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05x05 - Globetrotting on Two Wheels

Posted: 02/26/22 09:58
by bunniefuu
Whoo, "walking
dead"! Whoo! My god!

Here we go. Bring
on the madness.



Meeting people is easy,

Especially when they
think your name is Daryl.


Can I kiss you?


But those moments rarely
last longer than a selfie.

Someone had a few
drinks this morning.

Help, I'm trapped!
It's why I ride...

To break out of my element.

And forge those
deeper connections.

My gosh. You made it.

And after five years,
seven countries,

And , miles in the saddle...

Our pleasure, trust me.

We're taking a look back.

At the good people
I've run into...

Let's do it, let's
do it, let's do it.

And the ones I'll never forget.

I brought the rain.
You brought rain?

Why do I think you're
messing with me?

I mean, right? You
just got that face.

Cheers. Cheers, my brother.

- Yeah!
- Alright, hit it!

Here we go!

Yeah, baby.

Travel challenges
our perceptions,

Our stereotypes.

It opens our eyes
to our differences.

And what makes us the same.

It takes us outside
our comfort zone,

And that's the whole point.

But the more you get out
there, the more you realize.

How much more common
ground there is between us.

You must be going through
some crazy culture shock right now.

No, I'm good. I'm actually
feeling very at home.

Over five seasons, I've visited.

Some pretty far-off places...

From Europe to
Asia to south America.

And back home in the u.S.,
engaging in people's lives.

And discovering what
it means to be a local.

In different parts of the world.

For Spanish people, we
are so close with family.

It's very important and
we eat together and laugh.

Costa rica, culture and
nature go hand in hand.

Tradition is very
important in Kyoto.

We always think
about our ancestors.

In the Hawaiian culture,
family extends past blood.

Everybody is one.

Scottish people
are incredibly proud.

Once you come
here, you fall in love,

You never leave.

When you travel far from home,

It's nice to have an old
friend come along for the ride.

That's why when we took
our first international trip,

I asked Jeffrey dean
Morgan to join me in Spain.

You are adorable.

Am I not adorable?

You're so adorable right now.

What do you think of this baby?

What's up, buddy?

You're gonna see some amazing
views of Barcelona from the top.

- Yeah.
- Great.

In Barcelona, Jeffrey and I.

Got hooked up
with Ramon maiden...

- So here's Barcelona.
- The beautiful Barcelona.


What a view.

An artist who gave us a
local's insight into his city.

Everybody has a
motorcycle here in Barcelona.

When I was a kid, we used to
come here and with the mopeds,

You know, to wheew, wheew.

See, we could fit
in here, Norman.

Just ride motorcycles all day.

All day.

Okay, ready to go down?

- Yeah.
- I'm starving.

You taking us somewhere?

The best food in town.

- Wow.
- This is amazing.

- This is a beautiful patio.
- Thank you, sir.

- Here we are.
- I'm gonna eat a lot of food.

- Wow.
- That's delicious.

Everything homemade from
my beautiful mom, Marie.

It's beautiful. It
looks amazing.

This looks delicious.

Thank you so much
for having us here.

It's our... our
pleasure, trust me.


Take a little garlic?

Garlic. Yeah.


That's a good way to put it in.

And you put a tomato.

Put the tomato
and you smash it in.


- Yeah.
- Okay.

And then olive oil.

- Ready to go.
- Heck yeah.

And you can put ham.

You're missing the best part.

- What was I thinking? What.
- - what's wrong with him?

Geez, Jeff.

I love the garlic.

- Garlic.
- Yeah.

I mean, that just solves
half my problems in life.

- Yeah.
- Why do you think

Barcelona is such
an artistic city?

I mean, we drive one block
and there's a giant sculpture.

Everywhere we go here.

Because it's influenced
by a lot of cultures.

Barcelona's been a really open
city since forever, you know,

Having the harbor, you know.

So we have architecture
from the Romans,

The Gothics, the
Jewish, the Muslims.

Everyone has been here.
And you can feel this vibe.

In the city...
street art, graffiti,

Illustrators, painters.
The graffiti is amazing.

So we are more social,
we have an open mind.

We like to hug, you know,

We like to touch, you
know, we like to kiss.

I know you guys
like to kiss here.

- We've been kissed a lot.
- Lots of touching and kissing.

A lot of kissing
going on around here.

How did you guys meet?

My dad was a musician.
He was the lead singer.

Of rock and roll
band in the ' s.

My dad was singing in a
show and my mom was a fan.

You saw her in the audience?

Was it... was it
love at first sight?

Sí, sí, sí. Yeah? Yeah?

There's few things
more revealing.

Than being invited into
someone's home for a meal,

And even though I briefly
stopped down in Spain years ago,

Sharing time with Ramon
around his family table.

Is the most authentic
experience I've had yet.

Avoiding tourist traps is
kind of a point of pride for me,

Especially in
places I know well.

Kyoto! I love japan.

As a kid, I lived in
japan with my mom.

And I'd come back to
visit every chance I got.

And in all the trips I
made, I never met a geisha.

I figured they were
a tourist attraction,

A throwback to
some japan long gone.

But on a trip to Kyoto,

I found out what
I've been missing.


You let me win, didn't you?

This is really good.

Good? Yeah, it's delicious.

Yeah. Did you
make all this food?

No. We're not allowed to cook.

Wow. What do geishas do?

We perform traditional arts.

Dancing, tea ceremony,
flirt, drummings,

Shamisen... three-stringed
instrument... and singing.

Is there a school to
learn how to be a geisha?

Not like a normal university,
but we go to lessons today.

In the morning to
learn all those subjects.

There's no graduation.
As long as I'm professional,

I need to keep
going to the lessons,

So I hope I can
continue till I get old.

It's amazing. What made
you want to be a geisha?

Well, I was born in Kyoto, and
some of my family members.

Were working for
kimono industry,

So I got interested
in Japanese tradition.

Since when I was little.

I sometimes travel abroad...

You do? ...As well to perform.

What's your favorite movie?

"Harry potter."

Really? Yes.

Okay. Just checking.

Spending time with tomitsuyu.

Gave me a new found
appreciation for her art form.

And the dedication required
for the geisha way of life.

Hers is a reverence
for tradition and history.

That's ingrained
throughout japan.

But the past can
also be personal,

And some of the most
profound connections I've made.

Have been with people
who were long gone.

One of the most
meaningful rides I've taken.

Was with Melissa
McBride in Scotland.

Where tracing
her family lineage.

Became a personal
mission in friendship.

Sorry, I forgot
what gear I was in.

- What?
- What?

What? I'm a great driver.
I'm a very good driver.

Look at those guys just chilling
out in the middle of the field.

Let's go meet some sheep people.

So, what are you
guys doing in Scotland?

Long story short, I'm
tracing my family roots...

Okay... And I have
tracked them to Aberdeen.

Well, luckily, a lot of
the stuff in Aberdeen.

Is still present.

So nothing's really
changed that much. Good.

So I hope you find
really lovely, great things.

Thank you.

I have a lot... a lot
more research to do.

Welcome to the north sea.

Wow. This is beautiful, though.


Beautiful view.

And some very fresh air.

I would imagine that most people
that took residence around here.

Were farming some
way or another.

Um it would've
been a lot of farming.

And fishing and quarrying.

Do you know where
nigg bay would've been?

This is nigg bay.

This is nigg bay?

So there is a lighthouse,

Which you... you
can't really see.

At the moment,
but that's nigg bay.

We are in nigg at the moment.

Wow. Yeah.

Nigg bay is... is
where her family lived.

Well, there you go. Yeah.
Could've been right here.

So you might be actually seeing
what... what your ancestors saw.

They probably stood right here.

This is it.

This is kinda it.

This is my dream come true.

This is it right there.

There is something
about being present.

In a place that defines
part of your history.

My gosh. Dude.

Yeah, that was
a little emotional,

The distance between
you and the past.

Gets a little shorter.

And you feel a little closer to
everyone who came before

I just feel it. I just feel it.

Yeah. This is the spot.

And everyone who's
walking with you now.

One thing you
realize on the road...

Culture just doesn't
magically appear.

It's the people who fight
to carry on traditions.

That makes a place distinct
and deliver its meaning.

South Carolina.

I used to come down here in
the summers when I was a kid.


A few years ago, I took
a ride through low country.

With Dave chappelle.

My grandparents lived
just outside of Columbia.

Real country like I had an
uncle who had a pig farm.

It's where a stop for lunch
became a connection to the past.

Gullah geechee, we are a
people who came from Africa.

The Gullah culture
is such a rich culture.

Because it's been passed down
from generation to generation.

It's with our music, our
art, the language, the food.

We preserve and educate
through our cuisines.


Welcome to Gullah grub.

I-I know this is
gonna be delicious.

I can tell already.

We have sweet tea,
unsweetened tea,

Lemonade, and swamp water.

What is that?

That's a mixture of
sweet tea and lemonade.

Yes, ma'am, I'll do that.

Okay. Sweet tea?

Sweet tea, yeah.
Okay. Coming right up.

I thought it was
literally swamp water.

I was like, "I'll try it."

Are you from here?

Yes, this is my home.

I was born and raised
here on st. Helena island.

This is my husband, bill green.

He's a Gullah huntsman, as well.

Let me ask, what's...
What is Gullah culture?

E-explain it to me.

We are called Gullah people,

But we also speak
Gullah language.

All of the tribes that
came had their own dialect,

So they need to have
common language.

That they can communicate
with one another.

And so that became
known as Gullah.

The picture here is
the Carolina gold rice.

That we grew on our farm.

This rice was
originated in Africa.


And then it came all the
way from Africa to America.

During the sl*ve...
when slaves were here.

So before sl*very,

Rice didn't exist at
all in the Americas?

- No.
- Mnh-mnh.

They came with us? Yeah.

The keepers couldn't figure out
how they were staying so strong.

Because they know they
wasn't feeding them much.

And they went out there and
saw they was growing rice.

They supplemented their
diets with homegrown rice.

Yes. I didn't know that.

You know what's funny?

Like, if you ever go to
Africa, a lot of Africans.

Don't even know how bad
the American sl*ve trade was.

We had... we had...
We had a tough go of it.

But we're doing much better.

So all of those rice dishes is
because we are trying to hold.

Onto that legacy of growing it,

And that's how we grew up
as Gullah people on this island.

That's the culture.
That's the culture.

Tradition gives us a
sense of belonging.

While connecting us
with what came before.

And those like Sara and
bill who pass it forward.

Help keep our history alive.

Thank you guys so much.

Please come back.

It's been my pleasure. Yes, sir.

When I arrived in Uruguay,

The place was
like a blank slate.

I had zero preconceptions
and no expectations.

It's like a place you...
You would move to to, like,

You want to write a book.
You know what I mean?

It's, like, artsy?

You drink your maté and
write your novel. Yeah.

But walking the city streets,

The first thing my friend
Becky goebel and I noticed.

Was everyone had the
same drink in their hand.

Maté is an everyday
ritual here in Uruguay,

Where we all share
Uruguayan tea.

But it's not something
you order in a cafe,

So language barrier be damned,

We set out to partake
in the centuries-old ritual.

Is this where we get it?

Hi, could we get the...
Get the stuff for maté?

Just any of these?
Pick one of these.

- Wow.
- Yeah, this isn't the authentic.

Did we get the, like,
non-authentic one?

I think we got
the tourist version.

- Hola.
- Hello.

How's it going?
Yeah. They got it.


- Drink maté.
- We never tried.

- We haven't tried.
- This is our first try.


What's up, buddy?

Yeah. How's it going?

"Walking dead."

Is that... is that maté, too?

We got to drink the maté.

Can you show us
how to do the maté?

Can you show us how?

- Tell me when to stop.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

More, more, more, more, hasta.

More? More, more, more.

Really? More, more.

- The first water, it's...
- Just cold water.

- No, no. Warm. Warm.
- Warm water.

I think that she's the boss.

Yeah, she's definitely the boss.

Don't mess this up.

Drink now?

- Yes.
- No, no.


You said "no,"
then she said "yes."

Now you say "yes" again.

You ladies are
pressuring me right now.

Do it now? Okay.

Like, tiny?


It's... it's kind of
delicious. I like it.

- It's yum, yeah. Yummy.
- Ooh.

- That's actually good.
- Yeah.

That was tight, though.
That's, like, biker mama style.

- Yeah.
- You know?

It's like this is her block.

Not giving a -for sure.

, miles north,

Costa rica is my
go-to place to escape.

Costa rica, baby.

I just want to
be like "'f' yeah!"

It's why sharing
this slice of paradise.

With my good friend don
rocket meant so much to me.

We've been tight since
our days running wild.

On the streets of
lower Manhattan.

But today the laid-back
pura vida lifestyle.

Is more our speed.

We are known
for the friendliness.

Of the people and pura vida.

Pura vida is like saying
in English, "pure life."

It's a term that is based
in peace, democracy,

Sharing with friends,
sharing with neighbors.

That's the heart of pura vida.

We're gonna go get some
coffee at a coffee farm?

Yeah. Dude, costa
rican coffee is the best.

Fist bump.

With your ring, bro.

- Good morning.
- Hey. Norman.

Norman, Guillermo.
Here's your coffee.

And these... this is
all made right here?

Yes. Salud, salud.
Guillermo, cheers. Thank you.

Cheers. Cheers. Yeah.

This is delicious.

What makes costa
rican coffee so good?

One of the advantage
of coffee in costa rica,

It comes mostly from
small-scale farms.

We are today
, families. Wow.

And so when you
buy costa rican coffee,

You are supporting communities.

You guys have such a
stable democracy in costa rica.

What do you think...

Is it the pura vida way of life?

Why do you think everything
has run so smoothly in costa rica?

About years ago or
more, we abolished the army.

No more army, so you
don't have the army debt.

That money comes
to support school.

We have invested a lot
of money in education.

Costa ricans, we
are very positive.

We were taught, in
order to have a good life,

It's not much about
how much you have.

All what I have,
we got from living in.

This nice community,
people, planet.

It's about that. Yeah. Yeah.

It's a way of life.

Wow. Wow, that's awesome.

Well, let's go for a walk,

And we can maybe
harvest some coffee today.

I won't pay you more
than a cup of coffee.

That's all we need. Pura
vida. That's all we need.

Okay, up there, we have
some ripened cherries.

So, this goes around your waist.

Around my waist.

You are too fat.
No, the other way.

The other way. The other way.

Yes. No. What?!

It feels like fruit to me.

Yeah, it does. Soft.

I'm eating the profits.

Don't... don't swallow the bean.

It's sweet. Sweet.

So, the darker it
is, the sweeter it is.

And you get paid per
basket, not per hour,

So you have to hurry up.

My god. This is
gonna take forever.

Dude, that's all day.

That's why you got
to give them coffee.

Before they come out here.

Wow, you did more than I did.

I'm faster than you
are. Yeah, yeah.

So you're taking it there?

You know what I mean?

Faster, younger, better-looking.

I don't know about
the better-looking part.

You know, one thing I
really love about costa rica.

Is that the whole pura vida
thing really means something.

It's not just like a "what's
up?" you know what I mean?

It's really part of them,
you know, like, their culture.

I know hearing me
profess love for costa rica.

Is nothing new,

But the values held
here and its way of life.

Resonate with me
no matter where I go.

This place is a very,
very special place.

Hit that bump?


Reminds me that I didn't
go to the bathroom yet today.

Right about now,
you're probably thinking

"I just saw a Jeffrey
dean Morgan scene."

And you wouldn't be wrong.

But this time, we're off to
explore the English countryside.

Don't say "bladder" right now.

The English have solid
ties with their rural past,

And farm life takes
a special breed.

It's something Jeffrey
knows a thing or two about.

The guy left I.A.
A few years ago.

To raise animals
in upstate new york.

This is the spot.
I can smell it.

So while in England, we were
on the hunt for his kind of people.

I've never seen a pig race.

What makes them run?

What's their motivation?

Yeah, right?

Like an apple? Not being bacon?

Hi. How are ya?

I'm alright. You?

Good. I am Jeff. Hey.

Hello, Jeff, I'm Jodi. Hi, Jodi.

I'm Norman. Jodi.

We wanna meet your pigs.

We'll head over there
now. They are starvin'.

Which one are you pickin'?

I want, that one.

The one right there?
That one over there? Yeah.

I think that one's Rachel.

Rachel? From "friends"?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

With the hair? Yeah.

Yeah, I want that one.

- Do you have a Ross?
- We have got a Ross.

Ross is that one there.

Well, Ross is the muddiest.

Right. Come on. Let's
go do this pig race.

Alright, let's do a pig race.

Ross, get your... get
your muddy butt up.

Come on, Ross. Rachel

Rachel, I got faith in ya.


Rachel! Rachel! Rachel!

Go, pigs!

Go, Rachel! Go,
Rachel! Go, Rachel!

Let's go, Ross! Go, Rachel!


- Ross just took it.
- No.

No way.

Ross took it.
Nope, nope. Rachel.

- That wasn't Ross?
- Rachel won!

- Yeah!
- Bull!

You owe me $ .

She's just saying that because
she likes Daryl Dixon. Yes!

We'll go ahead in here.

We got some lambs
have been born.

Literally in the last
couple of weeks.

And this is a boreray, which
is the name of the breed,

And these are on,
like, the endangered list.

There is only .

You know, I have a farm,

And I raise alpaca,
llama, and highland cattle.

You have highland cows? Yeah.

This is Agnes. Agnes
is much prettier.

She's about .

She's pretty.

You brushed her. Yeah.

Do you rescue animals?

Um, we do occasionally.
We've got dough boy in here.

He was rescued. Yeah.

He's like my goat husband.

All of those are... are rare.

They're on the rare
breeds survival trust list.

That little baby is
just cuter than crap.

That's one... that's a good one.

Grab it. Nice. Attaboy.


Hey, buddy.

This one's really
friendly, I think.

I'm sorry I grabbed
you. I apologize.

As my cat will tell you,

I'm kind of a
sucker for animals,

And I've learned you can
tell a lot about a person.

From how well they treat them.

Fly. Be free.

Folks who dedicate themselves
on behalf of another species,

I've found them
everywhere I've gone.

What's wrong with this guy?

She's paralyzed
from the waist down.

No way. Her name is puppy.

Best smile in the world.

Yeah, I feel like dr. Dolittle.

That's how you kiss one.

Why are you guys making
out with all your animals?

My god, that's so cute.

They are really cute, right?

You can hear god's
message through the deer.

How did you learn
how to talk to the seals?

They're the ones
that talk to him.

On a ride through
Kentucky horse country.

With actor Clifton Collins jr.,

I figured we'd run
into some animals.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa.

I mean, cliff was about
to play a jockey in a film.

And needed all the
practice he could get.


Look. Right here, a
snake place on the right.

- Snake pit.
- Should we get after it?

But while you'd never
catch me on a horse,

Holding a deadly king cobra.

Wasn't exactly where I
imagined we'd end up.

I'm so excited. Hi.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you. Hi.

- I'm Kristen.
- Jim Harrison.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hey, jim, how are you?

- Clifton.
- Thanks for having us.

We don't... we're not
quite sure what to expect.

How long have you
guys been into snakes?

Well, I'm years old, and I've
been doing it since I was . Long time.

- Wow.
- Wow.

And I've been bitten times.

times by...
by... all venomous?

Yeah, my last bad
bite was five years ago.

I ended up in
respiratory arrest twice.

And ended up on life support.

I've been clinically
dead four times.

So I've been rough on my body.

- Let's check out these snakes.
- Yeah, let's see some snakes.

- Okay, come on.
- Whoo!

You go first.

Are there snakes
in all these houses?

There are.

Why are you pushing me?

Why? Why do we do this?

Spitter. What's spitter
mean? They spit?

That means those are
spitting cobras in that rack.

I'm sorry, what? This
is full of spitting cobras?

That... yeah, that
particular rack is.

In here, there's
probably a hundred...

There's about .


This one here is one
that k*lled the person.

Who had it at one time, so...

- Really?
- It... it k*lled the owner?

If you guys are interested
in touching the snake,

Once he has a hold of his head,

I can let you know
when it's safe.

Can... can I get a crew member
or two to throw in front of me?

If you want to come up, you can.

Can we get... can
we get closer? Yeah.

Is there any more in
that cage that's open?

- No.
- No.

- Okay.
- No, only one.

Wow. Look at all that.

Yeah, this will
k*ll an elephant.

- Really?
- Alright, you guys can back up.

- Yeah.
- Don't crush your glasses.

- Let's back up.
- She'll spit in your eye.

Well, this one's gonna
be next. This one's...

- She's agro?
- Yeah.

What the.

This venom right here
has a cytotoxin in it.

And actually
destroys cancer cells.

- Wow.
- Ace inhibitors,

Which millions of people
take for high blood pressure,

Were developed from the venom.

Of a south American
lancehead viper.

More people have been
saved from snake venom.

Then even have ever
been k*lled by bites.

It looks like pee.

- It does.
- It does.

How much of that would k*ll you?


Like a drop.

A drop? Really?

- Yeah.
- Dude.

I actually don't get paid.

I do this because this
helps people to live.

- Wow.
- Fantastic.

It's not every day you find
someone who willingly goes.

Elbow deep into the
cage of a -foot cobra.

But for jim and Kristen,
it's a labor of love,

Putting risk and rationality
aside for a greater good.

That was exhilarating.


That guy was so zen. Yeah.

And still, like,
confident as all hell.


- Right here.
- Right here, yeah.

- Konnichiwa.
- Konnichiwa.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Hiromi, I'm Norman.

Daryl, yes.

Nice to meet you. Hi.

Did you guys build these cars?

You got hydraulics in them?

For real? These cars are sick.

- Sick.
- Very sick, very cool.

So you guys are going
to take us around?

Little bit of Kyoto.
Let's do it. Let's do it.

It's so quiet, japan, on
the streets, everywhere.


In my years of
riding with friends,

You learn you don't
really know someone.

Until you're miles deep,

Nothing to eat since : a.M.,

And hauling ass
to the next stop.

Welcome to Kyoto.

Yeah, do you know Kyoto?

A little bit. Tokyo, more Osaka.

Take Milo ventimiglia.
We've met before,

But it was in japan through
our shared love of the culture.

Where we really hit it off.

Do you speak a lot of Japanese?

Not as much as I used to.

I studied it for two years
while I was also sh**ting

"this is us," and
then, at a certain point,

The work on the show
was just too much,

So I had to take
a break from class,

So I kind of speak
like a kid nowadays.

Me too, and that's English.

Yeah, these monks that ride,

There's a waterfall
purification thing.

Yeah, it might be a little cold.

It's supposed to crush your ego.

Yeah, no, I need my ego.

My ego is the only thing
that gets me through the day.

There's no way
I'm giving that up.

- Hi.
- Hi.

What's going on? Hi, guys.

Hi. I'm Norman. Hi.

Nice. Shuke, yeah.

Nice to meet you,
shuke. Nice to meet you.

Yeah. It's a pleasure.

So what is this place?

- Temple cafe.
- Yeah.

How did it become a
motorcycle destination?

Bikes are dangerous.

You bless motorcycles?

Of course. Caffeinated and safe.


This is the main
waterfall temple, literally.

What is the gold
star at the top?

That's the hontaki-ji
temple mark.

This is the particularly
sacred spot.

For people who come
to give their prayers.

If you have any coins,
you can make a wish.

Okay, so you toss it in here.

You grab this whole thing?

You ready?

- Here, we have the waterfall.
- Wow.

It's like glass piercing
through your skin.


Our apprentice monk
will now demonstrate.

The taki-go is a way to
battle your own demons.

So people come here,

And they need to sort
of reset their minds.

He can leave as
soon as he wants,

But he's battling his own will.

This is a traffic safety bell.


Thank you so much.

Arigato. Thank you so much.

Alright. Here we
go. I got a spot.

Here you go.



On the road, I've
also discovered.

Getting out of your element.

Sometimes reveals a
different side to someone.

That you wouldn't
catch back home.

Brent hinds is a
good buddy of mine,

A Grammy-winning, guitar-playing
bad ass who plays the part.

But when we hit up a
voodoo temple in new Orleans,

He dropped his guard.

You nervous?

Yeah. You should be.

- Hey. How you doing?
- Hi. I'm Norman.

- I'm sally.
- Nice to meet you, sally.

Hi, sally. How are
you? My name's Brent.

Brent, nice to meet you.

Every time I'm in new
Orleans, I can feel it.

You say voodoo and
everybody thinks zombies, right?

You probably think zombies
even more than most people.

To me, voodoo is not this
dangerous hexing thing.

Because it's not. It's
a beautiful religion.

It's all about raising
your own power.

And becoming a
participant in your own life.

I like everything you're saying.

This is really affecting me.
Yeah, you're into this, I can tell.

I just constantly feel it.

We have a shrine
for Marie laveau,

Probably new Orleans'
most famous citizen.

years after she d*ed,

People still go to
her for empowerment.

And guidance and healing.

Gonna do a little
ceremony for her out there.

And see how that feels.

And we're going to go out here.

First, we always offer to the
four corners of the crossroads.

We orient things.

Everything's done in threes.

Because two could
be a coincidence.

But three means you're
moving into intention.

Three drops.

And then kiss the back
of your hand three times.


We did it.

Thank you so much.

Yeah, man.

Wow, she was awesome.


She made the weather
clear up and my mind clear up.

That lady... I can't
get over that lady.

I'm feeling so much
weight lifted off of my soul.

You became very
emotional with all of that.

You really... you're a feeler.

I mean, you listen
to your music,

You see, like, you're
full-on, full, raw power.

I'm not a fighter. I'm a lover.

And I'm a lifer from
a passion of art.

And I feel like
it's my goal in life.

Is to figure out what
the hell I'm doing here.

Yeah. It's interesting to me.

To have a new aspect
of someone's personality.

Be shown through a couple
of days, like, on the road.

You'll never find that
that part of yourself.

Sitting in your living room.

Yeah. Ever.

It's why motorcycles go
well with this kind of lifestyle.

You know? It works.

You really do learn to
not sweat the petty stuff.

And pet the sweaty stuff.


That's my next
t-shirt right there.

It's so pretty out here.

These mountains in the
background are so beautiful.

You know what this is?


When we took a ride to Hawaii,

We were looking to
get off the beaten path.

It's how my friend
photographer Patrick hoelck.

And I found ourselves
on the big island.

This is so cool. There's
all this mountain vibe.

The colors are extreme, right?

Yeah. Smells good.

It does smell good.

Hawaii is one of those places
where myth precedes reality.

But that aloha
spirit you hear about,

It totally exists.

And on a chance encounter,

We were lucky enough
to catch it firsthand.

It's a double rainbow.
How pretty is this?

The rainbow's just
not going away.

Good morning.

What you doing?

This is like a little
homemade fish scaler.

Just made out of beer caps.

That's interesting. Did
somebody teach you.

How to do that or
you just make that up?

It's been around for awhile.

Pretty much, this is
it. Clean it real good.

It's really pretty once
you strip its skin off.

Norman. Calvin.
Nice to meet you.

Patrick, pleasure.
Nice to meet you. Yeah.

What kind of fish do you
catch here? All kind of reef fish.

You got, like, unicorn fish.

Unicorn fish? Yeah.

Well, that's a unicorn fish
right there. These are beautiful.

Shut up. Unicorn fish
has a unicorn horn.

I was just going to go
do some snorkeling.

I got extra gear if you
guys want to jump in.

Do you wanna? I'm down.

Yeah. Let's do it.

Hey, Calvin? You
could pee in these,

Right, these
suits? Just in case?

- You see all those fish?
- Yeah.

You see how big that one is?

That's your parrot fish, yeah.

Let's go deeper?
Can we go deeper?

Whoa, there's a
whale! Turn around!

Yeah, turn your camera around,

'cause a whale
jumped out of the water.

Should be right there.

Giant whale came
out of the water.

And just went ka-plow!

That was crazy.
That's cool, yeah.

That was... that was dutch.

If you guys want to
come up and eat fish,

We're going to cook
some fish on the grill.

Hell, yeah. Cool.

Yeah. Let's do it.

How's it going? Hi.

How was the water?
It was awesome.

I saw a whale.

There's a lot of whales
coming through now.

Always in this
area, they go back.

To the channel
and they go to Maui.

And are they protected
out here in the waters?

Yes. Everything.

All the whales in Hawaii are
protected. That's awesome.

Go for it, man. Just grab some.

You're in. I'm gonna hold out.

You're so savage. Just throw
it on, eat it right off the thing.

Yeah, it's good, bro.

It's really good.

Where'd you learn
how to spearfish?

I learned how to spearfish
when I was about years old.

My grandpa used to
take me to the beach.

And lie down and look
underneath a rock and sh**t fish.

You just got to
respect the ocean.

You know, whatever you take,
you don't want to take too much.

I mean, is that like
the law of the land?

Yeah, it's basically just
the whole cultural thing.

About Hawaii... sharing
your catch, you know?


In Hawaii, we call 'ohana.

'Ohana means family.

Nice to meet you. Hi.

In Hawaii, 'ohana is like,
it's 'ohana over everything.

Family over everything.

Sharing everything you've got,

Everything you believe in,

Sharing all the love.

That's cool you
have, like, memory.

Of learning how to do that.

This is my father's belt buckle.

Cool, man.

Yeah. It says
on the end of it.

Wow. It's that old?

Yeah. My dad used to wear it.

That's awesome. That's
the kind of memories

I kind of like take with
me when I'm spearfishing.

Because if it wasn't
for my grandpa,

I wouldn't be able to learn
how to do this, you know?


To your grandpa.
Thanks for having us.

Pleasure to meet
you, man. Pleasure.

Calvin exemplifies what it
means to be a true Hawaiian.

There's a
significance and family.

That goes beyond blood,
a reverence for the land.

And for each other and 'ohana.

It's a way of life.

Bye, whale.

That was nice of him.

Yeah, he was awesome, that guy.

People coming together...

It's what I love about new york.

Living here, the entire world
is right at your fingertips.

And these streets
have long been a refuge.

For those who bask in
the margins of society,

A place where can come
as you are and you fit right in.

When was the last
time you were out here?

years ago or something.

It's definitely
changed a little bit.

I've seen it time
and time again,

Sometimes in the
most unexpected ways.

Look, look, look! It's
showtime, coney island!

Join us on the inside
of the world-famous.

Coney island circus sideshow.

And it's right
inside these doors.

My god, dude. Shut up.

- Wow.
- Thank you, thank you.

Now, a lot of people think
sword swallowing is fake,

But if you look closely, you
can see what we in the biz.

Like to call stomach
boogers. That's the bile.

Now, Norman, come on up here.

I'm gonna bend forward to
you. I'm gonna give you a signal.

You grab the handle of the saw.

And just pull it
straight out of my body.


Alright, Norman. Are you ready?


- Dude.
- There you have it.

That's for the home video.

You know what was nuts is I
could feel the guh-guh-guh-guh-guh.

You can feel the ridges kind of
in the sides of my throat. Yeah.

- Dude, that's crazy.
- Now, since you're up here,

The coney island t*rture chair.

You're gonna have ,
or so volts of electricity.

Coursing through your system.

Norman reedus, any last words?

Someone take care of my cat.

A one, a two, and a...


- That was awesome.
- Very nice.

That was so cool.

How did you get into all this?

After high school,
I got into magic.

But when I came out here, I
met a different type of individual.

Than I had ever met before,

Natural-born freaks
as they're referred to,

Like, you know, the lobster
boys and that sort of thing. Wow.

It just changes the way you
look at humanity in general, I think.

Who does the artwork
up here? It's really cool.

They're all painted by
our artist in residence,

Marie Roberts.

Wow. What a cool
studio you have.

- Thank you.
- How did you get into this?

My uncle Lester was the talker.

At the dreamland circus
sideshow in the s.

So I grew up thinking people.

Without arms and
legs were normal.

And then, years
ago, I met d*ck zigun,

Who started coney island, usa,

And I brought down
all my uncle lester's.

Sideshow pictures
and memorabilia.

They're photos of
all the freak show,

The dreamland freak show,

Eating at stauch's restaurant.

So you have people
that are born different,

Who don't look like us.

You've got people of
many different colors.

You've got people of
many different genders.

It's nice to see that
Lionel the lion-faced man.

Can put on a paper hat and
have fun like anybody else.

And I thought, "wow,
this organization is great."

- "I'm home."
- "I'm home."

And I think this is
all normal. Yeah.

And what's out there isn't.

- Does that make sense?
- Absolutely.

Through this show and
my crazy, very fortunate life,

I've filled a few passports.

Hello. Good day. Hello.

Big rocks.

But no matter whether
it's across the globe.

Or across your town,

Travel makes the
world more relatable.

Because despite the
difference in our languages,

Politics, or religions,

Our similarities far
surpass what sets us apart.

And getting out of our bubble
and connecting with others...

Cheers, brother.

It might even make
us better human beings.