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Brightheart 2: Firefly Action Brigade (2020)

Posted: 02/20/22 19:14
by bunniefuu
Okay, get ready, everybody.

♪ Bright light ♪

♪ This robot is Aurora ♪

♪ She's really kind of neat ♪

♪ Blasting by in a spaceship ♪

♪ Passing the suns heat ♪

♪ Couldn't believe it ♪

♪ 'Cause she sounded so weird ♪
- Greetings, I'm a robot.

♪ Now we're happy she appeared ♪

♪ I am a luminous thing ♪

♪ I got that glowing
bling bling ♪

♪ You know I got the smarts ♪

♪ I am the bug Brightheart ♪
♪ She brought us crazy gifts ♪

♪ We thought were pretty cool ♪

♪ Teaching us things
like we were in school ♪

♪ And now we're smart ♪

♪ Couldn't believe it ♪

♪ 'Cause she sounded so weird ♪

♪ Now we're just happy
that she appeared ♪

♪ I am a luminous thing ♪

♪ I got that glowing
bling bling ♪

♪ You know I've got the smarts ♪

♪ I am the bug Brightheart ♪

♪ I am a luminous thing ♪

♪ I got that glowing
bling bling ♪

♪ You know I've got the smarts ♪

♪ I am the bug Brightheart ♪

♪ I am a luminous thing ♪

♪ I've got the glowing
bling bling ♪

♪ You know I've got the smarts ♪

♪ I am the bug Brightheart ♪

I am Brightheart.

If you're in trouble, just
light up your signal lamps,

we'll show up.


The Firefly
Action Brigade.

It's a dangerous world.

But the Firefly Action
Brigade is here to help.

Get your signal light ready
at the first sign of trouble.

We got your back.

Oh I can't resist the button.

Resist, it's careless
bugs like you

that give bugs a bad name.

Well, it's not food.

I'm a bug.

Everything's food.

You go.

Let it follow me.

Mama, mama.

The signal light.

Use it now!

Look, I found it.

Look out!

Bugsy, look out.


We've got a beamer.

Time for action.

Firefly Action Brigade.

We're mission go!

Everyone, to your bottle caps.

I hope this is the
right direction

because I can't stop!

Mission objective reached.

Dropping out of hyperspace.

Target confirmed.

Planet Earth.

Hunters, prepare for invasion.

Prepare for landing.

Hone in on the
explorer's beacon.

I see the light.

Time for action.

Looks like we're going
deep and dark this time.

Just the way I like it.

we talked about this.

I should go first.

No one's
stopping you.

Get your robot butt down here.

Hey, Fiona.

I can watch your back.

I'm a bullfrog in jet pack.

It doesn't get any
better than this!

Hey, Aurora.

Any chance this thing can
go a little bit faster?

Correct, Frog.

It follows your thoughts.

- You think fast, you go fast.
- Oh, I gotta think about it?

There's a first time
for everything.

I'm still not going fast enough.

You're still not
thinking hard enough.

Buzz off, Beetle.

Keep your
eyes on the road.

I'm blaming you for this.

Oh I'm like a cork in a bottle.

Brightheart, get me out of here.


Lightning bug booty kick.

Now it's your turn.

No need.

I can be the lookout, right?

Can you even see?

What has 20 teeth
and likes to eat frogs?

Better go.

I guess it's my own
fault for being so tasty.

I'll rescue you with
just my fingers.

Here I come.

I can feel my
butt getting eaten.

Brightheart, no more
rescues, please.

Aurora, do a scan.

See where the
light signal came from.

Life sign detected
in this direction.

Rescue time!

Brightheart, you're here.

Please help me.

Help me, help me.

Don't be afraid.

We've got this.

Firefly Action Brigade,
bring it to me.

Aurora, please lift
up that vine.

Bubbles, use your
suit to pull him out.

The rest of you,
build a stretcher.

We need wood to build a
stretcher, help me, Albert.

Oh my face.

My gorgeous face.

My baby.

You've got to help him.

You're in good hands, ma'am.


Bugsy, are you okay?


He's waking up.

He's waking up.


Oh, oh you're okay.

job, everyone.

Let's just take him to the
hospital for a check up.


It's them!

The Firefly Action Brigade.

Oh, such a beautiful light.


And poof.

The little moth was gone.

Lost in the light.

You want that to happen to you?

Tell me the rules.

What are your rules?

What do you know?

fly too far from home.

Never fly into light.

Don't talk
with your mouth full.

We moths can't
resist the evil light.

Some never learn this lesson.

But you, what have you learned?

Don't go into the light.

Don't forget.

Bad news, chief.

We have trouble.

Trouble in the village.

Chief, Larvaboy.

He, brought something
shiny to the village!

He what?

Get rid of
that thing now!

But, Chief.

This is a special
emergency signal light.

Light the light and the Firefly
Action Brigade will come.

They gave signal lights
to all the villages

and if we light the light,
we'll be safe.

Sparkling lights are a trap.

Light won't save us.

It will probably k*ll us.

The whole tribe.


Well, light doesn't
really k*ll us.

Birds k*ll us and maybe
with the signal lights,

maybe Brightheart can help us.

Throw that thing away.

Right now!

Oh, look, Chief.

It works.

The signal light is so bright.

Everyone can see it.

Chief, the light.

Oh, it's so beautiful.

Don't look at it.

The light is bad luck.

But the moon is also a light.

I'm trying to protect
you from the lights.

As long as the moon stays
in the sky, I got no beef,

but all other
light is pure evil.

I'm trying to protect
you from the lights.

See, bad luck.

Everyone inside.

Into the cave.

Run, run!

Close it, close it now!

Someones in trouble.

Wait, Aurora.

What happened to the signal?

Data from the signal
indicates a moth larva

has been caught by an owl.

Oh, that's not good.

Owls are all beaks and
class and appetites.

And we're it's favorite food.

What if--

Never fear, Solomon's here.

Nothing can keep
me from your side, babe.

alert just ahead.

Don't eat me!

Don't eat me!

I have homework to do!

I've got this.

You go.

Maybe I don't have this.

Heads up, bird brain.

You're on our turf now.

Eat a little too much lunch?

You're the Firefly
Action Brigade.

Thank you for helping me.

I'm Larvaboy from
the moth village

and you really
can rescue anybody.

I saw your bright light.

How do you do that?

Light on back.

Whoa, so cool.

What's wrong?

Need something more spectacular?

Aurora, let's milk this one.

Lead me in.

Not exactly what I had in mind.

You said you wanted to milk it.

It's not just that.

The chief, the chief he believes
that all lights are evil.

Light can't be evil.

That's crazy.

Yeah, that's exactly
what I told him, too.

Maybe I should try?

Where is your village?



Come on,

Please don't cry.

Can't you see?

I'm trying to protect you.

I'm not the bad guy.

The lights, the lights
are the real enemy.

We will black
out all the lights.

Listen up.

The god of moonlight is angry.

Black out the lights!

The only good
light is a bad light.

When you dropped
the signal light,

I wanted to use it to
bring you to our village.

As you can see,
we have a bird problem.

We have to do
something to keep it

from using our village as
it's own personal restaurant.

The Firefly Action Brigade
is officially on the job.

How you gonna do it?

How you gonna beat the bird?

Our methods are on
a need to know basis.

Which means that we
don't even know ourselves

Until we do it.

Wow, top secret stuff.

Yeah, something like that.

Alert, incoming bugs.

It's the Chief!

Hey Chief, I didn't get eaten.


Is that, Larvaboy?

Huh, I thought he'd
be bird poop by now.

Chief, those are the guys
that made the shiny lights.


It looks like Larvaboy
has betrayed us.

Battle stations.


They're welcoming
committee has such style.

We have to step up our game.

We have to show 'em,

show 'em that the Firefly
Action Brigade has style, too.

Firefly Action
Brigade, assemble.

Chief, they're going to attack.


Is that how moths say hello?


But they saved me.

They're here to help us.

You're brainwashed.

They brought the shiny lights.

They must be our real enemies.

What did I ever do to
you? Stop poking at me.

Secret weapons.

Take no prisoners.


This is your idea of a welcome?

You're gonna have to
do better than that!

Albert, teach them a lesson.

Over here.

Take out the one
with the shining butt.

Huh, Aurora, help!

Don't let them escape.

Let's all go together.


together, together.

A trick.

It's a trick.

We need insect repellent.

Look out!


You betrayed your tribe.

You need a good spanking.

Don't do this.

This was only to get you close.

Low battery again?

No, it is a spaceship
from my home planet.

I have been signaled to
join them immediately.

You mean there are others
out there like you?

I do not have exact information.

Hey, we're not
finished here, come back.

They're here to help us.

He's right.

Why won't you at least listen?

Chiefs only talk,
they never listen.

Come on, let's help
Aurora find her friends.

Brightheart wait, wait.

You, you're with me.

The rest make sure there
are no shiny lights

left in the village.

Brightheart, why the long face?


You can't help someone who
doesn't want to be helped.

All you can do is be
there when they need you.

Right! And I'll always
be there for you.

Those moths nearly k*lled me.

Aurora, they couldn't hurt you.

You can never die.

It is different for us, yes.

As long as my head is okay,

the rest of me can be
rebuilt from spare parts.

Oh, not me.

My head is my weakest part

and my stomach does
all the talking.

The chief didn't
understand us at all.

If I can just explain
things to him.

We all need the light
in our lives.

Brightheart, what is this place?

Aurora, why did your people
come to our planet now?

Your planet is an
alien world to us.

It is not yet in our database.

Are they hiding out
somewhere from us? Huh?

They are establishing a base.

I must find the signal.

We'll help
you find your friends.

We can cover more ground
if we split up.

Thank you for your help,
Firefly Action Brigade.

If you find them first,
just use the signal light

and I will come to you.

This is a big place to search

and it might be dangerous.

So let's work in a team.

Aurora, Edward, look on
the north of the village.

Bubbles, Albert, you're with me.

Solomon, Fiona, search
on the south side.

So, we make
a great team, don't you think?

I wonder if Aurora's
friends back home

looks like she does?

Who cares?

Whatever they look like,
they can never match

my bug eyed charm.



Fiona, my gossamer beauty.

Sweets for the sweet.

Oh, Fiona, Fiona.

Where are thou?

Better not.

Maybe, maybe she's
playing hard to get!


Sugar lips!

Come out, come out
wherever you are.

- Help!
- Huh?

Help me!


Aurora, I don't want to
scare you or anything

but I'm really scared.

Force disturbance.

Over here.

Oh, sweetie pie!

It's me, your beetle boy.


Help me.

Flashing red?

That's never ever a good thing.

Losing control.

I am being hacked.

Ah, Aurora.

No offence, but I think that's
not a good color on you.


Look, we found it.

This must be their spaceship.

Can't eat it,
can't play ball with it.


Looks like someone's tail.


Ew, ew, ew, ew.

Oh, who would do
something like that?

This is a lot bigger
than Aurora's spaceship.



We better call up Aurora.

She'll know exactly what to do.


You light that in here
and no one will see it.


Greetings, my name is
Brightheart, we come in peace.

Wait, you're supposed
to say that.

Huh, huh?

Any friend of Aurora's
is a friend of ours.

Let's shake on it.

You can see, Aurora
is helping us.

We're the Firefly Action
Brigade, at your service.


What are you doing?
Let Bubbles go!

You lied to me,
moth brain.

You'd said you'd let her go
if I gave up.

Let her go!

You're trying to trick my tribe.

So I tricked you, Solomon.

You're gonna be the one who
helps me get the others.

No way, you dork!

Silence them.

Stay back, stay back!

Leave her alone!


- Hey, Aurora, over here.
- Hey, Aurora.

- Over here.
- Aurora to the rescue.

Hey, what's with the new color?

You got a new girlfriend?

Or maybe it was just
some grub you ate?

I command you to stand down.

These are my prisoners.


No, no.

Give her back!


I think the red
has gone to your brain.

You call that rescuing?

Eh, rescue me too!

Crazy bug, it's not a rescue.

It's a heist.

Chief, looks like you're right.

It's not a rescue.


Hey, red bot give her back

or face the wrath of the bug!


Not the antenna,
not the antenna!

Solomon, what are you doing?

Aurora, they took
Bubbles and Albert.

You've got to save them.

Give me back my Fiona.

Give me back my people!

Aurora, what is
happening to you?

We are here to
capture new species.

These are the hunters
here to gather specimens

to take back to our
home world for research.


What for?

We feed them and
watch them grow.

- Huh?
- Oh, free food?

Take me away, too.

Then we dissect them.

I get it, you're the real enemy.

Aurora, did you come
just to hurt us?

My mission was to find
new worlds, new species

and report back
to my home world.

Aurora, but you were my friend.

When my ship crashed,
I forgot my mission.

Now I remember.

How can you be so stupid?

Robots don't have
friends or feelings.

Aurora, you can't forget
our friendship.

You're part of the
Firefly Action Brigade.

No cage can hold me!


Aurora, what have you done!?

This is all your fault.

Thinking you can make
friends with a k*ller robot.

I thought you were the
protector, the rescuer.

Clever Brightheart.

Well find a clever way
to get us out of here.

Brightheart, I still
really believe in you.

Listen, this isn't really
Aurora's fault.

The hunter's hacked her systems.


They must of
gotten into her head.

Then that means we
could turn her back!

But, none of us are hackers.

How do we turn her back?

We will collect the remaining
specimens from this planet.

Aurora, you must
perform the medical tests

to make sure they are
compatible with our home world.

I will obey.

Edward, Edward!

Aurora, keep it simple.

Start with the frogs.

Not all prickly,
like the mantis.

What? Is this about
the money I owe you?

'Cause I'm good for it.


Hey, iron butt.

Come and get me.

Oh you tin faced dork.

Come on!

Albert, Albert!

Go on, get out of here.

Hurry before they come back.

Go on and save yourselves.

Hold on.

We'll be back.

I promise you.

Down there, a cave.

It's our only hope.

I can't believe we
left Albert behind.

And my Fiona, too.

I had no choice.

But if we're free,
we can help them.

The light.

Must get to the light.

Hey, knock it off!

Snap out of it.

Like I've been saying,
shining lights are dangerous

and must be snuffed out.

Funny, you were
just saved by the light.

Oh liar liar,
pants on fire.

I'm the one giving
you protection here.

Oh, is that what
you're doing?

Well, of course.

Would you rather I
let you go on your own?

Well that might
just be a good idea.

Oh no!

Right or left?

Red wire or blue wire.

Don't make me choose.

I'll choose.

Follow me.


Chief, come on.

You snooze you lose.

I prefer the darkness.

At least
you're consistent.

This place
creeps me out.

I smell a rat.

I've never seen a rock
formation like that before.

Look at those two holes.

Yup, there seems to be
some wind coming

from these two holes.

We must be near
the way out.

Okay, whoever loses rock,
paper, scissors

will reach into these holes.

Rock, paper, scissors.


I fall for that every time.

You lost.

You pay the cost.


There's no way
that's a firefly sneeze.

- It's coming!
- Run, run, run!

gaining on us!

- Don't look back!
- Don't just stand there, run!

Move it!

You crazy firefly.

What have you done this time?

Come on.

Once we're out of the tunnel,

it can't catch us.

Can feel the wind now.

We're almost out.
This way.

No more tricks!

There, that's the way out.

I'm not staying for lunch.


I don't have to be
faster than him.

Just faster than you!

Uh oh.

The mole, he was afraid
of the light.

Yeah, just like you.

I fear nothing.

Nothing except a firefly butt.

We can't stay here.

We'll have to try
another tunnel.

Hopefully no one lives
in this tunnel.

We escaped.

Now we got to go
rescue our friends.

After all of that,

and you're just gonna
go back into danger?

Look out!

I really hate aliens.

Wait a minute.

How did Aurora know
we were gonna be here?

Well, I've been carrying
this thing around

ever since Aurora gave it to me.

You idiot!

Aurora, snap out of it.

Fight it, don't get hacked.

We have the leaders.

Get the others.

I'm not a fighter but
I know how to pose.

And I know kung-fu,
judo, TaeKwonDo,

karate, and a lot of other
ancient arts!

You really know all that?

Come on, let's do this.


Solomon, Solomon no!


You want to pick on somebody,
pick on me.

Brightheart, after I defeat
them, save the others.


This ends now.

They're my friends!


I will always be your friend.

How can she
change her programming?

It's just not possible.

The wavelength of that light.

I've never seen
anything like that.

This creature.

We must have this energy
for our home world.

We must have this at all costs.

This is their world,
we are the aliens.

We are intruders.

Release them now.

This creature can benefit
our home world.

We must have this energy
at all costs.

Resistance is futile.

They cannot stop us

and neither can you.

You are just a
malfunctioning robot.

You must understand them

before you can understand
the power they have.

This power changed
my programming

and it can change yours, too.

If you let it.

You will never know it by force

only by understanding
and cooperation.

This great power has a name,

they call it friendship.

Preach it.

This concept is illogical.

Brightheart, my friend,
I have no w*apon systems.

I cannot save you.

Wait, idea detected.

By reversing polarity
on my power system

I can created a lethal
cascade effect.

What do you mean?

Self destruction.


Disable him now!

They will ever know friendship

but I will always
have you in my heart.

My friend, go
and save the others.

Reversing polarity in three.

- No!
- Two, one.

give me some light.

I can't see my dinner.

Oh come on, everyone else
is already here.

What they're
trying to say is,

we need you, Brightheart.

you're the best.

Get up.

Where are you?


I'm right here.


Oh Aurora, Aurora.

So sorry.

You called me friend
but I couldn't save you.

I couldn't save anybody.

I'm so sorry.



My friend,

go and save the others.


I can't bring you back.

But I won't let you down again.

Chief, what happened to
Brightheart and her friends?

Right now, I have
bigger fish to fry.

Chief, oh chief.

You're not gonna believe this.

What now?

The bright butt.


The bright butt, it's,
it's right out there.




What do you want?

We have to go rescue them.

They're our people.

You're a funny bug.

Insects against alien
robots from outer space.

This spear is only good
for poking other bugs.

We'll fight together with
our heads and our hearts.

It's not our fight.

It's a fight for our
whole planet.

If they take me today,
they'll take you tomorrow.

and then you and you.

If we don't face
our enemy together

we will all
face them separately.

Chief, is that what
you really want?

Chief, we will follow
you to victory.

You know nothing.

Didn't you hear
what I said before?

These are space aliens.

How can I fight against that?

So you're just going to give up?

Like that?

We cannot beat them.

So we're going to avoid them.

- Chief!
- Huh?

Chief, Chief, Chief!

Don't tell me.

You're not gonna believe this.

It's a robot alien.

Hide, find the
deepest hole you can.

I have an idea.

He said there's only
one of them.

I say divide and conquer.

They did the dividing,
we'll do the conquering.

Who's we, little bug?

Okay, you beat this one,
I'll help with the rest.


Brightheart, she
defeated the bird.

The bird?

You bet.

No bug has ever beaten
the bird but they did it

and if they can do that
then they can surely stop

whatever you're afraid of.

Brightheart has proven
that together,

we can do anything.

Chief, please keep your word.

Hey, gear head, looking for me?

No, she doesn't have her team.

She's nuts.

Bring it!

It's working.


Oh, I hate crash landings.

Yeah, all right.


Right, so here's the
number one plan.

You ready?

Destroy their ships so
they can't kidnap anyone,

then take out the bots
one by one.

You're still one crazy firefly

but we owe you!

Look, who's that?




This is all my fault.

You were always my true friend.

She's gone.

Tell me, what happened
last night?

After the expl*si*n, I woke up

and went looking for you.

Brightheart, are you there?

Oh no.



The robots, they
were still alive.

What are we gonna do,

Wait a minute.

Maybe we can save her.

Do you remember what she said?

She can be rebuilt as
long as her head survives.

We can rebuild Aurora.

But where will we ever
find the parts?


I know.

The suit Aurora made
for Bubbles.

I'm sure it's still here.

It's got to be.

Shouldn't it be doing
something, anything?

This might help.




Aurora, you're back.

Greetings friends.

Shake hands.

Brightheart, Edward, thank
you for restoring me.

Your body.

It is acceptable.

Once I get back to my
ship, I can make it as

good as new.



Meanwhile, we got an
alien infection to stop.

I don't get it.

It's on.

Is there no security?

Don't touch that.

Everybody get back.

Battle stations.

Gotta get out of here.

Like I told you.

We can't fight this.

No, look it can be stopped.

Create a diversion.

I can hack into its
system and shut it down.

How can we help?

Uh huh.


Look out!




What happened?

My head is intact but
my body does not work.

I am helpless

and there is not
enough power for me

to self destruct again.

Never again.

We stand and we fight.

All bugs stand down
or be destroyed.

Not today, gear head.

You will now face
the wrath of Edward.


Count me in.

Stay tight and follow my lead.

This planet belongs to the bugs.

Together we're invincible!

Chief, look.

So what?

We're in this fight
and we're in it to win.

You do not have the power
to defeat the droids.

Our powers in our friends.





the Firefly Action Brigade,

the band is back together.

You heard right.

It's me.

We must squash them
like, well, bugs.

Follow me to victory!

Chief, I got your back.

I don't know how to fight them.

We've never faced an
enemy like this before.

I've battled fires,
shiny lights,

and even humans.

But these guys are just
kicking our butts.

get out of my way.

Fire, fight.

Humans, humans?


I know what to do now.

I don't.

Get back!

My name is Brightheart.

I am a superhero.

I bring the light.

Let's fly, robot.

Oh wait, where's my jet pack?

Go, brigade to the rescue.

Right behind you.

Not yet.

I can upgrade you to


Poor beast.

Where's Brightheart?

She can't fight off these
alien fiends herself.

Brightheart, I'm coming.

You are defeated.

You will come with us.

The darkness will never
defeat the light

because the light
never gives up.

I know what you're thinking.

Is he alone, or does he
have his army with him?

The real question is,
are you feeling lucky?

Chief, seriously?

Hey, bug breath, bring it on.



What are you gonna do?


Hey, you, Mothman.

Save some bug kicking
for the rest of us.

Brightheart, now I'm
not just a cutie.

I'm also the best dressed!

And me, I've gone
from loser to legend.

All thanks to you, Aurora.

Not much left of your ship,
I'm afraid.

And a little upgrade for
you, while you're at it.

I hope I don't mess this up.

Custom made just for the chief.

I know just what to
do with this.

Let's rumble!

Take that.

Firefly Action Brigade assemble.

We won't lose this time.

Any last robot requests?

Red bots transform.

Start the rage mode.

So now they do tricks?

You have no idea.

Take cover!

He turned
into a red bowling ball?


Take that!


Yay. Oh.



Let him go, let him go.


It's coming. Get back,
get away from the tracks.

He's got her, stop him.


Let's go fishing.

One chance! You've gotta
push this up on the track.

Do it now!
There's no time.

I don't think that's very safe.

It's the only way any
of us have a chance.

I see what she is trying to do

but she has a one percent
chance of success.

There's got to be another way.

I'm open to suggestion.

Firefly Action Brigade,
I believe in you.

On my count, put your
shields around Brightheart.




Watch out.

Don't let it call
the mothership.

Chief, care to join the
Firefly Action Brigade?

Well then I'd be the cute one.

At the first sign of trouble.

Just turn on and
shine your signal light.

We've got your back.

We're the
Firefly Action Brigade!

Get ready for the secret scene.

♪ The moonlight ♪

♪ It shines bright ♪

♪ And gives light below ♪

♪ The world is a
brighter place ♪

♪ With you by my side ♪

♪ Friendships are
like the light ♪

♪ That shines forth our joy ♪

♪ So take my hand ♪

♪ And walk with me now ♪

♪ Let your light shine ♪

♪ Send out your love ♪

♪ Together we can ♪

♪ Make a change in the world ♪

♪ Let your light shine ♪

♪ Send out your love ♪

♪ Your love ♪

♪ Your love ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Firefly shine ♪

♪ Firefly glow ♪

♪ The world is a
brighter place ♪

♪ Wherever you go ♪

♪ Firefly shine ♪

♪ Firefly glow ♪

♪ Your light shows
we're never alone ♪

♪ Firefly shine ♪

♪ Firefly glow ♪

♪ The world is a
brighter place ♪

♪ Wherever you go ♪

♪ Firefly shine ♪

♪ Firefly glow ♪

♪ Your light shows
we're never alone ♪

♪ Firefly shine ♪

♪ Firefly glow ♪

♪ The world is a
brighter place ♪

♪ Wherever you go ♪

♪ Firefly shine ♪

♪ Firefly glow ♪

♪ Your light shows
we're never alone ♪

I have analyzed
the eyes of moths

and these will protect you

from the danger of shiny
objects and lights.

And I look so cool, too.

So Chief, now you can
tell your people

that light is not evil,
light is only good.

After all we've been through,

I gotta get a souvenir
for Fiona from that ship!

Stay out there, Solomon.

I'm not saving your
butt ever again.

You don't really think I'd
do anything stupid, do you?

Solomon, whatever you do,

Don't push any

Right, got you.

You said push the
button to open the door.

Good plan.

What an idiot.

It's going to blow.

Whoa, Aurora,

Can he turn the ship around?

Come back?

I've analyzed his IQ and no.

Where will it take him?

Depends how many
buttons he pushed.

Brightheart, are you thinking

what I think you're thinking?

You all know me so well, right?

Almost forgot, I got a thing.

We can go and save Solomon.

Use my spaceship
we can track him.

Uh oh.

Firefly Action Brigade,
let's roll!