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Lost Prince, The (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 18:35
by bunniefuu
* -One morning, while she was playing,
Goldilocks entered the woods.

* That morning the bears were making
porridge for breakfast.

* The porridge was piping hot.

* so they decided to do

* a walk in the forest.

* As they walked through the woods,

* Goldilocks fell on a house

* with a huge door.

* As she very much wanted to enter,
she stepped forward and knocked.

- Come on, let's go down.

- But we didn't have
the end of the story.

- Here, I refueled.

- Thanks, have a good day.

The door creaks.

It mimics the creaking of the door.

- It's okay ?
- Huh? Yes, I am fine.

I was thinking of something.

The door makes a low creaking noise.


- It's okay ?
- Huh?

- What the hell are you doing?
- Nothing.

See you tomorrow.

- OK see you tomorrow.

It mimics the creaking of the door.

- Goodbye see you tomorrow.

- Thank you. What's this ?

- A croissant.

- Were there no macaroons?
- No, there weren't any.


- Chat.

- Easy. "There's not a cat."

- "A cat in the throat."

- Good game.
"To have other fish to fry."

- It exists ?
- Yes, if I tell you: "Range",

you can answer:
"No, I have other things to worry about."

- Yeah.

- It's yours.

- I'm eating, wait.

- Hm, hm ... You don't think so.

You do not find.

You give

your tongue to the cat?

Do you give your tongue to the cat?
- Yes.'

- There was "to give his tongue to the cat",
"to call a spade, a spade".

"Dogs don't make cats" ...

- Its good.

- There's also cat pee.

- It's yucky

to say that, anyway.

- It's an expression.
- But it's gross.

- Maybe, but it's an expression.

- Capsize.

- What, "capsize"?

- My heart has "cat-fired" ...

- Well, come on,
go put on your "pa-cat-jama".

And quickly, otherwise,
it will be too late for the story.

- Charlie "Chat-plin".

- Not bad, check.


- "Chat" sent des pieds.'

- "Chat-kie" Chan.'

Ah yes, but you don't know,
suddenly, it's less funny.

I found it.
- Yeah. '

- Where were we already?

- Ben, the Prince
had just found the treasure

thanks to Francis Ford the Goéland.

And he fell asleep
next to the magic chest.

- There you have it.

"Francis Ford the Goéland
and the magic chest".


The Prince was asleep
next to the magic chest.

The magic lid
of the huge magic chest

heaved himself up with a damp squeal.

It mimics the creaking
of the car door.

- What is that ?
- The wet squeak, you like?

- Yeah.

- The Prince,
immersed in a deep sleep,

had his eyes closed.

Come on, close our eyes, darling.

the creaking of the trunk woke him up.

So he discovered the treasure
he no longer hoped for.

The treasure of treasures.

The magic "malmes".

- The what?
- The magic "malmes".

- The "malmes"?
- Yes, the malmes. '

Like fins,
but it is worn on the hands.

But these were magic.
- Yeah ...

- Come on, let me tell.

So he went out to the village square.

Ha, ha, ha. '

It was market day.

- Hello, Prince.

- Hello, Geoffrey.

Around him, on the ground,

twirled the shadows
of the terrible invisible birds.

The Prince had not seen them
since they were invisible.

And suddenly he saw her.


- Ha, ha, ha. '

- Pritprout ?

- Yes, it's me, Pritprout. '
You will never get rid of me.

The Gull betrayed you.
- It's you,

the traitor.'

- Naive, everyone knows
that gulls

are traitors. '
- No, they are faithful animals.

- Enough about gulls, dingo. '

the Princess lives her last moments.

The princess screams.

- OH.'

- No.' How dare you, son of ...

potatoes. '


Bird calls

What is that ? Let me go.'

- Have you forgotten my invisible birds?

- You forgot that magic malmes

are stronger

than invisible birds. '

Poor bell. '

I'm coming, Princess. '

Pritprout bursts out laughing.

- He's too stupid. '

- This time the Prince was beaten.

Stupid handful. '

And suddenly he remembered
the other power of sacred malmes

which allowed the valiant heart
to fly like a majestic eagle.

He took off ...

and flew away.



- Okay okay.

- My Prince, you have succeeded.

- But yes.

In fact, it was fine, it
was even rather tedious.


- Bravo.'


- Once again, the Prince
had managed to save the Princess.

But Pritprout had more than one trick up
his sleeve.

And many trials
still awaited them.

Thank you, thank you all. '

Thanks thanks.

Its good ? Shhh. '

Its good ?

She fell asleep there, right?
Do we repack?


Guys ?
Maybe we can get out, right?

What bullshit this thing. '

It was not bad today,
I like it when there is a fight.

Accessorist. '

- Malmö?

- Come on, we untie the miss
and we repack. '

- Malmes, OK.
- Formidable.

Thank you, Benoît.

- It's Jacques.

- Jacques, are you sure?

- Hey, you're not a technician. '
And the regulations?

No one within five paces
of the mademoiselle.

Except the Prince.

Of course.

- Here I go.

Hi, Benoît.

Pouh ...


He laughed heartily.

Hey guys, do we have a bowling alley?



Ah, Pritprout, not bad tonight, right?

- Ah yes.

- Except when you called me an assh*le,
I didn't like it.

- It's the text, my friend.

On the other hand, the coup des malmes,
a little easy.

And that's the opinion of everyone.

- You are jealous.
- Me ? Of you ?

- Yes.

- Old man, you're the hero, yes,
but the real character,

complex, intense, rich ...
it's bibi.

- Okay.
- You can smile.

A good story
is a good villain.

- A villain as important
as the hero? Ha, ha, ha, ha. '

- Hey, hey, hey, hey ...

- Sacred Pritprout. '

What would we do without you?


Hi, fat. '


Fairy tale theme


* -Good day, thank you all.


- Great, is this drawing Pritprout?
- Yes.

- It's his spitting image, bravo.
- Thank you.

- And there is nothing?
- Yes, it's the invisible birds.

- They are well made,
we do not see them at all.

- Obviously, they are invisible.
- Oh yes, sorry.

Well done, it's wonderful.

What else did you do?

- I do not know anymore.

- Every time I ask you
what you did at school,

you answer me that.

- Oh yes, she showed us something.
- Watch.

- It's about the past,
present and future.

- There, you see where we are, here?

- Yeah.
- This is the present.

Behind us, that's where we come from,
so it's the past.

And in front of us, that's where we're going,
so it's the future.

You understood ?
- Yes.

- We will see.

If we turn around,
what do we have in front of us?

- I don't know,
the Chinese in slow motion?

- Dad, please.

- Uh ... the present?

- Well no, precisely. ' The future.
The future is always ahead of us.

Even when we turn around.
- Okay.

And when we are face to face,
where is the future?

- Easy.

My future is you,
and your future is me.

- I like that.

Where do you want to go now?

So we are going into the future.

- Everywhere you look ahead.

- OKAY. Get in position.

The first to arrive in the future wins.

- No problem.

- One. Two...

Hey, cheater. '

She bursts out laughing.

- Come on, hurry up, dad. '

We're going to miss it.

Hurry up.
- It's okay, I'm coming.

You're not the boss, either.

I gave you apple juice
and P'tits Filous.

It's okay, I'm kidding.

- Very funny.

- It's a great day,
take advantage of it.

- I'm going to college, dad,
there's nothing to call the papers.

- I wasn't going to call them,

but the first day of college
is important.

- I don't know anyone, either.

- Don't worry,
it's going to be fine.





- What will change
in relation to primary school,

is that we will ask you
to be more independent.

You will have to manage

your schedule,
you're going to have a record,

we will ask you to be big

and take responsibility.

So, I am

your head teacher.

You will have others
depending on the subject.



- Hello.
- Hello.

- I can sit ?
- Yeah, go ahead.

- Are you waiting for the bus?

- Are you serious ?

- No, I'm kidding, worry.

But which one do you take?

- The 318.

- Cool, I take the same.

A bus is approaching.

- Tada. ' How is Princess ?

It went well ?
- Yeah yeah.

- Hello, I'm Sofia's dad.

- Hello. Max.

- Hello.
- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

I brought you macaroons ...

- Thank you for not passing me

for a moron ...

- Wait for me, I'm going up too. '

Good evening.
- Good evening.

Which floor ?
- Five.

- Like us.

- You took over
Madame Massadian's apartment ?

- Yeah, that was my grandmother.
I've inherited.

- Okay.

- We liked him a lot.
- Thank you.

Oh, I didn't recognize
you , you're the widower, right?

It's okay ?

- Yes, I am fine.

- Pardon.

That's not
what I meant at all.

I'm sorry.

- It is not serious.

Especially since yes,
it's me, the widower.

It's not like you said,
"Here is the moron from the Alps."

- Or "the assh*le of the fifth".

- Yes, there you go, thank you.

- We saw each other once or twice
when I came to see my grandmother.

She told me about you,
that's why.

That's why.

Otherwise, there are other people
in the building, tenants,

or is it just us?

- It's just us,
and they want to destroy it.

- Is that so ?
- Finally,

when we're gone.
- Ah OK.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

If you need

I'm here.

Helping hand, babysitting, DIY.

You know where to find me.

- OK.

Good evening.

- Good evening.

- Good evening.

- Good evening.

- Well then, say it...

- What?
- Nothing.

"Good evening..."

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Of course.

- Whatever.
You are having ideas, my little one.

- Stupid.

But what an assh*le.
"Are you the widower?" I suck.

Then "DIY" ...

DIY. '

- You know, dad,
if you want to see someone, you can.

- Thanks, but I don't want to.

- I'm telling you, that's all.

- I don't want to see anyone.

- OK.

But compared to me

and in relation to mom,

if you wanted, you could.

- The question does not arise
because I do not want to see someone.

- Of course.

But just in case.

- Well, it's time to go to bed.


* -The Prince is requested
on the set in two minutes.

* Story starts in two minutes.

Perky theme


- You are an Arab prince

sent to foil the
Vizier Pritprout's plot against the Princess.

You are of a great lineage:
pure soul, proud, difficult childhood.

Absent father, overprotective mother,

you were chosen to the throne
instead of the eldest,

so big guilt,

larval inferiority complex, etc.

The situation takes place
in a sumptuous Byzantine palace,

it's a party,
with thousands of guests.

Belly dancers,
musicians by the dozen,

there are ostriches, tigers,
elephants, maharajahs.

It is pharaonic.
Warning the eyes.'

Why does it not open?

What's going on ?

- A problem ?
- Yes, it's blocked.

This is the first time this has happened.

I do not understand.
Alarm, siren

What is happening ?


What's going on,
can I have an explanation?

- No story,

you're sure ?

Too bad.

There were elephants,

tigers, magic.

No, but okay. OK my baby.

- I'm tired.

- Of course, sleep.

Would you rather
I tell you about it tomorrow?

- We'll see, okay?

Dad, I'm 11.

I can do them on my own,

my stories, do you understand?
- Of course, don't worry.

Okay, well, then, good night.

- Good night.

- Sleep well my love.

- Dad ?
- Yes ?

- Are you mad at me ?
- But no.

You are crazy, everything is fine.
Good night.

- Come on, let's wake up. '

We're packing up, guys. '
We hurry. '

Come on, get in there.

* -Attention:
story finished before starting.

* I repeat: finished story ...

- Ah, there it is. I was sure of it,

I saw him arrive
as big as a potato.

This is the end, mate. '
- The end ?

Didn't you understand
that there is never an end?

It resumes every time.

Still haven't noticed?
Pff. ' "The end"...

- This time, I'm telling you,
it's not going to resume.

And there, we are going to laugh.

You'll see how it feels
not to be the hero of the story anymore.

You're more than a poor guy

that is useless. ' Ha, ha, ha. '

* Speakers play
a rhyme.


- My keys ...
My keys, my keys, my keys.

I forgot my keys.

What is happening today?




Melancholy theme


* -History in 3 minutes.
We ask for the Prince.

* The Prince is expected on the set
in 3 minutes.

- Ah. ' So, are we off again?

- Two stories in the same evening,
that's rubbish. '

- The important thing is that it starts again.
No matter the little worries.

- Excuse me sir.

We do not enter, the story will begin.
- Sorry ?

- Stand on your side

to let the characters pass.
- I'm a character.

I'm even THE character.

- Sorry, only those in the story.

- This is a joke.

- Come on, the Prince is coming.

- But I'm the Prince.
You are completely crazy.

- Stand aside, he's coming.
* -Everyone in place.

"Everything about you"
(Ugly Kid Joe)


- I hate the rain and sunny weather

And I hate...

- Hi, Benoît.

- What was that ?
- The prince.

- The prince ?

I'm the Prince, that's a baby. '
You can see he doesn't look like me.

- Indeed, yes.

- Now that's enough.

How did you do that?

Since when are we stronger than me?
* -Attention, story in 7 ...

- What's going on here?

- Here, Jacques, I have a Code 2
at the main entrance.

- Hello, Prince.
- Hello.

- Hello, Prince.
- Hello.

It's not over there, my lodge.
- New lodge, sir.

- But we move away a lot
from the studios.

- Quarter of secondary characters.
- What?

What did you say ?
- Welcome home.

- What is
this story?

But it's minus ... Oh. '



You know who i am ?

You don't know who I am. '
Well, you'll see who I am.

You will see who I am.


They will see who I am.

- Prince ?

- Yes ?

- What are you doing here ?

What is happening ?
- You are transparent.

- Not at all.
- Yes, that's weird.

- Well no, I'm not transparent.


- And so, you have a door.

- Yes, it's my character:
the Woman at the Door.

2-3 years ago you crossed
the seas of the far north

and you ran into a woman
with her grandmother.

Tomatoes. '

- Um ...


- It's okay,
everyone forgot me.

I thought I would be remembered
at some point in history,

but no.
We bang on the door.

My God.'
- What?

- There is someone ?

- They gave you my dressing room

because they want to send me
to oblivion.

- To or ...

- ... Swiss chard. The dungeons,

do you see what it is?
- Yes thanks.

- It's not a misunderstanding,
you are next on the list.

They put you here

and after ... forgotten. '

- Maybe he's a nice neighbor.

- It's the management. Open. '

- Do not say anything. They are going to leave.

- Open up, we're not leaving. '

- Tell them

to come back later
you take a bath.

- I'm not taking a bath.

- I know, lie.
- No.

- You are asked on the set.

There is a role for you.

- No, it's a trap.

- No, there is a role.
- Hurry up,

it is going to begin.

- There are fittings to be done.
- It's not true, it's a trap.

- Is there really a role?

- Yeah. '

- Isn't that a trap?
- No.

- But if.
- Come in.'

- It always works
with secondary characters.

We have information like what

a forgotten would be hidden here.

He knocks on the door.

Someone there ?

- Don't even try to catch me. '

- Come on, the holidays are over.

- Take it easy,
you can see that she is crazy.

- Three years without a role has gone on long enough.
- The forgotten ones in the oubliettes.

- Don't let you forget, Prince. '

- The dungeons ...

- Find a role in the story,
whatever. '

And don't forget you're the best. '

You are the Prince. '

People love you. '

- To oblivion ...



Melancholy theme

A bus is approaching.


- Look at Sofia's bag.

Have you seen the little label,
the little name?

- The little pink heart.

- Hey, Sofia, ask your mother
to buy you a bag because there ...

We are no longer in primary.


- This weekend, we could
go buy you a new satchel.

- Why ?
- I don't know, like that.

To get a new one.

- No, thank you, I don't need it.

- On the other hand, compared
to what happened earlier ...

Someone is ringing.

- Good evening, am I not disturbing you?
- Well, we're at the table.

- Good. Do you know how
the garage beep works?

- Non.

- Can't make it work
from the inside.

From the outside, yes,

but from the inside
I have to go around,

go to the door
to open it and exit.

There must be something.
- I dunno,

I do not have a car.
- Ah.

Maybe it's the small batteries.

You wouldn't have one?

- No, sorry.
- I'll see the trustee.

- Here.

- They're responsive or ...
- I'm sorry, but ...

now is not the time.

- Good evening.

- Good evening. Excuse me.

"Is the trustee responsive?"
The poor girl...

I should have told him about the
housing tax , I didn't have time.

"Small batteries" ...

- Was that the neighbor?

- Yes.

- She is nice.

- Yeah.
- I don't want to interfere

of your private life, of course.

(the Prince)
- But do you remember me?

- Yes.
- Why don't they call me anymore?

Even to do a little trick,
I don't understand.

- It's true, we don't see you too much,
how come?

- That's what I'm asking you.
- Yeah, um ...

Yes Yes.

I obey orders, me.

They tell me to go get the Prince,
I'm going.

To go get the other Prince,
I'm going.

To go get the rabbit, I'm going.
To go get the hen ...

- I'm ok thanks.

If we can avoid doing

the whole farmyard.
- Certainly.

- But who gives you the orders?

Who decides all this?

- Oh that...

Here ? I never thought about it.

Who decides all this?



I was about to forget.

He snatches his star from him.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- I can sit ?
- Yes go ahead.

- What are you doing ?
- Nothing, I draw.

- How to say ...
My parents are leaving for the weekend,

suddenly my brother is having a party.
Do you fancy coming ?

- Well yeah.

Saturday is good.

I come.
- Cool.'

On the other hand, it's evening,
isn't it embarrassing?

- You're kidding, my dad is super cool.

- A party in the evening,
I'm not too much for.

Who is this girl ?

- A girlfriend.
- It's okay, I can imagine

that you know her.

- What then?

- Tell me his name already.
- I can not see

what that changes.

- Better than not knowing.

- OKAY. It's Mélanie.

- Melanie?

- Yes, Melanie.
I don't see what's ...

- Hm, hm.

- So it's okay, it's okay?

- A priori, yes. But you will give me
the number of his parents.

- To do what ?

- Well, it's done, that's all.
- We're not kids anymore.

And there won't be the parents.

- Sorry ?
- Well, yes, but they won't be with us.

They won't give us a
puppet show , we're 11 years old.

- Exactly, you are 11 years old.

And why are you making mysteries?

This girlfriend who has no name

parents who don't have a phone,
who will be there, but ultimately no,

don't take me for a moron.
- But no.

You are the one making the fuss.
You are painful at the moment.

- Maybe I'm having my teenage crisis.
Since I just returned to college,

I tell it to myself a little bit.

Sorry, my body is changing,
I am becoming a young woman.

It's not obvious,
it's painful for the people around.

So, I apologize.

I'm joking.

- It's very smart to do that.

- Come on, "check tartare". '

- No, you're annoying.

- Just kidding, honey.

She slams the door.
I was joking.'

* Amusement park theme

The elephant trumpets.

Someone knocks and walks in.

- It's me.'

- Pritprout.

- What are you doing ?

- Nothing, I'm thinking, just imagine.

- You are thinking ?
That's something else. '

But it is okay ?

- Ha, ha, ha. ' But it's going very well,
why this question?

- It seems like.

But you work, do you have plans?

- Do not tell me,
if the days could have

30 hours,

It would favour me.

- You're finished, what.
- Here.

- My poor friend.

What irony, what cruelty,
what sadness.

Pff. ' Oh dear.'
But what did they do with you?

- I dunno.

- I guess you don't know.

You know what ? Follow me.

I might have an idea for you.

- What do you mean
by "kidnapping the new Prince"?

- Well, we take it off,

no more new Prince,
hop, no more new stories.

And poof, everything's back to normal, bim. '

- OK, you take it off,
but then what do you do with it?

- In the dungeons.

- In the dungeons?

The dungeons ...

- Do you see what it is?
- Obviously.

Yes, the other ...

"Do you see what this is?"

- What is it then ?
- The dungeons?

- Yeah.

- The dungeons ...

It's not so easy to explain,
the dungeons.

- You do not know.

- No.
- This is where we send the characters

which are
no longer in any story.

At first they don't do anything,
but when they become transparent,

hop, to oblivion.

- And what are they doing there?

- Nothing, we forget them.

They disappear.

For real.

- Whoa.

- Yeah, wow ...

Here ? This is what I was looking for.

We can put the little one in.
It will prevent him from struggling.

- What do you mean ?

- He will be asleep,

it will be fine.
- He'll be fine ... Pff. '

- What, "Pff"?
You're in real life here. '

To get out of it,

your pirouettes will not be enough.

It's two that we can win,
we have to be like that.

- Like a g*n?

- Like the fingers of the hand.

- I don't really know
"the fingers of the hand".

Listen, Pritprout.

Kidnappings, forgetting,
it's not for me.

I'm going to change my strategy,

I'll wait until it gets better.
In fact, I'm not going to do anything.

Not bad is not it ?

- But you're an assh*le.
- No.

I'm nice.

You do not understand the nuance.

- Minimal, the nuance.

- Perhaps.

But that's what I am.

The nice.

- The nice moron, yes.

Someone knocks.

- Am I bothering you ?

- I'm-busy, okay?

- Can-I-speak-to-you?

- What now ?

- Do we speak normally?

- You go-y.

- Nice drawing.

- Is that what you wanted to tell me?

- No, I just wanted to apologize

for later on.

It's not easy for me.
Sometimes i talk to you

too much like an adult,
sometimes, too much like a baby.

You like

when we're angry, you?

Come on, come on.

It's OK for Saturday.

- Thank you dad.
- But let your girlfriend say

his parents to call me, okay?

- OK.

- Check tartare.'

Are you giving me a hand?

Hey, Mélanie's parents
still haven't called.

- Well, it's not catastrophic, is it?

- No, but hey ...

Here, go put this away.

The phone beeps.

Can you explain to me ?

Are you kidding me, are
you taking me for a moron?

- Sorry.
- No, there is no "forgiveness".

It is not enough to apologize.

If I can trust you anymore,
how do I do

I forbid you everything?

Why you lied to me ?

Why ?

- I dunno.
- You do not know ?

The anniversary is over, over.
You are being punished.

You are going nowhere.

Then what is this Max,
who speaks in "wesh"?

Do you speak "wesh"?

- Non.

- And in full your texts. '

- Did you watch my texts?

- Yes, a problem?
- Are you talking to me about trust?

- Don't try to
turn the situation around. '

- You don't read my texts. '
- Yes, I'm your father. '

Someone is ringing.

- I do not disturb you ?
- Yes.

It's not the moment.
- You don't have a drill?

- A drill ?
- Yes.

- It's crazy, you always come
at the wrong time.

You have no sense of timing.

A drill now?
- Yes.

- Well no, it's not Kiloutou, here.

- Ah.
- Good night.

Okay, you go to your room.

And you don't get out of the evening, understand?

The door slams.
Understood ?

We take the plan.

- The plan ?

- Yes, the one to get rid
of this little Prince of ... junk.

This son of ... pignouf. '

- Say no more, let's go.

I put on my sandals.


- It's a jacuzzi

that I hear?
- Yes.


- Why don't I have that?

- Place the tree on the right.

(the little Prince)
- Who is it?

- This is oim. '

- Who ?

- Oim. J'inverse.

- What?

- It's me.

He doesn't understand anything,
this assh*le.

- Is that a joke?
- Don't be smart. '

- What the f*ck is this?

* Nursery
rhyme Fight cries , blows


He doesn't look good there.
Don't we have arnica?

- About what ?

- Arnica.
- I'm not a pharmacist.

- How are you, kid?

- To the right, direction les oubliettes.

I love it when a plan
goes off without a hitch.

You and me are unbeatable.
The head and muscles.

- I feel a little stupid,

- We totally agree.

Me too, I feel you a little stupid stupid.

- What if they question us?

- Let's go easy.


Do you want to specify "natural"?

- Keep busy, keep going.
Don't look at them.

And don't answer.
- Okay.

- Hey, you. '

Where are you going ?
- We have to bring back a trunk.

- Leave it at the workshop.

Right behind you.
- Thank you.

- But you're completely stupid,

I told you "all right".

Drop it.

Come back, come back.

- Where is the workshop?
- The.'

You are completely stupid.

We gotta find a way out of here.
- Yes.

Flap flap des malmes





- Yes ?

- Yes, good evening, it's me.

- Yes and ?

- And nothing, I ...

- So, hold on a second.

Now is not the time.

Just a second.

- If I'm disturbing you, I can ...
- No, no, it's okay.

Yes ?
- Good evening.

I just wanted...

- Apologize ?

- In a way, yes.

- A little awkward.

- Yes.

You are right, I apologize.

But now was not the time because ...

- Are you coming in for a drink?

- Oh yes, you go fast, anyway.

- If you prefer to spread out
on the landing, me, that ...

- Ben ... OK.

- Come in.

- OK. OK.

* Romantic song

Oh yeah, that has changed a lot.

- Well, obviously, yes.

- It's definitely not the same apartment anymore.

- It's definitely not
the same tenant, so ...

My grandmother was 93,
so I changed the decor a bit.

- Yes, of course.

- I have a little less passion

plates hanging on the wall.

I'm teasing you. What do you want ?

Some wine ?
- Yes.

- White ?
- Yes.

- That's good, I only have that.

Sit down.


- I'm sorry about earlier.

This is the first time
we have fallen out with my daughter.

- No, it's okay, it's forgotten.

Puis c'est moi,

it was not the right time.
- Here.

- Uh ...

The correct answer was,
"No, it's not your fault."

- Yes, sorry, obviously.

Obviously it wasn't your fault.

I don't know what got into me
getting upset like that.

It never happens to me.

But the college there ...

Entering college is disturbing.
- Are you going back to 6th?

Did you repeat the year?

- Not me.


He's laughing.


- I know it's complicated.
Why did you get mad?

- She lied to me.
- Ah.

On something serious?
- No, but she lied to me.

This is what matters.

I wasn't going to let this go.

- You ever lied?

- Yes, but hey ...

- You're not going to
tear yourself up for this, are you?

Put your pride aside
and go apologize.

And tell him something nice.

- Ah yes ?
For you, is it that simple?

- Ah yes.

Do you want to stay angry with her?

- No, but I'm giving him an example.

- By sulking, then.

- Ça a l'air bien ce que vous dites,
mais pardon d'être direct,

you don't have children,
so you don't

no idea of ​​the consequences ...

- I'm a child psychiatrist.

- Ah yes ?

- No I'm kidding.

However, I have a father.

And at a certain age, I liked that
he gave me some air.

- Hm.

She is sobbing.


- I'm fed up.'

Marre. '

Papa ?


- Wow ? A big black cloud.
I never saw.

- You're right.

- Told. '

What are you still doing there?
- Us?

- Come closer. '

- On arrive.'

When I say: "Go", we take
the kid and we run away.

- Good.

- But you don't mean: "Let's go"?

As we are the ones leaving,
it is easier for me.

- OK if you want.
- Thank you.

- Hurry up. '

- Yes, we come,
we warn the others.

Okay, stay calm, natural, that's it.

Mouse Mouse.

On your marks, get set ...

Fire? Let's go.

To the right.' Right, right.

Ah. ' This is the left. '

Get out. '

- Hound, do you want to be
the hero of the new story?

- Me ?
- Yes you.

Quick, we have to see them over there.

Come on, my fellow.

It's your day, I believe in you.

- Thank you.

- Go, you can convince them. '
Catch them. '

Come on. '
- Get away.'

- Come on, they need
everyone. '

There are roles for everyone. '

Story in three minutes. '
- Let us through. '

- Come on guys.'

Here we go again.'

Here we go again.
- Impressive.

- Is not it ?

It's beautiful.
- Yes magnificent.

Harnessing people's desperation,
I love it.

- It's certain.

- Cynical, efficient.

I would even say deceitful.
- Okay, thank you.

- Frankly, there ...

I've done a lot of filth
in my life, but here we are at the top. '

- It's okay, we got it. '

Thanks for the drink and the ...

- The board.

- Here.

- Come back when you want.
- You too.


- OKAY. Tomorrow?

- Tomorrow, yes.

- 16 h ?

- 16 h, OK.

- Will it be a good time?

- Good night.

- Yes good night.

- Sofia ?

Sofia, are you sleeping?


Sofia, I know you're not sleeping.

You do not want to talk to me ?

* R'n'B
Brouhaha piece inside


- Hi, what do you want?

- I'm invited.

- You're sure ?
Is there a daycare in the building?

- I'm invited by Max.

- Ah, OK. Max.'

Are you babysitting now?

- Stop, this is my guest.
Come on, Sofia.

- "My guest" ...
- Shut up.

They're my brother's friends, they're f*cked up.

- You're not going to stay angry
until you come of age?

And ?


I'm going, then.

Good night.



Their voices quiver.

Crash, broken glass

- What the hell are you doing?
- Me ? I did not do anything.

- Stopped.
- Blblblblblb ...

- Stopped.
- Blblblblbl ...

- Stop your "blblblblblbl". '


He yells.


The elephant trumpets.

Explosions, cris


The elephant trumpets.

- What ...
- Aaah. '

- Thank you.
- It's normal.

I told you I was nice.
- To this extend...


* The rhyme stops.

Crackling, squeaking


- The Princess is in danger. '

- Wait, we have to get rid of ...
- No time, I'm going.

- Two minutes,
the world is not going to fall apart.


- OKAY. Think about it:

since she hasn't forgotten it,

if we get rid of it
and she forgets it,

it will be up to you to go

but first, it will be his
since she hasn't forgotten, understood?

- I'm not sure.
- Trust me.

You just saved me

and couldn't
you trust me?


- Okay, okay, let's go.


- Oh, that's beautiful.

- It's okay, hurry up.

- Why me ?

- It's your plan,
then it's you, the bad guy.

- Okay, I'm the bad guy.

I thought we got past that.

That we were no longer there,
that we were working as a team.

But if I'm the bad guy,
I'll take it.

No problem.

It's weird,
it's super heavy all of a sudden.

- Is that so ?

My poor Pritprout,
you're really not athletic.

Well, I'll put it there, like that,
you will only have the louse ...

... sser. '

Laugh bad

- It was my plan from the start. '

Poor naive. '

Melancholy theme




- Oh...

So, this is the dungeon.

Oh non, mon legging,

it's all dirty now.

Pritprout, traitor. '

How i could

to trust him ?
I have to get out of here.

- Is that the prince?
- But yes.'

- What is that ?

- Excellence.'

- Who is he?

- They are transparent,
they are forgotten.

- On retrouve, friend.

- You know each other ?
- Uh ...

- He can't remember,
everyone forgot about us.

- We haven't forgotten you, vermin. '
We're going to finish our discussion. '

- We'll discuss it later, cowboy.
How do we get out of here?

- Welcome to the "oubliettes"!

No one leaves here.

- What do you mean, nobody?
- No one.

If someone says: "There is nobody",
if there is nobody, that means that ...

- Too long.
I will get out of here.

- No, it's no. '

You understand ?

Not.' NOIN. '

You want to fight ?
Go ahead, draw, muchachos.

Hm. '

Hm. '

Hm ...

- Listen, be nice,
go grow your arms.

- Poor, you judge me
for the "courtesy" of my arms?

I'll give you
mini-slaps. '

- After. Who told
you we couldn't go out?

- Prince, we're not getting out of here, period.

- Blablabla. ' But who told you that?

- That's not who the problem.
It has always been like this.

I remember...

- Too long again.


- Why is he laughing?

- We're wasting our time

talking with baby characters.

- From baby, me? Fight.'

- We calm down, we refocus.

Who was forgotten

- The Queen.

- Is there a Queen?

We're going to see the Queen.

- Let's go. '

- Let's go.

Let's go, buddies.

- We don't know where she is.

We forgot.
- What do you mean ?

- It is the problem of oblivion,
at the same time.

- Me, there are two things
that I can never remember.

The first is ...

Dirty memory. '

We should be able to return
to the past,

back when we hadn't
forgotten things.

- Strangely, I agree with him.

To find what we forgot,
we must go back

in the past, and the past ...

it's over there.

- Over there ?
- No, over there.

- Let's go.
- So, where are we going?

- This way, the past is behind you.

Follow me, going before me.

- It's not possible,
real penguins, these penguins. '

- Hé oh, cow-boy.'

It's not like you
have gorgeous arms, either.

- The characters
are more and more babies.

We are in the right direction.

At the time for me,
I did not warn.

- "My mistake" ?
But listen to me, this poor guy.

- Excuse, man. Come on.
- Soft foot.

- Come on, guys. Let's go on.
- Hands of clay and buttocks of velvet.

- Poor Prince, that must make him funny

to no longer be in a story.
- "Poor Prince" ... Gnagnagna. '


- I think we've arrived.


We arrived.

- Where are we?

- We went backwards,
we are as far from the past.

- I understand nothing.

- Ah, still,
it's very, very transparent.

- Hello, Prince.

- Hello Madam.

- I knew you would finish

by arriving.
- Oh no, in fact, I was pushed.

So, I'm not supposed to ...

- I knew you'd come eventually.

- Say something again.

- There is no mistake,

you belong here.

You belong here ... You
belong here ...

- This voice.

- Yes.

It's me.

It has been a long time.

- It was very hard
not to see you, you know.

- Yes I can imagine. For me too.

But I had to disappear.
You did very well.

- I did my best.

You missed me so much.

- Who is he? I did not understand.

- The Princess's mother.

- Oh ok.

- You got away

both got out well.
- Exactly, I have to go out.

- We're not getting out of here.

- Okay, but me,
it's not the same.

- Why ?

- Already, I should not be there,
I was pushed.

I have to go.

- No, your place is here, next to me.

I know, it sounds sad, but ...

it's life.

We all have to disappear
at some point.

Soon everyone will be
forgotten and everything will disappear.

Soon no more Princess.
You have to grow up, one day.

- No more Princess?

Et moi, bloqué ici ?

So there is no way out.

It's the end of the world.
All these stories, so why?

Finally forgotten?

I'm no better

that this woman that I met,
the Woman ...

at the door.

The Woman at the Door. '
I know how to get out of here.

The Woman at the Door. '
We go back, straight ahead. '

The Princess will hear me.

- You haven't listened to anything.

- Yes, but I'm going.
- Leave her alone.

- I have to save the world.

- Always so stubborn.

- Sorry excuse me.


Farewell, the forgotten.

I will not keep

no memory of you.

- Goodbye, Prince.

We too will soon forget you.
- Farewell, Excellency. '

I did not completely understand.

- Penguin, can I ask you something?

- Yeah.

- Could you scratch my ass?
My arms are too short.

- Are you sure it's that way?
- We do not care.

As long as it's that way.

By the way, you stay there.

You're not coming.

Everyone has their own adventure.
Me, my adventure awaits me.

And she doesn't wait.

Do you know each other on the run?

- Sofia ran away.
- Some kind of runaway.

I think she's at this party.

Say, without my permission.

- Come in.

You called her, I imagine.
- It's not responding.

- Are you worried?
- Yes.

But not that much.

I thought I was angrier.

I don't want anything
to happen to him.

- She'll call you.
She knows you are worried.

Another drink?

- It does not bother you ?
- No.

- Don't worry, I'm not staying.
- Everything is fine.

I wanted to talk to you.

* Rap
Exclamations of joy



- Who gave me this bullshit?


It's for my brother badger.

Max, a gift. '
- For me ?

- Your present is weird.

- Is that PQ, the paper?
- Did you get it at McDonald's?


- Who offered this?

Too weird.
- It's not me.

- Go ahead, open it, your thing.

- Let see, what is it?

- Come on, watch.

- Show me.

- Go ahead, show everyone.


Bursts of laughter

- Hey, that's supposed to

to be what?

- It's you here.

I recognize you.

- You really have wings.

- Half-man,


- Guys, stop it.

- But who gave you this shit?

- It's me.

- Pardon ?

- It's me.


- Excuse us.

It's cool. Will you make me one?

- Me too, I want one.
But with pelican wings.


- I want chicken thighs. '

- Stopped.

- Go ahead, put the music back on.



- This is new to me.

I feel that adolescence is fine ...

- I can tell you

a story ?

When I was little,
my parents divorced.

My dad was always there, he
was a really great dad.

Then around 14-15 years old,
it started to go wrong.

He became unbearable,
I didn't understand why.

It was when I left
that I understood.

He had sacrificed everything for me.

He hadn't built anything.
When I left, I left him some space.

But I hadn't asked him
to sacrifice himself.

His cell phone vibrates.
- Sorry, it must be Sofia.


Don't move,
I'll be right there.

Surely you have a car with your garage problems ?

- A motorcycle.

- Woman at the Door,
I know your role in the story.

- I do not have.
- Yes.

I'm going through this door

join the world of stories
and the Princess,

thanks to you. This is your role.

You hear ?

What are you doing here ?
What did I tell you?

- I have to go see the Princess,
she needs me.

- Are you blocked or what?

I am the only one who can approach it
within 5 paces, that's the rule.

"Capiccio" ?

Let's go.

- Are you sure ?

- Positively certain, it will work.

- OK, I trust you.

- Ouch. '

- Pardon.


- Well, knock, knock.

- Knock Knock.
- Who is he?

- The prince.
- The princes.

- Get out. '

Finally, enter.

Finally, go outside.



- My God, I hope
it's not too late.

- We won't get there, it's too far.
- You're not up to par, kid.

As long as the battle is not lost,

the battle is not lost.

The Princess is waiting for me.
Thank you, Woman at the Door.

- Thank you to you, I finally
understand my moral.

- Is that so ?
- Yes.

Thanks to trust,
all doors can be opened.

That's wonderful.

And thanks to you, I am useful.
You saved me.

- Well. About running away,
I have to go.

Excellent, that.

Here.' Pritprout.


- Prince ...
- Yes, there is never an end.

Everything is only twists and turns.

- Compared to earlier,
it's not what you think.

- No, I don't blame you.

- Oh, thank you, I'm so happy. '

- Good old Pritprout.

It's good.

It's good, yes.

That's a big hug, that.
- What is he doing here?

- Oh, help me with him,

because I...

you're disappearing.

- Yeah, say so. '

- That's great.

- Yes, you want to play the guy,
but Prince,

it's a job,
it's talent, it's sweat.

To have a career, it is not enough
to have small hair.

- He is right.

At one point,

must be erased.

- Now that,

it's good, what's next?
- We go back.

Direction the Princess.

You don't have to follow us, suddenly.

- Don't go too far,
the entrance to the oubliettes is right there. '

They laugh.

- That's good.'
- Did you hear?

- Is.

My darling.'

What happened ?

- Sorry, dad, but the helmet is ...

Not possible.

- What happened ?

- Papa...

- Let me say two words
to these little ... guys.

Actually, I don't have the code.

Nor the address.

I have nothing, actually.

- Dad, I'd like to go alone.
Can you wait here for five minutes?

- No problem.

But just in case,
I'm here to help.

Like always.


- Nothing,
but I knew she was nice,

this neighbor.
- Whatever.

- Good evening, Sofia.

- Good evening.

Well I'm leaving.

See you soon.


- "Check tartare",
it's very funny.

- Oh no, it's ...

It's an old thing, it amuses him.

A kid's thing.
- Yeah.

The storm is raging.


Thank you, Pritprout, for coming with me. '

- Please, my friend,
it's quite normal.

Who knows what can happen?


- Max ?

- We know each other ?

- I'm Sofia's daddy.

- Oh yeah...

- Little guy,
I'll tell you something.

No, actually, I'm not going to tell you.

You don't even deserve it.
- Yes I know.

You're right, I suck.

- We totally agree.

- I did

- Well yeah.

Well, finally, already,

you realize it.

That's not bad.

It is even good.

It's okay.

I won't push him in the arms
of my daughter,


- Not.

But you can make an effort.


- He is still there ?

- Yeah. '

We can say what we want,
but he is tenacious.

- Unbearable, you mean. '

What is he doing ?
- I dunno.


- But what a kid. '
- He wants to tell us something.

- You speak.'


- He's still in good shape, dude.

For a guy of 11, can you imagine?

- Yeah, good.

Of course he's not
the bad guy.

It's not bad what he did,
I admit.


A second.

We stop for a second.


You're not gonna let go, are you? OKAY.

But once we get there

I take care of everything
and you stay in the back.

Considering your physique ...

- No, but it's better.
- We say that, yes.


I have a stroke of the pump, me.

- Me too.

I'm in pain here.

I ... I hyperventilate.
- I don't know if it's the wind,

but it's getting better. Not you ?

We're taking a break ?

- You laugh ? On the way.

At valiant heart nothing impossible.


What are you doing ?
- I'll join you, I take a break.

I'll delay you.

- You're sure ?
- Go ahead, I'm telling you.

- I can wait for you.


- Piss off.

- Actually, she's out,
I don't know where she is.

- You do not know ?

She came back up.
- Ascent?

Up there or against me?

- A bit of both.

- But she wanted to talk to you.
- If it's to get me thrown,


- What do you want to say to him?
- I dunno.


- That's right.

It's a start, what.
- But no.

No, it's not good.

It's light, as is.

Find something cool.
- Of the kind ?

- Make up a great story.
At valiant heart nothing impossible.

- What? Are you serious ?

- Why not ?

- Oh, the sentence ...

- Otherwise, it's not complicated,
just tell him ...

You just have to tell him ...

No, I don't.
I find nothing crazy there.

I don't know what I got.

- You know, sometimes

it's not worth talking,
you just have to be there.

What matters
is how you gonna look at her

how are you going to take care of her.

Let her know how you see her.

- Okay.

The storm redoubled in intensity.


- What is happening ?

- I'm tired.
- You disappear, too.

I came back.
Suddenly, it's crazy. '

It's so funny.
- Yeah, so funny.

I died laughing.

- We have to go, we're almost there.

Want a helping hand?

Come on, lean on me.

- Non.

Go yourself.

I will go next time.
- What is happening ?

- Nothing.

Go join the Princess.

Your turn.

Your turn, kid.

Go ahead, hurry up.

You go-y, Prince. '

Come on.


- In fact, I tell him what,
to come down?

- She does what she wants, okay?

- If I tell him nothing,

its good ?
- There, say nothing, it's better.


Romantic theme


- Let's go ?
- What about Sofia?

- She has my number,
if she needs to, she will call.

My old Pritprout, it looks like
it's over for good.

- I do not understand.

You said it was
never over for good.

- I was wrong, you see?

Looks like this time

this is really the end.

- So even you,
we can't trust?

- I'm sorry, Pritprout.

I'm so sorry
you believed it.

- Can I put my head there?

- Of course.

Melancholy theme


A stone tumbles.




A cell phone vibrates.


- Hm?

- Its good.

- It's okay ?

- Yes, I am fine.

Let's say it's going to be okay.

She laughs.

See you soon.


A baby chirps.

(Hi, Esther.)

(Hush, you're going to wake up your mom.)

(We gotta sleep, baby, it's late.)

(It's night.)

(You don't want to sleep, do you?)

(You are a naughty.)

(Do you want
me to tell you a story?)


(I'll tell it to you, but then you sleep,


(It's the story of the forgotten.
It's a very beautiful story.)

(It all starts
with a dark night, dark like tonight.)

(A moonless night. Come on,)

(We close our eyes. Hush.)

(There was once a place
where silence reigned)

(for a long time :)

(The World of the Forgotten.)

(But that night,)

(a voice was heard.)

* -Attention, the story begins
in 3 minutes.

* I repeat: in 3 minutes.

* All the forgotten ones
are requested on the board.

(-So what,)

(like coming back from the dark world,)

(all characters awoke)

(one after the other.)

(The world was rising again
and everyone had to stand ready)

(in order to keep
telling stories.)

Sighs, chirps

Fairy theme


- Hum ... Aaah ...

- Come on, let's go. '
Get up, you lazy bunch. '

Now is not the time to hang around. '

We set off,
we will chat later.

Beginning of the story in 2 minutes. '

- Come on, high hearts,
we're going back. '



Hm. '


* -Start of the story in 1 minute.

* I repeat: in 1 minute.

- Are you guys there?
I am looking for you everywhere.

Oh, oh.'

Haven't you heard the announcements?
You have to wake up,

We need you.

Beginning of the story
in 30 seconds.

Eh yes. Here we go again.

- Did I sleep long?

- Come on.

* -History in 5 ...



*2... 1...





- Since I was little
You have always been there for me

You saw me grow up
and without you I wouldn't be there

You helped me move forward
With your rotten valves

Your good advice, your hugs
and your life lessons

Even if sometimes you are annoying
Embarrassing, distant and absent

You are the most charming, loving,
fun and touching

I could stay with you
for hours

Talking about my life About
my anxieties and my fears

And I thank Heaven ...

For giving me such a father

Yes, I love you with unconditional love

I love you with unconditional love

Just thinking about losing you,
I'm nauseous

Please don't leave me
all alone in this crazy world

You taught me that in life you should
n't think of yourself

Know that the result
is that I will do anything for you

And the only man
a girl can really count on

It's her daddy darling,
don't forget him

And I thank Heaven ...

For giving me such a father

Yes, I love you with unconditional love

Oh, I love you with unconditional love

Oh, I love you with unconditional love

I love you with unconditional love