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01x07 - Reacher Said Nothing

Posted: 02/25/22 17:20
by bunniefuu
Never thought I'd have
to be afraid in Margrave.

Still no leads?

Nothing useful.

Stuff we're being told
to chase down...

don't feel like the way to go.

You talk to Finlay about it?

He keeps shutting me down.

When he's even around.

Since Roscoe slugged Teale,
I haven't see him.

Me and Baker are kind of
on our own.

I tried calling Paul
again today.

Charlie, too.

They ain't gonna answer.

They're in the wind or...

or worse.

I've been thinking
maybe we should leave.

Even if y'all solve this,
with Mr. Kliner dead,

I'm afraid this town
will just go right back

to the way it was
before he came here.

My parents would love
to have us in Tupelo.

I know.

And pretty soon, we're gonna
need the free babysitting.

When can we start
telling people?


Taxi? Taxi!

Over here! Hi.

A new adventure, no?

This is not an adventure.

It's a punishment.
Germany's boring.

It will be different this time.

Look at my boys.

You look so confused right now.

You see good people
getting punished,

bad people getting
what they want,

and don't understand why.

I'm going to tell you something

that won't make much sense now,

but hopefully, it will one day,
when you're older.

Joe, you don't need to solve
all the world's problems.

Solving some
is more than enough.

And Reacher, you have the
strength of three boys your age.

What will you do
with that strength, hmm?

You're going to do what's right.

Nice outfit.

My other clothes
got blood on them.

Some of it was mine.

Kn*fe. g*n.

It's in the console.

So what'd you learn in New York?

It's all about the paper.

Ink's easy to get,
plates are doable;

acquiring the right
currency paper,

- that's the trick.
- And?

Well, there was only one place
in the country that made

the paper and Joe had it
locked down like Sing Sing...

- Unless...
- Unless he didn't.

Unless he didn't.

Could've been someone dirty on
the inside Joe wasn't aware of.

Hubble was a currency manager,
dealt in hard cash.

He could've been working
with somebody at the supplier

- who was compromised.
- Okay.

Anything else?

Ran into another one
of those Venezuelan guys.

What happened?

We played Hangman.

Take me to the body shop.
Got to pick up the Bentley.

I need to make a stop first.

You're going to want
to stay in the car.

Mr. Kliner didn't
have many blood relatives

in Margrave.

Just his son and nephew.

But I like to think he had
a town full of family.

I know he embraced us like kin.

The righteous perish,
and no one takes it to heart.

The devout are taken away,

and no one understands that
the righteous are taken away

to be spared from evil.

Those who walk uprightly
enter into peace.

They find rest
as they lie in death.

What the hell do you think
you're doing?

Paying my respects.

Really? Know what I think?

I think you k*lled him.

How would you like it
if I sliced you up

just like you sliced him?


One, I'm not paying
my respects to your uncle,

'cause I never respected him.

But he meant a lot
to the people of this town,

so I'm paying my respects to
Margrave as its chief detective.


Take a step back, son,

or there will be two Kliners
in that grave.

I'll see you around, Finlay.


Seems like that went well.

Shut up.

Let's go get the car.

Did Roscoe check in
with you lately?

No, but I should hear
from Picard later today.

Hey, Bentley man.

Sorry, boss, you'll have
to come back this afternoon.

I ain't got but two
of them windows tinted yet.

Good enough.

You want to take it half-done?

Only rock stars need
four tinted windows.

I'll pay full price.

Suit yourself, Chief.
I'll bring it around.

Tim, get some kitty litter
on that oil spill.

Now, you sure are comfortable
spending a counterfeit roll.

You want me
to buy you something?

How about some jeans and tickets
to a Hall & Oates concert?

Yeah, this is Captain Finlay.

Okay, I'll be right there.

What's going on?

Guess this answers our question.

Which one?

Whether Stevenson was dirty.

He must've been involved
to get the same treatment

- as the Morrisons.
- This isn't the same.

Way Chief Morrison was k*lled
was about sending a message.

- This is different.
- How so?

Well, for one,
they left his balls attached.

It's the first thing I checked.

Exactly. They didn't want
Stevenson going into shock.

They wanted him lucid.

Wanted him to watch.

The tape, the mirrors.

They tortured his wife
in front of him.

And there was nowhere he could
look and not see. Jesus.

This was about
getting information.

It means Stevenson
wasn't involved.

Dawson must have found the hole
in the roof of his truck,

knew we were getting close
to the truth.

We were all MIA, so they went
after the next best source.

Stevenson and Hubble
were family.

They saw him talking
to Roscoe, to you, to me.

We thought he was
working with them

while they thought he was
working with us.

If we'd let him in, maybe
we could've protected these two.


Finlay? Reacher? A word.

What do you want?

I'm letting you go.

On what grounds?

On the grounds
that you're not up to the task.

How many more of my men
have to be slaughtered

before you accept the job
is too big for you?

Hell, you couldn't even
hold onto

a little girl cop
that assaulted me.

This town is crooked
as scoliosis, and the cop

that's barely been here is the
one that's getting railroaded?

I'm doing you a favor.

You leave before there's
any more stink on you,

maybe you can land a paycheck
as a security guard somewhere.

Now go on back to the station,
pack up your sh*t.

Leave your g*n and your badge
on my desk on the way out.

And you.

You're not a cop.

You got one minute
to leave my crime scene

or I'm taking you in.

I buried one good man today
and saw another one gutted,

not to mention his bride.

Don't test me.

Now I've got to call
over to Warburton County,

have them send me
some real police.

So he gets rid of me without
having to drop another body.

We won't get access
to evidence now.

Maybe we can
get something off Jasper

when the lab work comes back.

Hey, hey. Hey.

I got to tell Stevenson's
parents what happened.

Might not be a cop anymore,
but he was under my charge.

Least I can do
is look them in the eye

and tell them they lost
their son and daughter-in-law.

And grandchild.


I know you're angry.

I am, too.

But don't do anything crazy
while I'm gone.

Stick to the plan.

Go see what you can find
at Hubble's.

I will.

But first, I'm gonna ask the
last cop in Margrave to lunch.

Barely touched your grub.

Not much of an appetite.

You're not upset
about Stevenson?

What the hell kind of thing
is that to say?

I've known that kid
since he was our paperboy.

My aunt taught his wife choir
in high school. It's just...

Just what?

Crying about it ain't gonna
do them any good.

Way to honor them
is you find out who did it

and you switch off their lights.

Think Stevenson made an enemy
of someone he put in jail, too?

Just like Teale
thinks Morrison did?

Sounds like you don't.

Teale's theory is bullshit.

Want me
to bag that up for you?


Peach pie, darling.

What about you, hon?

- I guess I'll take the peach...
- Anything but pie.

Officer Baker just ordered
our last piece.

See, you snooze,
you lose, Reacher.

Place has the best peach pie
in the state.

So I've heard.

Nothing for me, thanks.


if you don't think
Teale's right,

who do you think is cutting down
all these people?

- And why are you telling me?
- Second question first.

I think you're the only one
in Margrave I can trust.

You got that right.
What makes you say so?

Well, Morrison,
Kliner and Stevenson

were all k*lled
in dramatic ways.

Someone was trying
to send a message:

"This is what happens
when you screw up."

They went after Roscoe, too.

But you know who
they didn't go after?

They didn't go after you.

Means you're not involved.

But maybe you are.

Now, all this started happening
when you showed up, right?

Why should I trust you?

That takes us
to your first question,

who's cutting
all these people down?

I was in Memphis
when Kliner was m*rder*d,

New York when the Stevensons
were k*lled,

Alabama the night
someone went after Roscoe

and Florida when Jobling
and my brother d*ed.

There are bus company and
FAA records to confirm it all.

My alibi's airtight.
You can check for yourself.

Already did.

I keep eyes on outsiders.

- Do you?
- Mm-hmm.

'Cause we both know I'm not
the only outsider in Margrave.

Talking about your buddy Finlay.

He's not my buddy.

He's someone I'm using
to find who k*lled Joe.

But I started thinking,

this whole thing's about
dirty cops, and you're clean.

And Teale didn't become chief
until after the k*lling started.

Finlay's the only one left.

He was in Margrave
when all the murders happened.

Seems like every time I leave
town and the guy's alone,

someone else dies.

Come on, Baker.

Minute he walked in
the station house

I could feel the hate
between you two.

There's something off
about Finlay.

You sensed it
from the beginning.

Damn right I did.

One goodbye bag,

one slice of heaven.

Need anything else,
you let me know.


Finlay's behind all this
and I'm gonna prove it.

Think about it.

He finds Hubble's phone number
in my brother's shoe,

then Hubble suddenly panics
and confesses to the m*rder?

Sounds like bullshit.

There's got to be a reason
Finlay wanted Hubble

to go down for k*lling Joe.

I'm breaking in
to Hubble's house tonight

and I'm turning the place
upside down

till I find something
that directly connects

Hubble to Finlay.


You find anything,
you bring it straight to me.

Back at you.
You know where I'll be.


Going hunting?

- Yep.
- Well, you need anything else?

Got a new shipment
of deer calls in today.

Not hunting deer.

Give me one of those blackjacks.

...we've just about reached
the midpoint

of the Atlantic
hurricane season,

and while it's been relatively
quiet so far this year,

that could be about to change.

Hurricane hunter planes
are flying

on two separate
missions today...

Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson.

I'm Oscar Finlay.

I worked with your son.

tomorrow morning,

we also have
flash flood warnings just issued

for LaGrange,
Carrollton, Manchester

Margrave, Peachtree City,

Greenville and Zebulon.

The greater Macon area
is still under watch,

but that could change,
uh, seeing as rain

is coming down at a rate
of two to three inches

per hour right now. parts of the metro area,

and we're getting reports
of some low-lying spots

becoming inundated.

Keep that in mind,
especially in the dark,

it's difficult to tell how deep

some of this ponding
and flowing water really is.

...reports coming.

A viewer in Warburton County

sent us this video
of his basement flooding.

He says that the sump pump
isn't able to keep up... under
a flash flood warning.

Go see what he wants.

Lightning is dangerous.

Take shelter in homes,

and hard-topped vehicles...

But if you find yourself
out there in the elements,

stay off elevated areas.

...Fulton County
until 5:00 tomorrow morning.

We also have
flash flood warnings

in for LaGrange, Summerville,

Carrollton, Manchester,

Peachtree City, Woodland,

Junction City, Union, Weston,

Hamilton, Orchard Hill,

and Zebulon, as well
as the greater Macon area.

It only takes a foot of water
to wash a car off the road.

Please be careful out there.


I figured it out.

I know how they're manufacturing
their money.

What? How?

The Columbia professor said
it all comes down to the paper,

and Joe could never figure out
how they were getting the paper

to print their cash.

But I've traveled
all over the world,

handled all kinds of currency.

Know what's unique
about U.S. banknotes?

Dollars are all the same size.

Bleach the ink
off a dollar bill,

and you're left with perfect
paper that you can reprint

as any denomination you want.

Hubble was a skilled
currency manager.

He kept Kliner flush with a
fresh supply of one-dollar bills

from cash-intensive industries

that wanted to hide their income
from the government.

Payday loan services, casinos,

national chains
from immigrant neighborhoods.

The singles would be
shipped into Margrave

from all over the country.

So much as one buck
goes missing,

I'll cut off your hand
like it's Saudi Arabia.

Kliner Chemicals
must have developed something

to bleach the ink off the money

without harming
the paper itself.

Runoff from this process
destroyed Chester, Mississippi.

Murdering an EPA agent
makes sense.

If you're protecting a massive
counterfeiting operation,

you can justify the k*ll.

Kliner protected it another way.

Animal feed.

You got to be sh1tting me.

Know why people
use kitty litter

to clean up oil spills?

It contains diatomaceous earth.

It's an absorbent
coagulating agent

used in everything
from pesticides

- to pool filters to...
- Animal feed.

Damn right.

You start ordering
massive amounts of D.E.,

people get suspicious.

But you buy feed
when you've got cows,

no one looks at you twice.

You grind it into a powder
to make

an effective cleaning agent
for your chemical waste.

And since dumping it
into the river

almost got you busted
last time...

You bury it under some pasture

where you've got
enough cows to sell the lies,

but not enough to bring
state inspectors on your land.

He was buying
truckloads of that.

I mean, his operation
must be massive.

Probably had a few
dozen people working for him,

all kept in line
with money and threats.

Once the bills were washed,
they were dried,


One side, then the other.

They use the old version
of the hundreds, pre-1990,

so they don't have to make
the magnetic security strip

they use in today's bills.

The new hundreds are b*at up,
made to look old

so no one gives them
a second look.

Truckers then drive the money
down to Florida,

where it awaits its final
journey overseas to Venezuela.

Okay, but this
is just all theory.

If we're gonna take this
to the feds,

we need hard evidence,
and that's more than just

those loose hundreds
that are in your pockets.

We need fake cash

that we can link
to Kliner's company.

Joe put "Joblings' Garage"
on his punch list for a reason.

He must have had some cash
stashed somewhere at his home.

Jobling's wife
showed us that garage.

There was nothing
in those boxes.

I'm gonna go back
and tear the place apart.

- Take Finlay with you.
- I will.

How's everything on your end?

Well, we had
a little excitement.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah, we are now.

We're at, uh, Picard's place.

Charlie and the kids are asleep.
I'm on first watch.

It's actually probably
just about time

for Picard to spell me.

Go get some rest.
I'll fill Finlay in.

You called me first?

Yeah. I-I just wanted

to, you know, uh...

I missed talking to you, too.

Good night, Roscoe.

Everything cool?

Better than cool.

I think Reacher just busted
this whole thing wide open.


Meet me at Pete Jobling's house.

We're about to close the lid
on this thing.

Hold that thought.

- We got a problem.
- What kind of problem?

Three hitters.

One headed
toward the motel office,

probably to find out
which room I'm in.

That won't take long.

What about the other two?

Standing out front,
looking scary.

- How'd they find me?
- Teale may not like you,

but he knows
what kind of guy you are.

The kind that wants to look a
dead cop's parents in the eyes.

I checked in under a fake name.

Tell me you didn't park
your car right out front.

Of course not.

Okay. All right, listen closely.

Is this where you say,
"They're gonna take you"?

No. This is where I say,
"They're gonna k*ll you,

unless you do what you're told."

Do you have a g*n?

Yeah, my backup piece, uh...

.32 snub nose.

Better than screaming
for help. Barely.

Okay. Tell me what you see.

I see I'm in trouble.
Can't use the front door.

So you make your own.
Turn the TV up loud.

Cavendish, drop that g*n.

How close are you
to an end unit?

- Uh, one room down.
- Okay, good.

Tell me about the motel.
What kind of construction?

Uh, low-rent, single-story.

Probably in late '60s,
early '70s.

So, cheap,
quarter-inch Sheetrock.

Probably 24-inch spacing
between the studs.

Do you have a pocket Kn*fe?

What am I, a Boy Scout?

Okay. Grab the bar
from the closet.

He's on
the side of the law.

Well, this crook
is gonna take over Colby.

I need to speed this up.

Ever seen a Kool-Aid commercial?

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Here you are, Doc.

- While I tie him up.
- Yes.

I hope they do make a move.

Especially this one.

Jesus, what the hell?

I'm a cop. Call 911.

He sh*t out the tires! Run!

Thanks for the assist.

Anytime, Finlay.
See you at Jobling's.

Be there by morning.

I see.
Thank you, Chief.

Near as they can tell, no one
was inside when it b*rned.

Neighbor says Judy packed up
and left town a couple days ago.

Good. Chief thinks
it could be arson.

Probably started about the time

those guys took
a run at me in Tupelo.

They're cleaning up loose ends.

Anything in there
that could've incriminated them

is gone by now.

They're spooked
after what happened

at Hubble's house last night.

What happened at Hubble's house?

I k*lled Dawson Kliner
and four other guys.


So now we've got nothing.

Only bright side is Mrs. Jobling
wasn't here when they did it.

She wasn't Mrs. Jobling.

Judy never took
Pete's last name.

Look at how Joe wrote
"Joblings' Garage."

He put the apostrophe after
the "S." Plural possessive.

Whatever was important to Joe

is in a house
where two Joblings reside.

- His parents' house.
- I keep telling you, Finlay...

I know. Details matter.

Let's go.

If you think Pete hid something
out here, you're free to look.

Just put everything back
where you found it.

We will, ma'am. Thank you.

Did you know my boy was dead
the last time you were here?

Yes, ma'am.

I did.

Why didn't you tell us?

You seemed like nice people.

I didn't have the heart.

How are we supposed to find
anything in all this mess?

That was exactly the point
when Jobling hid it here.

Mix it in with the clutter,
make it so you can't see

the trees through the forest.

That's how I used
to hide my fireworks.

Parents never know
what their kids are into.

But we know exactly
what we're looking for.

Boxes just like the one
Roscoe and I saw at his house.

Like these?

Call Picard.

Tell him to meet us
at the farmhouse

where we left the Jaguar.

We've got everything he needs to
take down the Kliner Foundation

and Teale at the same time.

I'll load this up in the Bentley
and meet you there.

We got them, don't we?

Damn right we do.


Found something on the sh**t
who k*lled that EPA agent Wilks.

- Give it to me.
- FBI agent named Nittmo caught the case.

This is the guy who closed it
after barely looking into it?

Yep. Called it a "burglary
gone bad" and wrapped it up.

I dug into Nittmo.

Had an expensive home,
drove a pricey car.

Like Morrison
and Jobling.

Living above apparent means.

Got a copy of his ID badge.

Six three, 220 pounds,

blonde, blue eyes.

Could definitely see people
calling him The Viking.

Nickname of the hit man
hired to k*ll our EPA agent.

I'd say we're making progress,

but you keep talking about
Nittmo in the past tense.

That's 'cause he d*ed of cancer
three years ago.

But his old partner
is still with the Bureau.

We can question him.

He's based out of
the Atlanta field office.

Guy named...


How the hell did you know that?

Lucky guess.

Got to go, Neagley.