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01x13 - Winter Formal, Part 2

Posted: 03/02/22 19:35
by bunniefuu
[ALEXA] Katie and I were so excited.

In two days, we were going
to our first high school dance.

But this also meant we were ending
the semester just how we started it.

What are we gonna do with our hair?

It's so cute just like that.

And it's coming in so fast.

It's not long enough to show off,
so maybe next year's Winter Formal.

You know, I hate that I can't
go all out on my Willy Wonka

without my wig flying off.



And that is my go-to move.

So, what time is Dylan picking us up
on Saturday?

- I'll ask him.
- Because with hair, face, nails...

I need three hours, six minutes.

You can't rush this.

- Oh, six o'clock.

But he wishes it was sooner.


Katie, did you know Melissa Fink
asked Ryan to the dance?

Oh, she did?

But she couldn't go
because she got the flu.

Oh, she did?

Wait. Wait. Alexa, if the flu's
going around um... can you go?

It's just one person.

And Melissa always says she's sick.

Remember when she said
her appendix burst?

Yeah, it did.

Whatever. I'm still going to that dance.

Come on, Katie. What about you and Ryan?

I'll see him at the dance.

I'm just excited
that we're all going together.

Can I get a celebration Wonka?


Come on!

Wonka with me!

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it any longer ♪

♪ You make me feel stronger ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ When I can't take it ♪

♪ You make it so much better ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh, we'll do this together ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪

Are you keeping them closed?



- Oh, watch out for the couch.
- Thanks.

OK, open them.

Oh, honey!

This is so sweet of you!

Know why I did it?

- Because you love me.
- I want a puppy.

Oh, buddy, you know...

I know you're super busy,

so I thought if I helped out,
I could have a puppy.

I'm sorry. It's just too much right now.

How about in a couple of years
when I'm done with school?

But I am impressed.

Oh, my God!


All this for one bagel?

I know. Now I know why you never cook.

Please? I'm great with pets.

Secret Kitty loved me, and I've
taken really good care of Tobias.

- Who?
- My lizard.

We have a lizard?

Yeah. He's around here somewhere.

Honey, it's very, very sweet,
what you did.

But now I have to clean up this mess.

I can help.


Thank you.

OK, now, go get your stuff for school.






We just had the best Spanish class ever.

Senyora Tompkins has the flu, so we got

to talk about the dance the whole time.

It was excelente!

That means "excellent."

The flu again?

And she went home
so no one else would get it.

Muy thoughtful of her.

Muy means "very."

It's also a cute name for a cow.

Katie, you should ask Ryan to the dance.

It will be fun! And
we'll both have dates.

Hm. Maybe I should.

I-I'll text him.

He's right there!

What happened to going big
with a grand, romantic gesture?

That's for other people.

Yeah, I am more of a go-big coach.

OK, OK, I'm gonna do it!

- What's going on?
- Katie's asking Ryan to the dance.

Katie's asking Ryan to the dance.

Oh, Hannah, guess what?
Katie's asking Ryan to the dance.

So it is true!

I'm so excited!

Katie's gonna ask Ryan to the dance!

- Hi. So, Ryan...
- Yes.

- Yes?
- Yes.

Great! Uh...

Just... Just so we're clear,
I was going to ask you to the dance.

Yeah, the answer's yes.

I hope you know how to Wonka.

Yeah, I do.

Siri, what is "Wonka"?

Winter Formal day!

Winter Formal breakfast!

Winter Formal breakfast selfie!



Oh, good! You made
Winter Formal waffles for the girls.

- Technically, I'm a girl.


Do you remember our freshman Winter
Formal, when I won with the theme...

Winter Wonderland.


[SIGHS] We k*lled it
on the dance floor. Ooh!

- Yeah, we did.


Oh, Mom!


House party!


- You guys are working it!
- [DAVE] There you go!

Take it, take it.

Stop working it!
Hey, stop working it! Dylan's here!



- Dad!
- Oh.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hey.

I just have a question
about Formal tonight.

Which tie should I wear?
The bow tie or necktie?

- You could have texted me.
- Yeah... but then I wouldn't be here.


Bow tie.

You'll look great in either one.

Bow tie.

Bow tie, check.

Excuse to see you, check.

I'll see you tonight.


That was so cute!

Aw! How amazing is tonight going to be?


Email blast from school.

Oh, no!

No, no, no, no!

There is a flu outbreak.

This is what I was afraid of!
This means...

It means nothing. I'm still going.

But you can't risk being exposed
with your immune system.

I'm going, OK?

I couldn't try out for basketball,
I couldn't do the play.

I'm not gonna miss
my first high school dance.

I'm done with cancer
being the boss of me.

But your parents will never let you go.

Well, they will if they never find out.

Delete the email from our parents'
phones before they see it.

OK. Wait, what?

Come on, Katie!

I am going to bail her out of jail
one day, I just know it! I know it!



Come on, make a decision. OK, white.

- Nice.
- You distract, I'll delete.

- Alexa, can we talk about this?
- Hey, Dad, can I borrow your phone?

Oh, OK.

Yeah, I was overthinking it. I'm good.

Uh... So, not the colorful ones?

Oh, really? Yeah, I know, but...

The white ones are classy,

but my old colorful ones are so cheery.


- Classy.

I just don't know!

Thanks, Dad.

- One down.
- [GROANS] I did not like that.

Well, then you're gonna
hate the next two.

"The most wonderful time
of the year." Yeah, right!

- OK, you distract her.
- No!

Hey, Jennifer, Katie has a question for

you about that one thing. Right, Katie?

[KATIE] Yeah. Yeah.

I was just wondering...

how is school going?

Did they email your grades yet?

- Oh. Well, let me check my phone.
- Oh, gosh.


I don't care what your grades are.
I am just so darn proud of you!

[JENNIFER] Oh, thanks, sweetie!

[GRUNTS] Katie.

Katie. Crushing me a little bit.

So darn proud!

All right, see ya.

That was odd.

Nice, but odd.

- Oh, there's her phone.
- OK.


No, no, no, no!

Hey, Mom, is the angel crooked?


Would you look at that?


All right, honey...

- Would you uh hold the ladder for me?
- Yeah.

All right.

OK. Uh... How is this?

Uh... A little to the left.

OK. How is that?

Too much. Back to the right.

- And that?
- Uh... No, too much. No, go back.

OK. Now just kind of twist it a little.

Just... OK. Back to the right.

How's this?


Katie, what are you doing with my phone?

[CHUCKLES] She has no boundaries.

Katie, we talked about this.

I was deleting an email from school,
but I didn't want to.

- There's a flu outbreak.
- What?


I'm sorry, OK? I was hoping
we'd get caught two parents ago.

I don't want you to risk your health.

B-But I can still go, right, Mom?

I'm totally healthy.

Honey, and we have to keep it that way.

I am so sorry.

This breaks my heart, but you can't go.

You know that.




Good news, guys.

I am going with... the colorful bulbs!


What? I should stick with the
white ones? This is a nightmare.

Hey, Judy. It's Jen.

From class.

Hey, did you get your grades yet?

Didn't ask what you got,
just if you got them.

But uh... congratulations.

Uh... Jack, what are you doing?

[YELLS] Helping!

This thing doesn't work!

Judy, I've got to go.

Uh-huh. Photographic memory?

Must be nice.

Take a picture of your big, fat ego.

No, no, no, no! You have to turn off...


...the vacuum cleaner.

Don't worry, I won't touch anything.

Oh, Jack.



- Thanks for the towel, Mom.
- Yeah, it's a dry-clean-only towel.




Winter Formal: Home Edition!

We've got snow.

How fun is that?

We've got snacks, we've got games...

I'm not in the mood, Katie.

We've got a girl who is not in the mood.

Hey, who needs Winter Formal?

Want to see me juggle?

Uh... We're not in the mood, Lucas.

Oh, good, because I cannot juggle.

I'm sorry.

I know you guys are just trying
to cheer me up, but it's no use.

As much as I say I won't let cancer
control my life, it does.

- Alexa...
- Just please go to the dance.

I'd feel even worse if
you missed it, too.

OK, if you're sure.

I mean, if I were you,
I'd want you to go.

Wait. I'd want me...

OK, if I were me... I love you.

Katie, you're going, too.

You can't cancel on Ryan,

like I have to cancel on Dylan.

I know I have to tell him,
but I really don't want to.

Hey, I can call him for you.

You can talk to him later
when you're ready.

Thanks, Katie.

Now, I'm sorry,
but I really want to be alone.




- So, Katie left?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I told her to go,

and then she left!

Well, I'll stay with you.

Thanks, Mom,
but I really want to be alone.



I feel awful Alexa can't go.

Yeah, so do I.

Poor kid. Stuck at home instead of going
to her first high school dance.

With a cute boy.

Mm. So cute.

Mom, look at my suit! I can't wear this!

Lucas, I told you to try it on!

Hey, we are where we are.

OK, has this been at the bottom
of your closet since you last wore it?

No. It was stuffed
in the back of my drawer.

- What are we gonna do?
- You can borrow one of my suits.

What are we gonna do?

Well, luckily, this is a problem
I can actually fix. I will iron it.

You know, I get a lot of compliments...

Dad, please.

I can't wear a dad suit.

That was uncalled for.

Yeah, I know, Dylan.

I'm sad, too.

OK, bye.


Mom, these cookies you made are
the best thing I've ever tasted.

I do make a good sad cookie.

You did the right thing, telling Lori.

You're a good friend.

But now Alexa
doesn't get to go to the dance.

OK, everything is just
so unfair for her.

Well, not everything works out
the way we want it to, but...



Oh, my gosh!

I got straight A's!

Yes, yes, yes!

[YELLS] In your face, Judy!

[CALMLY] What I'm saying is...

anything is possible.

Miracles happen.

But that wasn't a miracle.

Look, you studied hard.

You... You made it happen.

I did, didn't I?


So what I'm really saying is...

never give up.

You're going to find a way
to cheer up Alexa. You always do.

Now I have got to go...

send an apology email to my study group.

Yeah, there's got to be something.

Oh, yeah.

Wait, yeah! Ooh!

Hey, Dylan. OK, I have an idea.

Just ignore everything I said before.

[STAMMERS] Except the part
where I said I had an idea.



- Oh, thanks, Megan!
- Send me pictures.

- OK.
- Oh, I'm going home next week.

Oh, that's amazing!

Oh, you guys should come visit.

I promise not to hide in your closet.

I'll believe it when I don't see it.


- Here!
- Great!

So the bow tie works, right?

Yes! Just go!

This is gonna be great!


Lori! OK, so, update...



[WHISPERS] Not yet.

Look at me!

This is a disaster.

Who wants my suit now?

What am I supposed to do?

I don't know.
Try it on when I tell you to?


Lucas, you can wear one of my suits.

Maybe no one will notice.


Oh! I wonder who that could be.

Alexa, do you want to get that?

I do not.

You know, sweetie, during the holidays,
magical things happen.


Right, pizza.

Your mom's right, magical things
do happen around the holidays.

For example, on the walk from my car
I dropped your pizza.

Nine times out of ten it drops
cheese-side down, but tonight...

Oh, jeez.

Just scrape it off with a spatula.

You'll probably recapture some
of the magic.

You know what's even more magical?
Chinese food.

- Oh!

I wonder who that could be?

Alexa, do you want to get that?

Still do not.

♪ Dashing through the snow ♪

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh ♪


- Oh, hey, Jack. You want some pizza?
- No, thanks.

You don't want pizza?
Oh. Is everything OK?

I'm never getting a puppy.

I'm missing my first high school dance.

Does your dance bark and lick your face?


I wonder who... I'm just gonna get it.



You look beautiful.

But shouldn't you be at the dance?

Not without you.

This year, we've been through so much.

And we're in this together.


Alexa Mendoza,

will you go to the
Winter Formal with me?

You know I can't.

Yes, you can.

Cancer can't stop us.

You can wear this.

- [GASPS] Katie!

Can I go?

I talked to Dr. Breitwieser
and he said it was OK.

We're going to Winter Formal!

[BOTH SQUEAL] The Winter Formal!

OK, hurry and get dressed
and I'll finish styling your wig.



what if we did something kind of crazy?


- Hey.
- Hi.

You look beautiful.

And I love your hair!



I feel kind of weird wearing this.

Will this help?

What do you think, Katie?
Do I look weird?

Oh, so weird.


You guys are awesome.

[KATIE] Ready?

[ALEXA] Ready.



[ALEXA] Oh, my God.

This is amazing!

How did you do this?

[KATIE] I had help.

[LUCAS] I'm really
glad you're here, Lex.

- [REAGAN] Alexa!
- [HANNAH] You're here!

This is so cool!

- No one knows who anyone is.

Hey, Alexa.

Mm, I almost got that dress,

but then I found something much nicer.

Well, why didn't you wear it?

Tonight wouldn't have been the same
without you.

Thanks, Gwenny.


You want to dance?


- [RYAN] Hi!

- [KATIE] You look nice.
- [RYAN] You look nice, too.

- You want to...
- Yes!

Great! Just to be clear,
I was gonna ask you to...

To dance.

I can't believe we're actually here.


I really like you, Alexa.


I really like you, too.

You're smiling?

So big.

- You made my glasses foggy.

[SIGHS] Alexa just sent this picture.

I'm so proud of her.

She looks so happy.

Lucas looks ridiculous.


- I wonder who that could be?
- Jack, do you want to get that?

No, I'm not helpful.

I got straight A's!

And you got a dog!


It's a rescue. Isn't he so sweet?

I love him!

Thanks, Mom!

But I wasn't helpful.

You were not.

But you tried really hard,

and I know you'll help with this dog.

You shouldn't have to wait
until I finish school.

I'm gonna name you Potato.

You don't have to decide
on a name right away.

I didn't just decide. I've always known.

Come on, Potato.
Let me show you your new home.


You know we're all
taking care of Potato?



[LAUGHS] Dude, that suit is so tight.

Everyone is talking about it.

I know. I know.

Man, you look so cool! Look.

Great look, bro.

- I do, don't I?
- Yeah.

- You're a good...
- [RYAN] Dancer? Thanks.


Oh, OK, I'll be back.

- I have to find Alexa.
- OK, I'll be here!


Oh, I love this song!

- Me, too!
- I've got to find Katie.

♪ What the future holds ♪

♪ After a hurricane comes a rainbow ♪

[KATIE] Excuse me.

♪ Maybe a reason
Why all the doors are closed ♪

♪ So you could open one
That leads you to the perfect road ♪

♪ Like a lightning bolt... ♪

[ALEXA] That was one of the best nights
of my life.

If you're lucky, or good, or both,

someone like Katie comes into your life.

If that happens,

grab ahold and don't let go.

I never did.

And I didn't know it then,

but our greatest adventures
were yet to come.

♪ Baby, you're a firework ♪

♪ Come on, let your colors burst ♪

♪ Make them go, oh, oh, oh! ♪

♪ You're gonna leave them
Falling down, down ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I've got you ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ We'll do this together ♪