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02x04 - Tryouts and Latte Doubts

Posted: 03/03/22 15:58
by bunniefuu
Which was as gross as it sounds.
Luckily, I had the best distraction.

Basketball tryouts.

''After a year on injury reserve,

Alexa Mendoza has been cleared
to return to the court,

and she's taking it by storm!

She cuts left, she spins
right, Mendoza sh**t!''

''And Mendoza road checks!''

But Mendoza was fouled!

What? No way. Dad, was that a foul?

Ah, don't look at me. I
just want to sit courtside

and enjoy my nachos.

Hot hot hot!

Hey, listen, I'm penciling
things into the family calendar,

who's got stuff?

Oh, I'm auditioning guys for
my band this afternoon.

Oh, Dave, that makes me miss your band.

Bup bup bup bup.

Still not over the... "incident"?

What are you guys talking about?

Uh, documentaries, car insurance...


Works every time.

Hey, my first shift volunteering
at the hospital's tomorrow.

Wanna come by after tryouts?
They'd be happy to see you.

Sorry, Mom, but I don't
think I'll have time.

I'll be too busy doing this.

''Hoowah! Mendoza steals the ball.''

I had the ball?

- It's a fast break.
- Give that back!

Today's my first shift at Wired.

What if a customer asks about

the elevation levels
of our Arabica beans

and I can't say it's between four

and six thousand feet above sea level?

I mean I'll look like a fool.

You'll be great.

And I really want to be
there to support you.

And score a free Rice Krispie treat.

I really wanted to be there
for your basketball tryouts.

I know. But this is
what it'll look like.

Dribble, dribble. Alley-oop and dunk!

Nice! Check out these latte moves.

Gonna tamp the espresso.

Lock it in! You let it fly...


This is never gonna be easy, is it?

Why does he always walk up
when we're being weird?

I like it! Cody's the only one
who doesn't know I was sick.

It's nice that there's someone
who thinks that I'm weird,

just because I'm weird.

- Hey, guys!
- Hey.

The student I was tutoring
canceled on me. Wanna hang?

Are you kidding?

I could be. You think it's funny?

Dylan. I have basketball tryouts.

Right! Which is why I canceled
the tutoring session,

'cause I'm totally going
to come cheer you on.

Nice save.


Hey, I had to bus table nine,

big job, kid threw up everywhere.
It's just... I can't.

Okay. Post-it reminders,


Checking off the Post-it reminders
"reminder Post-it," check.

Here you go.

Oh, wow! My very first...

used apron.

With the name Ted R. on it.

You don't get a new apron
'til you've earned it.

Then I will be the best
Ted R. you've ever had.

Good! 'Cause the real Ted
R. electrocuted himself.

I'm kidding. Ted R.'s my dad. I
fired him because he was terrible.

Wait, wait! Before you go...

I just have one or two
or 17 quick questions.

Just pour coffee.

If anyone says it's cold in here,

tell 'em to put on a sweater, Gerald!

Pretty basic stuff.

Yeah, but you're a pro.

It's like you were born to do this.

That's the meanest thing,
anyone has ever said to me.

Hey, Alexa!

I'm sups glad you get
to tryout this year.

What's your angle?

Just looking out for my biffle sis.

Your what?

Biffle sis.

Boyfriend's little sis.

No hard feelings on trying
to ruin Lucas and me.

Hashtag #Strongerthanever.

We're back!

Line it up!

All right, ladies...

if you wanna make varsity, you
have got the next two days

to prove you can play with the big dogs.

And if you can't, there's always JV.

Where there's much less
pressure because...

Well, it's JV.

White Fang! I work alone.

All right.

Let's form two lines. One on each wing.

Oh, hey, Alexa. I wanted to tell you...

Please, don't.

I appreciate you checking in, but
just treat me like everybody else.

Yeah. Your shoe's untied.

Hah! Just like that!
Glad we had this talk.

Thanks for your interest
in the band, Steve.

But you look a little like me.

Now, do I want someone in the
band who could be my cousin?

I think not.

But you could always be the
slightly better looking cousin.

I'll be in touch.

Oh, this is so wrong!

- Don't ask, don't ask.
- What's going on, honey?

Kyle's bedtime got moved to 10,

and my mom said that's not
a reason to move mine.

Let it go, Jack.

The last time I let you stay up
past 9:30, you had a meltdown

about wearing green pajamas, then
tried to crawl up the chimney.

Man, putting together a band is so hard.

People are so many different heights!

- Hey, did you tell him we had a grunge...
- Uh bup-bup-bup.

You what?

We had a grunge band in high school.

I said bup-bup.

Ah, and you looked adorable
with your ripped jeans

and your long, messy hair.

You looked cute too, Dave.

Oh, it was so fun! I loved
being creative and artsy.

- What if I stay up 'til ten?
- We're on me now.

I want to hear more about this band.

We called ourselves Nobody's Puppets.

We knew the only thing that
mattered was the music.

- Let's hear a song!
- Great idea!


You're not still
embarrassed about the...

No, I'm not.

I don't even know what
you're talking about.

So let's stop talking about it.

Fine. I get all the
creative stimulation I need

from working in HR anyway.

Just yesterday, I had to figure out
if Rhonda White's bunion shaving,

counted as a sick day
or personal day, so...

I'm complete.

Oh no! Where's my machiatto Post-it?

I'll be in the back.

Wait, now? But it's the evening rush!

Welcome to Wired.

The usual.

Could you be more specific?
See it's my first day, so...

my usual is not being here.

Spare me the life story, Ted R.

Coffee black. With a pump of hazelnut.

Lock it in.



Black. With a pump of hazelnut.

No tears, no tears, no tears.


Ahem. Sorry I spilled your
last coffee, but now...

Now, I know not to hold it by the lid.


Third time's a charm.

Sure is.

- Oh.
- Where's my food?

I am so sorry. I...

Wait, you didn't order food.

I'll have my usual.

Of course.

No tears, no tears, no tears.

Did the... court get...


- Hey, you're doing great!
- I was terrible.

Well, just remember:

Basketball is all about the three Hs.

Head, heart and having fun out there.

You just read that off the wall.


Well, it was either that
or Bake Sale this Monday.


Don't stress out too much,
okay? It's just basketball.

Just basketball?

I'm sorry.

Maybe me being here is making you
nervous? I don't want to be a jinx.

No. Stay.

I don't believe in jinxes.

- You're a jinx! Get out!
- Yeah.

- Today was the worst.
- The worst.

I was terrible out there.

I was a horrible barista.

I couldn't hit a sh*t!

I couldn't barrist anything.

Look, at least, if I get fired, I
don't have to keep the job a secret

from my mom anymore.

Yeah, that's the spirit. Think positive.

I should have used word associations
to remember the drinks!

God, it was a disaster.

And... a customer yelled at me.

What? Well, next time,
tell 'em to back off.

And be patient with yourself.

You don't have to be
perfect. It takes time.

You know what?

You are right.

I mean, who is perfect
on their first day?

I'll be perfect tomorrow.

No, that's not quite what I...

Ehh... whyyyyyyyy?

Hey, listen, I'm volunteering tomorrow,

but I want to hear how tryouts go.

So make sure you text me.

Well, I hope they go better than today.

It's so annoying. Dr. Breitwieser
said I was back to normal again.

Well, he said you were healthy enough

to try out for basketball again.

Do you know how lucky you are, that
he even cleared you to try out?


If I hadn't gotten sick, I would
have been on the team last year,

and now, I'd make varsity easy.

So, no. I'm not feeling lucky right now.

I just want things to be
back to the way they were.

And with more practice, you're
gonna be great again! All right?

You need to be patient with yourself.

You don't have to be
perfect. It takes time.

You're right.

I just need more practice.

I'll be perfect tomorrow.


All right, ladies, here it is.

Read it and weep somewhere else.

Yes! Varsity!

Oh! Mendoza.

I wanted to tell you myself. I
am going to give you a sh*t.

- Really?
- Yeah, but you'll be on the bench

until you get more
practice with the team.

I don't care. I'm just so
happy to make the team.

Oh, that's a great attitude!

I wish all my girls got
this excited about JV.

JV? But...

I can't decide between
these guys for my band.

Jack, who looks the
most like the bad boy?

I need to start penciling more
flights into my schedule.

I've been thinking about it all day.

We're getting the band back together.

I am not taking no for an answer.


- I don't think he'll ever get over it.
- Over what?

Well, there was an
incident at a talent show.

It involved cargo pants that...

may or may not have ripped on an amp.

Just before an enthusiastic stage dive,

which then led to some very
awkward crowd surfing.

And the nickname... Grunge Buns.

Then your dad quit the band.

Oh, I loved it when he played.

We've to think of a way to convince him.

You should do a concert right here!

Great idea!

And it should start at 9:30.

You'll already be in bed.

Too bad you're gonna miss it. Bummer.

- All right, let's do this!
- Yes!

- Yeah!
- Who cares!

Cappuccino. Huh. Chino.

Choo-choo. Train. Steam.

Foam. Got it!

The usual. Coffee, black.

Pump of hazelnut. Uh-huh.

Everyone knows Fridays are the
day I loosen up and go crazy.

Get me a caramel Americano.

Okay. Okay... Americano.

Avocado, doh, doh bird.

Extinct, no milk.

Pick up the pace.

Ha-ha. Barry, boss, a bitter...

but great!

Uh, here you go.

It's spilling all over the place.

Oh, wow, sorry.

It's just one drop.

So you're proud of mediocrity.


You know what, back off!

What did you say?

Back off, I think.

You are the rudest, most
incompetent person I've ever met.

It's only my second day.

Yesterday, I spilled four coffees, so...

one drop isn't so bad.

Look, I'm still learning, like...

like what's in a latte,

and how second degree burns do not
always require hospital visits.

So, yes, I made a mistake.

Let it go, lady.

Hey, that's enough. You're out of here.

Not you.


No one's rude to my employees, but me.

That's right!

You don't mess with Ted R.!

Hey thanks, Barry.

You're abrasive and unprofessional.

You remind me of a young me.

You know, that's the meanest
thing anyone's ever said to me.


Dave, come down here!

Lucas, mic me.

Is that my guitar?

Fans were calling for an encore.

Of the song. Not the... you know.

Well, I'm not interested.

Ugh! Come on, honey,

I've to leave for the hospital
soon. Play something!


♪ You think you see ♪
♪ You don't see! ♪

That keyboard b*at's not enough.

♪ Kingdom crumbling ♪
♪ Down around you! ♪

♪ The time is done! ♪

♪ It's our turn to be free! ♪

Nah, you need the guitar
if you really want...

Fine, I'll just do it.

We are Nobody's Puppets!


♪ We won't do what you say ♪

♪ We'll be what we want to be! ♪

♪ Moms and Dads! ♪

♪ Dads say bads ♪

♪ They hold us back! ♪

Yeah, they hold us back!

♪ Like caged packs of rats! ♪

I am a caged pack of rats!

I don't remember this being so angry.

It's not angry. It's art, man!


♪ Get out of my room! ♪

♪ Get out of my room! ♪

♪ Get out of my room! ♪
♪ You don't control me! ♪

Yeah, you don't control me!
I'm never going to bed again!

Yes, you are!

These lyrics are horrible.

Parents are awesome,

and rules are in place to keep
kids from doing dumb things.

But you crumbled their kingdom!

Show's over, Jack.

Let's go home and floss, huh?

That was awesome!

You've inspired me. We're
definitely not wearing flannel.

Wait, wait, wait!

We have aspirational stuff too!

What about our song
"Let's Burn it All Down"?

Hey! Grunge Buns.

You're back.

Yeah, I am.

Rough day?

- I don't wanna talk about it.
- Let me tell you about my day.

It was horrible! I got pushed around.

Whoever did that is a jerk!

You're the mascot?

I'm sorry.

Hey, when you're dressed like a
giant dog, you know the risks.

It has been a rough day.

Yeah, I was there.


I was good!

I just couldn't play last
year because I got...

Well, this thing happened, and...

everything got really weird, and...

I thought things were back
to normal, but they're not.

I'm really...

not following.

I wanted to play basketball so bad.

But I'm not riding bench on JV.

You're only a sophomore. You
can play varsity next year.

I'm supposed to be varsity now.

I was told I could play.

Why did this have to happen?

Why does anything have to happen?

I mean, no one really knows.

Should I know?

Someone does.

- Hey, where you going?
- To get answers, thanks.

She still makes more sense
than the blond one.

Alexa, how's it going?

I need to talk to Dr. Breitwieser

about when I'm gonna be
good at basketball again.

That is very specific, um...

- Sorry, he's out for a couple of...
- I'll wait.

So, feel free to wait.

Sasha, aren't you supposed
to be in the game room?

That volunteer is super competitive.

Does she have brown hair and told
you to pick any game you want,

over and over again until you
pick the game she wanted?

- Yeah!
- That's my mom.

Careful. She once took a
hammer to the Trouble Bubble.

Are we talking about
how scary your mom is?

Do you think she heard that?
I meant she's lovely!

She's lovely!

Sour gummies, huh?

Is the chemo messing
with your taste buds?


Only things I can really taste
right now are spicy and sour.

But if you have a brother,

you can challenge him to a
jalapeno eating contest.

You'll get a little flavor,
and he'll cry so hard.

I am definitely doing that.

How do you know all this?

I had leukemia. I'm in maintenance.

Whoa! You look so normal.


Well, I'm not that normal.

I know cancer changes things.

Some things are still different for me.

Like, today, I thought
I'd jump right back in

and make varsity basketball,

but I'm stuck on JV.

You get to play sports?

You're so lucky!

Yeah, well...

Oh, I can't wait!

Just knowing that you can...

Maybe next year I can. And...

Oh, I can't wait!


I am pretty lucky.

Sasha, I thought you were getting water.

Oh, hey, honey, is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

I just went for a walk to plan

how I'm gonna take Park Place from you.

Heh! No one takes Park Place from me.

When I'm better, I'm
taking you, one on one.

You got it.

How were tryouts?

Well, things are definitely
not back to normal.

But you know what?

- That's okay.
- Yeah.

Can I hang out here for a while?

Yeah, I think the kids would like that.

Plus, Sasha told me you
guys are playing games.

And I know all your weaknesses.

I will crush you.

I have something to show you.

I already told you, that bruise
does not look like a rabbit.

No, it only took me two
weeks to earn my apron.

Well, I'm not surprised. You're amazing.

I still think foamy milk is hard, and...

I'm not sure how dirty chai
isn't an insult, but...

you know, I'm getting better and better.

Mendoza! You're in.

Time to be the best JV backup player

that ever came off the bench.

Whoo! Let the legend begin!

That's my kid!

Yeah, go, Alexa!

Playing JV might not
have brought the crowds

or the glory I always dreamed of.

But that's okay.

I finally realized getting
to play basketball, at all,

was proof that some dreams
really do come true.