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08x10 - The Turtle Hermit's Last Mafūba / Roshi's Gambit

Posted: 02/23/22 07:43
by bunniefuu
Let's go grab them up! The Dragonballs!

One of the most thrilling
secrets in the world.

Let's go seek them out!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most delightful
miracles in the world.

This life is one big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

The love of a
pounding chest is GISSIRl,

Multi-colored dreams
rain down DOSSARl,

Somewhere in this world,
they are glowing.

Let's go on out there
and find them, BO Y,

All the while pounding on
mutants and monsters,

And we'll fly through the day
on our cloud machine as well!

Let's fly, fly, fly, how mysterious,

Charging through the sky,
while we overcome mountains!

Let's try, try, try,
such an adventure,

Our strange little
journey now begins!

Let's get them in hand!
The Dragonballs!

One of the most formidable
gambles in the world.

Let's go chase them down!
The Dragonballs!

Some of the most enjoyable
drama in the world.

This life is one
big treasure island,

It's the truth! Now more
than ever, Adventure!

The Turtle Hermit and the others,
having acquired of the Dragon Balls,

...planned to lure Piccolo Daimao out

so they could steal the remaining
Dragon Balls from him.


Damn it!

Now we can't get the balls
without defeating him!

Please let me fight!

You will stay behind!

Muten Roshi-sama!

Let me... !

What are you... ?

Give everyone my regards.

Chaozu! Keep hiding there and don't
do a thing, no matter what happens!

Got it?!

Right! Got it!

Come down here, Piccolo!

The Dragon Balls are down here!

The Turtle Hermit's Final Mafuba!!

It's the truth! I swear I'm not lying!

The Dragon Balls were
all together just now!

But it says there's only .

Um, well, of them just
disappeared all of a sudden.


Yeah. Just like that.

Give me a break.

It's the truth!

How odd.

They would disappear from
radar if someone swallowed them,

...but who would do such a thing?


Since all balls are together,

that means Piccolo Daimao
and the Turtle Hermit are...

This is Kame House,
Turtle Hermit-san, respond!

This is Kame House,
Turtle Hermit-san, respond!

This is Kame House, Tenshinhan,
Chaozu, anybody! Respond!

This is Kame House, Tenshinhan,
Chaozu, anybody! Respond!

No good.

What on earth could've happened?

Do you think that maybe
they've all been k*lled?

Don't say things like that!

If Muten Roshi-sama
has been k*lled...

...there's nothing
left that we can do...

I've buried my
Dragon Balls right here.

If you can defeat me,
take them as you please!

Quite authoritative for your age.

I won't sleep...

It would appear that you
are challenging l, the
Daimao-sama, to a battle.

The fool!

Seems he casually strolled out here
to challenge Piccolo-sama to a duel!

Yeah, and all by himself even!

The result would be the same
regardless of the number of
people who stand against him.

Ignorant fool...

Even so, you have probably only
heard of me in rumors and stories.

I cannot blame you for your ignorance.

This is not the first
time I have met you!


Are you saying you
know of my strength?

Indeed, I do.

It is for that very reason that I
sought to collect the Dragon Balls...

I wanted to summon Shen Long
and have him k*ll you!

You wanted him to k*ll me?

So you have given up said plan?


Here. The last Dragon
Balls are right here.

Come and get them.

If you can.

What's the matter? Afraid?


Or have you...

I see!

So you wish to fight
it out like a man?

In that case things are different.

Come at me.

What is with this old geezer?

He couldn't be...

I knew it; just an ordinary old man.

What's the matter? Done already?

No, no, no, that will not do.

It isn't worth the trouble if you
haven't any skills to speak of.


Why do you oppose me?!

Because you're an eyesore.


Because I can't spend my
time watching dirty videos

with someone like you around!

Do not toy with me!

Stand up!

Stand up and fight!

I shall b*at you to death,
slowly and painfully!

Come at me!

You obviously know some
form of martial arts.

What's with him?

Seems he's not as strong as he acts.

What's the matter?!

Is something keeping
you from moving?!

Come fight me!

What exactly is going
through your mind?

I have no desire to fight.

It's unfortunate,

but even with my skills I would
never stand a chance against you.

However, there is one
way to seal you away.

Muten Roshi-sama...
you can't mean... !

What foolishness is this?

I told you this was not the
first time I have met you!

That was not nonsense!

I fought you long ago
alongside my master!


Shall I tell you my master's name?

It was Mutaito-sama.



I still don't see your Karinto place.

We're almost there...


You okay?

You're sweatin' like crazy!

Hurry to Karinto...

Is there a really
good doctor there, Son?

Need to see Karin-sama...

Ah, so Karin's the name of a doctor?

He's a cat...

He must've really been hurt bad...

T-that name... !

Perhaps this will refresh your memory.

The Den... !

Daimao Seal

The Denshi Jar!

l-it can't be!

The Mafuba...

He intends to use the Mafuba!

Just as I suspected, Muten Roshi-sama
knows the Mafuba technique!

Does he want to die?!

You should remember this!

It's the technique
Mutaito-sama used to seal you
inside the Denshi Jar long ago...

...and thereby save the world!

Hey, he's acting funny.

What do you think's the matter?

No, it couldn't be... !

It can't be!

What's going on?!

The Mafuba!


...the Mafuba?

Not good!

I missed!

I failed...

That can't be... I was so close...

Don't fool yourself into
thinking you're safe now...

You aren't.

Someday, someone will defeat you...

I have complete faith that that
person will save the world...

Muten Roshi-sama!

Muten Roshi-sama!

This is the end.

What's with you?
Something the matter?

You in pain?

I... don't know what it is...

You're actin' really weird.

You get hit in the
wrong spot or something?

You're dead! Fool!

...Way to go!
...Admirably done!

What a close call that was!

So there was someone who
could use the Mafuba...

But he's dead now!

Now I have no one to fear at all!

And what's more...

...I now have all Dragon Balls.

Now that awesome and youthful
power will be mine once more!

That's it!

His goal is youth!

Now come forth,
Shen Long or whoever!

It's suddenly gotten dark!

What's going on?

It's pitch dark all of a sudden...

Something like this happened
about years ago too.

It's Shen Long!

He's summoned Shen Long!

Shen Long is going to
appear at long last!

Now Piccolo Daimao-sama
will be utterly invincible!

So beautiful...

If he becomes younger,

it'll be completely impossible
to stand up to him...

The world is doomed...

There he is!

That's Shen Long?


The Mafuba technique that
the Turtle Hermit staked his
life on has ended in failure,

...causing him to perish
before a great evil.

Is there no longer any way to
put an end to Piccolo Daimao?!

Come along, fantasy,

I enjoy a mystery,

Don't you go hiding your youth!

Wanting to perform the mysterious,

Wanting to pursue the adventure,

Everyone is itching to go!

If you act like an adult and give up,

You'll never unravel the
mystery of the miracle!

Go on and try to live even
more wild and strong!

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

If you will show me
you're true courage.

I'll give you a romance,
I'll give you a romance,

I'll give your pounding heart
a glittery, shining dream!