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01x11 - Gimme an O!

Posted: 03/02/22 11:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on "felicity"...

But I wanted to see you
because I'm leaving today. Today?

Look, whatever we
are, I love what we are.

And we can figure
it out in january.

Do you still want
to share a cab?

I'm not going back. I'll... I'll just
see you when I get back, then.

Okay. You have fun.

Bye. Bye.

[Tape recorder clicks]

Dear sally, for
the first two weeks,

Being back in
california was great.

I mean, I was happy
to see my parents,

And they were happy to see me.

But then it happened.

I got this pang, you know,

This... This need to
get back to new york,

Because that's where my life is.

I needed to go home...

If I could just say one thing...
For a couple of reasons.

Actually, one in particular.

It's our room, and
it's not godforsaken,

Whatever the hell that
means. It's a fire hazard!

It's a little brown. So what? I keep
my christmas trees until february.

It's good luck. No, not with
me as your roommate, i-it's not.

You know what? Richard's
right. I'm tossing this tree.

You mean "kindling." Thank
you. Look, look, you take my tree,

That puts a hex
on me and my family.


[Branch snaps] now there's
no bad luck and no fire hazard.

Go. Peace. Get out of here.

So that's what you look like.

So, hi. You have no idea
how happy I am to see you.

Yeah, I think I do. Oh...


Oh, you smell so good. [Laughs]

[Laughs] maybe it's the pine.

Mmm. Well, let me... Let me
clear this off for you, okay?

Wow! An imac!

Yeah, well, with my
credit-card bill, you know.

But, uh, but this thing
is amazing. It's so fast.

Hey, so, there's something
I have to tell you.

Um, i-i was gonna say something
on the phone yesterday, but...

What is it? Uh, I did
a lot of thinking

Over vacation, you know?

Oh, um, what is it...

You don't... You don't think
we should start dating?

Right? It might... It might
ruin our relationship?

Or you like me too much,
and you don't want to

Jeopardize what we have with...
With physical intimacy, right?

'Cause you can say
any of that stuff to me.

I've been preparing for the last
four weeks for a speech like that, so...


I've decided...

That you and I should have sex.


♪ Ooh de la ♪

♪ Ooh de oh oh ♪

♪ Ooh le lo ha ♪

♪ Oh de lo ha ♪

♪ Lo la lo ho ♪

♪ Hey ha ♪

♪ Hey-ey ♪

♪ Oh hey hi da da ♪

Okay, I know this
seems out of the blue,

Like all of a sudden,
bam, I want to have sex.

But, really, it's something
that I've been thinking about

For a-a long time.

Ever since I got to college,

I've just felt disconnected,

Like I'm not a part
of something.

And I'm... I'm pretty certain

It's because all
the people I see,

They're doing it.

I mean, they're having sex.

It happened a thousand times.

I'd look at someone and
think, "that girl... She has sex,

"And... And so does she.

He has sex with her."

"Those two definitely have sex,

Like, all the time."

All of these people
are having sex,

And I'm not.

Yeah, so, you know, I was really
depressed with my parents,

When I told them about zack.

You know they, um, they
just... They actually got it.

They didn't make me
feel guilty or anything.

And my dad even hugged me,

Which I could not
believe. [Laughs]

That's so great.

Yeah, I know.

You had a good time, too, right?

Oh, yeah.

My dad still clenches his teeth
every time I talk about new york.

But... I-i was really looking
forward to getting back.

Me too.


Hey, welcome back!

Yeah, you too. How was
palo alto? I met your dad.

You did? Yeah, when I was
getting a christmas tree.

Uh, he was there talking to
a doctor friend of my dad's.

He seemed nice.

Well, he makes a
good first impression.

So, what did you end up doing?

I, uh, i...

[Laughs] I went to vermont.

Yeah, sean's buddy has a
house outside of stowe.


Yeah, it was pretty great. Yeah.

How you doing?


Good. Okay, so, I'll see
you guys after class.

[Indistinct conversations]

It's weird coming
back, isn't it?

It's like... We never left.


I just... I want to be
clear about yesterday.

Did I hear you correctly?
Yeah, you heard me.


So, uh...

[Indistinct conversations]

When... When were
you thinking about, um...


Actually, it would
be really great,

Before we did anything,

If you got tested for hiv.

Absolutely, yeah. I'm
so... I'm so all over that.

I mean, not that I think
that you're positive.

No, no, no. Hey,
we have to be safe.

And, you know, I would totally
offer to get tested myself,

Except that I've never... Hey,
say no more... I'm on a mission.

I-i don't know if you can
tell, but I'm very enthusiastic

About this whole endeavor, so...

I'm on top of it. It's...

Whole milk or nonfat?

What's this for?

For being so cute.

All right. Spit it out.


Whatever it is you're
afraid to tell me.

I'm not afraid to
tell you anything.

You gonna open it or what?

Wow. [Chuckles]

So, do you like it?

Uh, yeah, i-i love it.

I knew it. It's
beautiful, isn't it?

Yeah, it's so stretchy.

The minute I saw it, I
thought, "that's so elena."

[Laughs] you were
right. It's... So me.

[Elevator dings, doors open]

Um... Thank you.

I can't wait for you to wear it.

Yeah, neither can i.

Well, I gotta go.
I'm glad you like it.



What in the world?

Hey! Ben!

Hey. How's it going?

Uh, it's good. How are you?

Great. Fantastic. Just
went to the doctor.

Oh. You okay?

There's every indication I'm just
fine... Thanks for asking, though. Okay.

Yeah. Hey! Hi.

Hi. Uh, we're having a party
at sladeover on friday,

So "invite only" if you want.

Oh, okay. Um, thank
you very much.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.


Um, who was that?

I don't know. Uh, some
sort of party or something.

You know what's
amazing is that yesterday,

That would have
really bugged me.

What? That... You know,
pretty girl comes up,

Invites you to her
party... Total stranger...

I would have hated you for that.

But now... I don't know...
It's amusing, you know.

It doesn't affect
me the same way.

Why? What happened?

Progress, life moving
ahead. Things changing...

You know, stuff
like that. Right.

I'll see you. Okay.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Horns honking] felicity: so I
decided, if I'm going to do this,

I'm going to do it right.

And you know what? I'm not
gonna be embarrassed about it.

There is no reason why I
should feel embarrassed at all.

Excuse me, where
are your sex books?

They're right there.

[Mid-tempo jazz music plays]

Is this for a class?

Oh, no, I'm, uh,
buying them for me...

Personal, uh, edification.


And what specifically were
you looking for about sex?

S-specifically? Mm-hmm.

Uh... Having it.

Yeah, I was... I was looking

At this one, actually... Mars
and venus in the bedroom,

Which sounded perfect, but,
um, it didn't have a lot of pictures.

[Loudly] and I'm a
very visual person.

I get very confused spatially
when there aren't pictures

When they're trying to
explain things, you know?

Am I making you uncomfortable?!

No, you're just
talking really loudly.

Oh, I'm... I'm
sorry. I didn't...

Do you know how good it feels?

No. Um... Actually, that's...

That's kind of the
point. It's a book.

[Laughing] oh, no, I
don't have that one.

How about... This?

Gimme an 'o.'

Page 46 is really something.

That's all I'm going to say.

[Footsteps depart]

[Music continues]

I'll... I'll take it.



What is this?

That? Yeah.

That's julie's toothbrush.

No, no, this breaks the
"no live-in girlfriend" rule.

Julie's not my girlfriend.
Well, you know what?

Blue toothbrush says girlfriend.

I'm telling you, she's had
a rough couple months,

And I'm just helping
her out, that's it.

Okay. I understand.

She's... She's like a
real-estate investment.



You know when you buy
an inexpensive piece of land?

You know you're gonna
build on it eventually

When the value
goes up, but you...

You know, you take
your time, play it safe,

Make sure you got the capital.

Then you build. You are
crazy, you know that.

You're investing in the future.

Which as a businessman,

I give you nothing but respect.

Well, your respect scares me.




Looking for this?


You leaving?

Yes, I am. Um... Can i...

What? Talk?


Mmm. Hey, don't mind me...

Just 'cause I own
the place. Here.

Thank you. Enjoy that.

Okay, listen...

After my counselor,

I think I'm gonna
go talk to felicity.


Because it just felt
awful this morning

Being in class and
not saying anything.

[Sighs] so what, uh, are you
and I not supposed to hang out

Because, uh, it's gonna
hurt felicity's feelings?

No, uh, that's not it.

Then what is it?

[Sighing] I don't know.

I just...

I want to be honest.

Okay, then tell her.

I'm going to.

It's just gonna be really hard.


[Bowl rattles]

[Pounding and creaking]

Did I break it?

No. No, I'm the one
who dropped it.

So it is broken?

Well... It's not working, so...

But... Look at this.

This is...

A blood donor card.

Mm-hmm. The doctor
reminded me that the, uh,

The red cross only gives those
out to people who are hiv-negative.

And, you know, I gave
blood last month,

I had zero contact with
anybody, and I have a card.

Uh, so that means that, medically,
I am officially safe-sex material.


Okay, so, uh... When
do you want to do this?

Um, now?

I don't want to rush it.

No. No, okay. Um,
how about tonight?

Uh... Lecture.

Okay. Tomorrow?

I got a lab tomorrow.

Right. How about wednesday?

I'm... I'm wide open wednesday!

I'm... I'm working
at dean & deluca.

Isn't, uh, isn't there someone
who can cover for you?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm
sure I can. Okay.

"Noel... Sex."

Is 8:00 okay?

For sex? 8:00... 8:00'S good.

I'll see you then.

Wednesday, 8:00.

Great. And, hey, um...

If you need to reschedule
or anything, just let me know.

Oh, I can pretty much guarantee
that t-that won't be a problem.


Felicity porter?


The pill is 99% effective
when taken correctly,

Which means one pill every day,

Preferably at the
same time each day.

You can start the first
sunday after your next period.

And I use it with
condoms, right?

Yes, that's important.

The pill takes a month
to become effective.

Plus, it doesn't protect against
sexually transmitted diseases.

That's right. You should
always use a condom.

What kind would you like?

Uh... Latex? Polyurethane?

Ribbed? Lubricated?



We'll go with the basic latex.


What is that? I mean, i-i know
what it's supposed to be.


It lets you practice
your technique.

Uh, lots of people
get it wrong, actually,

But it's really very simple.

You place the condom over
the erect penis, holding the tip

To remove any air that
might have gathered there.

You roll said prophylactic
down toward the base of the pubis.


You must do this a
million times a day.


I-it's probably like when I
worked at this ice-cream parlor,

Um, and I had to scoop
ice cream all day.

At first, it was
the greatest thing,

But then, after a
few days, I'd get home

And my mom would say, "do you
want some ice cream for dessert?"

And I'd be like, "no, thanks, mom,"
'cause I'd been staring at it all day,

And I was completely sick of it.

Is it like that at all?



Would you like to give it a try?

Uh... No, that's... That's okay.



What are you doing here?
Uh, what are you doing here?

I'm going to see my
counselor. How about you?

Actually, it's,
uh... About... Sex.

What about it? [Giggles]

I'm gonna have it with noel.

And I was just in there talking
to the health-services guy.

You and noel?

Oh, my god. That's...
That's great!

Yeah! Do you think so?


Because I felt weird
talking to you about it,

You know, after, uh...

Oh, just because I had a bad
sexual experience with zack

Doesn't mean you shouldn't
have a great first one with noel.

And it definitely doesn't
mean we shouldn't talk about it.


So this is a big deal.

I know!

It's about time,
right? [Chuckles]

I'm glad I told you. It feels
terrible not telling you everything.

Yeah, it does.

I'm late for my counselor.

I have to go.

So should I say, like,
congratulations or something?

Uh, yeah, I guess.


[Laughs] thanks.

[Door creaks]

[Mid-tempo music playing]
[exhaling deeply]

You know, I've never
done a sit-up in my life.

Except for when I
thought I might score...

Which is really so pathetic.

[Panting] yep. Pathetic.

So, is this guy gonna,

You know, be able to
help me with my computer?


Not only is he one of the greatest
human beings that ever lived,

He is an official
authorized apple-repair guy.

It is a done deal, my friend.

Hey. Do you have a minute? Hey.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

You know, your tree's dead.

Oh, it's not mine. Um...

Here. So what's up?

It's about ben and felicity.

You're joking, right?

Please... Please
tell me you're joking.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, not
ben and felicity together.

It's... Me and
ben... And felicity.

Okay, yes or no...

Uh, ben and felicity
are together. No.

So you and... You and
ben are together?

Yes. Good for you.

We're not... We're not
together together.

We're just... We're
hanging out...

A lot.

What constitutes "a lot"?

Every night.

That's a lot.

Um, at the end of last semester,

Remember when the whole
thing happened with zack?

I-i-i couldn't sleep.

So, one night, I went
over to his place,

And he was... He was amazing.

He just talked to
me until I fell asleep.

He made me feel...

I don't know...


And I've just... I've been
sleeping over there ever since.

With ben?

Nothing happens.

We're just spending
time together.

Right. So, um...
What's the problem?

I haven't told felicity,
and I think that she'd...

Feel it was some
sort of betrayal.

She might not, you know?

I mean, I have a... I have
a pretty good reason

To believe that
felicity's moved past ben.

Oh, I know that she has.

She's told me all about you two.

She did? Yes.
She's very excited.


No, I'm just... I'm worried

That she'll be mad at
me for not telling her


I'm... Sleeping in ben's bed

Or the two of us went to vermont

For a week over vacation.

And nothing happened
there, either?

We went snowshoeing. Okay, so...

If the only thing that's
going on between you and ben

Is snowshoeing and deep
sleep, why can't you tell felicity?

I don't know.


Can I offer a reason? Mm-hmm.

Maybe it's because you know
that something's about to happen.


You're right.

I have to tell her.

Okay, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna tell her.

I'm gonna tell her tonight.

No, no, no.

Uh, no. Don't tell her
tonight... Not tonight.

Oh, right.

Yeah, uh, any... Anytime after
thursday would be good.

F-friday, for example...
T-tell her friday.

Okay. Mm-hmm.

Really? You and noel?


I'm only asking you because
you have such experience.

You two should have been
going at it a long time ago.

Well, I'm a slow starter.

Let me give you a tip.

Be the ball.


Focus on the ball.

W-which ball are we
talking about exactly?

It's this golf thing I
saw on an infomercial.

Take all your energy and all
your concentration, and focus it.

On the ball? On him.

Treat it like any
chemistry final.

Forget about food, your
other work, and just focus...

Like you've got blinders on...

Like a racehorse.

Take control right
away, and keep it going.

Eye on the ball.

Eye on the ball?


You and blair must
have an amazing sex life.

Speaking of which,

What do you think of this?

Uh, what is it?

You tell me.
Blair gave it to me.

It looks like a... Like
a really short skirt.

Are you sure it's not a top?
Why don't you just ask him?

It's too late. I've
already told him I love it.

I can't go back to him and say, "you know
that thing I said I loved... What is it?"

It'll crush him. [Chuckling]
never stopped you before.

Yeah, what can I
say? I like the guy.


So remember... Eye on the ball.

Got it.

And sexy underwear never hurt.

Felicity: item number, uh,
7p-108 in your catalog.

The, uh, patricia bra.

Yeah, uh, I was just
curious i-if you had that.

Oh, i-i haven't picked
out a color yet.

Um... W-which...
Which do you think?

Uh, because...

Someone else is
going to be seeing it.


Black? Um... You don't
think black is too much?

[Indistinct talking]

Uh, you know, i-i
think I'll go ahead

And just, uh, go look in your
store, see what you have in stock.

Great. Thanks.

[Hangs up]

I heard. [Clears throat]

Y-you heard what?

About your plan to bone the r.a.

What?! Who told you that?

The mailroom guy. Oh, my god...

Everybody knows. Sure.

Gimme an 'o'?!

This was my favorite
book in eighth grade!

Did you check out page 46?

Uh, y-yeah.


[Inhales sharply] I'm
getting all nostalgic.

Do you want some sex advice?

Not really.


[Indistinct talking]

[Door closes]

[Un homme et une femme's
"samba saravah" plays]

[Exhales deeply]

[Knock on door] hang on.

[Exhales deeply]



Can I come in?

Oh, yeah.

What are you doing?






Can i... Can I get
you anything...

You know, maybe a... Oh, um...
A bottle of water, which i...


Oh! Mmm.

Ow! Agh! What?

I fell on something
sharp. It's...

It's a hairbrush.




H-hold on! Hold on!

What's wrong? Um,
uh... I-i was just thinking

That maybe we should slow
down just a little, you know,

Let me... Let me catch my breath

And not feel like this is being,
uh, nationally televised, okay?



Oh, my god! [Crash]

I-i thought you locked the door!

You didn't give me much chance!


[Light bulb breaks]
aah! Oh! Fire!

[Alarm rings] okay, okay, wait!

No... Uh, nobody panic! Um, guys,
guys, it'll go out in a second!

It'll be out in a second! Wait!

Oh, my...

Wait! Nobody panic!

[Alarm continues]
look, we can do this!

Noel, your room is
on fire! No, look! Look!

It'll be out in a second!

Uh... Wait! Wait! God!

Man: there's a fire!


[Alarm continues]

I was a volunteer
firefighter in high school.

Yeah, we can tell.

Noel, don't the rules say when the
alarm goes off we gotta evacuate?



[Indistinct talking,
alarm continues]

[Knock on door] hey.

I can't look at you.

[Chuckles] it wasn't that bad.

[Sighs deeply] I was a freak!

I mean, who was that person?

You were a little aggressive.

Oh, my god, and those
people walking in,

And then... And then the
tree and the fire... Ugh!

I don't even want
to think about it.

All right, so...

So, it wasn't what we
imagined, you know, but...

I just thought, if I could
barrel through it, you know,

We would just get it
over with and then...

[Sighs] I don't know.

Hey, felicity...

Look at me.

Look, it just needed to be

A little more
romantic, that's all.

What, sex by a roaring fire

Isn't romantic enough for you?

[Both chuckle]

I got us a room
at the worcester.

The hotel?

So that we could be alone.

Our reservations
are for tonight.


Javier, i-i'm sorry,

But I need tonight off.

No, no, no. This is
the busiest day ever!

Thanks to god you are
here! I am exhausted.

Just... Just this one
night. No, no, no, no.

I would not ask you
if it wasn't important.

Is this about a guy?

What if it is? Well, tell him

To come here and
enjoy a double mocha.

Okay, see, the thing is

That what we're doing, um...

We need to be alone...
You know what I mean?

What, you think it's a national
holiday every time you get lucky?



This is a very
unique, uh, situation...

For me.

Oh, my god. This
is your first time.


I personally don't
believe in premarital sex,

But I'll take your shift.

I want details later.

Thank you!

"I stop somewhere
waiting for you."

Walt whitman rocks.

[Both laugh]

I thought you hated poetry.

Yeah, that's 'cause I
never understand it.

But walt, here, actually
wrote some stuff I get.

Listen to this.

"I celebrate myself,
and sing myself,

"And what I assume
you shall assume,

"For every atom belonging to me

As good belongs to you."


I love this.

Yeah, it's pretty
good, isn't it?

I meant hanging out with you.

No, that's what I meant, too.


[Both giggle]

[Mid-tempo jazz music plays]

Oh, my god. This
room is amazing!


[Both laugh]

♪ close and
yet so far away ♪

I'm... I'm glad we're
doing this. Thank you.

♪ I can only hope ♪
thank you.

♪ And pray... ♪

Maybe we should, uh, have
some champagne? Ooh, a minibar.

You're not gonna open
that, are you? Totally.

Okay, but there is no more
expensive food on the planet

Than... Than minibar food.

Whenever I'm in a hotel with my
parents, they never let me eat from it.

So tonight it is on
me. What do you want?

Um... I-i'll have a coke.

What should we toast?

[Coke fizzes] uh...

How about to better luck
the second time around?

♪ ...some stranger ♪

♪ I never knew... ♪

This is gonna be good.

Ben: you sure you don't want
to come back to the loft?

Sean's not there.

He hates me, doesn't he?

No, he doesn't hate you.

He... He just... He found
your toothbrush,

And in sean's world, a
toothbrush means live-in girlfriend,

And, you know,
he has this rule...

About no live-in girlfriends.

Yeah, but, um, I told
him what was up.

Well, I still think I'm
gonna stay here tonight.


But thanks...

For everything.

All right. Good night.

Good night.

♪ ...together, but
who knows how long? ♪

♪ Feels so right
and yet so wrong ♪

[Telephone rings]

Call you tomorrow.

Okay, bye.


Felicity: it's me. Hey.

Hey, so listen... You're never
gonna guess where I am.


[Toilet flushes]

Is that a toilet flush?

I'm using the phone

In this suite that noel
and I got at the worcester.

Really? Yeah.

Here, I'll do it again.
No! [Laughs] it's okay.

So, um...

This is it. I mean...
[Exhales deeply]

I think that, you know,

Noel and I are
really gonna do this.



You... You sound weird.

Is something wrong?

No. No, nothing.


Nothing. It's... It's stupid.

This is a big night for you.

I-i want you to
have a great time.

I'm having a great time.

So tell me.

Seriously, there is nothing to
tell you. Now go and have fun.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Yeah, okay.



[Chuckles] that is a
pretty great bathroom.


This is a pretty
great bed. [Chuckles]


You know what? I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm just
trying to focus.

I just need to
focus, that's all.

[Chuckles nervously]

[Clears throat]

I called julie.

From... From the bathroom?

Yeah, there's a...

There's a phone
right by the toilet.

That's impressive.

She sounded... She
sounded really upset.

She didn't say why?

No. It just seemed
like... I don't know...

Something seemed wrong with her.

Nah, i-i don't think so.

You don't?

No, I think she's, uh, I
think she's gonna be fine.


Did you... Did you talk
to her or something?

What? What's going on?

She's with ben.

What do you mean?

Julie and ben, they've been...
I don't know... Hanging out.

Hanging out? Yeah,
that's what she called it...

"Hanging out."

You know, they...
Spend time together.

How much time?

I think... I think she
said, um, every night.

When... When did
you talk to her?


So you've known since yesterday

That julie and ben
were having an affair

And you didn't tell me?

It's not... It's not an affair.

Ah, wow, I can't believe
you didn't tell me.

Why should it matter?

Because it matters.
I don't know.

Why? Because they
didn't tell you earlier

Or because... Because you're
still obsessed with ben?

Because I had a-a big
talk with her yesterday.

I mean, I told her all about us,

And I told her how much
I valued her friendship.

And you know what she said about
what you just told me? Nothing.

That's because she
knows the truth.



If I am, as you say,
obsessed with ben,

Why am I here with you?

I don't know.

Noel, what are you doing?

Where are you going?

We can't do this. I don't
want to be the rehearsal.

You're not the rehearsal.

You know how I know that I am?

Because I know that when I tell you what I'm
about to tell you, your face is gonna drop.

Ben and julie went
to vermont together.

Good night, felicity.

[Door opens, closes]

Man: she's right there.

[Indistinct talking]

Hey, it's julie.


[Door creaks]


Sorry I didn't call.

Oh, you don't have to call.


Oh, there's my t-shirt.

Yeah, you have a
bunch of stuff here.

I do? Yes.

How many quarters do I owe you?

Oh, don't worry
about it. It's on sean.

But don't tell him that.


Last night in my room...

I really wanted to kiss you.


And you wanted to kiss me back.


Yes, I did.

[R.e.m.'S "everybody
hurts" plays] yes. Um...

So, what do we do?

When I talk to my
counselor about you and me...

I tell her that I don't want
to feel like this person

That, when something bad happens,
goes and runs into some guy's bed.

♪ When the day is long ♪

Yeah. Um...

♪ And the night ♪
and what did she say?

♪ And the night is yours
alone ♪ she says that...

You're not some guy.

And that I should...

♪ When you're sure you've had
enough ♪ do what feels right.

♪ Of this life ♪ and I tell
her that what would feel right

Would be...

♪ Well, hang on ♪
to go slowly with you.

Yeah, slow is good.

♪ Don't let yourself go ♪
are you sure?


♪ 'Cause everybody cries ♪

♪ And everybody hurts ♪

♪ Sometimes ♪

R.e.m. And noel: ♪ and
everybody hurts ♪

♪ Sometimes ♪

♪ So hold on ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Hold on ♪ [knock
on door] elena: noel?

[Groans] [door opens]

R.e.m.: ♪ Hold on ♪

[Door closes]

♪ Hold on ♪

What are you doing?

What are you doing? What
does it look like I'm doing?

♪ Hold on ♪
[exhales deeply]

[Music stops]

You're the resident advisor,
and I need you to advise.

Does this look all right?


I came by here to get some help,

But clearly you
need it more than I do.

What I need... Is a dark room

With really depressing
music playing.

R.e.m. And noel: ♪
everybody hurts ♪

If you want my opinion,

♪ Sometimes ♪ you're obsessed
with the idea that she's obsessed.


Felicity came by my room last
night and told me what happened.

♪ Everybody hurts ♪
mmm, super.

Makes it easier, doesn't it?

♪ Sometimes ♪

Telling yourself that she'd
rather be with ben than you.

♪ So hold on ♪ that way you don't actually
have to have a relationship with her.

♪ Hold on ♪ you can just fixate on the
two of them instead of the two of you.

Just so you know, um...

♪ Hold on ♪ you're really
beginning to get on my nerves.

♪ Hold on ♪ fine! I'll leave
you to wallow in your self-pity.

I'm not wallowing.

[Inhales sharply]

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Hold on ♪
okay. All right, fine.

So maybe I'm wallowing.

But a good wallow
never hurt anybody.

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Everybody hurts ♪ but
it's really unattractive...

And in this case,
totally unnecessary.

Thank you.

No problem.

Now, honestly...

What do you think of this skirt?

Blair: it's not a skirt.

It's not?

It's for your hair.

I'm wearing a
headband as a skirt?

Why didn't you just
ask me what it was?

I-i didn't want to
hurt your feelings.

A-and now I'm standing
in the cafeteria

With a headband
around my ass. [Chuckles]

Excuse me. You know...

Not many people
could pull that off.

[Indistinct conversations]


So, noel told me.

I'm sorry.

I know that I should have
been the one to tell you.

I just... I don't know... I-i
thought that you would...

Freak out?

Well, um, I mean,
I'm not going to.

I've been holding onto this...

This stupid crush
for so long that...

I think... I was scared
to let go of it...

You know, like, if I did,

If I admitted that ben and I
were never gonna get together,

That somehow it would put
everything into question...

Like, without that
possibility, I had nothing.

That is so not true.

No, of course it
isn't. I mean, I have...

I have tons.

Just time to start
enjoying some of it.

I mean, liking someone's supposed
to make your life better, not worse.

Yeah. [Laughs]



Oh, we were just, um...

Talking about you behind
your back, actually. [Laughs]

Oh, um...

How badly did I do?

Sit here.

Uh, julie will fill you in.


No, I'll... I'll go
sit over there.

No, there's something
that I have to go do... Really.

Um... Take notes for me.



Ben: is she all right?

Julie: I think so.


Oh, good, you're here.

Um, i-i, uh...

I've been... I've been thinking about this all
day, and my plan was to come to you and apologize

For walking out last
night and overreacting,

But I realized
this is a big deal.

You know, we do this, and...
And everything changes,

So... So it's gotta be
for the right reasons,

Which are that this is something
you want to do with me...

You know, not
something you want to do

'Cause everyone
else is doing it.

But if we cross that bridge now,

It'd be a mistake.

Not... Hey, not that it
wouldn't be great during,

But... Afterwards...

You're right.

I am?

Yeah. I mean, I just...
[Exhales deeply]

I just wanted to
get sex over with

So that I could feel like I
was part of the human race,

And that's just... It's stupid.

I can't believe I just did that.


I can't believe I just talked
myself out of having sex with you.

What am i, insane?

No, you're right. No, no!

Hey, can't we... Can't
we just have sex?


Right, so you're saying no.


I'm saying no.

To me or, um... Or to sex?

Not to you.

I... Want to be with you.

Good. That's good.

I think it is.

And I understand about ben.

You know, h-he was
kind of like a bad habit,

And those are
difficult to get rid of.

But my feeling is that
after a little while with me,

It'll be a cinch.



Just... You're my
first boyfriend.

Sally: dear felicity,

I can't stop thinking
about your last tape

And how you must be feeling...

All that anticipation
and uncertainty...

All that wondering
what it's gonna be like.

[No audio]

My first time, I was a
freshman at brown.

I met this guy at a party.

I'm not sorry about that night.

It's just, I now know
something I didn't know then...

That our best decisions,

The ones that we never regret,

Come from listening
to ourselves,

Which is exactly
what you've done

And why no matter
what you decide,

You should feel very proud.

[Instrumental music plays]

[Music ends]