyes see ♪

♪ You never took my hand ♪

♪ Never understand ♪

♪ Yes, you say
that you know me ♪

♪ Say that you know me ♪

♪ Oh, you say that you know me ♪

♪ Say that you know me ♪

♪ Oh, you say that you know me ♪

♪ Do ya really ♪


Come in.
[intense music]

- Well, hello there, young lady.

- Hello, who are you?

- Hi, I'm Chandler DelaHoussaye.

I'm with Orlean
Executive Towers.

I'm here today to do
a site assessment.

- Pardon me, a site assessment?

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

- Yeah, so the bank gave
me this pocket listing

on this property and I'm
considering purchasing it

at the end of the month.

- What?

- I'm sorry.

Is it not in unrecoverable debt?

- No!

It most certainly is not.

This building is not for sale.

If you'd be so kind as
to exit the premises

I'd be very grateful.

- Okay.


I'll see myself out,

but I'll be seeing
you real soon.

Real soon, young lady.


- Look, Mr. Chandler,
I already told you,

this building is not for sale.

- Oh, easy now.

Did I miss something?

Who was that man?

- That was.

You know what?

Nevermind, it's none
of you business.

- Hey, hey, easy now.

Look, Alex, I'm not
your enemy, okay?

I wanted to come back
and say I'm sorry.

I know the dream I dreamed
of Alex and Max is no longer.

I am here, I am your friend.

What can I do to help?

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Okay, well, what would the
first step of this musical be?

- Talent.

We need talent.

Can you maybe set up auditions

so we can see what
we're working with?

- Yeah.

Yeah, you know what, the
kids would be so excited.

I could probably do it as
early as this afternoon.

- Good.

- But Max, you've gotta
be gentle with them.

Some of these kids, they
come from broken homes,

really rough backgrounds.

They're gonna wanna impress you.

They really admire Mr. Max.

So, whatever they come up with,

and I mean whatever
they come up with,

positive affirmation, okay?

- Yeah.

Kid gloves, got it.

So, let's see, you
have a piano, guitar?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Well, let's go check 'em out.

- Okay.

- All right, so which one of you

juvenile delinquents
wanna go first?

- Max.

- I'll go first, better
to get it over with.

[upbeat country music]

♪ Daddy works the pipeline ♪

♪ Mama teaches school ♪

♪ Bubba drives a red truck ♪

♪ Thinks he's cool ♪

♪ But guess where
you'll find me at ♪

♪ Out on the stage
singing in my cowboy hat ♪

♪ I'm little but I'm loud ♪

♪ I can sing anywhere
till the sun goes down ♪

♪ I'm a country girl ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ And I make my mama proud ♪

♪ Because I'm little ♪

♪ But I'm loud ♪

- Hmm.

Thank you, Hannah.


[bright music]

♪ Grandma met grandpa ♪

♪ Back in ♪

♪ Underneath the
big ole pecan tree ♪

♪ The rain started falling ♪

♪ And just like that ♪

♪ They fell in love ♪

♪ And they ain't done yet ♪

♪ They got bitten
by the love bug ♪

♪ Bitten by the love bug ♪

♪ They got bitten
by the love bug ♪

♪ Love bug ♪

♪ Love bug ♪

♪ They got bitten
by the love bug ♪

- Super duper, Kailei.

That's a keeper.


[girls whispering]

[upbeat pop music]

♪ Pop, pop, popular ♪

♪ Pop, pop, popular ♪

♪ Everybody knows you ♪

♪ You create a scene ♪

♪ Pop, pop, popular ♪

♪ If this was a kingdom ♪

♪ You'd be the queen ♪

♪ Pop, pop, popular ♪

♪ Rumors always buzzing ♪

♪ They're talking about you ♪

♪ Everybody wants to
see what you'll do ♪

♪ Popular ♪

♪ Pop, pop, popular ♪

♪ That's what it
is to be popular ♪

- Catchy tune, but it's so ' s.

- [Alex] You're so ' s.

- Next.

[upbeat music]

♪ You see I have this problem ♪

♪ I have a sister ♪

♪ She looks a lot like me ♪

♪ I'm not at all like her ♪

♪ I'm very, very different ♪

♪ I try to tell the world ♪

♪ How very different we are ♪

♪ But no one seems to listen ♪

♪ No one seems to listen ♪

♪ You see, I have this problem ♪

♪ I have a sister ♪

♪ I look a lot like her ♪

♪ I'm not at all like her ♪

♪ She's very, very different ♪

♪ I try to tell the world ♪

♪ How very different we are ♪

♪ But no one seems to listen ♪

♪ No one seems to listen ♪

- Think it's too late
to fly back to New York?

- Max, what would Jesus do?

- Jesus would've given
these kids talent.

- You know, there is
talent in this room.

Just gotta give them a chance.

Why don't you show them what
you're looking for, hot shot?

- All right, guys.

Alex and I are not trying to
see if you can sing or not,

we're just trying to see if
you can convey your emotions

from the stage to the audience.

- [Parker] Well,
how do we do that?

- I really can't tell
you, but I can show you.

Hand me that guitar.

♪ A thousand stars ♪

♪ But the one I wished upon ♪

♪ To see your face again ♪

♪ Tell you I'm sorry ♪

♪ For letting you go ♪

♪ I need you to know ♪

♪ I'm sorry ♪

♪ If I could touch
an angel's wing ♪

♪ I would fly to find you ♪

♪ Bring you back home to me ♪

♪ It's the only
time I'll see you ♪

♪ The only time I'll hold you ♪

♪ It's the only
Heaven left for me ♪

♪ When I'm on my knees ♪

♪ And as I fall ♪

♪ To my knees ♪

♪ I'm asking, Lord ♪

♪ For your peace ♪

♪ Help me seek ♪

♪ Seek your face ♪

♪ And in this holy place ♪

♪ You have everything I need ♪

♪ If I could touch
an angel's wing ♪

♪ I would fly to find you ♪

♪ Bring you back home to me ♪

♪ It's the only
time I'll see you ♪

♪ It's the only time
I can hold you ♪

♪ It's the only
Heaven left for me ♪

♪ When I'm on my knees ♪

♪ Gotta pull myself together ♪

♪ For all I'm goin' through ♪

♪ God, I need your direction ♪

♪ Of what I'm supposed to do ♪

♪ If I could touch
an angel's wing ♪

♪ Bring you back home to me ♪

♪ It's the only
time I'll see you ♪

♪ The only time I can hold you ♪

♪ The only Heaven left for me ♪

♪ When I'm on my knees ♪

♪ When I'm on my ♪

♪ Knees ♪


- Am I too late to audition?

- [Alex] No, come in.

Everybody's welcome.

Show us what you've got.

- Let's get this
show on the road.

♪ Forgive every failure ♪

♪ That I've ever made ♪

♪ 'Cause I've done
all the work ♪

♪ For all the hours
I've practiced ♪

♪ I'll show them
what I'm worth ♪

♪ If it's going to
be it's up to me ♪

♪ I'll get straight to the top ♪

♪ They can try to hold me back ♪

♪ But I can't be stopped ♪

♪ If I could lead by example ♪

♪ And just unfurl ♪

♪ It's time to shine ♪

♪ Just reach down
and show the world ♪

♪ It's time to shine ♪

♪ And when I praise the Lord ♪

♪ Show him love ♪

♪ At home where all is fine ♪

♪ Please don't let me down ♪

♪ God, I pray you help me ♪

♪ Shine ♪

♪ Shine ♪

♪ Feel his love ♪

♪ It's always been there ♪

♪ Feel his love ♪

♪ It's waiting ♪

♪ Waiting for me ♪

♪ To ♪

♪ Shine ♪

♪ Time to ♪

♪ Shine ♪

♪ When I praise the Lord ♪

♪ Show him love ♪

♪ At home where all is fine ♪

♪ Don't let me down ♪

♪ God, I pray you help me ♪

♪ Shine ♪


- Now that's what
I'm talking about.

- I told you these
kids had talent.

- Yeah, some of them.

[intense piano music]

[students chattering]

♪ I don't wanna feel too much ♪

♪ I don't wanna hurt too much ♪

♪ I'm doing this for me ♪

♪ So the cards fall
where they may ♪

♪ I'm letting go ♪

♪ Finally ♪

♪ I don't wanna feel
like you have me ♪

♪ On an imaginary chain ♪

♪ I don't wanna feel ♪

♪ If you're not in my life ♪

♪ I might go insane ♪

♪ I'm letting go ♪

♪ So come with me ♪

♪ Ooh, oh ♪

♪ I'm not in control anyways ♪

♪ I know my sins have
been washed away ♪

♪ And I'm not looking back ♪

♪ To who I was ♪

♪ Yesterday ♪

♪ I'm tired of hiding ♪

♪ And through with fighting ♪

♪ And that's on you ♪

♪ And that's on you ♪

♪ Ooh, oh ♪

♪ Now I've got my own life ♪

♪ I don't need yours ♪

♪ I've got my friends ♪

♪ I'm walking out the door ♪

♪ I'm letting go ♪

♪ I'm free ♪

♪ Just believe ♪

♪ He's no longer
important to me ♪

♪ I just need to believe ♪

- So, do you think we
can make this work?

- Well, we've got something.

Let's go.

[cheerful music]

- It's gonna be so fun.
- I know, I can't wait.

- Oh, Alex, this place
is really something.

I'm impressed.
- Thank you.

I know important people, too.


Hey, guys.

Are y'all having fun?

- Yeah, we are.

- Thank you so much
for bringing us here.

- You are so welcome, sweetie.

I'm so glad you guys
are enjoying yourselves.

Y'all deserve this.

I love you guys.

- Ido have to warn you, though,

later there will be
a cannonball contest.

I'm just letting you know,
I am forever champion.

- Yeah, well, I was a swimming
champion when I was younger.

I bet I could beat you
in a race right now.

- I could take you, too.

- I would destroy you in a race.

- It is on.

Think they can beat me.

Oh, babe, don't get
sunburned, okay?

Lobster is not a
good look for you.

- [laughs] Good one.

Look at them, they're
having so much fun.

Makes me happy to
see them so happy.

- Makes me happy, too.

I like seeing you happy.

- Well, how's the play going on?

What did you call it again?

- Oh, it's...

One Star Rising.

- Okay, so how is One
Star Rising doing,

and why did you call it that?

- Oh, it's inspired
after biblical movies

and stage shows that I
watched when I was a kid.

You asked for something
clean and wholesome.

I just took some of my
favorite scenes from there

and reworked them into the show.

Been working day
and night, though.

You've barely given me a break.

- Hey, that's not me.

I didn't ask for
any all nighters,

that's all you.

And hey, I even gave
you half a day off,

told you to come have
fun with us at the pool.

- Half a day off.

I know why you brought me here.

You just wanna
ridicule and harass me.

I know your end game.

- Well, I mean you are
kinda funny looking,

so you make me look good.

- Don't be hatin' on all this.

[Alex laughs]

- No, honestly, Max...

The kids do really like you
and you're great with them,

and I guess I kinda like
having you around, too.

- Of course you do,
I'm Max Rothschild.

- Hey, will you excuse
me for a minute.

I think I'd better
go talk to CJ.

- Okay.

- Hey, CJ.

How you doing?

You wanna go in for a swim?

Why not?

- I don't wanna get sunburned.

- Is that the real reason?


Did I ever tell you
about when I was ?

I went through a hard
time, abusive relationship.

At one point the pain got so bad

I felt like if I couldn't get
it out I wouldn't survive.

So, I started to.

- To hurt yourself?

But you're Ms. Alex.

- I'm also human.

- How did you know about...


- I've been there.


God's love brought me back.

- I don't think God
loves me all that much.

- No, no, CJ, God loves you.

Why would you say that?

- I did the whole
church thing, Ms. A.

I know The Bible says
that God is my Father.

What kind of father
lets their child suffer?

It just feels like he's
turned his back on me.

And I'm so tired of feeling...


I just wanna...

I wanna feel--

- Whole again?

CJ, his love, it's so faithful.

He takes you just as you are,

but he doesn't leave
you the way you are.

His love is there
when you wake up,

when you open your eyes,
when you take a breath,

when your heart beats.

Every minute of every day,

he can love you
back to wholeness.

- You really think so?
- I know so.

I know he loves you.

God is the one person
that will never,

ever leave you or forsake you.

He will never judge you.

He will always love you.

- I love you, Ms. A.
- I love you, too.

Can I give you a hug?

- Yeah.

- You know what?

All these kids here,
they love you, too.

If you ever need
anyone to talk to,

we're all here for you.

- Hey, so we're about to
start the cannonball contest.

Y'all wanna?

- Hey, CJ and I could be judges.

- Oh, that's great.

Hey, kids, we're about to start

the cannonball contest, come on!

- Come on, C.
[exciting music]

- I'm so sorry,
Mr. DelaHoussaye,

they refused to stop at
the front desk and sign in.

- It's okay, Stacy.

I know these two fine,
upstanding gentlemen.

I'm good.

Thank you so much.

- Chandler Hollywood
DelaHoussaye, in the flesh.

- Howdy, boys, what
can I do for you?

- Mr. Marcello would
like his money today.

- I just spoke with
Mr. Marcello last week,

we have an agreement.

We have a special bond.

Everything's gonna
be fine, guys.

- I don't think pretty boy here

is on the same page as the boss.

Mind I should rattle
his cage a little?

- Not just yet.

Mr. Marcello likes
his money on time,

and let me tell you
something, little man,

if you love anything
about yourself,

your business, or
whatever you do,

you're gonna have
that money today.

Do you understand me?

Are you hearing me?

- I hear you guys.

Everything is crystal clear.

- Let's hope so.

[Alex sighs deeply]

- This is a great idea.



Do you really think the kids

are gonna be ready
for tomorrow night?

- Yeah, I think they're as ready

as they're ever gonna be.

- And you know, I looked online,

there are
tickets sold already.

- tickets?

That's more than I had at
my last show in New York.

- Well, this endeavor
may not save the center,

but at least I'll know

we did everything
we possibly could.

- Yeah.

We really did get this together
pretty good, didn't we?

You know, you and I
make a great team.

- Well, I really
should thank you again.

You didn't have
to come and rescue

me and all my problems.

- I kinda like being your
knight in shining armor.

It's worth it to see that
beautiful smile again.

- Oh sir, you make me blush.

Seriously, would you like
to take walk on the pier?

- I'd love to.

[romantic music]

[Alex and Max whispering]

Hey, Roxy, have you seen Alex?

- Yeah, she was here earlier

but she went back to the center

to get the kids' presents
for after the show.

She'll be back soon.

- Okay, thanks.

- Max, Max, do you
have the batteries

for the wireless mics?
- Yeah, batteries.

Okay, A/V booth, under
the console on the shelf.

I think they should be there.

- Okay, I'll check 'em all,

put the batteries
in and test 'em.

- Hey, wait, wait,
wait, before you go,

remember, we do need to label

each one independently,
each channel.

We can't have any mess
ups tonight, okay?

- From your lips to God's ears.

- Thanks, Roberto.

[sighs] Where'd she go?


- Good afternoon, Ms. Park.

I've been waiting for you.

- How did you get in here?

- Door was unlocked,
I let myself in.

- Well, you're trespassing.

This is private property.

I'd like you to leave now.

- Not so quick, missy.

We have some business
to conduct here.

- Listen, Mr. Chandler, I don't
know who you think you are

but I already told you, this
building is not for sale.

Now, please leave.

- Well, come Monday morning

you will no longer own this
property, the bank will.

I am merely here as
to assist your exit.


This is for you.


- Now get out before
I call the police.

- That was not a wise move.

- Get out!

- After you.

[bat clinking]

You should've taken
the money, lady.

[freezer whirring]

It's a shame, such
a pretty woman.

It didn't have to be this way,

but I'm taking that teen
center back from you.

You just sit in here and chill.

- Roxy, did Alex
ever get back yet?

- No.
- It's an hour till show time,

I'm starting to get worried.

- No, but maybe she stopped
at her apartment or something.

Did you try calling her?

- I did.

It just keeps rolling
over to voicemail.

- That's not like her.

Maybe I should go look for her.

- No, no, look, I got it, okay?

Look, you and Roberto are
gonna be in charge, okay?

- What?
- Not for the whole thing,

just at least until
I get back, okay?

You've got this, okay?

You've got this.

You're in charge, but I'll
be back as soon as I can.

- I'm in charge now.

[slow piano music]
[audience chattering]


- Alex.


Alex, are you in there?

You sure picked a heck
of a day to go MIA.

[intense music]

[breathing heavily]

- You've gotta be kidding me.




Let me out!

[breathing heavily]



Come on.


Hey, babe.

I'm sure you're
wondering what happened.

This guy named Chandler
DelaHoussaye, I think.

He came by my office,
offered to buy me out.

I turned him down,
guess he didn't like it.

Next thing I knew...

I woke up in the
center's freezer.

[bells ringing]

- Go, therefore, and make
disciples of all nations

as I have made of you, Peter,

baptizing them in the
name of the Father,

and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit.

- Yes, Rabbi.
[slow music]

♪ The clock ticks ♪

♪ And tocks ♪

♪ The devil down in Hell mocks ♪

♪ Our lives just fall apart ♪

♪ It's so bad that
it hurts my heart ♪

♪ What happened to morality ♪

♪ Our parents teach us to see ♪

♪ How much more can we take ♪

♪ Before humanity just breaks ♪

♪ God needs some heroes ♪

♪ To appear ♪

♪ God needs some heroes ♪

♪ To appear ♪

♪ Fight all the bad guys ♪

♪ Make right all the bad times ♪

♪ God needs some heroes ♪

♪ To appear ♪

♪ I'll have no fear ♪

♪ I'll have no fear ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

- [sighs] Voicemail.

Hang on, Alex, I'm coming.

[bright music]

- Max...


I'm sorry.

Tell the kids I'm sorry.


Tell them I'd never leave them.

I'd never leave them
if I had a choice.

Please take care of my kids.

Don't let the center
shut down, Max.

And you know, I never told you,

and I should've told
you a long time ago,

I love you.

I don't just like
having you around...

I need you around.

I never should've let you go,

and I'm sorry I pushed you away.

I was scared.

I was scared.

I was an idiot.

I didn't think that
you'd ever understand.

[breathing heavily]

♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound ♪

♪ When we've been there ♪

♪ , years ♪

♪ Bright shining as ♪

♪ The sun ♪

♪ We've no less days ♪

♪ To sing God's praise ♪

♪ Than when we'd first begun ♪


- You know the time
is among us, mother,

time for my father's prophecy

to be fulfilled
as it was written.

I know, my beloved son.

You have given my life grace
and meaning for years.

What is the Lord's
purpose for me now?

- To be the echo of my word

to all you encounter.

Use your faith and strength

and shepherd in
what must be done

for all humanity to survive.

I know you have it in you.

- I know, but my heart's desire

has always been on you, my son.

What will Heaven be like?

- Everything you
expect and more.

Wonders beyond belief,

a divine eternity of
grace and fellowship

with all that is good and right,

and I will be there
waiting for you.

It is time to rest now.
[powerful music]

♪ Will it be dark ♪

♪ Will it be light ♪

♪ Or will there be a gate ♪

♪ A gate that's white ♪

♪ Will it be warm ♪

♪ Will it be cold ♪

♪ I hope I have your hand ♪

♪ There to hold ♪

♪ What will it be ♪

♪ Can I still see ♪

♪ In Heaven ♪

♪ And will God be there
because he cares ♪

♪ In Heaven, will I be scared ♪

♪ Or be prepared ♪

♪ Will I be scared ♪

♪ Or be prepared ♪

♪ For Heaven ♪

- Alex!


No, no, no.

♪ Will we have wings ♪

- No.

♪ So we can fly ♪

♪ And will we soar across ♪

♪ Across the sky ♪
- Alex.

♪ Will you be there ♪

♪ Please be my guide ♪

♪ Show me the way ♪

♪ Be by my side ♪

♪ What will it be ♪

♪ Can I still see ♪

♪ In Heaven ♪

♪ And will God be there
because he cares ♪

♪ In Heaven will I be scared ♪

♪ Or be prepared ♪

♪ Will I be scared ♪

♪ Or be prepared ♪

♪ For Heaven ♪

♪ For Heaven ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ What will it be ♪

♪ Can I still see ♪

♪ In Heaven ♪

♪ And will God be there
because he cares ♪

♪ In Heaven will I be scared ♪

♪ Or be prepared ♪

♪ Will I be scared ♪
- Oh, thank god.

She's out.
- I got it, I got it.

I got it.
♪ Or be prepared ♪

- How long has
she been down for?

- I don't know.

♪ For Heaven ♪

- Here, help me
get her jacket off.


♪ For Heaven ♪

- [Paramedic] She
doesn't have a pulse.

- Come on, Alex.

- I'm sorry, I think she's gone.

- No, no, she's not gone.

Come on.

Come on.

No, no.

No, no.

- Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Okay, prepare to shock.

[machine whirring]

One, two, three, shock.

Still no pulse.

Okay, prepare to shock again.

[machine whirring]

One, two, three, shock.

Okay, I think I
feel a pulse now.


Alex, can you hear me?


She's waking up, let's get her
on a little bit more oxygen.

- What happened?

- You died.

But you came back, babe.

- It's okay.

- Yeah.

- Do you love me?
- You know I do.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Please take me to
see the kids, now.

- How fast does this go?

- Tops, miles an hour.

- I think that'll
be fast enough.

[sirens blaring]

- Father, why have
you forsaken me?

My mind is weak,
and my heart is sad.

If it is possible, let
this cup pass me by.

Nevertheless, let it be
your will and not mine

that will grant this day.

I cannot see you, but I
can feel your presence.

- I am here, Lord, as
a beacon of his love,

strength, and perseverance.

I shine upon you, and
will not leave you

until your deed is done.

- I know now, Father,
what I must do,

and it is well with me.
[slow music]

♪ Grander earth
has quaked before ♪

♪ Moved by the
sound of his voice ♪

♪ Seas that are
shaken and stirred ♪

♪ Can be calmed and
broken for my regard ♪

♪ And through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ My eyes are on you ♪

♪ And through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ It is will ♪

♪ And through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ My eyes are on you ♪

♪ And it is well ♪

♪ With me ♪

♪ Far be it for me
to not believe ♪

♪ Even when my eyes can see ♪

♪ And this mountain
that's in front of me ♪

♪ Will be thrown into
the midst of the sea ♪

♪ And through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ My eyes are on you ♪

♪ And through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ It is well ♪

♪ And through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ My eyes are on you ♪

♪ And it is well ♪

♪ It is well ♪

♪ So let go my soul ♪

♪ And trust in him ♪

♪ The waves and winds ♪

♪ Will know his name ♪

♪ So let go my soul ♪

♪ And trust in him ♪

♪ The waves and winds ♪

♪ Will know his name ♪

♪ So let go my soul ♪

♪ And trust in him ♪

♪ The waves and wind ♪

♪ Still know his name ♪

♪ The waves and winds ♪

♪ Will know his name ♪

♪ And it is well ♪

♪ With my soul ♪

♪ It is well ♪

♪ Sing it out, sing it out ♪

♪ With my soul ♪

♪ It is well ♪

♪ With my soul ♪

- Where have you been?
- Dead.

- What?
- Long story.

We'll explain later.

- Really?


♪ It is well ♪

♪ It is well ♪

♪ With my soul ♪

♪ It is well ♪
- Roberto.

How's it going?

- Oh my god, so good.

♪ It is well ♪
- Thank you.

♪ With my soul ♪

♪ And through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ Through it all ♪

♪ My eyes are on you ♪

♪ And it is well ♪

♪ With me ♪


- Way to go!
- Yeah!


- Are you the man they
call Jesus of Nazareth?

So-called King of the Jews?

- I'm the man you seek.

Take me to do my father's will.

[upbeat music]

♪ Red ♪

♪ Orange, purple ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ Red ♪

♪ Orange, purple ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ Red ♪

♪ Fiery fire be red ♪

♪ The sky is red ♪

♪ To signal the end of the day ♪

♪ Red ♪

♪ Orange ♪

♪ The sun looks like an orange ♪

♪ Hanging in the sky ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Orange ♪

♪ Purple ♪

♪ Misery and longing ♪

♪ Majesty and yearning ♪

♪ Mourning the end of the day ♪

♪ Purple ♪

♪ Gray ♪

♪ Smokey, smokey haze ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ Patches still remaining ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Blue, day, blue ♪

♪ Day, blue ♪

♪ Blue, I feel so blue ♪

♪ There's no fret ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ One star ♪

♪ My eyes feel so gray ♪

♪ All night ♪

♪ All side, gray ♪

♪ Rising ♪

♪ Green, the earth is green ♪

♪ New life, new hope ♪

♪ Fading ♪

♪ Shining ♪

♪ Brown, the earth is brown ♪

♪ And igniting ♪

♪ Brown ♪

♪ One star ♪

♪ Rising ♪

♪ Shining ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Day, day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends at
the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends at
the end of the day ♪


♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends ♪

♪ At the end of the day ♪

♪ One star ♪

♪ Rising ♪

♪ Shining ♪

♪ Brightly ♪

♪ If I could make a wish ♪

♪ I'd wish for love ♪

♪ And light ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ And light ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ At the sunset ♪

♪ The colors are so beautiful ♪

♪ At the sunset ♪

♪ Red, orange, purple ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ Red, orange, purple ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ Red, orange, purple ♪

♪ Darkness descends at
the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends at
the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends at
the end of the day ♪

♪ Darkness descends at
the end of the day ♪

♪ Red, orange, purple ♪

♪ Blue ♪

♪ Red, orange, purple ♪

♪ Blue ♪


- What are you doing?

Stop it.

- Hey, are you feeling okay?

- I am fine.


We missed half the
show, be quiet.

- Yeah, because of the
thing called your death.

- Shh.

[upbeat music]

♪ Mother ♪

♪ Mother ♪

♪ You know I'm so cold here ♪

♪ And I'm so alone ♪

♪ No laugh, no tear ♪

♪ No hope, no fear ♪

♪ Just silence ♪

♪ Silence ♪

♪ Mother ♪

♪ Mother ♪

♪ You know that I love you ♪

♪ You know that I love you ♪

♪ But I never told you ♪

♪ Come with me ♪

♪ And I'll take you to a land ♪

♪ Where darkness never comes ♪

♪ A land where young
men laugh and sing ♪

♪ Never longing ♪

♪ There ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ Not yet ♪

♪ Not now, please ♪

♪ Just one more look ♪

♪ One last thought ♪

♪ Magdalene ♪

♪ The softness of your tears ♪

♪ Caressed my soul ♪

♪ But you don't know
where you're going ♪

♪ But together we will stand ♪

♪ Against the winds of change ♪

♪ That thr*aten to divide us ♪

♪ But I cannot find a way ♪

♪ I hope there is a way ♪

♪ John, John ♪

♪ Dear shy John ♪

♪ You understood me ♪

♪ When no one else
would take the time ♪

♪ When I needed refuge ♪

♪ From the storm of
laughing people ♪

♪ You took me in ♪

♪ And let me be ♪

♪ Myself ♪

♪ If ever in the lonely night ♪

♪ You need someone
to hold your hand ♪

♪ Or just someone to talk to ♪

♪ Remember me ♪

♪ Walk with me ♪

♪ And I'll take you to a land ♪

♪ Where darkness never comes ♪

♪ Walk with me ♪

♪ I'll take you to a land ♪

♪ Where darkness never comes ♪

♪ Now it's time ♪

♪ Now it's time ♪

♪ Now it's time ♪

♪ Now ♪

♪ Now ♪

♪ No, not yet ♪

♪ Devil, what can I say ♪

♪ I never knew you well ♪

♪ Soon, too soon the
tears will be falling ♪

♪ Lock the door so
no one will see ♪

♪ A thousand voices
crying inside you ♪

♪ Nowhere to turn ♪

♪ No place to be ♪

♪ But yet through all the fear ♪

♪ The pain reached
out to touch me ♪

♪ You reached out to touch me ♪

♪ You'll lose me, devil ♪

♪ One star ♪

♪ Rising ♪

♪ Shining ♪

♪ Brightly ♪

♪ Father, Father ♪

♪ I've never felt
this way before ♪

♪ Father, Father ♪

♪ I've never felt
this way before ♪

♪ The light ♪

♪ Everyone ♪

♪ The light ♪

♪ Fills my soul ♪

♪ With love ♪

♪ For I am a thousand people ♪

♪ I am a thousand faces ♪

♪ I am a thousand people ♪

♪ I am a thousand faces ♪

♪ I am a thousand people ♪

♪ I am a thousand faces ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh, ooh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ And I love ♪

♪ And I love ♪

♪ The world ♪

♪ And I love ♪

♪ Jasmine ♪

♪ Hurry Jasmine fills the air ♪

♪ Jasmine ♪

♪ Jasmine ♪

♪ It is finished ♪

[laughing menacingly]


[slow music]

♪ I'm so confused ♪

♪ I know I heard
you loud and clear ♪

♪ So I followed through ♪

♪ Somehow I ended up here ♪

♪ I don't wanna think ♪

♪ I may never understand ♪

♪ Why my broken heart ♪

♪ Is a part of your plan ♪

♪ When I try to pray ♪

♪ All I got is hurt ♪

♪ And these four words ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ I know you're good ♪

♪ But this don't
feel good right now ♪

♪ And I know you think ♪

♪ Of things I could
never think about ♪

♪ It's hard to
count it all joy ♪

♪ Distracted by the noise ♪

♪ Just trying to make sense ♪

♪ Of all your promises ♪

♪ Sometimes I gotta stop ♪

♪ Remember that you're God ♪

♪ And I am not so ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Like a child on my knees ♪

♪ All that comes to me is ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will ♪

♪ I know you see me ♪

♪ I know you hear me, Lord ♪

♪ Your plans are for me ♪

♪ Goodness you have in store ♪

♪ I know you hear me ♪

♪ I know you see me, Lord ♪

♪ Your plans are for me ♪

♪ Goodness you have in store ♪

♪ So ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Like a child on my knees ♪

♪ All that comes to me is ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ Thy will be done ♪

♪ I know you see me ♪

♪ I know you hear me, Lord ♪

[calm music]

- [Narrator] For God
so loved the world

that he gave his only son

so that everyone who
believes in him may not die,

but have eternal life.

For God did not send
his son into the world

to be its judge, but
to be its savior.

And upon the third sunrise,

Jesus rose from the dead,
refreshed and victorious.

[slow music]

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's the sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's the sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's a sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's a sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's the sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's the sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's the sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ Sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new day ♪

♪ It's the sunrise ♪

♪ Of a new way ♪

♪ I am a thousand people ♪

♪ I am a thousand faces ♪

♪ I am a thousand people ♪

♪ I am a thousand faces ♪

♪ I am a thousand people ♪

♪ I am a thousand faces ♪

♪ Oh, ooh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ And I love ♪

♪ And I love ♪




- Excuse me, miss.

Mr. Benson would
like a word with you.

- That's the billionaire owner

of the football and
basketball team.

[laughs] I wonder what he wants.

- Are you the person in charge

of all of these
great kids tonight?

- I am.

Alexandra Park.

And you are?

- I'm Marc Benson, I'm
a local businessman

and a patron of the arts.

I just wanted to come backstage

and tell you guys, y'all were
terrific out there today.

Y'all really blew me away.

- Thank you.

I'm very proud of each
and every one of them.

- When I was a young kid, I
went out for my school musical,

and I remember it
like it was yesterday.

It was Godspell.

I was a shy kid and I
had never sung on stage

before that time.

But I went to auditions, and...

I said a little prayer.

Do you know what I prayed for?

- Not sure I entirely follow.

- What I prayed for was
that God and the Holy Spirit

would somehow take over my body,

and mainly my voice, and just
let me not embarrass myself

in front of my classmates?

- Did it work?

- The next day I went
to the bulletin board

and I took a look
at the cast sheets,

and miraculously,
they cast me as Jesus.

Me, as Jesus.

Now, my mother, she was so proud

and we decided not to share

my love of dramatics
with my father.

The whole show is a
blank to me now, but...

When I was up there on the cross

singing my final song like Juan,

I saw him in the audience,
and he was crying.

- He was ashamed?

- No.

He was crying tears of joy.

- Wow, that's an amazing story.

My name's Max.

I wrote this wonderful
musical you saw tonight.

- Well, it's a pleasure to meet

both you, Alex, and you, Max.

And tonight, the two
of you reminded me

of that very special
evening so long ago.

Now, as I understand it,
y'all run what y'all call

a teen activity center?

- Yeah.

I used to.

- Kids.

Y'all deserve a place
much nicer than this.

Y'all were just
spectacular tonight.

- Thank you, Mr.
Benson, that means a lot

coming from someone like you.

- I'll tell you what
I'ma do for all of you.

I built a brand new
performing arts center.

I wanna give it to
you, and to the kids.

The same God that empowered
me on that stage years ago,

and helped me through
that situation

that y'all all reminded
me of it this evening

would have it no other way.

The building's yours.

[Alex stammering]

- I don't know what to say.

This is too much.

I can't take this, sir.

- Why not, Ms. A?

- Yes, why not, says
the angel of God?

- Alex, this does
really help us out,

I mean, isn't this why we
held this musical tonight?

[Alex laughs]

- Thank you.

- Well, who gets the keys?

- Give it to her, definitely.

[Alex laughing]

- Thank you.

- I'll tell you
what else I'll do.

I'll go ahead and I'll
pre-pay all of the insurance

and the taxes for
the next years

so you won't ever get
a bill in the mail

with this new center.

- You know, you made
all this possible.

- I did, didn't I?

- We make a pretty good
team after all, don't we?

What do you say?

Do you wanna hang around

and see what we can do with
this state-of-the-art facility?

- I'd love to.

[slow music]

♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound ♪

♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪

♪ I once was lost ♪

♪ But now am found ♪

♪ Was blind, but now I see ♪

♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound ♪

♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪

♪ I once was lost ♪

♪ But now am found ♪

♪ Was blind, but now I see ♪

♪ See ♪

♪ The Lord has
promised good to me ♪

♪ His word my hope secures ♪

♪ He will my shield ♪

♪ And portion me ♪

♪ As long as life endures ♪

♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound ♪

♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪

♪ I once was lost ♪

♪ But now am found ♪

♪ Was blind, but now I see ♪

♪ See ♪