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02x04 - The Depths

Posted: 03/03/22 09:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on Felicity...

Hi. Hi.

Hi. Hey.

Noel's gonna give me a
walking tour of Bleecker Street.

Shall we? Yeah.

I should have come to you,

and I should have told
you something up front.

That would have been hard.

I mean, how do you tell somebody that
you're trying to steal their boyfriend?

I am so sorry.

You know, I really don't
care what the hell you are.

You can be sorry or not.

You're just a lying bitch.


Come in.

Hey, Carl.


Hey, that's a...
Really good eye.

Oh, thanks. This
assignment's freaking me out.

I've been staring
at my eye so long

it doesn't even feel like
it's part of me anymore.

Just like this freaky,
wet, pulsating ball

stuck in my head.

I know the feeling.

Do you need something?

Yes. It's Chuck.

My roommate, Chuck.

A friend of his called... Larry.

But the answering
machine didn't turn off,

so it recorded
his conversation...

And so I listened to it.

So you overheard Chuck's
conversation with Larry?

Exactly. You really
understand me.

So he said all this
stuff about me...

On the phone.

Like what?

I don't know, like...

How I don't shower very often or...
Or wash my clothes with detergent.

That I eat my hair!

Things that aren't true?

No, see, they're totally true.


Hey, there.

You're weird.

Do you see that? (STAMMERING)
I'm getting this reputation

which so pisses me off!

Now I'm just super pissed off

and I don't know how
exactly to channel my anger.

Okay, just relax.

It doesn't matter what
anyone says about you.

It is so classic you
just said those words.



CARL: I knew you'd
say don't retaliate.

I think that's partially
why I came to see you.

You know, I really respect you.

Oh, thanks.
That's... Really nice.

What do you mean, "So
classic" I used those words?

I just came from Epstein Bar

where your little friend,
Julie, was performing...

I'm going to sit him
down and say, "Chuck...

"You're a d*ck, Chuck."

What about Julie?
God, it is so infuriating

the way you bait me like this.

Let's just say
that until tonight

I never realized that Julie
overheard you and Ben

conspiring to
take that road trip.

You talked to Julie?

No, I just listened
to her performance.

CARL: I could just say to Chuck,

"If you got a problem
with me, let's talk it out."

Are you saying that Julie
played a song about me?

The only way people
knew it was about you

is that the song
was called Felicity.

Shut up! Okay.

Maybe you're right.

Reacting rationally and calmly

could be like a
new credo for me.

How did the song go?

I don't remember
the whole thing.

Oh, yes, I do.

Um, there was stuff about how
you two started off as friends,

how you found
out Julie liked Ben,

how she sacrificed
her happiness for you,

and how you're the
worst person in the world.

The worst person in the world?

I'm paraphrasing.

So, Felicity, I'm gonna go...

Are you making this up?

Oh, and there was something
about your hair. Um...

"An Astor Place trim and
she thinks she's Joan of Arc..."

Oh, God, I don't
remember the rhyme.

Something, something... "Slut
of Washington Square Park..."

"Slut of Washington
Square Park"?

Felicity? MEGHAN:
It had a good melody.

That is so rude.

She played it twice.

I'm gonna k*ll her.


Maybe I should just
beat my roommate up.

Yeah, go ahead. Kick his ass.

You know, I think you're
a better R.A. than Felicity.

So do I.

Get out.


Dear Sally,

Julie is now performing
songs about me.

Can you believe that?

Apparently about how evil I am.

I am so mad right now...

I don't mean this literally.

I would never actually do this.

But I want to punch
Julie in the face.



Oh, oh, hey.

Is Julie here?

Uh, no. I don't
know where she is.

Hey, you want to come in
and try a brand-new condiment?

No. No, thanks.

Look, can you just tell
her that I stopped by

and I really want
to talk to her?

Tell her it's an emergency.

Oh... You heard about
the song, didn't you?

knew about the song.

They live together.

That's not the point.

Julie's playing this mean song
about me as entertainment.

Mmm-mmm. You
haven't even heard it.

You don't know how cruel it is.

It's obviously cruel enough

that Sean would assume
the song is why I was so upset.

I mean, I can't believe her!

I have called her.

I have tried to talk to
her when I've seen her.

You know, making real overtures.

I've never seen you like this.

How would you
feel if you found out

I was singing mean
songs about you in public?

I'd feel pity for the public.

You have a horrible
singing voice.

In third grade, this girl
wrote a poem about me.

She xeroxed it
and passed it out.

It was called Stinky Girl.

I remember it word for word.

You want to hear it? No, thanks.

See that? Eleven years later,
and you still remember the poem.

Things like this are traumatic.

All right, look. You and
Julie will make up, all right?

I mean, if you and I can
start to reconcile, anyone can.

It's different
between us. I mean...

Julie and I were never the
friends that you and I are.

Were. Whatever.


What... What time is it?

Uh, 10:36.10:33.

I'm late. I'm so jealous

you guys have
your own apartment.

You don't like
living with Meghan?

Oh, no, I love it.

This way I never have to see
The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Are we still going
to the Modern?

Oh, you guys are
going to the museum?

Yeah, this is what life
after pre-med is like.

Yeah, I, uh, I invited
Ruby, if that's okay?

Oh, yeah. Hey, of course.

Uh, how are you guys?

How are we? Uh...

Fine. It's not like we're
dating or anything.

No, I know, I know.

You know? Why? Did
she say something to you?

No. I mean, uh, nothing.


But my class is over at
1:00, so how about 2:00?

Yeah, 2:00, the Modern. Okay.

Think of me.

I'll be examining
cyclohexane conformations.

I don't feel sorry for you.

Which is so annoying.

Okay, so I'll see
you at the museum.

Okay, 2:00.


"Stinky girl, stinky
girl, don't touch my..."

I said I didn't want to hear it.

FELICITY: Mrs. Sherman,
my drawing teacher,

assigned us to look at a
photography show at the Modern.

So I was on my way
there to meet Noel...

And, apparently, Ruby.

For some reason, which
of course, turned out later

to be the world's biggest irony,

I was thinking just then how
amazing the subway system is,

how reliable, how perfect.

I don't know how,
but I just knew

when Julie got on

that this ride on the subway

was going to be
far from perfect.



I need 125 brownies by
5:00. Can you handle that?

Can I handle that you
really enjoy brownies?

I'm a caterer. I'm feeding
a CD release party tonight,

and my baker's had an aneurysm.

Can you deliver the brownies,
or am I wasting my time here?

My manager's downstairs.

Let me go call him.


Uh, I'm sorry, was that, uh...

One hundred
twenty-five brownies, yes.

One hundred twenty-five.

Javier? Yeah, it's Ben.

(WHISPERING) I'm upstairs.

Yeah, so listen. Someone
needs 125 brownies by 5:00.

I don't know, some, uh,
some party or something.

I don't know. She's a caterer.

Uh, blond hair, Javier.

Come up if you want to see her.

Yeah? You sure?

All right.

You, uh, you got your brownies.

Great. Here, and
run it through quickly.

I'm on a schedule.

Yes, ma'am.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I am
not selling these items for charity.

None of the items you purchase
from me are tax deductible.

Just quality product at
a quantity price, okay?

I've got yo-yos,
Slinkys, sunglasses,

sewing kits, watches,
flashlights, batteries,

umbrellas, 5 bucks.

Did you get the message
that I stopped by?


That was last night.
Were you, uh...

Were you going to call me?


Is this seriously the way you're
always going to talk to me?



FELICITY: At that moment, the
only comforting thing was knowing

that I only had four stops to go

before I was no longer in the
same subway car as Julie Emrick,

singer of evil songs.



FELICITY: The only two words I could
make out were "remain" and "calm,"

which I definitely
would not have done

if I had understood what
was about to happen.


That turned out to be
the weirdest day of my life.

Excuse me...

I just moved to New
York on Thursday.

Is it normal for the
subway to stop like this?


VENDOR: Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm here to announce to you a very,
very special going nowhere promotion.

Everything has
been reduced to $4.

$4! That's one-fifth off.

I'm thinkin' this might be sarin...


Poisonous gas.

That happened in Japan.

The only thing that saved
lives is that the people ran.

On the track. They
got off the train and ran.

We are all so
conditioned to be polite,

not to seem crazy,

ah, just being passive like this

could k*ll us!

Okay, I got yo-yos over here.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I got exactly what you need.

You play the guitar?

Yeah. Yeah?

Well, you ain't never gonna
be the female Bob Dylan

unless you pick up
one of these bad boys.



That's nice, but no, thank you.

Sweetheart, I'm not
going to sell you this one.

I got others.

All nice and wrapped
in plastic for you.

That's okay.

Look, you go up to the real
world and buy one of these things,

it's gonna cost
you 10 bucks easy.

JULIE: No, thank you.

You're going to pass
up a 60% savings?

Hey, she doesn't want
the harmonica, okay?

Okay, yeah, excuse me.

But I was engaged in a
dialogue with this nice young lady.

First of all, I don't
know how nice she is,

and secondly,
you're annoying her.

Hey, okay, serious. I'm sorry.

I don't want any... If
I was overbearing...

It's fine.

VENDOR: Here, I'll scoot.

You didn't have to do that.

Look, I heard about your song.

What song? You know what song,

and I think you can
understand why I'm so upset.

I mean, you writing
and performing a song

about what a monster I am?

You haven't even heard it.

I got a pretty good idea.

Actually, you have no idea,

and that's how I deal with
my anger is through my music.

Oh, so this is you, after
you've dealt with your anger?

She said 2:00, right?

Yeah, yeah. 2:00. Um...

I hope she's okay.

I'm sure she's fine.


I like your watch.

Oh, thank you. It's a new
G-Shock I got off the Internet.

Wow! So you're like a real geek.

Yes. I guess I am. I'm...

I'm real... I'm really
embarrassed right now.

No, don't be embarrassed.

Right now you're just being
whatever your version of nice is.

No, I mean it.
I'm telling you...

Guys with smooth hands.


There's a whole theory about it.

The connection between the
roughness of a man's hands

and his place in
the modern world.

See, thousands of years
ago, the most successful men,

the real leaders, had
the roughest hands.

The weakest, most inadequate
men, had the smoothest.

So I guess over the years,
that statistic, that measurement,

has switched entirely.


You can have your hand back.


Well, maybe we
should go, uh, you know,

just check out the show.

Yeah, Felicity
will find us inside.


Listen, Julie.

I am sorry about
everything that happened,

and I don't blame
you for being mad

or working it out
through your music,

but performing that song at a club
where our mutual friends hang out,

I mean, that's like
passive-aggressive or something.

No, it's not.

You're right. It's

I mean, it's one thing
to feel those things.

It's another thing
to publicize them.

It's called free speech.

And I didn't perform that song

so that you would
come running to me.

I would just appreciate it

if you didn't advertise
our history to everyone.

And why do you care so much?

What do you feel
so guilty about?



Technical problems, my ass.

I just heard what happened.

We hit someone.

MAN: Oh, God!

Do you think it was a su1c1de?

Did he get dragged under?

You'd have to be
really depressed

to step in front of a train.

Who would do
something like that?

It was probably
just a friggin' mole.

A what?

Yeah, you know, mole people.

That's what they call 'em.

People who live
under New York City.


Oh, yeah. There's a
whole society down here.

You know, I've heard stories.

Some people are
chased down here.

Others, God knows
why, choose to come.

He's right. Diane Sawyer
did a whole segment on that.

Hey, take a look outside.

What you call
darkness, they call home.

We're foreigners down here
where the mole people live.

It ain't right
underneath the city.

It just ain't right.

Okay, how about, um...

How about Smoothaise?


Smoothaise is terrible.

Think about it, okay?

I'm developing a
condiment, right? Mmm-hmm.

What if there was no
such thing as mustard,

and I said, "Ben, what do
you think about mustard?"


Yeah, all right.

Why don't you just, like,
just read me what you got.

Okay. Um... Fat-Tastic.


Must-Ooze, Lard
Spread, Wasabe Gooze,


That's pretty bad.

Uh, Zestrica? (SNICKERS)

Uh, and... Smoothaise.

Well, yeah, I guess
Smoothaise isn't so bad.

I need cookies now, too.

Oh, okay. Well, uh...

I need 25 each of chocolate
chip, oatmeal raisin and cinnamon,

and I need this delivered.
Do you understand that?

Yeah, I did. I'm just going to
have to go ask the manager...

Well, do it now,
because I've got a

half-hour before
my appointment...

Excuse me! You don't talk
to people the way you do,

especially when
they're on their break,

which I currently am, all right?

This is me on my break.

You know, I... I don't
mind helping you through

your little cookie crisis.

I don't mind you freaking out,

as long as you're
polite about it.

You know, I don't even
care if I get fired over this.

And finally, Maggie... And
I know that's your name

because, you know, that's
the name on the credit card

you shoved in my face
last time you came in here.

My name is Ben, and
I'm a person, all right?

Just... just like Sean here.



Well, um...

Ben, I'd appreciate it

if you wouldn't mind finding out

if I could get 75
cookies by 5:00.

All right, I'll go check.

So, what do you
think of "Smoothaise"?



About what you said...
I'm not guilty, I'm angry.

I mean, I've called you and
tried to talk to you, and you won't.

Instead, I have to hear what
you're thinking through Meghan.

Look, I am sorry.

Julie, I'm sorry
that I went with Ben.

What do you mean you're sorry?

I mean that...

I know that I hurt
you, and I hate that.

Would you do it
again if you could?

That was a pause.
That was a long pause,

and that means yes, which
I'm not surprised about.

If you and Ben
were still dating,

of course I wouldn't have gone.

Don't try and
justify what you did.

You knew how I felt,
and you still went with him.

Yeah, after you went and
told Noel what you'd heard.

Which was that you
were going with Ben.

But we never decided that.

That's because I walked in on you
when you were about to kiss him,

and I'm not going to
forgive you for that.

The last thing I wanted
to do was to hurt you.

No, I think the last thing you
wanted to do was do the right thing.

Sometimes the right thing
isn't always an easy answer.

MAN: All right,
all right, all right!

Will you two shut the hell up?

I mean, I'm trying
to sit here and

give my best impersonation
of a patient man.

Trying to think, what could
be so wrong between you two

that you can't solve
in 30 seconds?

What, she, uh, she
stole your boyfriend?

What, she... She
hurt your feelings?

No, no, no, better yet.

She borrowed
your favorite jacket

and didn't ask for
your permission?

Open your eyes.
These aren't problems.

They're luxury items.

Do you know where
I was going today?

Trying to get a loan.

So maybe me and
my family could eat.

Shut your mouths 'cause I'm
tired of hearing about your frills...

That you call trouble.

I know just what
he's talking about.

I saw the show Rent.


Problems are relative.

A broken heart can be even
more painful than a broken rib.

I have taken a pill...

And am not entirely
of my own mind, but...

My sympathy lies
with the girl in purple.

I think you were betrayed.

What? Thank you.

Well, you know, uh...

I tell you what... Neither
one of you get my sympathy.

Uh, hi. Judd Berman.

I'm an attorney.

(SCOFFS) Yeah,
that was hard to spot.

And none of you can pass
judgment on these two girls

without all the facts.

What are you two so upset about?

Well, I think we've got it
pretty well taken care of...

She's mad because I
wrote a song about her

and then I
performed it in public.

Well, if this were
an actual case,

I mean, if I were bringing
this dispute to trial,

first thing I'd do, is have
you play the song for the jury.

Well, I would be incredibly
interested in hearing the song.

Yeah, Julie, right?

Yeah. Play the song.

Yeah, fine. Go
ahead, play the song.

This song is called Felicity.


♪ ...hey ♪

Ah, ha, ha, ha!

So is that true, you
stole her boyfriend?

No! Of course it's true.

No, they were broken up!

What? Then what the
hell are you bitchin' about?

Yes, we had broken
up, technically,

but, like, the body
wasn't even cold!

Does anybody else
feel that spinning?

It's a sad story.

Two best friends...
Torn apart by a man.

Okay, I'm trying to
keep track of this.

And here is a line
of questioning...


Julie, is it?



Is it true you used to date Ben?


And is it true that you
blame Felicity here

for betraying your trust?

Yes, I do.

I cannot believe this.

And unless I
misinterpreted your song,

which had a wonderful
melody, by the way...

Thank you.


Leading the witness!

(LAUGHING) I'm sorry.

Is it true you have since
moved in with the same man?


So how is it that
you could forgive him

but not your
supposed best friend?

That is a good question.

All right.

RUBY: Five double cheeseburgers?

It's so disgusting.

Well, how did it happen?

No, I'm not telling
you this one,

'cause you might not
ever speak to me again.

I might not anyway.

Yeah, that's true. Okay, um...

My friend Felix and
I were going out,

thinking we were the
coolest guys of all time,

which we were...

Of course.

Of course, yes. And,
uh, we made a bet.

Whoever ate less for the
night paid for the whole night.

Uh... So we were at Pepper's,

which is this really cheap
burger joint down in Boston,

and we started poundin' these
burgers, just slammin' them in.

It was like one burger, two
burgers, three, four. It was just...

So disgusting.

I don't want to
hear how this ends.

No, you don't, but I'm
going to tell you, all right?

So we both finish our fifth
burger at exactly the same time,

and we're both feeling
so unbelievably sick.

I can't even explain it.

And I just assume we're
calling it a draw, right?


But then Felix picks
up a French fry.


Mmm-hmm. No.

Yeah, and he takes a bite.

Like one bite. Like
the winning bite.

And just the idea of it,
I can't... I can't handle.

I couldn't handle it,
so I just... I threw up.


Which of course made Felix
throw up. So there we are both...


Projectile vomiting.

That's a horrible story.

(LAUGHING) I know. Thank you.

So you want to go get a burger?


Or anything?

Definitely not a burger.


FELICITY: I don't know if it
was cabin fever or lack of oxygen,

or if we just
happened to be stuck

with the strangest
strangers of all time,

but it became
like a free-for-all.

My relationship with Julie being
dissected by people we didn't even know.

Wait, wait, wait.
Who's Ben again?

The boy they both
loved in New York.

MAN: Idiot.

Okay, damn! It was just a
friggin' question. Don't k*ll me!

So hold it. You knew Felicity
liked Ben for, like, years, right?


So what's the surprise?

And, no kidding, she's
going to go with him.

My point before was that I
went back to my old friends.

The friends that I
had before college,

and they're still
my friends today.

Well, it's not exactly
like that for me.

Why not?

Because I had boyfriends,
lots of them in high school.

But for reasons
far too complicated

and too big for this subway car,

I, um, didn't have a
lot of friend-friends,


Oh, right.

You're one of those
guy-chicks, like a sex toy?

I don't even know your name!


And I didn't mean the
sex toy like a judgment.

I dated girls like you.

I applaud you, baby.

JULIE: (SCOFFS) Anyway...


Felicity was my
first real best friend,

and you can understand
why I'd be so surprised

that she did what she did.


FELICITY: Can I say something?

Before college, I didn't
have any girlfriends either.

And not just girlfriends. I'd
never had a boyfriend before.

I was, like, a
total basket case.

All right, hold on.

If you two hate
each other so much,

then why are you
guys traveling together?

We're not traveling together.

We just happened to get
on the same subway car.

I'm going to the museum.

Yeah. Me, too.

That's weird.

Maybe there's a reason you
found yourself on the same train.

Maybe you two are the
reason the train stopped.

Tell that to the dead
guy on the tracks.

Well, this is why
we're all here.

To help you two reunite.

Oh, my God! The moles!

The moles!

It's moles!

VENDOR: Damn! He's right.

It looks like a
safari or something.

Up close and personal with
the weirdest freaks on the planet.

I'll see you guys.

I caught you.


So what do you need
now, some muffins?


No, I was at the loft...
Party's at this loft...

And I was preparing for
tonight, and it just really hit me

what a complete and
total jerk I was to you.


Oh, it's fine. It's fine.

We got over it.

Yeah, we did. I like that.


I mean, what I mean is that, uh,

that I like that you
said what you did.

It was absolutely merited.


So why aren't you
preparing for your big party?

Because I am here,
inviting you to it.

A good friend of
mine is throwing it.

That's one of the reasons
I want it to go so well.

Why I'm so stressed
out, you know.

But I'd like it if you could go.

From 9:00 on, come
whenever, all right?

I gotta get back, but, uh...

I'd like to see you there, Ben.

RUBY: This is really good.

Thank you. Most of the
stuff I do is on the computer.

Have you ever used,
uh, After Effects?


For multi-media
stuff, it's amazing.

But every now and then,

I like building
actual 3D models.

You know, getting my,
uh... Soft hands dirty.


You ever use ZAP glue?

ZAP glue?

Yeah, it's my
favorite kind of glue.

So you... So you
rate your glues?


So what's so amazing about ZAP?

It's a... It's a two-part glue.

Uh, that is pretty terrific.

No, you haven't
heard the terrific part.

Oh, okay. Okay...

You touch the two pieces
that you want to bind

with the first part... Uh-huh...

And then you add just a
drop of the second part.

Uh-huh. And instantly the, uh...

It's just...



Oh, I crushed your great model.

Yeah, that's okay.

I'll just use some
of your glue, right?



MAN: Do you watch the news?

Look, your people
are living up there.

There's a lot of
people walking around.

There's real life. You
know what I'm saying?

That's my biggest...

The way I see it...

You two best friends...

Were never best
friends to begin with.

Actually, sir, I
really think we were.


If I'm understandin' right...

And I think I'm
understandin' right...

You two met when you
were both seriously lonely

and maybe a little desperate,

when you both
needed a best friend.

You shared a few
things together...

Started to refer to
each other as "best"...

But that was premature.

Wasn't it?

'Cause what you've had
never really earned that title.

I had a best friend
for 63 years...

Played in the minors together...

Went to w*r together...

Sixty-three years.

And here's the fact,

you can't get a best friend.

Best friends become.

They don't happen in a
meeting or a year or two.

It's a package
deal... Friendship.

Only as valuable as what
you put in, come through.

Judging something
like that after one year...

Even if you got all the facts...

That's like looking
for the final score

before you've seen
the second inning.

I don't think you two were
best friends to begin with.

Now, one of two
things is gonna happen.

You're either gonna
come through this...

On your way to becoming the
kind of friends you thought you were,

or you become memories.

Memories that will fade...

Into nothin'.

MAN ON PA: Thank you, ladies
and gentlemen, for your patience.

Our technical problems
have been cleared.

We will begin
rolling immediately.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Hey, so good luck to you two.

Thanks. You, too.

Hey, man, you got a
problem with that loan,

you give me a call, all right?

All right! All right, man.

Remember, if you
can't work it out,

it wasn't meant to be.

That song was cold.

I got umbrellas, 5 bucks, huh?

It might be raining up there.

Umbrellas, 5 bucks!

Oh! Wow! Actual air!

It's been a really weird day.

Yeah, can you believe that?

There's a lot of strange
people in this city.

we're two of them.

(CHUCKLES) I guess we are.

So do you want to, you know,

go get a cup of
coffee or something?

No, thanks. I'm just
going to go back to the loft.

I'll see you.

FELICITY: Julie and I
spent hours in a subway car

underneath New York City,

and I don't think we
came out very well.

After what I did
to Julie, I guess...

All I can do is ask
her forgiveness.

It's up to her.

Still, even if we weren't
ever real best friends,

I miss her.


Come in.

Oh, you're here.

What happened to you?

Oh, the... The
subway broke down.

Thank God, because could
Noel Crane be any cuter?


I can't get over
that guy. He's...

He's like this nerdy
graphic design type,

but with a total stud body.

That almost never happens.

Yeah, he is pretty cute.

He's also, like, the
most amazing kisser.


I know you guys are friends, so,

don't say I said anything, okay?

I just... I want
to keep it simple.

Oh, sure. Yeah.

He's such a hottie.

Uh... What?

Nothing. Um...

I'm happy for you.

Me, too.

And seriously, thank you
so much for not coming.

You're welcome.





That song was really mean.

Yeah. A little.

But like you said, free speech.

Yeah. I'm not going
to play it anymore.


This is really great, isn't it?
