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09x08 - Ext. Forest - Day

Posted: 02/22/22 11:22
by bunniefuu
[Theme music plays]


Man: It's alive!

- Say, Merlin?
- Yes, my boy?

Remember when you turned me
into a boy squirrel

and there was that
annoying girl squirrel

- who was bothering me so much?
- I believe so, yes.

Remember she was kind of cute
and she really bugged me,

- and I didn't like it.
- Hmm, what of her?

Do you want me to turn you
back into a squirrel

so you can have sex with the squirrel?
Is that it, boy?

What?! No, that's ...
that's so crazy. [laughs]

You're the one who's getting
all squirrelly now.

You old squirrel brain.

You've ... you've been
sniffing too many potions.

[forced laughter]

Well, I just thought
of something crazy.

Wouldn't it be so crazy
to change her into a human girl

just to see how annoying
she would look, probably?

My boy, I could very easily
change her into a girl, but...

Good idea.
That was your idea.

- That's a good idea.
- However, just as you retained

your human brain when
you became a squirrel,

- she would retain her squirrel brain.
- Oh. Oh, okay then.

Do it.

Hi, guys!
It's me, Joker!

A lot of people have been asking
for a makeup tutorial,

so I'm gonna give it to ya!

I prefer the L'Oreal ruby charcoal
lip liner because the Kylie Lip Kit

smears when Batman
punches me in the face.

I'm not a heroin addict,

but I want people to wonder
whether I'm a heroin addict.

You understand.

And don't forget to write
your own personal mantra

across your forehead!
Son of a...

Is this really necessary?

% off Monistat?
Well, you do know your you audience.

Nobody uses those coupons!

- Is this at least recycled?
- Um...



Remember, kids, every time
a CVS receipt starts printing,

a tree ugly-cries.

I don't think we're doing this right.

My husband asked me why
I don't go down on him anymore.

I told him, because snakes
smell with their tongues.

Right, ladies?
Wash your cloacas, guys!

Wash them!

Oh, anyway...

What else is going on.

What it says about
America is profound.

Well, they're certainly sexual if
one chooses to view them that way.

It's a masterpiece.

In this piece, you seem
to be exposing

the Louisiana Purchase as unjust.
Am I right?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

So true, so true.

Meep, meep!


He's dead.
Is it too late to bid on that piece?

Is your person a dumb whore
who's having an affair

with her best friend's husband,

secretly gave him chlamydia,
and gets guilty yeast infections?

Oh, dear! This game is
getting awfully specific.

I'm not doing a threesome
with you, Screech.

If you want to disappoint
two people, call your parents.

Zack Morris, you might think
you're the only person

with super powers,
but you are part of a larger...

Who is this guy,

and what the
heck is he doing in my bedroom?

- I guess I'll find out. Time-in.
- ...universe.

Anything's better than school,
as long as I get a cool code name.

- Like what?
- My name's Zack Morris,

and I stop time every day.

So my code name will be
"Morris Day and the Time."

Whoa. Even the laugh track
wasn't crazy about that one.


Hey, Morris Day and the Time,
a little help?

Man, this is bad.

I should have learned an actual skill

to supplement my time-out power.

All I know how to do
is break the fourth wall

to monologue about stuff.

At least, I can move
Hawkeye out of harm's way.


Don't just stand there,
do somethi... [Crash]


Oh, boy.

- Time-in.
- There you are. You weren't in class.

What can I say,
the hero returns.



Ooh, and there's
the Pound Town Library.

And up ahead, that's
Pound Town Post Office.

And as we crest this hill here,
you're gonna see

the University of Pound Town.

Well, this is not
what I thought you meant.

[Over PA] The Cabbage Patch Kids
Feed Me doll

ripped out my daughter's hair.

My little Suzie broke her finger
in that doll's mouth.

- What's your complaint, sir?
- Oh, I don't have a complaint,

I just came to see if I could get...

more of these dolls.
[Squelching, crowd gasping]

You must choose the cup
that is the Holy Grail.


Ah, this!
This is the cup of a carpenter.

You have...


Hey, uh, Merlin?

I feel kind of guilty
about this whole thing.

I hope you've learned
your lesson

about turning animals
into women, my boy.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
realize you had company.

Learned your lesson!

Learned your lesson.

My squirrel is pregnant, BT-Dubs.

- Gah.
- Gerr!

Master Wayne, how was
crime-fighting this evening?

- Did you get the Joker?
- Oh, I got him!

I'll get the soda water.

Be careful not to choke
on your aspirations, director.

[Laughs evilly]

Oh, Vader, the humor
is strong in you.

Chosen one.

[Ventilator wheezing]

Give me the plans.
Do not force me to destroy you.

Have a nice trip.

See you next fall.
Don't get ahead of yourself.

Is this a party?
Then let's raise the roof!


- What is a squirrel's favorite food?
- What?!

- Nuts!
- Ow, my nuts!

One, two, button my shoe.
Three, four... [Grunting]

hold the door.

Blockade run, eh?
I barely know her.

Lord Vader, did we get the plans?

Oh, right ... the plans.

Maybe I shouldn't have
dicked around so much.

Welcome to Fight Club.

The first rule of Fight Club is

you do not talk about Fight Club.

Second rule of Fight Club is

you do not talk about
Fight Club.

- Ugh. Yes?
- Sorry to interrupt.

I don't know if you realize it,
but you said

- the same rule twice.
- Ugh, yes, I did that on purpose

to make sure the rule
is driven home.

Oh, okay, thanks.
I just wanted to make sure

we didn't accidentally
miss out on a rule.

- Nope, you didn't.
- Okay.

When we're gathered for our,
uh, let's say a tea party...

Ugh, okay, when you're in
Fight Club,

- you can talk about Fight Club.
- Okay, thanks.

No, that ... that was ...
that was my question.

[Telephone ringing]

- Fight Club?
- No!

- But you said!
- You are in Fight Club,

but whoever's on the phone
is "not" in Fight Club.

- Um, uh...
- Dah!

So rule , paragraph ,
section one,

if you're in Fight Club,

opening the door to let someone
in to Fight Club,

you do not talk about Fight Club

until the door is closed.
We good?

Has everybody got this?

- [Shutter clicks] No!
- But I didn't even do anything!

You know what, f*ck it.
I don't exist anyway.

Boys have a penis
and girls have a vag*na.

No, that's not how
it works anymore!

[Narrator] In the dark, dark wood,

there is a dark, dark house.

And in that dark, dark house,

there is a dark, dark room.

And in that dark, dark room,

your parents are doing it.

narrator laughing maniacally]


And that's how the Titanic
changed my life forever.

Wow, Rose, that's
a beautiful story

about how Jack died
and the giant diamond was lost.

It's hard to believe
such a fairy tale

- of love even happened.
- Yes, um...

hard to believe.

[Horn blowing]

Nobody will look for us in here.


Man: Iceberg ... dead ahead!

- Huh?
- Oh!

Uh-oh! Was that
the Heart of the Ocean?

Holy shit.
Jack, it's worth a fortune!

Oh! Wait, wait, wait.
I think I feel it.

Uh-oh, Rose!
My hand is stuck in the toilet!

- Uh, Jack?
- Oh, God.

Oh, God, no, no ...
no, no, no, no, no!

Oh, God. No.
Help us!

I'm drowning in poop water.

Rose, my hand is trapped in
the toilet. But you can survive.

Our love will go on
even if only one of us...

- Okay, bye.
- Oh!


Oh, maybe everything's okay.

[Penny whistle tune]

This one's for you, Jack.

[Flatulence, spraying]

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk
Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk
wawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk
Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk
bawk-a-wawk wawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk
Ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪

♪ Ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk
wawk bawk bawk ♪

- Ba-gawk!
- Bawk.

[Penny whistle tune]